IBM inSentry-man-E210 User Manual

AT, IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Incorpo rated. DOS, Windows 95, 98, Me, Windows NT, 2000, XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks belong to their respective proprietors.
Electronic Emission Notice
Federal Communications Commission
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
CE Notice
This device complies with the EMC directive of the European Community and meets or exceeds the following technical standard:
EN 55022:1998 ⎯”Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference Characte ristics of information Technology Equipment.” This device complies with the CISPR Class B standard
EN 55024:1998 ⎯”Electromagnetic compatibility Generic immunity standard Part1: Residential, and light industry.”
Safety Information
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, install the unit in a temperature-controlled indoor area free of conductive contaminants. Do not place the unit near liquids or in an excessively humid environment.
Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to enter the unit
The unit does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Do not open the unit.
All the service of this equipment must be perform by qualified service personnel. Remove rings,
watches and other jewelry before servicing the unit.
Before maintenance, repair or shipment, the unit must be completely switched of f and unplug ged and all connections must be removed.
Before plug in the power adapter of inSentry , please make sure the rating of power source that is matched with the rating of power adapter of inSentry.
Table of Contents
Electronic Emission Notice _________________________________________ 2 Safety Information_________________________________________________ 2 Table of Contents _________________________________________________ 3 1 - Presentation ___________________________________________________ 4
1.1 Introduction ________________________________________________________ 4
1.2 Package Contents___________________________________________________ 4
1.3 Resources_________________________________________________________ 5
1.4 Features __________________________________________________________ 6
2 - Installation ____________________________________________________ 7
2.1 What you need _____________________________________________________ 7
2.2 Hardware Installation_________________________________________________ 7
2.3 Configuration through the Serial Port ____________________________________ 9
2.4 Configuration through TELNET command _______________________________ 18
2.5 Configuration through a Web Browser __________________________________ 19
2.6 Initial Configuration _________________________________________________ 21
3 - Managing inSentry via Web Browser______________________________ 23
3.1 Utilising the inSentry Home Page ______________________________________ 23
3.2 inSentry Monitoring _________________________________________________ 24
3.3 inSentry Management _______________________________________________ 27
3.4 inSentry History____________________________________________________ 30
4 - Monitoring inSentry via Java Monitor _____________________________ 32
4.1 Java Monitor ______________________________________________________32
4.2 History Log Monitor_________________________________________________ 34
4.3 Extended History Log Monitor_________________________________________ 35
5 - Managing inSentry via SNMP ____________________________________ 36
5.1 SNMP Access Control Setting_________________________________________ 36
5.2 SNMP Trap Receivers Setting ________________________________________ 36
5.3 Set up SNMP Manager Software ______________________________________ 36
Appendix A Technical Information __________________________________ 37
Technical Information about inSentry ______________________________________37
Appendix B Firmware Upgrade _____________________________________ 40
General information____________________________________________________ 40 Updating inSentry Firmware from Windows 9x/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP_______________ 40 Updating inSentry Firmware from UNIX ____________________________________ 41
1 - Presentation
1.1 Introduction
The inSentry is a connectivity device that allows you to remotely monitor the temperature, humidity, and status of two contact devices via a standard Web browser, providing greater power management control and flexible monitoring.
Figure 1-1 inSentry
1.2 Package Contents
An inSentry box
An EMD box (Environment Monitoring Device)
A Magnetic Reed Switch
RJ45 to DB9 Female serial cable for inSentry console operation
RJ45 to RJ45 Male cable for connect to EMD communication port
12VDV Power adapter
inSentry CD-ROM containing inSentry MIB file for SNMP Network
Management System (NMS), inSentry Quick Installation Guide, inSentry User Guide in electronic format
Cable Tie, Velcro or machine screw to fix EMD box on the wall.
1.3 Resources
The inSentry CD-ROM contains Quick Installation Guide, User Guide, MIB files and the iupgrade software that you can use to configure the inSentry.
inSentry Quick Installation Guide gives detail on how to install and configure a inSentry using a Windows OS workstation.
inSentry User Guide gives more detail and information on installation and configuration of inSentry.
inSentry provides online help that gives additional instructions for administering a inSentry.
1.4 Features
The inSentry has the following features:
Hot-swappable feature Hot-swappable feature simplifies installation by allowing you to install the EMD safely without powering down the inSentry.
Monitors the temperature and humidity feature Monitors temperature and humidity information of any desired environment to protect your critical equipment.
Monitors contact closure status feature Monitors the status of two user-provide contact devices to protect your critical equipment.
Configure inSentry functions from any client (password protected) Sets inSentry parameters from any SNMP management station or through Internet Browsers using HTTP forms and objects.
E-mail notification feature E-mail notification through SMTP via e-mail client software, a phone, or alphanumeric pager when acceptable alarm limits are exceeded or contact status changes.
Logged event and history log feature When temperature and humidity values exceed user-selectable limits, or change in contact closure status are logged in the inSentry’s Event History Log.
2 - Installation
2.1 What you need
To install inSentry on a network and change its default configuration, you need a workstation running Microsoft Windows (9x, Me, NT4.0, 2000, XP or later). If your network dynamically configures IP address, all you need is a workstation with a Web Browser. There are two methods for setting the inSentry configuration:
1. Set up the inSentry through the serial port
2. Set up the inSentry via a Web Browser
2.2 Hardware Installation
Use the following steps to install the inSentry
1. Connect the supplied RJ45/DB9(M) serial cable form the inSentry’s RJ45 connector labeled “EMD-2” to the COM port on the PC.
NOTE: Please refer to the next section for serial port configuration, or go to the last section of this chapter for configuration through a Web Browser.
2. Connect the supplied straight-through CAT 5 network cable from the inSentry’s RJ45 connector labeled “EMD-1” to the labeled “010101” port on the EMD.
NOTE: If the configuration cable is still attached to the inSentry, remove and store it for future use.
NOTE: If the supplied straight-through CA T5 netw ork cable is not long enough for your application, you may substitute a longer cable (not to exceed 20m/65.6ft).
3. If applicable, connect external contact closure inputs to the screw terminals on the EMD (see Figure 2-1 and Table 2-1).
NOTE: Contact closure device 1 is connected between Pins 1 and 2. Device 2 is connected between Pins 2 and 4(as labeled to show device1 and 2). Contact closure devices may be normally open or normally closed.
4. Insert the power connector in the inSentry power inlet.
5. Plug the power adapter of the inSentry into the power socket
6. To do inSentry configuration through serial port or Web page.
Figure 2-1 EMD Screw Terminal
Pin Number Description Normally-open/closed
1 Contact 1 Return NC 2 Contact 1 Signal Input NO 3 Contact 2 Return NC 4 Contact 2 Signal Input NO
T able 2-1 EMD Screw Terminal Pin Assignment
2.3 Configuration through the Serial Port
Hardware Preparation of inSentry
1. Procure a workstation (Microsoft Windows 9x, Me, NT4.0, 2000, XP or later, installed).
2. Connect the supplied RJ45/DB9(M) serial cable form the inSentry’s RJ45 connector labeled “EMD-2” to the COM port on the PC (see Figure 2-2).
3. Set both the DIP-switches of the inSentry to OFF position (operating mode) for configuration.
Figure 2-2 Serial cable connection of inSentry
Configuring the inSentry
1. From a workstation running Microsoft Windows (9x, Me, NT4.0, 2000, XP
or later,), and click on the HyperTerminal icon of the accessory programs group (see Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3 Hyper Terminal folders in the accessory programs group
2. Enter a name and choose an icon for the connection (see Figure 2-4).
Figure 2-4 New Hyper Terminal Connection
3. Select direct COM port connection (see Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5 Select Direct to COM Port Connection
4. Setup the COM port parameters - 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop
bit and no flow control (see Figure 2-6).
Figure 2-6 Setup of the COM Port Parameters
5. Press the reset button at the back of the unit. Wait for inSentry to boot up.
Messages will then are displayed on the screen (see Figure 2-7); afterwards, key in the password (default password is admin). The inSentry configuration utility main menu will be displayed on the screen.
Figure 2-7 inSentry Configuration Menu
6. Select “1” to enter the inSentry Configuration screen (see Figure 2-8).
Figure 2-8 inSentry Configuration Menu
Setting System Group
From the configuration menu, press “1” to select this function and set the IP address, Gateway address and other group parameters. The definitions of these parameters are listed below (see Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-9 System Group Configuration Menu
No. Function Description Example/Remark
1. IP Address The inSentry IP address.
2. Gateway Address The network default gate way.
3. Network Mask The sub-net mask setting.
4. System Date inSentry internal Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 25/10/2001
5. System Time inSentry internal Time (hh:mm:ss) 09:49:52
After completing these settings, press “0” to return to the configuration menu.
Setting Control Group
From the configuration menu, press “2” to modify the access password and enabled/disabled status of the available network protocols (see Figure 2-10).
Figure 2-10 Control Group Configuration Menu
No. Function Description Example/Remark
1. HTTP Login UserName HTTP access login string “inSentry”
2. Community Read-Only General password for read-only access “public”
3. Community Read/Write
Administrator password for read and write access
4. BOOTP/DHCP Control Enable/disable the BOOTP/DHCP protocols Disable
5. TFTP Upgrade Control
Enable/disable the TFTP protocol for firmware upgrades through the local network
8. PING Echo Control
Enable/Disable inSentry to response to Ping request.
7. Telnet Control Enable/disable the TELNET protocol Enable
9. HTTP Control
Enable login and password request for HTTP access
8. SNMP Control
Enable login and password request for SNMP access
After completing these settings, press “0” to return to the configuration menu.
Setting Parameter Group
From the configuration menu press “3” to modify the SNMP identification information, and the speed of reading data from inSentry (see Figure 2-11)
Figure 2-11 Parameter Group Configuration Menu
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