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IBM InfoColor 70 and 3170 Print Media Guide1
Purpose of this manual3
Requesting a Print Medium Test5
Importance of Print Medium Testing ................................................................................................................ 5
Basic paper types........................................................................................................................................... 11
Uncoated paper ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Speciality paper ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Paper properties............................................................................................................................................. 13
Guidelines for Print Medium Quality Inspection15
Check Paper Quality ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Guidelines for Print Medium Storage and Handling....................................................................................... 16
Roll inspection................................................................................................................................................ 17
Paper Waste During Printing and Waste Reduction (3.02 code or higher).................................................... 18
Start of a Print Job..................................................................................................................................... 18
Auto Mode............................................................................................................................................. 18
Paper Quality............................................................................................................................................. 19
Gloss too low.................................................................................................................................................. 25
GEM hot offset ............................................................................................................................................... 26
Worm like streaks........................................................................................................................................... 26
Wrinkling in the PRS ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Non-uniform transfer quality across the web.................................................................................................. 28
Micro-blistering from the fuser........................................................................................................................ 29
Description of paper-dependent parameters31
List of IBM Recommended Print Media for IBM 3170 and InfoColor 70 35
A guide to have print medium tested through a certified agency
To provide information on basic paper quality requirements for the InfoColor 70 Printer.
To provide information on proper paper handling and storage
To provide information about how paper is tested at the certified agency.
To provide information on the basic paper types and properties.
To assist in understanding the media limitations of InfoColor 70 Printer.
To provide Artifact Samples to assist in print quality troubleshooting.
Purpose of this manual
IBM InfoColor 70 and 3170 Print Media Guide
Requesting a Print Medium Test
Importance of Print Medium Testing
InfoColor 70/3170 Print Medium testing is needed to adjust and optimize a set of control parameters
to obtain the best print quality.
Using a tested and supported print medium offers you the following advantages:
Stable print quality
Minimum quantity of wasted paper
Minimum printing problems, such as paper jams
Minimum contamination of the InfoColor 70/3170 print engine; thereby reducing machine intervention and frequency of service.
1. Before considering a print medium test, request the latest IBM InfoColor 70 Print Media List from
your account representative. Make sure that there is not a similar stock on this list before you initiate a request for a test.
2. Make sure there is full support from the Medium Manufacturer.
3. Contact IBM certified Medium Test Agencies
For US region contact RIT (Lisa Ford, Tel: 716-475-5593, Fax: 716-475-5250, Email: LMFASP@RIT.EDU).
For EMEA regions, contact Pira (Mike Chamberlain, Tel: 44-1372-802000, Fax: 44-1372-802238/
46, E-mail: or
4. The test will cost the medium manufacturer or the customer about $240/hour. It usually takes
about 2.5 - 3 hours for one medium test. The turn around time is about 2 to 6 months depending
on the agencies current work load. A paper may also be tested on an emergency basis with a
shorter turn around time for a cost premium.
5. Paper Test Agencies will request the following information from the medium manufacturer through
two different forms as a pre-requisite for testing. The following is a sample of these forms:
Requesting a Print Medium Test
Form 1: Substrate Qualification Data Collection Worksheet
Company Contact
Product Name:
Postal Code:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Paper ClassificationX
Uncoated Super Calandered
Uncoated Calandered
Uncoated Uncalandered
Uncoated Pigmented
Matt Coated
Satin Coated
Glossy Coated
Single-sided Cast Coated
Recycled Coated
Latex Impregnated Paper
Others (Please specify)
Material Properties (Fill-in or attach
Grammage (GSM)
Brightness (ISO%)
IBM InfoColor 70 and 3170 Print Media Guide
Smoothness (PPS micron/Sheffield units)
Moisture Content (% AH)
Certificate of Non-toxicity (Please Attach)
Guarantee Splice Free
Marketing Contact:
Postal Code:
Telephone Number:
Technical Contact:
Distribution List (Please attach)
Fax Number:
Postal Code:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Requesting a Print Medium Test
) •
Form 2: Specifications for Print Media Qualification on the IBM InfoColor 70 Print Engine
Roll Dimensions
DescriptionDimension (USA)Dimension (EU)
Inner Core Diameter6"-0/+.02150mm+/-.5
Outer Core Diameter7.1"174mm
Maximum Roll Diameter19.7"500mm
Typical Roll Diameter15.75"400mm
Maximum Roll Weight88lbs40kg
Roll Width12.6"320mm
Roll Specifications
The paper must be free from splices, tears, dents, holes and other physical defects. The paper
should be flush with the core and must not slide axially over the core.
Paper Weight
60 to 250GSM are specification limits for InfoColor 70 engine.
200GSM and above require GEM unit.
Temperature Resistance
The paper must withstand prolonged (1 hour minimum) heating to 100 ° C and heating to 200 ° C for
5 seconds without physical or chemical degradation. Under these conditions, the paper should not
release any toxic substances.
Demonstrated Paper Properties
The following data must be submitted for each substrate to be tested.
A certificate of non-toxicity is required. This must contain the following statement: “The print
medium will not release toxic gasses when heated up to 200 ° C during 5 seconds and during
prolonged heating at 100 ° C. ”
Note: The above properties can be tested at the Agencies for a fee.
IBM InfoColor 70 and 3170 Print Media Guide
Test Results, Medium Performance and Script
Once the print medium is tested, the performance of the medium is reviewed. All the information of
the paper and scripts will be shared information.
The tested print medium will be rated at 1A, 1B, 2, 3 performance lev el. These performance levels are
defined as follows:
1A – Good print quality is easy to obtain and rather stable without any finishing or stacking problems.
1B – Good print quality is not very easy to obtain. It requires close monitoring to maintain good
and stable print quality. No finishing or stacking problems.
2 – Minor print quality problems and/or finishing problems.
3 – Severe print quality and finishing problems.
IBM has chosen to support 1A level media only. IBM allows customer to use 1B level media and a
select few others at their own risk. IBM provides these scripts to its customers through IBM Service
Engineers. They can update the InfoColor 70 with the latest print medium scripts upon your request.
Rush T esting
In a situation where paper needs to be tested in a short period of time, paper test agencies may offer
testing on rush basis for a surcharge. IBM may also offer medium testing under some limitations. To
qualify for testing at IBM, you need to contact y our account manager . Your account manager will need
to petition the marketing organization for an evaluation and approval. IBM marketing will evaluate the
following key areas:
1. Does IBM already provide support for a similar stock?
2. Does this print medium open a new market for InfoColor 70 print business?
3. Does this new print media bring additional IBM sales opportunities?
If you are approved for testing at IBM, you will need to submit the same pre-requisite medium information and prepare a medium sample (3 rolls) just as you would do for certified agencies. The turn
around time at IBM is usually about 3 to 6 weeks depending on work load.
Requesting a Print Medium Test
IBM InfoColor 70 and 3170 Print Media Guide
Basic Paper Types and Their Properties
Basic paper types
In order to understand fully what requirements have to be met by the paper, it is important that you
know how paper types are distinguished:
Uncoated paper
Paper, the surface of which is not covered with an additional coating. It is only composed of pulp, containing cellulose fibers, fillers, binders, pigments, etc.. The various types of uncoated paper are listed
in the table below.
Uncalendered paperPaper which was not submitted to the
calendering process. See below.
Calendered paperDuring the calendering process the paper
passes through a number of calendering rolls
made of steel, in order to make it more compact
and smoother by increasing influences of
temperature and pressure on the paper.
Supercalendered paperDuring the supercalendering process the paper
passes through a number of calendering rolls
made alternately of steel and cotton, in order to
make it even more compact and smoother.
Basic Paper Types and Their Properties
Coated paper
Paper, the surface of which is covered with a coating, in order to alter the surface properties of the
original paper such as smoothness, gloss and water resistance.
Gloss propertyDescription
Matt coated paperCoated paper, which was not submitted
to the calendering process, or which
passed through only one pair of
Satin coated paperCoated paper, which was submitted to
the calendering process.
Depending on the production method, coated papers can also be divided as follows:
Speciality paper
Paper, which has special properties, intended for special purpose use.
Glossy and high-gloss coated
Coated paper typeDescription
Machine coated paperCoating is applied by means of a dosing
Cast coated paperThe gloss of the coated paper is
Coated paper, which was submitted to
the supercalendering process.
roll and the excess coating is removed
with a scraper. The gloss is achieved b y
The coating thickness is variable on the
scale of the paper’s relief.
obtained by passing the paper over a
very smooth chromium roll. This results
in very high-gloss coated paper.
The coating thickness is uniform.
Embossed paperP aper with an amount of relief which is
Recycled paperPaper that is made of pulp containing
Tinted and Colored paperPaper that is made of pulp containing
IBM InfoColor 70 and 3170 Print Media Guide
produced by pressing it between a
rotary embosser, i.e. a metal roll
having a embossing pattern.
fibers of paper that has already been
used and to which new fibers are
added. Sometimes all fibers are
an amount of colored pigments.
Colored paper has a more saturated
color than tinted paper.
Paper properties
Watermarked paperWith a roll similar to an embosser,
paper, that is still v ery wet in the paper
machine, is processed. This causes
thickness variations that creates
different transparency levels.
Translucent paperPaper which is highly transparent due
to a special way of crushing the fibers.
Paper propertyDescription
WeightIn grams per square meter (g/m
CaliperThickness of the paper expressed in µ m.
Absolute moisture contentThe absolute moisture content is the
ratio between the total amount of water
in the paper and the weight of the paper
(including fibers, fillers, binders and
Relative moisture contentThe relative moisture content equals the
relative humidity of the surrounding air , in
equilibrium with the paper.
SmoothnessA paper property characterized by the
roughness value, i.e. the size of tips and
valleys on the paper’s surface measured
in PPS µ m, Bendtsen, Bekk, or sheffield.
BrightnessTotal amount of visible light reflected by
the paper. Adequate paper brightness is
necessary to provide high-contrast
BulkThe thickness of paper, in terms of the
number of pages per inch for a given
basis weight.
FormationThe formation of paper depends on the
structure of cellulose fibers, which, in
turn, depends on the construction of the
paper machine and the composition of
the pulp.
OpacityOpacity is the opposite of transparency.
The lower the opacity, the more you can
see through the paper. Thin papers
usually have a lower opacity.
GlossThe amount of incident light under a
certain angle that the paper reflects with
the same angle.
Basic Paper Types and Their Properties
IBM InfoColor 70 and 3170 Print Media Guide
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