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viIBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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viiiIBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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This IBM® Redpaper is a comprehensive guide covering the IBM Power™ 570 server
supporting AIX, IBM i, and Linux for Power operating systems. The goal of this paper is to
introduce the major innovative Power 570 offerings and their prominent functions, including
the following.
Unique modular server packaging
New POWER6™ processors available at frequencies of 4.2, 4.4, and 5.0 GHz.
The POWER6 processor available at frequencies of 3.5, 4.2, and 4.7 GHz.
The specialized POWER6 DDR2 memory that provides greater bandwidth, capacity, and
The 1 Gb or 10 Gb Integrated Virtual Ethernet adapter that brings native hardware
virtualization to this server
PowerVM™ virtualization including PowerVM Live Partition Mobility
Redundant service processors to achieve continuous availability
Professionals wishing to acquire a better understanding of IBM System p products should
read this Redpaper. The intended audience includes:
Sales and marketing professionals
Technical support professionals
IBM Business Partners
Independent software vendors
This Redpaper expands the current set of IBM Power Systems documentation by providing a
desktop reference that offers a detailed technical description of the 570 system.
This Redpaper does not replace the latest marketing materials and tools. It is intended as an
additional source of information that, together with existing materials, may be used to
enhance your knowledge of IBM server solutions.
The team that wrote this paper
This paper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center.
Giuliano Anselmi works with passion for IBM devoted to RS/6000® and pSeries® systems
since 15 years, having a very deep knowledge of the related hardware, and solutions. He
used to be a pSeries Systems Product Engineer for 7 years, supporting Web Server Sales
Organization, IBM Sales, Business Partners, Technical Support Organizations. In 2004, he
joined Field Technical Sales Support group and has been accredited as IT specialist in 2007.
Currently he plays the role of system architect in IBM STG and supporting the General
Business division.
YoungHoon Cho is a System p Product Engineer at the pSeries post-sales Technical
Support Team in IBM Korea. He has seven years of experience working on RS/6000 and
4405pref.fmDraft Document for Review March 26, 2009 5:10 pm
System p products. He is an IBM Certified Specialist in System p and AIX® 5L™. He provides
second line support to field engineers with technical support on System p, and system
Gregor Linzmeier is an IBM Advisory IT Specialist for IBM System p workstation and entry
servers as part of the Systems and Technology Group in Mainz, Germany supporting IBM
sales, Business Partners, and clients with pre-sales consultation and implementation of
client/server environments. He has worked for more than 15 years as an infrastructure
specialist for RT, RS/6000, IBM IntelliStation® POWER™, and AIX in large CATIA
client/server projects. Actual engagements are AIX Thin Server, Partition migration and
Green IT.
Marcos Quezada is a Senior Accredited IT Specialist in Argentina. He has 10 years of IT
experience as a UNIX systems' pre-sales specialist and as a Web Project Manager. He holds
a degree on Informatics Engineering from Fundación Universidad de Belgrano. His areas of
expertise include IBM RS/6000, IBM eServer™ pSeries/p5 and Power Systems servers
under the AIX operating system and pre-sales support of IBM Software, SAP® and Oracle®
solutions architecture running on IBM UNIX Systems with focus on competitive accounts..
John T Schmidt is an Accredited IT Specialist for IBM and has over 7 years experience with
IBM and System p. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Missouri
- Rolla and an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. He is currently working in the
United States as a presales Field Technical Sales Specialist for System p in St. Louis, MO.
Guido Somers is a Cross Systems Certified IT Specialist working for IBM Belgium. He has
13 years of experience in the Information Technology field, ten years of which were within
IBM. He holds degrees in Biotechnology, Business Administration, Chemistry, and
Electronics, and did research in the field of Theoretical Physics. His areas of expertise include
AIX, Linux®, system performance and tuning, logical partitioning, virtualization, HACMP™,
SAN, IBM System p servers, as well as other IBM hardware offerings. He currently works as a
Client IT Architect for Infrastructure and Global ISV Solutions in the e-Business Solutions
Technical Support (eTS) organization. He is also the author of the second edition of
Integrated Virtualization Manager on IBM System p5™, REDP-4061, and the PowerVM Live
Partition Mobility on IBM System p, SG24-740.
The project that produced this publication was managed by:
Scott Vetter, PMP
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
George Ahrens, Ron Arroyo, Brad Behle, Nick Bofferding, Martha Broyles, Pat Buckland,
Curtis Eide, Chris Eisenmann, Michael S. Floyd, Chris Francois, Andrew J. Geissler,
Gordon Grout, Volker Haug, Daniel J. Henderson, Tenley Jackson, Robert G. Kovacs,
Hye-Young McCreary, Bill Mihaltse, Jim A. Mitchell, Thoi Nguyen, Amartey Pearson,
Cale Rath, Todd Rosedahl, Terry Schardt, Julissa Villarreal, Brian Warner, Christine I. Wang.
Bruno Digiovani
IBM Argentina
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xIBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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Preface xi
4405pref.fmDraft Document for Review March 26, 2009 5:10 pm
xiiIBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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Chapter 1.General description
The innovative IBM Power 570 mid-range server with POWER6 and available POWER6+ f
processor cards delivers outstanding price/performance, mainframe-inspired reliability and
availability features, flexible capacity upgrades, and innovative virtualization technologies to
enable management of growth, complexity, and risk.
The Power 570 leverages your exisiting investments by supporting AIX, IBM i, and Linux for
Power, and x86 Linux applications on a single server. It is available in 2-, 4-, 8-, 12-, and
16-core and 32-core configurations. As with the p5 570, the POWER6-based 570s modular
symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) architecture is constructed using 4U (EIA units), 4-core or
8-core building block modules (also referred to as nodes, or CECs). Each of these nodes
supports four POWER6 3.5, 4.2 or 4.7 GHz dual-core processors, and new POWER6 4.2
GHz dual-core processors, or POWER6+ 4.4, and 5.0 GHz four-core processors along with
cache, memory, media, disks, I/O adapters, and power and cooling to create a balanced,
extremely high-performance rack-mount system.
This design allows up to four modules to be configured in a 19-inch rack as a single SMP
server, allowing clients to start with what they need and grow by adding additional building
blocks. A fully configured 570 server may consist of 32 processor cores, 768 GB of DDR2
memory, four media bays, integrated ports for attaching communications devices, 24 mixed
PCI-X and PCI Express adapter slots, and 24 internal SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) drives
accommodating up to 7.2 TB of internal disk storage.
The 64-bit POWER6 processors in this server are integrated into a dual-core single chip
module and a dual-core dual chip module, with 32 MB of L3 cache, 8 MB of L2 cache, and 12
DDR2 memory DIMM slots. The unique DDR2 memory uses a new memory architecture to
provide greater bandwidth and capacity. This enables operating at a higher data rate for large
memory configurations. Each new processor card can support up to 12 DDR2 DIMMs
running at speeds of up to 667 MHz.
As with the POWER5™ processor, simultaneous miltithreading enabling two threads to be
executed at the same time on a single processor core is a standard feature of POWER6
technology. Introduced with the POWER6 processor design is hardware decimal
floating-point support improving the performance of the basic mathematical calculations of
financial transactions that occur regularly on today’s business computers. The POWER6
4405ch01 General description.fmDraft Document for Review May 22, 2009 3:10 pm
processor also includes an AltiVec SIMD accelerator, which helps to improve the performance
of high performance computing (HPC) workloads.
All Power Systems servers can utilize logical partitioning (LPAR) technology implemented
using System p virtualization technologies, the operating system (OS), and a hardware
management console (HMC). Dynamic LPAR allows clients to dynamically allocate many
system resources to application partitions without rebooting, allowing up to 16 dedicated
processor partitions on a fully configured system.
In addition to the base virtualization that is standard on every System p server, two optional
virtualization features are available on the server: PowerVM Standard Edition (formerly
Advanced POWER Virtualization (APV) Standard) and PowerVM Enterprise Edition (formerly
APV Enterprise).
PowerVM Standard Edition includes IBM Micro-Partitioning™ and Virtual I/O Server (VIOS)
capabilities. Micro-partitions can be defined as small as 1/10th of a processor and be
changed in increments as small as 1/100th of a processor. Up to 160 micro-partitions may be
created on a 16-core 570 system. VIOS allows for the sharing of disk and optical devices and
communications and Fibre Channel adapters. Also included is support for Multiple Shared
Processor Pools and Shared Dedicated Capacity.
PowerVM Enterprise Edition includes all features of PowerVM Standard Edition plus Live
Partition Mobility, newly available with POWER6 systems. It is designed to allow a partition to
be relocated from one server to another while end users are using applications running in the
Other features introduced with POWER6 processor-based technology include an Integrated
Virtual Ethernet adapter standard with every system, the Processor Instruction Retry feature
automatically monitoring the POWER6 processor and, if needed, restarting the processor
workload without disruption to the application, and a new HMC (Hardware Management
Console) graphical user interface offering enhanced systems control.
2IBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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1.1 System specifications
Table 1-1 lists the general system specifications of a single Central Electronics Complex
(CEC) enclosure.
Table 1-1 System specifications
DescriptionRange (operating)
Operating temperature5 to 35 degrees C (41 to 95 F)
Relative humidity8% to 80%
Maximum wet bulb23 degrees C (73 F)
Noise level with 3.5 GHz processors FC 5620: 7.1 bels
with 3.5 GHz processors FC 5620 and acoustic rack doors:
6.7 bels
with 4.2 GHz processors FC 5622: 7.1 bels
with 4.2 GHz processors FC 5622 and acoustic rack doors:
6.7 bels
with 4.7 GHz processors FC 7380: 7.4 bels
with 4.7 GHz processors FC 7380 and acoustic rack doors:
6.9 bels
Operating voltage200 to 240 V ac 50/60 Hz
Maximum power consumption1400 watts (maximum)
Maximum power source loading1.428 kVA (maximum)
Maximum thermal output4778 BTU
Maximum altitude3,048 m (10,000 ft)
a. British Termal Unit (BTU)
1.2 Physical package
The system is available only in a rack-mounted form factor. It is a modular-built system
utilizing between one and four building block enclosures. Each of these CEC drawer building
blocks is packaged in a 4U
building block are shown in Table 1-2.
Table 1-2 Physical packaging of CEC drawer
DimensionOne CEC drawer
Height174 mm (6.85 in)
Width483 mm (19.0 in.)
Depth 824 mm (32.4 in.) from front of Bezel to rear of Power Supply
674 mm (25.6 in.) front rack rail mounting surface to I/O Adapter Bulkhead
793 mm (31.2 in.) front rack rail mounting surface to rear of Power Supply
/hr (maximum)
rack-mounted enclosure. The major physical attributes for each
Weight63.6 kg (140 lb.)
To help ensure the installation and serviceability in non-IBM, industry-standard racks, review
the vendor’s installation planning information for any product-specific installation
One Electronic Industries Association Unit (1U) is 44.45 mm (1.75 in.).
Chapter 1. General description 3
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Figure 1-1 shows system views.
Figure 1-1 Views of the system
1.3 System features
The full system configuration is made of four CEC building blocks. It features:
2-, 4-, 8-, 12-, 16-, and 32-core configurations utilizing the POWER6 chip on up to eight
Up to 192 GB DDR2 memory per enclosure, 768 GB DDR2 max per system. Available
memory features are 667 MHz, 533 MHz, or 400 MHz depending on memory density.
Up to 6 SAS DASD disk drives per enclosure, 24 max per system.
4IBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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6 PCI slots per enclosure: 4 PCIe, 2 PCI-X; 24 PCI per system: 16 PCIe, 8 PCI-X.
Up to 2 GX+ adapters per enclosure; 8 per system
One hot-plug slim-line media bay per enclosure, 4 max per system.
The external processor fabric bus in this system is modular. For a multiple-drawer server
configuration, a processor fabric cable or cables, and a service interface cable are required.
Cable features are available for connecting pairs of drawers, three drawer stacks, and four
drawer stacks. With this modular approach, a separate cable is required to connect each
drawer to each other drawer in a multi-enclosure stack (See 2.2.1 and 2.4.2).
The service processor (SP), which is described in 2.14.1, “Service processor” on page 70.
Each system includes the following native ports:
Choice of integrated (IVE) I/O options -- one per enclosure.
– 2-port 1 Gigabit Integrated Virtual Ethernet controller with two system ports
(10/100/1000 twisted pair).
– 4-port 1 Gigabit Integrated Virtual Ethernet controller with one system port
(10/100/1000 twisted pair).
– 2-port 10 Gigabit Integrated Virtual Ethernet controller (SR optical) with one system
Two USB ports per enclosure.
Two system (serial) ports per enclosure. Only the ports in the base enclosure are active,
and only when an HMC is not attached.
Two HMC ports per enclosure. The HMC must be attached to CEC enclosure 1 (and CEC
enclosure 2 to support redundant Service Processors).
Two SPCN ports per enclosure.
In addition, each building block features one internal SAS controller, redundant
hot-swappable cooling fans, redundant power supplies, and redundant processor voltage
1.3.1 Processor card features
Each of the four system enclosures has two processor sockets and can contain two
POWER6/POWER6+ dual-core 64-bit processor card features, or two POWER6 dual-core
dual-chip processor card features. They are configured as dual cores on a single chip module
or dual chip module with 32 MB of L3 cache, 8 MB of L2 cache, and 12 DDR2 memory DIMM
The POWER6 processor is available at frequencies of 3.5, 4.2, or 4.7 GHz. The POWER6+
processor is available at frequencies of 4.2, 4.4, and 5.0 GHz.Each system must have a
minimum of two active processors. A system with one enclosure may have one or two
processor cards installed. A system with two, three, or four enclosures must have two
processor cards in each enclosure. When two or more processor cards are installed in a
system, all cards must have the same feature number.
All processor card features are available only as Capacity on Demand (CoD). The initial order
of the system must contain the feature code (FC) related to the desired processor card, and it
must contain the processor activation feature code. The types of CoD supported are:
Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD) allows you to purchase additional permanent
processor or memory capacity and dynamically activate them when needed.
Chapter 1. General description 5
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Utility CoD autonomically provides additional processor performance on a temporary
basis within the shared processor pool in one minute increments. It adds additional cores
to allow greater parellel operation, and can increase the effective L2 cache of the shared
processor pool
On/Off CoD enables processors or memory to be temporarily activated in full-day
increments as needed.
Trial CoD (exception) offers a one-time, no-additional-charge 30-day trial that allows you to
explore the uses of all inactive processor capacity on your server.
Trial CoD (standard) offers a one-time 2-core activation for 30 days.
Capacity Backup (IBM i only) offers a 1 license entitlement to a backup system on a
temparary basis.
Table 1-3 contains the feature codes for processor cards at the time of writing.
Table 1-3 Processor card and CoD feature codes
Processor card FCDescription
7951On/Off Processor Enablement. This feature can be ordered to
1.3.2 Memory features
Processor card feature codes 7380, 5620, and 5622 have 12 memory DIMM slots and must
be populated with POWER6 DDR2 Memory DIMMs. Each processor card feature must have
a minimum of four DIMMs installed. This includes inactive processor card features present in
the system. Table 1-4 shows the memory feature codes that are available at the time of
One Processor Activation for Processor FC 5622
Utility Billing for FC 5622-100 processor minutes
On/Off Processor Day Billing for FC 5621 or FC 5622
One Processor Activation for Processor FC 7380
Utility Billing for FC 7380-100 processor minutes
On/Off Processor Day Billing for FC 7380
enable your server for On/Off Capacity on Demand. Once
enabled, you can request processors on a temporary basis. You
must sign an On/Off Capacity on Demand contract before you
order this feature
All memory card features are available only as Capacity on Demand and support the same
CoD options described for processors (with the exception of Utility CoD).
Memory Trial CoD (exception) offers a one-time, no-additional-charge 30-day trial that
allows you to explore the uses of all memory capacity on your server.
Memory Trial CoD (standard) offers a one-time 4 GB activation for 30 days.
All POWER6 memory features must be purchased with sufficient permanent memory
activation features so that each memory feature is at least 50% active, except memory feature
code 8129 which must be purchased with Activation feature code 5681 for 100% activation.
6IBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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Memory feature codes 5692, 5693, 5694, and 5695 can be mixed on the same POWER6
processor card. Memory feature codes 5696 and 8129 may not be mixed with any other
memory feature on a single processor card. A processor card with memory feature 5696 or
8129 can be mixed in the same CEC enclosure with a processor card containing other
POWER6 memory features. For all processors and all system configurations, if memory
features in a single system have different frequencies, all memory in the system will function
according to the lowest frequency present. Memory features 5696 and 8129 cannot be used
on processor card feature code 5620.
For all processors and all system configurations, if memory features in a single system have
different frequencies, all memory in the system will function according to the lowest frequency
1.3.3 Disk and media features
Each system building block features one SAS DASD controller with six hot-swappable
3.5-inch SAS disk bays and one hot-plug, slim-line media bay per enclosure. Only the new
SAS DASD hard disks are supported internally. The older SCSI DASD hard files can be
attached, but must be located in a remote I/O drawer. In a full configuration with four
connected building blocks, the combined system supports up to 24 disk bays
Table 1-5 shows the disk drive feature codes that each bay can contain.
Table 1-5 Disk drive feature code description
Feature codeDescription
364673 GB 15 K RPM SAS Disk Drive
3647146 GB 15 K RPM SAS Disk Drive
3648300 GB 15 K RPM SAS Disk Drive
In a full configuration with four connected, the combined system supports up to four media
devices with Media Enclosure and Backplane feature 5629.
Any combination of the following DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM drives can be installed:
FC 5756 IDE Slimline DVD-ROM Drive
Chapter 1. General description 7
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FC 5757 IBM 4.7 GB IDE Slimline DVD-RAM Drive
1.3.4 I/O drawers
The system has seven I/O expansion slots per enclosure, including one dedicated GX+ slot.
The other 6 slots support PCI adapters. There are 3 PCIe 8X long slots and 1 PCIe 8X short
slot. The short PCIe slot may also be used for a second GX+ adapter. The remaining 2 slots
PCI-X long slots. If more PCI slots are needed, such as to extend the number of LPARs, up to
20 I/O drawers on a RIO-2 interface (7311-D11 or 7311-D20) ,and up to 32 I/O drawers on a
12X Channel interface (7314-G30) can be attached.
The adapters that are used in the GX expansion slots are concurrently maintainable on
systems with firmware level FM320_xxx_xxx, or later. If the GX adapter were to fail, the card
could be replaced with a working card without powering down the system.
7311 Model D11 I/O drawer
The 7311 Model D11 I/O drawer features six long PCI-X slots. Blind-swap cassettes are (FC
7862) are utilized. Two 7311 Model D11 I/O drawers fit side-by-side in the 4U enclosure (FC
7311) mounted in a 19-inch rack, such as the IBM 7014-T00 or 7014-T42.
The 7311 Model D11 I/O drawer offers a modular growth path for systems with increasing I/O
requirements. A fully configured system supports 20 attached 7311 Model D11 I/O drawers.
The combined system supports up to 128 PCI-X adapters and 16 PCIe adapters. In a full
configuration, Remote I/O expansion cards (FC 1800 - GX Dual Port RIO-2) are required.
The I/O drawer has the following attributes:
4U rack-mount enclosure (FC 7311) that can hold one or two D11 drawers
Default redundant hot-plug power and cooling devices
Two RIO-2 and two SPCN ports
7311 Model D11 I/O drawer physical package
Because the 7311 Model D11 I/O drawer must be mounted into the rack enclosure (FC 7311),
these are the physical characteristics of one I/O drawer or two I/O drawers side-by-side:
One 7311 Model D11 I/O drawer
– Width: 223 mm (8.8 in.)
– Depth: 711 mm (28.0 in.)
– Height: 175 mm (6.9 in.)
– Weight: 19.6 kg (43 lb.)
Two I/O drawers in a 7311 rack-mounted enclosure have the following characteristics:
– Width: 445 mm (17.5 in.)
– Depth: 711 mm (28.0 in.)
– Height: 175 mm (6.9 in.)
– Weight: 39.1 kg (86 lb.)
7311 Model D20 I/O drawer
The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer is a 4U full-size drawer, which must be mounted in a rack. It
features seven hot-pluggable PCI-X slots and, optionally up to 12 hot-swappable disks
arranged in two 6-packs. Redundant concurrently maintainable power and cooling is an
8IBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
Draft Document for Review May 22, 2009 3:10 pm4405ch01 General description.fm
optional feature (FC 6268). The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer offers a modular growth path for
systems with increasing I/O requirements. When fully configured with 20 attached
7311 Model D20 drawers, the combined system supports up to 148 PCI-X adapters, 16 PCIe
adapters, and 264 hot-swappable disks. In a full configuration, Remote I/O expansion cards
(FC 1800 - GX Dual Port RIO-2) are required.
PCI-X and PCI cards are inserted into the slots from the top of the I/O drawer. The installed
adapters are protected by plastic separators, which are designed to prevent grounding and
damage when adding or removing adapters.
Note: The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer initial order, or an existing 7311 Model D20 I/O
drawer that is migrated from another pSeries system, must have the RIO-2 ports available
(FC 6417).
7311 Model D20 I/O drawer physical package
The I/O drawer has the following physical characteristics:
Width: 482 mm (19.0 in.)
Depth: 610 mm (24.0 in.)
Height: 178 mm (7.0 in.)
Weight: 45.9 kg (101 lb.)
Figure 1-2 shows the different views of the 7311-D20 I/O drawer.
Chapter 1. General description 9
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Operator panel
Power supply 2
Power supply 1
RIO ports
1 2 3 45 6 7
8 9 A B C D 8 9 A B C D
SCSI disk locations and IDs
Reserved ports
SPCN ports
Rack indicator
PCI-X slots
Figure 1-2 7311-D20 I/O drawer views
Note: The 7311 Model D10, and the 7311 Model D11, or the 7311 Model D20 I/O drawers
are designed to be installed by an IBM service representative.
7314 Model G30 PCI-X I/O drawer
The 7314 Model G30 I/O Drawer is a rack-mountable expansion cabinet that can be attached
to selected IBM System p host servers with IBM POWER6 technology. It is a half-rack width
drawer that allows up to two G30 drawers to fit side-by-side in enclosure FC 7314 in the same
4 EIA units of vertical space in a 19-inch rack. Each Model G30 Drawer gives you six
full-length PCI-X, 64-bit, 3.3V, PCI-X DDR adapter slots that can run at speeds up to 266
The 7314 Model G30 I/O drawer offers a modular growth path for selected POWER6
systems. It attaches to the host system using IBMs12X Channel Interface technology. The
Dual-Port 12X Channel Attach Adapters available for the Model G30 allow higher-speed data
transfer rates for remote I/O drawers. A single 12X Channel I/O loop can support up to four
G30 I/O drawers.
When fully configured, the system supports up to 32 Model G30 I/O Drawers attached to GX
adapters (FC 1802 GX Dual Port - 12X Channel Attach) available for the GX+ slots. The
combined system supports up to 200 PCI-X adapters and 12 PCIe adapters.
The I/O drawer has the following attributes:
4 EIA unit rack-mount enclosure (FC 7314) holding one or two G30 drawers.
Six PCI-X DDR slots: 64-bit, 3.3V, 266 MHz. Blind-swap.
Redundant hot-swappable power and cooling units.
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– short run: cables between this adapter and a host system may not exceed 3.0 Meters
in length. Cables between two I/O drawers may not exceed 1.5 Meters if both I/O
drawers include this short run adapter. Cables between two I/O drawers may not
exceed 3.0 Meters if either of the I/O drawers includes this short run adapter.
– long run: this adapter includes the repeater function and can support longer cable
loops allowing drawers to be located in adjacent racks. 12X Cables up to 8 Meters in
length can be attached to this adapter. The required 12X Cables are ordered under a
separate feature number.
Six blind-swap cassettes.
The I/O drawer physical characteristics are shown in Table 1-6.
Table 1-6 7314 G30 I/O Drawer specifications
DimensionOne G30 drawerMounting enclosure
Height172 mm (6.8 in.)176 mm (6.9 in.)
Width224 mm (8.8 in.)473 mm (18.6 in.)
Depth800 mm (31.5 in.)800 mm (31.5 in.)
Weight20 kg (44 lb.)45.9 kg (101 lb.) max with 2 G30 drawers
Note: 12X Channel I/O drawers cannot be mixed in a single I/O loop with RIO-2 drawers. A
host system can support both RIO-2 and 12X Channel data transfer loops as long as the
system supports both technologies and has the capability to support two or more
independent remote I/O loops. See 2.10.6, “7314 Model G30 I/O drawer” on page 54 and
2.10.5, “7311 I/O drawer and SPCN cabling” on page 54 for more information.
I/O drawers and usable PCI slot
The different I/O drawer model types can be intermixed on a single server within the
appropriate I/O loop. Depending on the system configuration, the maximum number of I/O
drawers supported is different. If both 7311 and 7314 drawers are being used, the total
number of I/O drawers allowed will be the values shown for the 7314-G30, assuming enough
GX slots are available to configure the required RIO-2 and 12x channel adapters. For either
attachment technology, up to four I/O drawers are supported in a loop.
Table 1-7 summarizes the maximum number of I/O drawers supported and the total number
of PCI slots available when expansion consists of a single drawer type.
Table 1-7 Maximum number of I/O drawers supported and total number of PCI slots
Max RIO-2
12X Ch
Total number of slots
1 drawer /
1 drawer /
2 drawers /
Chapter 1. General description 11
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3 drawers /
4 drawers /
a. Up to four I/O drawers are supported in a loop
b. One PCIe slot is reserved for the Remote I/O expansion card
c. One PCIe slot per CEC drawer is reserved for the 12X channel attach expansion card.
Max RIO-2
12X Ch
Total number of slots
1.3.5 Hardware Management Console models
The Hardware Management Console (HMC) is required for this system. It provides a set of
functions that are necessary to manage the system, including Logical Partitioning, Capacity
on Demand, inventory and microcode management, and remote power control functions.
Connection of an HMC disables the two integrated system ports.
Table 1-8 lists the HMC models available for POWER6 based systems at the time of writing.
They are preloaded with the required Licensed Machine Code Version 7 (FC 0962) to support
POWER6 systems, in addition to POWER5 and POWER5+ systems.
Existing HMC models 7310 can be upgraded to Licensed Machine Code Version 7 to support
environments that may include POWER5, POWER5+, and POWER6 processor-based
servers. Version 7 is not available for the 7315 HMCs. Licensed Machine Code Version 6
(FC 0961) is not available for 7042 HMCs, and Licensed Machine Code Version 7 (FC 0962)
is not available on new 7310 HMC orders.
Table 1-8 POWER6 HMC models available
7042-C06IBM 7042 Model C06 desktop Hardware Management Console
7042-CR4IBM 7042 Model CR4 rack-mount Hardware Management Console
Note: POWER5 and POWER5+ processor-based servers must have firmware SF240 or
later installed before being managed by a 7042 HMC or 7310 HMC with FC 0962 installed.
1.4 System racks
The system is designed to be installed in a 7014-T00 or -T42 rack. The 7014 Model T00 and
T42 are 19-inch racks for general use with IBM System p rack-mount servers. An existing T00
or T42 rack can be used if sufficient space and power are available. The system is not
supported in the 7014-S25 or the S11.
Note: The B42 rack is also supported.
FC 0469 Customer Specified Rack Placement provides the client the ability to specify the
physical location of the system modules and attached expansion modules (drawers) in the
12IBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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racks. The client’s input is collected and verified through the marketing configurator (eConfig).
The client’s request is reviewed by eConfig for safe handling by checking the weight
distribution within the rack. The manufacturing plant provides the final approval for the
configuration. This information is then used by IBM Manufacturing to assemble the system
components (drawers) in the rack according to the client’s request.
If a system is to be installed in a non-IBM rack or cabinet, it must be ensured that the rack
conforms to the EIA
standard EIA-310-D (see 1.4.7, “OEM rack” on page 19).
Note: It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the installation of the drawer in the
preferred rack or cabinet results in a configuration that is stable, serviceable, safe, and
compatible with the drawer requirements for power, cooling, cable management, weight,
and rail security.
1.4.1 IBM 7014 Model T00 rack
The 1.8-meter (71-in.) Model T00 is compatible with past and present IBM System p systems.
The T00 rack has the following features:
36 EIA units (36 U) of usable space.
Optional removable side panels.
Optional highly perforated front door.
Optional side-to-side mounting hardware for joining multiple racks.
Standard business black or optional white color in OEM format.
Increased power distribution and weight capacity.
protection with modular rear brace, concrete floor bolt-down hardware, and bolt-in steel
front filler panels.
Support for both AC and DC configurations.
The rack height is increased to 1926 mm (75.8 in.) if a power distribution panel is fixed to
the top of the rack.
Up to four power distribution units (PDUs) can be mounted in the PDU bays (see
Figure 1-3 on page 15), but others can fit inside the rack. See 1.4.3, “The AC power
distribution unit and rack content” on page 14.
An optional rack status beacon (FC 4690). This beacon is designed to be placed on top of
a rack and cabled to servers, such as a Power 570 and other components inside the rack.
Servers can be programmed to illuminate the beacon in response to a detected problem
or changes in the system status.
A rack status beacon junction box (FC 4693) should be used to connect multiple servers to
the beacon. This feature provides six input connectors and one output connector for the
rack. To connect the servers or other components to the junction box or the junction box to
the rack, status beacon cables (FC 4691) are necessary. Multiple junction boxes can be
linked together in a series using daisy chain cables (FC 4692).
– T00 base empty rack: 244 kg (535 lb.)
– T00 full rack: 816 kg (1795 lb.)
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA). Accredited by American National Standards Institute (ANSI), EIA provides a
forum for industry to develop standards and publications throughout the electronics and high-tech industries.
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1.4.2 IBM 7014 Model T42 rack
The 2.0-meter (79.3-inch) Model T42 addresses the client requirement for a tall enclosure to
house the maximum amount of equipment in the smallest possible floor space. The features
that differ in the Model T42 rack from the Model T00 include:
42 EIA units (42 U) of usable space (6 U of additional space).
The Model T42 supports AC only.
– T42 base empty rack: 261 kg (575 lb.)
– T42 full rack: 930 kg (2045 lb.)
Optional Rear Door Heat eXchanger (FC 6858)
Improved cooling from the Rear Door Heat eXchanger enables clients to more densely
populate individual racks, freeing valuable floor space without the need to purchase additional
air conditioning units. The Rear Door Heat eXchanger features:
Water-cooled heat exchanger door designed to dissipate heat generated from the back of
computer systems before it enters the room.
An easy-to-mount rear door design that attaches to client-supplied water, using industry
standard fittings and couplings.
Up to 15 KW (approximately 50,000 BTUs/hr) of heat removed from air exiting the back of
a fully populated rack.
One year limited warranty.
Physical specifications
The following are the general physical specifications
Approximate height1945.5 mm (76.6 in.)
Approximate width635.8 mm (25.03 in.)
Approximate depth back door only1042.0 mm (41.0 in.)
Approximate depth back door and front1098.0 mm (43.3 in.)
Approximate depth sculptured style front door 1147.0 mm (45.2 in.)
Approximate weight 31.9 kg (70.0 lb.)
Client responsibilities
Clients must ensure the following:
Secondary water loop (to building chilled water)
Pump solution (for secondary loop)
Delivery solution (hoses and piping)
Connections: Standard 3/4-inch internal threads
1.4.3 The AC power distribution unit and rack content
For rack models T00 and T42, 12-outlet PDUs are available. These include PDUs Universal
UTG0247 Connector (FC 9188 and FC 7188) and Intelligent PDU+ Universal UTG0247
Connector (FC 5889 and FC 7109).
Four PDUs can be mounted vertically in the back of the T00 and T42 racks. See Figure 1-3
for the placement of the four vertically mounted PDUs. In the rear of the rack, two additional
14IBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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PDUs can be installed horizontally in the T00 rack and three in the T42 rack. The four vertical
mounting locations will be filled first in the T00 and T42 racks. Mounting PDUs horizontally
consumes 1 U per PDU and reduces the space available for other racked components. When
mounting PDUs horizontally, we recommend that you use fillers in the EIA units occupied by
these PDUs to facilitate proper air-flow and ventilation in the rack.
Figure 1-3 PDU placement and PDU view
For detailed power cord requirements and power cord feature codes, see IBM System p5,
eServer p5 and i5, and OpenPower Planning, SA38-0508. For an online copy, see the IBM
Systems Hardware Information Center. You can find it at:
Note: Ensure that the appropriate power cord feature is configured to support the power
being supplied.
The Base/Side Mount Universal PDU (FC 9188) and the optional, additional, Universal PDU
(FC 7188) and the Intelligent PDU+ options (FC 5889 and FC 7109) support a wide range of
country requirements and electrical power specifications. The PDU receives power through a
UTG0247 power line connector. Each PDU requires one PDU-to-wall power cord. Various
power cord features are available for different countries and applications by varying the
PDU-to-wall power cord, which must be ordered separately. Each power cord provides the
unique design characteristics for the specific power requirements. To match new power
requirements and save previous investments, these power cords can be requested with an
initial order of the rack or with a later upgrade of the rack features.
The PDU has 12 client-usable IEC 320-C13 outlets. There are six groups of two outlets fed by
six circuit breakers. Each outlet is rated up to 10 amps, but each group of two outlets is fed
from one 15 amp circuit breaker.
Note: Based on the power cord that is used, the PDU can supply from 4.8 kVA to 19.2 kVA.
The total kilovolt ampere (kVA) of all the drawers plugged into the PDU must not exceed
the power cord limitation.
Chapter 1. General description 15
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The Universal PDUs are compatible with previous models.
Note: Each system drawer to be mounted in the rack requires two power cords, which are
not included in the base order. For maximum availability it is highly recommended to
connect power cords from the same system to two separate PDUs in the rack. And to
connect each PDU to independent power sources.
1.4.4 Intelligent Power Distribution Unit (iPDU)
Energy consumption is becoming a large issue in computer-based businesses. The energy
required to power and cool computers can be a significant cost to a business – reducing profit
margins and consuming resources.
For all systems without an internal thermal and power consumption method the IBM
Intelligent Power Distribution Management (IPDU) provides a solution to measure and collect
power data. An iPDU (FC 5889) mounts in a rack and provides power outlets for the servers
to plug into.
The following list shows the characteristics of an iPDU:
Input connectorConnect power cord to this connector
Power outletsPower outlet for devices. There are nine or 12 power
outlets, depending on the model
RS232 serial connectorUpdate firmware
RJ45 console connectorProvides a connection using a DB9-to-RJ45 provided cable
to a notebook computer as a configuration console.
RJ45 Ethernet (LAN) connector Port to configure the iPDU through a LAN. Speed is 10/100
auto sensed.
When a configured iPDU is selected the following dialog panel (as in IBM Systems Director)
will appear as shown in Figure 1-4 on page 17.
16IBM Power 570 Technical Overview and Introduction
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