IBM GC23-7753-05 User Manual

Informix Product Family Informix
Version 11.70
IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows
Informix Product Family Informix
Version 11.70
IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows
This edition replaces GC27-3540-01.
This document contains proprietary information of IBM. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected by copyright law. The information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any statements provided in this manual should not be interpreted as such.
When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2011.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Introduction ..................................v
IBM Informix editions ................................v
About this publication ................................v
Types of users ..................................v
What's new in installation for IBM Informix, Version 11.70 ....................v
Example code conventions ..............................viii
Additional documentation ..............................viii
Compliance with industry standards ...........................ix
Syntax diagrams ..................................ix
How to read a command-line syntax diagram .......................x
Keywords and punctuation .............................xi
Identifiers and names ...............................xi
How to provide documentation feedback .........................xii
Chapter 1. Preparing to install Informix and client products on Windows .......1-1
Online notes ...................................1-1
Verify system requirements ..............................1-1
Verify Administrators group membership .........................1-2
Multiple installations of the Informix server on one computer ..................1-2
Choose your installation setup.............................1-2
Plan role separation ................................1-3
Installation directory ................................1-4
User informix ..................................1-5
Other IBM product installation files ...........................1-5
Chapter 2. Installing Informix and client products on Windows ...........2-1
Installing with the GUI typical setup...........................2-1
Installing with the GUI custom setup ..........................2-2
Performing a silent installation of Informix and client products ..................2-4
Performing an inline Informix upgrade on Windows .....................2-5
Log files ....................................2-5
Cluster installations ................................2-6
Overview of implementing a cluster on two nodes .....................2-6
Installing the Informix server on the primary node of a cluster environment ............2-7
Setting up the installation on the cluster primary node ...................2-8
Installing the Informix server on the secondary node of a cluster environment............2-9
Multiple residency ................................2-10
Plan for multiple residency ............................2-10
Creating a new database server instance ........................2-10
Server Instance Manager command-line options .....................2-11
Chapter 3. Post-installation tasks on Windows ..................3-1
Working with the installation .............................3-1
Setup performed by the installation application .......................3-1
Informix program group ...............................3-2
Starting the database server from the Control Panel......................3-3
Starting the database server from the command line .....................3-4
Stopping the database server .............................3-4
Database server configuration after installation .......................3-5
Database server number ..............................3-5
Database server name...............................3-5
Service name and port number ...........................3-6
Dbspace name, location, and size ...........................3-6
Default sbspace name, location, size, and page size .....................3-6
Configuring Informix manually ...........................3-7
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011 iii
Chapter 4. Removing or modifying Informix and client products...........4-1
Removing Informix software bundle installations ......................4-1
Uninstalling or reducing an Informix database server installation .................4-1
Uninstalling an Informix server installation in silent mode ...................4-2
Appendix. Accessibility ............................A-1
Accessibility features for IBM Informix products ......................A-1
Accessibility features ...............................A-1
Keyboard navigation ...............................A-1
Related accessibility information ...........................A-1
IBM and accessibility...............................A-1
Dotted decimal syntax diagrams ............................A-1
Notices ...................................B-1
Trademarks ...................................B-3
Index ....................................X-1
IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows


This introduction provides an overview of IBM®Informix®products and of this publication as well as the conventions that it uses.

IBM Informix editions

IBM Informix is available in different editions to fit different business needs.
Some of the functionality described in IBM Informix documentation might not be available for Workgroup Edition. For details on the differences between editions, see the following Web site: ids-ed-choice/
The license agreement has the specific restrictions for each edition. To view a license for a particular edition, search for "IBM Informix" on the following Web site:

About this publication

This guide explains how to install, configure, and initialize an Informix server on a computer running a Windows operating system. The documentation assumes that you are familiar with the operating procedures of your computer and with your operating system. For information about your operating system, see your Microsoft Windows documentation.
The following additional products can be installed from the IBM Informix installation media:
v IBM Informix BladeManager
v IBM Informix DataBlade
v IBM Informix ClusterIT
v IBM Informix Connect
v IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit (Client SDK)
v IBM Informix JDBC Driver
v The IBM Informix ODBC Driver can be installed as part of Client SDK.
v IBM Data Server Driver Package
For information about installing Client SDK and related programs, see the IBM Informix Client Products Installation Guide.
Developers Kit (DBDK)

Types of users

This publication is for database administrators (DBAs) who install IBM Informix products. This guide assumes that you are familiar with the operating procedures of your computer and with your operating system. For information about your operating system, see your Microsoft Windows documentation.

What's new in installation for IBM Informix, Version 11.70

This publication includes information about new features and changes in existing functionality.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011 v
For a complete list of what's new in this release, see the release notes or the information center at topic/
Table 1. What's New in IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows for Version 11.70.xC4
Overview Reference
The Client SDK installation includes an option to install the IBM OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix
When you install the IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit (Client SDK), Version 3.70, you have an option to install the OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix. The OAT option is also available if you install the IBM Informix software bundle and you select either Client SDK or Informix Connect. OAT is a web application for administering and analyzing the performance of IBM Informix database servers. You can administer multiple database server instances from a single OAT installation on a web server. You can access the web server through any browser to administer all your database servers.
Table 2. What's New in IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows for Version 11.70.xC1
Overview Reference
Installation application provides seamless installation and smarter configuration
See Installing the IBM OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix with the Client SDK.
See “Installing with the GUI typical setup” on page 2-1 and “Installing with the GUI custom setup” on page 2-2.
The new installation application, which you start with the new ids_install command, makes it easier to install and configure Informix products and features.
v The typical installation has improved default settings.
Use it to quickly install all of the products and features in the software bundle, with preconfigured settings.
v The custom installation is smarter than before. Use it if
you want to control what is installed on your computer, for example, you can install specific products and features or you can enable role separation.
v Regardless of which setup you use, you can create an
instance that is initialized and ready to use after installation. You must use a custom installation setup if you want to configure the instance for your business needs.
vi IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows
Table 2. What's New in IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows for Version 11.70.xC1 (continued)
Overview Reference
Changes to installation commands
See the documentation topics in Chapter 2, “Installing Informix and client products on Windows,” on page 2-1
Some installation commands changed to take advantage of new and changed functionality and to improve
and Chapter 4, “Removing or modifying Informix and client products,” on page 4-1.
consistency across products and operating systems.
The following commands are not available in Informix
11.70 installation media: installserver, installclientsdk, installconn. You must use the ids_install command to install the database server with or without bundled software. You can still download the standalone IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit (Client SDK), IBM Informix Connect, and IBM Informix JDBC Driver media to install the client software on other computers.
Use the new uninstallids command to remove the server, any bundled software, or both. You can remove specific products by using the following commands, which are in new subdirectories relative to the root directory:
v uninstall/uninstall_server/uninstallserver v uninstall/uninstall_clientsdk/uninstallclientsdk v uninstall/uninstall_connect/uninstallconnect
(formerly uninstallconn)
v uninstall/uninstall_jdbc/uninstalljdbc.exe or java
-jar uninstall/uninstall_jdbc/uninstaller.jar
(depending on how you install the JDBC driver)
IBM Data Server Driver Package integrated into
See “Other IBM product installation files” on page 1-5.
installation application
When you use the Informix installation application on Windows, you can select to install the IBM Data Server Driver Package with either Informix Client Software Development Kit or Informix Connect. You do not need to download installation media for that product from the web.
Simpler configuration for silent installation
As in previous releases, you can generate a response file by recording an installation setup done in interactive mode. However, now you can set configuration parameters by editing the response file in any text editor in addition to passing command-line options.
Informix 11.70 comes with one response file,, for the server and related products. In previous releases there were two response files: server.ini and bundle.ini.
Information about embedding Informix instances
In the previous release, information about deploying embedded instances of Informix was documented along with the information about installing the database server. In this release, information about deploying embedded Informix instances can be found in the Embedding Informix section of the online information center or in the new IBM Informix Embeddability Guide.
See “Performing a silent installation of Informix and client products” on page 2-4.
Introduction vii
Table 2. What's New in IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows for Version 11.70.xC1 (continued)
Overview Reference
New editions and product names
IBM Informix Dynamic Server editions were withdrawn and new Informix editions are available. Some products were also renamed. The publications in the Informix library pertain to the following products:
v IBM Informix database server, formerly known as IBM
Informix Dynamic Server (IDS)
v IBM OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix, formerly
known as OpenAdmin Tool for Informix Dynamic Server (IDS)
v IBM Informix SQL Warehousing Tool, formerly known
as Informix Warehouse Feature
For more information about the Informix product family, go to

Example code conventions

Examples of SQL code occur throughout this publication. Except as noted, the code is not specific to any single IBM Informix application development tool.
If only SQL statements are listed in the example, they are not delimited by semicolons. For instance, you might see the code in the following example:
CONNECT TO stores_demo ...
DELETE FROM customer
WHERE customer_num = 121
To use this SQL code for a specific product, you must apply the syntax rules for that product. For example, if you are using an SQL API, you must use EXEC SQL at the start of each statement and a semicolon (or other appropriate delimiter) at the end of the statement. If you are using DB–Access, you must delimit multiple statements with semicolons.
Tip: Ellipsis points in a code example indicate that more code would be added in a full application, but it is not necessary to show it to describe the concept being discussed.
For detailed directions on using SQL statements for a particular application development tool or SQL API, see the documentation for your product.

Additional documentation

Documentation about this release of IBM Informix products is available in various formats.
You can access or install the product documentation from the Quick Start CD that is shipped with Informix products. To get the most current information, see the Informix information centers at
viii IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows
. You can access the information centers
and other Informix technical information such as technotes, white papers, and IBM Redbooks®publications online at­library/.

Compliance with industry standards

IBM Informix products are compliant with various standards.
IBM Informix SQL-based products are fully compliant with SQL-92 Entry Level (published as ANSI X3.135-1992), which is identical to ISO 9075:1992. In addition, many features of IBM Informix database servers comply with the SQL-92 Intermediate and Full Level and X/Open SQL Common Applications Environment (CAE) standards.
The IBM Informix Geodetic DataBlade Module supports a subset of the data types from the Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)—Federal Information Processing
Standard 173, as referenced by the document Content Standard for Geospatial Metadata, Federal Geographic Data Committee, June 8, 1994 (FGDC Metadata

Syntax diagrams

Syntax diagrams use special components to describe the syntax for statements and commands.
Table 3. Syntax Diagram Components
Component represented in PDF Component represented in HTML Meaning
+--DISTINCT-----+ ’---UNIQUE------’
Statement begins.
Statement continues on next line.
Statement continues from previous line.
Statement ends.
Required item.
Optional item.
Required item with choice. Only one item must be present.
Optional items with choice are shown below the main line, one of which you might specify.
Introduction ix
Table 3. Syntax Diagram Components (continued)
Component represented in PDF Component represented in HTML Meaning
----+----------------+--­+---PRIOR--------+ ’---PREVIOUS-----’
.-------,-----------. V|
---+-----------------+--­+---index_name---+ ’---table_name---’
The values below the main line are optional, one of which you might specify. If you do not specify an item, the value above the line is used by default.
Optional items. Several items are allowed; a comma must precede each repetition.
>>-| Table Reference |-><
Table Reference |--+-----view--------+--|
+------table------+ ’----synonym------’

How to read a command-line syntax diagram

Command-line syntax diagrams use similar elements to those of other syntax diagrams.
Some of the elements are listed in the table in Syntax Diagrams.
Creating a no-conversion job
 onpladm create job job
-t table
-p project
-n -d device -D database
Reference to a syntax segment.
Syntax segment.
-S server -T target
1 See page Z-1
This diagram has a segment named “Setting the Run Mode,” which according to the diagram footnote is on page Z-1. If this was an actual cross-reference, you would find this segment on the first page of Appendix Z. Instead, this segment is shown in the following segment diagram. Notice that the diagram uses segment start and end components.
x IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows
Setting the Run Mode
Setting the run mode:
-f d p a
n N
To see how to construct a command correctly, start at the upper left of the main diagram. Follow the diagram to the right, including the elements that you want. The elements in this diagram are case-sensitive because they illustrate utility syntax. Other types of syntax, such as SQL, are not case-sensitive.
The Creating a No-Conversion Job diagram illustrates the following steps:
1. Type onpladm create job and then the name of the job.
2. Optionally, type -p and then the name of the project.
3. Type the following required elements:
v -n
v -d and the name of the device
v -D and the name of the database
v -t and the name of the table
4. Optionally, you can choose one or more of the following elements and repeat
them an arbitrary number of times:
v -S and the server name
v -T and the target server name
v The run mode. To set the run mode, follow the Setting the Run Mode
segment diagram to type -f, optionally type d, p,ora, and then optionally type l or u.
5. Follow the diagram to the terminator.

Keywords and punctuation

Keywords are words reserved for statements and all commands except system-level commands.
When a keyword appears in a syntax diagram, it is shown in uppercase letters. When you use a keyword in a command, you can write it in uppercase or lowercase letters, but you must spell the keyword exactly as it appears in the syntax diagram.
You must also use any punctuation in your statements and commands exactly as shown in the syntax diagrams.

Identifiers and names

Variables serve as placeholders for identifiers and names in the syntax diagrams and examples.
You can replace a variable with an arbitrary name, identifier, or literal, depending on the context. Variables are also used to represent complex syntax elements that are expanded in additional syntax diagrams. When a variable appears in a syntax diagram, an example, or text, it is shown in lowercase italic.
Introduction xi
The following syntax diagram uses variables to illustrate the general form of a simple SELECT statement.
 SELECT column_name FROM table_name 
When you write a SELECT statement of this form, you replace the variables column_name and table_name with the name of a specific column and table.

How to provide documentation feedback

You are encouraged to send your comments about IBM Informix user documentation.
Use one of the following methods:
v Send email to
v In the Informix information center, which is available online at, open the topic that you want to comment on. Click the feedback link at the bottom of the page, fill out the form, and submit your feedback.
v Add comments to topics directly in the information center and read comments
that were added by other users. Share information about the product documentation, participate in discussions with other users, rate topics, and more!
Feedback from all methods is monitored by the team that maintains the user documentation. The feedback methods are reserved for reporting errors and omissions in the documentation. For immediate help with a technical problem, contact IBM Technical Support at
We appreciate your suggestions.
xii IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows

Chapter 1. Preparing to install Informix and client products on Windows

Read the following information and complete the tasks appropriate for your installation environment.

Online notes

See the release notes, documentation notes, and machine notes in the Release Information subtopic under the Product Overview topic for useful topics and links about an IBM the known and fixed defects for the product or fix pack.
All these notes are in the Information Center at infocenter/idshelp/v117/index.jsp.

Verify system requirements

See the IBM Informix machine notes for a list of supported Windows operating systems on which you can install the products.
Important: The following requirements might be lower for your system, depending on the operating system and environment.
Informix®product or fix pack. Also review the online notes about
A typical installation of the IBM Informix software bundle requires approximately 750 MB of disk space. Some installation choices require additional disk space. The installation application informs you of the total disk space required by your setup before you copy the binary files to your host computer.
An installation requires approximately 1 GB RAM.
Ensure that you have 1 GB free space available in your temporary directory before installation. This is to allow the extraction of the installation media and for running the installation program. This location can be altered by setting the IATEMPDIR environment variable to a location that contains sufficient storage prior to invoking the installation program.
32-bit installation media on 64-bit Windows computers
If you want to use the 32-bit installation media on a 64-bit Windows computer, the Windows 32 on Windows 64 bit compatibility folder (usually %windir%\SysWOW64) must occur in the path environment variable in front of the native 64 bit folder (usually %windir%\system32) before installation is started. Failure to meet this prerequisite can result in an aborted installation because of a missing prerequisite. The suggested method for starting the installer is to open a command prompt, add the compatibility folder to path (set path=%windir%\syswow64;%path%), and then run the installation application from this command prompt.
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Add the compatibility folder to path. For example, if the Windows on Windows
compatibility folder is in %windir%\SysWOW64, set path=%windir%\sysWOW64; %path%
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2011 1-1
3. Open the ids_install.exe file from this command prompt to start the
installation application instead of clicking the executable file through Windows Explorer or using another method to open the installation executable file.
To complete the installation, see “Installing with the GUI typical setup” on page 2-1 or “Installing with the GUI custom setup” on page 2-2.

Verify Administrators group membership

Verify that you are logged in as a member of the Windows Administrators group.
For information about how to create groups and add users to groups, see your Windows documentation.

Multiple installations of the Informix server on one computer

You can complete multiple installations of the Informix 11.70 database server on the same computer. Each Informix installation on the host computer can run with its own installation setup, including unique role separation settings.
Copies of the same version
You can install multiple copies of the same version of the Informix server on one Windows operating system, provided that each installation is placed in a different directory. A copy refers to an installation in a different location from any other installation. The benefits of doing this include:
v The ability to test new features before using them in a production database
v The ability to have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions on the same computer
Each installation adds a corresponding program group on the Start > Programs menu.
The first installation on a computer, by default, does not have an installation number appended to the program group name. When you install additional copies of the product on the same computer, a number is appended to the program group name. The first copy (that is, the second installation of the product on the computer) has 1 appended at the end of the program group entry, and the number of each subsequent copy that you install increases by 1. For example, the installation number of the third copy is 2 and the installation number of the next copy is 3.
You cannot install copies of IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit or IBM Informix Connect on a computer that already has an installation of one of these client products.

Choose your installation setup

Typical setup installs all Informix products on the installation media, with all features, and requires minimal user input. Custom setup lets you select specific products and features to exclude from the installation to minimize the footprint (disk size) and provides options to install the Informix server with more advanced security and configuration features.
1-2 IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows
Installation application setup types
The installation application has two setup options:
Typical installation
Typical setup is recommended for most database server environments, but the installation requires more disk space and memory than an installation created using custom setup.
Custom installation
Custom setup lets you select products and features to exclude from the installation. Some features are mutually dependent, and must be installed with one another. The installation application enforces these dependencies.
In addition, custom setup lets you select whether to create a database server instance automatically after installation. If you create an instance in custom installation, you have the option to set specific configuration parameters or to let the installation application set them automatically.
You must select custom setup to complete a domain installation or to enable role separation.
You can run the installation application on Windows in either of the following modes:
v Graphical user interface (GUI).
v Silent installation. You can perform a silent installation, an installation method
that requires no user interaction with the installation application after you start it. Silent installation is useful when you plan to install Informix or related products on multiple computers. You must have a complete response file, which indicates how you want the installation to be configured, before you can perform a silent installation.
Which setup type you select depends on your system architecture, your technical expertise, and the requirements of your implementation.
Silent installation
Installing database server to run as local system account
Related tasks
“Installing with the GUI typical setup” on page 2-1
“Installing with the GUI custom setup” on page 2-2
“Performing a silent installation of Informix and client products” on page 2-4

Plan role separation

Role separation provides increased database security because the database server splits administrative tasks into mutually exclusive roles.
If you expect to replicate your installation configuration with silent installation, read “Performing a silent installation of Informix and client products” on page 2-4 first.
To install the Informix database server as a local system account on Windows, you must select a custom installation and complete the administrative user configuration accordingly. With the option to run the Informix service as local system, the database server is started using the Windows local system account, instead of user informix.
Chapter 1. Preparing to install Informix and client products (Windows) 1-3
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