IBM High Performance Storage System HPSS, HPSS 6.2 Installation Manual

HPSS Installation Guide
High Performance Storage System Release 6.2
July 2008 (Revision 2.0)
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 1
© Copyright (C) 1992, 2008 International Business Machines Corporation, The Regents of the University of California, Los Alamos National Security, LLC, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Sandia Corporation, and UT-Battelle.
All rights reserved.
Portions of this work were produced by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE); by the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 with DOE; by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) under Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396 with DOE; by Sandia Corporation, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) under Contract No. DE-AC04-94AL85000 with DOE; and by UT-Battelle, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with DOE. The U.S. Government has certain reserved rights under its prime contracts with the Laboratories.
Portions of this software were sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States, DOE, The Regents of the University of California, Los Alamos National Security, LLC, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Sandia Corporation, UT-Battelle, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights .
Printed in the United States of America.
HPSS Release 6.2 July 2008 (Revision 2.0)
High Performance Storage System is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. IBM, DB2, DB2 Universal Database, AIX, pSeries, and xSeries are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. AIX and RISC/6000 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Kerberos is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Java is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated in the United States and other countries. ACSLS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Incorporated. Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. NFS, Network File System, and ACSLS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. DST is a trademark of Ampex Systems Corporation. Other brands and product names appearing herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of third parties.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 2
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Release 6.2...........................................................................................................15
1.1.New Features.................................................................................................................15
1.1.1.DCE Replacement .............................................................................................................................15
1.1.2.Linux Support ...................................................................................................................................15
1.1.4.SCSI PVR .........................................................................................................................................15
1.1.5.HPSS VFS Interface...........................................................................................................................15
1.1.6.GridFTP Interface..............................................................................................................................15
1.1.7.SAN3P/PIO Support .........................................................................................................................15
1.1.8.Additional hpssadm Configuration Options.......................................................................................15
1.1.9.Additional hpssadm operations..........................................................................................................16
1.1.10.Additional Library and Device Support...........................................................................................16
1.1.11.SAN Virtual Volume ID Mapping...................................................................................................16
1.1.12.Drive Pools.......................................................................................................................................17
1.1.13.FTP Enhancement............................................................................................................................17
1.1.14.mkhpss Enhancement.......................................................................................................................17
1.1.15.DB2 Monitoring...............................................................................................................................17
1.1.16.File Family enhancements................................................................................................................17
1.1.17.SSM Configuration Files Consolidation..........................................................................................17
1.1.18. Mover Enhancement.......................................................................................................................18
1.2.Retired Features ............................................................................................................18
1.3.Deferred Features...........................................................................................................18
1.4.HPSS Changes ..............................................................................................................18
1.4.1.Documentation Organization Changes...............................................................................................18
1.4.2.Metadata Changes..............................................................................................................................18
1.4.3.DMAP Gateway Changes .................................................................................................................19 an XDSM Fileset........................................................................................................19 DMAP Gateway XDSM Fileset Information..............................................................20 Core Server XDSM Fileset Information.....................................................................20
1.4.4.SSM Changes.....................................................................................................................................21 Affecting Sites Upgrading Directly from 4.5............................................................21 Affecting Sites Upgrading from 5.1...........................................................................27
Chapter 2. HPSS Basics........................................................................................................35
2.2.HPSS Capabilities.........................................................................................................35
2.2.1.Network-centered Architecture..........................................................................................................35
2.2.2.High Data Transfer Rate....................................................................................................................35
2.2.3.Parallel Operation..............................................................................................................................35
2.2.4.Based on Standard Components.........................................................................................................36
2.2.5.Data Integrity Through Transaction Management.............................................................................36
2.2.6.Multiple Hierarchies and Classes of Services....................................................................................36
2.2.7.Storage Subsystems............................................................................................................................36
2.3.HPSS Components........................................................................................................37
2.3.1.HPSS Files, Filesets, Volumes, Storage Segments and Related Metadata .......................................38
2.3.2.HPSS Servers.....................................................................................................................................40
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 3
2.3.3.HPSS Storage Subsystems.................................................................................................................44
2.3.4.HPSS Infrastructure ..........................................................................................................................44
2.3.5.HPSS User Interfaces ........................................................................................................................46
2.3.6.HPSS Management Interfaces...........................................................................................................46
2.3.7.HPSS Policy Modules .......................................................................................................................47
2.4.HPSS Hardware Platforms............................................................................................48
2.4.1.Server Platforms ...............................................................................................................................48
2.4.2.Client Platforms ................................................................................................................................48
2.4.3.Mover Platforms................................................................................................................................49
Chapter 3. HPSS Planning...................................................................................................51
3.1.1.HPSS System Architecture.................................................................................................................51
3.1.2.HPSS Configuration Planning............................................................................................................52
3.1.3.Purchasing Hardware and Software...................................................................................................54
3.1.4.HPSS Operational Planning...............................................................................................................55
3.1.5.HPSS Deployment Planning..............................................................................................................55
3.2.Requirements and Intended Uses for HPSS..................................................................56
3.2.1.Storage System Capacity....................................................................................................................56
3.2.2.Required Throughputs........................................................................................................................56
3.2.3.Load Characterization........................................................................................................................56
3.2.4.Usage Trends.....................................................................................................................................56
3.2.5.Duplicate File Policy..........................................................................................................................57
3.2.6.Charging Policy..................................................................................................................................57
3.2.7.Security..............................................................................................................................................57 Realm Access..................................................................................................................57
3.2.8.High Availability Option....................................................................................................................58
3.3.Prerequisite Software Considerations ...........................................................................58
3.3.1.Prerequisite Software Overview.........................................................................................................58 and IBM Kerberos..........................................................................................................59
3.3.2.Prerequisite Summary By HPSS Node Type.....................................................................................59 Server Nodes...................................................................................................................59 Requirements....................................................................................................................................................59 Requirements.................................................................................................................................................60 Mover Nodes .................................................................................................................60 Requirements....................................................................................................................................................60 Requirements.................................................................................................................................................60 Requirements..............................................................................................................................................61 Requirements..................................................................................................................................................61 Client Nodes...................................................................................................................61 Client Requirements.......................................................................................................................................61 API Requirements.........................................................................................................................................61 Client Requirements.............................................................................................................................61 HDM Nodes (Linux only)...............................................................................................61
3.4.Hardware Considerations ..............................................................................................62
3.4.1.Network Considerations.....................................................................................................................62
3.4.2.Robotically Mounted Tape.................................................................................................................62 3494..................................................................................................................................63 LTO Libraries (IBM 3582, IBM 3583, IBM 3584, Spectralogic T120).......63
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 4 L40, STK SL500, STK SL8500..........................................................................................63 AML ...............................................................................................................................63
3.4.3.Manually Mounted Tape....................................................................................................................63
3.4.4.Tape Devices......................................................................................................................................63 Media Support............................................................................................................64
3.4.5.Disk Devices......................................................................................................................................67
3.4.6.Special Bid Considerations................................................................................................................68
3.5.HPSS Sizing Considerations.........................................................................................68
3.5.1.HPSS User Storage Space..................................................................................................................69
3.5.2.HPSS Infrastructure Storage Space....................................................................................................69
3.5.3.HPSS Filesystems..............................................................................................................................71 & subsysX........................................................................................72 & subsysX..............................................................................................73 & subsysX......................................................................................................73 & subsysX........................................................................................73 & subsysX.................................................................................73 Database Allocation...............................................................................................73
3.5.4.HPSS Metadata Space .......................................................................................................................74 versus DMS Space............................................................................................................74'CFG' Database Allocation.......................................................................................................74'SUBSYS' Database Allocation.................................................................................................74 Disk Space........................................................................................................................77
3.5.5.System Memory and Disk Space........................................................................................................78 System Disk Spaces..................................................................................................78 Disk Space Requirements for Running SSM.................................................................78 Memory and Paging Space Requirements....................................................................78
3.6.HPSS Interface Considerations......................................................................................79
3.6.1.Client API .........................................................................................................................................79
3.6.3.Parallel FTP.......................................................................................................................................80
3.7.HPSS Server Considerations.........................................................................................80
3.7.1.Core Server........................................................................................................................................81
3.7.2.Migration/Purge Server......................................................................................................................83
3.7.4.Location Server .................................................................................................................................86
3.7.6.PVR....................................................................................................................................................86 PVR...................................................................................................................................87 PVR...................................................................................................................................87 PVR..................................................................................................................................88 PVR..................................................................................................................................88 PVR...........................................................................................................................88
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 5 PVR..................................................................................................................................88
3.7.7.Mover ................................................................................................................................................89 Asynchronous I/O..............................................................................................................89 Devices.............................................................................................................................89 Devices..............................................................................................................................90
3.7.8.Logging Service.................................................................................................................................91
3.7.9.Startup Daemon..................................................................................................................................92
3.7.10.Storage System Management...........................................................................................................92
3.8.Storage Subsystem Considerations................................................................................94
3.9.Storage Policy Considerations ......................................................................................94
3.9.1.Migration Policy ...............................................................................................................................94 Policy for Disk.........................................................................................................94 Policy for Tape........................................................................................................95
3.9.2.Purge Policy ......................................................................................................................................95
3.9.3.Accounting Policy and Validation ....................................................................................................96
3.9.4.Security Policy...................................................................................................................................98 API..................................................................................................................................98 Space...............................................................................................................................98 Audit............................................................................................................................99
3.9.5.Logging Policy...................................................................................................................................99
3.9.6.Location Policy .................................................................................................................................99
3.10.Storage Characteristics Considerations ....................................................................101
3.10.1.Storage Class..................................................................................................................................102 Block Size Selection...................................................................................................103 Volume Block Size Selection (disk)...........................................................................103 Volume Block Size Selection (tape)..........................................................................103 Width Selection...........................................................................................................103 Between Tape Marks Selection (tape only)...............................................................104 Storage Segment Size Selection (disk only)..........................................................105 Storage Segment Size Selection (disk only).........................................................105 VVs to Write (tape only).......................................................................................106 Number of Storage Segments (disk only)................................................................106 Estimated Size / PV Size Selection................................................................................106 Access Size Selection...........................................................................................106 Recommended Parameter Values for Supported Storage Media..............................106 Media Parameters....................................................................................................................................107 Media Parameters....................................................................................................................................107
3.10.2.Storage Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................109
3.10.3.Class of Service..............................................................................................................................110 Minimum File Size.................................................................................................110 Maximum File Size................................................................................................110 Stage Code............................................................................................................110 Optimum Access Size.............................................................................................111 Average Latency....................................................................................................111 Transfer Rate.........................................................................................................112 and StripeWidth Hints.....................................................................................112
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 6
3.10.4.File Families...................................................................................................................................112
3.11.HPSS Performance Considerations...........................................................................112
3.11.2.Bypassing Potential Bottlenecks ...................................................................................................113
3.11.5.Client API......................................................................................................................................115
3.11.6.Core Server ...................................................................................................................................115
3.11.7.Location Server..............................................................................................................................115
3.11.9.Cross Realm Trust..........................................................................................................................115
3.11.11.XFS .............................................................................................................................................116
3.11.12.HPSS VFS Interface.....................................................................................................................116
3.12.HPSS Metadata Backup Considerations ...................................................................117
3.13.HPSS Security Considerations..................................................................................117
Chapter 4. System Preparation..........................................................................................119
4.1.General Setup..............................................................................................................119
4.2.Setup Filesystems........................................................................................................120
4.2.1.DB2 Filesystem................................................................................................................................120
4.2.2.HPSS Filesystem..............................................................................................................................121
4.3.Setup Tape Libraries....................................................................................................121
4.3.1.Special LTO Considerations............................................................................................................121
4.3.2.IBM 3584.........................................................................................................................................121
4.4.Verify Tape Drives......................................................................................................124
4.5.Setup Disk Drives........................................................................................................126
4.6.Setup Network Parameters..........................................................................................129
4.6.1.HPSS.conf Configuration File.........................................................................................................132
4.6.2.SP/x Switch Device Buffer Driver Buffer Pools..............................................................................133
Chapter 5. HPSS Installation and Infrastructure Configuration...................................135
5.1.Prepare for Installation................................................................................................135
5.1.1.Distribution Media...........................................................................................................................135
5.1.2.Software Installation Packages.........................................................................................................135
5.1.3.Create Owner Account for HPSS Files............................................................................................136
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 7
5.1.4.Installation Target Directory Preparation........................................................................................136
5.2.Install Prerequisite Software........................................................................................137
5.2.1.Install Java........................................................................................................................................137
5.2.2.Install MIT Kerberos (If Using Kerberos Authentication)..............................................................137
5.2.3.Install LDAP (If Using LDAP Authorization).................................................................................137
5.2.4.Install Prerequisite Software for XFS HDM....................................................................................138
5.3.Install HPSS/DB2 and Configure HPSS Infrastructure...............................................139
5.3.1.Install and Configure HPSS - Root Subsystem Machine.................................................................139 Configuration...............................................................................................139 HPSS Documentation and DB2 Software....................................................................141 Up DB2 Permanent License..............................................................................................142 HPSS Security Services .........................................................................................143 UNIX Authentication and UNIX Authorization..................................................................................143 Kerberos Authentication and UNIX Authorization.............................................................................146 Kerberos Authentication and LDAP Authorization............................................................................149 DB2 Services..........................................................................................................152 DB2 Client Access & Fileset Creation/Deletion.....................................................................................157 Other Services........................................................................................................158 Configuration Bundle..................................................................................................159
5.3.2.Install and Configure HPSS – Secondary Subsystem Machine.....................................................160 Configuration...............................................................................................160 HPSS Documentation and DB2 Software on a subsystem..........................................161 Up DB2 Permanent License..............................................................................................162 Configuration Bundle..................................................................................................163 HPSS Security Services .........................................................................................164 DB2 Services..........................................................................................................165 Other Services........................................................................................................167
5.3.3.Install and Configure HPSS – Mover/Client Machine....................................................................168 Mover/Client source code............................................................................................168 Configuration Bundle..................................................................................................169 /var/hpss subdirectories..............................................................................................169 Kerberos Configuration File, If Necessary................................................................169 Time and IP Address....................................................................................................169
5.4.Post Installation Procedures.........................................................................................169
5.5.HPSS Documentation & Manual Page Setup..............................................................170
5.5.1.Documentation and SSM Help Package..........................................................................................170
5.5.2.Manual Page Setup...........................................................................................................................171
5.6.Define HPSS Environment Variables..........................................................................171
5.7.Tune DB2....................................................................................................................171
5.8.Install and Build HPSS Source Code...........................................................................172
5.8.1.Construct and Build the HPSS Base Source Tree ...........................................................................172 the HPSS Source Tree............................................................................................172 the HPSS Base Source Tree..........................................................................................172 and Bind the DB2 Helper Program........................................................................173
5.8.2.Construct and Build the HPSS Mover/Client Source Tree..............................................................174 the HPSS Mover/Client Source Tree.....................................................................174 the HPSS Mover/Client Source Tree.............................................................................174
5.8.3.Construct and Build the HPSS HDM Source Tree..........................................................................175 the HPSS HDM Source Tree..................................................................................175 the HPSS HDM Source Tree.........................................................................................175
5.9.Supporting Both Unix and Kerberos Authentication for SSM....................................175
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 8
Chapter 6. Upgrading to HPSS Release 6.2 .....................................................................179
6.1.Special Instructions for Upgrading to HPSS 6.2.2......................................................179
6.2.Planning for the HPSS 6.2 Upgrade............................................................................180
6.2.1.Metadata changes in HPSS 6.2........................................................................................................180
6.2.2.Upgrade Requirements and Limitations...........................................................................................182
6.2.3.New Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms.......................................................................182 Mechanisms....................................................................................................183 Mechanisms......................................................................................................183
6.2.4.New HPSS 6.2 System Files............................................................................................................184
6.2.5.Testing the Metadata Conversion.....................................................................................................184
6.2.6.Estimating the Metadata Conversion Time (for 4.5 upgrades only)................................................184 Time for the Long Running Metadata Conversion Utilities (for 4.5 upgrades only).....
6.2.7.Capturing the Metadata Conversion Output.....................................................................................185
6.2.8.DB2 Configuration and Tuning (for 4.5 upgrades only)..................................................................186
6.2.9.Overview of the Upgrade Utilities...................................................................................................187 4.5 and HPSS 5.1 Upgrade Utilities.............................................................................187 4.5 Upgrade Utilities....................................................................................................188 5.1 Upgrade Utilities....................................................................................................189
6.3.HPSS 6.2 Upgrade Procedures....................................................................................190
6.3.1.Verify Prerequisites..........................................................................................................................190
6.3.2.Acquire Software.............................................................................................................................190
6.3.3.Install Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms....................................................................191
6.3.4.Install or Upgrade DB2....................................................................................................................193
6.3.5.Upgrade AIX....................................................................................................................................194
6.3.6.Install or Upgrade Java....................................................................................................................194
6.3.7.Save Current HPSS Code and Configuration Files..........................................................................194
6.3.8.Prepare HPSS 6.2 Code...................................................................................................................194 HPSS 6.2 Distribution Image......................................................................................195 Compile HPSS 6.2 Source Code (if necessary).....................................................................195 Binaries, temporarily.................................................................................................196
6.3.9.Set Environment Variables..............................................................................................................196
6.3.10.Setup Authentication and Authorization........................................................................................199
6.3.11.Pre-Conversion System Check.......................................................................................................202
6.3.12.Take a full backup of SFS or DB2.................................................................................................203
6.3.13.Upgrade from HPSS 4.5 to HPSS 6.2............................................................................................203 for the Conversion..................................................................................................203 db_convert_collect_info to Collect Metadata Information .........................................203 Configuration Metadata .........................................................................................204 Subsystem Metadata ...............................................................................................204 the Long Running Utilities............................................................................................205 Core Server ACLs.....................................................................................................209 the Scripting Session...........................................................................................210 Permissions on Devices............................................................................................210
6.3.14.Verify HPSS 4.5 Conversion Results ............................................................................................211 Session Output........................................................................................................211 db_convert_size_check..................................................................................................211 db_convert_ns_check....................................................................................................212 db_convert_address_check...........................................................................................212 Scripting Session.................................................................................................213
6.3.15.Upgrade from HPSS 5.1 to HPSS 6.2 ..........................................................................................213
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 9
6.3.16.Enable DB2 Backup......................................................................................................................215
6.3.17.Perform the DCE Export: hpss_dce_export..................................................................................215
6.3.18.Perform the Unix, LDAP or Kerberos Import...............................................................................215
6.3.19.Prepare the 6.2 System...................................................................................................................217 DB2 for normal operations..........................................................................................218 Accounting, if applicable..........................................................................................218 FTP Configuration Files..........................................................................................218 the HPSS.conf files................................................................................................218 the rc.hpss Script to /etc.............................................................................................218 the bind Script ..............................................................................................................218 Default Server Security ACLs...................................................................................218 SSM User Ids.............................................................................................................219 Location Server Endpoints........................................................................................220 Additional Remote Mover Configuration.............................................................220
6.3.20.Bring up the HPSS 6.2 Servers......................................................................................................220 the SSM System Manager, Startup Daemon and prerequisite software ..................221 HPSS Configurations...............................................................................................222 Accounting Metadata, if applicable...........................................................................223 HPSS 6.2 Servers.........................................................................................................224
6.3.21.Verify 6.2 System...........................................................................................................................224
6.3.22.Clean Up After a 4.5 to 6.2 Upgrade.............................................................................................225
6.3.23.Clean Up After a 5.1 to 6.2 Upgrade.............................................................................................225
6.3.24.Revert HPSS 6.2 System to Prior Release ....................................................................................225 the HPSS 6.2 System to Version 4.5..........................................................................225 the HPSS 6.2 System to Version 5.1..........................................................................226
6.4.Metadata Conversion Troubleshooting Procedures.....................................................227
6.4.1.HPSS 4.5 to 6.2 Conversion Utility Errors and Warnings...............................................................227 Errors..............................................................................................227, db_subsys_convert, and db_lr_convert Errors and Warnings............228
6.4.2.HPSS 5.1 to 6.2 Conversion Utility Errors......................................................................................231 Errors...................................................................................................231 Errors..................................................................................................232
6.5.HPSS 4.5 Conversion Utilities Output........................................................................232
6.5.1.Interpreting Output from the 4.5 Conversion Utility.......................................................................232
6.5.2.Examples of HPSS 4.5 Conversion Utility Output.........................................................................234 Output.............................................................................................234 Output......................................................................................................234 Output......................................................................................................238 Running Conversion Utilities Output............................................................................241
Appendix A. Glossary of Terms and Acronyms...............................................................245
Appendix B. References......................................................................................................256
Appendix C. Developer Acknowledgments.......................................................................258
Appendix D. HPSS.conf Configuration File.....................................................................259
D.1. PFTP Client Stanza...................................................................................................259
D.2. PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza..................................................................................264
D.3. Multinode Table Stanza............................................................................................266
D.4. Network Option Stanza.............................................................................................268
D.5. PFTP Daemon Stanza...............................................................................................273
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 10
D.6. Transfer Agent Stanza..............................................................................................287
D.7. Stanzas Reserved for Future Use..............................................................................291
Appendix E. hpss_env_defs.h.............................................................................................293
Appendix F. /var/hpss files.................................................................................................309
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 11
List of Figures
Figure 1. File Migration and Stage Operations..................................................................37
Figure 2. Class of Service / Hierarchy / Storage Class.......................................................38
Figure 3. HPSS Components................................................................................................40
Figure 4. HPSS Generic Configuration...............................................................................52
Figure 5. Basic HPSS Metadata & Filesystem Allocation.................................................70
Figure 6. The Relationship of Various Server Data Structures........................................82
Figure 7. Relationship of Class of Service, Storage Hierarchy, and Storage Class.......102
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 12
List of Tables
Table 1. HPSS Client Interface and Mover Platforms.......................................................49
Table 2. Supported Platform/Driver/Tape Drive Combinations......................................64
Table 3. Cartridge/Drive Affinity Table.............................................................................66
Table 4. Paging Space Info...................................................................................................79
Table 5. Gatekeeping Call Parameters..............................................................................100
Table 6. Suggested Block Sizes for Disk............................................................................107
Table 7. Suggested Block Sizes for Tape...........................................................................108
Table 8. Network Options...................................................................................................131
Table 9. Installation Package Sizes and Disk Requirements...........................................136
Table 10. Runing Times for Long Running Metadata Conversion Utilities..................185
Table 11. 6.2 Default Server Configuration Parameters.................................................222
Table 12. PFTP Client Stanza Fields.................................................................................259
Table 13. PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza Fields...............................................................264
Table 14. Multinode Table Stanza Fields..........................................................................266
Table 15. Network Options Stanza Fields.........................................................................269
Table 16. PFTP Daemon Stanza Description....................................................................273
Table 17. Transfer Agent Stanza Description..................................................................287
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 13
About this book
The HPSS Installation Guide is for use both at system installation time as well as throughout the lifetime of the system. It will guide system administrators through the planning and installation of a new HPSS system. It also guides system administrators through the conversion process to upgrade existing HPSS systems to Release 6.2. It serves as a reference whenever the system is reconfigured by the addition, deletion, or modification of hosts, tape libraries, devices, or other components.
Chapter 1 discusses HPSS changes for Release 6.2.
Chapter 2 gives an overview of HPSS technology.
Chapters 3-5 guide administrators of new HPSS systems through planning, system preparation, HPSS software installation, and configuration of the HPSS infrastructure.
Chapter 6 guides administrators of existing 4.5 or 5.1 HPSS systems through the conversion process, bringing those systems up to Release 6.2.
Conventions Used in This Book
Example commands that should be typed at a command line will be proceeded by a percent sign (‘%’)
and be presented in a boldface courier font:
% sample command
Example command output and example contents of ASCII files will be presented in a courier font:
sample file line 1 sample file line 2
Any text preceded by a pound sign (‘#’) should be considered comment lines:
# This is a comment
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 14
Chapter 1. Release 6.2
This chapter summarizes HPSS changes for Release 6.2 into four categories: new features, retired features, deferred features, and changed features. Changes since release 4.5 and 5.1 are described.
1.1. New Features
This section describes the new HPSS features added to Release 6.2.
1.1.1. DCE Replacement
Previous HPSS releases used DCE to provide authenticated client/server remote procedure calls. Since DCE is no longer offered as a commercial product, it has been replaced in HPSS with a solution based on commercially available authentication services and ONC RPC technology.
The new HPSS infrastructure provides four primary sub-systems: POSIX Threads, Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs), ONC Remote Procedure Calls and a collection of security services. The security services include support for Kerberos and an LDAP based registry service. For more information on the new HPSS infrastructure, see Section 2.3.4: HPSS Infrastructure on page 44.
1.1.2. Linux Support
All HPSS servers are fully supported on Linux.
1.1.3. Security
The HPSS Security implementation, which was based on DCE security, has been replaced with Unix or MIT Kerberos authentication and with Unix or LDAP authorization. Refer to Chapter 2: Security and System Access of the HPSS Management Guide and Section 3.2.7: Security on page 57 for more information.
1.1.4. SCSI PVR
Support for SCSI connected tape libraries has been added to HPSS 6.2 The SCSI PVR can be used to control any SCSI command based tape library.
1.1.5. HPSS VFS Interface
The HPSS VFS Interface provides a POSIX I/O interface to the HPSS filesystem. The root of the HPSS directory tree or a subdirectory can be mounted as a filesytem. HPSS files can be accessed by any software that complies with the POSIX I/O API by using the HPSS VFS Interface. For more information, please refer to Section 13.4: HPSS VFS Interface Configuration of the HPSS Management Guide.
1.1.6. GridFTP Interface
The GridFTP interface uses the PIO interface to transfer data into/from HPSS.
1.1.7. SAN3P/PIO Support
PIO can be used to issue I/O requests to direct attached HPSS SAN3P disk cache.
1.1.8. Additional hpssadm Configuration Options
Class of Service (COS)
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 15
Storage Class (but not subsystem-specific storage class options)
Global configuration
Accounting policy
Location policy
All server configuration. Newly supported options include Core Server, Gatekeeper, Location
Server, Log Daemon, Migration/Purge Server, PVL, all PVRs, and SSM. The Mover, Log Client, and Startup Daemon were previously supported and still are.
Modifying devices and drives. This is the equivalent functionality of modifying fields on the
device info and drive info screens in the GUI.
1.1.9. Additional hpssadm operations
Create/delete resources
Task monitoring. A new "task" command displays the status of any long running background
tasks submitted during the session, such as imports or resource creates.
Specifying volumes from a file for import/export/delete/move. hpssadm, like the GUI, now
allows the user to submit a file listing the target volumes for import, export, delete resources, and cartridge move operations. This is an alternative to the previous capability of building the list on the screen with the Fill Count, Fill Increment, and Volume Label fields, which is still provided. As a result of adding this capability, the group labels on the structures have changed so scripts which use the old method to specify the volume list will need a slight modification. See the hpssadm man page for examples.
1.1.10. Additional Library and Device Support
Spectra Logic library
ADIC Scalar i500 library
IBM and HP LTO Generation 3 and 4 drives. Tape encryption has not been certified with
SAIT-1 drives
IBM TS1120 (3592 Generation 2 and 3) drives. Tape encryption has not been certified with
Sun StorageTek T10000 drives
Sun StorageTek 9840D drives
DataDirect Networks (DDN} disks
1.1.11. SAN Virtual Volume ID Mapping
A feature to consistently map device pathnames to volumes. A unique ID is assigned to each volume. The IDs are then mapped to device pathnames.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 16
1.1.12. Drive Pools
HPSS provides HPSS end clients the ability to direct tape read I/O requests to a predefined group of tape drives referred to as a Drive Pool. This ability helps HPSS administrators manage tape drive scheduling and thus availability. For more information, please refer to Section 7.3: Drive Pools of the HPSS Management Guide.
1.1.13. FTP Enhancement
FTP application mode: FTP can be compiled as either a 32-bit or a 64-bit application, by
setting the BIT64_SUPPORT flag on or off in the Makefile.macros file, when building with the HPSS FTP source extracted with "build-ftp" option. The 64-bit Kerberos libraries will be required to support Kerberos authentication.
PFTP client is now supported on Solaris 10 (Intel/AMD only).
1.1.14. mkhpss Enhancement
A new option is provided by mkhpss to configure the DB2 log mirroring capability to better protect the DB2 transaction log files. DB2 log mirroring allows the database to write an identical second copy of log files to a different path. The DB2 log files are essential in protecting a database and enable transactions occurring after a database backup to be recovered. Loss of the DB2 log files can result in significant impact to the operation of the system, extensive downtime, and potential loss of data. It is vital that DB2 log files be stored on highly reliable disk systems. In addition, DB2 log mirroring must be used to protect the DB2 log files on two separate disk systems. The disk systems must also be protected using RAID1 or RAID5 configurations. This mkhpss enhancement can only be used for new HPSS installations. For existing sites, please consult with your HPSS Support Representative for assistance.
1.1.15. DB2 Monitoring
A new feature to have the HPSS DB2 Log Monitor periodically checks the DB2 transaction log files to make sure that the primary and mirror logs are congruent and performing normally. It also scans the DB2 diagnostic log for indications of problem with the DB2 log files. For each identified problem, it will issue an HPSS alarm and indicate the path of the diagnostic log and the line number where the error is reported. The administrator should then open the DB2 diagnostics file and examine the reported problem in detail.
1.1.16. File Family enhancements
The number of allowed file families is increased to 4,294,967,295. In addition, authorized callers can assign the File Family ID of a file via the hpss_FileSetAttributes Client API function, independently of the underlying fileset.
1.1.17. SSM Configuration Files Consolidation
The SSM configuration files ssm_krb5.conf and ssm_unix.conf have been consolidated into a single configuration file called ssm.conf. Users may continue using their existing configuration file by specifying the "-m" option to the or script, or they may rename their existing configuration file to ssm.conf. For environments with multiple authentication mechanisms, it may be desirable to maintain multiple configuration files.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 17
1.1.18. Mover Enhancement
Multiple Movers for one or more HPSS instances can now be configured to run on the same machine. The -c <alternate var path> flag is added to the Mover entry in the inetd configuration file to specify an alternate "/var/hpss" path to be used by the Mover. In addition, the -s flag is added to enable syslog logging for the Mover. This feature is intended for multiple HPSS test systems to share the same set of Mover machines.
1.2. Retired Features
HPSS is no longer supported fully on Solaris. HPSS Mover and HPSS clients are still being
supported on Solaris.
The settapestats utility program is no longer supported. The 6.2 Core Server calculates tape
volume statistics when it starts.
STK RAIT PVR is no longer supported.
LTO PVR is no longer supported on Linux. The SCSI PVR should be used for LTO drives on
Non-DCE Gateway is no longer supported.
Federated Name Space and Remote Site Policy are not supported in 6.2.
Mirrored Filesets are no longer supported.
The terminology of "Non-DCE" Movers is no longer being used. It is now referred to as the
The terminology of "Non-DCE" Client API is no longer being used. It is now referred to as
the Client API.
The hpss_PVrr utility is no longer supported. The source code for this utility can be found
in /opt/hpss/tools/unsupported.
The hpss.clean command is no longer supported.
The HPSS Metadata Backup Tools are no longer supported.
1.3. Deferred Features
XFS is not supported in HPSS 6.2. XFS references have been left in the HPSS documentation to support the option of re-enabling XFS in future releases.
1.4. HPSS Changes
This section describes the changes made to HPSS 6.2.
1.4.1. Documentation Organization Changes
The SSM Guide is now merged with the Management Guide.
1.4.2. Metadata Changes
Added the AUTHZACL table to maintain security ACLs for HPSS servers and for SSM client
access to SSM.
Deleted the DISKSPACE table. The disk space allocation maps are now maintained in the
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 18
Core Server's memory image
Modified the DMG table. In support of the new HPSS RPC library, the TCP port was
eliminated and the Program and Version numbers were added to DMG specific configuration.
Modified the DMGFILESET table. The TCP port was eliminated and the TCP hostname and
RPC endpoint information was added.
Modified the GATEKEEPER table. The length of site policy pathname was changed from 127
to 1023 characters.
Modified the LSPOLICY table. The group name was eliminated and realm name was added.
Changed length of local site name from 31 to 255 characters.
Modified the MOVERDEVICE table. In support of the new SAN3P capabilities, SanID was
added to mover device configuration. Since this is new to HPSS 6.2, these will be set to 0 for all mover devices.
The NDCG table is now obsolete. It has been renamed, but left intact.
Modified the NFS table. In support of the new authentication mechanisms, the credential
object ID has been eliminated. Privileged caller principal length was changed from 15 to 255 characters.
SSSTATS table is now obsolete. It has been renamed, but left intact.
Modified the SERVER table. In support of the new HPSS RPC library, the authorization
service and authentication service information has been eliminated. Request queue size information, RPC program, version number, and authentication mechanism information has been added, along with new index definitions.
Added the SERVERINTERFACES table. This table is populated by the metadata converter
programs with newly created server interface information.
Modified the SITE table. The descriptive and LS group names have been eliminated, and site
and realm names were added. The pre-6.2 SITE table will be renamed to PRE62_SITE but the metadata in the table will not be converted into the new SITE table since remote sites are no longer supported.
Modified the STORAGESEGDISK table. A new index is required for this table to support
the new disk space allocation mechanism.
1.4.3. DMAP Gateway Changes
Since DFS is no longer supported, the logic to support DFS in the DMAP Gateway has been removed. DMAP Gateway will only support XFS in 6.2. Changes were also made in the underlying RPC mechanism used for communication with the HDM. The ability to delete the DMAP Gateway and Core Server components of an XDSM Fileset have been removed. Changes made to the SSM windows to support XFS are described below.
X F S i s n o t s u p p o r t e d i n H P S S 6 . 2 . X F S r e f e r e n c e s h a v e b e e n l e f t i n t h e H P S S d o c u m e n t a t i o n t o s u p p o r t t h e o p t i o n o f r e - e n a b l i n g X F S i n f u t u r e r e l e a s e s . Creating an XDSM Fileset
The “Create HPSS/XDSM Fileset” window has been renamed ”Create XDSM Fileset”. This
window is currently not accessible since XFS is not supported.
Fields specific to DFS fileset creation have been removed. Since HPSS managed XFS
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 19
filesystems do not support mirrored namespaces, fields which were specific to managing mirrored filesets are also no longer available. This includes the following configuration options:
· Global Mount Point
· Local Mount Point
· Fileset Owner
· Fileset Permissions
Communication between the HDM and the DMAP Gateway now uses the HPSS RPC library.
Fields which were used to specify TCP communication information have been removed. Viewing DMAP Gateway XDSM Fileset Information
Fields and functions which were needed for DFS or mirrored fileset management have been
removed. This includes the following changes:
· The ability to change the name of an XDSM Fileset.
· The ability to change the fileset state (i.e.: mounted, pre-unmounted etc.).
· The "Name Server Object Handle of Fileset Mountpoint" data is no longer shown.
· The ability to delete the DMAP Gateway portion of an XDSM Fileset independently from
the core server is no longer supported.
Fileset information and associated statistics are now shown on a single window. The
"Requests via TRPC (HPSS) Interface" statistics were specific to mirrored filesets and have been removed.
The RPC endpoint for the HDM is shown instead of the "HPSS/DMAP TCP Hostname" and
"HPSS/DMAP TCP Port" fields. This reflects the change in the underlying communication mechanism used between the HDM and the DMAP Gateway. Additionally, these fields may no longer be modified from the DMAP Gateway Fileset Information window. Viewing Core Server XDSM Fileset Information
The name of this window has been changed from "Name Server Fileset Information" to "Core
Server Fileset Information".
The ability to modify the following fields from this window is no longer allowed:
· Fileset ID
· Fileset Name
· User and Group ID
· Fileset Type
· Permissions
The following informational fields have been removed:
· Name Server Object Handle
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 20
1.4.4. SSM Changes
Significant changes were made in SSM between Releases 4.5 and 5.1 and again between 5.1 and 6.2. For the reader's convenience, all changes between 4.5 and 6.2 are summarized in Section Changes Affecting Sites Upgrading Directly from 4.5. Changes between 5.1 and 6.2 are summarized in Section Changes Affecting Sites Upgrading from 5.1. The tables indicate whether each change affects the SSM Server (the System Manager), the SSM GUI hpssgui, and/or the HPSS command line utility hpssadm. Sites need consult only the table which pertains to them. Changes Affecting Sites Upgrading Directly from 4.5
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM
The SSM System Manager and Data Server were consolidated in release
6.2 into a single server, the SSM System Manager.
Java is now required for the SSM Graphical User Interface (hpssgui). Java is no longer required by the SSM server (the new consolidated SSM System Manager).
n n
SSL is no longer supported with SSM. This means it is no longer necessary to create an SSL certificate (the /var/hpss/ssm/ds.cer file) or import it into the certificate authority file ($JAVA_ROOT/jre/lib/cacerts) on each SSM client machine.
n n n
The Java Security Manager is no longer used with SSM. This means the Java Policy files are no longer required. In 4.5, these files were the java.policy.ds and the java.policy.hpssadm.
n n n
The hpssadm.jar and mobjects.jar files are no longer used. All classes are now in a single jar file hpss.jar.
n n
The start_ssm script is no longer available. The SSM System Manager is started with the rc.hpss script. The rc.hpss script has been moved from a default location of /etc to /opt/hpss/bin.
The start_ssm_session script is no longer available. In HPSS 6.2, the SSM GUI is started with the hpssgui startup script. There are perl and vbs versions of this script, named with an extension to indicate the type of script: and hpssgui.vbs.
There are new versions of the hpssadm startup scripts in perl and vbs. These are named with an extension to indicate the type of script: and hpssadm.vbs. The ksh and bat scripts are no longer supported.
Options to the new hpssgui startup scripts differ considerably from the options to the old start_ssm_session script. Options to the hpssadm startup scripts have also changed significantly. See the man pages for details. Following are some highlights:
n n
The scripts are dependent upon an SSM configuration file (ssm.conf), created by mkhpss, which contains some site-specific configuration values. The SSM client script will attempt to ready the SSM configuration file in the current working directory unless the pathname to this file is specified by the -m option.
n n
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 21
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM
The SSM client scripts now use an internal polling mechanism for getting window updates (as opposed to being notified of the update by the server). This means that:
The SSM client application no longer requires a second
port for two-way communication,
The rate of polling can be fine-tuned by the user (see
the -A, -G, -L -M, -W options).
n n
The scripts are dependent upon a login.conf file and, if using Kerberos authentication, a krb5.conf file. Both files are created by hpssuser. The scripts will look in the current working directory for these files unless they are specified on the command line (-C and ­k options).
n n
It is no longer necessary to add a security provider entry to the java system file.
n n
The pathname to the java executable can be specified by using the
-j option. If this option isn't specified, then the script will use the java executable in $JAVA_BIN if it is valid. If $JAVA_BIN/java is not defined, then the script will use 'java' which will use the client's $PATH.
n n
Effective with HPSS 5.1.1, the hpssgui script supports customizing the user's background color or Look & Feel using the -b, -F and -T options.
The SSM user can specify the number of alarms to display on the alarm list using the -N option.
n n
The SSM user can specify the pathname to the hpss.jar using the -P option.
n n
The SSM user can specify the path to search for application preferences using the -i option. This path is now local to the SSM client machine; preferences are no longer stored on the SSM server machine.
n n
Sites that are converting from a previous release of HPSS should replace all their hpssgui and hpssadm startup scripts on all client platforms with the new versions.
n n
In HPSS 6.2, ssh tunneling communications between the SSM client and server is supported.
n n n
The SSM clients can contact the System Manager across a Virtual Private Network connection (VPN). See the -p and -h options on the hpssgui and hpssadm man pages.
n n n
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 22
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM
The SSM client scripts can use ports exempted by the network administrator as firewall exceptions. See the -n option on the hpssadm/hpssgui man pages.
The port on which the System Manager will listen may be controlled by setting the $HPSS_SSM_SERVER_LISTEN_PORT environment variable. The default setting is 0 (zero) which means that the port will be chosen by the RPC portmapper. See Section 3.3.6: Using SSM Through a Firewall, of the HPSS Management Guide.
n n n
Access to port 88 is needed for Kerberos authentication. Access to port 111 is needed if the RPC portmapper is needed to find the System Manager.
n n n
The user_authorization.dat and hpssadm.config files provided in HPSS 4.5 are no longer available.
In 6.2, all authorized SSM users and their privilege levels are defined in the DB2 user acl AUTHZACL table. See Section hpssuser Utility and Section SSM User Authorization in the HPSS Management Guide for details.
n n n
The hpssgui and hpssadm programs will now optionally record every error and informational message in an ASCII log file. The "-S" option for both programs is used to specify whether to create the session log and what to name it.
n n
The basic and specific server config structures, along with the server's log policy, have been combined in 5.1 into a single structure.
n n
SSM now represents the three basic Core Server volume structures, the physical volume, virtual volume, and storage map, as a single combined Core Server volume structure.
n n
The delog utility is no longer available via the SSM GUI. This feature has been retired.
The ability to broadcast messages to other SSM GUI users is not yet available.
Alarms and events are no longer acknowledged from the SSM GUI.
The SSM clients can specify the number of items to display for the Alarms and Events list. See the -N option on the hpssadm/hpssgui man page and Section 9.6: Managing SSM Alarms and Events in the HPSS Management Guide.
n n
The SSM clients keep an internal cached copy of the Alarms and Events list which is maintained by regular polling requests to the System Manager. Each polling request returns only “new” messages, those which have not already been retrieved by the SSM client in a previous polling request. If there are no new messages in the System Manager log cache, no messages are returned. This will help performance of the display of this window. See the -A, -G and -N options of the hpssadm/hpssgui man pages and Section 9.6.5: Controlling SSM Log Message handling in the HPSS Management Guide.
n n
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 23
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM
The ability to see which users are logged into SSM, referred to in HPSS
4.5 as a list of SSM "consoles", is available in 6.2 as part of the System Manager Statistics window from both the hpssgui and hpssadm.
n n
The menu bar has been reorganized extensively.
The "Set Keyboard", "Show Sammi Environment", "View Sammi Errlog", and "About Sammi" items from the 4.5 Session menu and the "SSM consoles" item from the 4.5 Monitor menu are no longer available.
Some of the information about the gui session and data server which was formerly available from these screens is now available in 6.2 from the "System Manager Statistics" and "User Session Information" items from the "SSM Information" submenu of the "Monitor" menu. Some information is also available in the new user session log. See Chapter 3: Using SSM in the HPSS Management Guide for a full description of the layout of the menu and a description of the functions available from each menu item.
The Monitor, Operations, and Configure menus are available in a menu tree on the bottom half of the Health and Status window. The tree is organized exactly as the corresponding items from the menu bar, and the functionality of each item is the same as its corresponding item on the menu bar.
The View menu of the Health and Status screen allows some portions of the screen to be hidden or redisplayed.
The PVR Cartridge Threshold is included in the HPSS Status section of the Health and Status information. When the status is something other than OK, the PVR Information button on the GUI screen will become activated; clicking this button will bring up a window for each PVR cartridge that is not healthy.
n n
To support users with color blindness or other visual problems, all text is now displayed on white or light gray backgrounds. Color (green, yellow, red) is still used to indicate the severity level of alarms and component statuses, but the color is confined to a small sphere displayed next to the text. For example, a major alarm might be displayed on the Alarms and Events screen as:
May 2, 2005 11:26:13 AM Major PVL Bad things happened
More than one preference may now be defined for each list. See the description of the "preferences combo box" in Section 3.6: Common Window Elements of the HPSS Management Guide for details.
Note that the mechanism for selecting columns to be displayed in each list window has moved from the list's Preferences window to the "Column View" menu of the list window itself. See the description of the "Column View" menu item in Section 3.6:Common Window Elements of the HPSS Management Guide for details.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 24
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM
Column ordering is now controlled by dragging columns to the desired location. The modified order is preserved automatically in the user preferences across hpssgui restarts.
When messages have been written to the status bar, the most recent messages can be viewed in the status bar's tooltip. Rolling the mouse over the status bar without clicking gives a tooltip that says, "Click mouse in status bar to view messages" if there are status messages to view. If there are no status messages then the tooltip says, "No status messages". This message stays up for about 4 seconds or until the user moves the mouse out of the status bar area. To view up to the last STATUS_MSG_MAX (30) messages that have been written to the status bar, click on the status bar. The tooltip that is displayed will show up to the last 30 messages and will remain visible until the mouse is moved out of the status bar or for 10 minutes.
Most user updates to fields on information windows are no longer sent to the server immediately or automatically. The Update button on the window must be clicked to submit the update to the server. Fields modified by the user will be flagged by a diskette icon to indicate the window copy has been modified but not saved.
The list of volumes for import, export, resource deletes, and cartridge move operations may now be specified from an external input file as an alternative to building the list on the hpssgui screen or within the hpssadm operation.
n n
Since the basic and specific server configuration structures have been combined into a single structure, there is no longer a need for a
-server_type option to the hpssadm config command. This option is no longer used.
The types of configuration structures supported by the -type option now are specified by the title names used on the config struct windows. See the hpssadm man page for a list of supported config types.
Any type name may be abbreviated so long as the abbreviation is unique. See the hpssadm man page for details.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 25
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM
The HPSS 4.5 hpssadm commands
have been replaced by a single command "volume". The volume command has a required option "-type" for which these types may be specified:
PVL Volume Information
PVR Cartridge Information
CS Disk Volume
CS Tape Volume
The new volume command behaves similarly to the config command, where the types are the titles of the window screens for the structures. The type names may be abbreviated so long as the abbreviation is unique.
The volume command has several subcommands which support displaying and updating the volume, importing and exporting volumes, creating and deleting resources, and moving cartridges.
There is no longer a separate command for locking or unlocking a volume in 6.2. This has been replaced by the practice of setting the VV Condition and Retired fields structure on the storage map in the disk or tape volume structure. (This is a core server design change.) The fields of the map structure may be modified with the update command. The update command may also be used on any of the volume commands to modify any settable field.
A new hpssadm command "ssm" is supplied in 6.2 for shutting down the System Manager and for displaying the status of the System Manager and of the hpssadm session.
All available columns of each SSM list (server, device, storage class, pvl job, alarm) are now displayed by the hpssadm list commands in the system default order. At this time hpssadm has no facility for customizing the list format as the gui does.
Field layout and grouping for each structure displayed by the hpssadm now matches the order and grouping used by the corresponding window of the SSM GUI.
Most hpss structures have changed so hpssadm scripts used before 5.1 may need to be modified to use the new field and subfield names.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 26
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM
The hpssadm config command now supports the additional structures:
Class of Service Config
Storage Class (but not subsystem-specific storage class options)
Global Config
Accounting Policy
Location Policy
All server configurations; servers which were not supported before are
the core server, gatekeeper, location server, log daemon, migration/purge server, pvl, all pvrs, and ssm. The mover, log client and startup daemon are still supported as previously.
A new command “task” displays the status of any long running background tasks submitted during the session, such as imports or resource creates.
A new subcommand “update” has been added to the hpssadm device command for updating the mover device and pvl drive objects.
n Changes Affecting Sites Upgrading from 5.1
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM
The SSM System Manager and Data Server were consolidated in release
6.2 into a single server, the SSM System Manager.
Java is no longer used in the server side of SSM (the new consolidated SSM System Manager).
SSL is no longer supported with SSM. This means it is no longer necessary to create an SSL certificate (the /var/hpss/ssm/ds.cer file) or import it into the certificate authority file ($JAVA_ROOT/jre/lib/cacerts) on each ssm client machine.
n n n
The Java Security Manager is no longer used with SSM. This means the Java policy files are no longer required. In 5.1, these files were the java.policy.ds and the java.policy.ssmuser.
n n n
The start_ssm script is no longer available. The SSM System Manager is started with the rc.hpss script. The rc.hpss script has been moved from a default location of /etc to /opt/hpss/bin.
There are new versions of the hpssgui and hpssadm startup scripts in perl and vbs. These are named with an extension to indicate the type of script:, hpssadm.vbs, and hpssgui.vbs. The ksh and bat scripts are no longer supported.
The scripts are no longer distributed as templates; they will be packaged into the $HPSS_PATH_BIN (default /opt/hpss/bin) directory.
n n
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 27
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM
Options to the hpssgui and hpssadm startup scripts have changed significantly. See the man pages for details. Following are some highlights:
n n
The scripts are dependent upon an ssm configuration file (ssm.conf), created by mkhpss, which contains some site-specific configuration values. The SSM client script will attempt to read the ssm configuration file in the current working directory unless the pathname to this file is specified by the -m option.
n n
The SSM client scripts now use an internal polling mechanism for getting window updates (as opposed to being notified of the update by the server). This means that:
the SSM client application no longer requires a second
port for two-way communication,
using SSM across an ssh tunnel is simpler since you
now need to set up the tunnel only in one direction,
the rate of polling can be fine-tuned by the user (see the
-A, -G, -L -M, -W options).
n n
The scripts are dependent upon a login.conf file and, if using Kerberos authentication, a krb5.conf file. The hpssuser program creates both of these files. The scripts will look in the current working directory for these files unless they are specified on the command line (-C and -k options).
n n
It is no longer necessary to add a security provider entry to the java system file.
n n
The pathname to the java executable can be specified by using the
-j option. If this option isn't specified, then the script will use the java executable in $JAVA_BIN if it is valid. If $JAVA_BIN/java is not defined, then the script will use 'java' which will use the client's $PATH.
n n
Effective with HPSS 5.1.1, the hpssgui script supports customizing the user's background color or Look & Feel using the -b, -F and -T options. Sites which did not apply the 5.1 patch would not have had this functionality.
The SSM user can specify the number of alarms to display on the alarm list using the -N option.
n n
The SSM user can specify the pathname to the hpss.jar using the ­P option.
n n
The SSM user can specify the path to search for application preferences using the -i option. This path is now local to the SSM client machine; preferences are no longer stored on the SSM server machine.
n n
Sites which are converting from a previous release of HPSS should be certain to replace all their hpssgui and hpssadm startup scripts on all client platforms with the new versions.
n n
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 28
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM
The SSM client script options for connecting to the System Manager across a Virtual Private Network connection (VPN) have changed. See the
-p and -h options on the hpssgui and hpssadm man pages.
n n n
The SSM client script option for using ports exempted by the network administrator as firewall exceptions has changed; see the -n option on the hpssadm/hpssgui man pages.
The port on which the System Manager will listen may be controlled by setting the $HPSS_SSM_SERVER_LISTEN_PORT environment variable. The default setting is 0 (zero) which means that the port will be chosen by the RPC portmapper. See Section 3.3.6:Using SSM Through a Firewall, of the HPSS Management Guide.
n n n
Access to port 88 is needed for Kerberos authentication and access to port 111 is needed if the RPC portmapper is needed to find the System Manager.
n n n
The ssmuser.config file provided in HPSS 5.1 is no longer available. In
6.2, all authorized SSM users and their privilege levels are defined in the DB2 user acl AUTHZACL table. See Section hpssuser Utility and Section SSM User Authorization in the HPSS Management Guide for details.
n n n
SSM now represents the three basic Core Server volume structures, the physical volume, virtual volume, and storage map, as a single combined Core Server volume structure.
n n
Access to the delog utility via the SSM GUI, deferred in 5.1, has now been permanently retired.
The ability to broadcast messages to other SSM GUI users is not yet available.
The SSM clients can specify the number of items to display for the Alarms and Events list. See the -N option on the hpssadm/hpssgui man page and Section 9.6: Managing SSM Alarms and Events in the HPSS Management Guide.
n n
The SSM clients keep an internal cached copy of the Alarms and Events list which is maintained by regular polling requests to the System Manager. Each polling request returns only “new” messages, those which have not already been retrieved by the SSM client in a previous polling request. If there are no new messages in the System Manager log cache, no messages are returned. This will help performance of the display of this window. See the -A, -G and -N options of the hpssadm/hpssgui man pages and Section 9.6.5: Controlling SSM Log Message Handling in the HPSS Management Guide.
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The ability to see which users are logged into SSM, referred to in HPSS
4.5 as a list of SSM "consoles", was not yet available in 5.1. It is now available in 6.2 as part of the System Manager Statistics window from both the hpssgui and hpssadm.
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HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 29
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM
The menu bar has been reorganized slightly.
The "Data Server Statistics" menu item has been replaced by the "System Manager Statistics" menu item, available from the Monitor->SSM Information menu path.
"Column View" was added to the menu bar for SSM windows that display an SSM table. See Section 3.6: Common Window Elements of the HPSS Management Guide. In HPSS 5.1, this ability was part of the Preference window associated with the SSM table window.
The “User Session Log” is no longer available from the SSM GUI; the user can still view this information by using the -S option of the SSM client script and viewing the ASCII text of the session log. Since this was removed from the menu bar, the Monitor->Logging menu path which contained two sub-items (Log Files Info and User Session Log) was replaced by Monitor->Log Files Information menu path.
The Monitor->Lookup HPSS Objects->Security menu path option has been removed.
The Operations->Filesets & Junctions->Create XDSM Fileset menu path option was added. However, this option is currently hidden since XFS is not supported.
Since the two SSM Servers (Data Server and System Manager) were merged into the single System Manager. all references to the Data Server in the Operations->Shutdown menu were removed.
Configure->Restricted Users menu path option was added. It currently supports listing the restricted users and a “Reload List” button which causes the Core Servers to reread the HPSS_RESTRICTED_USER_FILE. See Chapter 2: Security and System Access in the HPSS Management Guide for a full description of restricting user access to HPSS.
Since the SSM Guide was merged into the HPSS Management Guide and HPSS Installation Guide, the Help->HPSS Books->SSM Guide menu path option was removed.
See Chapter 3: Using SSM in the HPSS Management Guide for a full description of the layout of the menu and a description of the functions available from each menu item.
The PVR Cartridge Threshold is included in the HPSS Status section of the Health and Status information. When the status is something other than OK, the PVR Information button on the GUI screen will become activated; clicking this button will bring up a window for each PVR cartridge that is not healthy.
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The "Sick" preference may no longer be edited.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008 Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 30
+ 281 hidden pages