IBM NetVista X40, IntelliStation E Pro 6836, IntelliStation E Pro 6846 User Manual

IBM®IntelliStation®E Pro
User’ s Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
IBM®IntelliStation®E Pro
User’ s Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
NOTE: Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information in “Appendix E. Product warranties and notices” on page 119.
First Edition (October 2000) © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Safety ...............v
Modem safety information .........xii
Preface ..............xiii
Notices used in this book .........xiii
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation
E Pro models ............1
Features and specifications for the tower model . . 2 Features and specifications for the desktop model . . 2
Preinstalled software...........4
Software Selections CD ..........5
What your IntelliStation E Pro offers ......6
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer . . 9
Selecting a location for your computer......9
Arranging your workspace .........9
Electrical outlets and cable lengths .....10
Connecting computer cables .........10
Starting your computer for the first time ....12
Running the setup program ........13
Registering your computer .........14
Using Access IBM ............14
Viewing documentation on the World Wide Web . . 15
Installing other operating systems .......15
Product recovery program .........16
Additional setup tasks...........16
Setting up Internet Explorer ........16
Creating emergency repair diskettes .....16
Chapter 3. Operating your computer . . 19
Turning on your computer .........19
Changing monitor settings ........21
Using audio features ...........21
Managing your computer..........22
Remote Program Load or Dynamic Host
ConfigurationProtocol .........22
Remote Administration .........23
LANClient Control Manager........23
System Migration Assistant ........23
Desktop Management Interface .......23
Using security features ..........23
Anti-intrusion features..........23
Component protection ..........24
Data protection ............24
Shutting down your operating system .....24
Turning off your computer .........25
Chapter 4. Configuring your computer 27
Using the Configuration/Setup Utility program . . 27
Starting the Configuration/Setup Utility program 27
Choices available from the Configuration/Setup
Utility main menu ...........27
Usingpasswords ...........29
Using the SCSISelect Utility program (some models) 30
Starting the SCSISelect Utility program ....30
Choices available from the SCSISelect menu . . 30
Chapter 5. Installing options .....33
Major components of the tower model .....33
Major components of the desktop model ....34
System and PCI extender boards .......35
System and PCI extender board option
connectors ..............35
System board internal cable connectors ....36
System board external connectors ......36
System board jumpers ..........37
Before you begin ............37
System reliability considerations ......38
Handling static-sensitive devices ......38
Safety information ...........39
Power and signal cables for internal drives ....43
Installing options in a tower model ......44
Moving the stabilizing feet ........44
Removing the support bracket assembly....46
Working with adapters .........47
Installing internal drives .........50
Installing memory modules ........55
Installing a security U-bolt ........57
Installing the cover ...........58
Installing options in the desktop model .....59
Working with adapters .........60
Installing internal drives .........64
Installing memory modules ........67
Installing a security U-bolt ........68
Installing the cover ...........69
Connecting external options ........70
I/O connector locations .........71
Input/Output connectors .........72
Chapter 6. Solving problems .....77
Diagnostic tools overview .........77
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 iii
POST ................78
POST beep code descriptions .......78
Small computer system interface messages (some
Diagnostic programs and error messages ....79
Textmessages ............80
Starting the diagnostic programs ......80
Viewing the test log ..........82
Diagnostic error message tables.......82
Software-generated error messages .....93
Troubleshooting the Ethernet controller ....93
Ethernet controller messages........95
Recovering your operating system and preinstalled
Recovering BIOS ...........99
Recovering or installing device drivers ....101
Recovering your operating system .....101
Using the ConfigSafe program.......102
ClearingCMOS ............103
Replacing the battery ...........103
Getting information, help, and service .....104
Getting information ..........105
Getting help and service.........105
Purchasing additional services.......108
Appendix A. Using the Software
Selections CD ...........109
Features of the Software Selections CD .....109
Starting the Software Selections CD ......109
Installing software using the Software Selections
Appendix B. Maintaining your
computer .............111
Taking care of your computer ........111
Basics ...............111
Cleaning your computer .........111
Moving your computer .........113
Appendix C. Computer records....115
Appendix D. Viewing the International License Agreement for Non-Warranted
Programs .............117
Appendix E. Product warranties and
notices ..............119
IBM Statement of Limited Warranty for United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada (Part 1 -
IBM Statement of Warranty Worldwide except Canada, Puerto Rico, Turkey, United States (Part
1 – GeneralTerms) ..........122
Part 2 - Worldwide Country-Unique Terms . . 124
Notices ...............128
Edition notice ............128
Processing date data ..........129
Importantnotes ...........130
Electronic emission notices .........130
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Statement .............130
Industry Canada Class A emission compliance
Australia and New Zealand Class A statement 131 United Kingdom telecommunications safety
European Union EMC Directive conformance
Taiwan electrical emission statement.....132
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for
Interference (VCCI) statement .......132
Index ...............135
IBM®IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
Przed zainstalowaniem tego produktu należy przeczytać broszurę Informacje Dotyczące Bezpieczeństwa.
Before installing this product, read the Safety Information book .
Antes de instalar este produto, leia o Manual de Informações sobre Segurança.
Pred instalací tohoto produktu si prectete prírucku bezpecnostních instrukcí.
Læshæftet med sikkerhedsforskrifter, før du installerer dette produkt.
Lue Safety Information -kirjanen, ennen kuin asennat tämän tuotteen.
Avant de procéder à linstallation de ce produit, lisez le manuel Safety Information.
Vor Beginn der Installation die Broschüre mit Sicherheitshinweisen lesen.
Prima di installare questo prodotto, leggere lopuscolo contenente le informazioni sulla sicurezza.
Lees voordat u dit product installeert eerst het boekje met veiligheidsvoorschriften.
Les heftet om sikkerhetsinformasjon (Safety Information) før du installerer dette produktet.
Antes de instalar este produto, leia o folheto Informações sobre Segurança.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 v
Перед установкой продукта прочтите брошюру по технике безопасности (Safety Information).
Pred inštaláciou tohto produktu si pre ítajte Informa nú brožúrku o bezpe nosti.
Preden namestite ta izdelek, preberite knjižico Varnostne informacije.
Antes de instalar este producto, lea la Información de Seguridad.
Lässäkerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den här produkten.
Installálás el tt olvassa el a Biztonsági el írások kézikönyvét !
vi IBM
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
Statement 1
Danger Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous.
To avoid a shock hazard: v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or
reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.
v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet. v Connect to properly wired outlets any equipment that will be attached to this product. v When possible, use one hand only to connect or disconnect signal cables. v Never turn on any equipment when there is evidence of fire, water, or structural
v Disconnect the attached power cords, telecommunications systems, networks, and
modems before you open the device covers, unless instructed otherwise in the installation and configuration procedures.
v Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following table when installing,
moving, or opening covers on this product or attached devices.
To connect:
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, attach all cables to devices.
3. Attach signal cables to connectors.
4. Attach power cords to outlet.
5. Turn device ON.
To disconnect:
1. Turn everything OFF.
2. First, remove power cords from outlet.
3. Remove signal cables from connectors.
4. Remove all cables from devices.
Safety vii
Le courant électrique provenant de l’alimentation, du téléphone et des câbles de transmission peut présenter un danger.
Pour éviter tout risque de choc électrique : v Ne manipulez aucun câble et n’effectuez aucune opération d’installation,
d’entretien ou de reconfiguration de ce produit au cours d’un orage.
v Branchez tous les cordons d’alimentation sur un socle de prise de courant
correctement câblé et mis à la terre.
v Branchez sur des socles de prise de courant correctement câblés tout
équipement connecté à ce produit.
v Lorsque cela est possible, n’utilisez qu’une seule main pour connecter ou
déconnecter les câbles d’interface.;
v Ne mettez jamais un équipement sous tension en cas d’incendie ou
d’inondation, ou en présence de dommages matériels.
v Avant de retirer les carters de l’unité, mettez celle-ci hors tension et
déconnectez ses cordons d’alimentation, ainsi que les câbles qui la relient aux réseaux, aux systèmes de té lécommunication et aux modems (sauf instruction contraire mentionnée dans les procédures d’installation et de configuration).
v Lorsque vous installez, que vous déplacez, ou que vous manipulez le présent
produit ou des périphériques qui lui sont raccordés, reportez-vous aux instructions ci-dessous pour connecter et déconnecter les différents cordons.
1. Mettez les unités hors tension.
2. Commencez par brancher tous les
cordons sur les unités.
3. Branchez les câbles dinterface sur des connecteurs.
4. Branchez les cordons dalimentation sur des prises.
5. Mettez les unités sous tension.
Statement 2 CAUTION:
When replacing the lithium battery, use only IBM Part Number 33F8354 or an equivalent type battery recommended by the manufacturer. If your system has a module containing a lithium battery, replace it only with the same module type made by the same manufacturer. The battery contains lithium and can explode if not properly used, handled, or disposed of.
Do not:
v Throw or immerse into water. v Heat to more than 100 C (212 F) v Repair or disassemble
1. Mettez les unités hors tension.
2. Débranchez les cordons dalimentation
des prises.
3. Débranchez les câbles dinterface des connecteurs.
4. Débranchez tous les câbles des unités.
Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations.
viii IBM
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
Danger dexplosion en cas de remplacement incorrect de la batterie.
Remplacer uniquement par une batterie IBM de type ou dun type équivalent recommandé par le fabricant. La batterie contient du lithium et peut exploser en cas de mauvaise utilisation, de mauvaise manipulation ou de mise au rebut inappropriée.
Ne pas :
v Lancer ou plonger dans leau v Chauffer à plus de 100°C (212°F) v Réparer ou désassembler
Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux règlements locaux.
Statement 3
CAUTION: When laser products (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices, or transmitters) are installed, note the following:
v Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product could result in
exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the device.
v Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified
herein might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode. Note the following. Laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with optical instruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam.
Certains modèles dordinateurs personnels sont équipésd’origine d’une unité de CD-ROM ou de DVD-ROM. Mais ces unités sont également vendues séparément en tant quoptions. Lunité de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM est un appareil à laser. Aux État-Unis, lunité de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM est certifiée conforme aux normes indiquées dans le sous-chapitre J du DHHS 21 CFR relatif aux produits à laser de classe 1. Dans les autres pays, elle est certifiée être un produit à laser de classe 1 conforme aux normes CEI 825 et CENELEC EN 60 825.
Lorsquune unité de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM est installée, tenez compte des remarques suivantes:
ATTENTION: Pour éviter tout risque dexposition au rayon laser, respectez les consignes de réglage et dutilisation des commandes, ainsi que les procédures décrites.
Safety ix
Louverture de lunité de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM peut entraîner un risque dexposition au rayon laser. Pour toute intervention, faites appel à du personnel qualifié.
Certaines unités de CD-ROM/DVD-ROM peuvent contenir une diode à laser de classe 3A ou 3B. Tenez compte de la consigne qui suit:
Rayonnement laser lorsque le carter est ouvert. Évitez toute exposition directe des yeux au rayon laser. Évitez de regarder fixement le faisceau ou de lobserver à l’aide dinstruments optiques.
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
Statement 4
18 kg (39.7 lbs) 32 kg (70.5 lbs) 55 kg (121.2 lbs)
CAUTION: Use safe practices when lifting.
Statement 5
CAUTION: The power control button on the device and the power switch on the power supply do not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one power cord. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source.
Safety xi
Modem safety information
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury when using telephone equipment, always follow basic safety precautions, such as:
v Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm. v Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically
designed for wet locations.
v Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line
has been disconnected at the network interface.
v Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines. v Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm.
There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
v Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
Consignes de sécurité relatives au modem
Lors de lutilisation de votre matériel téléphonique, il est important de respecter les consignes ci-après afin de réduire les risques dincendie, d’électrocution et dautres blessures :
v Ninstallez jamais de cordons téléphoniques durant un orage. v Les prises téléphoniques ne doivent pas être installées dans des endroits
humides, excepté si le modèle a été conçu à cet effet.
v Ne touchez jamais un cordon téléphonique ou un terminal non isolé avant que
la ligne ait été déconnectéeduréseau téléphonique.
v Soyez toujours prudent lorsque vous procédez à linstallation ou à la
modification de lignes téléphoniques.
v Si vous devez téléphoner pendant un orage, pour éviter tout risque de choc
électrique, utilisez toujours un téléphone sans fil.
v En cas de fuite de gaz, nutilisez jamais un téléphone situéàproximité de la
xii IBM
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
This book will help you become familiar with your IBM IntelliStation E Pro computer and its many features. It describes how to set up, configure, operate, maintain, and install options in your computer. Information about software, problem solving, and getting help is also included in this book.
Related information
The following documentation contains additional information about your computer. If your computer comes with IBM-preinstalled software, you might be able to view these documents using Access IBM. See Using Access IBMon page 14 for information about how to use Access IBM. The IBM documents listed below can also be found at on the World Wide Web.
v Hardware Maintenance Manual
This publication contains information for trained service technicians. It can be found at on the World Wide Web.
v README files on the Device Drivers and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD
Several README files on this CD contain information about the various adapters and devices that might be attached to your computer.
v Adaptec SCSI documentation
This publication, accessible through Access IBM, contains information and instructions for installing and configuring small computer systems interface (SCSI) device drivers and devices.
v Safety Information
This publication, accessible through Access IBM, contains multilingual Caution and Danger notices.
Notices used in this book
This information product contains notices that relate to specific topics. The Caution and Danger notices also appear in the multilingual Safety Information book that is accessible through Access IBM. Each notice is numbered for easy reference to the corresponding notices in the safety book.
The notice definitions are as follows:
v Notes: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice. v Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you
avoid inconvenient or problem situations.
v Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data.
An attention notice is placed just before the instruction or situation in which damage could occur.
v Caution: These notices indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous to
you. A caution notice is placed just before descriptions of potentially hazardous procedure steps or situations.
v Danger:These notices indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or
extremely hazardous to you. A danger notice is placed just before descriptions of potentially lethal or extremely hazardous procedures or situations.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 xiii
xiv IBM
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation E Pro models
Thank you for selecting an IBM®IntelliStation®Professional Workstation. Your computer incorporates many of the latest advances in computing technology and is easy to expand and upgrade as your needs change.
If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can obtain up-to-date information about your IntelliStation E Pro model and other IBM computer products at the following World Wide Web address:
Your computer model and serial numbers are located on labels on the bottom of the computer and on the lower right side of the bezel on the tower model. These labels are located on the bottom of the computer and on the lower right front of the bezel on the desktop model. You will need these numbers when you register your computer with IBM.
Serial number
Tower model
Desktop model
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 1
Serial number
Features and specifications for the tower model
The following table provides a summary of the features and specifications of the tower model. Some features and specifications are not available on all models.
Table 1. Tower Model Features and Specifications
v Supports one microprocessor
v Intel
v Minimum: 64 MB v Maximum: 1.5 GB v Type: PC133 MHz, ECC SDRAM,
v Slots: Three dual inline
Drives: (depending on your model)
v Diskette: 1.44 MB v CD-ROM : IDE v Hard disk drive
Expansion bays :
v Two 5.25-in. bays (One CD-ROM
v Two 3.5-in. bays (One diskette
v Three 3.5-in. slim-high bays
PCI expansion slots :
v Three 33 MHz/32-bit on the system
v Two 33 MHz/32-bit on the PCI Bus
AGP slot :
v Accelerated graphics port (AGP) v Video adapter installed in the AGP
Power supply :
One 330 watt (90-240 V ac)
Pentium™III with 256 KB Level-2 cache and MMX (MMX2) technology
unregistered DIMMs only
drive installed)
drive installed)
available (One hard disk drive installed)
board (some models come with a SCSI adapter installed)
extender board
slot on the system board
Video : (depending on your model) v Matrox or NVidia AGP video
v Compatible with SVGA and VGA v Matrox has 16 MB SDRAM video
v NVidia has 32 MB SDRAM video
v Height: 470 mm (18.5 in.) v Depth: 508 mm (19.9 in.) v Width: 165 mm (6.5 in.) v Weight: approximately 19.5 Kg (43
lb.) when fully configured or 15.9 Kg (35 lb.) minimum
Integrated functions:
v 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet
controller on the system board with an RJ-45 Ethernet port
v Two serial ports v Parallel port v Two USB ports v Keyboard port v Mouse port v MIDI port v Audio ports
Line outLine inMic
v Dual-channel bus mastering IDE
Acoustical noise emissions :
v Sound power, idling: 6.6 bel
v Sound power, operating: 6.8 bel
v Air temperature :
– Computer on: 10° to 35° C (50.0°
to 95.0° F). Altitude: 0 to 914 m (2998.7 ft.)
– Computer on: 10° to 32° C (50.0°
to 89.6° F). Altitude: 914 m (2998.7 ft.) to 2133 m (6998.0 ft.)
– Computer off: 10° to 43° C (50.0°
to 109.4° F). Maximum altitude: 2133 m (6998.0 ft.)
v Humidity :
Computer on: 8% to 80%Computer off: 8% to 80%
Heat output :
Approximate heat output in British Thermal Units (Btu) per hour v Minimum configuration: 341 Btu
(100 watts)
v Maximum configuration: 1604 Btu
(470 watts)
Electrical input :
v Sine-wave input (50-60 Hz) required v Input voltage low range:
Minimum: 90 V acMaximum: 137 V ac
v Input voltage high range:
Minimum: 180 V acMaximum: 265 V ac
v Input kilovolt-amperes (kVA)
Minimum: 0.095 kVAMaximum: 0.213 kVA
Features and specifications for the desktop model
The following table provides a summary of the features and specifications of the desktop model. Some features and specifications are not available on all models.
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
Table 2. Desktop Model Features and Specifications
v Supports one microprocessor
v Intel
Pentium™III with 256 KB Level-2 cache and MMX (MMX2) technology
v Minimum: 64 MB v Maximum: 1.5 GB v Type: PC133 MHz, ECC SDRAM,
unregistered DIMMs only
v Slots: Three dual inline
Drives: (depending on your model)
v Diskette: 1.44 MB v CD-ROM : IDE v Hard disk drive
Expansion bays
v Two 5.25-in. bays (One CD-ROM
drive installed)
v Two 3.5-in. bays (One diskette
drive and one hard disk drive installed)
Video : (depending on your model) v Matrox or NVidia AGP video
v Compatible with SVGA and VGA v Matrox has 16 MB SDRAM video
v NVidia has 32 MB SDRAM video
v Height: 140 mm (5.5 in.) v Depth: 425 mm (16.7 in.) v Width: 425 mm (16.7 in.) v Weight: approximately 11.3 Kg (25
lb.) when fully configured
Integrated functions:
v 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet
controller on the system board with an RJ-45 Ethernet port
v Two serial ports v Parallel port v Two USB ports v Keyboard port v Mouse port
PCI expansion slots :
v Three 33 MHz/32-bit on the system
board (some models come with a SCSI adapter installed)
AGP slot :
v Accelerated graphics port (AGP) v Video adapter installed in the AGP
slot on the system board
Power supply :
One 155 watt (90-240 V ac)
v MIDI port v Audio ports
Line outLine inMic
v Dual-channel bus mastering IDE
Acoustical noise emissions :
v Sound power, idling: 6.6 bel
v Sound power, operating: 6.8 bel
v Air temperature :
– Computer on: 10° to 35° C (50.0°
to 95.0° F). Altitude: 0 to 914 m (2998.7 ft.)
– Computer on: 10° to 32° C (50.0°
to 89.6° F). Altitude: 914 m (2998.7 ft.) to 2133 m (6998.0 ft.)
– Computer off: 10° to 43° C (50.0°
to 109.4° F). Maximum altitude: 2133 m (6998.0 ft.)
v Humidity :
Computer on: 8% to 80%Computer off: 8% to 80%
Heat output :
Approximate heat output in British Thermal Units (Btu) per hour v Minimum configuration: 272 Btu (80
v Maximum configuration: 767 Btu
(225 watts)
Electrical input :
v Sine-wave input (50-60 Hz) required v Input voltage low range:
Minimum: 90 V acMaximum: 137 V ac
v Input voltage high range:
Minimum: 180 V acMaximum: 265 V ac
v Input kilovolt-amperes (kVA)
Minimum: 0.08 kVAMaximum: 0.52 kVA
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation E Pro models 3
Your IBM computer comes with Microsoft®Windows 2000®Professional preinstalled with the option of changing your operating system to Windows NT Workstation.
In addition to your operating system, a variety of other software programs comes with your computer, such as application programs, diagnostic tools, and device drivers. Some of the software is preinstalledon your computer, and some software is on the CDs that comes with your computer.
The software, other than the Microsoft operating system, is licensed under the terms of the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs. Use of your computer signifies acceptance of this license agreement. For detailed instructions about viewing the license agreement, see Appendix D. Viewing the International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programson page 117.
Preinstalled software
In addition to the Microsoft operating system, your preinstalled software includes the following programs:
v Access IBM provides links to selected IBM Web sites and the IBM Assistant, a
help system for many end-user tasks. Access IBM also provides shortcuts to help accomplish many of these tasks.
v Adobe Acrobat Reader is used to read portable document format (PDF) files.
You can download the most current versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader for other languages and operating systems from the Adobe Web site at on the World Wide Web.
v ConfigSafe is a comprehensive configuration tracking and recovery tool. It
provides features that you can use to restore your system if your desktop becomes damaged, unusable, or unstartable.
v IBM Backup and Restore program creates and stores a backup image of the
primary partition (drive C) of your hard disk drive. You can recover this backup image, in the event that drive C becomes damaged or unusable.
v IBM Registration program can be used to register your computer with IBM.
When you register your computer with IBM, information is entered into an IBM database, which enables IBM to contact you in case of a recall or other severe problem. In addition, some locations offer extended privileges and services to registered users.
v Online Books enable you to access documentation that contains detailed
information about your computer.
v PC-Doctor for Windows is a program to help you locate and resolve some
problems that might occur with your computer.
v Product Recovery Program enables you to recover the Windows 2000 or
Windows NT operating systems and other software programs.
You must have Internet access to use some of these programs. For more information about connecting to the Internet, refer to the operating system documentation that comes with your computer.
1. The Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity is your assurance that the Windows software in your computer is legally licensed from Microsoft Corporation.
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
See Chapter 2. Setting up your computeron page 9 for additional information about your preinstalled software. For more information about using the recovery programs and solving problems, see Chapter 6. Solving problemson page 77.
1. No backup diskettes for your preinstalled software come with your computer. However, you can reinstall the device drivers and applications that come preinstalled on your computer from the directories on your hard disk drive. For more information on recovering your computer software, see Recovering your operating system and preinstalled softwareon page 99.
2. The device drivers and some programs are also available at on the World Wide Web and on the Device Driversand IBM Enhanced DiagnosticsCD.
Software Selections CD
The Software Selections CD contains application programs and support software for use with your computer, such as:
IBM Universal Manageability Services
IBM Update Connector
Netscape Communicator You can use Netscape Communicator to navigate your
Norton AntiVirus for IBM You can use Norton AntiVirus for IBM to detect and
UM Services streamline and automate personal computer (PC) systems management and support tasks, such as asset deployment and tracking.
You can use IBM Update Connector to download software programs, software updates, data, and data updates from IBM via the Internet. Update Connector automatically determines whether your computer needs available updates and, if so, it downloads and installs them at your option.
company intranet or the World Wide Web. Netscape Communicator provides a full suite of Internet functions, including e-mail, threaded discussion groups (newsgroups), and support for the latest features on the Wo rl d Wi de Web .
remove viruses from your computer.
For more information about installing software using the Software Selections CD, see Appendix A. Using the Software Selections CDon page 109.
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation E Pro models 5
Other software CDs
Some IntelliStation models come with additional CDs. These CDs include software that you can install and programs that you can run to test hardware components of your computer.
Lotus®SmartSuite Lotus SmartSuite, a package of award-winning
Device Drivers and IBM Enhanced Diagnostics CD
What your IntelliStation E Pro offers
The design of your computer takes advantage of advancements in graphics, memory, systems-management, and network environments. Your computer includes:
v High-performance accelerated graphics port (AGP) graphics
Your computer comes with an AGP graphics adapter installed. This high-performance adapter supports high resolutions and includes many performance-enhancing features for your operating-system environment.
v Large system memory
The memory bus in your computer supports up to 1.5 gigabytes (GB) memory. The memory controller provides error code correction (ECC) support for up to three industry standard PC133, 3.3 V, 168-pin, 133 megahertz (MHz), unregistered, synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM) dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs).
v Systems-management capabilities
Your computer comes with features that a network administrator or file server can use to remotely manage and control your computer. Some of the features include: Wake on LAN, Remote Administration, and System Migration Assistant.
v Integrated network environment support
Your computer comes with an Ethernet controller on the system board. This Ethernet controller has an interface for connecting to 10-Mbps or 100-Mbps networks. The computer automatically selects between 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX environments. This controller provides full-duplex (FDX) capability, which allows simultaneous transmission and reception of data on the Ethernet local area network (LAN).
productivity applications, contains powerful applications and everything you need to access the Internet. Your computer comes with either a Lotus SmartSuite CD or a proof of entitlement to receive one free CD-ROM version of Lotus SmartSuite. To install your SmartSuite package, insert the Lotus SmartSuite CD into your CD-ROM drive, or contact your network administrator for assistance.
The diagnostic test programs are stored on the Device Drivers and IBM Enhanced DiagnosticsCD that comes with your computer. These programs provide the primary methods of testing system components. Some of the preinstalled device drivers are also stored on this CD.
of system
2. One Gigabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes.
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
Computer controls and indicators
This section identifies the controls and indicators on your tower and desktop models.
Ethernet speed 100 Mbps
Ethernet transmit/ receive activity
CD eject button
CD-ROM drive activity light
Diskette eject button
Diskette drive activity light
Hard disk drive activity light
Power-on light
Power control button
Ethernet speed 100 Mbps
Ethernet transmit/ receive activity
CD eject
CD-ROM drive
activity light
Diskette eject
Diskette drive
activity light
Power control
Power on light
Hard disk drive
activity light
CD eject button: Push this button to open the CD tray to remove a CD from the drive.
CD-ROM drive activity light:When this light is on, the CD-ROM drive is in use.
Diskette eject button: Push this button to release a diskette from the drive.
Chapter 1. Introducing the IntelliStation E Pro models 7
Ethernet speed 100 Mbps: When this light is on, the Ethernet speed is 100 Mbps. When this light is off, the Ethernet speed is 10 Mbps.
Ethernet transmit/receive activity:When this light is on, there is activity between the computer and the network.
Diskette drive activity light: When this light is on, the diskette drive is in use.
Hard disk drive activity light: When this light is on, the hard disk drive is in use.
Power-on light: This status indicator lights when you turn on your computer.
Power control button: Press this button to manually turn the computer on or off.
IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer
This chapter provides information about setting up your computer and preparing it to run your applications.
Before you begin to set up your computer, read the information in Safetyon page v.
You will need the following items:
v Computer v Computer power cord v Keyboard v Mouse v Monitor (sold separately with signal cable and power cord)
If you are missing an item, contact your place of purchase.
Selecting a location for your computer
Make sure you have an adequate number of properly grounded electrical outlets for the computer, monitor, and any other devices. Select a location for the computer where it will remain dry. Leave about 127 mm (5 in.) of space around the computer for proper air circulation.
For information about arranging your computer for comfort and ease-of-use, refer to Arranging your workspaceon page 9.
Arranging your workspace
To get the most from your computer, arrange both the equipment you use and your work area to suit your needs and the kind of work you do. Your comfort is of foremost importance, but light sources, air circulation, and the location of electrical outlets also can affect the way you arrange your workspace.
Although no single working position is ideal for everyone, the following guidelines will help you find a position that suits you best.
Sitting in the same position for a long time can cause fatigue. A good chair can make a big difference. The backrest and seat should adjust independently and provide good support. The seat should have a curved front to relieve pressure on the thighs. Adjust the seat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your feet are either flat on the floor or on a footrest.
When using the keyboard, keep your forearms parallel to the floor and your wrists in a neutral, comfortable position. Try to keep a light touch on the keyboard and your hands and fingers relaxed. You can change the angle of the keyboard for maximum comfort by adjusting the position of the keyboard feet.
Adjust the monitor so that the top of the screen is at, or slightly below, eye level. Place the monitor at a comfortable viewing distance, usually 51 to 61 cm (20 to 24
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 9
in.), and position it so that you can view it without having to twist your body. Also position other equipment you use regularly, such as the telephone or a mouse, within easy reach.
Glare and lighting
Position the monitor to minimize glare and reflections from overhead lights, windows, and other light sources. Even reflected light from shiny surfaces can cause annoying reflections on your monitor screen. Place the monitor at right angles to windows and other light sources when possible. Reduce overhead lighting, if necessary, by turning off lights or using lower wattage bulbs. If you install the monitor near a window, use curtains or blinds to block the sunlight. You might have to adjust the brightness and contrast controls on the monitor as the room lighting changes throughout the day.
Where it is impossible to avoid reflections or to adjust the lighting, an antiglare filter placed over the screen might be helpful. However, these filters might affect the clarity of the image on the screen; try them only after you have exhausted other methods of reducing glare.
Dust buildup compounds problems that are associated with glare. Remember to clean your monitor screen periodically using a soft cloth that is moistened with a nonabrasive liquid glass cleaner.
Air circulation
Your computer and monitor produce heat. Your computer has one or more fans that pull in fresh air and forces out hot air. The monitor lets hot air escape through vents. Blocking the air vents can cause overheating, which might result in a malfunction or damage. Place the computer and monitor so that nothing blocks the air vents; usually, 51 mm (2 in.) of air space is sufficient. Also, make sure the vented air is not blowing on someone else.
Electrical outlets and cable lengths
The location of electrical outlets and the length of power cords and cables that connect to the monitor, printer, and other devices might determine the final placement of your computer.
When arranging your workspace: v Avoid the use of extension cords. Whenever possible, plug the computer power
cords directly into electrical outlets.
v Keep power cords and cables neatly routed away from walkways and other
areas where they might be kicked accidentally.
For more information about power cords, see Power cordson page 132.
Connecting computer cables
Use the following steps to set up your computer. Look for the small icons on the following pages, and on the back of your computer.
If your computer cables and connector panel have color-coded connectors, match the color of the cable end with the color of the connector. For example, match a blue cable end with a blue panel connector, a red cable end with a red panel connector, and so on.
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IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
1. Connect the monitor cable to the monitor connector. Tighten the screws; then, connect the keyboard cable to the keyboard connector, and connect the mouse cable to the mouse connector.
Keyboard Mouse
Note: If your computer comes with Windows NT and a ScrollPoint
your mouse will function the first time you start up your computer, but your mouse will not have its ScrollPoint function. You must shut down and restart the computer to enable the ScrollPoint function.
2. Connect any additional devices you have. v Connect a printer or parallel device to the parallel connector.
v Connect a serial device or external modem to the serial connector.
Serial Device
v Connect Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices to either of the USB connectors.
USB Device
v Connect optional devices, such as speakers, microphones, or headphones, for
models with an audio device.
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer 11
v Connect the Ethernet cable to the RJ-45 Ethernet connector.
To operate the computer within FCC Class A limits, use a category 5 Ethernet cable.
3. Connect the power cord to the power connector located on the rear of the
computer. If there is a label covering the power connector, remove it.
Powe r
Attention: If you have a desktop model, check the position of the voltage-selection switch. Use a ball point pen to slide the switch, if necessary.
Voltage switch
v If the voltage supply range in your location is 90-137 V ac, set the voltage
switch to 115 V.
v If the voltage supply range in your location is 180-265 V ac, set the voltage
switch to 230-265 V.
4. Connect the power cords into properly grounded electrical outlets.
Note: When the power cord is first plugged in, the computer might turn on for
a few seconds, then turn off. This is normal.
Starting your computer for the first time
This section contains the information that you will need to start operating your computer.
1. Review the safety precautions listed in Statement 1 and Statement 5 in Safety on page v.
2. If your computer is a desktop model, set the voltage-selection switch located
next to the power cord connector on the rear of the computer.
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IntelliStation®E Pro: Users Guide IntelliStation E Pro Types 6836, 6846
v If the voltage supply range in your location is 90-137 V ac, set the
voltage-selection switch to 115 V.
v If the voltage supply range in your location is 180-265 V ac, set voltage
selection switch to 230 V.
3. Turn on all devices connected to the computer.
4. Press the power control button on your computer. For the location of the power
control button, see Computer controls and indicatorson page 7. Attention: After you have turned on your computer for the first time, you
must complete the setup procedure before you turn off your computer; otherwise, unexpected results might occur.
When you start your computer, you can select one of the following messages to use the configuration program or the recovery program. If you do not select the following messages, your computer completes POST and the Windows desktop appears.
v Press F1 for Configuration/Setup
You can use this program to configure serial- and parallel-connector assignments, change the drive startup sequence, set the date and time, and set passwords. See Chapter 4. Configuring your computeron page 27 for more information about using the Configuration and Setup Utility.
v To Start the Product Recovery Program, Press F11
The Product Recovery Program is provided on your computer to assist you with some recovery operations. This program enables you to recover Windows 2000, Windows NT, and other software programs. For more information about recovering your preinstalled software, see Recovering your operating system and preinstalled softwareon page 99.
v <<<Press <CTRL><A> for SCSISelect Utility!>>>
The SCSISelect Utility program is a built-in, menu-driven configuration utility program that you can use to view the default SCSI IDs and locate and correct configuration conflicts. You will only see this message if your computer contains a SCSI adapter. For more information about using this program, see Using the SCSISelect Utility program (some models)on page 30.
If you experience any problems during startup, see Troubleshooting chartson page 88.
Running the setup program
The setup program starts when you turn on the computer for the first time, or after you have recovered your operating system. The program will prompt you to make choices or type information as required.
1. The setup program is slightly different from the one that is described in your operating system documentation. Some choices that are described in your operating system documentation do not appear because they are preset.
2. During the setup procedure, you must indicate that you accept the license agreement, before you can complete the procedure.
3. In some instances, the registration information will already be entered into the registration fields. If the Product ID number is not already entered, you must type the Product ID number from your Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity. The product ID number is located on the label attached to the bottom of your computer.
Chapter 2. Setting up your computer 13
4. If the setup program has already been run once, it will not start when you turn on your computer.
To complete the setup procedure, you will need the following items and information:
v The Microsoft operating system documentation that comes with your computer. v Network information (if applicable) from your network administrator. v The printer model and port that is used by the printer, if the printer is attached
directly to your computer.
After the setup procedure finishes and the computer restarts, the Windows desktop appears and your computer is ready for use.
Registering your computer
Registering your computer helps IBM provide better service to you. When your registration information is received, it is placed into a central database accessible by IBM technical-support representatives. If you need technical assistance, the support representative will already have information about your computer, saving you time on the phone.
The registration program gathers your name, address, voice and fax telephone numbers, e-mail address, machine type, and machine serial number. If you do not register your computer during the initial setup, you can still do so at a later time.
To register your computer, use one of the following methods to access the registration program; then, follow the on-screen instructions.
v Double click the Register icon on the Windows desktop and follow the
v Double click the Access IBM icon on the Windows desktop; then, click Get
started Registering your IBM computer
v Click Start Programs IBM RegistrationRegister v You can also register on the World Wide Web at
Note: The registration program, which starts through Access IBM or the
Using Access IBM
Access IBM provides links to selected IBM Web sites and to the IBM Assistant, a help system for many end-user tasks. Access IBM also provides shortcuts to help accomplish many of these tasks.
Descriptions of the choices available from the Access IBM main menu are as follows:
v Get Started
Select this choice to display information about tasks that are typically performed immediately after installing a new computer.
v Customize
Register icon, also has the capability of printing the registration
information and supplying you with a mailing address, in the event no modem or Internet access is available.
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