IBM IntelliStation M Pro, IntelliStation M Pro 6849 User Manual

Welcome. . .
Thank you for buying an IBM IntelliStation E Pro computer.
This contains information for setting up, installing options, and preparing to run applications for your computer. This book also contains information for every day use, and solving problems.
You can find the most current information about your computer on the IBM Web site at:
User’s Guide
User’s Guide
Type 6849
IntelliStation M Pro
Go to the Solving Problems
Start the computer
Complete the setup
Set up the computer
Did the computer
start correctly?
Do you plan to use
Windows 2000?
Do you plan to use
Windows NT?
Install another
operating system
No No
System is ready to use.
• Click on your desktop and register your computer
• Install options and applications
Access IBM
Restart the computer,
and when prompted,
press F11. Follow the
online instructions.
Before using this Guide and the product it supports, be sure to read the information in “Safety Information” on page vii.
IntelliStation M Pro User Guide
First Edition (September 2000)
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Safety Information...............................vii
Lithium battery notice ...............................viii
Modem safety information ..............................viii
Laser compliance statement ..............................ix
Related Information.................................xi
Notices used in this book ...............................xi
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation M Pro ...................1
IntelliStation M Pro features and specifications ........................2
Preinstalled software................................3
Software Selections CD ...............................3
Device Drivers and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD .....................4
Other software..................................4
What your computer offers ..............................4
Reliability, availability, and serviceability features .......................5
Computer controls and indicators ............................6
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer .......................7
Before you begin ..................................7
Selecting a location for your computer...........................7
Arranging your work space ..............................7
Comfort ....................................7
Glare and lighting ................................8
Air circulation ..................................8
Electrical outlets and cable lengths ...........................8
Moving the stabilizing feet ..............................9
Input/Output connector locations ............................9
Connecting computer cables ..............................9
Starting your computer the first time ...........................11
Running the operating system setup program .......................11
Registering your computer ..............................12
Using Access IBM .................................12
Installing other operating systems ............................13
Using the Product Recovery Program...........................13
Creating emergency diskettes .............................13
Creating a recovery repair diskette ..........................13
Creating a Norton AntiVirus Rescue diskette .......................14
Creating an IBM Enhanced Diagnostics diskette ......................14
Recording important numbers .............................14
Shutting down ..................................14
Chapter 3. Operating Your Computer .......................17
Starting your computer ...............................17
Using video features ................................17
Video device drivers ...............................18
Changing monitor settings .............................18
Using audio features ................................19
Line in ....................................19
Line out ...................................19
Microphone ..................................19
Managing your computer on a network ..........................19
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 iii
Alert on LAN .................................20
Remote Program Load or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.................20
LANClient Control Manager (LCCM)..........................20
System Migration Assistant .............................20
Desktop Management Interface ............................21
Using security features ...............................21
Anti-intrusion features...............................21
Component protection ...............................21
Data protection .................................21
Locking the keyboard ...............................22
Shutting down ..................................22
Chapter 4. Configuring your computer ......................23
Using the BIOS Setup Utility program ..........................23
Starting the BIOS Setup Utility program.........................23
After the BIOS Setup Utility program is started ......................23
Using the SCSISelect Utility program ...........................24
Starting the SCSISelect Utility program .........................24
Selections available from the SCSISelect menu .......................24
Chapter 5. Installing Options ..........................27
Major components of the IBM IntelliStation computer .....................27
System board...................................28
Internal cable connectors ..............................28
CMOS recovery jumper ..............................29
Installing adapters-before you begin ...........................29
System reliability considerations ...........................29
Handling static-sensitive devices ...........................30
Safety information ................................30
Removing the side cover ...............................30
Removing the support bracket .............................31
Working with adapters ...............................32
Adapter considerations ..............................33
Installing an adapter ...............................34
Installing an optional SCSI adapter ..........................35
Installing internal drives ...............................36
Internal drive bays ................................37
Preinstallation steps (all bays) ............................37
Installing a drive in bay 2 or 4 ............................38
Installing a hard disk drive in bay 5, 6, or 7 .......................39
Installing memory modules ..............................40
Installing a security U-bolt ..............................42
Replacing the cover.................................43
Connecting external devices ..............................44
Installation procedure ...............................44
Input/Output connector descriptions ...........................45
Mouse connector ................................45
Keyboard connector ...............................45
Parallel connector ................................45
Serial connectors.................................46
Ethernet connector ................................46
Universal Serial Bus connectors............................46
Audio connectors ................................47
Video connector .................................47
Ultra 3/160 SCSI connector .............................48
Chapter 6. Solving problems ..........................49
Diagnostic tools overview ..............................49
iv IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
POST beep code descriptions ............................51
Small computer system interface messages (some models) ....................51
Diagnostic programs and error messages .........................52
Text messages .................................53
Starting the diagnostic programs ...........................53
Viewing the test log ...............................55
Diagnostic error message tables............................55
Other diagnostic programs ..............................58
PC-Doctor for Windows ..............................58
Troubleshooting charts................................59
Software error messages ..............................63
Troubleshooting the Ethernet controller .........................63
Ethernet controller messages.............................65
Recovering your operating system and preinstalled software ...................69
Recovering or installing device drivers .........................69
Recovering the operating system ...........................70
Using the Recovery Repair diskette ..........................71
Using ConfigSafe ................................71
Erasing a lost or forgotten password (clearing CMOS) .....................72
Recovering from a POST/BIOS update failure ........................72
Replacing the battery ................................73
Chapter 7. Getting help, information, and service .................75
Getting information ................................75
Using the World Wide Web .............................75
Getting information by fax .............................75
Getting help and service ...............................75
Using the documentation and diagnostic programs .....................75
Calling for service ................................76
Other services .................................77
Purchasing additional services .............................78
Ordering replacement Product Recovery Program CDs .....................78
Appendix A. Caring for your computer ......................79
Taking care of your computer .............................79
Basics ....................................79
Cleaning your computer ..............................79
Cleaning tape drives ...............................80
Moving your computer ..............................80
Appendix B. Computer records .........................83
Serial numbers and keys ...............................83
Appendix C. Viewing the license agreement....................85
Appendix D. Product warranties and notices ...................87
Warranty Statements ................................87
IBM Statement of Limited Warranty for United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada (Part1-General Terms) . . . 87
IBM Statement of Warranty Worldwide except Canada, Puerto Rico, Turkey, United States (Part 1 – General
Part2-Worldwide Country-Unique Terms ........................92
Notices .....................................96
Edition Notice .................................96
Year 2000 readiness and instructions ..........................97
Trademarks ..................................97
Important notes .................................98
Electronic emission notices .............................98
Power cord notice .................................100
Contents v
Index ....................................103
IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
Safety Information
Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous.
To avoid a shock hazard: v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance,
or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet. v Connect to properly wired outlets any equipment that will be attached to this
v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables. v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or
structural damage.
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems, networks,
and modems before you open the device covers, unless instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following table when
installing, moving, or opening covers on this product or attached devices.
To connect:
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach signal cables to connectors.
4. Attach power cords to outlet.
5. Turn device ON.
To disconnect:
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, remove power cords from outlet.
3. Remove signal cables from connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.
Le courant électrique provenant de l’alimentation, du téléphone et des câbles de transmission peut présenter un danger.
Pour éviter tout risque de choc électrique : v Ne manipulez aucun câble et n’effectuez aucune opération d’installation,
d’entretien ou de reconfiguration de ce produit au cours d’un orage.
v Branchez tous les cordons d’alimentation sur un socle de prise de courant
correctement câblé et mis à la terre.
v Branchez sur des socles de prise de courant correctement câblés tout
équipement connecté à ce produit.
v Lorsque cela est possible, n’utilisez qu’une seule main pour connecter ou
déconnecter les câbles d’interface.;
v Ne mettez jamais un équipement sous tension en cas d’incendie ou
d’inondation, ou en présence de dommages matériels.
v Avant de retirer les carters de l’unité, mettez celle-ci hors tension et
déconnectez ses cordons d’alimentation, ainsi que les câbles qui la relient aux
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 vii
réseaux, aux systèmes de té lécommunication et aux modems (sauf instruction contraire mentionnée dans les procédures dinstallation et de configuration).
v Lorsque vous installez, que vous déplacez, ou que vous manipulez le présent
produit ou des périphériques qui lui sont raccordés, reportez-vous aux instructions ci-dessous pour connecter et déconnecter les différents cordons.
1. Mettez les unités hors tension.
2. Commencez par brancher tous les
cordons sur les unités.
3. Branchez les câbles dinterface sur des
4. Branchez les cordons dalimentation sur
des prises.
5. Mettez les unités sous tension.
Lithium battery notice
CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
When replacing the battery, use only IBM Part Number 33F8354 or an equivalent type battery recommended by the manufacturer. The battery contains lithium and can explode if not properly used, handled, or disposed of.
Do not:
v Throw or immerse into water v Heat to more than 100°C (212°F) v Repair or disassemble
1. Mettez les unités hors tension.
2. Débranchez les cordons dalimentation
des prises.
3. Débranchez les câbles dinterface des
4. Débranchez tous les câbles des unités.
Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations.
Danger dexplosion en cas de remplacement incorrect de la batterie.
Remplacer uniquement par une batterie IBM de type ou dun type équivalent recommandé par le fabricant. La batterie contient du lithium et peut exploser en cas de mauvaise utilisation, de mauvaise manipulation ou de mise au rebut inappropriée.
Ne pas :
v Lancer ou plonger dans leau v Chauffer à plus de 100°C (212°F) v Réparer ou désassembler
Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux règlements locaux.
Modem safety information
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury when using telephone equipment, always follow basic safety precautions, such as:
v Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
viii IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
v Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically
designed for wet locations.
v Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line
has been disconnected at the network interface.
v Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines. v Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm.
There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
v Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
Consignes de sécurité relatives au modem
Lors de lutilisation de votre matériel téléphonique, il est important de respecter les consignes ci-après afin de réduire les risques dincendie, d’électrocution et dautres blessures :
v Ninstallez jamais de cordons téléphoniques durant un orage. v Les prises téléphoniques ne doivent pas être installées dans des endroits
humides, excepté si le modèle a été conçu à cet effet.
v Ne touchez jamais un cordon téléphonique ou un terminal non isolé avant que
la ligne ait été déconnectéeduréseau téléphonique.
v Soyez toujours prudent lorsque vous procédez à linstallation ou à la
modification de lignes téléphoniques.
v Si vous devez téléphoner pendant un orage, pour éviter tout risque de choc
électrique, utilisez toujours un téléphone sans fil.
v En cas de fuite de gaz, nutilisez jamais un téléphone situéàproximité de la
Laser compliance statement
Some IBM Personal Computer models are equipped from the factory with a CD-ROM drive or a DVD-ROM drive. CD-ROM drives and DVD-ROM drives are also sold separately as options. CD-ROM drives and DVD-ROM drives are laser products. These drives are certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of the Department of Health and Human Services 21 Code of Federal Regulations (DHHS 21 CFR) Subchapter J for Class 1 laser products. Elsewhere, these drives are certified to conform to the requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 825 and CENELEC EN 60 825 for Class 1 laser products.
When a CD-ROM drive or a DVD-ROM drive is installed, note the following handling instructions.
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Removing the covers of the CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive could result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive. Do not remove the drive covers.
Some CD-ROM drives and DVD-ROM drives contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode. Note the following statement.
Safety Information ix
DANGER Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with optical
instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam.
Certains modèles dordinateurs personnels sont équipésd’origine d’une unité de CD-ROM ou de DVD-ROM. Mais ces unités sont également vendues séparément en tant quoptions. Lunité de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM est un appareil à laser. Aux État-Unis, lunité de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM est certifiée conforme aux normes indiquées dans le sous-chapitre J du DHHS 21 CFR relatif aux produits à laser de classe 1. Dans les autres pays, elle est certifiée être un produit à laser de classe 1 conforme aux normes CEI 825 et CENELEC EN 60 825.
Lorsquune unité de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM est installée, tenez compte des remarques suivantes:
ATTENTION: Pour éviter tout risque dexposition au rayon laser, respectez les consignes de réglage et dutilisation des commandes, ainsi que les procédures décrites.
Louverture de lunité de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM peut entraîner un risque dexposition au rayon laser. Pour toute intervention, faites appel à du personnel qualifié.
Certaines unités de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM peuvent contenir une diode à laser de classe 3A ou 3B. Tenez compte de la consigne qui suit:
DANGER Rayonnement laser lorsque le carter est ouvert. Évitez toute exposition directe des yeux
au rayon laser. Évitez de regarder fixement le faisceau ou de lobserver à laide dinstruments optiques.
x IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
This book will help you become familiar with your IBM®IntelliStation®M Pro Type 6849 computer and its many features. This book describes how to set up, configure, operate, maintain, and install options in your computer. Information about software, problem solving, and getting help are also included.
Related Information
The following documentation contains additional information about your computer. If your computer comes with IBM-preinstalled software, you might be able to view these documents in Access IBM. See Using Access IBMon page 12. The IBM documents listed below can also be found at on the World Wide Web.
v Hardware Maintenance Manual
This publication contains information for trained service technicians. It can be found at on the World Wide Web. Type the machine type/model number (type model) into the Quick Path field and then click Go. Click Online publications and then click Hardware Maintenance Manuals.
v Device Driver and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD
This CD contains diagnostic tools and preinstalled device drivers. Several README files on this CD contain information about the various adapters and devices that might be components of your computer.
v Adaptec SCSI documentation
This documentation, included on the Software Selections CD, contains information and instructions for installing and configuring small computer systems interface (SCSI) device drivers and devices.
v Software Selections CD
This CD contains most of the preinstalled software.
Notices used in this book
Notices for hardware and software use and safety are placed throughout this User Guide.
The notice definitions, from helpful aids to essential safety practices, are as follows:
v Notes: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice. v Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you
avoid inconvenient or problem situations.
v Attention: These notices indicate potential damage to programs, devices, or data
if procedures are not followed closely.
v Caution: These notices indicate potentially hazardous situations if procedures
are not followed closely.
v Danger: These notices indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or
extremely hazardous to you if procedures are not followed closely.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 xi
xii IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation M Pro
Thank you for selecting an IBM IntelliStation M Pro Professional Workstation. Your computer incorporates many of the latest advances in computing technology, making it easy to expand and upgrade as your needs change.
Your IBM IntelliStation M Pro computer comes with a three-year limited warranty and IBM Computer Start Up Support. If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can obtain up-to-date information about your IntelliStation M Pro model and other IBM computer products at
Your computer model and serial numbers are located on labels on the bottom of the lower right side of the machine. You will need these numbers when you register your computer with IBM and to record in Appendix B. Computer recordson page 83.
Serial number
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 1
IntelliStation M Pro features and specifications
The following table provides a summary of the features and specifications. Some features and specifications might not apply.
Table 1. Features and Specifications
v Intel
v Minimum: 128 MB v Maximum: 2.0 GB v Type: PC600 or PC800 Rambus
v Slots: 4 dual inline
Internal Drives:
v Hard disk drive: IDE/SCSI v CD-ROM: IDE
One of the following:
Expansion bays:
v Two 5.25-in. bays (1 CD-ROM drive
v Five 3.5-in. bays (1 diskette drive
PCI expansion slots:
v Five 33 MHz/32-bit slots on the
Power supply:
340 watt (90-240 V ac)
Pentium®4 with 256 KB
Level-2 cache
RIMMs only
system board
Video Adapter: (depending on your model) v Matrox with 16 MB SDRAM video
v NVidia has 32 MB SDRAM video
Size and weight:
v Height: 470 mm (18.5 in.) v Depth: 508 mm (19.9 in.) v Width: 165 mm (6.5 in.) v Weight: approximately 19.5 Kg (43
lb.) when fully configured or 15.9 Kg (35 lb.) minimum
Integrated functions:
v 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet
controller on the system board with RJ45 Ethernet port
v Two serial ports v One parallel port v Two USB ports v Keyboard port v Mouse port v Audio ports
Line outLine inMic
v Dual-channel bus mastering IDE
Acoustical noise emissions:
v Sound power, idling: 6.6 bel
v Sound power, operating: 6.8 bel
v Air temperature:
– Computer on: 10° to 35° C (50.0°
to 95.0° F). Altitude: 0 to 914 m (2998.7 ft.)
– Computer on: 10° to 32° C (50.0°
to 89.6° F). Altitude: 914 m (2998.7 ft.) to 2133 m (6998.0 ft.)
– Computer off: 10° to 43° C (50.0°
to 109.4° F). Maximum altitude: 2133 m (6998.0 ft.)
v Humidity:
Computer on: 8% to 80%Computer off: 8% to 80%
Heat output:
Approximate heat output in British Thermal Units (Btu) per hour v Minimum configuration: 341 Btu
(100 watts)
v Maximum configuration: 1604 Btu
(470 watts)
Electrical input:
v Sine-wave input (50-60 Hz) required v Input voltage low range:
Minimum: 90 V acMaximum: 137 V ac
v Input voltage high range:
Minimum: 180 V acMaximum: 265 V ac
v Input kilovolt-amperes (kVA)
Minimum: 0.08 kVAMaximum: 0.52 kVA
Your IBM IntelliStation comes with either Microsoft®Windows®2000 Professional or Windows NT Program, you have the option of installing either operating system.
A variety of software, application programs, diagnostic tools, and device drivers are included. Some of the software is preinstalled. Other software tools are on the CDs included with your computer.
2 IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
Workstation preinstalled. Through the Product Recovery
The software, other than the Microsoft operating system, is licensed under the terms of the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs. Use of your computer signifies acceptance of this license agreement. Refer to for directions on viewing the license agreement.
Preinstalled software
In addition to the Microsoft operating system, your preinstalled software includes other programs.
v Access IBM is a desktop interface that enables you to easily find help and other
information about your computer.
v ConfigSafe is a comprehensive configuration tracking and recovery tool.
ConfigSafe periodically takes snapshots of your system configuration. You can use ConfigSafe to restore your system to its last usable state if your desktop becomes damaged, unusable, or otherwise unstartable.
v Adobe Acrobat Reader is used to read portable document format (PDF) files,
including your online documentation. The most updated Adobe Acrobat Reader for other languages and operating systems can be downloaded from the Adobe Web site at
v PC-Doctor for Windows is a diagnostic tool designed to be used with Windows.
Support documentation is built into the Help system.
v Device drivers for factory-installed features are preinstalled on your computer.
The latest device drivers are also available at on the World Wide Web.
v The Product Recovery Program is a software recovery tool that enables you to
recover your operating system, applications, and device drivers, if necessary. You can choose to recover either Windows NT or Windows 2000 Professional.
The Product Recovery Program is on a hidden, hard disk drive partition. Do not delete or otherwise destroy this partition.
See Software Selections CDfor more information about preinstalled software.
Software Selections CD
Software and documentation are provided on the Software Selections CD. You can install or uninstall software and documentation, and create an image of the CD on your computer desktop.
The following list describes some of the software programs provided on the Software Selections CD. Your preinstalled software may be slightly different.
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation M Pro 3
Norton AntiVirus for IBM Use Norton AntiVirus for IBM to detect and remove
viruses from your computer.
Netscape Communicator Use Netscape Communicator to navigate your company
intranet or the World Wide Web. Netscape Communicator provides a full suite of Internet functions, including e-mail, threaded discussion groups (newsgroups), and support for the latest features on the
IBM Update Connector
Management Agent A network administrator can use this program to gather
World Wide Web. Use IBM Update Connector to download software
programs, and software updates from the IBM Web site. Update Connector can automatically determine when your computer needs available updates, and can install them at your option.
information about your computer and monitor its operation.
Device Drivers and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD
Diagnostic test programs and device drivers are stored on the Device Drivers and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD. These test programs provide the primary method of
testing system components.
Other software
Lotus®SmartSuite, a package of award-winning productivity applications, contains powerful applications and everything you need to access the Internet. Your computer comes with a Lotus Smartsuite proof of entitlement to receive one free CD-ROM version of Lotus SmartSuite. When you receive your SmartSuite package, insert the Lotus SmartSuite CD into your CD-ROM drive, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
What your computer offers
Your computer takes advantage of advancements in data storage, and memory management. Your computer combines:
v High performance AGP graphics v Large system memory
The memory bus in your computer supports up to 2 gigabytes (GB) memory. The memory controller provides error code correction (ECC) support for up to four industry-standard Rambus dynamic random access memory (RDRAM) Rambus in-line memory modules (RIMMs).
v Systems-management capabilities
Your computer comes with network and power management tools. See Managing your computer on a networkon page 19 for more information.
v Integrated network environment support
Your computer comes with an Ethernet controller on the system board. This Ethernet controller has an interface for connecting to 10-Mbps or 100-Mbps networks. The computer automatically selects between 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX environments. The controller provides full-duplex (FDX) capability, which enables simultaneous transmission and reception of data on the Ethernet local area network (LAN).
1. One Gigabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes.
of system
4 IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
Reliability, availability, and serviceability features
Three of the most important features in computer design are reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS). The RAS features help to ensure the integrity of the data that is stored on your computer; the availability of the computer when you need it; and the ease with which you can diagnose and repair problems.
The following is an abbreviated list of the RAS features that your computer supports. Many of these features are explained in the later chapters of this publication.
v Reliability features
Boot block recoveryCooling fans with speed-sensing capabilityCustomer upgradable basic input/output system (BIOS)Error code correction (ECC) front-side buses (FSBs)ECC L2 cacheECC memoryParity checking on the small computer system interface (SCSI) and peripheral
component interconnect (PCI) buses
Advanced configuration and power interface (ACPI)Power-on self-test (POST)Rambus dynamic random access memory (RDRAM) with serial presence
detect (SPD)
v Availability features
Advanced desktop management interface (DMI) featuresAlert on LAN
- Chassis intrusion
- Operating system (OS) suspensions
Auto-restart initial program load (IPL) power supplyAutomatic error retry or recoveryAutomatic computer restartAutomatic restart after power failureBuilt-in, menu-driven configuration programsBuilt-in, menu-driven SCSI configuration programs (some models)Built-in, menu-driven setup programsMenu-driven diagnostic programs on compact disc read-only memory
Monitoring support for temperatures, voltages, and fan speedStandard advanced system management (ASM) PCI adapter provides control
for remote system management
Upgradable BIOS, diagnostics ASM PCI adapter microcode, and POSTWake on LAN
v Serviceability features
24/7 customer support3-year warrantyAdaptec built-in self-test (BIST)Alert on LAN with optional IBM Ethernet adapterCD-ROM-based diagnosticsDiagnostic support of Ethernet adaptersError codes and messagesProcessor serial number accessRead-only memory (ROM) checksumsStandard-cables-present detection
(WOL) capability
2. Or unresponsive operating systems
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation M Pro
– Vital product data (VPD); includes serial number information and
replacement part numbers, stored in nonvolatile memory, for easier remote maintenance
Computer controls and indicators
The following illustration identifies the controls and indicators on the computer.
CD eject button
CD-ROM drive activity light
Diskette eject button
Diskette drive activity light
Hard disk drive activity light
Power-on light
Power control button
CD-ROM drive eject button: opens and closes the CD tray.
CD-ROM drive activity light: indicates when the CD-ROM drive is in use.
Diskette drive eject button: releases a diskette from the drive.
Diskette drive activity light: indicates when the diskette drive is in use.
Hard disk drive activity light: indicates when the hard disk drive is in use.
Power-on light: indicates when your computer is turned on.
Power control button: enables you to turn the computer on or off manually.
6 IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer
This chapter provides information about selecting and arranging a work space, setting up your computer, and preparing it to run your applications.
Before you begin
Read the Safety Informationon page vii before setting up your computer.
You will need the following:
v Computer v Computer power cord v Keyboard v Mouse v Monitor (sold separately with signal cable and power cord)
If you are missing an item, contact your place of purchase.
Selecting a location for your computer
Make sure you have an adequate number of properly grounded electrical outlets for the computer, monitor, and any other devices. Select a location for the computer where it will remain dry. Leave about 50 mm (2 in.) of space around the computer for proper air circulation.
The following sections describe arranging your computer for comfort and ease-of-use.
Arranging your work space
Arrange both the equipment and your work area to suit you. Light sources, air circulation, and the location of electrical outlets can affect how you arrange your work space.
The following guidelines will help you decide what working position suits you best.
Choose a chair to reduce fatigue from sitting in the same position for long periods. The backrest and seat should adjust independently and provide good support. The seat should have a curved front to relieve pressure on the thighs. Adjust the seat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your feet are either flat on the floor, or on a footrest.
When using the keyboard, keep your forearms parallel to the floor and your wrists in a neutral, comfortable position. Try to keep a light touch on the keyboard, and your hands and fingers relaxed. Change the angle of the keyboard for maximum
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 7
comfort by adjusting the position of the keyboard feet.
Adjust the monitor so that the top of the screen is at, or slightly below, eye level. Place the monitor at a comfortable viewing distance, usually 51 to 61 cm (20 to 24 in.), and position it so that you can view it without having to twist your body.
Glare and lighting
Position the monitor to minimize glare and reflections from overhead lights, windows, and other light sources. Place the monitor at right angles to light sources whenever possible. Reduce overhead lighting, if necessary, by turning off lights or using lower wattage bulbs. If you install the monitor near a window, use curtains or blinds to block the sunlight. You might have to adjust the Brightness and Contrast controls on the monitor as the lighting changes throughout the day.
Viewing distance
Lower back support
Seat height
Where it is impossible to avoid reflections or to adjust the lighting, place an antiglare filter over the screen. However, these filters might affect the clarity of the screen image; try them only after you have exhausted other methods of reducing glare.
Dust compounds problems associated with glare. Clean your monitor screen periodically using a soft cloth moistened with a nonabrasive, liquid glass cleaner.
Air circulation
Your computer and monitor produce heat. The computer fan pulls in fresh air and forces out hot air. The monitor lets hot air escape through vents. Blocking the air vents can cause overheating, possibly resulting in malfunction or damage. Place the computer and monitor so that nothing blocks the air vents; usually 51 mm (2 in.) of air space is sufficient. Also, make sure the vented air is not blowing on someone else.
Electrical outlets and cable lengths
The location of electrical outlets and the length of device power cords and cables might determine the final placement of your computer.
When arranging your work space: v Avoid the use of extension cords. Whenever possible, plug the computer power
cord directly into an electrical outlet.
v Keep power cords and cables neatly routed away from walkways and other
areas where they might be accidentally dislodged.
For more information about power cords, see Connecting computer cableson page 9 below and Power cord noticeon page 100.
8 IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
Moving the stabilizing feet
The two front feet attached to the bottom of your computer rotate outward 90 degrees to provide additional stability when the computer is upright.
To access the inside of the computer, you might find it easier to lay the computer on its side. Before laying the computer on its side, rotate the feet inward so the weight of the computer does not break them.
When you are finished and have reinstalled the side cover, turn the two front stabilizing feet a quarter turn outward and set the computer carefully back on its feet.
Input/Output connector locations
The following illustration shows the input/output connectors and the expansion slots on the rear of the computer. For pin assignments and more details about these connectors, see Input/Output connector descriptionson page 45.
Power cord connector
Mouse Keyboard
Parallel Serial 1
Serial 2 Ethernet USB 2 USB 1
Mic Line out
Line in Video
SCSI (optional)
Connecting computer cables
Use the following steps to set up your computer. Look for the small icons on the following pages and on the back of your computer.
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer 9
If your computer cables and connector panel have color-coded connectors, match the color of the cable end with the color of the connector. For example, match a blue cable end with a blue connector, a red cable end with a red connector, and so on.
1. Connect the monitor cable and tighten the screws. Connect the keyboard and
mouse cables.
Keyboard Mouse
Note: If your computer has Windows NT and a ScrollPoint®mouse, the
ScrollPoint function might not be enabled when you start the computer the first time. Shut down and restart the computer to enable the ScrollPoint function.
2. Connect any additional devices you might have.
v Connect a printer or parallel device to the parallel connector.
v Connect a serial device or external modem to the serial connector.
Serial Device
v Connect Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices to either of the two USB
v Connect optional devices, such as speakers, microphones, or headphones.
10 IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
USB Device
To operate the computer within FCC Class A or Class B limits, use a category 5 Ethernet cable.
v Connect the Ethernet cable to the RJ45 Ethernet connector.
3. If there is a label covering the power connector, remove it. Connect the power
cord to the power connector on the rear of the computer.
4. Connect all other power cords into properly grounded electrical outlets.
Note: When the computer power cord is first plugged in, the computer might turn
on for a few seconds, and then turn off. This is normal.
Starting your computer the first time
Do the following to start your computer.
1. Turn on all peripheral devices, such as printers, scanners, external SCSI devices,
and so on, first.
2. Press the power control button on your computer. For the location of the power
control button, see Computer controls and indicatorson page 6.
If you experience any problems during startup, such as numeric error codes or a series of beeps, see Chapter 6. Solving problemson page 49 and Chapter 7. Getting help, information, and serviceon page 75 for more information.
During start up, a message might be displayed to prompt you to press a function key to start other programs. These other programs might include the BIOS Setup Utility and SCSISelect Utility. See Using the BIOS Setup Utility programon page 23 and Using the SCSISelect Utility programon page 24 for information on these programs.
Running the operating system setup program
If you are starting your computer for the first time, the Microsoft Windows setup program runs automatically when you start the computer. The program will prompt you to make choices or type information. If you need more detailed information than is provided in this User Guide, see your Microsoft operating-system manual.
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer 11
Important information to know before you start: v The setup program might be slightly different from the one described in your
operating-system manual. Some choices do not appear because they are preset.
v During the setup procedure, you must indicate that you accept the license
v The Microsoft registration information will already be entered into the
registration field. If the Product ID number is not already entered, you must type it. The Product ID is on a label attached to the computer.
To complete the setup program, you will need the following information.
v The Microsoft documentation that came with your computer. v Network information (if applicable) from your network administrator. v The printer model and port, if a printer is attached directly to your computer.
After turning on your computer for the first time, you must complete the operating system setup procedure before turning off your computer; otherwise, unexpected results might occur.
After the setup procedure finishes and the computer restarts, the Windows desktop opens. Your computer is ready for use.
Registering your computer
Registering your computer helps IBM provide better service to you. When IBM receives your registration information, it is placed into a central technical support database. If you need technical assistance, the technical support representative will have information about your computer. In addition, comments about your computer are reviewed by a team dedicated to customer satisfaction and are taken into consideration in making improvements to IBM computers. To register your computer, use one of the following methods:
v Register through Access IBM. In Access IBM, select Get started. Click
Registering your IBM Computer, and then follow the instructions in the
window. (See Using Access IBMfor further information.)
v Click the IBM Register icon on the desktop and follow the directions. v Register your computer at on the World Wide
Note: The Register program that starts through Access IBM or the IBM
Registration icon will enable you to print the registration information and provide a mailing address, in the event no modem or Internet access is available.
Using Access IBM
Your Windows Desktop provides an Access IBM icon. Access IBM provides an interface through which you can quickly access information or perform specific tasks.
The Access IBM program provides links to selected IBM Web sites and IBM Assistant, a help system for many end-user tasks such as getting started, viewing documentation, customizing, upgrading, maintaining, and solving problems.
12 IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
Shortcuts are also provided to help accomplish many of these tasks. You can also view the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs, which applies to:
v All software preinstalled by IBM on the hard disk drive that does not have its
own license agreement
v Software on the Software Selections CD v Software on the Device Driver and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD v View the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs
Your use of these programs indicates the acceptance of the license agreement.
Installing other operating systems
If you install another operating system, you might need additional software or device drivers. Drivers for devices that came with your computer are available on the Device Driver and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD. You can obtain the latest device drivers at on the World Wide Web.
Before installing any operating system, be sure you obtain the latest program release. Contact the operating system manufacturer or, if applicable, check the manufacturers World Wide Web site to obtain the updates.
To install an operating system, follow the instructions in the documentation provided with the operating system CDs or diskettes. Additional information about operating systems is posted periodically on the IBM Web site at
Using the Product Recovery Program
The Product Recovery Program is preinstalled on the hard disk that comes with your IBM computer. The Product Recovery Program is designed to be hidden from view to protect it from accidental damage.
If you are using FDISK, NT Disk Administrator, or another utility to reformat the hard disk drive, you might see the partition where the Product Recovery Program is stored. Do not delete this partition or the Product Recovery Program will be lost.
If your hard disk drive, including the partition where the Product Recovery Program resides, becomes damaged or you replace the hard disk drive, see Ordering replacement Product Recovery Program CDson page 78.
Creating emergency diskettes
At your earliest opportunity, create the following diskettes. Store them in a safe place.
Creating a recovery repair diskette
It is important that you create this diskette. In the unlikely event your desktop becomes unusable, the emergency repair diskette will enable you to access the Product Recovery Program. Additional information about the diskette is in Access IBM. To see how to use this diskette, refer to Using the Recovery Repair diskette
on page 71.
Do the following to create the Recovery Repair diskette:
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer 13
1. From the Access IBM menu, select Maintain.
2. Click Creating emergency diskettes.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Creating a Norton AntiVirus Rescue diskette
The Norton AntiVirus program periodically checks your drives for computer viruses. Additional information about creating and using the diskette is in Access IBM.
Do the following to create the Norton AntiVirus Rescue diskettes:
1. From the Access IBM menu, select Maintain.
2. Click Creating emergency diskettes.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Creating an IBM Enhanced Diagnostics diskette
The IBM Enhanced Diagnostics diskette is used to test hardware components of your computer.
Do the following to create the diagnostics diskette:
1. From the Access IBM menu, select Maintain.
2. Click Creating emergency diskettes.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
You can also download the diagnostic program image from the IBM Web site at See Using the Enhanced diagnostics diskette
on page 54.
Recording important numbers
Locate the serial, model, and type numbers. Record this information in Appendix B. Computer recordson page 83. You will need these numbers when communicating with IBM about your computer.
Shutting down
When you are ready to turn off the computer, use the shutdown procedure for your operating system to save data and prevent damage to your applications. See your operating system manual for more information.
Do the following to shut down your computer:
1. Save and close all files with which you are working.
2. Close all open applications.
3. Click the Windows Start button.
4. Select Shut Down; then, click OK to confirm.
In some circumstances, your new computer might not turn off immediately when you press the power control button. If this happens, press and hold the power-control button until the computer turns off.
14 IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
CAUTION: The power control button on the device and the power switch on the power supply do not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one power cord. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source.
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Chapter 2. Setting up your computer 15
16 IntelliStation M Pro: User Guide
Chapter 3. Operating Your Computer
This chapter provides information for the day-to-day use of your computer.
Starting your computer
If you are starting your computer for the first time, see Starting your computer the first timeon page 11. After you review that section, return to this page for further instructions.
What you see and hear when you start up your computer depends on the features installed and the settings in the BIOS Setup Utility program.
If power-on self-test (POST) detects a problem, there might be a series of beeps or no beep, and a numeric error message might appear on the screen. Write down any beep series and error code numbers with descriptions, then see Troubleshooting chartson page 59 for the explanation of error codes.
During start up, the following messages might be displayed briefly:
v To start the Product Recovery Program, Press F11 v Hit <F2> if you want to run SETUP v Press CTRL A for SCSISelect Utility (some models only)
To use these features, press the appropriate function key or keys quickly. The messages appear for only seconds. For more information about these messages, see Starting your computer the first timeon page 11.
During startup, you might not see Hit <F2> if you want to run SETUP.Ifyou want to see the prompt, see instructions for displaying the prompt in Using the BIOS Setup Utility programon page 23.
The BIOS Setup Utility program will help you configure your computer with passwords, PCI adapter configuration, as well as other options. The BIOS Setup Utility menu is displayed at the top of the screen. To navigate the menu and screen items, follow the directions on the right of the screen.
The operating system and application programs initiate from the hard disk drive. If your computer is attached to a network, the computer will begin attaching to any LANS, and remote applications to which you have access. A network administrator can also wake upyour computer, start it remotely, to download programs or gather information about computer performance. For more information see, Wake on LANon page 19.
Using video features
Your computer has an accelerated graphics port (AGP) graphics adapter that uses a standard video protocol for displaying text and graphic images on a monitor screen. The adapter supports a variety of video modes. Video modes are different combinations of resolution, refresh rate, and color defined by a video standard for displaying text or graphics.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 17
Video device drivers
To take full advantage of the graphics adapter in your computer, some operating systems and application programs require custom software, video device drivers. These device drivers provide greater speed, higher resolution, more available colors, and flicker-free images.
Device drivers for the graphics adapter and a README file with instructions for installing the device drivers are provided on the Device Driver and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD that comes with your computer. If your computer has IBM-preinstalled software, video device drivers are installed in the IBMTOOLS/DRIVERS/VIDEO directory. You can use the device driver installation instructions if you need to reinstall the device drivers or if you need information on obtaining and installing updated device drivers.
See Chapter 7. Getting help, information, and serviceon page 75 for more information.
Changing monitor settings
To get the best possible image on your screen and to reduce flicker, you might need to reset the resolution and refresh rate of your monitor. You can view and change monitor settings through your operating system using the instructions provided in the README files on the Device Driver and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD (in the video device driver) that comes with your computer. See your operating system documentation for more information on monitor settings.
Before changing monitor settings, review the documentation that comes with your monitor. The information that comes with your monitor usually includes resolution and screen refresh rates that your monitor supports. Using a resolution or refresh rate that is not supported by your monitor might cause the screen to become unreadable and could damage the monitor. If you need additional information, contact the manufacturer of the monitor.
To minimize screen flicker and jitter, set your monitor for the highest non interlaced refresh rate that the monitor supports. If your monitor complies with the VESA display data channel (DDC) standard, it is probably already set to the highest refresh rate the monitor and video controller can support. If you are not sure if your monitor is DDC-compliant, see the documentation provided with the monitor.
If you have a dual-monitor video adapter and you connect both monitors but the second monitor doesnt work, do the following:
1. Go to StartSettingsControl Panel
2. Double-click Display PropertiesSettingsDisplay Type.
3. Enable the Multi-head option.
4. Close all Control Panel windows.
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