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Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-Wxvii
xviiiNetcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W
This manual describes the Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack, focusing on the Cisco IP
Telephony environment. Specifically, the manual describes the reports for displaying information about the
devices and technologies that operate in the Cisco IP T elephony environment. The manual also describes the data
collection model, properties, resources, collection formulas, and metrics that the Cisco IP Telephony T echnology
Pack provides to create the associated reporter sets.
Note: This technology pack supports the Cisco CallManager (CCM) environment and its new implementation,
the Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM) environment. Where this guide refers to Cisco CallManager or CCM,
it also applies to Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM), unless an explicit distinction is made.
The audiences for this manual are the network administration engineers at IBM customer sites who will install,
configure, and use the Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack as part of their Netcool/Proviso installation. IBM
Professional Services engineers may also find this manual useful.
To install and use the Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack, you should have a working knowledge of the
following subjects:
•Netcool/Proviso DataMart
•TCP/IP networks
•Telecom network management
•Administration of the operating system
The audiences should also be familiar with the specific technology that the Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack
deals with, in this case Cisco IP Telephony.
This guide is organized as follows:
•Chapter 1, Introduction
Provides a general introduction to technology packs.
•Chapter 2, Supported Reports
Provides information about the reports that the Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack provides for each
device operating in the Cisco IP Telephony environment.
•Chapter 3, Devices and Services
Describes the devices and services that the Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack supports.
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-Wxix
•Chapter 4, Element and Sub-Element Properties
Describes the properties that the Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack discovers during the inventory
•Chapter 6, Sub-Element Grouping Rules
Describes the sub-element collection grouping rules and the NOC repor ting grouping rules that the Cisco
IP Telephony Technology Pack defines.
•Chapter 5, Defined Resources
Provides information about the elements and sub-elements that the technology pack defines in the Proviso
•Chapter 7, Collection Formulas
Provides information about the SNMP and bulk collection formulas included in the Cisco IP Telephony
Technology Pack.
•Chapter 8, Discovery Formulas
Provides information about the Discovery formulas that the Cisco IP Telephony T ec hnology Pack pro vides
for devices operating in the Cisco IP Telephony environment.
•Appendix A, Configuration
Describes how to configure the Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack.
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-Wxxi
xxiiNetcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter discusses the following topics:
Topic Page
How is the Data Collected?1
How is the Data Processed and Loaded into the Database?2
How is the Data Reported?3
Netcool/Proviso Technology Packs are individually installed modules that contain discovery, grouping,
collection, and reporting instructions created by T ec hnology Pack dev elopers or Professional Services personnel
for a specific network technology or network equipment provider, such as Cisco IP Telephony.
Once installed, a Technology Pack “programs” Netcool/Proviso to inventory and group specific network
resources, perform mathematical calculations on raw or aggregated data streams collected from these resources ,
and produce key performance monitoring metrics that are stored on the Netcool/Proviso database. R eporter sets
designed for each Tec hnology Pack query the database for this information and display the results on a web portal
in the form of specialized report tables, graphs, and charts.
This chapter provides an overview of how T echnology Packs work with Netcool/Proviso to collect, process , load,
and report data from a network environment.
How is the Data Collected?
After a Netcool/Proviso Technology Pack has been installed, an inventory process must be r u n so that the
Technology Pack’s target network resources can be identified and modeled within Netcool/Proviso as subelements. Sub-ele ments must be cr eated before da ta from any netw ork resource can be collected, processed, and
stored in the database.
How sub-elements are discovered depends on whether the target resources are SNMP resources or non-SNMP
•For SNMP network resources , a T echnology Pack provides a discovery formula. Discovery formulas are used
to evaluate network resources, determine which resources become sub-elements, and set values for items
defined as properties in the for mula. Once all the sub-elements have been discovered and created in the
database, the inventory process organizes the sub-elements according to the grouping rules provided by a
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W1
Chapter 1: Introduction
Technology Pack. The grouping rules use the properties and values defined within inventory formulas or
adaptor design files to filter the sub-elements into their appropriate collection or reporting groups.
•For non-SNMP network resources, a Te c hnology Pac k provides a Bulk Adaptor Design File. Bulk Adaptor
Design Files define how data fields that reside in files generated by network resources are used to create subelements and set values for items defined as properties.
During the database synchronization phase of the inventory process, the list of discovered sub-elements is
compared to what exists in the database. Newly discovered sub-elements are assigned a resource identifier (RID)
and timestamp, and the database uses both items to create a new entry for the sub-element to reflect the known
state of the network inventory.
Following the completion of the inventory process, Netcool/Proviso is ready to collect performance data for a
Technology Pack’s target network resources. A Technology Pack provides Netcool/Proviso with collection
formulas that instruct a DataLoad collector resid ing in a DataChannel to collect specific types of performance
data against a particular sub-element.
The types of collection formulas applied to the data depend on whether the sub-element is an SNMP resource
or non-SNMP resource:
formulas instruct the SNMP Collector to take the data gathered during a specified collection interval,
perform some mathematical operation on the data, and output the result as a performance metric.
•For non-SNMP network resources , a Technology Pack provides Bulk collection formulas . A Bulk collection
formula, unlike an SNMP collection formula, has no executable instructions. A Bulk collection formula
consists of a metric name that is mapped by the Bulk Adaptor Design File to a statistic that resides in the
input file generated by a network resource.
Either type of collection formula outputs a metric and corresponding unique metric identifier (MID) that are
passed along the DataChannel to the Complex Metric Engine for processing.
How is the Data Processed and Loaded into the Database?
The Complex Metric Engine (CME) is a component in the DataChannel that performs calculations on data
gathered by the SNMP or Bulk collectors deployed in a network. These calculations include the following:
•Pre-defined formulas that are provided by a Technology Pack
•User-defined formulas created using the CME Formula API
•Time aggregations for sub-elements
In addition to performing calculations on the data stream in the DataChannel, the CME also buffers and sorts
metric records according to their RIDs and MIDs to optimize ho w the data and metrics are stored in the database.
2 Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W
Chapter 1: Introduction
CME Operation
The CME is designed to work with data that is gathered over the space of one hour. Within that hour, there are
several distinct phases that characterize the operation of the CME:
•Loading Phase
•Building Phase
•Processing Phase
•Output Phase
Loading Phase
During the beginning of each hour, the CME creates a new netw ork configuration model based on the inv entory
structure that exists in the database at that time. This model is used as a snapshot of the network environment
and serves as the basis for all metric processing for the entire duration of the hour. At the end of the hour, the
CME polls the database for any changes that have been made to the inventory and creates a new network
configuration model for the next hour.
As the CME reloads its configuration hourly, any metrics produced by sub-elements following the last polling
period are rejected by the CME until the beginning of the next hour.
Building Phase
Once the current configuration model has been built, the CME creates a table of sub-elements and metrics that
are expected for the current hour. The CME uses the RIDs and MIDs to build the table and determine which
metrics should be arriving from the collectors. The table also specifies how resources are related, and determines
if there are any CME formulas that must be applied to a sub-element’s metrics once the data is gathered.
Processing Phase
Whenever new data arrives at the CME, it is evaluated and stored in the appropriate ta ble location, along with any
Resource Aggregation information. Once the input and processing dependencies for a metric in the table have
been met, the CME processes the metrics and stores the data until the end of the hour.
Output Phase
At the end of the current hour, the CME outputs everything in memory to the Hourly and Daily Loaders. The
data sent to the database loaders includes the sorted data for the current hour, and resource and group
aggregations for each of the processing periods up to the current time. The Hourly Loader computes group and
resource aggregations, while the Daily Loader creates metric statistics and inserts the data into the database.
How is the Data Reported?
The data collected, processed, and stored in the database by Netcool/Proviso is organized and output for
customers using reporter sets that are designed by developers and Professional Services personnel for a specific
Technology Pack.
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W3
Chapter 1: Introduction
A Tec hnology Pack reporter set is a related group of reports that provide performance information on a specific
set of devices or resources that exist in a network. Each report consists of a series of queries that retriev e related
sub-elements and their corresponding metrics from the database using the RIDs and MIDs assigned during the
inventory and collection processes. The retrieved results are then organized within the report and are displayed
on a web portal in the form of tables, graphs, and charts.
A Technology Pack provides a variety of reports and charts, including:
•Resource Summary Reports (RSTs) (sometimes referred to as Resource Summary Tables) aggregate data
across time for an individual sub-element and defi ne t h e s ta tistics that are relevant for a measure of its
network performance.
•Group Summary Reports (GSTs) (sometimes referred to as Group Summary Tables) aggregate data across
both time and sub-elements, and define the statistics that are relev ant for a measure of netw ork performance
for a group of resources.
•Detail Charts (DCs) display raw data for a metric that has been aggregated for an individual sub-element over
a particular period of time.
•Dashboards display a series of abbreviated tables and charts that provide an overall summary of the metrics
collected for the target network resource supported by the Technology Pack.
•Timeseries charts present time series information, where the x axis is time and the y axis is the data value.
•TopN reports list the N highest values during a specified time range for a specific m etric.
•Resource Distribution charts (often referred to as pie charts) show the distribution of resources across
specific ranges. Typically, a legend for the Resource Distribution chart appears in the report.
•Resource Over Threshold Tables (RTTs) display a list of resources that have violated their threshold for a
specific metric. T ypically , users na vigate to an RTT from a Group Summary Table (GST), using the threshold
overflow cell navigation link.
•Ratio charts show the relationship of a single metric among different resources or a single resource among
different metrics.
4 Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W
Chapter 1: Introduction
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W5
Chapter 1: Introduction
6 Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W
Chapter 2: Supported Reports
This chapter discusses the following topics:
Topic Page
Reporter Sets7
The Cisco IP Telephony T ec hnology Pack supplies a set of reports suitable for displaying information about the
devices and activity associated with the Cisco IP Telephony environment.
Reports contain metrics that are generated by the formulas that this technology pack provides. Metric names are
the same as the names of the formulas that generate them. For information about a metric that is listed for a
particular report, see the description of the associated formula in the collection formula chapter of this guide.
This chapter includes information to help you navigate to a particular report on the DataView portal. This
navigation path is the same as the path where the report has been deployed through the DataMart Resource
Editor. Note, however, that some reports are not explicitly deployed on the portal navigation path. You can
display such a report by "drilling down" to it from other reports.
For information about understanding report types, creating reports, configuring reports, viewing and working
with reports, and deploying reports, see the
assumes an understanding of the report-related topics discussed in the
Netcool/Proviso DataView User’s Guide. This Tec hnology Pack User’ s Guide
Netcool/Proviso DataView User’s Guide.
Reporter Sets
Reporter Set Tree
This technology pack provides the reporter sets listed below. The list presents the reporter sets as they appear in
the DataView Navigator tree structure:
AP Cisco VOIP Pack
...Global Customer Reports
...Call Detail Record
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W7
Chapter 2: Supported Reports
......CallManager Server
......PSTN Gateway
.........DSP Card
......Media Devices
8 Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W
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