Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in
“Notices,” on page 31.
Fourth Edition (August 2005)
This edition applies to version 5, release 3, modification 0 of IBM Operating System/400® (product number
5722–SS1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This version
does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC) models nor does it run on CISC models.
iv 5138,5155,5156,5157PowerSupplyandAirMovingDeviceV5R3
Chapter 1. Power supply and air moving device
Replacing and installing the power supply and air moving device are customer
tasks. You may be able to install or replace a power supply or an air moving
device with the unit powered on. When you use these instructions, you will
perform some or all of the following tasks:
v Perform prerequisite tasks.
v Power down the system.
v Remove the system unit covers.
v Remove hardware.
v Install new hardware.
v Install covers.
perform an initial program load (IPL) of your system, and verify your hardware
You can choose to perform these tasks yourself or contact IBM(R) or an authorized
service provider to make arrangements for them to perform the tasks for a fee.
Should you encounter difficulties when performing a task, contact your authorized
dealer or service provider.
Select the instructions for the task you want to perform:
v Chapter 3,“ReplacepowersupplyiniSeries820or5075,5095,or0595expansion
unit,” on page 5
v Chapter 4, “Replace power supply in iSeries 825,” on page 7
v Chapter 6, “Replace the air moving device,” on page 13
v Chapter 5, “Install power supply in iSeries 820 or 5075, 5095, or 0595 expansion
f.LocateyourfeaturenumberandOS/400® release, and check the
Chapter 3. Replace power supply in iSeries 820 or 5075, 5095,
or 0595 expansion unit
To perform this procedure with the system powered on, you must have the
v Three power supplies and two working air moving devices for the 820 system
v Two power supplies and two working air moving devices for the 5075 expansion
v two powersuppliesandfourworkingairmovingdevicesforthe5095or0595
__3.Removethebackcover. Refer to “825 back cover” on page 20.
5095, or 0595 expansion unit” on page 11 to install the new power supply.
To perform this procedure with the system powered on, you must have two power
supplies and two working air moving devices. If you need to replace an air
moving device, go to Chapter 6, “Replace the air moving device,” on page 13.
To replace the power supply, perform these tasks:
Note: The figuresintheseinstructionsmaynotlookexactlyliketheserverthat
you have. However, the steps to perform the task are the same.