Getting started with DB2 installation and administration on Linux and
DB2 Version 9
for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Getting started with DB2 installation and administration on Linux and
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices.
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This document contains proprietary information of IBM. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected
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The disk space required for your product depends on the type of installation you
choose and the type of file system you have. The DB2 Setup wizard provides
dynamic size estimates based on the components selected during a typical,
compact, or custom installation.
On Windows®, you might require significantly more space on FAT (File Allocation
Table) drives with large cluster sizes than with NTFS (New Technology File
System) drives.
Remember to include disk space for required software and communication
Memory requirements:
At a minimum, a DB2 database system requires 256 MB of RAM. For a system
running just DB2 and the DB2 GUI tools, a minimum of 512 MB of RAM is
required. However, 1 GB of RAM is recommended for improved performance.
These requirements do not include any additional memory requirements for other
software that is running on your system.
When determining memory requirements, be aware of the following:
v For DB2clientsupport,thesememoryrequirementsareforabaseoffive
concurrent client connections. Yo u will need an additional 16 MB of RAM per
five client connections.
v Memory requirementsareaffectedbythesizeandcomplexityofyourdatabase
system, as well as by the extent of database activity and the number of clients
accessing your system.
In DB2 Version 9, the new self-tuning memory feature simplifies the task of
memory configuration by automatically setting values for several memory
configuration parameters. When enabled, the memory tuner dynamically
distributes available memory resources among several memory consumers
including sort, the package cache, the lock list and buffer pools.
v On Linux™,SWAPspaceatleasttwiceaslargeasRAMisrecommended.
v “Self tuning memory” in Performance Guide
Getting started with database authorities
Authorities provide a way both to group privileges and to control maintenance
and utility operations for instances, databases, and database objects. Users can
have administrative authorities that give full privileges on a set of database objects,
or they can have system authorities that give full privileges on managing the
system but do not allow access to the data.
SYSADM is the highest level of administrative authority. It includes all privileges
on databases within the DB2 instance as well as the authority to grant and revoke
all other authorities and privileges.
DBADM provides administrative authority for a specific database. It allows the
user to access and modify all objects within that database. A user with DBADM
authority can grant and revoke privileges on the database but cannot grant or
revoke DBADM authority.
SYSCTRL is the authority for controlling the resources used by the database
manager (for example, creating and deleting databases), but it does not allow
access to the data within the databases.
SYSMAINT is the authority for performing maintenance operations, such as
starting and stopping the DB2 server and backing up and restoring databases. It
does not allow access to the data within the databases.
LOAD authority at the database level, combined with INSERT privilege on a table,
allows the user to load data into that table.
SECADM (security administrator) level applies at the database level and is the
authority required to create, alter and drop security label components, security
policies, and security labels, which are used to protect tables. It is also the
authority required to grant and revoke security labels and exemptions as well as to
grant and revoke the SETSESSIONUSER privilege. A user with the SECADM
authority can transfer the ownership of objects that they do not own. The
SECADM authority has no inherent privilege to access data stored in tables and
has no other additional inherent privilege. It can only be granted by a user with
SYSADM authority. The SECADM authority can be granted to a user but cannot be
granted to a group or to PUBLIC.
Database-specific authorities are stored in the database catalogs; system authorities
are stored in the database manager configuration file for the instance.
You can use the Control Center to grant and revoke database authorities.
All Intel® and AMD processors
capable of running the
supported Windows operating
Windows XP Professional x64
Windows 2003 Standard Edition
(32-bit and 64-bit)
Service Pack 1 or
systems (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 2003 Advanced Edition
(32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 2003 Datacenter
Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
Additional client considerations
DB2 products continue to be supported on Windows 98, Windows ME,
Windows NT®, and Windows 2000 until DB2 Universal Database Version
8.1 goes out of service. For existing installations and new installations of
DB2 products, upgrading to a more current operating system version of
Windows (such as Windows 2003) is recommended. Version 9 clients
cannot be installed on Windows 98, Windows ME, or Windows NT Server
4 operating systems. If you wish to continue running DB2 products on
back level releases of Windows, you require the following maintenance
v Windows NT Version 4 with Service Pack 6a or later
v Applications that have COM+ objects using ODBC; or
v Applications that use OLE DB Provider for ODBC with OLE DB
resource pooling disabled
If you are unsure about whether your application environment qualifies,
then it is recommended that you install the appropriate Windows service
For more information about this COM+ issue, see the following Microsoft
Knowledge Base article:
Chapter 1. Installation prerequisites 5
Additional software considerations
v MDAC 2.8isrequired.TheDB2SetupwizardwillinstallMDAC2.8ifit
is not already installed.
Note: If apreviousversionofMDAC(forexample,2.7)isalready
installed, DB2 install will upgrade MDAC to 2.8. For a typical
install, MDAC 2.8 is installed. For a compact install, MDAC 2.8 is
not installed. For a custom install, MDAC 2.8 is installed but only
if you have not deselected the default which is to install it. If you
deselect MDAC as part of a custom install, it will not be installed.
v If youplantouseLDAP(LightweightDirectoryAccessProtocol),you
should use either a Microsoft LDAP client or the IBM® Tivoli® Directory
Server v6 client (also known as the IBM LDAP client which is included
with DB2). Prior to installation of the Microsoft Active Directory, you
will need to extend your directory schema using the db2schex utility,
which can be found on the installation media.
The Microsoft LDAP client is included with the operating system for
Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
v If youplantousetheTivoliStorageManagerfacilitiesforthebackup
and restoration of your databases, you need the Tivoli Storage Manager
Client Version 4.2.0 or later.
– For Windows 64-bit operating systems, you require the TSM client
API Version 5.1.
IfyouhavetheIBMAntivirusprogram installed on your operating
system, it must be disabled or uninstalled to complete a DB2 installation.
v TCP/IP support must be enabled to view online help.
v One of the following browsers is required to view online help, run the
DB2 install launchpad (setup.exe), and to run First Steps (db2fs):
– Internet Explorer 5.5 and up
– Mozilla 1.4 and up
– Firefox 1.0 and up
– Netscape 7.0 and up
v “Support changes for 32-bit and 64-bit DB2 servers” in Migration Guide
Security issues when installing the DB2 database manager
Security considerations are important to the DB2 administrator from the moment
the product is installed.
To complete the installation of the DB2 database manager, a user ID, a group
name, and a password are required. The GUI-based DB2 database manager install
program creates default values for different user IDs and the group. Different
defaults are created, depending on whether you are installing on UNIX® or
Windows platforms:
v On UNIXandLinuxplatforms,ifyouchoosetocreateaDB2instanceinthe
instance setup window, the DB2 database install program creates, by default,
different users for the DAS (dasusr), the instance owner (db2inst), and the
fenced user (db2fenc). Optionally, you can specify different user names
The DB2 database install program appends a number from 1-99 to the default
user name, until a user ID that does not already exist can be created. For
example, if the users db2inst1 and db2inst2 already exist, the DB2 database
install program creates the user db2inst3. If a number greater than 10 is used,
the character portion of the name is truncated in the default user ID. For
example, if the user ID db2fenc9 already exists, the DB2 database install
program truncates the c in the user ID, then appends the 10 (db2fen10).
Truncation does not occur when the numeric value is appended to the default
DAS user (for example, dasusr24).
v On Windowsplatforms,theDB2databaseinstallprogramcreates,bydefault,the
user db2admin for the DAS user, the instance owner, and fenced users (you can
specify a different user name during setup, if you want). Unlike UNIX
platforms, no numeric value is appended to the user ID.
defaults and using them in an improper fashion within databases and instances,
change the defaults during the install to a new or existing user ID of your choice.
names. These values must be specified in the response file.
Passwords are very important when authenticating users. If no authentication
requirements are set at the operating system level and the database is using the
operating system to authenticate users, users will be allowed to connect. For
example on UNIX operating systems, undefined passwords are treated as NULL.
In this situation, any user without a defined password will be considered to have a
NULL password. From the operating system’s perspective, this is a match and the
user is validated and able to connect to the database. Use passwords at the
operating system level if you want the operating system to do the authentication of
users for your database.
When working with DB2 Data Partitioning Feature (DPF) on UNIX operating
system environments, the DB2 database manager by default uses the rsh utility to
run some commands on remote nodes. The rsh utility transmits passwords in clear
text over the network, which can be a security exposure if the DB2 server is not on
a secure network. Yo u can use the DB2RSHCMD registry variable to set the remote
shell program to a more secure alternative that avoids this exposure. One example
of a more secure alternative is ssh. See the DB2RSHCMD registry variable
documentation for restrictions on remote shell configurations.
After installing the DB2 database manager, also review, and change (if required),
the default privileges that have been granted to users. By default, the installation
process grants system administration (SYSADM) privileges to the following users
on each operating system:
DB2 database manager. As a result, you might not want all of these users to have
SYSADM privileges by default. The DB2 database manager provides the
administrator with the ability to grant and revoke privileges to groups and
individual user IDs.
By updating the database manager configuration parameter sysadm_group, the
administrator can control which group of users possesses SYSADM privileges. Yo u
must follow the guidelines below to complete the security requirements for both
the DB2 database installation and the subsequent instance and database creation.
Any group defined as the system administration group (by updating sysadm_group)
must exist. The name of this group should allow for easy identification as the
group created for instance owners. User IDs and groups that belong to this group
have system administrator authority for their respective instances.
The administrator should consider creating an instance owner user ID that is easily
recognized as being associated with a particular instance. This user ID should have
as one of its groups the name of the SYSADM group created above. Another
recommendation is to use this instance-owner user ID only as a member of the
instance owner group and not to use it in any other group. This should control the
proliferation of user IDs and groups that can modify the instance, or any object
within the instance.
The created user ID must be associated with a password to provide authentication
before being permitted entry into the data and databases within the instance. The
recommendation when creating a password is to follow your organization’s
password naming guidelines.
files, administrators should consider using another user account, which does
not belong to the same primary group as the instance owner, for day-to-day
administration tasks that are performed on the server directly.
Related concepts:
v “General naming rules” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “User, user ID and group naming rules” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “Authentication” in Administration Guide: Planning
v “Authorization” in Administration Guide: Planning
v “Naming rules in a Unicode environment” in Administration Guide:
v “Naming rules in an NLS environment” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “Location of the instance directory” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “UNIX platform security considerations for users” in Administration Guide:
This topic describes the steps required to grant user rights on Windows operating
systems. Specific user rights are recommended for user accounts required to install
and set up DB2.
To grant advanced user rights on Windows you must be logged on as a local
If your computer belongs to a Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 domain, the
domain user rights may override your local settings. In this case, your Network
Administrator will have to make the changes to the user rights.
Related concepts:
v “User, user ID and group naming rules” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “Required user accounts for installation of DB2 server products (Windows)” in
Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers
DB2 system administrator group considerations (Windows)
By default, system administrative (SYSADM) authority is granted to any valid DB2
user account that belongs to the Administrators group on the computer where the
account is defined. If the account is a local account, then it must belong to the local
Administrators group. If the account is a domain account, then it must belong to
the Administrators group at the domain controller or the local Administrators
For example, if a user logs on to a domain account and tries to access a DB2
database, the DB2 database server goes to a domain controller to enumerate
groups (including the Administrators group). You can force the DB2 database
server to always perform group lookup on the local computer by setting the
registry variable DB2_GRP_LOOKUP=local and adding the domain accounts (or
global groups) to the local group.
For a domain user to have SYSADM authority, they must belong to the local
Administrators group or the Administrators group at the domain controller. Since
the DB2 database server always performs authorization at the machine where the
Chapter 1. Installation prerequisites 9
account is defined, adding a domain user to the local Administrators group on the
server does not grant the domain user SYSADM authority to this group.
To avoid adding a domain user to the Administrators group at the domain
controller, create a global group and add the domain users to which you want to
grant SYSADM authority to it. Then update the DB2 configuration parameter
SYSADM_GROUP with the name of the global group.
To update the DB2 configuration parameter, enter the following commands:
v “sysadm_group - Systemadministrationauthoritygroupnameconfiguration
parameter” in Performance Guide
Extending the directory schema (Windows)
If you plan to use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory
server feature with Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003, you should extend the
Active Directory schema to contain DB2 object classes and attribute definitions.
You should perform this task before you install any DB2 products.
Extending the directory schema ensures that:
v The defaultDB2instance,createdduringtheinstallation,iscatalogedasaDB2
node in Active Directory provided the installation user ID had sufficient
privileges to write to Active Directory.
v Any databasesthattheusercreatesafterinstallationwillautomaticallybe
When db2schex.exe completes, you can proceed with the installation of your
DB2 product.
v “Installation requirements for DB2 clients and servers (Windows)” on page 5
v “CATALOG LDAP DATABASE command” in Command Reference
v “REGISTER command” in Command Reference
Linux installation prerequisites
Installation requirements for DB2 clients and servers (Linux)
For the most up-to-date prerequisite information, see
For the latest information on supported Linux distributions, point your browser to
The supported operating systems for Linux include:
v Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4) Update 2
v SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (SLES9) Service Pack 2
To install a DB2 client or server product, the following distribution requirements,
hardware, and communications prerequisites must be met:
Table 2. Linux prerequisites
Distribution Requirements Hardware
You should update your kernel configuration parameters
in preparation for your Linux distribution. The default
values for particular kernel parameters are not sufficient
when running a DB2 database system.
DB2 server products are supported on:
v x86 (Intel Pentium®, Intel Xeon®, and AMD Athlon)
v x86–64 (Intel EM64T and AMD64)
v IA64 (Intel Itanium® 2 or higher)
You may also have other products or applications that
require Linux system resources. You should set the
kernel configuration parameters based on the needs of
your Linux system working environment.
v POWER™ (any iSeries™ or pSeries® that support Linux)
v (Server only)eServer zSeries®.
– The Database Partitioning Feature (DPF) is not
The kernel configuration parameters are set in
/etc/sysctl.conf. SeetheModifyingkernelparameters
(Linux) section of the DB2 Information Center.
Refer to your operating system manual for information
on setting and activating these parameters using the
sysctl command.
Package requirements (server only):
The following tables list the package requirements for SUSE Linux and Red Hat
distributions for DB2 Version 9 partitioned servers.
v The pdksh Korn Shell package is required for all DB2 systems.
v A remote shell utility is required for partitioned database systems. DB2 supports
the following remote shell utilities:
– rsh
– ssh
Chapter 1. Installation prerequisites 11
By default, DB2 uses rsh when executing commands on remote DB2 nodes, for
example, when starting a remote DB2 database partition. To use the DB2 default,
the rsh-server package must be installed (see table below). For a comparison
between rsh and ssh, see the “Security issues when installing DB2” section of the
If you choose to use the rsh remote shell utility, inetd (or xinetd) must be
installed and running as well. If you choose to use the ssh remote shell utility,
you need to set the DB2RSHCMD registry variable immediately after the DB2
installation is complete. If this registry variable is not set, rsh is used. For more
information on the DB2RSHCMD registry variable, see the Performance Guide
v The nfs-utilsNetworkFileSystemsupportpackageisrequiredforpartitioned
database systems.
All required packages should be installed and configured before continuing with
the DB2 setup. For general Linux information, see your Linux distribution
Package name Description
pdksh Korn Shell. This package is required for partitioned database
openssh This package contains a set of server programs which allow
users to run commands on (and from) remote computers via a
secure shell. This package is not required if you use the default
configuration of DB2 with rsh.
rsh-server This package contains a set of server programs which allow
users to run commands on remote computers, login in to other
computers, and copy files between computers (rsh, rexec, rlogin,
and rcp). This package is not required if you configure DB2 to
use ssh.
nfs-utils Network File System support package. It allows access to local
files from remote computers.
Directory Package name Description
/System Environment/Shell pdksh Korn Shell. This package is required for
partitioned database environments.
/Applications/Internet openssh This package contains a set of client
programs which allow users to run
commands on a remote computer via a
secure shell. This package is not
required if you use the default
configuration of DB2 with rsh.
/System Environment/
openssh-server This package contains a set of server
programs which allow users to run
commands from a remote computer via
a secure shell. This package is not
required if you use the default
configuration of DB2 with rsh.
rsh-server This package contains a set of programs
which allow users to run commands on
a remote computer. Required for
partitioned database environments. This
package is not required if you configure
DB2 to use ssh.
/System Environment/
nfs-utils Network File System support package.
It allows access to local files from
remote computers.
Software considerations:
v One ofthefollowingbrowsersisrequiredtoviewonlinehelpandtorunFirst
required if you want to use the DB2 Setup wizard to install DB2 or if you want
to use any DB2 graphical tools. (Available only on Linux for x86 and Linux on
AMD 64/EM64T.)
The installation of DB2 products on NFS (Network File System) is not
recommended. Running DB2 products on NFS (for example, NFS mounting
/opt/IBM/db2/V9.1 and thenrunningoffcodethatwasphysicallyinstalledona
remote system) requires several manual setup steps. There are also a number of
potential issues with setting up NFS for DB2. These include possible problems that
v Performance (impacted by network performance)
v Availability (you are allowing a single point of failure)
v Licensing (there is no checking done across machines)
v Diagnosing NFS errors can be difficult
As mentioned, the setup for NFS will require several manual actions including:
v Ensuring that the mount point preserve the install path
v Permission must be controlled (for example, write permission should not be
given to the mounting machine)
v DB2 registrieshavetobesetupmanuallyandmaintainedacrossallmounting
v The listinstalledDB2productsandfeaturescommand(db2ls)mustbesetup
and maintained properly if you need to detect DB2 products and features
v More care is required when updating your DB2 product environment
v More steps are required when cleaning up on the exporting machine and the
mounting machine
For detailed instructions, look for the “Setting Up DB2 on NFS Mounted File
System” white paper which will be available soon after DB2 Version 9 is made
Chapter 1. Installation prerequisites 13
Related concepts:
v “Security issues when installing the DB2 database manager” on page 6
v “Modifying kernel parameters (Linux)” in Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers
v “Preparing to install DB2 for Linux on zSeries” in Quick Beginnings for DB2
v “Communication protocols supported” in Quick Beginnings for DB2 Clients
v “IBM Software Development Kit for Java levels for DB2 products” in Quick
In environments that include security software, such as NIS (Network Information
Services) or NIS+, there are some installation considerations. The DB2 installation
scripts attempt to update objects that are under the control of the security
packages, such as users and groups, and will not be able to do so if NIS or NIS+ is
being used for user management.
At instance creation, without a security component present, instance owner’s group
list is modified to include that of the database administrative server (DAS) user’s
primary group, if the DAS is created. If the instance creation program is unable to
modify these properties (it will not if NIS/NIS+ is controlling the group), it reports
that it could not. The warning message provides the necessary information to
manually make the changes.
These considerations hold true for any environment in which an external security
program does not allow the DB2 installation or instance creation programs to
modify user characteristics.
If the DB2 Setup wizard detects NIS on your computer, you are not given the
option of creating new users during the installation. Instead, you must choose
existing users.
Consider the following restrictions if you are using NIS or NIS+:
v Groups andusersmustbecreatedontheNISserverbeforerunningtheDB2
Setup wizard.
v Secondary groupsmustbecreatedfortheDB2instanceownerandtheDB2
Administration Server on the NIS server. Yo u must then add the primary group
of the instance owner to the secondary DB2 Administration Server group.
Likewise, you must add the primary DB2 Administration Server group to the
secondary group for the instance owner.
v On apartitionedDB2databasesystem,beforeyoucreateaninstance,theremust
be an entry for the instance in the etc/services file. For example, if you want to
create an instance for the user db2inst1, you require an entry similar to the
This task describes how to start the DB2 Setup wizard on Windows. You will use
the DB2 Setup wizard to define your installation and install your DB2 product on
your system.
Before you start the DB2 Setup wizard:
v If youareplanningonsettingupapartitioneddatabaseenvironment,seethe
"Setting up a partitioned database environment" topic.
v Ensure that your system meets installation, memory, and disk requirements.
v If you are planning to use LDAP on Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 to
register the DB2 server in Active Directory, you should extend the directory
schema before you install.
v You must havealocalAdministrator useraccountwiththerecommendeduser
rights to perform the installation.
v Although notmandatory,itisrecommendedthatyoucloseallprogramssothat
the installation program can update any files on the computer without requiring
a reboot.
v The DB2 copy name and the instance name cannot start with a numeric value.
v The DB2 copy name and the instance name must be unique among all DB2
v The useofXMLfeaturesisrestrictedtoadatabasethatisdefinedwiththecode
set UTF-8 and that has only one database partition.
2.InsertyourDB2product CD into the drive. If enabled, the auto-run feature
automatically starts the DB2 Setup launchpad. If the auto-run does not work,
use Windows Explorer to browse the DB2 product CD and double-click on the
setup icon.
release notes, or you can proceed directly to the installation. Yo u may want to
review the installation prerequisites and release notes for late-breaking
If you have no existing DB2 products installed on your computer, launch the
installation by clicking Install New. Proceed through the installation following
the DB2 Setup wizard's prompts.
If you have at least one existing DB2 product installed on your computer, you
v Click Install New to create a newDB2 copy
v Click Work with Existing to upgrade an existing DB2 copy, to add
functionality to an existing DB2 copy, or to install an add-on product.
v Click Migrate tomigrateanexistingDB2Version8copy.
TheDB2Setupwizard will determine the system language, and launch the
setup program for that language. Online help is available to guide you through
the remaining steps. To invoke the online help, click Help or press F1. You can
click Cancel at any time to end the installation.
Files\IBM\sqllib directory, wherex: representthedriveletterofthedrivewhere
you have installed your DB2 product.
If you are installing on a system where this directory is already being used, the
DB2 product installation path will have _xx added to it, where _xx are digits,
starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you have
You can also specify your own DB2 product installation path.
For information on errors encountered during installation, review the installation
log file located in the My Documents\DB2LOG\ directory. The log file uses the
following format: DB2-ProductAbrrev-DateTime.log, for example, DB2-ESE-Tue Apr 0417_04_452006.log.
If you want your DB2 product to have access to DB2 documentation either on your
local computer or on another computer on your network, then you must install the
DB2 Information Center. TheDB2 Information Center contains documentation for
the DB2 database system and DB2 related products. By default, DB2 information
will be accessed from the web if the DB2 Information Center is not locally
DB2 Express memory limits and the DATABASE_MEMORY configuration parameter:
If you are installing DB2 Express Edition or DB2 Express-C Edition on a system
that has more memory than the maximum memory limit of 4GB, as outlined in the
terms and conditions of the product, you need to explicitly set the DATABASE_MEMORY
configuration parameter to 4GB or less, so that the Self Tuning Memory Manager
will work within your licensed memory limits.
Note: If youhavemorethanonedatabaseonthatserver,thesumofalldatabase
memory usage cannot exceed 4GB.
You can use the Control Center or the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION
command to make this change. For example, to set the DATABASE_MEMORY limit to
4GB, enter the following command:
Also, when using the Configuration Advisor to assist you in configuring the
performance of your database, you need to set the Target Memory on the Server
page to a percentage of your total system memory that will ensure you stay under
the 4GB memory limit.
v “UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION command” in Command Reference
v “Multiple DB2 copies roadmap” in Administration Guide: Implementation
v “Disk and memory requirements” on page 3
v “Installation requirements for DB2 clients and servers (Windows)” on page 5
v “Language identifiers for running the DB2 Setup wizard in another language”
on page 67
Installing DB2 servers (Linux)
This task describes how to start the DB2 Setup wizard on Linux systems. The DB2
Setup wizard is used to define your installation preferences and to install your
DB2 product on your system.
Before you start the DB2 Setup wizard:
v Ensure that your system meets installation, memory, and disk requirements.
v You must have root authority to perform the installation.
v The DB2 product image must be available.
v The DB2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X windows
software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup
wizard to run on your machine. Ensure that the X windows server is running.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
v If NIS/NIS+orsimilarsecuritysoftwareisusedinyourenvironment,youmust
manually create required DB2 users before you start the DB2 Setup wizard.
Refer to the referenced Centralized user-management considerations topic before
you begin.
The use of XML features is restricted to a database that is defined with the code set
UTF-8 and has only one database partition.
Chapter 2. Installation 19
To start the DB2 Setup wizard:
2.Changetothedirectory where the DB2 product CD is mounted by entering the
following command:
where /cdrom represents mount point of the DB2 product CD.
installation prerequisites and the release notes, or you can proceed directly to
the installation. Yo u may want to review the installation prerequisites and
release notes for late-breaking information.
Launch the installation by clicking Install New. Proceed through the
installation following the DB2 Setup wizard's prompts.
Once you have initiated the installation, proceed through the DB2 Setup wizard
installation panels and make your selections. Installation help is available to
guide you through the remaining steps. To invoke the installation help, click
Help or pressF1. Yo ucanclickCancel at anytimetoendtheinstallation.
Your DB2 product will be installed, by default, in the following directory:
Linux /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1
youareinstallingonasystemwherethisdirectory is already being used, the
DB2 product installation path will have _xx added to it, where _xx are digits,
starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you have
You can also specify your own DB2 product installation path.
the /tmp directory. Yo u can specify the location of the log files.
The db2setup.log file captures all DB2 installation information including errors.
The db2setup.err file captures any error output that is returned by Java™ (for
example, exceptions and trap information).
There is no longer a db2setup.his file. Instead, the DB2 installer saves a copy of
the db2setup.log file in the DB2_DIR/install/logs/ directory, and renames it
db2install.history. Ifthenamealreadyexists,thentheDB2installerrenamesit
db2install.history.xxxx, where xxxx is 0000-9999, depending on the number of
installations you have on that machine.
Each installation copy has a separate list of history files. If an installation copy is
removed, the history files under this install path will be removed as well. This
copying action is done near the end of the installation and if the program is
stopped or aborted before completion, then the history file will not be created.
On Linux 32-bit, if you want your DB2 product to have access to DB2
documentation either on your local computer or on another computer on your
network, then you must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information
Center contains documentation for the DB2 database system and DB2 related
DB2 Express memory limits and the DATABASE_MEMORY configuration parameter:
If you are installing DB2 Express Edition or DB2 Express-C Edition on a system
that has more memory than the maximum memory limit of 4GB, as outlined in the
terms and conditions of the product, you need to explicitly set the DATABASE_MEMORY
configuration parameter to 4GB or less, so that the Self Tuning Memory Manager
will work within your licensed memory limits.
Note: If youhavemorethanonedatabaseonthatserver,thesumofalldatabase
memory usage cannot exceed 4GB.
You can use the Control Center or the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION
command to make this change. For example, to set the DATABASE_MEMORY limit to
4GB, enter the following command:
Also, when using the Configuration Advisor to assist you in configuring the
performance of your database, you need to set the Target Memory on the Server
page to a percentage of your total system memory that will ensure you stay under
the 4GB memory limit.
Related concepts:
v “DB2 Information Center installation options” in Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers
v “DB2 database object naming rules” in Administration Guide: Implementation