viNortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
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viiiNortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
This IBM® Redpaper positions the Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Fiber and Copper GbE Switch
Modules for IBM Eserver BladeCenter and describes how its integrated switch options
enable the consolidation of full Layer 2-3 LAN switching and routing capabilities. The Nortel
Networks switch modules also provide an upgrade path to full Layer 4-7 services by including
4-7 switch intelligence.
This Redpaper serves as a Best Practices guide for implementing, configuring, and managing
Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Fiber and Copper GbE Switch Modules for several network
topologies. Our topology examples include Nortel Networks, Cisco Systems, and Extreme
Networks network environments.
This Redpaper can help you to understand the Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Fiber and Copper
GbE Switch Modules architecture. It demonstrates how to use specific tools to manage and
administer switch module tasks. It also discusses the differences between Nortel Networks
and Cisco Systems terminology.
The audience for this Redpaper is experienced systems and network administrators who
want to integrate the Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Fiber and Copper GbE Switch Modules
successfully into new and existing networks.
The team that wrote this Redpaper
This Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization (ITSO), Raleigh Center.
Rufus Credle is a Certified Consulting I/T Specialist and certified Professional Server
Specialist at the ITSO, Raleigh Center. He conducts residencies and develops IBM
Redbooks™ and Redpapers that discuss network operating systems, ERP solutions, voice
technology, high availability and clustering solutions, Web application servers, pervasive
computing, and IBM and OEM e-business applications, all running on IBM Eserver
xSeries® and IBM Eserver BladeCenter® technology. Rufus’s various positions during his
IBM career have included assignments in administration and asset management, systems
engineering, sales and marketing, and IT services. He holds a BS degree in business
management from Saint Augustine’s College. Rufus has been employed at IBM for 25 years.
Stephan Fleck is an IBM Accredited Senior IT Specialist at the EMEA ITS/TSS Networking
Support Center. He has 12 years of experience in the networking area. Today, he provides
EMEA-wide pre- and post-sales support. In addition to his technical skill, Stephan's expertise
include project- and critsit-management. During his career, he has been active in product
management, deploying new services for the field support group. Stephan is a Cisco Certified
Internetwork Expert (CCIE #8301), and he holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the
Technical University Darmstadt, Germany. He has been employed at IBM for 11 years.
Scott Lorditch is a Sales Network Architect for the Blade Switching Server business unit of
Nortel Networks. He develops designs and proposals for customers and potential customers
of the Nortel Networks GbESM products for the IBM Eserver BladeCenter, including overall
network architecture assessments. He also has developed several training and lab sessions
for IBM technical and sales personnel and has provided field feedback to the product team.
His background before working for Nortel includes almost 20 years working on networking,
including electronic securities transfer projects for a major bank based in New York City, as
Senior Network Architect for a multi-national soft drink company, and as Product Manager for
managed hosting services for a large telecommunications provider. He holds a BS in
Operations Research with specialization in Computer Science from Cornell University.
Jeremy Oliver is a Staff Engineer with the System Validation and Storage group of xSeries
Development. He has worked at IBM in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina for seven
years. Jeremy's areas of expertise include developing experiments for testing new
BladeCenter technologies as well as designing network and power infrastructures to handle
test capacity, 10 Gb Ethernet, and operating systems. Jeremy holds a BS degree in Electrical
Engineering from McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana. He also holds a MS
degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, with research
in PHY technologies of computer networking.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Tamikia Barrows, Jeanne Tucker, Margaret Ticknor,
ITSO, Raleigh Center
Ishan Sehgal, BladeCenter Marketing Manager, Networking
Paul Woodruff, General Manager of the Blade Server Switching business unit
Nortel Networks Santa Clara, CA
Shailesh Naik, Worldwide Director of the Sales Network Architect team
Nortel Networks Santa Clara, CA
Mark Davies, IBM Sales & Distribution xSeries FTSS
IBM Bermuda
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xNortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
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Preface xi
xiiNortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
Chapter 1.Executive summary
IBM and Nortel Networks are committed to collaborating on the design and development of
server and networking technology to address customer requirements by establishing a joint
development center. The Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Copper and Fiber GbE Switch Modules
for IBM Eserver BladeCenter (Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM and Nortel GbESM) represents
a new height in this alliance.
The BladeCenter switch module offers BladeCenter customers Nortel’s latest fiber and
copper Gigabit Ethernet switching technology which is integrated into the BladeCenter
chassis. It further enhances the BladeCenter value proposition by seamlessly interfacing to a
customer’s existing data network using six external multimode fiber or copper GbE interfaces.
When installed in the BladeCenter chassis, Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM provides both full
L2 switching and L3 routing capabilities and significant added value not found in commodity
switching solutions. This value includes:
VLAN tagging - 802.1Q
Link Aggregation and LACP - 802.3ad and 802.3-2002
Spanning Tree - 802.1D, 802.1w, 802.1s
Routing Information Protocol - RFC1058 and RFC2453
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) - RFC1257, RFC2328, and others
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) - RFC 3768
Each Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM provides one Gigabit per second Ethernet (GbE)
connectivity to each of the 14 blade slots and six GbE uplink interfaces external to the
IBM Eserver BladeCenter. The customer can install as few as one Nortel Networks L2/3
GbESM or as many as four Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESMs in one BladeCenter chassis. With
four Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESMs installed, you can obtain 24 GbE uplink interfaces as well
as 56 GbE internal switching capability. The flexibility of the Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM
allows you to address a variety of performance and redundancy needs.
The Nortel and IBM agreement to form a joint development center equips Nortel as it
becomes an on demand company that can generate customized products for its network
equipment marketplace. This ensures that your needs of high availability, scalability, security,
and manageability are addressed. Combined with the integration of IBM Tivoli®, Nortel, and
Cisco management products, these architectures bring higher value solutions with lower
operational expense.
The Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Copper and Fiber GbE Switch Modules for IBM Eserver
BladeCenter is an integral part of these solutions. With the Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM, you
have the investment protection and price performance of a solution behind which the world’s
leading server and networking companies stand.
2Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
Chapter 2.IBM Eserver BladeCenter
IBM designed the IBM Eserver BladeCenter innovative modular technology, leadership
density, and availability to help solve a multitude of real-world issues.
For organizations seeking server consolidation, the IBM Eserver BladeCenter centralizes
servers for increased flexibility, ease of maintenance, reduced cost, and streamlined human
resources. Companies that need to deploy new e-commerce and e-business applications can
achieve speed while ensuring flexibility, scalability, and availability. For enterprise
requirements such as file-and-print and collaboration, the IBM Eserver BladeCenter is
designed to offer reliability, flexibility for growth, and cost effectiveness. In addition, clients
with compute-intensive applications that need highly available clustering can use the
IBM Eserver BladeCenter to help achieve high degrees of scalability and performance.
This chapter provides a high-level overview of the IBM Eserver BladeCenter product family.
The IBM Eserver BladeCenter family of products features a modular design that integrates
multiple computing resources into a cost-effective, high-density enclosure for a platform that:
Reduces installation, deployment, and redeployment time
Reduces administrative costs with our helpful management tools
Achieves the highest levels of availability and reliability
Provides XpandonDemand scale-out capability
Reduces space and cooling requirements compared to 1U solutions
To understand more about how the Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 GbE Switch Module is
designed to operate in the BladeCenter chassis, we suggest that you read the sections that
follow which discuss the BladeCenter architecture. If you seek to know more about the
IBM Eserver BladeCenter and its components, visit:
Figure 2-1 on page 5 shows the IBM Eserver BladeCenter chassis, HS40, HS20, JS20, and
IBM Eserver BladeCenter chassis
The BladeCenter is a high-density blade solution that provides maximum performance,
availability, and manageability for application serving, storage flexibility, and long-life
investment protection.
HS40 is a 4-way blade server for high-performance enterprise applications requiring
four-processor SMP capability. The BladeCenter chassis supports up to seven 4-way
servers and is ideal for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and database applications.
The IBM efficient 2-way blade server design offers high density without sacrificing server
performance. Ideal for Domino®, Web server, Microsoft® Exchange, file and print,
application server, and so on.
JS20 is a 2-way blade server for applications requiring 64-bit computing. Ideal for
compute-intensive applications and transactional Web serving.
LS20 is a 2-way blade server running AMD Opteron processors. The LS20 delivers
density without sacrificing processor performance or availability. For applications that are
limited by memory performance, the LS20 might bring sizeable performance gains.
4Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
IBM Eserver BladeCenter
IBM Eserver LS20IBM Eserver HS20IBM Eserver HS40
Figure 2-1 IBM Eserver BladeCenter and blade modules
Blade development is ongoing for the BladeCenter platform. Therefore, we suggest that you
regularly visit the following Web site for the latest information about IBM Eserver
IBM delivers a wide range of easy-to-install, high-capacity, tested storage products for the
IBM Eserver BladeCenter to meet your demanding business needs. This enables you to
choose from the array of IBM TotalStorage® storage solution products, which include:
Fibre Channel products and Storage Area Networks
Network Attached Storage
Enterprise Storage Server®
IBM TotalStorage provides connected, protected, and complete storage solutions that are
designed for your specific requirements, helping to make your storage environment easier to
manage, helping to lower costs, and providing business efficiency and business continuity.
For more information about BladeCenter storage solutions, visit:
To get the most value from your IBM Eserver BladeCenter investment throughout its life
cycle, you need smart, effective systems management which will keep your availability high
and costs low.
Management foundation
IBM Director, our acclaimed industry standards-based workgroup software, delivers
comprehensive management capability for IntelliStation®, ThinkCentre, ThinkPad, and
IBM Eserver BladeCenter and xSeries hardware to help reduce costs and improve
productivity. IBM Director is hardware that is designed for intelligent systems management. It
offers the best tools in the industry and can save you time and money by increasing
availability, tracking assets, optimizing performance, and enabling remote maintenance.
Advanced server management
This exclusive collection of software utilities provides advanced server management and
maximum availability through the following components:
Server Plus Pack
Application Workload Manager
Scalable Systems Manager
Real-Time Diagnostics
Electronic Service Agent™
Tape Drive Management Assistant
For more information about advanced server management, see:
In this section, we look into the architectural design of the IBM Eserver BladeCenter chassis
and its components.
2.2.1 The midplane
Figure 2-2 on page 7 illustrates the BladeCenter midplane. The midplane has two similar
sections (upper and lower) that provide redundant functionality. The processor blades (blade
servers) plug into the front of the midplane. All other major components plug into the rear of
the midplane (for example, power modules, switch modules, and management modules). The
processor blades have two connectors, one that is connected to the upper section and one
6Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
that is connected to the lower section of the midplane. All other components plug into one
section only (upper or lower). However, there is another matching component that can plug
into the other midplane section for redundancy.
BladeCenter™ - Midplane
Module 1
Module 2
Midplane Upper Section
Midplane Lower Section
Figure 2-2 Midplane view
It should be noted that the upper and lower midplane sections in an IBM Eserver
BladeCenter are independent of each other (see Figure 2-3). Having a dual midplane ensures
that there is no single point of failure and the blades remain operational.
Figure 2-3 Internal picture of the upper and lower midplane of the BladeCenter chassis
Chapter 2. IBM Eserver BladeCenter overview 7
2.2.2 Management Module Ethernet
Figure 2-4 illustrates the Management Module Ethernet interface. The switch modules are
configured by the active Management Module through the use of a 100 Mb Ethernet interface.
Each Management Module has four 100 Mb Ethernet interfaces, one for each switch module.
Each switch module has two 100 Mb Ethernet interfaces, one for each Management Module.
Note: On the Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM, the management Ethernet ports on the switch
are referred to as MGT1 and MGT2. For more information beyond this generic illustration,
see Chapter 4, “Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 GbE Switch Module architecture” on page 21.
The redundant paths of the Management Module Ethernet interface are run from
Management Module 2.
8Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
2.2.3 Gigabit Ethernet path
Figure 2-5 on page 10 illustrates the Gigabit Ethernet path. Each processor blade has a
minimum of two and a maximum of four EtherLAN interfaces. In particular, the BladeCenter
HS20 processor blade has two serializer/deserializer SERDES-based Gb Ethernet interfaces,
one for each midplane connector. With a daughter card installed, two more network interfaces
can be added. Each switch module (SW Module) receives one LAN input from each
processor blade, for a total of 14 inputs.
Note: On the Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM, the internal Ethernet ports on the switch are
referred to as MGT1 and MGT2. For more information beyond this generic illustration, see
Chapter 4, “Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 GbE Switch Module architecture” on page 21.
The following partial listing illustrates the routing:
On processor blade, LAN 1 and LAN 2 are the on-board SERDES Gbit Ethernet interfaces,
and are routed to Switch Module 1 and Switch Module 2, respectively, for every processor
blade. LAN 3 and LAN 4 go to the Expansion Switch Modules 3 and 4, respectively, and are
only to be used when a daughter card is installed. Unless a daughter card is installed in one
or more processor blades, there is no need for Switch Modules 3 and 4. Further, the switch
modules have to be compatible with the LAN interface generated by the processor blade. If a
Fibre Channel daughter card is installed in a BladeCenter HS20 processor blade, Switch
Modules 3 and 4 must also be Fibre Channel-based, and any daughter cards installed in the
remaining BladeCenter HS20 processor blades must be Fibre Channel.
Chapter 2. IBM Eserver BladeCenter overview 9
BladeCenter™ -
Gigabit Ethernet path
Processor blade
Figure 2-5 Gigabit Ethernet path
SW Module 1
SW Module 3
Midplane (Upper Section)
Midplane (Lower Section)
SW Module 2
SW Module 4
2.3 IBM Eserver HS20 architecture
In this section, we discuss the architectural design of the IBM Eserver BladeCenter HS20.
This is presented as just one example of the blade design for a typical dual-processor server.
10Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
The BladeCenter HS20 uses the Intel® Lindenhurst chipset (see the HS20 architecture in
Figure 2-6).
8843 HS20 Block Diagram
Due to space
limitations this
diagram is not
drawn to scale
bus 0
VRM 10.1
To SP I2C bus
Hublink 1.5
PCI Express x4
Pri Sec
Daughter card connector
Data A
Data B
USB ports to
HD connectors
PCIExpress x8
Servicing the IBM ^
HS20 (M/T 8843) and Blade
Storage Expansion-II Option
To SP I2C bus
400Mhz 2GB
C bus
I2C bus
SP (2166)
1Gb Ethernet
5704S Ethernet
VRM 10.1
1 Gb
SCSI HDD Connector 1
SCSI HDD Connector 1
Figure 2-6 HS20 architecture
The Intel Lindenhurst chipset consists of the following components:
Memory and I/O controller (MCH) (North Bridge)
ICH-S (South Bridge)
The Lindenhurst MCH, Memory and I/O controller provides the interface between the
processors, the memory, and the PCI Express busses that interface to the other Intel chips.
The Lindenhurst ICH-S (South Bridge) provides the USB interfaces, the local Service
Processor interface, the POST/BIOS flash EEPROM interface, and the PCI bus interface for
the ATI Radeon Mobility Video controller and LSI 1020 SCSI Host Controller. The PXH
interfaces the Broadcom BCM5704S ethernet controller on its secondary bus and the
daughter card on its secondary bus. I/O functions on the 8843 include Video, I2C, USB,
SCSI, Gigabit Ethernet, and USB (floppy, CD-ROM (DVD), mouse, and keyboard).
The LPC bus is used to connect to the POST/BIOS EEPROM on the 8843. The size of the
EEPROM is 4 MB x 8, and it contains primary BIOS, backup BIOS, and blade diagnostics.
Blade HD
connector A
Midplane HD
connector A
Blade HD
connector B
Midplane HD
connector B
Chapter 2. IBM Eserver BladeCenter overview 11
PCI Express features include:
PCI software compatibility
Chip-to-chip, board-to-board implementations
Support for end-to-end data integrity
Advanced error reporting and handling for fault isolation and system recovery
Low-overhead, low-latency data transfers and maximized interconnect efficiency
High-bandwidth, low pin-count implementations for optimized performance
2.4 Stand-alone configuration tools
IBM Eserver BladeCenter hardware can be configured using standard software, such as a
Web browser and a Telnet client, which are available on all the mainstream operating system
platforms. This is possible by exploiting Web and American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) interfaces that are embedded in both the management and the Ethernet Switch
A very comprehensive tool is accessible through the Web interface. This tool contains various
configuration submenus, and one of them (I/O Module Tasks) lets you set up the Ethernet
Switch Module. Basic settings (such as the Ethernet Switch Module IP address and the
enablement of the external ports) are configured by exploiting the I2C bus. An advanced
menu allows for the fine tuning of the module, by either opening another window of the Web
browser or running a Java™ applet that allows for connectivity to an ANSI interface. (This
requires that you have Java 2 V1.4 installed on the management system.) To achieve this,
the 10/100 Mb internal link that connects the Management Module and the Ethernet Switch
Modules through the BladeCenter backplane are exploited (notice that the internal network
interface of the Management Module has a default static IP address of
These more complete tools can also be accessed by pointing your Web browser, Telnet, or
SSH client to the IP of the Ethernet Switch Module itself. (The default for a module that is
plugged into Rear Bay 1 is However, you can configure Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) based addressing.) Notice that this latter capability requires
the management system to connect through the external ports (on the production LAN) of the
Ethernet Switch Module and, therefore, might potentially raise concerns about security. That
is why you have the capability to disable configuration control through the external ports in the
I/O Module Tasks of the Management Module interface.
Figure 2-7 on page 13 illustrates the available stand-alone configuration tools.
12Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
Management LAN
Management LAN
Internal LAN connection
Internal LAN connection
Production LAN
Production LAN
Telnet to MM port to manage switch
DHCP lease or
Anyof the four
Any of the six
external ports
external ports
Can be
Command Line
Higher security
Higher security
MM external
Ethernet port
BladeCenter™ Drawer
Management Module
Web interfaceWeb interface
Switch Module 1
Default is*
Web interfaceWeb interface
ANSI interfaceANSI interface
I2C bus
Always static, default
path only as
shown by arrow)
Rear Bay 2If Module is plugged into192.168.70.128*This is
Rear Bay 2If Module is plugged into192.168.70.128*This is
Rear Bay 3192.168.70.129
Rear Bay 3192.168.70.129
Rear Bay 4192.168.70.130
Rear Bay 4192.168.70.130
Figure 2-7 Stand-alone configuration tools
Chapter 2. IBM Eserver BladeCenter overview 13
14Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
Chapter 3.Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 GbE
Switch Modules
This chapter discusses the Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Copper and Fiber GbE Switch Modules
for IBM Eserver BladeCenter and its set of features and services.
The new Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Copper and Fiber GbE Switch Modules for IBM Eserver
BladeCenter serve as a switching and routing fabric for the BladeCenter server chassis. In
addition to the Layer 2 switching capabilities, these switches introduce the expanded
capabilities of Layer 3 routing. Up to four copper or fiber Gb Ethernet modules can reside in
the I/O module bays of the BladeCenter chassis. The modules can be hot-plugged into an
IBM Eserver BladeCenter without disrupting normal operations.
The Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM connects to the server blades via the 14 internal GbE
interfaces (server ports) over the BladeCenter midplane. It supplies six external copper or
multimode fiber GbE interfaces for outside communication (shown in Figure 3-1). The switch
is managed via two internal 100 Mbps ports for communication to the BladeCenter
management module. A RS232 serial console management interface is also available.
Figure 3-1 Nortel Networks L2/3 GbESM connections
Full Layer 2 switching and Layer 3 routing provide flexible in-chassis traffic management and
security. The Nortel Networks Layer 2/3 Copper and Fiber GbE Switch Modules for
IBM Eserver BladeCenter provides full Layer 2 switching with availability capabilities such
as advanced spanning tree protocols, Link Aggregation Control, Cisco Etherchannel, and
802.1Q VLANs, application delivery and performance features such as granular QOS
(Differentiated Service Code Point 802.1p), Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
snooping, and multicast.
In particular, the switch modules support up to 16,384 MAC addresses, 4,096 address
resolution protocol (ARP) entries, and up to 2,048 dynamic route entries to ensure a high
16Nortel Networks L2/3 Ethernet Switch Module for IBM Eserver BladeCenter
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