IBM GC23-7753-05 User Manual

IBM Informix
Version 11.50
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
IBM Informix
Version 11.50
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page B-1.
This document contains proprietary information of IBM. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected by copyright law. The information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any statements provided in this manual should not be interpreted as such.
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996, 2009.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Introduction ..................................v
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Editions ..........................v
About This Publication ................................v
Types of Users
What’s New in IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation, Version 11.50
Documentation Conventions .............................viii
Technical Changes ................................ix
Feature, Product, and Platform Markup .........................ix
Example Code Conventions .............................ix
Additional Documentation...............................x
Compliance with Industry Standards ...........................x
Syntax Diagrams ..................................x
How to Read a Command-Line Syntax Diagram ......................xi
Keywords and Punctuation .............................xii
Identifiers and Names ..............................xiii
How to Provide Documentation Feedback .........................xiii
Chapter 1. Preparing to Install IDS on Windows ..................1-1
Online Notes ..................................1-1
Verifying System Requirements ............................1-1
Verifying Administrators Group Membership ........................1-1
Multiple Copies of IDS on One Computer .........................1-2
Choosing Your Installation Setup ............................1-3
Installable Features of IDS ..............................1-4
Demonstration Database Server ............................1-6
Instance Configuration Wizard.............................1-8
Planning Role Separation ..............................1-8
Installation Directory ................................1-9
Choosing between Local and Domain Installations ......................1-9
User informix ..................................1-10
Upgrading the Database Server ............................1-10
Chapter 2. Installing IDS on Windows ......................2-1
Installing IBM Informix Products ............................2-1
Installing a Copy of IDS on a Computer .........................2-1
Installing with the GUI Typical Setup ..........................2-2
Installing with the GUI Custom Setup ..........................2-3
Performing a Silent Installation ............................2-5
Using a Customized server.ini File for Silent Installation ...................2-6
Using a Response File for Silent Installation .......................2-6
Silent Installation Response Codes ...........................2-8
Setting Up Cluster Installations ............................2-9
Cluster Installations ...............................2-9
Upgrade of IDS by Overwriting an Existing Installation ....................2-12
Overwriting an Existing IDS Installation ........................2-12
Multiple Residency ................................2-13
Planning for Multiple Residency ...........................2-13
Creating a New Database Server Instance........................2-13
Server Instance Manager Command-Line Options .....................2-14
Troubleshooting Installation Problems ..........................2-15
Chapter 3. Post-Installation Tasks on Windows ..................3-1
Working with the Installation .............................3-1
Installation Automatic Actions ............................3-1
IDS Program Group ................................3-2
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2009 iii
Initializing and Starting the Database Server ........................3-3
Stopping the Database Server ............................3-4
Database Server Configuration After Installation .......................3-4
Database Server Number .............................3-4
Database Server Name ..............................3-5
Service Name and Port Number ...........................3-5
Dbspace Name, Location, and Size ..........................3-5
Default Sbspace Name, Location, Size, and Page Size ....................3-6
Configuring IDS Manually .............................3-6
Chapter 4. Modifying IDS on Windows ......................4-1
Altering IDS Features ................................4-1
Uninstalling IDS .................................4-2
Reinstalling the Database Server ............................4-2
Performing Silent Uninstallations of IDS .........................4-2
Chapter 5. Deploying IDS with the Deployment Utility ...............5-1
The Deployment Utility ...............................5-1
Rapid IDS Embeddability with the Deployment Utility ....................5-2
Creating a Snapshot for Deployment...........................5-4
Deploying a Snapshot with the Deployment Utility ......................5-4
ifxdeploy Command: The Deployment Utility........................5-5
ifxdeploy.conf File: The Deployment Utility Configuration File..................5-10
ifxdeploy.conf File Template ............................5-13
Removing a Snapshot with the Deployment Utility .....................5-15
Appendix. Accessibility ............................A-1
Accessibility features for IBM Informix Dynamic Server ....................A-1
Accessibility Features ..............................A-1
Keyboard Navigation ..............................A-1
Related Accessibility Information...........................A-1
IBM and Accessibility ..............................A-1
Dotted Decimal Syntax Diagrams ...........................A-1
Notices ...................................B-1
Trademarks ...................................B-3
Index ....................................X-1
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows


This introduction provides an overview of IBM®Informix®products and of this publication as well as the conventions that it uses.

IBM Informix Dynamic Server Editions

IBM Informix Dynamic Server is available in different editions to fit different business needs.
Some of the functionality described in IBM Informix documentation might not be available for Workgroup Edition. For details on the differences between editions, see the following Web site: ids-ed-choice/
The license agreement has the specific restrictions for each edition. To view a license for a particular edition, search for Informix Dynamic Serveron the following Web site:

About This Publication

This guide explains how to install, configure, and initialize IBM Informix Dynamic Server on a computer running a Windows®operating system.
The following additional products can be installed from the installation media for IDS:
v IBM Informix BladeManager
v IBM Informix DataBlade
v IBM Informix Connect (IConnect)
v IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit (Client SDK)
v IBM Informix ClusterIT
v The IBM Informix JDBC Driver is available on the installation media and needs
to be separately installed. For information on installing IBM Informix JDBC Driver, see the IBM Informix JDBC Driver Programmer’s Guide.
v The IBM Informix ODBC Driver can be installed as part of IBM Informix Client
SDK. For information on installing IBM Informix Client SDK, see the IBM Informix Client Products Installation Guide.
IBM Informix Server Administrator (ISA) is available for download at:
OpenAdmin Tool for IDS is a PHP-based Web browser administration tool that can administer multiple database server instances using a single installation on a Web server. OpenAdmin Tool is available for download at: http://
For a description of client and other related products for IDS, see IBM Informix Dynamic Server Getting Started Guide.
Developers Kit (DBDK)
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2009 v

Types of Users

This publication is for database administrators (DBAs) who install IBM Informix products. This guide assumes that you are familiar with the operating procedures of your computer and with your operating system. For information about your operating system, see your Microsoft
Windows documentation.
What’s New in IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation, Version 11.50
This publication includes information about new features and changes in existing functionality.
The following changes and enhancements are relevant to this publication. For a comprehensive list of all new features for this release, see the IBM Informix Dynamic Server Getting Started Guide.
Table 1. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC6
Overview Reference
Simplified Deployment of an IDS Instance
+ +
You can set configuration parameters, essential
environment variables, and SQLHOST connectivity
information in a deployment utility configuration file
(ifxdeploy.conf). You can reuse the file to deploy
instances with the deployment utility. When you plan to
embed a snapshot of the same instance in multiple
locations, you can use the customized configuration file
to centralize the installation setup work and ensure that
the deployed instances are consistent.
See “ifxdeploy.conf File: The Deployment Utility Configuration File” on page 5-10.
If you do not specify certain environment variables when
you run the ifxdeploy command, or set them in an
ifxdeploy.conf file, the deployment utility sets values
based on the process environment.
Dynamic dbspace Relocation when Deploying Snapshots
+ +
You can dynamically reconfigure the chunk paths of a
snapshot by using the -relocate option of the deployment
utility. The -relocate option initializes the dbspaces
required for deploying the template instance without a
separate step for disk space initialization.
See “Rapid IDS Embeddability with the Deployment Utility” on page 5-2.
Table 2. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC5
Overview Reference
Deploying IDS with the Deployment Utility (Windows)
| |
This command-line utility facilitates faster deployment of
a configured IDS instance. This utility is currently
available on Windows. The utility can be called
programmatically or from a script as part of an
application installation, and therefore supports completely
silent IDS deployment.
See Chapter 5, “Deploying IDS with the Deployment Utility,” on page 5-1.
vi IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
Table 2. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC5 (continued)
Overview Reference
Upgrading to IDS v11.50.xC5 in Silent Mode (Windows)
| |
You can upgrade from IDS v11.50.xC4 or earlier to IDS
v11.50.xC5 in silent mode. You will need to record a
response file for IDS v11.50.xC5. You cannot use a
response file that was recorded when IDS v11.50.xC4 or
earlier versions were installed.
See “Using a Response File for Silent Installation” on page 2-6.
Table 3. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC4
Overview Reference
Upgrade IBM Informix Dynamic Server by Overwriting
the Existing Installation
When you are upgrading IDS from one fix pack level to
another in the same product version, you can install the
product in the running database server installation
directory. You also can overwrite an existing installation
for training or specialized technical needs. Take all
necessary backup precautions before upgrading with this
method. It is recommended that most users follow the
IBM Informix Migration Guide for version-to-version
upgrades and migrations.
“Upgrade of IDS by Overwriting an Existing Installation” on page 2-12
Table 4. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC2
Overview Reference
Multiple Copies of IBM Informix Dynamic Server on the
Same Windows Computer
In version 11.10, you could not install and run multiple
copies of the same version of IDS on the same Windows
computer. Now you can do so by using the graphical
user interface or by supplying installation parameters in a
file to perform a silent, non-interactive installation.
If the installation application detects that the same
version of IDS is already installed, you can choose to
install a new copy in another directory or you can choose
to modify the existing installation.
“Multiple Copies of IDS on One Computer” on page 1-2
Introduction vii
Table 5. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC1
Overview Reference
Enhanced Configuration Options During Installation
See “Instance Configuration Wizard” on page 1-8.
You can use the new Instance Configuration Wizard to automatically create the database server configuration file (ONCONFIG) during a custom installation in GUI mode.
Provide the information for the instance that you are installing, such as the number of CPUs, memory, disk space, and estimates of online transactions and query clients. The wizard ensures that your settings are valid, and it calculates values for other server configuration parameters based on your settings. Your custom configuration information is stored in the ONCONFIG file so that when you start the instance after the product is installed, the instance runs with your settings.
Protocol Configuration During Installation
See “Installing with the GUI Custom Setup” on page 2-3.
It’s easier now than in past releases to set up an instance to use a variety of database clients. When you install IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50 the installer enables you to configure a database server alias and a port for clients that use the Distributed Relational Database Architecture
(DRDA) protocol. By default, those items are configured for you unless you deselect DRDA support. DRDA is for open development of applications that allow access of distributed data. DRDA is interoperable with IBM Data Server clients.
If you disable DRDA support in the installation application, you can still modify the instance to function with the DRDA protocol after installation by using the instmgr.exe utility (see Server Instance Manager Command-Line Options).
Install as the Local System Account Support
In past releases, the IBM Informix Dynamic Server Windows Service was allowed to log on only as user informix. Starting with version 11.50, you can install IDS on Windows as the local system account.
Select the Local System User option in the installation application. That option provides the same privileges as the informix user account; however, it uses an internal account that does not require a password. The local system account is used by the operating system and services running under Windows during the installation of IDS.
You can choose not to create an informix user account at all, but if you do so, you will not be able to use Enterprise Replication between IDS on UNIX
and IDS on
Windows operating systems.
See “Installing with the GUI Custom Setup” on page 2-3.

Documentation Conventions

Special conventions are used in the product documentation for IBM Informix Dynamic Server.
viii IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows

Technical Changes

Technical changes to the text are indicated by special characters depending on the format of the documentation.
HTML documentation
New or changed information is surrounded by blue @ and ! characters.
PDF documentation
A plus sign (+) is shown to the left of the current changes. A vertical bar () is shown to the left of changes made in earlier shipments.

Feature, Product, and Platform Markup

Feature, product, and platform markup identifies paragraphs that contain feature-specific, product-specific, or platform-specific information.
Some examples of this markup follow:
Dynamic Server only: Identifies information that is specific to IBM Informix Dynamic Server
Windows only: Identifies information that is specific to the Windows operating system
This markup can apply to one or more paragraphs within a section. When an entire section applies to a particular product or platform, this is noted as part of the heading text, for example:
Table Sorting (Windows)

Example Code Conventions

Examples of SQL code occur throughout this publication. Except as noted, the code is not specific to any single IBM Informix application development tool.
If only SQL statements are listed in the example, they are not delimited by semicolons. For instance, you might see the code in the following example:
CONNECT TO stores_demo ...
DELETE FROM customer
WHERE customer_num = 121
To use this SQL code for a specific product, you must apply the syntax rules for that product. For example, if you are using an SQL API, you must use EXEC SQL at the start of each statement and a semicolon (or other appropriate delimiter) at the end of the statement. If you are using DB–Access, you must delimit multiple statements with semicolons.
Tip: Ellipsis points in a code example indicate that more code would be added in a full application, but it is not necessary to show it to describe the concept being discussed.
For detailed directions on using SQL statements for a particular application development tool or SQL API, see the documentation for your product.
Introduction ix

Additional Documentation

Documentation about IBM Informix products is available in various formats.
You can view, search, and print all of the product documentation from the IBM Informix Dynamic Server information center on the Web at http://
For additional documentation about IBM Informix Dynamic Server and related products, including release notes, machine notes, and documentation notes, go to the online product library page at techdocs.html. Alternatively, you can access or install the product documentation from the Quick Start CD that is shipped with the product.

Compliance with Industry Standards

IBM Informix products are compliant with various standards.
IBM Informix SQL-based products are fully compliant with SQL-92 Entry Level (published as ANSI X3.135-1992), which is identical to ISO 9075:1992. In addition, many features of IBM Informix database servers comply with the SQL-92 Intermediate and Full Level and X/Open SQL Common Applications Environment (CAE) standards.
The IBM Informix Geodetic DataBlade Module supports a subset of the data types from the Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)—Federal Information Processing
Standard 173, as referenced by the document Content Standard for Geospatial Metadata, Federal Geographic Data Committee, June 8, 1994 (FGDC Metadata
IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) Enterprise Edition, Version 11.50 is certified under the Common Criteria. For more information, refer to Common Criteria Certification: Requirements for IBM Informix Dynamic Server, which is available at

Syntax Diagrams

Syntax diagrams use special components to describe the syntax for statements and commands.
Table 6. Syntax Diagram Components
Component represented in PDF Component represented in HTML Meaning
Statement begins.
Statement continues on next line.
Statement continues from previous line.
Statement ends.
Required item.
x IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
Table 6. Syntax Diagram Components (continued)
Component represented in PDF Component represented in HTML Meaning
Optional item.
+--DISTINCT-----+ '---UNIQUE------'
+---PRIOR--------+ '---PREVIOUS-----'
.-------,-----------. V|
+---index_name---+ '---table_name---'
>>-| Table Reference |-><
Table Reference |--+-----view--------+--|
+------table------+ '----synonym------'
Required item with choice. One and only one item must be present.
Optional items with choice are shown below the main line, one of which you might specify.
The values below the main line are optional, one of which you might specify. If you do not specify an item, the value above the line will be used as the default.
Optional items. Several items are allowed; a comma must precede each repetition.
Reference to a syntax segment.
Syntax segment.

How to Read a Command-Line Syntax Diagram

Command-line syntax diagrams use similar elements to those of other syntax diagrams.
Some of the elements are listed in the table in Syntax Diagrams.
Creating a No-Conversion Job
 onpladm create job job
-t table
-p project
-n -d device -D database
Introduction xi
-S server -T target
1 See page Z-1
Setting the Run Mode
| | | | |
This diagram has a segment named “Setting the Run Mode,” which according to the diagram footnote is on page Z-1. If this was an actual cross-reference, you would find this segment in on the first page of Appendix Z. Instead, this segment is shown in the following segment diagram. Notice that the diagram uses segment start and end components.
Setting the Run Mode:
-f d p a
n N
To see how to construct a command correctly, start at the top left of the main diagram. Follow the diagram to the right, including the elements that you want. The elements in this diagram are case sensitive because they illustrate utility syntax. Other types of syntax, such as SQL, are not case sensitive.
The Creating a No-Conversion Job diagram illustrates the following steps:
1. Type onpladm create job and then the name of the job.
2. Optionally, type -p and then the name of the project.
3. Type the following required elements:
v -n
v -d and the name of the device
v -D and the name of the database
v -t and the name of the table
4. Optionally, you can choose one or more of the following elements and repeat them an arbitrary number of times:
v -S and the server name
v -T and the target server name
v The run mode. To set the run mode, follow the Setting the Run Mode
segment diagram to type -f, optionally type d, p,ora, and then optionally type l or u.
5. Follow the diagram to the terminator.

Keywords and Punctuation

Keywords are words reserved for statements and all commands except system-level commands.
xii IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
When a keyword appears in a syntax diagram, it is shown in uppercase letters. When you use a keyword in a command, you can write it in uppercase or lowercase letters, but you must spell the keyword exactly as it appears in the syntax diagram.
You must also use any punctuation in your statements and commands exactly as shown in the syntax diagrams.

Identifiers and Names

Variables serve as placeholders for identifiers and names in the syntax diagrams and examples.
You can replace a variable with an arbitrary name, identifier, or literal, depending on the context. Variables are also used to represent complex syntax elements that are expanded in additional syntax diagrams. When a variable appears in a syntax diagram, an example, or text, it is shown in lowercase italic.
The following syntax diagram uses variables to illustrate the general form of a simple SELECT statement.
 SELECT column_name FROM table_name 
When you write a SELECT statement of this form, you replace the variables column_name and table_name with the name of a specific column and table.

How to Provide Documentation Feedback

You are encouraged to send your comments about IBM Informix user documentation.
Use one of the following methods:
v Send e-mail to
v Go to the information center at
idshelp/v115/index.jsp and open the topic that you want to comment on. Click the feedback link at the bottom of the page, fill out the form, and submit your feedback.
v Add comments to topics directly in the IDS information center and read
comments that were added by other users. Share information about the product documentation, participate in discussions with other users, rate topics, and more! Find out more at v115/index.jsp?topic=/
Feedback from all methods is monitored by those who maintain the user documentation. The feedback methods are reserved for reporting errors and omissions in our documentation. For immediate help with a technical problem, contact IBM Technical Support. For instructions, see the IBM Informix Technical Support Web site at
We appreciate your suggestions.
Introduction xiii
xiv IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows

Chapter 1. Preparing to Install IDS on Windows

Read the following information and complete the tasks appropriate for your installation environment.
v “Online Notes”
v “Verifying System Requirements”
v “Verifying Administrators Group Membership”
v “Multiple Copies of IDS on One Computer” on page 1-2
v “Choosing Your Installation Setup” on page 1-3
v “Installable Features of IDS” on page 1-4
v “Demonstration Database Server” on page 1-6
v “Instance Configuration Wizard” on page 1-8
v “Planning Role Separation” on page 1-8
v “Installation Directory” on page 1-9
v “Choosing between Local and Domain Installations” on page 1-9
v “User informix” on page 1-10
v “Upgrading the Database Server” on page 1-10

Online Notes

Read the online notes, which are located in the IIF/doc directory or at

Verifying System Requirements

Refer to the IBM Informix Dynamic Server machine notes for specific, supported Windows operating systems.
Verify that your computer meets the minimum installation requirements:
v 256 MB of RAM.
v Sum of RAM and paging file must be at least 512 megabytes. (Some installation
choices require additional disk space. The installation application informs you of the total disk space required by your setup before you copy the binary files to your host computer.)
v Total of 350 MB of free disk space for installation of the product and all features
of a working system.
v Destination drive with a Windows file system (NTFS).
The installation program determines, at run time, the amount of disk space required.

Verifying Administrators Group Membership

Verify that you are logged in as a member of the Windows Administrators group.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2009 1-1
For information on how to create groups and add users to groups, see your Windows documentation.

Multiple Copies of IDS on One Computer

| |
Multiple copies of IBM Informix Dynamic Server can run on the same computer. The copies can be the same or different versions of the product.
Multiple copies of different versions
If your computer hosts more than one installation of IDS, each instance has a corresponding IBM Informix Dynamic Server program group on the Start > Programs menu.
Do not install a newer version of IBM Informix Dynamic Server in the same location where an earlier version of the product exists to avoid conflicts between directories, .dll files, registry entries, and other Informix-related services. If you wan to run different versions of IDS on the same host machine, keep the installations in different paths.
To uninstall versions of IBM Informix products released before 11.50, refer to the uninstallation documentation for that version.
To uninstall version 11.50 IDS and any of its components, refer to Chapter 4, “Modifying IDS on Windows,” on page 4-1.
| | |
Multiple copies of the same version
You can install multiple copies of the same version of IBM Informix Dynamic Server on one Windows operating system. A copy refers to an installation in a different location on the same computer. The benefits of doing this include:
v The ability to test new features before using them in a production database
v The ability to have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions on the same computer
| | |
| | | |
| | | | |
To identify which installed copy you want to modify, use the unique location of the installation or the installation number that was generated automatically when the copy was installed.
The first copy that you install on a computer is, by default, installation number 1. The subsequent copies that you install have installation numbers that increase by 1. For example, the installation number of the second copy is 2 and the installation number of the next copy is 3.
Note: If you uninstall copies, and then install additional copies, the installation number will increase by 1 based on the highest installation number on that computer. For example, if you have three copies on the computer and you delete installation number 2, when you install another copy of the same version, the new copy is installation number 4.
1-2 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
Related tasks
“Installing a Copy of IDS on a Computer” on page 2-1

Choosing Your Installation Setup

Using the installation application, you can choose a typical or custom setup for loading IBM Informix Dynamic Server and other products to your system. Typical setup installs the full IDS product, while custom setup lets you exclude product features in order to minimize the installation footprint (disk size).
Installation Application Setup Types
The installation application has two setup options:
v Typical installation: A typical installation requires the most disk space and
memory. It is the recommended installation for most database servers. The typical setup installs IDS (the base server) and all associated feature sets (components), as well as a configured demonstration database server.
v Custom installation: A custom installation allows you to perform advanced
installation steps and configuration of the database server. The main customization tool of this setup option is the Deployment Wizard, which lets you omit components and features that you do not need to reduce the disk space required by the installation (footprint).
You can run the installation application on Windows in either of the following modes:
v graphical user interface (GUI)
v silent installation
Which setup type you choose depends your system architecture, your technical expertise, and the needs of your implementation. There are some IDS installation options for which you must choose a particular setup or installation mode:
v Instance Configuration Wizard: This wizard is only available with a custom setup
in GUI mode.
v Silent installation: Custom setup is recommended, but not required, for silent
installation. If you expect to replicate your installation configuration in other machines, read “Performing a Silent Installation” on page 2-5 first. In the GUI installation application, you can generate a response file for configuring other instances’ installations in silent mode, but not when you use the Instance Configuration Wizard. Parameters affected by the Instance Configuration Wizard are not available for silent installation.
v Automatic startup of cluster utility after installation: You must select a custom IBM
Informix Dynamic Server installation and select the cluster utility checkbox if you want the IBM Informix ClusterIT Utility to start running automatically after you have completed installation. This option is only available if you have the IDS installation media that is bundled with other IBM Informix products and if the installation application detects the Microsoft Cluster Server on the host computer. Read “Cluster Installations” on page 2-9 for more information.
v DRDA protocol support: To exclude support for DRDA connections in your IDS
instance, you must select a custom installation and complete the configuration setup accordingly. DRDA (Distributed Relational Database Architecture) is designed for interoperability among different IBM Data Server clients. If you disable DRDA support in the installation application, you can still modify the
Chapter 1. Preparing to Install IDS (Windows) 1-3
instance to function with the DRDA protocol after installation by using the instmgr.exe utility (see “Server Instance Manager Command-Line Options” on page 2-14).
v Installing database server to run as local system user: To install IDS as a local system
account on Windows, you must select a custom installation and complete the configuration setup accordingly. This lets the IDS log in as a Windows service, instead of user informix.
Read “Installing with the GUI Custom Setup” on page 2-3 for more information about DRDA support and IDS as local system user.

Installable Features of IDS

You can install the following features with the base server: Database Server Extensions, Global Language Support, Backup and Restore, Demos, Data-Loading Utilities, and Administrative Utilities.
Base Server
The base server refers to the core database server for basic DBA operations without optional extensions, libraries, or utilities. The minimum size of the base server installation is 180 megabytes (MB). Every IBM Informix Dynamic Server installation includes the components of the base server, regardless of whether you choose a typical or custom installation.
The base server no longer contains the XML Publishing feature and must be included in your Deployment Wizard selections if you want to install it. XML Publishing is in the Database Server Extensions component.
Support for the Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) protocol is included in the Base Server. To use the DRDA support functionality with IBM Data Server .NET Provider or IBM Data Server JDBC Driver, you must obtain and install the .NET Provider or JDBC Driver separately.
| |
The IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) is included as a component of the IDS installation.
The following list describes features in IBM Informix Dynamic Server, Version
11.50. A typical installation setup installs all of these features. If you choose custom
installation setup, you can omit features that you do not want to install. You can view the size of each component and feature on your system before you actually proceed with installation when you select the component or feature in the GUI setup.
Database Server Extensions
Database administration tools and programming extensions
For writing user-defined routines in the Java language
Built-in DataBlade Modules
For providing large object location management, MQ transaction support, binary user-defined types, the hierarchical node data type, basic text search, and Web Feature Services for spatial data
1-4 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
Conversion and Reversion Support
Framework required for migrating to and from other versions of the database server
XML Publishing
Set of functions to publish SQL queries as XML
Global Language Support
The feature files to support languages, cultural conventions, and code sets. These files are not required if your default locale uses American English, which is the default language in IDS when no GLS feature is installed.
West European and Americas
Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish locales
East European and Cyrillic
Czech, Polish, Russian, and Slovak locales
Traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese locales
Korean locales
Japanese locales
Other Thai locales
Backup and Restore
Feature utilities for backing up and restoring database server data
ON-Bar Utilities
The onbar utility is a batch file (onbar.bat) that starts the onbar-driver. Use this batch file to customize backup and restore operations and check the storage-manager version.
Informix Interface for Tivoli
For implementing XBSA functions that use Tivoli Storage Manager with ON-Bar
IBM Informix Storage Manager
For managing external storage devices and media that contain backups
archecker Utility
For verifying backups and restoring portions of a database, a table, a portion of a table, or a set of tables
Demonstration databases and examples
Data-Loading Utilities
For efficient loading and unloading of data in certain configurations
onunload and onload Utilities
For moving data quickly from one operating system or database server to another without changing the database schema. Use the onunload utility to unload data from the specified database or table onto a tape or a file on disk in disk-page-sized units. Use the onload utility to re-create the database or the table from the tape or file that was created by the onload utility.
Storage Manager
Chapter 1. Preparing to Install IDS (Windows) 1-5
dbload Utility
For loading data into databases or tables that IBM Informix products created. Use the dbload utility to transfer data from one or more text files into one or more existing tables.
High-Performance Loader (HPL)
For loading or unloading large quantities of data efficiently to or from a database. Use HPL to exchange data with tapes, data files, and programs, and convert data from these sources into a format compatible with IBM Informix databases. Also use HPL to manipulate and filter the data as you perform load and unload operations.
Enterprise Replication
For replicating data between IDS database servers
Administrative Utilities
Additional administrative utility feature sets
Miscellaneous Monitoring Utilities
For displaying the logical log by using the onlog utility or managing the database server with SNMP by using the onsnmp utility.
Auditing Utilities
For administering audit masks, trails, and other auditing information on the database server by using the onaudit and onshowaudit utilities.
Database Import and Export Utilities
For unloading a database into text files, creating and populating a database from those text files, or unloading a database schema into a text file

Demonstration Database Server

The installation application can create and configure a ready-to-use database server, which you can use as a production or testing instance.
The IDS Configuration File
To access the installed database server, a configuration file must exist in INFORMIXDIR and must contain valid settings for your system. Setting up a demonstration database server during installation establishes a basic, valid configuration file, which can help users who are new to IBM Informix Dynamic Server. The installation setup you choose determines how the demonstration database server can be configured:
v Typical Installation: Setup of the demonstration database server is automatic and
requires no user input during installation. The installation application scans your system and records necessary information to the configuration file shipped with the installation media. The database server will be initialized after installation is complete.
v Custom Installation: Custom installation lets you decide whether to configure a
database server or not, and if you do, gives you more options about the settings. There are two ways in which you can utilize the default configuration file during installation:
1-6 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
Basic demonstration database server: Select the Initialize Server checkbox in the
installation application and ensure that the settings for the server name, service name, port, and server number are accurate.
Instance Configuration Wizard: A more customized database server can be created with the Instance Configuration Wizard. Select the Initialize Server and Enable the default configuration file checkboxes to use this feature. Read the “Instance Configuration Wizard” on page 1-8 section for more information.
Important: If you check the box by Initialize Server, the database server initializes automatically after installation and deletes any existing data on the host computer.
Alternatively, you can skip server configuration and configure the database server manually after installation is complete using the Server Instance Manager (instmgr.exe) utility.
Demonstration Database Server on Your System
The following information about the demonstration database server can help you decide what installation setup and settings to choose:
v The demonstration database server should have on your system a server number
between 0 and 255 that is not shared with another instance. If all the valid server numbers are used by other instances and you want to install the demonstration server, it is recommended that you make one of the server numbers available only for the IDS demonstration instance before launching the installation.
v The installation application automatically searches for and assigns a unique,
unused server number for your demonstration database server. You can also specify a server number between 0 and 255. If you enter a server number that is used by another instance, the installation application does not accept it and does one of the following:
1. If a server number between 0 and 255 is unused on your system, the demonstration database server is assigned this number.
2. If the installation application is unable to find another unused server number, then the number that you provided will be used.
v If you select the shipped configuration file, the name assigned to the
demonstration database server depends on what installation setup is being used:
Typical Setup: The installation application dynamically creates a database server name, and the information about it is displayed in a message.
Custom Setup: You provide the database server name.
The ONCONFIG environment variable is set to the sample configuration file located at %INFORMIXDIR%\etc\onconfig.demo_server_name. Details about this are displayed before the installation application copies files. The information is also stored in %INFORMIXDIR%\logs\IDS_install_date_time.log.
v When the installation application initializes the demonstration database server,
the following databases are built automatically: sysmaster, sysuser, sysutils, and sysadmin.
v The message log regarding installation of the demonstration database server is
located in %INFORMIXDIR%\demo_server_name.log.
Chapter 1. Preparing to Install IDS (Windows) 1-7

Instance Configuration Wizard

The Instance Configuration Wizard is an installation option that automatically creates a database server configuration file customized to your system environment.
You can use the Instance Configuration Wizard on a Windows computer when you install using a custom setup in GUI mode. In the installation application, the checkboxes for Initialize Server and for enabling a custom configuration file must be selected to invoke the wizard.
Note: When the Initialize Server checkbox is selected, the installation will delete any existing IDS data on the host computer.
The wizard is a utility that ensures your settings are valid, and it calculates values for other server configuration parameters based on your settings. The configuration information is stored in the ONCONFIG file so that when you start the instance after the product is installed, the instance runs with settings appropriate for your environment.
If you use this configuration utility, the installation’s settings cannot be recorded in a response file for silent installation.
The Instance Configuration Wizard prompts for the following configuration settings and system information:
v server name
v server number
v rootsize: the size of the root dbspace (in megabytes)
v number of central processing units (CPUs): a CPU is equivalent to a single
execution unit
v memory: system RAM dedicated to the server instance being created (in
v number of online transaction clients (applications used for modifying the state of
v number of query clients (applications used for returning result sets for decision
support; typically require more overhead than clients used for transaction processing)
The number of ONCONFIG file parameters set by this wizard varies, depending on your hardware and database system needs.
If the Instance Configuration Wizard encounters a problem while checking the entered settings, the configuration file is created with standard, workable configuration parameters and a message about this is displayed.

Planning Role Separation

You must choose Custom installation setup to enable role separation.
1-8 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
Role separation provides increased database security because the database server splits administrative tasks into mutually exclusive roles. If you do not enable role separation, the Informix-Admin group performs all administrative tasks. For detailed information about the role separation feature, see the IBM Informix Security Guide.
You cannot turn off role separation after you enable it. To remove role separation from your system, you must use the uninstaller to remove all database instances and related files. and then reinstall the database server without role separation.
If you choose to enable role separation during installation, you are prompted to create groups and users and add the users to the corresponding groups.
Table 1-1. Role Separation
Default Group Name Role Category Role Definition
Informix-Admin General Database
ix_dbsso Database System
Security Officer
ix_aao Auditing Analysis
ix_users Database Users Accesses the database to perform
Performs general administrative tasks, such as archiving and restoring data, monitoring use and performance, and tuning the system.
Maintains the security of the database server. Functions of this role include audit adjustment and changing security characteristics of storage objects. Creation of this user role requires selection of a password during installation.
Audits the records of specific types of database activities. If someone attempts to circumvent or corrupt the security mechanism of the database, these actions can be traced. Creation of this user role requires selection of a password during installation.
end-user tasks. Only users who are designated as members of the ix_users group can access the database.
During installation, you can replace these default users and groups with existing users or groups.

Installation Directory

The drive on which the directory exists must be formatted using NTFS. You do not need to create the directory before installation. IBM Informix software refers to this installation directory as %INFORMIXDIR%, and often the INFORMIXDIR environment variable is set to this directory. The installation application suggests a default %INFORMIXDIR% path, which you can change by typing a different path.

Choosing between Local and Domain Installations

You can install locally or in a domain.
Chapter 1. Preparing to Install IDS (Windows) 1-9

User informix

Local Installation
If you do not plan to have workstations access a domain controller, install the database server on a local computer. For a local installation, you should have administrative privileges.
Domain Installation with Domain Administrator Privileges
Domain installation is useful if you run the database server on several computers and want a central security mechanism. If several of your computers belong to the same domain, and therefore share the same primary domain controller or domain controllers, perform a domain installation on these computers. To install in a domain, you must have administrative privileges and your computer must already belong to a domain. Run the installation program and choose the Install in Domain option when the installation wizard prompts you.
User informix is a user account with main authority over an IBM Informix Dynamic Server instance.
User informix is required for most installations because it has the unique user identifier (UID) to manage and maintain IDS instances and databases on the host server. The only exception to this requirement is when you install IDS 11.50 as local system user.
The password for this user account must be protected. Only let trusted database and security administrators log in as user informix.
If you are installing IDS for the first time on your system and have not selected the local system user option, the installation program prompts you to create the informix user by providing a password. If user informix already exists on your system, the installation program prompts you to confirm the password.
Important: The database server will not start if password standards for either user informix or end users do not conform to local security standards.

Upgrading the Database Server

For information on migrating your database server from a previous version of IBM Informix Dynamic Server to Version 11.50, and for information on migrating your data, see the IBM Informix Migration Guide, Version 11.50.
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See also “Upgrade of IDS by Overwriting an Existing Installation” on page 2-12 to replace the earlier product.
1-10 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows
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