IBM InfoPrint 6400 Series, InfoPrint 6500 Series, InfoPrint 6700 Series, InfoPrint 4400 Series Printer Management Utility User’s Manual

InfoPrint 6400/6500
Series Line Matrix Printer
InfoPrint 6700/6700-M40/4400
Series Thermal Printer
Printer Management Utility User’s Manual
InfoPrint 6400/6500
Series Line Matrix Printer
InfoPrint 6700/6700-M40/4400
Series Thermal Printer
Printer Management Utility User’s Manual
Second Edition (September 2008)
This edition applies to the InfoPrint 6400/6500 Series Line Matrix Printers, 6700/4400 Series Thermal Printers, and 6700-M40 Series Thermal Printers and replaces the following publication:
Printer Management Utility User’s Manual,
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InfoPrint Solutions Company, LLC 6300 Diagonal Hwy 002J Boulder, CO 80301-9270 U.S.A.
This product is or contains commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation developed exclusively at private expense. As specified in Federal Acquisition Regulation 12.212 in the case of civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 227.7202 in the case of military agencies, use, duplication and disclosure by agencies of the U.S. Government shall solely be in accordance with the accompanying International Program License Agreement in case of software products and in accordance with the licensing terms specified in the product’s documentation in the case of hardware products.
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2008. All rights reserved.
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 201.
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1 Overview ................................................................ 9
The Printer Management Utility...............................................................9
Requirements .......................................................................................... 9
Installing the Software .............................................................................9
Printer Setup ......................................................................................... 10
PMU Method .................................................................................... 10
Telnet Method .................................................................................. 10
Operator Panel Method .................................................................... 11
Set Password ................................................................................... 13
Set Telemetry Path (6700/4400 Series Only)................................... 14
Check Port Number..........................................................................14
Loading and Using Foreign Language Fonts ........................................ 15
Limitations ........................................................................................ 15
Windows Setup ................................................................................ 15
Unix Setup........................................................................................16
Getting Started ...................................................................................... 17
2 Printer Database.................................................. 23
Overview ............................................................................................... 23
The Menu Bar........................................................................................25
The File Menu .................................................................................. 25
Preferences ......................................................................................26
The Edit Menu ..................................................................................32
The View Menu ................................................................................ 33
The Applications Menu.....................................................................37
The Status Menu ..............................................................................38
The Utilities Menu ............................................................................ 51
The Help Menu.................................................................................52
The Toolbar ........................................................................................... 53
Managing the Database ........................................................................ 55
Database Items ................................................................................ 55
Defining Printer Properties ...............................................................56
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
3 Applications and Web Access..............................67
Configuration Editor............................................................................... 67
Menu Tree........................................................................................ 68
Creating Configurations ................................................................... 68
Changing Configurations..................................................................69
Saving Configuration Files ............................................................... 72
Opening Configuration Files.............................................................72
Downloading Configurations ............................................................ 73
Uploading Configurations.................................................................73
Migration .......................................................................................... 73
Factory Settings Differences ................................................................. 77
Menu Bar..........................................................................................78
Toolbar ............................................................................................. 79
Configuration Settings Differences Views ........................................ 80
Displayed Language ........................................................................81
Flash File Manager................................................................................82
Get File Info......................................................................................83
Upload.............................................................................................. 84
Delete And Optimize ........................................................................ 85
CST Manager ........................................................................................ 85
File Download........................................................................................86
Define The Download Files .............................................................. 87
Download The Files ......................................................................... 88
Recovery File ................................................................................... 99
Media Profiler ......................................................................................100
The Menu And Toolbar ..................................................................101
Profiler View ...................................................................................103
The Status Bar ............................................................................... 107
For More Information......................................................................107
Operator Panel .................................................................................... 108
Primary/Secondary Operator Keys ................................................ 111
Message Display ............................................................................ 111
Status Indicator .............................................................................. 111
Disabled Indicator .......................................................................... 111
In Progress Indicator ...................................................................... 111
Information Capture.............................................................................112
File ................................................................................................. 113
Configuration Printout .................................................................... 113
Error Log ........................................................................................ 113
Directory......................................................................................... 114
ODV Quality Wizard ............................................................................ 115
Speed Keys ......................................................................................... 116
Table of Contents
Job Capture .........................................................................................117
Job Capture Features .................................................................... 118
Web Access ........................................................................................ 121
The PMU Web Site URL Address .................................................. 121
Login To The PMU Web Site.......................................................... 122
Changing The User Password ....................................................... 122
The Printer List Page ..................................................................... 123
Changing User Settings, IP Addresses, and IP Address
Ranges ...........................................................................................124
4 Utilities ............................................................... 127
Reboot Printer ..................................................................................... 127
Set Printer Password...........................................................................127
Set Wireless Properties .......................................................................129
General Tab ................................................................................... 129
WEP Encryption Tab ......................................................................131
Kerberos Tab ................................................................................. 132
EAP Tab......................................................................................... 136
WPA Tab........................................................................................ 137
Macro Utility......................................................................................... 138
Configure Macro.............................................................................139
SNMP Browser ....................................................................................141
Assign IP Address ...............................................................................142
Enable Remote Printer Management ..................................................143
Lock/Unlock Menus ............................................................................. 144
Configure Print Servers .......................................................................145
5 Datastream Adapter ........................................... 147
Overview ............................................................................................. 147
CST Manager ...................................................................................... 148
The Menu And Toolbar ..................................................................149
Input/Output Fields .........................................................................153
The CST Listing Field.....................................................................154
CSTs and CST Bundles ................................................................. 154
Status Bar ...................................................................................... 154
Modes And Attributes ..........................................................................155
Modes ............................................................................................ 155
Attributes ........................................................................................158
Additional Features ............................................................................. 160
The Use Once Flag ........................................................................160
The Entry On/Off Flag ....................................................................161
Edit Information ...................................................................................161
General Tab ................................................................................... 161
Memo Tab ...................................................................................... 161
Table of Contents
Patterns / Variables ............................................................................. 162
Pattern Character Tab.................................................................... 162
Pattern Tab ....................................................................................164
Formatted Pattern Tab ................................................................... 166
How to Use Patterns ...................................................................... 169
Pattern Recognition Example......................................................... 170
Variable Tab ................................................................................... 178
Status Response Definition ................................................................. 179
Conditions ...................................................................................... 180
Protocols ........................................................................................ 180
How To Use Conditions And Protocols .......................................... 181
Status Response Generator Example............................................182
CST Manager And EBCDIC ................................................................ 186
CST Manager Version Control System ............................................... 195
Application Name and Version Information .................................... 195
Viewing File Version Information.................................................... 198
Automatic File Backup System ......................................................198
Backup History ............................................................................... 199
Notices ............................................................... 201
1 Overview
The Printer Management Utility
The Printer Management Utility (PMU) allows you to organize all of the
printers in your office remotely in a single database, download software and
printer settings from a host computer with a single mouse click, and use a
virtual operator panel to configure printers in the same room or on the other
side of the world.
an InfoPrint 6500/6400 Series line matrix, 6700/4400 Series thermal, or 6700-M40 Series thermal printer
the printer must be attached to the host system via a 10/100Base-T Ethernet Interface or a wireless Ethernet Interface; if you do not have an Ethernet Interface, see your dealer for an upgrade
a host computer running the Windows
(98, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003,
or Vista) or UNIX
(such as AIX®, Linux®, or Solaris™) operating system
a host computer running a Java™ 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE™) Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is fully JRE 5 compliant or higher
NOTE: Vista requires JRE 6.
for Windows, a minimum hardware configuration of a 450MHz Pentium
with 128 MB of RAM
To install and edit the database, it is not necessary to have the printers connected. When starting a session with a printer, the printer must be connected and turned on.
Installing the Software
The Windows, Linux, and Solaris versions of JRE 5 and the Java-based PMU are available on CD. Follow the on-screen instructions to first install JRE 5 for your platform, then the PMU.
If you are using Vista, download JRE 6 at
Install JRE 6 first, then the PMU.
If you have another UNIX operating system, see your system administrator.
Chapter 1 Printer Setup
Printer Setup
Your printer uses the diagnostic port to communicate with the PMU. The diagnostic port must be configured to interact with the Ethernet Interface. Follow the PMU, Telnet, or Operator Panel Method below for your printer model to configure the diagnostic port.
PMU Method
All Supported Printers
You can configure the diagnostic port to interact with the Ethernet Interface using the PMU. See “Enable Remote Printer Management” on page 143.
Telne t Method
All Supported Printers
1. Install the Ethernet Interface (refer to the installation instructions).
2. Make sure the IP Address is set up on the Ethernet Interface:
Use the operator panel (refer to the
User’s Manual
– OR –
Use the PMU: select Utilities
Assign IP Address. See “Assign IP
Address” on page 142.
3. Open a command prompt session and type:
telnet ipaddress
4. At the telnet login: prompt, type: root<Enter>
5. At the Password: prompt, enter the password and press <Enter> (there is no password by default)
6. At the ipaddress:root> prompt, type: enable printermgr<Enter>
7. Close the telnet session. The Ethernet Interface is now activated.
Operator Panel Method
Operator Panel Method
6500 Series Line Matrix Printers
1. On the operator panel, press the STOP key to take the printer offline.
2. Press RETURN and ENTER at the same time to unlock the ENTER key.
3. Press MENU. QUICK SETUP displays.
4. Press SCROLL until PRINTER CONTROL displays.
7. Press ENTER. DISABLE displays. If ETHERNET displays, go to step 10.
8. Press SCROLL until ETHERNET displays.
9. Press ENTER. As asterisk (*) appears next to ETHERNET.
10. Press RETURN and ENTER at the same time to lock the ENTER key.
11. Press START to put the printer back online.
6400 Series Line Matrix Printers
1. On the operator panel, press the STOP key to take the printer offline.
2. Press SCROLL and SCROLL at the same time to unlock the ENTER
3. Press SCROLL , SCROLL , ENTER, and RETURN keys at the same
time to enter the Serivce menu.
4. Press SCROLL until PRINTER MGMT displays.
5. Press ENTER until DIAGNOSTIC PORT displays.
6. Press ENTER again to see the current selection.
7. Press SCROLL until Debug Ethernet or Debug Adapter displays.
8. Press ENTER to select it.
9. Press SCROLL and SCROLL at the same time to lock the ENTER
10. Press START to put the printer back online.
6700 Series Thermal Printers
1. On the operator panel, press the PAUSE key to take the printer offline.
2. Press to place the printer in Menu mode. QUICK SETUP displays on the operator panel.
3. Press and
at the same time to unlock the key.
4. Press - until PRINTER MGMT displays.
5. Press until PNE Port displays.
NOTE: If PNE Port does not display, see “Factory Menu” below.
. . .
Chapter 1 Printer Setup
6. If you have the internal PCI Ethernet Interface, press + until Ethernet displays. If you have the external Ethernet Interface, press + until Adapter displays.
7. Press
to select it.
8. Press and
at the same time to lock the key.
9. Press PAUSE twice to put the printer back online.
Factory Menu
1. On the operator panel, press the PAUSE key to take the printer offline.
2. Press and
at the same time to unlock the key.
3. Press +, –, , and at the same time to enter the Factory menu.
4. Press until PNE Port (or Diagnostic Port) displays.
5. If you have the internal PCI Ethernet Interface, press + until Ethernet (or Debug Ethernet) displays. If you have the external Ethernet Interface, press + until Adapter (or Debug Adapter) displays.
6. Press
to select it.
7. Press and
at the same time to lock the key.
8. Press PAUSE twice to put the printer back online.
6700-M40 Series Thermal Printers
1. Press to enter Menu mode.
2. Press the Down and
keys at the same time to unlock the key.
3. Press the Right key until PRINTER SETUP displays.
4. Press
to enter the PRINTER SETUP menu.
5. Press the Up key until Admin User displays.
6. Press the Right key until Enable displays.
7. Press
to select it. An asterisk (*) displays after Enable.
8. Press to enter Menu mode. MEDIA SETUP displays.
9. Press the Down key until INTERFACES displays.
10. Press
to enter the INTERFACES menu.
11. Press the Down key until Printer Mgmt displays.
12. Press
to enter the Printer Mgmt menu.
13. Press the Down key until PNE Port displays.
14. Press the Right key until Ethernet displays.
15. Press
to select it. An asterisk (*) displays after Ethernet.
16. Press the Down and
keys at the same time to lock the key.
17. Press twice to put the printer back online.
Set Password
4400 Series Thermal Printers
1. On the operator panel, press the PAUSE key to take the printer offline.
2. Press and
at the same time to unlock the key.
3. Press +, –, , and at the same time to enter the Factory menu.
4. Press until Diagnostic Port displays.
5. Press + until Debug Ethernet displays.
6. Press
to select it.
7. Press and
at the same time to lock the key.
8. Press PAUSE twice to put the printer back online.
Set Password
See “Set Printer Password” on page 127 to learn how to set passwords.
If the password is unknown you must clear it first.
6500 Series
Go into the SERVICE menu
(press ↑
at the same time)
, then into the PRINTER MGMT menu.
Press SCROLL until CLEAR PASSWORD displays. Unlock the ENTER key, then press ENTER to clear the User and Supervisor passwords.
Under the Security tab in Printer Properties, delete any passwords that already exist. Now you may set new passwords as described on page 127.
6400 Series
Go into the SERVICE menu
Scroll , Scroll , Enter, and Return
the same time)
, then into the PRINTER MGMT menu. Press Scroll until
CLEAR PASSWORD displays. Unlock the Enter key, then press Enter to clear the User and Supervisor passwords.
Under the Security tab in Printer Properties, delete any passwords that already exist. Now you may set new passwords as described on page 127.
6700/4400 Series
Go into the Factory menu (press +, –, , and at the same time). Press or until Clear Password displays. Unlock the
key, then press to clear the
User and Supervisor passwords.
Under the Security tab in Printer Properties, delete any passwords that already exist. Now you may set new passwords as described on page 127.
6700-M40 Series
Go into the Factory menu (press the Up, Down, Left, and Right keys at the same time). Press or until Clear Password displays. Unlock the
then press
to clear the User and Supervisor passwords.
Under the Security tab in Printer Properties, delete any passwords that already exist. Now you may set new passwords as described on page 127.
Chapter 1 Printer Setup
Set Telemetry Path (6700/4400 Series Only)
The following procedure enables you to collect data using the Data Validation application.
1. On the operator panel, press the PAUSE key to take the printer offline.
2. Press to place the printer in Menu mode. QUICK SETUP displays on the operator panel.
3. Press and
at the same time to unlock the key.
4. Press + until VALIDATOR displays.
5. Press until Telemetry Path displays.
6. Press + or – until Network Port displays.
7. Press
to activate it.
NOTE: Since only one port can be used at a time, DEACTIVATING HOST
SERIAL displays.
If you later change the setting to Serial Port or Disabled, REACTIVATING HOST SERIAL will display.
8. Press and
at the same time to lock the key.
9. Press PAUSE twice to put the printer back online.
For more information, refer to the
Online Data Validator User’s Manual
Check Port Number
Make sure your printer port number has the same setting as the Ethernet Interface.
To check the port number using the PMU, see page 20.
To check the port number on the printer, see Table 1 to determine the port number menu location for your printer model. The default port number is
Do not set the Port Number to the same value as the Status Port Number (the default is 3002) or the Mgmt Port Number (the default is 3007).
. . .
Table 1. Port Number Menu Location
Printer Model Menu
6700-M40 Series INTERFACES
Printer MgmtPNE Port Number
6700 Series PRINTER MGMT or Factory
PNE Port Number
4400 Series FactoryPMU Port Number
6500 Series PRINTER MGMT
Loading and Using Foreign Language Fonts
PMU supports Asian languages such as Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. UTF-8 encoding is utilized since it has the ability to support all known languages and is backwards compatible with ASCII (specifically 0 - 7F).
Microsoft operating systems provide most of fonts for the world languages which can be obtained from Microsoft’s web site. UNIX operating systems such as Linux and Solaris requires more setup since the operating systems provide less fonts than Microsoft. Java uses five logical fonts (Dialog, Dialoginput, Serif, Sanserif and Monospaced) to map to the fonts on the system. Mapping is done in the Java file. Dialog, size 12 is the default font for all language dependent applications. Through mapping of the file, the Dialog font supports all of the printer supported languages. Mapping of operating system fonts should be performed by a System Administrator.
Not all of the items in the PMU Suite will display UTF-8. All PMU menus, dialogs, tooltips and printer names will be displayed in ASCII.
Only the following applications, utilities, and displays support UTF-8 encoding:
Printer Database status messages
Printer configuration languages in the Configuration Editor
Information Capture’s viewable configuration data
Virtual Operator Panel text
Factory Settings Differences table data
Web page support (Printer List Page Message area only)
SNMP Browser data
Older versions of PMU Suite (including previous products such as Advanced Tool Kit, ODV Data Manager and EPC Data Manager) will not support new printers with UTF-8 encoded byte streams.
All versions of PMU Suite that support UTF-8 encoding will support older printer firmware versions.
Windows Setup
Java for Windows platforms includes a file that is used to map foreign languages to Microsoft Window fonts. This includes all languages supported on the printer.
Chapter 1 Loading and Using Foreign Language Fonts
Unix Setup
Java for Linux platforms also includes a file. This file needs to be modified to support the fonts on the user’s Linux or Solaris platforms.
Find or purchase the printer supported fonts for the languages needed. The additional printer languages supported include Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. Use a package manager such as Red-Hat Package Manager (RPM) to load the font files onto the UNIX system. Once the fonts are loaded, modify the component font mappings in the file for Allfonts, Serif, Sansserif, Monospaced, Dialog and Dialoginput Logical fonts. Use absolute path names, path names starting with $JRE_LIB_FONTS or X Logical Font Description (xlfd) names for the fonts.
Add the following:
new font names to the search sequences
any exclusion character ranges for the languages
the paths to the locations of the actual font files.
Finally, add the valid X11 font directories to the X11 server font path. For a detailed description of the file see Sun’s Java Internationalization Guide at
Getting Started
This section provides a short tutorial on how to set up and access a printer using the PMU.
1. This tutorial assumes the host computer running the PMU and the printer you want to access are connected by a network. You must know the printer’s IP Address and Port Number.
2. From your operating system, launch the PMU. Click the splash screen to see the main window of the printer database more clearly. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. Printer Database Main Window
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Figure 2. Printer Properties: Identification Tab
3. Double-click New_Printer (A template). The Printer Properties dialog box opens. See Figure 2.
4. Assign a name to your printer. Delete the words New_Printer in the Name (Unique) field, and then type Tutorial.
5. Assign a description to this printer. Delete the words A template in the Printer Description field, and then type My First Connection.
Figure 3. Printer Properties: Security Tab
6. Click the Security tab. See Figure 3.
7. If you are using the PMU for the first time, it is likely that no passwords are assigned to this printer. If you are unsure, contact your system administrator.
If no passwords are assigned, leave the password boxes empty.
If a User password is necessary to access this printer, type the password
in the User Password field.
If a Supervisor password is necessary to access this printer, type the password in the Supervisor Password field, and check the Supervisor Mode check box.
If a Telnet guest password is necessary to poll the status of the printer, type the password in the Telnet Guest Password field. See “Security Tab” on page 58.
If a Telnet root password is necessary to update wireless printer settings, type the password in the Telnet Root Password field. See “Security Tab” on page 58.
In any case, an asterisk (*) character appears in the field after each letter you type to preserve password secrecy.
For more details on setting up and changing passwords, see page 51.
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Figure 4. Printer Properties: Connections Tab – Network Sub-Tab
8. Click the Connections tab. By default, the Network sub-tab displays.
9. Click the IP Address field and then type the IP Address of the printer you want to access. Follow the format shown in Figure 4.
The Port Number field must be set to the same port as the printer. Leave it set at 3001. Leave the Time Out (5..300 seconds) field set at 15 seconds.
Figure 5. Connections: Connections Tab – Access Method Sub-Tab
10. Click the Access Method sub-tab. See Figure 5.
The Access Method tells the PMU how the host computer communicates with the printer. Make sure it is set to Ethernet. Ignore Download Mode and Download Timeout for now. These options are described in “Access Method Sub-Tab” on page 61.
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Figure 6. Printer Database Main Window
11. Click OK. The Printer Properties dialog box closes and you return to the printer database main window. See Figure 6. Your printer is now set up in the PMU database.
12. Try to access the virtual operator panel as a test to see if the information you input is accurate. Follow this procedure:
a. Tutorial (My First Connection) should be highlighted in blue, as
shown in Figure 6. If it is not highlighted, click it to select it.
b. Select Applications
Operator Panel. The virtual operator panel appears (see “Operator Panel” on page 108). If not, an error message appears in the Status and Error Log pane. Check your password to make sure it is correct. If the error continues, contact your system administrator.
2 Printer Database
When you start the PMU, the printer database window appears first. The printer database tool organizes and controls printers and Download files. Figure 7 shows how the database looks when the PMU launches for the first time.
Figure 7. Printer Database Main Window
The menu bar contains all the menus used to control the functions of the program. The menus are described later in this chapter.
The toolbar contains buttons for the most commonly used menu functions. See page 53 for descriptions of the toolbar buttons.
Use the Database pane to access and control your printers in a tree format. The first line of the database tree displays the database file name. In Figure 7, the default file name for this database is default.pdb. From there, your database tree branches out to include printers, folders, and Download files, which you can organize into groups. With a single mouse click, you can
Menu Bar
Database Pane
Status and Error Log Pane
Status Bar
Polling Indicator
Chapter 2 Overview
download a file to several printers at once. In addition, you can use as many databases with the PMU as you want. Databases save as .pdb files on your local hard drive.
NOTE: You can open only one printer database at a time.
The Status and Error Log scrolls status and error messages as you work through the program. If the PMU does not function properly, look at this pane for error messages. Use the scroll bar on the side of the pane to reference previous status and error messages. The status and error messages relate to the current PMU session, not to the specific database. When you exit the PMU, these messages will be deleted.
The Status Bar displays brief status messages of the PMU, some of which appear in the Status and Error Log.
The Polling Indicator turns green whenever printers are being polled.
The File Menu
The Menu Bar
The printer database menu bar is located at the top of the window (see Figure 7). Use the menu bar to access all the functions of the PMU.
The following are descriptions of the options located on the menu bar.
The File Menu
Figure 8. File Menu
Creates a new database file. Since the PMU allows only one database file to be open at a time, it asks if you want to save your changes to the current database before it creates a new one.
Opens a database file. Since the PMU allows only one database file to be open at a time, it asks if you want to save your changes to the current database before it opens a different one.
Saves the active database file using its current name.
Save As
Prompts you to enter a name for the current database file before the PMU saves it. Use Save As if you do not want to overwrite the current database file.
Opens the Preferences dialog box. See page 26.
Exits the PMU.
Chapter 2 The Menu Bar
The Preferences dialog box has three tabs: Printer Database, Configuration Editor, and Servers. See Figure 9.
Printer Database Tab
Figure 9. Preferences: Printer Database Tab
The Printer Database tab controls database features.
Database File Name: Enter the name of the default database file. The PMU opens this database file when the program starts. To select a new default database file, type it into the Database File Name field, or click Browse to locate a file on your network.
Lease Time on Printer Connection: Enter an amount (in seconds) to set the maximum amount of time a printer connection can remain open without any communication. The default is three seconds.
Security: Check the Show message when the printer is not protected check box to enable a warning message that informs you when a selected printer does not have an assigned password.
Configuration Editor Tab
Figure 10. Preferences: Configuration Editor Tab
The Configuration Editor tab controls features of the Configuration Editor utility.
Hide Key/Unhide Key: Assigns which keys hide and unhide menu items in the Configuration Editor menu tree (see page 67). The default for Hide is H h. The default for Unhide is U u.
Dec./Inc. Key: Assigns which keys will decrement and increment menu items in the Configuration Editor menu tree (see page 67). The default for decrement is < ,. The default for increment is > ..
Chapter 2 The Menu Bar
Servers Tab
Figure 11. Preferences: Servers Tab
The Servers tab allows you to assign port values for the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Trap Server, the Web Server, and the XML Server. Click Service Enabled next to the corresponding server to turn it on.
NOTE: You must restart the PMU to use the new settings and enable the
SNMP Trap Server: The service that enables the PMU to receive alerts from the printer when its status changes. Once the PMU receives the alert, the PMU creates an instant status poll to reflect the change in the database pane. For instance, if you turn the printer offline, the printer sends an alert to the PMU causing it to change the printer status instantly. In the database pane, the printer status changes to offline.
NOTE: The SNMP Trap Server works only if the printer’s Ethernet Interface
is configured correctly using the Configure Print Servers utility. See “Configure Print Servers” on page 145.
Web Server: Allows you to view the active PMU using a web browser. See “Web Access” on page 121.
NOTE: If you want to use the Web Server service, you must also enable the
XML Server service.
XML Server: The PMU uses XML to communicate with its web server.
Macro Settings Tab
Figure 12. Preferences: Macro Settings Tab – General Sub-Tab
The Macro Settings tab has three sub-tabs: General, Network, and Serial. See Figure 12.
General Sub-Tab
Macro Config File: Displays the macro file that will load automatically when
you start the macro utility. To select a new default macro config file, type it into the Macro Config File field, or click Browse to locate a file on your network.
Printer Port: Allows you to select the port that data is sent through. The choices vary according to the host computer. Possible choices include LPT1, LPT2, COM1, COM2, and Network.
If you select COM1 or COM2, click the Serial tab to further define printer parameters. If you select Network, click the Network tab to further define the network parameters.
Use selected network printer: Check this box to send data directly to
the network printer selected in the printer database. You do not need to further define network parameters.
Rescan: Checks to see which ports are currently available on the host
Chapter 2 The Menu Bar
Figure 13. Preferences: Macro Settings Tab – Network Sub-Tab
Network Sub-Tab
Use the Network tab only when the Printer Port on the General tab is set to Network.
IP Address: The address of the printer where the PMU will send the data.
Port: The port number that the PMU will use to send the data. This must
match the Ethernet Interface of the printer where the PMU will send the data. In most cases this is 9100, the default. If not, contact your system administrator.
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