IBM ISA V.34 Installation Manual

te Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general
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First Edition (October 1996)
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Safety Information............................................................................................v
Introduction ......................................................................................................2
System Requirements...................................................................................2
Package Contents.........................................................................................2
Installing your modem...................................................................................... 3
Installing the Modem Card..........................................................................4
Wake-Up on Ring Connection...................................................................6
Installing your Modem Software .................................................................7
Windows 3.1 Installation..........................................................................7
Windows95 Installation.............................................................................8
Testing Your Modem .................................................................................14
Appendix A. Technical Specifications............................................................ 15
Appendix B. Help and Service Information...................................................16
Step 1: Troubleshooting ............................................................................. 16
Step 2: Preparing for the Call....................................................................17
Step 3: Placing the Call to IBM.................................................................17
Appendix C. Product Warranty.....................................................................18
IBM ISA V.34 HPC Data/FAX Modem
Appendix D. Notices.......................................................................................22
Electronic Emission Notices.......................................................................22
Telecommunication Notices.......................................................................23
Trademarks and Service Marks................................................................26
Appendix E. System Programs License Agreement ......................................27
Safety Information
This modem card is for use only in Listed Personal Computers that have installation instructions detailing user installation of card cage accessories.
Safety Information
Safety Information
IBM ISA V.34 HPC Data/FAX Modem
Safety Information
Safety Information
IBM ISA V.34 HPC Data/FAX Modem
Safety Information
To avoid a shock hazard, do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
To avoid shock hazard:
The power cord must be connected to a properly wired and earthed
Any equipment to which this product will be attached must also be
connected to properly wired receptacles.
Pour éviter tout risque de choc électrique, ne manipulez aucun câble et n'effectuez aucune opération d'installation, d'entretien ou de reconfiguration de ce produit au cours d'un orage.
Pour éviter tout risque de choc électrique :
Le cordon d'alimentation doit être branché sur une prise d'alimentation
correctement câblée et mise à la terre.
D'autre part, tout le matériel connecté à ce produit doit également être
branché sur des prises d'alimentation correctement câblées et mises à la terre.
Para evitar peligo de descargas, no contecte o desconecte ningún cable, ni realice ninguna instalación, mantenimiento o reconfiguración de este producto durante una tormenta eléctrica.
Para evitar peligro de descargas:
El cale de alimentación debe estar conectado a una toma de
alimentación adecuadamente cableada y con toma de tierra.
Cualquier equipo al cual se conecte este producto debe estar
tamblén conectado a tomas de alimentación adecuadamente cableadas.
Cuando sea posible, utilice una mano para conectar o desconectar los cables de señal para impedir que se produzcan posible descargas eléctricas al tocar dos superficies con potencial eléctrico distinto.
Safety Information
When using your telephone equipment basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, and injury to persons, including the following:
Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically
designed for wet locations.
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone
line has been disconnected at the network interface.
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical
storm. There may be a remote risk of electrical shock from lightning.
Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
IBM ISA V.34 HPC Data/FAX Modem
Do NOT connect your modem to a digital PBX (switchboard) system, because you may damage the modem. Modems are designed to function with analog telephone lines, such as most residential lines. When in a hotel or office building, please request an analog or fax line from the concierge or facilities personnel.
Do NOT connect your modem to an ISDN line. In some countries, ISDN (digital) lines are being provided for residences and businesses. These lines may damage the modem.
Please note that this modem is fully compatible with analog telephone lines that are connected to a Digital Exchange. The Digital Exchange supplies analog lines to homes and businesses.
Thank you for purchasing an IBM ISA V.34 Host Processor Controlled (HPC) Data/FAX modem.
This Installation Guide has information to assist you in installing your IBM ISA HPC Data/Fax modem.
System Requirements
Intel** Pentium** based (90 MHz & above) Personal Computer with an ISA
bus expansion slot
DOS 6.0 or higher and Windows** 3.1X or Windows95**
Note: Set your data and fax software to hardware flow control
Package Contents
Along with this Installation Guide, the following items are included in this package:
IBM ISA V.34 HPC Data/FAX Modem (IBM FRU P/N 72H4191)
RJ-11 to RJ-11 (telephone) Cable
Software Program License ( in last section of this manual)
Diskettes for the following operating systems: Windows** 3.1 Windows95**
As you examine these items, look for any physical damage. Retain the shipping container in the event that you need to ship your IBM ISA
V.34 HPC Data/FAX modem.
Important: Be sure to retain your proof of purchase because it might be required to receive warranty service. You can find information on how to get help, technical support, and warranty service in
Appendix B: Help and Service Information.
IBM ISA V.34 HPC Data/FAX Modem
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