IBM InfoPrint 1540, InfoPrint 1560, InfoPrint 1580 User Manual

Infoprint 1540, 1560, 1580 MT(4543)
User’s Gui d e
Infoprint 1540, 1560, 1580 MT(4543)
User’s Gui d e
The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: LEXMARK
INTERNATIONAL, INC., PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Som e states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in later editions. Improvements or changes in the products or the programs described may be made at any time.
References in this publication to products, programs, or services do not imply that the manufacturer intends to make these available in all countries in which it operates. Any reference to a product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any existing intellectual property right may be used instead. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, programs, or services, except those expressly designated by the manufacturer, are the user’s responsibility.
It may be illegal to copy certain materials without permission or license, including documents, images, and currency. If you are not sure whether you have permission, seek legal advice.
This software and any accompanying documentation provided under this agreement are commercial computer software and documentation developed exclusively at private expense.
MarkVision is a trademark of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countries. Drag’N’Print, Scanback, MarkNet, and PrintCryption are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc. PCL
is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company. PCL is Hewlett-Packard Company’s designation of a set of printer commands (language) and functions included in its printer products. This printer is intended to be compatible with the PCL language. This means the printer recognizes PCL commands used in various application programs, and the printer emulates the functions corresponding to the commands. PostScript
is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript 3 is Adobe Systems’ designation of a set of printer commands (language) and functions included in its software products. This printer is intended to be compatible with the PostScript 3 language. This means the printer recognizes PostScript 3 commands used in various application programs, and the printer emulates the functions corresponding to the commands.
Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Safety information
CAUTION: Connect the power cord to a properly grounded electrical outlet that is near the product and easily accessible.
CAUTION: I: Do not use the fax feature during a lightning storm. Do not set up this product or make any electrical or cabling
connections, such as the power cord or telephone, during a lightning storm.
CAUTION: Refer service or repairs, other than those described in the operating instructions, to a professional service person.
CAUTION: This product is designed, tested, and approved to meet strict global safety standards with the use of specific
manufacturer components. The safety features of some parts may not always be obvious. The manufacturer is not responsible for the use of other replacement parts.
CAUTION: Make sure that all external connections (such as Ethernet and telephone system connections) are properly installed in their marked plug-in ports.
CAUTION: Your product uses a laser. Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
CAUTION: Your product uses a printing process that heats the print media, and the heat may cause the media to release emissions. You must understand the section in your operating instructions that discusses the guidelines for selecting print media to avoid the possibility of harmful emissions.
CAUTION: Use only a 26 AWG or larger telecommunications (RJ-11) cord when connecting this product to a public switched telephone network.
Mercury statement
This product contains mercury in the lamp (<5mg Hg). Disposal of mercury may be regulated due to environmental considerations. For disposal or recycling information, contact your local authorities or the Electronic Industries Alliance:
Static sensitivity notice
Warning: This symbol identifies static-sensitive parts. Do not touch in the areas near these symbols without first touching the metal frame of the MFP.
Chapter 1: Learning about the MFP ................................. ....................... .. ........................8
Identifying the MFP ..........................................................................................................................................8
Using the scanner ............................................................................................................................................8
Configured models .........................................................................................................................................10
Understanding the MFP control panel ...........................................................................................................11
Using the LCD touch-screen buttons .............................................................................................................17
Menus ............................................................................................................................................................23
Chapter 2: Copying ...................................... ................................................................... ..24
Quick copy .....................................................................................................................................................24
Multiple page copying ....................................................................................................................................24
Using the flatbed ............................................................................................................................................25
Copy screens and options ...................................................... ..... ..................................................................25
Copying from one size to another ..................................................................................................................26
Making transparencies ...................................................................................................................................27
Copying to letterhead ............................................. ..... ...... ...... ..... ..................................................................27
Copying photographs ....................................... ...... ........................................................................................27
Making copies using media from a selected tray ...........................................................................................28
Copying mixed-sized media ............................. ..............................................................................................28
Setting the duplex option ...............................................................................................................................28
Reducing and enlarging copies .....................................................................................................................29
Adjusting copy quality ....................................................................................................................................29
Setting collation options .................................................................................................................................29
Placing separator sheets between copies .....................................................................................................30
Setting paper saving options .........................................................................................................................30
Placing the date and time at the top of each page ........................................................................................30
Placing an overlay message on each page ...................................................................................................31
Creating a custom job (job build) ...................................................................................................................31
Canceling a copy job .....................................................................................................................................32
Copy tips ........................ ...... ..........................................................................................................................32
Chapter 3: E-mail ................................. ................................. ................................. ...........33
Entering an e-mail address ............................................................................................................................33
Using a shortcut number ................................................................................................................................33
Using the address book .................................................................................................................................34
E-mailing to a profile ......................................................................................................................................34
Adding e-mail subject and message information ...........................................................................................34
Changing the output file type .........................................................................................................................35
E-mailing color documents ............................................................................................................................35
Creating an e-mail shortcut ............................................................................................................................35
Creating an e-mail profile ...............................................................................................................................36
Canceling an e-mail .......................................................................................................................................36
E-mail options ................................................................................................................................................36
E-mail server setup ........................................................................................................................................38
Address book setup ................................... ...... ....................................... .......................................................38
Chapter 4: Faxing ..................................... ......................................................................... 39
Sending a fax ................. ...... ...... ..... ...... ................................................................... ......................................39
Using fax destination shortcuts ......................................................................................................................40
Using the address book .................................................................................................................................40
Sending faxes from a computer .....................................................................................................................40
Creating shortcuts ..........................................................................................................................................41
Fax options ................................ ..... .................................................................... ..... ......................................42
Changing the fax resolution ...........................................................................................................................43
Adjusting the Darkness setting ......................................................................................................................43
Sending a fax at a late r time ..........................................................................................................................43
Canceling an outgoing fax .............................................................................................................................44
Fax tips ................................ ...... ..... ...... ..... ....................................................................................................44
Fax setup ........................................ ...... ..... ....................................................................................................45
Chapter 5: FTP ................................ .. ......................... .......................... .. ......................... ..47
Entering the FTP address ..............................................................................................................................47
Using a shortcut number ................................................................................................................................47
Using the address book .................................................................................................................................47
Creating shortcuts ..........................................................................................................................................48
FTP options ...................................................................................................................................................49
FTP tips .........................................................................................................................................................50
Chapter 6: Scanning to a PC or USB flash memory device .......................................... 51
Create a scan to PC profile ............................................................................................................................51
Understanding scan to PC options ................................................................................................................52
Scanning to a USB flash memory device .......................................................................................................53
Scanning tips .................................................................................................................................................53
Chapter 7: Printing .................... ................... .................. ................................... ................54
Sending a job to print .....................................................................................................................................54
Printing from a USB flash memory device ..................................................................................................... 54
Canceling a print job ......................................................................................................................................56
Printing the menu settings page ....................................................................................................................57
Printing a network setup page .......................................................................................................................57
Printing a font sample list ...............................................................................................................................57
Printing a directory list ...................................................................................................................................58
Printing confidential and held jobs .................................................................................................................58
Printing on specialty media ............................................................................................................................61
Loading standard or optional 500-sheet trays ............................................................................................... 62
Setting the Paper Type and Paper Size ........................................................................................................65
Loading the multipurpose feeder ...................................................................................................................66
Loading the 2000-sheet dual input trays ........................................................................................................69
Loading the 2000-sheet high capacity feeder ................................................................................................70
Loading Letter or A4 size print media in the short-edge feed orientation ......................................................72
Linking trays ...................................................................................................................................................73
Identifying and linking output bins ..................................................................................................................74
Chapter 8: Understanding paper and specialty media guidelines ...............................75
Supported print media ...................................................................................................................................75
Selecting print media .....................................................................................................................................82
Storing print media .........................................................................................................................................87
Avoiding jams ................................................................................................................................................88
Chapter 9: Installing options ................ .............................................................. ............. 89
Accessing the MFP system board .................................................................................................................90
Installing a printer memory card .....................................................................................................................92
Installing a flash memory or firmware card ....................................................................................................93
Installing an optioncard ................................................................................................................................. 94
Replacing the access panel ........................................................................................................................... 95
Chapter 10: Maintaining the MFP .......................................................... .......................... 96
Determining the status of supplies .................................................................................................................97
Conserving supplies ........................................ ...... ........................................................................................98
Ordering supplies ...........................................................................................................................................98
Cleaning the flatbed and backing material ...................................................................................................100
Chapter 11: Clearing jams ....................... .............................................................. ......... 101
Identifying jams ............................................................................................................................................101
Access doors and trays ...............................................................................................................................102
Understanding jam numbers ........................................................................................................................103
Clearing jams ................. ...... ...... ..... .............................................................................................................103
Clearing staple jams ......................................................... ...... ..... ................................................................122
Clearing ADF Jams ................................................ ..... .................................................................................124
Chapter 12: Administrative support ....... .. ............................................ ......................... 126
Adjusting control panel brightness ...............................................................................................................126
Restoring factory default settings ................................................................................................................126
Adjusting screen timeout .............................................................................................................................127
Adjusting Power Saver ................................................................................................................................127
Configuring the MFP ....................................................................................................................................127
Encrypting the hard disk .............................................................. ...... ..... ...... ...............................................133
Hard disk wiping ..........................................................................................................................................134
Using the restricted server list function ........................................................................................................135
Chapter 13: Troubleshooting ........... .............................................................................. 136
Understanding MFP messages ...................................................................................................................136
Checking an unresponsive MFP ..................................................................................................................136
Printing multiple language PDFs .................................................................................................................136
Solving printing problems ............................................................................................................................137
Solving copy quality problems .....................................................................................................................139
Solving scan quality problems .....................................................................................................................139
Solving fax quality problems ........................................................................................................................140
Solving option problems ..............................................................................................................................140
Solving paper feed problems .......................................................................................................................142
Print quality troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................143
Solving print quality problems ......................................................................................................................144
Conventions .................................................................................................................................................148
Electronic emission notices ................................... ..... ...... ...... .....................................................................148
Other telecommunications notices ...............................................................................................................153
Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive .............................................................155
Laser advisory label .....................................................................................................................................156
Index ..................................................................................................................................157
Learning about the MFP
Learning about the MFP
Identifying the MFP
For more information about installing input options, see Installing and removing options or the instructions that came with the option.
CAUTION: The MFP weighs approximately 154 lbs (70kg). Lifting the MFP safely requires four people.
CAUTION: Do not set up this product or make any electrical or cabling connecti ons, such as the power cord
or telephone, during a lightning storm.
Using the scanner
Basic functions of the scanner
The MFP provides copy, fax, and scan-to-network capabilities for large workgroups. You can:
Make quick copies, or change the settings on the control panel to perform specific copying jobs.
Send an outgoing fax using the MFP control panel.
Send an outgoing fax to multiple fax destinations at the same time.
Scan documents and send them to your PC, an e-mail address, or an FTP destination.
Using the scanner
Learning about the MFP
Scan documents and send them to another printer (PDF by way of FTP).
Automatic document feeder and flatbed
Note: Color documents can be scanned to a PC, e-mai l add res s , or an FTP des tin ati on. Printed outp ut on
this MFP is black and grayscale only, not color.
The ADF can scan multiple pages including duplex pages. When using the ADF:
Place the paper in the ADF face up. Labels on the ADF show how to load the paper based on its size.
Place up to 75 sheets of plain paper on the ADF input tray.
Scan media from 139.7 x 210 mm (5.5 x 8.26 in.) to 297 x 432 mm (11.69 x 17 in.).
Scan jobs with mixed page sizes (letter and legal).
Scan media that weighs from 38 to 128 g/m
(14 to 32 lb).
Note: Color documents can be scanned to a PC, e-mail address, or an FTP destination.
Copy and print documents at 600 dpi. Note: Printed output is black and grayscale only, not color.
The flatbed can be used to scan or copy single pages or book pages. When using the flatbed:
Place the document in the left rear corner.
Scan or copy media up to 297 x 432 mm (11.69 x 17 in.).
Copy books up to 25.3 mm (1 in.) thick.
Copy and print documents at 600 dpi.
Configured models
Learning about the MFP
Configured models
The follow ing illustrations show a standard MFP and an MFP with a duplex unit and a 500-sheet drawer. Other print media handling options are also available.
Control panel
Fully configured
Tray 3
Tray 1 (integrated tray or standard tray )
High capacity sheet feeder
Standard output bin
Tray 4
Tray 2
Duplex unit
Multipurpose feeder
Understanding the MFP control panel
Learning about the MFP
Understanding the MFP control panel
MFP and scanner settings can be changed several ways: through the MFP control panel, the software application in use, the print driver, MarkVision Professional, or Web pages. Settings changed from the application or print driver apply only to the job being sent to the MFP.
Changes made to print, fax, copy, and e-mail settings from an application override changes made from the control panel. If a setting canno t be chang ed from the applicat ion, use t he MFP con trol panel , MarkVision Pro fe ssional, or t he W eb pag es.
Changing a setting from the MFP control panel, MarkVision Professional, or the Web pages makes that setting the user default.
The MFP control panel consists of:
Callout Control panel item Function
1 LCD A liquid crystal display (LCD) which shows home screen
buttons, menus, menu items, and values. Allows for making selections within Copy, Fax, and so on.
2 Indicator light Gives information about the status of the MFP using the
colors red and green.
Status Indicates
Off MFP power is off. Blinking green MFP is warming up, proces sing data,
or printing a job. Solid green MFP is on, but idle. Solid red Operator intervention is required.
Understanding the MFP control panel
Learning about the MFP
3 0–9
Note: Referred to as the numeric
Press these buttons to enter numbers when the LCD screen has a field that accepts the entry of numbers. Also, use these buttons to dial phone numbers for faxes.
Note: If a number is pressed while on the home screen without pressing the # button first, the Copy menu opens and changes the Copy Quantity.
4 # (Pound or number character) Press this button:
For a shortcut identifier
Within phone numbers. For a Fax number with a #, enter it twice ##.
From the home screen, the Fax Destination List menu
item, E-mail Destination List menu item, or Profile List menu item to access shortcuts
5 Dial Pause Press to cause a two- or thre e-second dial paus e in a f ax
number. The button only functions within the F ax menu or with fax functions.
Press from the home screen to redial a fax number. When outside of the Fax menu, fax function, or home
screen, pressing Dial Pause causes an error beep. When sending a fax, in the Fax To: field, a Dial Pause
press is represented by a comma (,).
6 Clear All Press to restore all def aul t settings to a scre en and retu rn
the MFP to the home screen. When in the menus, it cancels all changes that have not
been submitted and re turns the MFP to the home screen. When in other menus, it returns all settings to their
default values, and then returns the MFP to the home screen.
7 Start Press to initiate the current job indicated on the control
panel. From the home screen, press it to start a copy job with
the default setting s . If pressed while a job runs through the scanner, the
button has no effect.
8 Stop Press to cause the printing or scanning to stop.
During a scan job, the scanner finishes scanning the current page and then stops, which mean s paper may remain in the ADF.
During a print job, the print media path is cleared before the printing stops.
Stopping appears on the control panel during this process.
9 Backspace Within the Copy menu, which is accessed by touching the
Copy button, press Backspace to delete the right-most digit of the value in the Copy Count. The default value of 1 appears if the entire number is deleted by pressing Backspace numerous times.
Within the Fax Destination List, press Backspace to delete the right-most digit of a number entered manually. It also deletes an entire shortcut entry. Once an entire line is deleted, another press of Backspace causes the cursor to move up one line.
Within the E-mail Destination List, press Backspace to delete the charac ter to the lef t of the cu rsor. If the entry is in a shortcut, the entire entry is deleted.
Callout Control panel item Function
Understanding the MFP control panel
Learning about the MFP
10 Asterisk (*) * is used as part of a fax number or as an alphanumeric
11 USB Direct interface The host Universal Serial Bus (USB) direct interface on
the control panel is used to plug in a USB flash memory device and print any Portable Document Format (PDF) [.pdf file], Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) [.jpeg or .jpg file], Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) [.tiff or .tif file], Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) [.gif file], Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) [.bmp file], Portable Network Graphics (PNG) [.png file], PiCture eXchange (PCX) [.pcx file], and PC P aintbrush File Fo rmat [.dcx file] files.
The USB direct interface can also be used to scan a document to a USB flash memory device using the PDF, TIFF, or JPEG formats.
Callout Control panel item Function
Understanding the MFP control panel
Learning about the MFP
Home screen and home screen buttons
After the MFP is turned on and a short warm-up period occurs, the LCD shows a basic screen (example shown here) which is referred to as the Home s creen. U se the Ho me sc reen b utt ons to initia te an ac tion s uch as c op y, fax, or s can, to open th e menu screen, or to respond to messages.
Callout number Button Function
1 Copy Touch to access the Copy menus.
If the home screen is shown, press a number to access the Copy menus, too.
2 E-mail Touch to access the E-mail menus. It is possible to scan
a document directly to an e-mail address.
3 Menus (A key is shown on the button.) Touch to access the menus. These menus are only
available when the MFP is in the Ready state. The Menus button is on a gray bar called the navigation
bar. The bar contains other buttons described as follows.
4 Status message bar Shows the current MFP status such as Ready or Busy .
Shows MFP condit ions such as Toner Low. Shows intervention messages to give instructions on
what the user should do so the MFP can continue processing, such as Close door or insert toner
5 Status/Supplies Appears on the LCD whene v er the MFP st atus inclu des a
message requiring intervention. Touch it to access the messages screen for more information on the message including how to clear it.
6 ? (Tips) All menus have a Tips button. Tips is a context-sensitive
Help feature within the LCD touch screens.
Status/ Supplies
Ready. Toner low. Touch any button to begin.
Understanding the MFP control panel
Learning about the MFP
Other buttons may appear on the Home screen. They are:
7 FTP Touch to access the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) menus.
A document can be scanned directly to an FTP site.
8 Fax Touch to access the Fax menus.
Button Button name Function
Release Held F axes (or Held Faxes if in Manual Mode)
There are held faxes with a scheduled hold time previously set. To access the list of held faxes, touch this button.
Search Held Jobs To search on any of the following items and return any matches:
User names for held or confidential print jobs
Job names for held jobs, excluding confidential print jobs
Profile names
Bookmark container or job names
USB container or job names for supported extensions only
Held Jobs To open a screen containing all the held jobs containers.
Lock Device This button appears on the screen when the MFP is unlocked and
Device Lockout Personal Identification Number (PIN) is not null or empty.
To lock the MFP:
1 Touch Lock Device to open a PIN entry screen. 2 Enter the correct PIN to lock the control panel which locks both the
control panel buttons and the touch-screen buttons. Once the control panel is locked, the PIN entry screen clears, and
the Lock Device button is replaced with the Unlock Device button.
Note: If an invalid PIN is entered, Invalid PIN. appears. A pop-up screen appears with the Continue button. Touch Continue. The home screen returns with the Lock Device button displayed.
Callout number Button Function
Understanding the MFP control panel
Learning about the MFP
Unlock Device This button appears on the screen when the MFP is locked. The
control panel buttons and shortcuts cannot be used while it appears and no default copy starts may occur.
To unlock the MFP:
1 Touch Unlock Device to open a PIN entry screen. 2 Enter the correct PIN to unlock the numeric keypad (0–9) and the
Backspace button on the control panel.
Note: If an invalid PIN is entered, Invalid PIN. appears. A pop-up screen appears with the Continue button. Touch Continue. The home screen returns with the Unlock Device button displayed.
Cancel Jobs To open the Cancel Jobs screen. The Cancel Jobs screen shows any
of the following items under three headings on the screen which are Print, Fax, and Network:
Print Job
Copy Job
E-mail Send
Each heading has its own list of jobs shown in a column under the heading. Each column can only show three jobs per screen. The job appears as a button. If mo re than three jobs e xist in a co lumn, then the
down arrow appears at the bottom of the column. Each touch of the down arrow accesses one job in the list. When more than three jo bs
exist, once the fourth job in the list is reached, then an up arrow appears at the top of the column. For illustrations of the up and down arrow buttons, see Information on touch-screen buttons.
To cancel a job, see the Canceling a print job for instructions.
Button Button name Function
Cancel Jobs
Using the LCD touch-screen buttons
Learning about the MFP
Using the LCD touch-screen buttons
The following section provides information on navigating through several screens. Only a few are chosen to demonstrate the use of the buttons.
Sample screen one
Information on touch-screen buttons
Button Button name Function or description
Select button Touch the select button to have another screen appear with additional
items. On the first screen, the user default setting is shown. Once the select button is touched, and the next screen appears, touching another item shown on the screen changes the user default setting.
Left scroll decrease button
Touch the left scroll decrease button to scroll to another value in decreasing order.
Copy from
Letter (8.5 x 11 in.)
Copy to
Letter (8.5 x 11 in.) Plain Paper
Sides (Duplex)
Portrait 1-sided to 1-sided
Scan the
Scan the
Text Text/Photo
Photograph Printed Image
Using the LCD touch-screen buttons
Learning about the MFP
Right scroll increase button
Touch the right scroll increase button to scroll to another value in increasing order.
Left arrow button Touch the left arr o w button to scroll left to:
Reach a decreased value shown by an illustration.
See a full text field on the left.
Right arrow button Touch the right arrow button to scroll right to:
Reach an increased value shown by an illustration.
See a full text field on the right.
Scan the ADF Scan the flatbed
On the gray navigation bar, these two choices indicate that two types of scanning are possible. One may choose to scan from the ADF or the flatbed.
Submit A green button indicates a choice. If a different value within a menu
item is touched, it needs to be saved to become the current user default setti ng. To save the v alu e as the ne w u ser def ault setting, touch Submit.
Back When the Back button is shaped like this, no other navigation is
possible from this screen except to go back. If any other choice is made on the navigation bar, the screen closes.
For example, in Sample screen one, all the selections for scanning have been made. One of the preceding green buttons should be touched. The only other butt on av ailab le is Back. Touch Back to return to the previous screen, and all the settings for the scan job made on Sample screen one are lost.
Back When the Back button is shaped like this, both forward and backward
navigation is possible from this screen, so there are other options available on the screen besides selecting Back.
Button Button name Function or description
Scan the
Scan the flatbed
Using the LCD touch-screen buttons
Learning about the MFP
Sample screen two
Information on touch-screen buttons
Button Button name Function or description
Down arrow Touch the down arrow to move down to the next item in a list,
such as a list of m en u ite ms or values. The down arrow does not appear on a screen with a short listing. It only appears if the entire listing cannot be seen on one screen. On the last screen of the listing, the down arrow is g ray to indica te th at it is not active since the end of the list appears on this screen.
Up arrow Touch the up arrow to move up to the next item in a list, such
as a list of menu items or values. When on the first screen presented with a lo ng lis t, the up arrow is g ray to indicate that it is not active . On the sec ond scree n needed to s how the rest of the listed item, the up arr ow is blue to show that it is active.
Unselected radio button This is an unselected radio button.
Unknown paper size. Copy from:
Letter (8.5 x 11 in.)
Legal (8.5 x 14 in.)
Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in.)
Cancel Job
A4 (210 x 297 mm)
Folio (8. 5 x 13 in.)
Statement (5.5 x 8.5 in.)
Using the LCD touch-screen buttons
Learning about the MFP
Other touch-screen buttons
Selected radio button This is a selected rad io butto n. Touch a radio b utto n to sele ct
it. The radio button changes color to show it is selected. In Sample screen two, the only paper size selected is Letter.
Cancel Job See Cancel Jobs.
Continue Touch Continue after a menu item or value on a screen is
selected and more changes need to be made for a job from the original screen. Once Continue is touched, the original screen appears.
For example, if one touched Copy on the home screen, the Copy screen ap pears li k e Sample screen one. The following example shows how the Continue button reacts.
1 Touch the select button by the Copy to box and a new
screen appears.
2 Touch MP Feeder and a new screen appears. 3 Touch Legal and a new screen appears. 4 Touch Next and a new screen appears. 5 Touch Plain Paper for the type of print media needed. 6 Touch Continue. The Copy screen returns to allow other
selections besides Cop y to . Th e other se ttings on the Cop y screen available are Duplex, Scale, Darkness, Collate, and Copies.
Touch Continue to return to the original screen and make other settings changes for a copy job before the Copy it button is touched to start the job.
Button Button name Function or description
Custom Allows for creating a custom button based on the
users needs
Cancel Touch Cancel to cancel an action or a selection.
Touch Cancel to cancel out of a screen and return to the previous screen.
Button Button name Function or description
Cancel Job
Using the LCD touch-screen buttons
Learning about the MFP
Select Touch to select a menu. The next screen appears
showing menu items. Touch to select a menu item. The next screen appears
showing val ues.
Done Allows specifying that a job is finished. For example,
when scanning an original document, one could indicate that the las t page is sc anned, and then printing the job would begin.
Back Touch the Back button to return to the pre vious screen,
and no settings are saved on the screen where it was touched. The Back button appears on each menu screen except for the home screen.
Home Touch the Home button to return to the home screen.
The Home button appears on every screen except the home screen. See the Home screen and home screen buttons for more information.
Grayed out button When this button appears, it looks faded with a faded
word on it. It means the button is not active or unavailable on this screen. It was prob ably active on the previous screen, but the selections made on the previous screen caused it to be unavailable on the current screen.
Gray bu tton Touch this button to select the action appearing on the
Button Button name Function or description
Using the LCD touch-screen buttons
Learning about the MFP
Feature Feature name Description
! Settings
! Copy Settings ! Number of
Menu trail line A line is located at the top of each menu screen. This
feature acts as a tr ail. It giv es the e xact location within the menus. Touch any of the underlined words to return to that menu or menu item. The Number of Copies is not underlined since this is the current screen.
If this feature is used on the Number of Copies screen before the Number of Copies is set and saved, then the selection is not saved, and it does not become the user default setting.
Attendance message alert If an attendance message occurs which closes a
function, such as copy or fax, then a blinking red exclamation po int appears o ver the func tion butto n on the home screen. This feature indicates an attendance message exists.
Learning about the MFP
A number of menus are a v ailab l e to mak e it ea sy f or y o u to cha nge MFP s etting s or print reports. To access the men us a nd settings, touch the Menus button in the lower right corner of the home screen.
When a value or setting is selected and saved, it is stored in MFP memory. Once stored, these settings remain active until new ones are stored or the factory defaults are restored.
Note: Settings chosen for f axing, sca nning, e-mailin g, cop ying, and s ettings f or printing from the applicatio n
may override the settings selected from the control panel.
The following diagram shows the touch scre en m en u i ndex and the menus and i tem s available under each m en u . For more information about menus and menu items, see the Menus and Messages Guide on the Software and Docum enta tio nCD.
Paper Menu Reports
Manage Shortcuts
Calibrate Touch Screen
Paper Menu
Default Source Paper Size/Type Configure MP Substitute Size Pap er Texture Paper Weight Paper Loading Custom Types Custom Names Custom Bin Name Universal Setup Bin Setup
General Settings Copy Settings Fax Setti ngs E-mail Settings FTP Settings Print Settings Security Set Date and Time
Menu Settings Pag e Device Statistics Network Setup Page Shortcut List Fax Job Log Fax Call Log E-mail Shortcuts Fax Shortcuts FTP Shortcuts Profiles List NetWare Setup Page Print Fonts Print Directory
TCP/IP IPv6 E-mail Server Setup Address Book Setup Wireless Standard Network Network <x> Standard USB USB <x> Standard Par al lel Parallel <x> Standard Serial Serial <x> NetWare AppleTalk LexLink
Print all guides Copy guide E-mail guide Fax gu ide FTP guide Information guide Print defects guide
Manage Shortcuts
Manage Fax Shortcuts Manage E-mail Shortcuts Manage FTP Shortcuts Manage Profile Shortcuts
The following copy topi cs are available in this and other chapters.
Quick copy
1 Place the original document face up in the ADF or face down on the flatbed.
Adjust the paper guides when using the ADF.
2 Press Go on the numeric pad.
If an LDSS profile has been installed, you may receive an error when attempting a quick copy. Contact your system support person for access.
Multiple page copying
1 Place the original document face up in the ADF or face down on the flatbed.
Adjust the paper guides when using the ADF.
2 Touch Copy on the home screen, or use the numeric keypad to specify the number of copies you want.
After touching Copy or entering the number of copies, the touch screen w i ll automatically change to the copy settings menu.
3 Change the copy options to meet your requirements. 4 Touch Copy It.
Quick copy Reducing and enlarging copies Multiple page copying Adjusting copy quality Using the flatbed Setting collation options Copy screens and options Placing separator sheets between copies Copying from one size to another Setting paper saving options Making transparencies Placing the date and time at the top of each page Copying to letterhead Placing an overlay message on each page Copying photographs Creating a custom job (job build) Making copies using media from a selected tray Canceling a copy job Copying mixed-sized media Copy tips Setting the duplex option Solving copy quality problems
Using the flatbed
Using the flatbed
If you are using the flatbed to make copies:
1 Open the document cover. 2 Place the document face down on the flatbed. 3 Close the document cover. 4 Touch Copy on the home screen, or press Go on the numeric pad.
For Copy, continue with step 5. For Go, contin ue with step 8.
5 Set the number of copies. 6 Change the copy options to meet your requirements. 7 Touch Copy It. 8 Touch Scan Next if you have more pages to scan, or touch Finish the Job if you are done .
Touching Finish the Job returns the MFP to the copy screen.
9 Touch Home when you are finished.
Copy screens and options
Copy FromOpens a screen where you can enter the size of the documents you are going to copy.
Touching any of the paper size icons on the follow-on screen will make that your selection and return you to the
Copy Options Screen.
When Original Size is set to Mixed Sizes, you can scan different size original documents. They will be scaled automatically to fit the selected output media size.
Copy ToOpens a screen where you can enter the size and type of paper on which your copies will be printed.
Touching any of the paper size icons on the follow-on screen will make that your selection and return you to the
Copy Options Screen.
If the size settings f or Copy From and Copy To are different, the MFP will automa tic al ly adjus t the Scal e set t in g to accommodate the difference.
If you have a special type or size of paper that you would like to copy onto that is not normally in the MFP paper trays, you can select MP Feeder, and manually send the type of paper you want through the MP feeder.
When using Auto Match, the MFP will match the size of the original document as specified in the Copy From box. If a matching paper size is not loaded in one of the paper trays, the MFP will scale the copy to fit loaded media.
Scale—Creates an image from your copy that is proportionally scaled anywhere between 25% and 400%. Scale can also be set for you automatically.
When you w a nt to copy from one size of paper to another, such as legal siz e to le tte r s ize, setting your Copy From and Copy To paper sizes will automatically chang e th e s ca le to keep all the original document information o n your copy.
Touching the arrow to the left lowers the value by 1%; touching the arrow to the right increases the value by 1%.
Holding your finger on an arrow makes a continuous increment.
Holding your finger on an arrow for two seconds causes the pace of the change to accelerate.
DarknessAdjusts how light or dark your copies will turn out in relation to the original document.
Copying from one size to another
Printed ImageCopies halftone photographs or graphics, such as those printed on a laser printer, or pages from a
magazine or newspaper. For original documents that are a mixture of text, line drawings, or other graphics, leave Printed Image off.
Sides (Duplex)—Prints copies on 1 or 2 sides, makes 2-sided copies (duplex) of 2-sided originals, 2-sided copies from 1-sided originals or 1-sided copies (simplex) from 2-sided originals.
Collate—Keeps the pages of a print job stacked in sequence, particularly when printing multiple copies of the document. The defaul t setting f o r Collate is on; t he output pages of y our co pies will be ordered (1,2,3 ) (1,2,3) (1,2,3). If y ou w a nt all the copies of each page to remain together, turn Collate off, and your copies will be ordered (1,1,1) (2,2,2) (3,3,3).
Options—Opens a screen to change Paper Saver, Advanced Imaging, Separator Sheets, Margin Shift, Edge Erase, Date/ Time Stamp, Overlay, Content, or Advance Duplex settings.
Paper Saver—Takes two or more sheets of an original document and prints them together on the same page. Paper Saver is also called N-up printing. The N stands for Number. For example, 2-up would print two pages of your document on a single page, and 4-up would print four pages of your document on a single page. Touching Print Page Borders adds or removes the outline border surrounding the original document pages on the output page.
Create BookletCreates a sequence of collated output that, when folded in half, forms a booklet half the page size of the original document and with all the pages in order.
Note: To use Create Booklet, you must have a duplex unit attached to the MFP.
Advanced Imagin gAdjusts Background Removal, Contrast, and Shadow Detail before you copy the document.
Custom Job (Job Build)Combines multiple scanning jobs into a single job.
Custom Job is not supported on all models.
Separator SheetsPlaces a blank piece of paper between each copy of your copy ing job. The separator sheets
can be drawn from a bin with a different kind or color of paper from your copies.
Margin ShiftIncreases the size of the margin the specified distance. This can be useful in prov iding space to bind or hole-punch copies. Use the increase or decrease arrows to set how much of a margin you want. If the additional margin is too large, the copy will be cropped.
Edge EraseEliminates smudges or information around the edges of your document. You can choose to eliminate an equal area around all four sides of the paper, or pick a particular edge. Edge Erase will erase whatever is within the selected area, leaving nothing printed on that portion of the paper.
Date/Time StampTurns the Date/Time Stamp on and prints the date and time at the top of every page.
OverlayCreates a watermark (or message) that overlays the content of your copy. You can choose between
Urgent, Confidential, Copy, and Draft. The word you pick will appear, faintly, in large print across each page.
Note: A custom overlay c an be c reated by the System Administrator. An additional icon with that me ss ag e
will then be available.
ContentEnhances cop y qua lity. Choose Text for original documents that are mostly te xt or lin e art. Choose Text/ Photo when the original documents are a mixture of text and graphics or pictures. Choose Photograph when the
original document is a high-quality photograph or inkjet print. Choose Printed Image when copying halftone photographs or graphics, such as those printed on a laser printer, or pages from a magazine or newspaper.
Advanced Duplex—Controls how many sides and what orientation your original documents have, and whether your original documents are bound along the long edge or the short edge.
Copying from one size to another
1 Place your original document i n the AD F f a ce up. Labels on the ADF show ho w to load t he paper b ased on its size. 2 Adjust the paper guides.
Making transparencies
3 Touch Copy on the home screen. 4 Touch Copy from:, and then identify the size of your original document.
For example, Legal.
5 Touch Copy to:, and then select the size you want the copy to be.
Note: If you select a paper size that is different from the Copy from size, the MFP will scale the size
6 Touch Copy It.
Making transparencies
1 Place your original document i n the AD F f a ce up. Labels on the ADF show ho w to load t he paper b ased on its size. 2 Adjust the paper guides. 3 Touch Copy on the home screen. 4 Touch Copy from:, and then identify the size of your original document. 5 Touch Copy to:, and then touch the tray that contains transparencies.
Note: If you do not see Transparency as an option, speak with your system support person.
6 Touch Copy It.
Copying to letterhead
1 Place your original document i n the AD F f a ce up. Labels on the ADF show ho w to load t he paper b ased on its size. 2 Adjust the paper guides. 3 Touch Copy on the home screen. 4 Touch Copy from:, and then identify the size of your original document. 5 Touch Copy to:, and then touch the tray that contains letterhead.
Note: If you do not see Letterhead as an option, speak with your system support person.
6 Touch Copy It.
Copying photographs
1 Open the document cover. 2 Place the photograph face down on the flatbed. 3 Touch Copy on the home screen. 4 Touch Options. 5 Touch Content. 6 Touch Photograph. 7 Touch Copy It. 8 Touch Scan Next or Done.
Making cop ies using media from a selected tray
Making copies using media from a selected tray
During the copy process, you can select the input tray that contains the media type of choice. For example, if a special media type is located in the multipurpose feeder, and you want to make copies on that media:
1 Place your original document i n the AD F f a ce up. Labels on the ADF show ho w to load t he paper b ased on its size. 2 Adjust the paper guides. 3 Touch Copy on the home screen. 4 Touch Copy from:, and then identify the size of your original document. 5 Touch Copy to:, and then touch multipurpose feeder or the tray that contains the media type you want. 6 Touch Copy It.
Copying mixed-sized media
You can place mixed-sized original documents in the ADF and then copy them. Depending on the paper size loaded in the trays, the scanner will print on the same size media or scale the document to fit the media in the tray.
Example 1: the M FP has two paper trays, one tray load ed w ith l ette r a nd th e othe r w i th le gal p aper. A do cument mixed with letter and legal pages needs to be copied.
1 Place your original document i n the AD F f a ce up. Labels on the ADF show ho w to load t he paper b ased on its size. 2 Adjust the paper guides. 3 Touch Copy on the home screen. 4 Touch Copy From, and then touch Mixed Sizes. 5 Touch Copy To, and then touch Auto Size Match. 6 Touch Copy It.
The scanner will identify the different size pages as they scan, and then print them on the correct size paper.
Example 2: the MFP has one pa per tray, loade d with lette r-siz e pap er. A document mixed with letter and lega l pag es needs to be copied.
1 Place your original document i n the AD F f a ce up. Labels on the ADF show ho w to load t he paper b ased on its size. 2 Adjust the paper guides. 3 Touch Copy on the home screen. 4 Touch Copy From, and then touch Mixed Sizes. 5 Touch Copy It.
The scanner will identi fy the diff erent si ze pag es as the y scan, and the n scale the le gal siz e pages to print on le tter size paper.
Setting the duplex option
1 Place your original document i n the AD F f a ce up. Labels on the ADF show ho w to load t he paper b ased on its size. 2 Adjust the paper guides. 3 Touch Copy on the home screen.
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