13.2Using NDIS in Windows NT 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
14The Tools Folder193
15Appendix A: Package Contents194
16Appendix B: Product Features195
17Appendix C: A Brief ISDN Glossary197
18Appendix D: Troubleshooting
and Frequently Asked Questions209
19Appendix E: Help and Service Information215
20Appendix F: Product Warranties and Notices218
ISDN PC Card – Contents5
Note:Before using this guide and the product it docum-
ments, be sure to read the information under “Appendix A: Package Contents” on page 194, “Appendix E: Help and Service Information” on page 215,
and “Appendix F: Product Warranties and Notices”
on page 218.
Note:Any references in this publication to non-IBM web
sites are provided for convenience only and do not
in any way constitute an endorsement of those web
sites. The materials at those web sites are not part
of the materials for this IBM product, and use of
those web sites is at your own risk.
Second Edition (December 2001)
6ISDN PC Card – Preface
Important Safety Information
This ISDN PC Card is designed only for use in Personal Computers that have installation instructions describing user installation of PC Cards in PCMCIA slots.
Electrical current from power and ISDN communication cables is hazardous. To avoid shock hazards, connect and disconnect cables as shown below when installing, moving, or
opening the covers of this product or attached devices. The
power cord must be used with a properly grounded outlet.
ISDN PC Card – Important Safety Information7
To avoid shock hazards, do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or reconfiguration
of this product during an electrical storm.
To avoid shock hazards:
•The power cord must be connected to a properly wired
and grounded receptacle.
•Any equipment to which this product is to be attached
must also be connected to properly wired receptacles.
This is a high-performance ISDN adapter. Prolonged highspeed data transfers will result in the ISDN adapter becoming noticeably warm. If you need to remove the ISDN adapter
immediately after prolonged operation and you are uncomfortable with handling the ISDN adapter while it is warm,
eject the ISDN adapter from the PCMCIA slot and let it cool
for about 15 seconds before handling it.
8ISDN PC Card – Important Safety Information
Welcome to the IBM International ISDN PC Card!
1Welcome to the IBM
International ISDN PC Card!
Welcome to the IBM International ISDN PC Card. Thank you
for choosing this product.
The IBM International ISDN PC Card is a passive ISDN adapter in PCMCIA (credit-card size) format. It was designed for
ISDN basic-rate interfaces, and can be used with one B channel at a rate of 64 kbit/s or, for multilink connections
two B channels simultaneously (multilink connections,) at
128 kbit/s .
The IBM International ISDN PC Card is fully CAPI 2.0-compliant.
The adapter can be installed and operated in Microsoft®
tion, Windows® 2000 Professional and Windows® Millennium Edition.
For more information on how to install and use the adapter,
please see the corresponding sections in this manual. For
further assistance, please refer to the telephone numbers included in “Appendix E: Help and Service Information” on
ISDN PC Card – 1 Welcome to the IBM International ISDN PC Card!9
95, Windows® 98, Windows® NT 4.0 Worksta-
Welcome to the IBM International ISDN PC Card!
page 215 . If you need additional assistance, please contact
your nearest IBM dealer or, if possible, consult the following
Internet site:
IBM Personal Computing
Support Web Site
English http://www.ibm.com/pc/support
German http://www.ibm.com/pc/support/de
French http://www.ibm.com/pc/support/fr
Italian http://www.ibm.com/pc/support/it
Spanish http://www.ibm.com/pc/support/es
Note: If the national language version of the IBM Personal
Computing Web Site is not available or not working, you can
use the English language version at
10ISDN PC Card – 1 Welcome to the IBM International ISDN PC Card!
How the IBM International ISDN PC Card Installation Software CD Is Organized
2How the IBM International
ISDN PC Card Installation
Software CD Is Organized
The IBM International ISDN PC Card Installation Software CD
contains the following directories:
\PORTCAPI Port Drivers for Windows 95, Windows 98,
Windows NT, and Windows 2000
\TOOLSTools, patches and updates
\WIN2000CAPI 2.0-compliant device drivers for the IBM Inter-
national ISDN PC Card for Windows 2000 Professional
\WIN95CAPI 2.0-compliant device drivers for the IBM Inter-
national ISDN PC Card for Windows 95
\WIN98CAPI 2.0-compliant device drivers for the IBM Inter-
national ISDN PC Card for Windows 98
\WINNTCAPI 2.0-compliant device drivers for the IBM Inter-
national ISDN PC Card for Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
For device driver updates, see the PCD support web site at
Double click underneath the Browse menu on the link called
“Options”. In the “Category” list, select “Communication
Adapters”. In the “Subcategory” list, select “ISDN”. From the
“Option” list, select “09N3606 International ISDN PC Card”.
ISDN PC Card – 2 How the IBM International ISDN PC Card Installation Software CD Is Organized 11
Before You Install the IBM International ISDN PC Card
3Before You Install the IBM
International ISDN PC Card
Before installing your IBM International ISDN PC Card, make
sure your operating system is up to date. Refer to the following web sites if possible:
The Microsoft® Windows® 95 update page:
The Microsoft® Dial-Up Networking 1.3 update download
page for Windows 95:
The Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition home page:
The Microsoft® download home page:
For further assistance regarding the installation of specific
patches or updates for any Microsoft Windows operating system, contact either Microsoft or your computer manufacturer's help desk.
Be sure to have the user's manual or installation guide for
your computer available for quick reference.
12ISDN PC Card – 3 Before You Install the IBM International ISDN PC Card
Before You Install the IBM International ISDN PC Card
Also keep the original Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows
Millennium Edition
dows 2000 CD at hand when installing the device drivers or
If you do not have a CD for your operating system, check
whether the required .CAB files for Windows 95 or 98 or Millennium Edition Setup are installed on the hard disk of your
If you are using Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Windows
2000 Professional, check whether your hard disk contains
the I386 directory and its sub-directories from the original
If this is not the case, or if you require assistance to find the
files in question, contact the manufacturer of your
computer or your IT department specialist.
, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, or Win-
ISDN PC Card – 3 Before You Install the IBM International ISDN PC Card13
Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
4Installing the Device Drivers
in Windows® 95
4.1Outline of the Installation Process for
Windows 95
The device drivers for the IBM International ISDN PC Card are
1.Install the CAPI 2.0-compliant device drivers
2.Install the NDIS WAN CAPI drivers
The following section explains in detail the prerequisites for
the device driver installation, and how to perform the installation on your specific version of Windows 95.
4.2Determining the Windows 95 Version
in Use
Before you begin installing the IBM International ISDN PC
Card in Windows 95, check which version of Windows 95 you
are using. For this purpose Microsoft has released the following instructions for determining the Windows 95 version
its technical support web site:
in two steps:
To determine the version of Windows 95 you are running,
proceed as follows:
1.In the Control Panel, double-click the “System” icon.
2.Click the “General” tab.
3.Locate the version number under the “System” heading
and compare it with
ReleaseVe rsionFile Dates
Windows 95 retail, OEM 400.9511/07/95
Windows 95 retail SP14.00.950A11/07/95
OEM Service Release 14.00.950A11/07/95
14ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
the following table:
Removing any PCMCIA Support Software
ReleaseVe rsionFile Dates
OEM Service Release 24.00.1111
OEM Service Release 2.1 4.03.1212-1214
OEM Service Release 2.5 4.03.1214
A comprehensive, up-to-date article on this subject can be
found on the web at the following site:
Search for the article “Q158238”.
If you are running the initial release of Windows 95 (Windows
95 retail or OEM) you must first upgrade it to Windows 95 SP1
by downloading the corresponding Service Pack for your
Windows 95 version. The Service Pack 1 can be found at
If any of the above URLs is outdated, please contact your local Microsoft support desk for further assistance.
4.3Removing any PCMCIA Support
Some notebook manufacturers install PCMCIA support soft-
ware such as Systemsoft's®
Windows 95 package. IBM includes this program with its
Thinkpad notebook series. This section briefly describes
how to remove CardWizard(TM) from the system. This software must be removed to ensure correct operation of the IBM
International ISDN PC Card.
1.Click “Settings / Control Panel” in the Windows “Start”
2.Double-click the “Add/Remove Programs” icon in the
Control Panel.
ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 9515
CardWizard(TM) as part of the
Removing any PCMCIA Support Software
3.In the “Add/Remove Programs Properties” window, select “SystemSoft CardWorks” in the list of installed programs.
4.Click the “Add/Remove” button to remove
5.Confirm that you want
6.Once the removal has been completed, click the “OK”
button and then confirm that you want to restart the
7.After Windows has restarted, open the Control Panel
again by clicking
8.Double-click the “System” icon and select the “Device
Manager” tab. Both PCMCIA sockets are now highlighted with a yellow exclamation mark in the list of devices.
Select each socket in turn and click “Remove” to
from the Device Manager.
16ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
this software is to be completely
“Start / Settings / Control Panel”.
remove it
Removing any PCMCIA Support Software
Even if the PCMCIA sockets are not highlighted with the exclamation mark, you must
remove them, and follow the in-
structions in this chapter.
Make sure that you have removed both sockets !
Some Windows 95 versions may show only one PCMCIA
socket instead of two.
Once you have removed the PCMCIA sockets, restart your
When Windows 95 restarts, the operating system reinstalls
the drivers for the PCMCIA sockets. After system start-up has
been completed, return to the “System” applet in the Control
Panel and check in the Device Manager to make sure that the
PCMCIA sockets are now installed properly. If so, close the
Device Manager by clicking the “OK” button.
ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 9517
Upgrading Dial-Up Networking for Windows 95
The next step is to install PCMCIA support in Windows 95.
Proceed as follows:
1.Double-click the “PC Card (PCMCIA)” icon in the Control
Panel. Windows 95 now asks you for some information
and offers default settings. Please read the next dialog
boxes carefully and answer the questions accordingly.
2.Windows 95 prompts you to shut down your notebook.
Confirm this action by clicking “Yes”. When your notebook has been restarted, it is ready to use PCMCIA
4.4Upgrading Dial-Up Networking for
Windows 95
For proper operation of the IBM International ISDN PC Card
your computer must have at least Microsoft Windows 95 with
Service Pack 1 (Windows 95 version 4.00.950A) installed.
Check first whether Dial-Up Networking or any ISDN accelerator kit is installed:
1.Click through “Start / Settings / Control Panel” and
then double-click “Add/Remove Programs”.
2.In the first dialog, entitled “Install/Uninstall”, check
whether a newer version of the Microsoft Dial-Up Networking update is installed.
If an entry called “Dial-Up Networking Upgrade 1.2” is listed:
1.Select this entry in the list, then click the “Add/Re-
move” button to uninstall the older Dial-Up Networking
18ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
Upgrading Dial-Up Networking for Windows 95
2.Then restart your system and install the Microsoft DialUp Networking 1.3 Upgrade from the \TOOLS\MSDUN13
directory on the CD, choosing the language subdirectory corresponding to the the language of your Windows
95 operating system.
3.Run the file MSDUN13.EXE and follow the instructions
on the screen.
If your language version is not available on the CD, you can
either install the English Dial-Up Networking update or
download the desired language version from
ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 9519
Upgrading Dial-Up Networking for Windows 95
If the “Install/Uninstall” list contains no entry for a Dial-Up
Networking update:
1.Click the “Windows Setup” tab.
2.Double-click the “Communications” icon, then deactivate the “Dial-Up Networking” option.
3.Click the “OK” button to confirm the operation.
If the Microsoft ISDN 1.1 Accelerator Pack is installed on
your computer, you are prompted to confirm that you
want to remove it as well. Click “Ye s” to confirm this operation.
20ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
4.Restart your system and install the Microsoft Dial-Up
Networking 1.3 Upgrade from the CD directory \TOOLS\
MSDUN13, choosing the language version corresponding to your Windows 95 operating system.
5.Run the file MSDUN13.EXE and follow the instructions
on the screen.
If your language version is not available on the CD you
can either install the English Dial-Up Networking update or download the desired language version from
Installing the IBM International ISDN PC Card in Windows 95 Service Release 1
4.5Installing the IBM International ISDN
PC Card in Windows 95 Service
Release 1
Once you have prepared Windows 95 by following the instructions above, you are ready to install the IBM International ISDN PC Card.
1.Turn off the PC, choose a PCMCIA slot and insert the
IBM International ISDN PC Card into the slot without the
ISDN cable attached.
2.Turn the PC back on. The “New Hardware Found” Wizard
appears and reports that it has detected an “ISDN PC
3.Now the drivers for the new hardware are requested. In-
sert the CD labeled “IBM International ISDN PC Card Installation Software” into your computer's CD-ROM
4.Make sure that the option “Driver from disk provided by
hardware manufacturer” is selected, then click “OK”.
5.The “Install From Disk” dialog appears. Click the
“Browse” button and select the letter of the CD-ROM
drive containing the “IBM International ISDN PC Card
Driver” CD in the “Open” dialog. Select the “Win95”
directory and then confirm your selection by clicking
“OK”. The updated drivers for Windows 95 will be
placed in the directory WIN95\DRV.
6.In the “Install From Disk” dialog, click “OK” once more
to confirm that you want to install
7.Click “OK” in the “Select Device” window. Installation
of the device drivers begins.
ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 9521
the device drivers.
Installing the IBM International ISDN PC Card in Windows 95 Service Release 1
8.The next dialog allows you to select the installation language. Confirm the default language
“English” by click-
ing “OK”, then “Continue”.
9.In the next dialog, specify the installation directory for
the drivers. By default this path is “C:\IBM_ISDN”. Click
“Continue” to confirm this path, or enter a different
path in the “Directory” field.
10. In the next dialog, select the appropriate D-channel protocol for your ISDN line. For newer ISDN lines in Europe
select DSS1, the Euro-ISDN D protocol. NI-1 and 5ESS
are D-channel protocols used in the USA. 1TR6 is the
older national D-channel protocol for Germany.
22ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
Installing the IBM International ISDN PC Card in Windows 95 Service Release 2.x
Although some older ISDN lines in Germany still use
the D-channel protocol 1TR6 , DSS1 is generally prefer-
.The 1TR6 protocol is no longer very common and
may be excluded from future driver releases for this
11.Once you have selected the appropriate D-channel protocol, click the “Continue” button.
12. The last dialog informs you of the resources used by the
IBM International ISDN PC Card. Click “Continue” to
complete the installation, then connect the ISDN cable.
Your IBM International ISDN PC Card is now ready to use with
any CAPI 2.0-compliant application software.
4.6Installing the IBM International ISDN
PC Card in Windows 95 Service
Release 2.x
Once you have prepared Windows 95 by following the instructions above, you are ready to install the IBM International ISDN PC Card.
1.Turn off the PC, choose a PCMCIA slot and insert the
IBM International ISDN PC Card into this slot without
the ISDN cable attached.
2.Turn the PC back on. The “New Hardware Found” Wizard
detects the newly inserted IBM International ISDN PC
Card as “ISDN PC Card”.
3.Now insert the CD labeled “IBM International ISDN PC
Card Drivers” into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
4.The “Update Device Driver Wizard” prompts you to in-
stall the device drivers for it. Click “Next”.
5.When the Wizard
drivers, click first “Other Locations” and then the
“Browse” button.
ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 9523
has finished searching for the device
Installing the IBM International ISDN PC Card in Windows 95 Service Release 2.x
6.In the “Browse for Folder” dialog, select the letter of the
CD-ROM drive containing the “IBM International ISDN
PC Card Driver” CD. Select the the “Win95” directory entry and then confirm your selection by clicking “OK”.
The updated drivers for Windows 95 will be placed in
the directory WIN95\DRV.
7.In the “Select Other Location” dialog, click “OK”.
8.Next, click the “Finish” button in the “Update Device
Driver Wizard” window.
9.The following message now appears: “Please insert the
disk labeled ‘IBM International ISDN PC Card Installation Windows 95’, and then click “OK.”
10. Click the “OK” button to close this dialog. In the “Copying Files...” dialog, click the “Browse” button, and in
the “Open” dialog, select the “WIN95” directory on the
CD. Click “OK” twice. The updated drivers for Windows
95 will be placed in the directory WIN95\DRV.
11.The next dialog allows you to select the installation language. Confirm the default language “English” by clicking “OK”, then “Continue”.
12. In the next dialog window you can specify the installation directory
for the drivers. The default path is “C: \
IBM_ISDN”. Click “Continue” to confirm this path, or enter a different path in the “Directory” field.
24ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
Installing the IBM International ISDN PC Card in Windows 95 Service Release 2.x
13. In the next dialog, select the appropriate D-channel protocol for your ISDN line. For newer ISDN lines in Europe,
select DSS1, the Euro-ISDN protocol. The NI-1 and 5ESS
are D-channel protocols used in the USA. 1TR6 is the
older national D-channel protocol for Germany.
Although some older ISDN lines in Germany still use
the D-channel protocol 1TR6, DSS1 is generally prefera-
The 1TR6 protocol is no longer very common and
may be removed from future driver releases for this
14. Once you have selected the appropriate D-channel protocol, click the “Continue” button.
ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 9525
NDIS WAN CAPI Driver Installation in Windows 95
15. The final dialog informs you of the resources used by
the IBM International ISDN PC Card. Click “Continue” to
complete the installation, then connect the ISDN cable.
Your IBM International ISDN PC Card is now ready to use with
any CAPI 2.0-compliant software.
4.7NDIS WAN CAPI Driver Installation in
Windows 95
If you have not yet installed the CAPI 2.0-compliant device
drivers, please return to the corresponding chapters and install them first
During installation you may be asked to specify the location
of the NDIS WAN CAPI drivers a second time. In this case,
simply enter the path to the driver source files again.
1.Insert the CD labeled “IBM International ISDN PC Card
Installation Software” into your computer's CD-ROM
2.Click “Start / Settings / Control Panel” to open the Con-
trol Panel. Double-click the “Network” icon.
3.In the Network Configuration window, click “Add”.
4.In the “Select Network Component Type” dialog, click
“Adapter”, then “Add”.
5.In the “Select Network Adapters” dialog, click “Have
6.In the “Install From Disk” dialog, click the “Browse”
button. Select the CD-ROM drive in the “Drives” list in
the “Open” dialog, then browse to the path “TOOLS /
NDISWAN / NDISWAN.W95”. Click “OK”. The updated
NDIS drivers for Windows 95 are copied to the directory
7.Click “OK” to close the “Install From Disk”, “Select Net-
work adapters”, and “Network” dialogs.
26ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
NDIS WAN CAPI Driver Installation in Windows 95
8.Windows 95 now starts the ISDN configuration. Click
the “Next” button. Leave the “Switch protocol” selection at “Automatic” and click “Next” again.
9.The next dialog prompts you to enter two phone numbers and the corresponding SPIDs. The SPID entries are
applicable only in the USA and Canada. However, even
if you are in the USA or Canada, SPID entries are not
mandatory. Leave these fields blank and click the
“Next“ button.
ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 9527
NDIS WAN CAPI Driver Installation in Windows 95
10. In the last dialog, click “Finish”.
11. Restart your computer when prompted to do so.
The NDIS WAN CAPI Drivers are now installed. You will also
find the guide for the NDIS WAN CAPI Drivers as a Windows
Help file on your Windows 95 desktop. This guide is only
available in English.
28ISDN PC Card – 4 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 95
Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 98
5Installing the Device Drivers
in Windows®
5.1Outline of the Installation Process for
Windows 98
The device drivers for the IBM International ISDN PC Card are
installed in two steps:
1.Install the CAPI 2.0-compliant device drivers
2.Install the NDIS WAN CAPI drivers
5.2Installing the IBM International ISDN
PC Card in Windows 98
The installation for the IBM International ISDN PC Card is the
same for both Windows 98 First Edition and Second Edition.
To install the IBM International ISDN PC Card in Windows 98,
proceed as follows:
1.Turn off the PC, choose a PCMCIA slot and insert the
IBM International ISDN PC Card into the cable attached.
2.Turn the PC back on. The “New Hardware Found” Wizard
appears on screen and reports that it has detected an
3.Now insert the CD labeled “IBM International ISDN PC
Card Drivers” into the CD-ROM drive of your computer’s
CD-ROM drive.
4.The “Add New Hardware Wizard” soon informs you that
the system is searching for a driver for the adapter. Click
5.Accept the default option “Search for the best driver for
your device.” by simply clicking “Next”.
ISDN PC Card – 5 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 9829
Installing the IBM International ISDN PC Card in Windows 98
6.In the next dialog you may indicate where Windows
search for drivers. By default, the option “Flop-
py disk drives” is checked. Activate the option “Specify
a location”, then click the “Browse” button. Select the
letter of the CD-ROM drive containing the “IBM International ISDN PC Card Drivers” CD, then click the “WIN98”
directory, and confirm your selection by clicking “OK”.
The updated drivers for Windows 98 will be copied to
the directory WIN98\DRV.
7.Now click the “Next” button to start the driver installation.
The dialog that follows informs you that the PC is ready
to install the file FPCMSET.INF file for the ISDN PC Card.
Click “Next”.
8.When the “Add New Hardware Wizard” reports that it
has finished copying the required software for the “IBM
International ISDN PC Card”, click “Finish”.
9.The next dialog informs you that the driver software in
English is ready to install. Click “Continue”.
10. The IBM International ISDN PC Card Setup program's
sign-on window appears. Click “Continue”.
30ISDN PC Card – 5 Installing the Device Drivers in Windows® 98
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