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The Modicon Modbus Plus X-Link driver allows the X-Link to transfer data
to or from devices on the Modicon Modbus Plus network.
Modbus Plus X-Link Driver User’s Guide
1.2 Why Do I Need This Manual?
This manual describes the communication requirements and capabilities of
the Modbus Plus driver, the configuration parameters for the driver and the
mappings possible for the Modicon PLCs. It provides troubleshooting
information and technical specifications that can be referenced when
For further information, refer to the SA85 Interface Card User's Guide,Modicon IBM Host Based Devices User's Guide GM-HBDS-001 Rev. D. As
well, refer to the appropriate Modicon documents for information on
Modicon hardware, programming and network protocols.
If you need information on the X-Link unit or the X-Link configuration
software program, refer to the X-Link User’s Guide.
1.3 How Do I Use This Manual?
The following conventions will help you better understand and use the
material in this manual.
Text you typeappears in Courier font. For example, “Type
mkdir C:\XLINK to make a new X-Link
Menu Namesare italicized. You choose menu options. For
instance, “Choose the X-Link/New... command.”
Dialog Box Namesare italicized. For example, “The File to Open
dialog box appears.”
Dialog Box Optionsare selected. For example, “From the Ports list,
select the COM port you are using.”
Text in Message
KeystrokesSingle keystrokes appear in square brackets. Press
or Keyboard?
appears in quotation marks. For example: The
message “Already Downloaded - Reload?”
keys separated by “+” signs at the same time. For
example, “Press ALT + O,” means you should
press the [Alt] key and the [O] key at the same
You may use either a mouse or the keyboard to
select options in the configuration program. There
are typically three different ways to choose a
command. This manual typically lists one or two
command options. Refer to the Shortcut Summary
in the X-Link User’s Guide for additional choices.
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