IBM iSeries 820, iSeries 830, iSeries 825, iSeries 810, iSeries 870 Analyze Hardware Problems (system Reference Codes

iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Version 5 Release 2
ER s e r v e r
iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Version 5 Release 2
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in “Safety and Environmental Notices” on page 3 and “Notices” on page 299.
First Edition (August 2002)
This edition applies only to reduced instruction set computer (RISC) systems.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2002. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
System Reference Codes
This topic uses a System reference code on the problem summary form to:
v Find a list of possible failing items.
v Point to additional isolation procedures (if available).
System reference codes (SRCs) can appear on the control panel, the product activity log (PAL), the Main Storage Dump Manager display, or on various displays within DST or SST.
1. Were you directed here from another procedure, including the Starting point for
all problems?
v No: Go to the Starting point for all problems.
v Ye s: Determine which SRC table to use.
For SRCs appearing on the control panel, the first 4 characters represent the SRC type and the second 4 characters represent the URC. For SRCs appearing in the Product Activity Log or on other software displays, use characters 1 through 4 of word 1 for the SRC type and characters 5 through 8 of word 1 for the URC.
The SRC table name is the same as the SRC type. For SRCs appearing on the control panel, the SRC type is the first 4 characters (see Figure 1 on page 2 for control panel layout). For SRCs appearing in the Product Activity Log or on other software displays, use characters 1 through 4 of word 1 for the SRC type. The reference code tables only support 8-character SRC formats. If the SRC provided is in a 4 character format, contact your next level of support for assistance.
You will also need to know what the unit reference code (URC) is. For SRCs appearing on the control panel, the URC is the second 4 characters of the SRC (see Figure 1 on page 2 for control panel layout). For SRCs appearing in the Product Activity Log or on other software displays, use characters 5 through 8 of word 1 for the URC. The URCs are listed within the SRC tables, arranged in hexadecimal sequence with numeric characters listed before alphabetic characters. For example, URCs 0001 through 0009 are listed before URCs 000A through 000F.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2002 1
Figure 1. System Unit Control Panel layout
For additional information about using the Control Panel, see SRC address formats.
Continue with the next step for instructions on finding and using the SRC tables.
2. Links to all of the SRC tables can be found in the System reference code list.
Once you find the correct SRC table, correct the problem by performing the action indicated for the URC in the Description/Action column of the table. If this does not correct the problem, exchange the failing items or parts listed in the Failing Item column in the order that they are listed.
If no action is indicated in the SRC table, exchange the failing items or parts listed in the table.
a. When exchanging the failing items, use the Remove and replace procedures.
b. When instructed to perform problem isolation procedures, go to the
Problem isolation procedures.
c. Any additional information you need to complete the procedure, may be
found in the Part locations and listings.
The failing item listed first should be exchanged first. If exchanging the first failing item does not correct the problem, reinstall the original item and exchange the next failing item listed. Continue to exchange and reinstall the failing items, one at a time, until the problem is corrected. If exchanging the failing items does not correct the problem, ask your next level of support for assistance.
2 iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Now refer to the System reference code list and follow the instructions in the SRC table. The list contains all SRC tables for critical resources available at the time this edition was published. If you cannot find an SRC table, ask your next level of support for assistance.
This ends the procedure.
Refer to the System reference code list for more information.

Safety and Environmental Notices

Danger Notices

A danger notice calls attention to a situation that is potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to people.
Use the following danger notices throughout this book:
To prevent a possible electrical shock during an electrical storm, do not connect or disconnect cables or station protectors for communications lines, display stations, printers, or telephones. (RSFTD003)
To prevent a possible electrical shock from touching two surfaces with different electrical grounds, use one hand, when possible, to connect or disconnect signal cables. (RSFTD004)
To prevent a possible electrical shock, do not use the port tester during electrical storms. (RSFTD006)
An electrical outlet that is not correctly wired could place hazardous voltage on metal parts of the system or the products that attach to the system. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the outlet is correctly wired and grounded to prevent an electrical shock. (RSFTD201)
To prevent a possible electrical shock when installing the system, ensure that the power cords for all devices are unplugged before installing signal cables. (RSFTD202)
System Reference Codes 3
To prevent a possible electrical shock when adding or removing any devices to or from the system, ensure that the power cords for those devices are unplugged before the signal cables are connected or disconnected. If possible, disconnect all power cords from the existing system before you add or remove a device. (RSFTD203)
To prevent power from switching on automatically during service procedures, select manual or secure mode on the system unit control panel or disconnect the cables that connect to J15 and J16 on the frame being serviced. (RSFTD211)
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines. Disconnect the lines at the network interface before working with telephone wires that are not insulated. Never install telephone jacks that are not waterproof in wet locations. Do not install or modify telephone lines or use a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. Do not use a telephone to report a gas leak in the area of the leak. (RSFTD213)

Caution Notices

A caution notice calls attention to a situation that is potentially hazardous to people because of some existing condition.
CAUTION: Be careful when removing or installing this part or unit. This part or unit is heavy, but has a weight smaller than 18 kilograms (39.7 pounds). (RSFTC201)
CAUTION: The weight of this part or unit is between 18 and 32 kilograms (39.7 and 70.5 pounds). It takes two persons to safely lift this part or unit. (RSFTC204)
CAUTION: The battery is a lead-acid battery. To avoid possible explosion, do not burn. Exchange only with the IBM-approved part. Recycle or discard the battery as instructed by local regulations.
In the United States, IBM has a process for the collection of this battery. For information, call 1-800-426-4333. Have the IBM part number for the battery unit available when you call. (RSFTC225)
CAUTION: The battery is a lithium battery. To avoid possible explosion, do not burn or charge the battery. Exchange only with the IBM-approved part. Discard the battery as instructed by local regulations. (RSFTC227)
CAUTION: The circuit card contains lead solder. To avoid the release of lead (Pb) into the environment, do not burn. Discard the circuit card as instructed by local regulations. (RSFTC234)
4 iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
CAUTION: This assembly has a circuit card that contains lead solder. To avoid the release of lead (Pb) into the environment, do not burn. Discard the assembly as instructed by local regulations. (RSFTC235)
CAUTION: The optical link card contains a laser. To avoid the release of toxic substances into the environment, do not burn. Discard the optical link as instructed by local regulations. (RSFTC236)

Attention Notices

An attention notice indicates the possibility of damage to a program, device, system, or data.

Laser Safety Information

CAUTION: This product may contain a CD-ROM which is a class 1 laser product. (RSFTC240)

Product Recycling and Disposal

Components of the system, such as structural parts and circuit cards, can be recycled where recycling facilities exist. IBM does not currently collect and recycle used IBM products from customers in the United States other than those products that are involved in trade-in programs. Companies are available to disassemble, reutilize, recycle, or dispose of electronic products. Contact an IBM account representative for more information.
The system unit contains batteries and circuit boards with lead solder. Before you dispose of this unit, these batteries and circuit boards must be removed and discarded according to local regulations or recycled where facilities exist. This book contains specific information on each battery type where applicable.

Battery Return Program

In the United States, IBM has established a collection process for reuse, recycling, or proper disposal of used IBM batteries and battery packs. For information on proper disposal of the batteries in this unit, please contact IBM at 1-800-426-4333. Please have the IBM part number that is listed on the battery available when you make your call. For information on battery disposal outside the United States, contact your local waste disposal facility.

Environmental Design

The environmental efforts that have gone into the design of the system signify IBMs commitment to improve the quality of its products and processes. Some of these accomplishments include the elimination of the use of Class I ozone-depleting chemicals in the manufacturing process, reductions in manufacturing wastes, and increased product energy efficiency. For more information, contact an IBM account representative.
System Reference Codes 5

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(0000) Control Panel Reference Codes

The control panel detected a failure.
1. Look at the four rightmost characters of the Data display for word 1. These
four characters are the unit reference code.
2. Find the unit reference code in the following tables, depending on the system
(about xxx pages)
(about xxx pages)
For details on the Failing Item column entries, see the Control Panel Failing Items Detail table, which follows the Reference Code tables below.
Choose from the appropriate model:
v Models 270, 800, 810, 820, 825
v Models 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3
Table 1. (0000) Control Panel Reference Codes for system Models 270, 800, 810, 820, and 825
6 iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
1110 to 1113 Failure of CEC power supply not identified by SPCN.
This reference code can be caused by something holding the system Power On Reset (POR) line active.
1114 Failure of CEC power supply not identified by SPCN.
This reference code can be caused by something holding the system Power On Reset (POR) line active.
2222 Service processor failure caused machine check interrupt.
Before exchanging the TWRCARD, remove the adapter cards from the TWRCARD and perform an IPL. If the IPL completes successfully, one of the adapter cards you removed is defective.
3333 SPCN to CSP interface error.
An attempt to communicate between the SPCN and the CSP processor failed.
3334 CSP to VPD Collector interface error.
An attempt to communicate between the CSP and the VPD Collector failed.
4444 Power on request failure
A power-on request was not completed successfully. A control panel-detected power-on failure occurred.
5553 Incorrect key used or the key is not completely inserted
The key inserted is not the correct key or is not completely inserted.
AABB Remote power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system by a remote power-on operation with the keylock mode on the control panel set to Secure or Manual. To correct the problem, select Normal or Auto mode on the control panel and perform the remote power-on operation again, if necessary.
AACC Service processor power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system from the service processor with Secure or Manual mode selected on the control panel. To correct the problem, select Normal or Auto mode on the control panel and perform the service processor power-on operation again, if necessary. Note: This reference code may occur if the service processor card was exchanged and Manual mode was selected. Select Normal mode on the control panel.
AADD Manual power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system manually with Secure or Auto mode selected on the control panel. To correct the problem, select Manual or Normal mode on the control panel and manually power on the system again.
AAEE SPCN - control panel interface error.
An attempt was made to power on the system from the SPCN with Secure or Manual mode selected on the control panel. To correct the problem, select Normal or Auto mode and attempt the remote power-on operation again. If this does not correct the problem, exchange the failing items.
System Reference Codes 7
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
BBBB Battery not working correctly
A problem was detected with the battery supplying power to the time-of-day clock. The battery is either weak or is not connected securely. Note: This is not a critical failure. However, if there is a power failure, the time of day will be lost.
Table 2. (0000) Control Panel Reference Codes for system Models 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
1110 to 1113 Failure of CEC power supply not identified by SPCN.
This reference code can be caused by something holding the system Power On Reset (POR) line active.
1114 Operators panel and service processor have been reset
This reference code can be caused by something holding the system Power On Reset (POR) line active.
2222 Service processor failure caused machine check interrupt.
Before exchanging the TWRCARD, remove the adapter cards from the TWRCARD and perform an IPL. If the IPL completes successfully, one of the adapter cards you removed is defective.
3333 SPCN to CSP interface error.
An attempt to communicate between the SPCN and the CSP processor failed.
3334 CSP to VPD Collector interface error.
An attempt to communicate between the CSP and the VPD Collector failed.
4444 Power on request failure
A power-on request was not completed successfully. A control panel-detected power-on failure occurred.
5553 Incorrect key used or the key is not completely inserted
The key inserted is not the correct key or is not completely inserted.
AABB Remote power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system by a remote power-on operation with the keylock mode on the control panel set to Secure or Manual. To correct the problem, select Normal or Auto mode on the control panel and perform the remote power-on operation again, if necessary.
AACC Service processor power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system from the service processor with Secure or Manual mode selected on the control panel. To correct the problem, select Normal or Auto mode on the control panel and perform the service processor power-on operation again, if necessary. Note: This reference code may occur if the service processor card was exchanged and Manual mode was selected. Select Normal mode on the control panel.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
AADD Manual power-on failure
An attempt was made to power on the system manually with Secure or Auto mode selected on the control panel. To correct the problem, select Manual or Normal mode on the control panel and manually power on the system again.
AAEE SPCN - control panel interface error.
An attempt was made to power on the system from the SPCN with Secure or Manual mode selected on the control panel. To correct the problem, select Normal or Auto mode and attempt the remote power-on operation again. If this does not correct the problem, exchange the failing items.
BBBB Battery not working correctly
A problem was detected with the battery supplying power to the time-of-day clock. The battery is either weak or is not connected securely. Note: This is not a critical failure. However, if there is a power failure, the time of day will be lost.
Control Panel Failing Items Detail
Use these tables for details on the Failing Item column in the Reference Codes table(s) above.
Table 3. Control Panel Failing Items for system Models 270, 800, 810, 820, and 825
Failing Item Description Document Description
ANYBUS IOP card bus error Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
CLKCARD Clock card Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
CTLPNL Control Panel Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
TOD Control Panel Battery Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
TWRCARD Card enclosure or backplane Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
USER Operator/User Error Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
Table 4. Control Panel Failing Items for system Models 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3
Failing Item Description Document Description
ANYBUS IOP card bus error Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
BACKPLN Back Plane Unit Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
CLKCARD Clock card Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
CTLPNL Control Panel Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
TOD Control Panel Battery Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
TWRCARD Card enclosure or backplane Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
USER Operator/User Error Problem Analysis; Symbolic FRU Isolation
System Reference Codes 9

(1xxx) System Power Control Network (SPCN) Reference Codes

The system power control network (SPCN) detected a failure.
Note: The second and third characters of the SRC indicate the frame number of
the failing unit.
1. Look at the four rightmost characters of the SRC for Function 11 or Function 5.
These characters are the unit reference code.
2. Find the unit reference code in the following tables, depending on the system
Note: xSeries Server (formerly Netfinity) frames will have only the frame
number flashing on the failing units PCI (SPCN) card assembly which is visible after removing the cover.
Choose the model you are working on:
v Models 270 and 820
v Models 800, 810, and 825
v Models 830, 840, SB2, and SB3
v Models 870 and 890

(1xxx) SPCN Reference Codes for Models 270 and 820

For details on the Failing Item column entries, see the SPCN Failing Items Detail table.
Table 1. SPCN reference codes for Models 270 and 820:
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
00A0 SPCN BATs in process
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only. If this reference code is present for more than 1 minute, exchange the failing items.
00A1 Regulator 1 has been turned off by system
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00A2 Regulator 2 has been turned off by system
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00A3 Regulator 3 has been turned off by system
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00A4 Regulator 4 has been turned off by system
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00A5 Regulator 5 has been turned off by system
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00A6 Regulator 6 has been turned off by system
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
00A7 The system is running on the Battery Power Unit.
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00A8 The Battery Power Unit is not fully charged.
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00A9 Battery Power Unit test is in process.
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00AA Download in process
No action required. This reference code is logged for information only.
00AB Rack UEPO switch is OFF.
Informational reference code.
The UEPO switch must be returned to the On position to power on the rack.
00AC Detected AC loss
If system powers on normally or stays powered on after AC power failure, no replacement of parts may be needed.
00BA The system is running on the Battery Power Unit.
No action required. This reference code is displayed for information only.
00BC Battery Power Unit test is in process.
No action required. This reference code is displayed for information only.
00CA CPM power down is complete.
No action required. This reference code is displayed for information only.
00EF Remote EPO switch is OFF
0100 Install Disk Unit 1
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0101 Install Disk Unit 2
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0102 Install Disk Unit 3
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0103 Install Disk Unit 4
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0104 Install Disk Unit 5
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0105 Install Disk Unit 6
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0106 Install Disk Unit 7
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
System Reference Codes 11
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0107 Install Disk Unit 8
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0108 Install Disk Unit K1
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0109 Install Disk Unit K2
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
010A Install Disk Unit K3
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
010B Install Disk Unit K4
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
010C Install Disk Unit K5
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
010D Install Disk Unit K6
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
010E Install Disk Unit K7
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
010F Install Disk Unit K8
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0110 Install Disk Unit K9
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0111 Install Disk Unit K10
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0112 Install Disk Unit K11
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0113 Install Disk Unit K12
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0114 Install Disk Unit K13
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0115 Install Disk Unit K14
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0116 Install device 1
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0117 Install device 2
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0118 Install Disk Unit 9
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0119 Install Disk Unit 10
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
011A Install Disk Unit 11
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
011B Install Disk Unit 12
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
011C Install device 3
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
011D Install Disk Unit K15
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
011E Install Disk Unit K16
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
011F Install Device 4
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0120 Install Disk Unit K17
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0121 Install Disk Unit K18
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0122 Install Disk Unit K19
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0123 Install Disk Unit K20
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0124 Install Disk Unit K21
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0125 Install Disk Unit K22
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0126 Install Disk Unit K23
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0127 Install Disk Unit K24
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0128 Install Disk Unit K25
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0129 Install Disk Unit K26
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
012A Install Disk Unit K27
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
System Reference Codes 13
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
012B Install Disk Unit K28
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
012C Install Disk Unit K29
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
012D Install Disk Unit K30
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
012E Install Disk Unit K31
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
012F Install Disk Unit K32
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0200 Remove Disk Unit 1
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0201 Remove Disk Unit 2
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0202 Remove Disk Unit 3
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0203 Remove Disk Unit 4
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0204 Remove Disk Unit 5
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0205 Remove Disk Unit 6
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0206 Remove Disk Unit 7
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0207 Remove Disk Unit 8
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0208 Remove Disk Unit K1
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0209 Remove Disk Unit K2
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
020A Remove Disk Unit K3
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
020B Remove Disk Unit K4
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
020C Remove Disk Unit K5
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
020D Remove Disk Unit K6
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
020E Remove Disk Unit K7
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
020F Remove Disk Unit K8
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0210 Remove Disk Unit K9
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0211 Remove Disk Unit K10
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0212 Remove Disk Unit K11
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0213 Remove Disk unit K12
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0214 Remove Disk Unit K13
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0215 Remove Disk Unit K14
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0216 Remove device 1
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0217 Remove device 2
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0218 Remove Disk Unit 9
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0219 Remove Disk Unit 10
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
021A Remove Disk Unit 11
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
021B Remove Disk Unit 12
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
021C Remove device 3
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
021D Remove Disk Unit K15
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
021E Remove Disk Unit K16
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
System Reference Codes 15
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
021F Remove device 4
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0220 Remove Disk Unit K17
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0221 Remove Disk Unit K18
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0222 Remove Disk Unit K19
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0223 Remove Disk Unit K20
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0224 Remove Disk Unit K21
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0225 Remove Disk Unit K22
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0226 Remove Disk Unit K23
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0227 Remove Disk Unit K24
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0228 Remove Disk Unit K25
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0229 Remove Disk Unit K26
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
022A Remove Disk Unit K27
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
022B Remove Disk Unit K28
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
022C Remove Disk Unit K29
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
022D Remove Disk Unit K30
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
022E Remove Disk Unit K31
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
022F Remove Disk Unit K32
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0300 Disk Unit 1 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 1 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0301 Disk Unit 2 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 2 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0302 Disk Unit 3 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 3 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0303 Disk Unit 4 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 4 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0304 Disk Unit 5 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 5 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0305 Disk Unit 6 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 6 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0306 Disk Unit 7 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 7 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0307 Disk Unit 8 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 8 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0308 Disk Unit K1 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K1 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0309 Disk Unit K2 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K2 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
030A Disk Unit K3 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K3 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
030B Disk Unit K4 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K4 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
030C Disk Unit K5 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K5 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
030D Disk Unit K6 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K6 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
030E Disk Unit K7 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K7 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
030F Disk Unit K8 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K8 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0310 Disk Unit K9 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K9 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0311 Disk Unit K10 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K10 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0312 Disk Unit K11 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K11 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
System Reference Codes 17
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0313 Disk Unit K12 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K12 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0314 Disk Unit K13 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K13 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0315 Disk Unit K14 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K14 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0316 Device 1 regulator has been turned on
Installation of device 1 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0317 Device 2 regulator has been turned on
Installation of device 2 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0318 Disk Unit 9 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 9 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0319 Disk Unit 10 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 10 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
031A Disk Unit 11 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 11 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
031B Disk Unit 12 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit 12 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
031C Device 3 regulator has been turned on
Installation of device 3 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
031D Disk Unit K15 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K15 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
031E Disk Unit K16 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K16 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
031F Device 4 regulator has been turned on
Installation of device 4 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0320 Disk Unit K17 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K17 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0321 Disk Unit K18 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K18 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0322 Disk Unit K19 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K19 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0323 Disk Unit K20 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K20 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0324 Disk Unit K21 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K21 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0325 Disk Unit K22 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K22 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0326 Disk Unit K23 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K23 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0327 Disk Unit K24 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K24 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0328 Disk Unit K25 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K25 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0329 Disk Unit K26 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K26 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
032A Disk Unit K27 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K27 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
032B Disk Unit K28 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K28 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
032C Disk Unit K29 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K29 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
032D Disk Unit K30 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K30 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
032E Disk Unit K31 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K31 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
032F Disk Unit K32 regulator has been turned on
Installation of disk unit K32 is complete, and the regulator is turned on.
0400 Removal of Disk Unit 1 is complete
0401 Removal of Disk Unit 2 is complete
0402 Removal of Disk Unit 3 is complete
0403 Removal of Disk Unit 4 is complete
0404 Removal of Disk Unit 5 is complete
0405 Removal of Disk Unit 6 is complete
0406 Removal of Disk Unit 7 is complete
0407 Removal of Disk Unit 8 is complete
0408 Removal of Disk Unit K1 is complete
0409 Removal of Disk Unit K2 is complete
040A Removal of Disk Unit K3 is complete
040B Removal of Disk Unit K4 is complete
040C Removal of Disk Unit K5 is complete
040D Removal of Disk Unit K6 is complete
040E Removal of Disk Unit K7 is complete
040F Removal of Disk Unit K8 is complete
System Reference Codes 19
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0410 Removal of Disk Unit K9 is complete
0411 Removal of Disk Unit K10 is complete
0412 Removal of Disk Unit K11 is complete
0413 Removal of Disk Unit K12 is complete
0414 Removal of Disk Unit K13 is complete
0415 Removal of Disk Unit K14 is complete
0416 Removal of device 1 is complete
0417 Removal of device 2 is complete
0418 Removal of Disk Unit 9 is complete
0419 Removal of Disk Unit 10 is complete
041A Removal of Disk Unit 11 is complete
041B Removal of Disk Unit 12 is complete
041C Removal of device 3 is complete
041D Removal of Disk Unit K15 is complete
041E Removal of Disk Unit K16 is complete
041F Removal of device 4 is complete
0500 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 1, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0501 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 2, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0502 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 3, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0503 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 4, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0504 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 5, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0505 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 6, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0506 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 7, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0507 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 8, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0508 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K1, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0509 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K2, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
050A Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K3, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
050B Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K4, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
050C Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K5, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
050D Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K6, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
System Reference Codes 21
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
050E Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K7, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
050F Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K8, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0510 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K9, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0511 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K10, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0512 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K11, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0513 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K12, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0514 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K13, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0515 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K14, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0516 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of device 1, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0517 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of device 2, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0518 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 9, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0519 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 10, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
051A Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 11, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
051B Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit 12, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
051C Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of device 3, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
051D Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K15, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
051E Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of disk unit K16, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
051F Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
No action was detected for the installation or removal of device 4, and the bus was released.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
System Reference Codes 23
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0700 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit 1 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0701 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit 2 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0702 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit 3 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
You must reinitialize the operation to continue.
0703 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 4 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0704 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 5 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0705 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 6 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0706 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 7 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0707 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 8 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0708 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K1 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0709 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K2 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
070A Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K3 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
070B Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K4 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
070C Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K5 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
070D Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K6 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
070E Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K7 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
070F Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K8 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0710 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K9 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0711 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K10 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0712 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K11 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0713 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K12 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0714 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K13 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0715 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K14 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
System Reference Codes 25
Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0716 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Device 1 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0717 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Device 2 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0718 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 9 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0719 Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 10 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
071A Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 11 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
071B Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation.
Disk unit 12 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
071C Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Device 3 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
071D Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K15 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
071E Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Disk unit K16 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
071F Timeout, no action detected. Reinitialize the operation
Device 4 was powered off but not removed.
Concurrent maintenance informational reference code.
0800 Blower B01 powered off for concurrent maintenance
0801 Blower B02 powered off for concurrent maintenance
0802 Blower B03 powered off for concurrent maintenance
0803 Blower B04 powered off for concurrent maintenance
0900 Power Supply P01 powered off for concurrent maintenance
0901 Power Supply P02 powered off for concurrent maintenance
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference Codes)
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