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xiiIBM System Storage N series Hardware Guide
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides a detailed look at the features, benefits, and
capabilities of the IBM System Storage® N series hardware offerings.
The IBM System Storage N series systems can help you tackle the challenge of effective data
management by using virtualization technology and a unified storage architecture. The
N series delivers low- to high-end enterprise storage and data management capabilities with
midrange affordability. Built-in serviceability and manageability features help support your
efforts to increase reliability, simplify and unify storage infrastructure and maintenance, and
deliver exceptional economy.
The IBM System Storage N series systems provide a range of reliable, scalable storage
solutions to meet various storage requirements. These capabilities are achieved by using
network access protocols, such as Network File System (NFS), Common Internet File
System (CIFS), HTTP, and iSCSI, and storage area network technologies, such as Fibre
Channel. By using built-in Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) technologies, all
data is protected with options to enhance protection through mirroring, replication,
Snapshots, and backup. These storage systems also have simple management interfaces
that make installation, administration, and troubleshooting straightforward.
In addition, this book addresses high-availability solutions, including clustering and
MetroCluster that support highest business continuity requirements. MetroCluster is a unique
solution that combines array-based clustering with synchronous mirroring to deliver
continuous availability.
This Redbooks publication is a companion book to IBM System Storage N series Software
Guide, SG24-7129, which is available at this website:
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center.
Roland Tretau is an Information Systems professional with over 15 years of experience in the
IT industry. He holds Engineering and Business Masters degrees, and is the author of many
storage-related IBM Redbooks publications. Roland has a solid background in project
management, consulting, operating systems, storage solutions, enterprise search
technologies, and data management.
Jeff Lin is a Client Technical Specialist for the IBM Sales & Distribution Group in San Jose,
California, USA. He holds degrees in engineering and biochemistry, and has six years of
experience in IT consulting and administration. Jeff is an expert in storage solution design,
implementation, and virtualization. He has a wide range of practical experience, including
Solaris on SPARC, IBM AIX®, IBM System x®, and VMWare ESX.
Dirk Peitzmann is a Leading Technical Sales Professional with IBM Systems Sales in
Munich, Germany. Dirk is an experienced professional and provides technical pre-sales and
post-sales solutions for IBM server and storage systems. His areas of expertise include
designing virtualization infrastructures and disk solutions and carrying out performance
analysis and the sizing of SAN and NAS solutions. He holds an engineering diploma in
Computer Sciences from the University of Applied Science in Isny, Germany, and is an Open
Group Master Certified IT Specialist.
Steven Pemberton is a Senior Storage Architect with IBM GTS in Melbourne, Australia. He
has broad experience as an IT solution architect, pre-sales specialist, consultant, instructor,
and enterprise IT customer. He is a member of the IBM Technical Experts Council for
Australia and New Zealand (TEC A/NZ), has multiple industry certifications, and is co-author
of seven previous IBM Redbooks.
Tom Provost is a Field Technical Sales Specialist for the IBM Systems and Technology
Group in Belgium. Tom has many years of experience as an IT professional providing design,
implementation, migration, and troubleshooting support for IBM System x, IBM System
Storage, storage software, and virtualization. Tom also is the co-author of several other
Redbooks and IBM Redpapers™. He joined IBM in 2010.
Marco Schwarz is an IT specialist and team leader for Techline as part of the Techline Global
Center of Excellence who lives in Germany. He has many years of experience in designing
IBM System Storage solutions. His expertise spans all recent technologies in the IBM
Thanks Bertrand Dufrasne of the International Technical Support Organization, San Jose
Center for his contributions to this project.
Thanks to the following authors of the previous editions of this book:
Alex Osuna
Sandro De Santis
Carsten Larsen
Tarik Maluf
Patrick P. Schill
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xivIBM System Storage N series Hardware Guide
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Preface xv
xviIBM System Storage N series Hardware Guide
Summary of changes
This section describes the technical changes that were made in this edition of the book and in
previous editions. This edition might also include minor corrections and editorial changes that
are not identified.
Summary of Changes
for SG24-7840-03
for IBM System Storage N series Hardware Guide
as created or updated on May 28, 2014.
May 2014, Fourth Edition
New information
The following new information is included:
The N series hardware portfolio was updated to reflect the October 2013 status quo.
Information and changed in Data ONTAP 8.1.x have been included.
High availability and MetroCluster information was updated to include SAS shelf
Changed information
The following changed information is included:
Hardware information for products that are no longer available was removed.
Information that is valid for Data ONTAP 7.x only was removed or modified to highlight
differences and improvements in the current Data ONTAP 8.1.x release.
This part introduces the N series hardware, including the storage controller models, disk
expansion shelves, and cabling recommendations.
It also describes some of the hardware functions, including active/active controller clusters,
MetroCluster, NVRAM and cache memory, and RAID-DP protection.
Finally, this part provides a high-level guide to designing an N series solution.
This part includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introduction to IBM System Storage N series” on page 3
Chapter 2, “Entry-level systems” on page 13
Chapter 3, “Mid-range systems” on page 23
Chapter 4, “High-end systems” on page 33
Chapter 5, “Expansion units” on page 45
Chapter 6, “Cabling expansions” on page 59
Chapter 7, “Highly Available controller pairs” on page 71
Chapter 8, “MetroCluster” on page 103
Chapter 9, “MetroCluster expansion cabling” on page 125
Chapter 10, “Data protection with RAID Double Parity” on page 147
Chapter 11, “Core technologies” on page 165
Chapter 12, “Flash Cache” on page 175
Chapter 13, “Disk sanitization” on page 181
Chapter 14, “Designing an N series solution” on page 187
The IBM System Storage N series offers more choices to organizations that face the
challenges of enterprise data management. The IBM System Storage N series is designed to
deliver high-end value with midrange affordability. Built-in enterprise serviceability and
manageability features support customer efforts to increase reliability, simplify, and unify
storage infrastructure and maintenance, and deliver exceptional economy.
This chapter includes the following sections:
IBM System Storage N series hardware
Software licensing structure
Data ONTAP 8 supported systems
This section introduces the IBM System Storage N series and describes its hardware
features. The IBM System Storage N series provides a range of reliable, scalable storage
solutions for various storage requirements. These capabilities are achieved by using network
access protocols, such as Network File System (NFS), Common Internet File System (CIFS),
HTTP, FTP, and iSCSI. They are also achieved by using storage area network technologies,
such as Fibre Channel and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE). The N series features
built-in Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) technology. Further advanced data
protection options include snapshots, backup, mirroring, and replication technologies that can
be customized to meet client’s business requirements. These storage systems also have
simple management interfaces that make installation, administration, and troubleshooting
The N series unified storage solution supports file and block protocols, as shown in
Figure 1-1. Converged networking also is supported for all protocols.
Figure 1-1 Unified storage
This type of flexible storage solution offers the following benefits:
Heterogeneous unified storage solution: Unified access for multiprotocol storage
Versatile: A single integrated architecture that is designed to support concurrent block I/O
and file servicing over Ethernet and Fibre Channel SAN infrastructures.
Comprehensive software suite that is designed to provide robust system management,
copy services, and virtualization technologies.
Ease of changing storage requirements that allow fast, dynamic changes. If more storage
is required, you can expand it quickly and non-disruptively. If existing storage is deployed
incorrectly, you can reallocate available storage from one application to another quickly
and easily.
4IBM System Storage N series Hardware Guide
Maintains availability and productivity during upgrades. If outages are necessary,
downtime is kept to a minimum.
Easily and quickly implement nondisruptive upgrades.
Create effortless backup and recovery solutions that operate in a common manner across
all data access methods.
Tune the storage environment to a specific application while maintaining its availability and
Change the deployment of storage resources easily, quickly, and non-disruptively. Online
storage resource redeployment is possible.
Achieve robust data protection with support for online backup and recovery.
Include added value features, such as deduplication to optimize space management.
All N series storage systems use a single operating system (Data ONTAP) across the entire
platform. They offer advanced function software features that provide one of the industry’s
most flexible storage platforms. This functionality includes comprehensive system
management, storage management, onboard copy services, virtualization technologies,
disaster recovery, and backup solutions.
1.2 IBM System Storage N series hardware
The following sections address the N series models that are available at the time of this
writing. Figure 1-2 shows all of the N series models that were released by IBM to date that
belong to the N3000, N6000, and N7000 series line.
Figure 1-2 N series hardware portfolio
Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM System Storage N series 5
The hardware includes the following features and benefits:
Data compression:
– Transparent in-line data compression can store more data in less space, which
reduces the amount of storage that you must purchase and maintain.
– Reduces the time and bandwidth that is required to replicate data during volume
SnapMirror transfers.
– Runs block-level data deduplication on NearStore data volumes.
– Scans and deduplicates volume data automatically, which results in fast, efficient
space savings with minimal effect on operations.
– Provides full-featured and multiprotocol data management for block and file serving
environments through N series storage operating system.
– Simplifies data management through single architecture and user interface, and
reduces costs for SAN and NAS deployment.
Disk sanitization:
– Obliterates data by overwriting disks with specified byte patterns or random data.
– Prevents recovery of current data by any known recovery methods.
– Creates a flexible caching layer within your storage infrastructure that automatically
adapts to changing usage patterns to eliminate bottlenecks.
– Improves application response times for large compute farms, speeds data access for
remote users, or creates a tiered storage infrastructure that circumvents tedious data
management tasks.
– Provides near-instant creation of LUN and volume clones without requiring more
storage capacity.
– Accelerates test and development, and storage capacity savings.
– Prioritizes storage resource allocation to highest-value workloads on a heavily loaded
– Ensures that best performance is provided to designated high-priority applications.
– Creates flexibly sized LUNs and volumes across a large pool of disks and one or more
RAID groups.
– Enables applications and users to get more space dynamically and non-disruptively
without IT staff intervention. Enables more productive use of available storage and
helps improve performance.
– Supports attachment to IBM Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS) series, IBM XIV®
Storage System, and IBM System Storage DS8000® and DS5000 series. Also
supports a broad range of IBM, EMC, Hitachi, Fujitsu, and HP storage subsystems.
6IBM System Storage N series Hardware Guide
– Offers an integrated high-availability and disaster-recovery solution for campus and
metro-area deployments.
– Ensures high data availability when a site failure occurs.
– Supports Fibre Channel attached storage with SAN Fibre Channel switch, SAS
attached storage with Fibre Channel -SAS bridge, and Gateway storage with SAN
Fibre Channel switch.
– Partitions a storage system into multiple virtual storage appliances.
– Enables secure consolidation of multiple domains and controllers.
NearStore (near-line):
– Increases the maximum number of concurrent data streams (per storage controller).
– Enhances backup, data protection, and disaster preparedness by increasing the
number of concurrent data streams between two N series systems.
– Enables the consolidation and simplification of shared IT storage management by
providing common management services, integration, security, and role-based access
controls, which delivers greater flexibility and efficiency.
– Manages multiple N series systems from a single administrative console.
– Speeds deployment and consolidated management of multiple N series systems.
Flash Cache (Performance Acceleration Module):
– Improves throughput and reduces latency for file services and other random
read-intensive workloads.
– Offers power savings by using less power than adding more disk drives to optimize
– Offers double parity bit RAID protection (N series RAID 6 implementation).
– Protects against data loss because of double disk failures and media bit errors that
occur during drive rebuild processes.
– Authenticates the administrative user and the N series system, which creates a secure,
direct communication link to the N series system.
– Protects administrative logins, passwords, and session commands from cleartext
snooping by replacing RSH and Telnet with the encrypted SSH protocol.
Single Mailbox Recovery for Exchange (SMBR):
– Enables the recovery of a single mailbox from a Microsoft Exchange Information Store.
– Extracts a single mailbox or email directly in minutes with SMBR, compared to hours
with traditional methods. This process eliminates the need for staff-intensive, complex,
and time-consuming Exchange server and mailbox recovery.
– Provides host-based data management of N series storage from Microsoft Windows,
UNIX, and Linux servers.
– Simplifies host-consistent Snapshot copy creation and automates error-free restores.
Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM System Storage N series 7
– Write-protects structured application data files within a volume to provide Write Once
Read Many (WORM) disk storage.
– Provides storage, which enables compliance with government records retention
– Provides host-based data management of N series storage for databases and
business applications.
– Simplifies application-consistent Snapshot copies, automates error-free data restores,
and enables application-aware disaster recovery.
– Enables automatic, incremental data replication between synchronous or
asynchronous systems.
– Provides flexible, efficient site-to-site mirroring for disaster recovery and data
– Restores single files, directories, or entire LUNs and volumes rapidly, from any
Snapshot backup.
– Enables near-instant recovery of files, databases, and complete volumes.
– Makes incremental, data-in-place, point-in-time copies of a LUN or volume with
Provides support for Full Disk Encryption (FDE) drives in N series disk shelf storage and
integration with License Key Managers, including IBM Tivoli® Key Lifecycle Manager.
– Maintains two online copies of data with RAID-DP protection on each side of the mirror.
– Protects against all types of hardware outages, including triple disk failure.
Reduce data management complexity in heterogeneous storage environments for data
protection and retention.
Software bundles:
– Provides flexibility to use breakthrough capabilities while maximizing value with a
considerable discount.
– Simplifies ordering of combinations of software features: Windows Bundle, Complete
Bundle, and Virtual Bundle.
8IBM System Storage N series Hardware Guide
For more information about N series software features, see IBM System Storage N series
Storage Efficiency features
Point-in-time copies that write only
changed blocks. No performance
Virtual Copies (FlexClone®)
Near-zero space, instant “virtual”
copies. Only subsequent changes in
cloned dataset get stored.
Thin Provisioning
Create flexible volumes that appear to
be a certain size but are really a much
smaller pool.
Protects against double disk failure with
no performance penalty.
Removes data redundancies in
primary and secondary storage.
up to
up to
up to
Thin Replication
and SnapMirror®)
Make data copies for disaster recovery
and backup using a minimal amount of
up to
Data Compression
Reduces footprint of primary
and secondary storage.
up to
Software Guide, SG24-7129, which is available at this website:
All N series systems support the storage efficiency features, as shown in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-3 Storage efficiency features
1.3 Software licensing structure
This section provides an overview of the software licensing structure.
1.3.1 Mid-range and high-end
The software structure for mid-range and high-end systems is assembled out of the following
major options:
Data ONTAP Essentials (including one protocol of choice)
Protocols (CIFS, NFS, Fibre Channel, iSCSI)
SnapManager Suite
Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM System Storage N series 9
Figure 1-4 provides an overview of the software structure that was introduced with the
Includes: One Protocol of choice, SnapShots, HTTP, Deduplication, Compression, NearStore, DSM/MPIO,
SyncMirror, MultiStore, FlexCache, MetroCluster, High availability, OnCommand
License Key Details: Only SyncMirror Local, Cluster Failover and Cluster Failover Remote License Keys are
required for DOT 8.1, the DSM/MPIO License key must be installed on Server
Sold Separately: iSCSI, FCP, CIFS, NFS
License Key Details: Each Protocol License Key must be installed separately
Includes: SnapRestore
License Key Details: SnapRestore License Key must be installed separately
Includes: SnapMirror
License Key Details: SnapMirror License Key unlocks all product features
Includes: FlexClone
License Key Details: FlexClone License Key must be installed separately
Includes: SnapVault®Primary and SnapVault®Secondary
License Key Details: SnapVault Secondary License Key unlocks both Primary and Secondary products
Sold Separately: SnapLock®Compliance and SnapLock®Enterprise
License Key Details: Each product is unlocked by its own Master License Key
SnapManager Suite
Includes: SnapManagers for Exchange, SQL Server, SharePoint, Oracle, SAP, VMWare Virtual Infrastructure,
Hyper-V, and SnapDrives for Windows and UNIX
License Key Details: SnapManager Exchange License Key unlocks the entire Suite of features
Complete Bundle
Includes: All Protocols, Single MailBox Recovery, SnapLock ®, SnapRestore®, SnapMirror®, FlexClone®,
SnapVault®, and SnapManager Suite
License Key Details: Refer to the individual Product License Key Details
Software Structure 2.0 Licensing
PLATFORMS: N62x0 & N7950T
NOTE: For DOT 8.0 and earlier, every feature requires its own License Key to be installed separately
availability of Data ONTAP 8.1.
Figure 1-4 Software structure for mid-range and enterprise systems
To increase the business flow efficiencies, the seven-mode licensing infrastructure was
modified to handle features that are included in a more bundled or packaged manner.
You do not need to add license keys on your system for most features that are distributed at
no additional fee. For some platforms, features in a software bundle require only one license
1.3.2 Entry-level
10IBM System Storage N series Hardware Guide
key. Other features are enabled when you add certain other software bundle keys.
The entry-level software structure is similar to the mid-range and high-end structures that
were described in 1.3.1, “Mid-range and high-end” on page 9. The following changes apply:
All protocols (CIFS, NFS, Fibre Channel, iSCSI) are included with entry-level systems
Gateway feature is not available
MetroCluster feature is not available
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