IBM GC28-1982-02 User Manual

IBM Parallel Environment for AIX IBM
Version 2 Release 4
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX IBM
Version 2 Release 4
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page v.
Third Edition (October 1998)
| This edition applies to Version 2, Release 4, Modification 0 of IBM Parallel Environment for AIX, program number 5765-543, and to | all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters.
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Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
About This Book .................................... ix
Who Should Use This Book ............................... ix
How to Use This Book .................................. ix
Overview of Contents ................................. ix
Typographic Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Abbreviated Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Parallel Environment (PE) Publications ....................... xi
AIX Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
| LoadLeveler Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Other Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
National Language Support .............................. xii
Accessing Online Information ............................. xii
| Online Information Resources ........................... xiii
| Getting the Books and the Examples Online .................. xiii
| What's New in PE 2.4? ................................ xiii
| AIX 4.3 Support ................................... xiii
| Parallel Checkpoint/Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
| Enhanced Job Management Function ...................... xiv
| MPI I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
| 1024 Task Support ................................. xiv
| Enhanced Compiler Support ............................ xiv
| Xprofiler Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
| Message Queue Facility .............................. xiv
Chapter 1. Understanding the Diagnostic Message Format .......... 1
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 3. pedb Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Chapter 4. POE Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 5. MPI Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Chapter 6. VT Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Chapter 7. Xprofiler Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ..................... 187
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 iii
iv IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
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vi IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries:
| AIX | ESCON | IBM | LoadLeveler | Micro Channel | RISC System/6000 | RS/6000 | SP
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Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 vii
viii IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
About This Book
| This book is designed to help any user of IBM Parallel Environment for AIX (PE) | who needs to know what a message means and what should be done in response | to that message. This book lists all of the error messages generated by the PE | software and components and describes a likely solution.
This book assumes that AIX and the X-Windows system are already installed, if required. For information on installing AIX and X-Windows, consult
RS/6000 Installation Guide
Who Should Use This Book
This book is designed for system programmers and administrators, but should be used by anyone responsible for diagnosing problems related to PE. To use this book, you should be familiar with the AIX operating system. Where necessary some background information relating to AIX is provided. More commonly, you are referred to the appropriate documentation.
, SC23-2341.
How to Use This Book
Overview of Contents
This book contains the following information:
Chapter 1, “Understanding the Diagnostic Message Format” on page 1 Chapter 2, “pdbx Messages” on page 3 Chapter 3, “pedb Messages” on page 25 Chapter 4, “POE Messages” on page 51 Chapter 5, “MPI Messages” on page 105 Chapter 6, “VT Messages” on page 137 “Xprofiler Enhancements” on page xiv
Typographic Conventions
This book uses the following typographic conventions:
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 ix
Type Style Used For bold Bold words or characters represent system elements that
you must use literally, such as command names, program names, file names, and flag names.
Bold words also indicate the first use of a term included in the glossary.
italic Italic
Constant width Examples and information that the system displays appear in
words or characters represent variable values that you
must supply.
are also used for book titles and for general emphasis
in text.
constant width typeface.
In addition to the highlighting conventions, this manual uses the following conventions when describing how to perform tasks:
User actions appear in uppercase boldface type. For example, if the action is to
enter the smit command, this manual presents the instruction as: ENTER smit
The symbol “Á” indicates the system response to an action. So the system's
response to entering the smit command would read:
Abbreviated Names
The abbreviated names used in this book are defined below.
Short Name Full Name
AIX Advanced Interactive Executive CSS Communication Subsystem dsh distributed shell GUI graphical user interface HDF Hierarchical Data Format IBM RS/6000 IBM RISC System/6000 IP Internet Protocol MPI Message Passing Interface MPL Message Passing Library PE Parallel Environment PM Array Program Marker Array POE Parallel Operating Environment PSSP Parallel System Support Programs RISC reduced instruction set computer rsh remote shell SDR System Data Repository SP IBM RS/6000 SP
Á The System Management Interface Tool's main window opens.
x IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
Short Name Full Name
STDIN standard input STDOUT standard output US User Space VT Visualization Tool
Related Publications
Parallel Environment (PE) Publications
As an alternative to ordering the individual books, you can use SBOF-8588 to order the entire PE library.
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Hitchhiker's Guide
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Installation
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Licensed Program Specifications
, GC23-3895
, GC28-1981
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 1
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use, Volume 2
– Part 1: Debugging and Visualizing – Part 2: Profiling
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: MPI Programming and Subroutine Reference
AIX Publications
IBM AIX Version 4.1 Commands Reference
IBM AIX Version 4.2 Installation Guide
IBM AIX Version 4 General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs
IBM AIX Version 4 Communications Programming Concepts
| LoadLeveler Publications
Using and Administering LoadLeveler
Other Publications
IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: MPL Programming and Subroutine Reference
, SC28-1979 , SC28-1980
, GC23-3894
, SBOF-1851
, SC23-1924
, SC23-2533
, SC23-2610
, SC23-3989
, GC23-3893
Note: The following publications are related to this book only if you run parallel
programs on the IBM RS/6000 SP. They are not related if you use an IBM RS/6000 network cluster.
IBM RS/6000 SP: Planning, Volume 2
IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Administration Guide
About This Book xi
, GA22-7281
IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Installation and Migration Guide
, GA22-7347
IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Diagnosis Guide
IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Command and Technical Reference
IBM Parallel System Support Programs for AIX: Messages Guide
, SA22-7351
As an alternative to ordering the individual books, you can use GBOF-8587 to order the entire IBM RS/6000 SP software library.
National Language Support
For National Language Support (NLS), all PE components and tools display messages located in externalized message catalogs. English versions of the message catalogs are shipped with the PE program product, but your site may be using its own translated message catalogs. The AIX environment variable NLSPATH is used by the various PE components to find the appropriate message catalog. NLSPATH specifies a list of directories to search for message catalogs. The directories are searched, in the order listed, to locate the message catalog. In resolving the path to the message catalog, NLSPATH is affected by the values of the environment variables LC_MESSAGES and LANG. If you get an error saying that a message catalog is not found, and want the default message catalog:
, GA22-7350
, GA22-7352
ENTER export NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N export LANG=C
The PE message catalogs are in English, and are located in the following directories:
/usr/lib/nls/msg/C /usr/lib/nls/msg/En_US /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US
If your site is using its own translations of the message catalogs, consult your system administrator for the appropriate value of NLSPATH or LANG. For additional information on NLS and message catalogs, see
General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs
IBM AIX Version 4
, SC23-2533.
Accessing Online Information
| In order to use the PE man pages or access the PE online (HTML) publications, | the ppe.pedocs file set must first be installed. To view the PE online publications, | you also need access to an HTML document browser such as Netscape. An index | to the HTML files that are provided with the ppe.pedocs file set is installed in the | /usr/lpp/ppe.pedocs/html directory.
xii IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
| Online Information Resources
| If you have a question about the SP, PSSP, or a related product, the following | online information resources make it easy to find the information:
|  Access the new SP Resource Center by issuing the command: | /usr/lpp/ssp/bin/resource_center
| Note that the ssp.resctr fileset must be installed before you can do this. | If you have the Resource Center on CD-ROM, see the readme.txt file for
| information on how to run it. |  Access the RS/6000 Web Site at:
| Getting the Books and the Examples Online
| All of the PE books are available in Portable Document Format (PDF). They are | included on the product media (tape or CD-ROM), and are part of the ppe.pedocs | file set. If you have a question about the location of the PE softcopy books, see | your system administrator.
| To view the PE PDF publications, you need access to the Adobe Acrobat Reader | 3.0.1. The Acrobat Reader is shipped with the AIX Version 4.3 Bonus Pack and is | also freely available for downloading from the Adobe web site at URL |
| As stated above, you can also view or download the PE books from the IBM | RS/6000 Web site at The serial and parallel | programs that you find in this book are also available from the IBM RS/6000 Web | site. At the time this manual was published, the full path was | However, note | that the structure of the RS/6000 Web site can change over time.
What's New in PE 2.4?
| AIX 4.3 Support
| With PE 2.4, POE supports user programs developed with AIX 4.3. It also supports | programs developed with AIX 4.2, intended for execution on AIX 4.3.
| Parallel Checkpoint/Restart
| This release of PE provides a mechanism for temporarily saving the state of a | parallel program at a specific point ( | the saved state. When a program is checkpointed, the checkpointing function | captures the state of the application as well as all data, and saves it in a file. When | the program is restarted, the restart function retrieves the application information | from the file it saved, and the program then starts running again from the place at | which it was saved.
), and then later restarting it from
About This Book xiii
| Enhanced Job Management Function
| In earlier releases of PE, POE relied on the SP Resource Manager for performing | job management functions. These functions included keeping track of which nodes | were available or allocated and loading the switch tables for programs performing | User Space communications. LoadLeveler, which had only been used for batch job | submissions in the past, is now replacing the Resource Manager as the job | management system for PE. One notable effect of this change is that LoadLeveler | now allows you to run more than one User Space task per node.
| With PE 2.4, the MPI library now includes support for a subset of MPI I/O, | described by Chapter 9 of the MPI-2 document: | | interface, improving the portability of code that involves parallel I/O.
| 1024 Task Support
| This release of PE supports a maximum of 1024 tasks per User Space MPI/LAPI | job, as opposed to the previous release, which supported a maximum of 512 tasks. | For jobs using the IP version of the MPI library, PE supports a maximum of 2048 | tasks.
Message-Passing Interface, Version 2.0
. MPI-I/O provides a common programming
MPI-2: Extensions to the
| Enhanced Compiler Support
| In this release, POE now supports the following compilers: | C | C++ |  Fortran Version 5 | xlhpf
| Xprofiler Enhancements
| This release includes a variety of enhancements to Xprofiler, including: |
| functions, currently in the display, and reloading them later in order to | reconstruct the function call tree.
|  An | nodes or arcs from the function call tree.
| Message Queue Facility
| The pedb debugger now includes a message queue facility. Part of the pedb | debugger interface, the message queue viewing feature can help you debug | Message Passing Interface (MPI) applications by showing internal message request | queue information. With this feature, you can view:
Save Configuration
option that lets you undo operations that involve adding or removing
Load Configuration
options for saving the names of
|  A summary of the number of active messages for each task in the application. | You can select criteria for the summary information based on message type | and source, destination, and tag filters.
|  Message queue information for a specific task. |  Detailed information about a specific message.
xiv IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
Chapter 1. Understanding the Diagnostic Message Format
The message identifiers for the PE messages in this manual are structured as follows:
nnnn nnnn nnn
pdbx (the line-oriented debugger) pedb Motif/X-Windows Style Parallel Debugger
Parallel Operating Environment 0031-A4 0032­0033-1 0033-2 0033-3 0033-4 2537­where:
The first four digits (0029, 0030, 0031, 0032, 0033, 2537) identify the
The remaining three to four digits identify the sequence of the message in the
Note: If you need help from IBM in resolving a PE problem, contact your local IBM
nnn nnn nnn nnn
component that issued the message.
Program Marker Array
Message Passing Interface
Visualization Tool - Performance Monitor
Visualization Tool - Trace Visualization
Visualization Tool - Trace Collection
Visualization Tool - Widget Messages
Xprofiler X-Windows Performance Profiler
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 1
2 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
0029-0101 0029-1002
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages
0029-0101 Your program has been loaded. Explanation: This message is issued when your program has been loaded into the tasks in
the partition. This message indicates all the functions available in pdbx are available for you to use.
User Response: When this message is displayed, you can start debugging the tasks in the partition.
0029-0104 The remote debugger on task:
Explanation: The debugger on the remote node has exited prematurely and pedb will exit. User Response: The error message from the remote debugger is presented. Use the
information provided by the remote debugger message to proceed.
0029-0105 Error creating temporary file Explanation: When starting pdbx in attach mode, a temporary file is created, consisting of
a list of tasks that are executing under the poe job that you specified. The contents of this file are displayed in the menu from which you select the tasks that you wish to attach. This temporary file is created in /tmp by default, unless you specify a different directory with the TMPDIR environment variable. The naming convention for this file is:
>/.pdbx.< the TMPDIR environment variable, if it has been defined, and where < ID of the poe job to be attached to. The message that you received appears when the temporary attach task menu file cannot be opened, or when errors are detected while writing to the file.
User Response: Verify that there is enough space available in the /tmp filesystem, or if you have specified a directory with the TMPDIR environment variable, check the filesystem that contains this directory for sufficient space. You may also want to check to be sure that a file of the same name does not already exist.
0029-1001 Missing command file name following the -c flag. For information on the
Explanation: The -c flag requires the name of a file as an argument. This argument was missing. It is also required that the file have read permissions set for the pdbx user.
User Response: Specify the name of a pdbx command file following the -c flag. A pdbx
command file is a file containing valid pdbx commands.
correct syntax to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h
>.menu where <
has exited with the following error:
> is either /tmp or the directory specified by
is the process
0029-1002 Missing or invalid argument following the -I flag. For information on the
correct syntax to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h
Explanation: The -I flag requires the name of a directory that pdbx will search for source
code files on the remote tasks. This argument was missing or invalid. User Response: Specify the name of a directory following the -I flag. This directory should
be available to each task in your partition because the -I flag will be passed to each remote dbx debugger.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 3
0029-1003 0029-2001
0029-1003 Missing or invalid argument following the -d flag. For information on the
correct syntax to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h
Explanation: The -d flag requires an integer argument that specifies the nesting depth limit
of program blocks. User Response: Specify an integer. Note that this overrides the default nesting depth limit
of 25 program blocks.
0029-1005 Unable to read command file specified by the -c flag. Explanation: You must specify a command file that you have read access to after the -c
flag. The file that you specified after the -c flag did not have read permission so that pdbx could open it for reading.
User Response: Check the name of the file and the permissions to ensure that it is readable.
0029-1006 You must use the attach, quit, or help command. Explanation: When starting the debugger in attach mode, at the initial prompt the only
allowable commands are attach, quit, or help. User Response: Enter a valid command to continue.
0029-1009 Could not create remote pdbx_startup file: Explanation: For each task to be initialized, the remote dbx requires the creation of a
temporary startup file. pdbx requested that the partition manager daemon create the file and the partition manager daemon was unable to do so.
User Response: The temporary pdbx_startup file is to be created in the directory specified by the MP_TMPDIR environment variable, the -tmpdir flag, or /tmp. Make sure that this directory is available for writing by you on each node allocated to your partition.
0029-1010 Could not read message from poe. Explanation: pdbx was unable to read data from the POE debug socket. User Response: Debugging can continue except that the information about synchronized
exit may not be passed back to the debugger from the POE job. Please note that the debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this POE job after detaching.
0029-1012 Cannot switch to context
in the partition have been loaded with a program.
Explanation: Some of the tasks have been loaded with a program and some have not. The
tasks that have been loaded are RUNNING and waiting to synchronize with all of the other tasks in the partition. This wait is normal processing that happens at the start of a parallel program to pass ip addresses around in preparation for future message passing calls.
User Response: Continue to load programs on the remaining tasks in the partition. At this time you can only switch context to groups and tasks that have all task(s) in DEBUG_READY state.
, which has RUNNING task(s), until all tasks
0029-2001 Could not delete the groups events (breakpoints or tracepoints) from task:
Explanation: Since the task was not in DEBUG_READY state, pdbx could not delete its events (breakpoints or tracepoints). It is possible to continue but there are some events (breakpoints or tracepoints) that pdbx no longer has a record of.
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to view the state of the tasks. The tasks in the group that are in RUNNING state are the ones on which pdbx could not delete the events.
, because this task is RUNNING.
4 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
0029-2002 0029-2014
0029-2002 Could not add the groups events (breakpoints or tracepoints) to task:
Explanation: Since the task was RUNNING and not available for debug commands, pdbx could not add the group events (breakpoints or tracepoints) for this task. It is possible to continue but the group breakpoints will not have been set for this task.
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to check the state of the tasks. Create a new group after all of the tasks of interest have stopped RUNNING and are under debugger control.
, because this task is RUNNING.
0029-2003 Breakpoint or tracepoint: Explanation: The remote dbx was unable to set a breakpoint or tracepoint. User Response: Make sure the requested breakpoint or tracepoint was valid. Use the
status command to see what pdbx events have been set. Issue the pdbx where command
to find out where the program is on each node.
Explanation: If a symbol, typically a function, is found to be ambiguous, pdbx issues a
menu to the user that allows him to select the instance(s) to which the command ( such as stop in, list, or func ) is applied. To simplify the user interface, the parallel debugger requires that all tasks in the partition have a consistent view of the ambiguous symbol, since pdbx can display only one selection menu for a context.
User Response: Issue the whatis command to make sure the symbol in question is resolved in the current context. This message is also followed by a table that suggests a set of groups, each of which would resolve the symbol in the same way. Using these or similar groups, you could issue the same command by changing the context as desired.
0029-2005 The network connection from pdbx or pedb to task: Explanation: An error was encountered when pdbx or pedb attempted to read or write
using a socket connection to the task. pdbx or pedb will no longer have any control over this task.
User Response: The debugger can continue after a task loses contact with the home node. Under certain circumstances, you might choose to continue debugging using the remaining tasks for some period of time.
is ambiguous on one or more of the tasks in the current context. Also, the response from whatis following grouping of tasks would give each group the ability to resolve the symbol consistently:
could not be set by pdbx on task:
varies from task to task. The
0029-2013 Debugger attached and ready. Explanation: All of the specified tasks have been attached, and you are able to start
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2014 Internal Error: non-zero status: Explanation: Internal Error: The main communication control section of the home node
portion of pdbx has indicated a failure. User Response: Restart pdbx, verify that your job runs correctly under poe and that poe
is correctly installed and configured for your id. If the problem persists, gather information about it and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 5
returned from pm_respond().
0029-2015 0029-2021
0029-2015 Could not open socket for debugger to communicate with poe. Explanation: The socket() call failed when the debugger tried to set up communications
with POE. User Response: Debugging can continue except that the information about synchronized
exit will not be passed back to the debugger from the POE job. Please note that the debugger will most likely not be able to re-attach to this POE job after detaching.
0029-2016 Could not make socket connection to poe. Explanation: The connect() call failed when the debugger tried to set up communications
with POE. The information about a synchronized exit is not passed back to the debugger from the POE job. The debugger probably cannot re-attach to this POE job after detaching.
User Response: You can continue debugging with limited function. Please note that the debugger probably cannot re-attach to this POE job after detaching.
0029-2017 Missing or invalid argument to -a flag. For information on the correct syntax
to use when invoking pdbx, type: pdbx -h
Explanation: The -a flag requires an integer argument specifying the process identifier of
the POE process.
User Response: Specify the POE process id when using the -a flag. For example, specify pdbx -a 34192.
0029-2018 Program not loaded. Issue 'load' or other context-insensitive command. Explanation: Your program must be loaded on the partition before the pdbx command is
User Response: Load your program into the partition. For more information, see the pdbx load command in the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual.
0029-2019 Cannot specify a context for a context-insensitive command. Explanation: The command that was entered defines a context-insensitive action for a
context-sensitive command. Context insensitive commands cannot be issued in conjunction with context-sensitive commands.
User Response: Re-specify your command string without the context-sensitive prefix.
0029-2020 Either the alias name which has a 15 character maximum or the alias string
which has a 79 character maximum is too long.
Explanation: You have defined an alias that is longer than 15 characters or an alias string
that is longer than 79 characters.
User Response: Re-specify your alias definition within the allowable maximum limits.
0029-2021 Internal error in
context into task numbers.
Explanation: The context-sensitive command that you entered has no current context
defined. User Response: Change to a different context or create a new group, and then re-enter
the command. If the problem persists, gather information about it and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
string: number
- pdbx was unable to resolve the current
6 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
0029-2022 0029-2029
0029-2022 Task: Explanation: The task number that you specified has already been loaded. User Response: Specify another task that has not been loaded. Issue the group list or
tasks command to check the state of the tasks. The tasks in NOT LOADED state are the
ones that still need to be loaded with a program.
0029-2024 You specified a breakpoint or tracepoint event number on the pdbx delete
Explanation: The event that you specified does not exist within the current context. User Response: Check the event number within your current context. Find event numbers
using the status or status all command.
0029-2025 No events were deleted, because of incorrect syntax. The correct syntax is
Explanation: Invalid syntax for the pdbx delete command. User Response: Specify the delete command followed by a space or comma- separated
list of event numbers. Specify ranges of events using a dash or a colon. The command delete * will delete all events within the context, while delete all will delete all events in all contexts. Find event numbers using the status or status all command. Consult the man pages for further information regarding the pdbx delete command. Re-issue the command using the correct syntax.
command that does not exist within the current context.
'delete' followed by an event list where the event list can contain space or comma-separated event numbers, or range(s) of event numbers separated by colons or dashes. 'delete *' will delete every event within the context, while 'delete all' will delete every event in every context.
has already been loaded with a program.
0029-2026 EOF detected (and ignored) on STDIN. To exit, use 'quit'. Explanation: Unexpected EOF (user pressed <Ctrl-d>) from STDIN. User Response: pdbx does not recognize an EOF generated from the keyboard as a
request to exit the debugger because it can be inadvertently typed as <Ctrl-d>. To exit the debugger, use the quit command.
0029-2027 The task or group cannot execute remote debugger commands. Explanation: The task or group that is the current context has no tasks in DEBUG READY
state. User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to determine the states of the
tasks. Use the halt command to bring RUNNING tasks under debugger control.
0029-2028 Task Explanation: The write to the task socket did not succeed. User Response: None.
0029-2029 No remote dbx is available to issue the 'dhelp' command. Explanation: All the tasks are RUNNING and cannot handle the dbx command. The dhelp
command needs at least one task to be under debugger control. User Response: Issue the halt command to bring the RUNNING task(s) under debugger
control or issue hook to an unhooked task and re-issue dhelp.
may not have detached properly.
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 7
0029-2030 0029-2036
0029-2030 The correct syntax is: 'group add group_name member_list'. A member list
can contain space or comma-separated task numbers, or ranges of task numbers separated by colons or dashes. Specify the group name as a string of alphanumeric characters that starts with an alphabetic character.
Explanation: Invalid syntax for the pdbx group add command. User Response: Consult the man pages for the pdbx group command and re-specify the
command. Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.
0029-2031 No tasks were added to any group because you specified an incorrectly
formed member list. A member list can contain space or comma-separated task numbers, or ranges of task numbers separated by colons or dashes.
Explanation: The group member list is incorrectly specified. User Response: Consult the man pages for the pdbx group command and re-issue the
command again.
0029-2032 No action was taken because the group name is longer than the maximum
group name length of
Explanation: The group name specified is too long to be processed. User Response: Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts
with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.
0029-2033 No action was taken because the first character in the group name
specified was not an alphabetic character.
Explanation: The group name specified started with some character that was not
alphabetic. User Response: Provide a group name that is no longer than 32 characters, which starts
with an alphabetic character, and is followed by any alphanumeric combination.
0029-2034 Cannot create any more groups because the maximum number already
Explanation: You issued the group add command but there are already as many groups
defined as can exist. User Response: You need to reduce the current number of groups in order to open up a
slot for another group to be created.
0029-2035 No action was taken on group
contain all of the tasks.
Explanation: You issued the group add command in an attempt to add tasks to the group
reserved to contain all of the tasks. No action could be taken because this group already contains all of the tasks.
User Response: Specify a different group name on the group add command.
0029-2036 Task:
Explanation: The specified task is not communicating properly with the home node, so it is
marked as unavailable for any command that attempts communications. User Response: The debugger can continue after a task loses contact with the home
node. Under certain circumstances, you might choose to continue debugging using the remaining tasks for some period of time.
cannot be added to a group.
has experienced an error in communicating with pdbx. It
, because it is the group reserved to
8 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
0029-2037 0029-2044
0029-2037 Cannot add task: Explanation: The task specified on the group add command is already included in the
group specified. User Response: Retry the command specifying only task(s) that are not already included
within the specified group.
0029-2038 No action has been taken because a task number is out of range. Explanation: The task specified on the group or on command is not an acceptable value. User Response: Retry the range specification using only task numbers between 0 and one
less than the value of -procs or MP_PROCS (since the first task is number 0).
0029-2039 Explanation: A task was added to the specified group. User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2040 Explanation: The list of tasks was added to the specified group. User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2041 The correct syntax is: 'group change old_name new_name'. Explanation: The group change command was improperly formed. User Response: Re-issue the command specifying the existing group name and the new
group name.
task was added to group
tasks were added to group
, because it is already in group
0029-2042 No action was taken because the group name Explanation: The group name you specified to be renamed on the group change
command could not be found by pdbx. User Response: Use the group list command to see the list of groups currently defined.
Make sure that the group you wish to rename already exists.
0029-2043 No action was taken because the group name Explanation: The new name, for the group to be renamed, on the group change
command already exists. The existing group will not be renamed to avoid confusion or ambiguity.
User Response: Use the group list command to see the list of groups currently defined. Make sure that the group name you wish to change the existing group to does not already exist.
0029-2044 No action was taken because the new group name is longer than the
maximum group name length of
Explanation: The new group name specified on the group change command is too long to
be handled. User Response: Choose a string under 32 characters for the new group name and retry
the command.
was not found.
is already used.
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 9
0029-2045 0029-2051
0029-2045 Group Explanation: You have given a new group name to a previously existing group. User Response: Note that the old group name no longer exists.
0029-2046 The correct syntax is: 'group delete group_name [member_list]'. A member
Explanation: The group delete command requires an existing group name as an
argument. User Response: Re-issue the command with an existing group name as an argument. If
you wish to delete one or more tasks from a group, specify the list of tasks to be deleted after the group name.
0029-2047 Nothing was deleted because the group name Explanation: The group delete command requires an existing group name as an
argument. The specified group could not be matched with any of the existing groups. User Response: Use the group list command to see the list of groups currently defined.
Make sure that the group you wish to delete or modify already exists.
0029-2048 No action was taken on group
Explanation: The debugger requires at least one group which represents all the tasks in
your partition. This group cannot be deleted or modified. User Response: You can create a group with all tasks except one or two in two steps:
1. Create a group with all tasks using group add" num_procs is the number of tasks in your partition.
2. Use group delete group.
has been renamed to
list can contain space or comma-separated task numbers, or ranges of task numbers separated by colons or dashes. Specify the group name as a string of characters.
contain all of the tasks.
member_list to remove one or more tasks from the new
was not found.
, because it is the group reserved to
0-num_procs where
0029-2049 Incorrectly formed member list. No tasks were deleted from any group. A
member list can contain space or comma-separated task numbers, or ranges of task numbers separated by colons or dashes.
Explanation: You specified a member list with the group delete command, but the
member list was not recognized, so no action was taken.
User Response: Re-issue the group delete command with a valid member list.
0029-2050 Task: Explanation: A task has successfully been deleted from a group. User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2051 The group Explanation: The group you specified on the group list command is not known to pdbx. User Response: Re-issue the group list command with a valid group name or issue
group list to list all groups.
was successfully deleted from group
was not found.
10 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
0029-2052 0029-2059
0029-2052 Internal error in
has no members.
Explanation: You issued the group list on an empty group. User Response: This is an internal error, retry the command. If the problem persists,
gather information about it and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
0029-2053 Valid group actions are: add, change, delete and list. Explanation: You issued a group command with invalid syntax. User Response: Check syntax and re-issue the group command.
0029-2054 The correct syntax is: 'hook' (with no arguments). Explanation: You issued the hook command with one or more arguments. hook takes
effect on the current command context or the temporary command context when used in combination with the on command.
User Response: Re-issue the hook command with no arguments.
0029-2055 No action has been taken because the task or group is not unhooked, or
has completed and is in exited state.
Explanation: There are no unhooked tasks in the command context that you specified.
When a task that has been unhooked completes, it changes from unhooked state to exited state. Once an unhooked task completes, it can no longer be hooked.
User Response: Use the group list or tasks command to view the state of the tasks.
- No action was taken because the group
0029-2056 Task: Explanation: You attempted to hook this task but the task had already completed
processing and exited.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2057 No action was taken on group
Explanation: The group add or group change command was issued with a group name
that the debugger uses. User Response: Specify a different group name on the group add or group change
0029-2058 The correct syntax is 'on context' or 'on context command', where
Explanation: An on command has been issued with incorrect syntax. User Response: Check syntax and re-issue the on command.
0029-2059 Group Explanation: You issued the on command with a group specified, but the group is not
known to pdbx. User Response: Issue group list to display group names, then re-issue on command.
for use by the debugger.
command is the command you wish to execute on the specified context.
has already exited.
not found. No action performed.
, because it is a group name reserved
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 11
0029-2060 0029-2068
0029-2060 The correct syntax is: 'source filename'. Explanation: The source command cannot be issued with zero or greater than one
User Response: Re-issue the source command with only one argument.
0029-2061 Cannot open the command file that was specified on the source command. Explanation: The source command has been issued with a filename that either does not
exist or has no read permission.
User Response: Make sure the file exists and has read permission.
0029-2062 The correct syntax is either 'status' or 'status all'. Explanation: An argument other than all was specified on the status command. User Response: Re-issue status with no arguments or with all as the single argument.
0029-2063 All events (breakpoints or tracepoints) are in use for this task or group. Explanation: The maximum number of events for this task or group has been exceeded.
Each breakpoint or tracepoint that is set causes an event to be recorded. User Response: Use the delete command on any event(s) in this task or group to reduce
the number of events, then re-issue the original command.
0029-2064 The task has experienced an error in communicating with pdbx. Explanation: Events cannot be added to this task because there is a communication
problem with this task. User Response: The debugger can continue after a task loses contact with the home
node. Under certain circumstances, you might choose to continue debugging using the remaining tasks for some period of time.
0029-2065 You specified an invalid breakpoint or tracepoint. The command failed on
Explanation: The breakpoint or tracepoint that you tried to create using the pdbx stop or trace command was not accepted by the remote dbx debugger.
User Response: Check the pdbx stop or trace command syntax.
0029-2066 The correct syntax is: 'unhook' (without any arguments). Explanation: You issued the unhook command with one or more arguments. The unhook
does not take any arguments. unhook takes effect on the current command context or the temporary command context when used in combination with the on command.
User Response: Re-issue the unhook command with no arguments.
0029-2067 The correct syntax is: 'unalias alias_name'. Explanation: You specified zero or greater than one arguments with the unalias command. User Response: Check the pdbx syntax for unalias and re-issue the command.
0029-2068 Explanation: You attempted to unalias an unknown alias. User Response: To display the existing aliases, issue the alias command with no
arguments. Issue the unalias command with one of the existing aliases to remove it.
is not aliased.
12 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
0029-2069 0029-2075
0029-2069 Reading command file Explanation: The debugger has started reading the command file specified by the -c
command line flag, the source command or as a result of having a .pdbxinit file in the current working directory or your home directory.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2070 command file line Explanation: The debugger displays each line of the command file as it is read showing
the line number and the text. User Response: In the event one or more lines in the command file cause errors in the
debugger, this message will show the line number and the text that needs to be corrected. Unless a severe error is encountered causing the debugger to terminate, a command file will generally be read in its entirety even if it contains multiple errors.
0029-2071 No tasks were attached due to a badly formed task list. Explanation: Invalid syntax for the attach command. User Response: Specify the attach command followed by a space or comma-separated
list of task numbers. Specify ranges of tasks using a dash or a colon. The command attach all may be used to attach to all the tasks of the poe application.
0029-2072 Cannot send commands to task: Explanation: It is not possible to send a dbx command to a task that is RUNNING. User Response: Issue the group list or tasks command to to make sure the tasks are not
number: string
because it is executing.
0029-2073 Error creating temporary file Explanation: When starting pdbx in attach mode, a temporary host.list file is created,
consisting of only the tasks that you selected to attach to. This temporary host.list file is created in /tmp by default, unless you specify a different directory with the TMPDIR environment variable. The naming convention for this file is:
>/.pdbx.< by the TMPDIR environment variable, if it has been defined, and where < process ID of the poe job to be attached to. The message that you received appears when the temporary host.list file cannot be opened, or when errors are detected while writing to the file.
User Response: Verify that there is enough space available in the /tmp filesystem, or if you have specified a directory with the TMPDIR environment variable, check the filesystem that contains this directory for sufficient space. You may also want to check to be sure that a file of the same name does not already exist.
0029-2075 Explanation: Internal error: A memory allocation routine failed because there is not enough
memory available. pdbx continues processing, but it is likely you will have subsequent problems.
User Response: Start pdbx again and try the following:
Debug your program with a subset of the tasks, or with smaller data segments.Contact your System Administrator to increase system resources, if possible.
If you continue to get this error message, gather information about the problem and follow local site procedures for reporting hardware and software problems.
>.host.list where <
- Unable to allocate
> is either /tmp, or the directory specified
of bytes in
> is the
Chapter 2. pdbx Messages 13
0029-2076 0029-2084
0029-2076 There are no tasks in DEBUG READY state (active). Explanation: The response to the active command is that there are no tasks that are
ready to be debugged. This is to say that there are no tasks that are active with respect to the debugger.
User Response: None. This is an informational message.
0029-2077 Command Explanation: pdbx does not allow the use of this command. User Response: Check the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual
for a description of commands that are not allowed.
0029-2080 Could not set breakpoint or tracepoint event. Explanation: A stop or trace event could not be added in the current context. User Response: Check the IBM Parallel Environment for AIX: Operation and Use manual
for information on setting pdbx breakpoints and tracepoints.
0029-2081 Cannot set breakpoint or tracepoint event in different source files. Explanation: pdbx will not attempt to set a breakpoint at a line number when in a group
context if the group members (tasks) have different current source files. User Response: Either choose to set events for individual tasks or set the same source file
for the whole group.
0029-2082 Could not find a task available for debugger commands in the current
Explanation: No tasks in DEBUG READY state were found in the current context. This
action requires that a dbx command be issued to the remote node, and that the node is not RUNNING. If the task is RUNNING, it is not ready for debugger commands.
User Response: Issue the group list or tasks to make sure that one or more tasks are ready to be debugged.
is not valid when using pdbx.
0029-2083 The correct syntax is: stop if <condition>
stop at <line-number> [if <condition>] stop in <procedure> [if <condition>] stop <variable> [if <condition>]
stop <variable> at <line-number>[ if <condition>]
stop <variable> in <procedure>[ if <condition>]
Explanation: You issued the stop command with the incorrect syntax. User Response: Re-issue the command using the correct syntax.
0029-2084 Missing argument to the -dbxpromptmod flag. Explanation: The -dbxpromptmod flag requires a text string as an argument. This text
string was missing. User Response: Specify a text string to be used to modify the dbx prompt so that it will
not collide with your data or program.
14 IBM PE for AIX V2R4.0: Messages
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