IBM GC34-5557-00 User Manual

MQSeries®for AS/400
Quick Beginnings
MQSeries®for AS/400
Quick Beginnings
First edition (March 2000)
This edition applies to MQSeries for AS/400, Version 5 Release 1, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Welcome to MQSeries for AS/400 ....ix
Conventions ............ix
Chapter 1. About MQSeries.......1
Message Queuing ..........1
MQI – a Common Application
Programming Interface ........1
Time-Independent Applications .....2
Message-Driven Processing ......2
Messages and Queues .........2
What is a Message? .........2
What is a Queue? .........3
MQSeries Objects ..........3
Queue Managers ..........4
Queues .............4
Process Definitions .........5
Channels ............5
Namelists ............6
Clients and Servers ..........6
Instrumentation Events.........7
Types of Event ..........7
Transactional Support .........8
Chapter 2. What’s New in MQSeries for
AS/400, V5.1 ............9
Chapter 3. Planning to Install the MQSeries
for AS/400 Server..........13
Hardware Requirements ........13
Disk Space Required ........13
Software Requirements ........13
Connectivity ............13
AS/400 Install Libraries and Directories. . . 14
AS/400 Library Structure ......14
IFS Root File System ........15
User Profiles ...........16
Compilers Supported for MQSeries for
AS/400, V5.1 Applications .......16
Delivery .............16
MQSeries for AS/400 Components ....16
Creating the System-Default Objects . . . 17
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and
Deleting MQSeries for AS/400 .....19
Before Installation ..........19
Setting System Values........19
Installation Procedure .........21
Installation of Translated Versions....21
Reinstallation ..........21
Verifying the Installation ........22
Post Installation Tasks........22
Quiescing MQSeries .........23
Quiescing previous releases of MQSeries
for AS/400 ...........23
Quiescing V5.1 of MQSeries for AS/400. . 24
Migrating to MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 . . 24
What are the Differences .......25
Overview of Migration Process.....25
Before Migration .........26
Migration ............27
Verifying the Migration ........29
After Migration ..........30
Deleting MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 ....31
Standard Deletion .........31
Entire Deletion ..........31
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/400,
V5.1 ..............33
Before you Start...........33
Introducing Command Sets .......33
CL Commands ..........34
MQSeries (MQSC) Commands .....36
PCF Commands..........37
Working with MQSeries ........37
Creating a Queue Manager ......37
Starting a Queue Manager ......38
Creating a Local Queue .......38
Sending a Test Message .......41
Browsing Queues .........41
Clearing a Local Queue .......41
Deleting a Local Queue .......41
Stopping a Queue Manager ......41
Deleting a Queue Manager ......42
Checking what Queue Managers you have
Running ............42
Other Things to Do .........42
User Exits............43
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 iii
Setting the Queue Manager CCSID for
MQSeries for AS/400 ........43
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries
Clients .............45
Applications on Version 5 Clients .....45
AIX Client: Hardware and Software Required 45
Software ............45
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on
AIX Clients ...........46
Components for AIX .........46
Digital UNIX Client: Hardware and Software
Required .............47
Software ............47
Compilers for MQSeries applications on
Digital UNIX clients ........48
DOS Client: Hardware and Software Required 48
Software ............48
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on
DOS Clients ...........48
Components for DOS .........49
HP-UX Client: Hardware and Software
Required .............49
Software ............49
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on
HP-UX Clients ..........50
Components for HP-UX ........50
OS/2 Warp Client: Hardware and Software
Required .............50
Software ............50
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on
OS/2 Warp Clients.........51
Components for OS/2 Warp ......51
Sun Solaris Client: Hardware and Software
Required .............52
Software ............52
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on
Sun Solaris Clients .........53
Components for Sun Solaris.......53
Windows 3.1 Client: Hardware and Software
Required .............53
Software ............53
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on
Windows 3.1 Clients ........54
Components for Windows 3.1 ......54
Windows 95 and Windows 98 Client:
Hardware and Software Required.....54
Software ............54
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on
Windows 95 and Windows 98 Clients . . 54 Components for Windows 95 and Windows
Windows NT Client: Hardware and Software
Required .............55
Software ............55
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on
Windows NT Clients ........55
Components for Windows NT ......56
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients . . 57
Installing MQSeries Clients on the Same
Machine as the Server.........57
Installing on AIX ..........57
Before Installation .........58
Easy Installation .........60
Custom Installation ........61
Migrating from an Earlier Version of
MQSeries for AIX .........62
Changing the National Language ....63
Translated Messages ........64
Removing an MQSeries Client from AIX 64
Installing on DOS ..........64
Using Setup ...........64
Removing an MQSeries Client from DOS 65
Installing on HP-UX .........65
Before Installation .........65
Installation ...........66
Kernel Configuration ........66
Translated Messages ........66
Removing an MQSeries Client from
Installing on OS/2 Warp ........66
Installation ...........67
Unattended Installation on OS/2 Warp . . 69
Installation and Maintenance Parameters 71
Installation Response Files ......73
Removing an MQSeries Client from OS/2
Installing on Sun Solaris ........75
Before Installation .........76
iv MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings
Installation ...........76
Kernel Configuration ........77
Translated Messages ........77
Removing an MQSeries Client from Sun
Solaris .............77
Installing on Windows 95 or Windows 98 . . 77
Installation ...........78
Unattended Installation on Windows 95
and Windows 98 .........79
Removing an MQSeries Client from
Windows 95 and Windows 98 .....81
Installing on Windows 3.1 .......81
Installation ...........81
Removing an MQSeries Client from
Windows 3.1 ...........83
Installing on Windows NT .......83
Installation ...........83
Installing from a LAN .......85
Using the System Management Server with
MQSeries for Windows NT ......86
Unattended Installation on Windows NT 87 Removing an MQSeries Client from
Windows NT...........89
Classes for Java ...........89
Configuring and Verifying a Client ....90
Chapter 8. Obtaining Additional
Information ............91
Hardcopy Books ..........93
Online Information..........93
Publications CD-ROM........94
HTML and PDF Books on the World Wide
BookManager CD-ROMs .......97
Online Help ...........97
Appendix A. Sample MQI Programs . . . 99
C, COBOL, and RPG Program Samples . . . 99
Appendix B. Applying Maintenance to
MQSeries for AS/400 ........103
Reinstalling MQSeries for AS/400 ....103
Appendix C. Notices ........105
Trademarks ............107
Index .............109
Sending your comments to IBM ....113
Contents v
vi MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings


1. National-language versions of MQSeries
for AS/400, V5.1.........14
2. Authorities required to open an object 29
3. Authorities for Context and
AlternateUserID .........29
4. MQSeries for AS/400 books .....91
5. MQSeries publications – file names 95
6. Sample programs – source files ....99
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 vii
viii MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings

Welcome to MQSeries for AS/400

This book describes IBM®MQSeries for AS/400, Version 5.1. It explains how to plan for, install, and begin to use the product. For latest information about MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1, refer also to the readme file on the publications CD-ROM, and to the MQSeries family Web site at:


Knowing the conventions used in this book will help you use it more efficiently.
v Boldface type indicates the name of an item you need to select. v Italic type indicates new terms, book titles, or variable information that you
must replace with actual values.
v Monospace type indicates an example (such as a fictitious path or file name)
or text that is displayed on the screen.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 ix
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings

Chapter 1. About MQSeries

This chapter introduces IBM MQSeries and describes its relationship with other products. It contains basic explanations of the following topics:
v “Message Queuing” v “Messages and Queues” on page 2 v “MQSeries Objects” on page 3 v “Clients and Servers” on page 6 v “Instrumentation Events” on page 7 v “Transactional Support” on page 8
For more detailed explanations of these topics see the MQSeries Planning Guide.

Message Queuing

MQSeries enables applications to use message queuing to participate in message-driven processing. Applications can communicate across different platforms by using the appropriate message-queuing software products. The applications are shielded from the mechanics of the underlying communications.

MQI – a Common Application Programming Interface

All MQSeries products implement a common application programming interface (message queue interface or MQI), regardless of the platform on which the applications are run. The calls made by the applications and the messages they exchange are common. This makes it much easier to write and maintain applications than it is when using traditional methods. It also makes it easier to port applications from one platform to another.
The MQI is described in detail in the MQSeries Application Programming Reference book.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 1
Message Queuing

Time-Independent Applications

With message queuing, the exchange of messages between the sending and receiving programs is time independent. This means that the sending and receiving applications are decoupled; the sender can continue processing without having to wait for the receiver to acknowledge receipt of the message. In fact, the target application does not even have to be running when the message is sent. It can retrieve the message when it starts running.

Message-Driven Processing

On arrival on a queue, messages can automatically start an application by using a technique known as triggering. If necessary, the application can be stopped when the message or messages have been processed.

Messages and Queues

Messages and queues are the basic components of a message queuing system.

What is a Message?

A message is a string of bytes that has meaning to the applications that use it. Messages are used to transfer information from one application to another (or to different parts of the same application). The applications can be running on the same platform, or on different platforms.
MQSeries messages have two parts; the application data and a message descriptor. The content and structure of the application data are defined by the application programs that use the data. The message descriptor identifies the message and contains control information, such as the type of message and the priority assigned to it by the sending application.
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings

What is a Queue?

A queue is a data structure that stores messages. The messages may be put on the queue by applications or by a queue manager as part of its normal operation.
Queues exist independently of the applications that use them. A queue can exist in main storage (if it is temporary), on disk or similar auxiliary storage (if it must be kept in case of recovery), or in both places (if it is currently being used, and must also be kept for recovery). Each queue belongs to a queue manager, which is responsible for maintaining it. The queue manager puts the messages it receives onto the appropriate queue.
Queues can exist either in your local system, in which case they are called
local queues, or at another queue manager, in which case they are called remote queues.
Applications use MQI calls to send and receive messages. One application can put a message on a queue and another application can retrieve the message from the same queue.

MQSeries Objects

An MQSeries object is a recoverable resource that is managed by MQSeries. Many of the tasks that are described in this chapter involve manipulating the following types of MQSeries object:
v Queue managers v Queues v Process definitions v Channels v Namelists
Messages and Queues
MQSeries creates default objects for you when you create a queue manager.
Each object has a name associated with it. You can specify that name in MQSeries commands and MQI calls to refer to the object. Names must be unique within each of the object types. For example, you can have a queue and a process with the same name, but you cannot have two queues with the same name.
Chapter 1. About MQSeries 3
MQSeries Objects

Queue Managers

A queue manager provides queuing services to applications, and manages the queues that belong to it. It ensures that:
v Object attributes are changed according to the commands received. v Special events such as trigger events or instrumentation events are
generated when the appropriate conditions are met.
v Messages are put on the correct queue, as requested by the application that
makes the MQPUT call. The application is informed if this cannot be done, and an appropriate reason code is given.
Each queue belongs to a single queue manager and is said to be a local queue to that queue manager. The queue manager to which an application is connected is said to be the local queue manager for that application. For the application, the queues that belong to its local queue manager are local queues. A remote queue is simply a queue that belongs to another queue manager. A remote queue manager is any queue manager other than the local queue manager. A remote queue manager may exist on a remote machine across the network, or it may exist on the same machine as the local queue manager. MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 supports multiple queue managers on the same machine.


A queue is an MQSeries object that can store messages. Each queue has queue attributes that determine what happens when applications reference the queue
in MQI calls. The attributes indicate:
v Whether applications can retrieve messages from the queue (get enabled) v Whether applications can put messages onto the queue (put enabled) v Whether access to the queue is exclusive to one application or shared
between applications
v The maximum number of messages that can be stored on the queue at the
same time (maximum queue depth)
v The maximum size of messages that can be put on the queue (maximum
message size)
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings

Process Definitions

A process definition object defines an application that is to be started in response to a trigger event on an MQSeries queue manager.
A trigger event is a logical combination of conditions that is detected by a queue manager. For example, a trigger event may be generated when the number of messages on a queue reaches a predefined level. This event causes the queue manager to put a trigger message on a specified initiation queue. This trigger message is retrieved by a trigger monitor, a special application that monitors an initiation queue. The trigger monitor then starts up the application program that was specified in the trigger message.
If a queue manager is to use triggering, at least one initiation queue must be defined for that queue manager.
See the MQSeries Application Programming Guide for more information about triggering.


A channel provides a communication path. There are two types of channel; message channels and MQI channels.
A message channel provides a communication path between two queue managers on the same, or different, platforms. The message channel is used for the transmission of messages from one queue manager to another. It shields the application programs from the complexities of the underlying networking protocols.
MQSeries Objects
A message channel can transmit messages in one direction only. If you require two-way communication between two queue managers, you need two message channels.
An MQI channel connects an MQSeries client to a queue manager on a server machine. It is for the transfer of MQI calls (for example, MQPUT) and responses only and is bidirectional. A channel definition exists for each end of the link. On some platforms, some types of MQI channel can be defined automatically.
For more information about channels see the MQSeries Intercommunication book.
Chapter 1. About MQSeries 5
MQSeries Objects


A namelist is an MQSeries object that contains a list of other MQSeries objects. Typically, namelists are used by applications such as trigger monitors, where they are used to list a number of queues. The advantage of using a namelist is that it is maintained independently of applications. You can update a namelist without having to stop any of the applications that use it. Also, if one application fails, the namelist is not affected and other applications can continue using it.

Clients and Servers

MQSeries supports client/server configurations for MQSeries applications.
An MQSeries client is a part of the MQSeries product, which is used to accept MQI calls from an application and pass them to an MQI server machine. The calls are processed by a queue manager on the server machine. Typically, the client and server reside on different machines, but equally they may exist on the same machine.
An MQI server is a queue manager that provides queuing services to one or more clients. All the MQSeries objects, for example queues, exist only on the queue manager machine, that is, on the MQI server machine. A server can support local MQSeries applications as well.
The benefits of using an MQSeries client include:
v Reduced hardware requirements. v Reduced system administration requirements. v Small installation footprint. v Alternative channels using different transmission protocols may be used.
For more information about clients, client support, and creating channels for clients and servers, see the MQSeries Clients book.
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings

Instrumentation Events

You can use MQSeries instrumentation events to monitor the operation of queue managers.
Instrumentation events cause special messages, which are called event messages, to be generated whenever the queue manager detects a predefined set of conditions. For example, the following conditions give rise to a Queue Full event:
v Queue Full events are enabled for a specified queue, and v An application issues an MQPUT call to put a message on that queue, but
the call fails because the queue is full.
Other conditions that can give rise to instrumentation events include:
v A predefined limit for the number of messages on a queue being reached v A queue not being serviced within a specified time v A channel instance being started or stopped
If you define your event queues as remote queues, you can put all the event queues on a single queue manager (for those nodes that support instrumentation events). You can then use the events that are generated to monitor a network of queue managers from a single node.
Instrumentation Events

Types of Event

MQSeries events are categorized as follows:
Queue manager events
Performance events
Channel events
These events are related to the definitions of resources within queue managers. For example, if an application attempts to open a queue but the associated user ID is not authorized to perform that operation, a queue manager event is generated.
These events are notifications that a resource has reached a threshold condition. For example, a queue has reached its queue-depth limit following an MQGET request, or a queue has not been serviced within a predefined period of time.
These events are reported by channels as a result of conditions they detect during their operation. For example, a channel event is generated when a channel instance is stopped.
Chapter 1. About MQSeries 7

Transactional Support

Transactional Support
An application program can group a set of updates into a unit of work. These updates are usually logically related and must all be successful for data integrity to be preserved. If one update succeeded while another failed then data integrity would be lost.
A unit of work commits when it completes successfully. At this point all updates made within that unit of work are made permanent or irreversible. If the unit of work fails, all updates are instead backed out. Syncpoint coordination is the process by which units of work are either committed or backed out with integrity.
A local unit of work is one in which the only resources updated are those belonging to the MQSeries queue manager. Syncpoint coordination is provided by the queue manager itself, using a single-phase commit process.
A global unit of work is one in which resources that belong to other resource managers, such as a DB2/400
database, are also updated. Here, a two-phase commit procedure must be used and the unit of work is coordinated externally by the operating system commitment controller.
Global units of work make it possible to integrate database updates within MQSeries units of work. That is, you can write an application that makes updates to MQSeries queues and to databases. You can issue commands to commit or roll back the changes to both the queues and the databases.
This is achieved using a two-phase commit protocol. When a unit of work is to be committed, the operating-system commitment controller first asks each resource owner whether it is prepared to commit its updates. Only if the database manager and the queue manager are both prepared to commit, are all of the queue and database updates committed. If the database manager cannot prepare its updates, the unit of work is backed out instead.
Full recovery support is provided if the queue manager loses contact with the database manager during the commit process. If the database manager becomes unavailable while it is in doubt (that is, it has been called to prepare but the commitment controller has yet to receive a commit or backout decision) the commitment controller remembers the outcome of the unit of work until it has been successfully delivered. Similarly, if the queue manager terminates with incomplete commit operations outstanding, these are remembered over queue-manager restart.
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings

Chapter 2. What’s New in MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1

MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 is an update to MQSeries for AS/400, V4.2.1. However, it is more than just an upgrade to the features of that product. It includes significant new function and a redesign of the product base, to bring MQSeries for AS/400 to the same level of function as other version 5.1 products. MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 now offers platform consistency with the other products at the 5.1 level, which are:
v MQSeries for AIX v MQSeries for OS/2 v MQSeries for HP-UX v MQSeries for Sun Solaris v MQSeries for Windows NT
The features of this release include:
MQSeries queue manager clusters
You can connect MQSeries queue managers to form a cluster. Within a cluster, queue managers can make the queues they host available to every other queue manager. Any queue manager can send a message to any other queue manager in the same cluster without the need for explicit channel definitions, remote queue definitions, or transmission queues for each destination. The main benefits of MQSeries clusters are:
v Fewer system administration tasks v Increased availability v Workload balancing
Clusters are supported by all MQSeries Version 5.1 products, and also by MQSeries for OS/390
, Version 2.1.
See the MQSeries Queue Manager Clusters book for a complete description.
MQSeries Administration Interface (MQAI)
The MQSeries Administration Interface is an MQSeries programming interface that simplifies manipulation of MQSeries PCF messages for administrative tasks. It is described in the MQSeries Administration Interface Programming Guide and Reference book.
Support for Windows 98 clients
You can connect a Windows 98 client to the MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 server.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 9
What’s New
Java support
MQSeries classes for Java
include support for MQSeries for AS/400,
New calls
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 supports the following new calls: v MQCONNX, which allows you to specify queue-manager
connection options.
v MQCMIT, MQBACK, and MQBEGIN, which allow MQSeries to
coordinate a local unit of work.
Two-phase commit
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 participates as a two-phase commit resource in global units of work (UOW) managed by OS/400
Automatic object creation
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 creates default objects automatically when you create a queue manager.
Conversion of the EBCDIC new-line character
You can control the conversion of EBCDIC new-line characters. Thus you can ensure that data transmitted between EBCDIC systems and ASCII systems is unaltered by the ASCII conversion.
Multiple queue managers
MQSeries for AS/400 now supports multiple queue managers. You can nominate one queue manager to be the default queue manager. You can perform actions on a default queue manager without specifying its name on the commands.
Job priority control
Users can set independent priority for individual MQSeries jobs - for example, channel agents.
MQSeries subsystem
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 has its own subsystem. Previous releases used QSYSWRK.
Euro support
MQSeries supports new and changed code pages that use the euro currency symbol. Further details of code pages that include the euro symbol are provided in the MQSeries Application Programming Reference book.
Multithreaded channels
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 supports multithreaded channels.
Multithreaded applications
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 supports multithreaded applications.
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings
Message queue size
A message queue can be up to 2 GB.
Message size
A single message can be up to 100 MB.
Administration application
The administration application is not supported in MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1.
What’s New
Chapter 2. What’s New in MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 11
What’s New
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings

Chapter 3. Planning to Install the MQSeries for AS/400 Server

This chapter provides a summary of the requirements for running MQSeries for AS/400. It discusses the network protocols and compilers supported, the delivery media, and the various components of the product.
The information in this chapter applies to the server environment only. For information about client environments, see “Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients” on page 45.

Hardware Requirements

MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 runs on any machine that is capable of running OS/400 V4R4, and that has sufficient storage to meet the combined requirements of the programming prerequisites, MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1, the access methods, and the application programs, whether from IBM or other vendors.
The installation requirements depend on the components you install and how much working space you need. This, in turn, depends on the number of queues that you use, the number and size of the messages on the queues, and whether the messages are persistent. You also require archiving capacity on disk, tape, or other media.

Disk Space Required

For the MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 base code and server you should allow approximately 60 MB of storage.

Software Requirements

This is the minimum supported software level. Later levels, if any, will be supported unless otherwise stated.
OS/400 Version 4 Release 4


The network protocols supported by MQSeries for AS/400 are:
v TCP v SNA LU 6.2
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 13

AS/400 Install Libraries and Directories

MQSeries for AS/400 installs into the AS/400 library structure and also uses directories in the IFS root file system.

AS/400 Library Structure

Installation of MQSeries for AS/400 creates the following libraries:
The MQSeries base product library.
The MQSeries samples library (if you choose to install the samples).
A library containing a message file that is specific to your national language. This message file is automatically copied into the appropriate QSYS29xx library when the product is installed.
The following language versions are available for MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1:
Table 1. National-language versions of MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1
Language ID Language
2909 Belgian English 2966 Belgian French MNCS (Multi-National Character Set) 2981 Canadian French MNCS 2950 English Uppercase 2924 English Uppercase and Lowercase 2938 English Uppercase DBCS (Double-Byte Character Set) 2984 English Uppercase and Lowercase DBCS 2928 French 2940 French MNCS 2932 Italian 2942 Italian MNCS 2931 Spanish 2962 Japanese 2986 Korean 2989 Simplified Chinese
Note: The Japanese language version of this product does not run correctly if
your job CCSID is 5026. For details of supported CCSIDs to use with this language version, see the readme file.
QMxxxx Library
Each time you create a queue manager MQSeries automatically creates an associated library. This library contains objects specific to the queue manager, including journals and associated receivers. The name of this library is
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings
derived from the name of the queue manager prefixed with the characters QM. For example, for a queue manager called TEST, the library would be called QMTEST.
You can use the WRKLIB command to list all the libraries that MQSeries for AS/400 has created. Against the queue manager libraries, you will see the text
QMGR: QMGRNAME. The format of the command is:
These queue manager-associated libraries are retained when the product is deleted.

IFS Root File System

The integrated file system (IFS) provides a common interface to the different systems on the AS/400. When you install MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 two directories are created in the root file system. They are:
Subdirectories below this contain all the product data - for example, C++ classes. Data in this directory is deleted and replaced each time the product is installed.
Subdirectories below this contain all user data relating to queue managers. Three subdirectories, /QIBM/UserData/mqm/errors, /QIBM/UserData/mqm/qmgrs, and /QIBM/UserData/mqm/trace, are also created when the product is installed.
When you install the product, an mqs.ini file is created in directory /QIBM/UserData/mqm/ (unless it is already there from a previous installation). When you create a queue manager a qm.ini file is created in the directory /QIBM/UserData/mqm/qmgrs/QMGRNAME/ (where QMGRNAME is the name of the queue manager.) The qm.ini file is the equivalent of the QMINI file in previous releases of MQSeries for AS/400.
Data in this directory is retained when the product is deleted.
The IFS file structure is shown in the MQSeries for AS/400 V5.1 System Administration book.
Chapter 3. Planning to Install the MQSeries for AS/400 Server 15

User Profiles

When you install MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1, a number of user profiles are created. These include QMQM, QMQMADM, and NOBODY. These three objects are central to the correct running of MQSeries for AS/400. Under no circumstances should you alter or delete them. If you do, IBM cannot guarantee correct behavior of your product.
These profiles are retained when the product is deleted.

Compilers Supported for MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Applications

MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 supports the following compilers:
v IBM ILE C for AS/400 compiler (5768-CX2) v IBM ILE C++ for AS/400 compiler (5799-GDW) v IBM VisualAge
for C++ for AS/400 compiler (5769-CX4)
v IBM ILE COBOL for AS/400 compiler Version 3 (5769-CB1) v IBM ILE RPG for AS/400 compiler (5769-RG1) v AS/400 Developer Kit for Java (5769-JV1)


MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 is supplied on CD-ROM.
There are three CD-ROMs. v One contains the MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 base product and sample
v Another contains the client products that you can use with MQSeries for
v The third contains MQSeries for AS/400 publications.
Java support is supplied on the MQSeries Web site, at:

MQSeries for AS/400 Components

The components are as follows: Base Support to enable you to create and support your own applications.
This includes the run-time component that provides support for external applications. It also includes support for client connections from other MQSeries products.
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings
Sample application programs. The source is supplied in the QMQMSAMP library and executables are supplied in the QMQM library. See “Appendix A. Sample MQI Programs” on page 99.
MQSeries online documentation
HTML and PDF versions of the books are supplied on the publications CD-ROM. They are not installable. You can read them directly from the CD-ROM or you can copy them to your system. For example, you could copy them to your PC hard drive, or store them in the AS/400 IFS and then access them using a network drive.
Each book is supplied in U.S. English and also in some or all of the following national languages:
v French v German v Italian v Japanese v Korean v Spanish v Simplified Chinese
See “Chapter 8. Obtaining Additional Information” on page 91 for more information.
MQSeries for AS/400 Components
Readme file
Latest information about the product, which became available after publication of this book. You can find the readme file on the publications CD-ROM and should review it before starting to install MQSeries for AS/400.
See “Chapter 8. Obtaining Additional Information” on page 91 for more information.

Creating the System-Default Objects

System-default objects are created automatically when you issue the CRTMQM command to create a queue manager.
You can refresh them using the STRMQM command. Refer to the online help for information about using this command.
Chapter 3. Planning to Install the MQSeries for AS/400 Server 17
18 MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings
+ 97 hidden pages