ivIBM eServer OpenPower 710 Technical Overview and Introduction
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viIBM eServer OpenPower 710 Technical Overview and Introduction
This document is a comprehensive guide covering the IBM® Sserver OpenPower™ 710
server. We introduce major hardware offerings and discuss their prominent functions.
Professionals wishing to acquire a better understanding of IBM Sserver OpenPower
products should consider reading this document. The intended audience includes:
Sales and marketing professionals
Technical support professionals
IBM Business Partners
Independent software vendors
This document expands the current set of IBM Sserver documentation by providing a
desktop reference that offers a detailed technical description of the OpenPower 710 server.
This publication does not replace the latest IBM Sserver marketing materials and tools. It is
intended as an additional source of information that, together with existing sources, can be
used to enhance your knowledge of IBM server solutions.
The team that wrote this Redpaper
This Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center.
Dexter Charles is an IBM Accredited IT Specialist with seven years in the IT industry. Dexter
has worked four years as a pSeries® Specialist with Americas Techline, providing pre-sales
technical support for IBM Eserver® p5, pSeries, Linux® on POWER™, and WebSphere®
sizing on pSeries platform. Dexter holds a number of IBM certifications including AIX®
System Administration, pSeries Enterprise Technical Support, and AIX 5L™ Installation,
Backup and System Recovery.
Peter Jürß is an IBM Accredited Senior IT Specialist for pSeries working for IBM EMEA
Techline, Central Region in Germany, supporting IBM Sales and IBM Business Partners with
technical pre-sales consulting. He has more than seven years of experience in the IT industry
and five years of experience in the area of RS/6000® and pSeries systems and software
The project that created this publication was managed by:
Scott Vetter
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Arzu Gucer
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center
John Hilburn, Carolyn K Jones, Thoi Nguyen, Herman Leonard, Tenley Jackson,
Rich LaFrance, Bill Mihaltse, Jim McGaughan, Sharon Dobbs
Derrick Daines, Dave Williams, Eric Rowen
Volker Haug
IBM Germany
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viiiIBM eServer OpenPower 710 Technical Overview and Introduction
Chapter 1.General description
The IBM Sserver® OpenPower™ 710 rack-mount server (9123-710) is a powerful, dense
2-way-capable system that delivers the expandability and availability required for constrained
data centers. The OpenPower 710 server's raw computing power positions it well for
high-performance engineering and scientific workloads. Its system-level expandability and
availability suits edge of network, general infrastructure, Web content serving, and application
hosting services applications. The OpenPower 710 server comes in a 2U rack drawer
package and is available in a 1-way or 2-way configuration.
The OpenPower 710 server's symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) uses a 1-way or 2-way,
state-of-the-art, 64-bit, Silicon on Insulator, copper-based IBM POWER5™ microprocessor
running at 1.65 GHz with 36 MB of Level 3 (L3) cache. The base 1 GB of main memory can
be expanded to 32 GB for faster performance and exploitation of 64-bit addressing as used in
large database applications.
The OpenPower 710 server contains five device bays. The five device bays are
front-accessible; four bays are for hot-swap-capable disk drives and can accommodate up to
1.2 TB of disk storage. The fifth bay is used for a slimline DVD-ROM or DVD-RAM. Other
integrated features include three 64-bit PCI-X slots, integrated service processor, integrated
10/100/1000 Mbps two-port Ethernet, two service processor communication, two USBs, and
two HMC ports, integrated dual-channel Ultra320 SCSI controller, external SCSI port,
hot-swappable power and cooling, and optional redundant power.
For partitioning, a Hardware Management Console (HMC) is required. The optional feature
code (FC) 1965 POWER Hypervisor™ and Virtual I/O Server are also supported on the
OpenPower 710 server, which supports dynamic LPAR
Micro-Partitioning™ technology, virtual Ethernet, as well as virtual SCSI.
IBM Cluster Systems Management (CSM) V1.4.1 for Linux on POWER is supported on the
OpenPower 710 server.
The OpenPower 710 server is backed by a three-year limited warranty. Check with your IBM
representative for particular warranty availbility in your region.
, up to 20 micro-partitions using
Dynamic LPAR support varies by Linux distribution.
Table 1-1 lists the general system specifications of the OpenPower 710 server.
Table 1-1 IBM eServer OpenPower 710 server specifications
Operating temperature5 to 35 degrees Celsius (41 to 95 degrees Farenheit)
Relative humidity8 to 80 percent
Operating voltage100–127 or 200–240 volts AC (auto-ranging)
Operating frequency50/60 plus or minus 0.5 Hz
Maximum power consumption475 watts
Maximum thermal output1622 BTU/hr (British Thermal Unit)
1.2 Physical package
Table 1-2 lists the major physical attributes found on the OpenPower 710 server.
Table 1-2 IBM eServer OpenPower 710 server physical packaging
Height89 mm (3.5 inches)
Width483 mm (19 inches)
Depth686 mm (27.0 inches)
Minimum configuration16.8 kg (37 lb)
Maximum configuration23.2 kg (51 lb)
1.3 OpenPower 710 rack-mount server
Figure 1-1 shows the OpenPower 710 server that has been removed from a rack.
Figure 1-1 The OpenPower 710 rack-mount server
The OpenPower 710 server is a 2U-high, rack-mounted server, designed to be installed in a
19-inch rack. There is no deskside model available.
2IBM eServer OpenPower 710 Technical Overview and Introduction
One of the following feature codes (FC) must be ordered along with the system:
FC 7998 IBM Rack-mount Drawer Bezel
FC 7999 OEM Rack-mount Drawer Bezel and Hardware
The OpenPower 710 server can be installed in either IBM or OEM racks. There is only one
adjustable rack-mount drawer rail kit available for both IBM and OEM racks:
FC 7166 IBM/OEM Rack-mount Drawer Rail Kit
It is possible to place up to 21 systems in an area of 644 mm (25.5 inches) x 1147 mm (45.2
inches) if one 42U-high rack is used. The 14 ft. length of the jumper cords (between the
drawer and the PDU) will require additional cable management. The extra length of a cord not
used in its routing between its two ends will have to be accounted for inside rack space.
Included with the OpenPower 710 rack-mounted server packaging are all of the components
and instructions necessary to enable installation in a 19-inch rack.
Figure 1-2 shows a more detailed view of the OpenPower 710 rack-mount server, including
connectors, location codes, SCSI IDs, and components.
Figure 1-2 Front and rear view of the OpenPower 710 server including location codes
Chapter 1. General description 3
1.4 Minimum and optional features
The IBM Eserver OpenPower 710 server is based on a flexible, modular design featuring: One-way and 2-way symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) design using one POWER5 chip
packaged in a processor module soldered directly to the system planar
1 GB of 266 MHz DDR1 ECC memory, expandable to 32 GB
Four hot-swappable disk drive bays
Three 64-bit, 3.3 volt, long, 133 MHz PCI-X slots
One slimline media bay
The OpenPower 710 server supports the following integrated ports:
Dual ported 10/100/1000 Ethernet
Dual channel Ultra320 SCSI controller (one internal and one external VHDCI LVD
Service processor
Hot-plug and redundant fans
Two USB ports
Two service processor communications ports
Two HMC ports
The OpenPower 710 server supports the Linux® operating system (OS) and requires the
following specific levels:
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (SLES 9) for POWER, or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS for POWER Version 3 (RHEL AS 3), or later
1.4.1 Processor features
The OpenPower 710 server features one POWER5 chip with one or two active processor
cores running at 1.65 GHz. The OpenPower 710 server is available as a one-way or two-way
system. Table 1-3 lists the available processor features.
The OpenPower 710 POWER5 chip is mounted on the system planar and directly interfaced
to the memory buffer SMI-II chips.
1.4.2 POWER Hypervisor technology
The POWER Hypervisor technology for the IBM Sserver OpenPower 710 server includes
static and dynamic logical partitioning, as well as Micro-Partitioning and virtualization
technology. Table 1-4 shows the required feature code.
4IBM eServer OpenPower 710 Technical Overview and Introduction
Table 1-4 Advanced POWER Virtualization option
Feature codeDescription
1965POWER Hypervisor and Virtual I/O Server
For a detailed discussion on logical partitioning and virtualization, please refer to “The
POWER Hypervisor and Virtual I/O Server technologies” on page 26.
1.4.3 Memory features
The minimum memory requirement for the OpenPower 710 server is 1 GB, and the maximum
capacity is 32 GB. Memory DIMMs are installed into eight DIMM sockets located on the
system planar. The supported memory is 266 MHz DDR1 DIMMs. Table 1-5 lists the available
memory features.
The OpenPower 710 server features four disk bays and one slimline media bay. The minimum
configuration requires at least one disk drive. Table 1-6 shows the disk drive feature codes
that each bay can contain.
Table 1-6 Hot-swappable disk drive options
Feature codeDescription
197036.4 GB 15,000 rpm Ultra320 SCSI Disk Drive Assembly
196873.4 GB 10,000 rpm Ultra320 SCSI Disk Drive Assembly
197173.4 GB 15,000 rpm Ultra320 SCSI Disk Drive Assembly
1969146.8 GB 10,000 rpm Ultra320 SCSI Disk Drive Assembly
1972146.8 GB 15,000 rpm Ultra320 SCSI Disk Drive Assembly
1973300 GB 10,000 rpm Ultra320 SCSI Disk Drive Assembly
A DVD-ROM or DVD-RAM drive can be installed in the slimline bay:
DVD-ROM drive, FC 1994 (default)
DVD-RAM drive, FC 1993
A logical partition running a supported release of the Linux operating system requires a DVD
drive to provide a method to run the hardware diagnostics from the CD.
Chapter 1. General description 5
1.4.5 USB diskette drive
In some situations, an external USB 1.44 MB diskette drive for OpenPower 710 servers
(FC 2591) is helpful. This lightweight USB V2 attached diskette drive takes its power
requirements from the USB port. A USB cable is provided. The drive can be attached to the
integrated USB ports, or to a USB adapter (FC 2738). A maximum of one USB diskette drive
is supported per controller. The same controller can share a USB mouse and keyboard.
1.4.6 Hardware Management Console models
The Hardware Management Console is a dedicated workstation that allows you to configure
and manage partitions. The hardware management application helps you configure and
partition the server through a graphical user interface (GUI).
Functions performed by the HMC includes:
Creating and maintaining a multiple-partition environment
Displaying a virtual operating system session terminal for each partition
Displaying a virtual operator panel of contents for each partition
Detecting, reporting, and storing changes in hardware conditions
Powering managed systems on and off
Acting as a service local point for service representatives to determine an appropriate
service strategy
See “Hardware Management Console” on page 33 for detailed information on the HMC.
Table 1-7 lists the HMC options for POWER5 processor-based systems available at the time
this paper was written.
Table 1-7 Supported HMC
7310-C04IBM 7310 Model C04 Desktop Hardware Management Console
7310-CR3IBM 7310 Model CR3 Rack-Mount Hardware Management Console
1.5 Express Product Offerings
New specially priced Express Product Offerings are now available for the OpenPower 710
servers. These Express Product Offerings feature popular, easy-to-order preconfigured
servers with attractive financial incentives. Express Product Offerings are available only as an
initial order.
OpenPower Express servers are complemented by pre-tested solutions that provide
recommended system configurations with installation and sizing aids, for a range of business
requirements. Built on the solid base of OpenPower servers, the Linux operating system, and
popular application software packages, these offerings are designed to help smaller and
mid-sized companies solve a variety of business problems—application consolidation, e-mail
security, and infrastructure for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
Available solutions include:
IBM Eserver OpenPower Network E-Mail Security Express Solution
IBM Eserver OpenPower and IBM DB2® Universal Database for SAP Solution
6IBM eServer OpenPower 710 Technical Overview and Introduction
IBM Eserver OpenPower Consolidation Express Solution
Express Product Offerings consist of the following processor requirements: Either a one-way
POWER5 1.65 GHz processor (FC 1939) or two-way POWER5 1.65 GHz processor
(FC 1941), and a defined minimum configuration. If any of the features in an Express Product
Offering are changed, the Express Product Offering identification feature (FC 936X) will be
removed from the order.
Table 1-8 lists the available Express Product Offerings configurations and minimum
a. SKU Identifier = Stock Keeping Unit Identifier.
b. The Consolidation Offering includes 2 x FC 1965 (POWER Hypervisor and Virtual I/O Server)
as a minimum requirement.
1-way, FC 1939, 1.65 GHz1 x 2048
2-way, FC 1941, 1.65 GHz2 x 2048
2-way, FC 1941, 1.65 GHz2 x 4096
(FC 1950)
(FC 1950)
(FC 1951)
2 x 73.4 GB disk
drive, FC 1968
2 x 73.4 GB disk
drive, FC 1968
2 x 73.4 GB disk
drive, FC 1971
The Express Product Offerings also includes:
DVD-ROM (FC 1994)
IBM Rack-mount drawer bezel and hardware (FC 7998)
Rack-mount drawer rail kit (FC 7166)
Power supply, 700 watt (FC 7989)
Language group specify (FC 9300 or 97xx)
Power cord
Note: Keyboard, mouse, operating system (OS) license, and OS media are not included in
these configurations.
Note: If a build-to-order (BTO) configuration meets all the requirements of an OpenPower
Express configuration, Express configuration pricing will be applied.
When an OpenPower Express configuration is ordered, the nine-digit reference number
called a SKU Identifier will be printed on the packing list and on a label (readable and
barcode) on the outside of the box. Also, it will appear on invoices and billing statements. The
SKU Identifier helps improve IBM distributors’ inventory management. The SKU Identifier
numbers for OpenPower Express configurations are listed in Table 1-8 above.
Chapter 1. General description 7
Note: Only Express Product Offerings configurations will have SKU Identifiers. No BTO
configuration, even if it meets the definition of an Express Product Offering configuration,
will have an SKU Identifier. Any modifications to an Express hardware configuration will
suppress the SKU Identifier.
1.6 System racks
The Enterprise Rack Models T00 and T42 are 19-inch wide racks for general use with
IBM Sserver p5, OpenPower, and pSeries rack-based or rack drawer-based systems. The
racks provide increased capacity, greater flexibility, and improved floor space utilization.
If a IBM Sserver OpenPower system is to be installed in a non-IBM rack or cabinet, you
must ensure that the rack conforms to the EIA
standard EIA-310-D (see “OEM rack” on
page 12).
Note: It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the installation of the drawer in the preferred rack or cabinet results in a configuration that is stable, serviceable, safe, and compatible with the drawer requirements for power, cooling, cable management, weight, and
rail security.
1.6.1 IBM RS/6000 7014 Model T00 Enterprise Rack
The 1.8-meter (71-inch) Model T00 is compatible for past and present IBM Sserver p5,
OpenPower, and pSeries systems that fit into 19-inch racks and is designed for use in all
situations that have previously used the older rack models R00 and S00. The T00 rack has
the following features:
36 EIA units (36U) of usable space.
Optional removable side panels.
Optional highly perforated front door.
Optional side-to-side mounting hardware for joining multiple racks.
Standard business black or optional white color in OEM format.
Increased power distribution and weight capacity.
Optional reinforced (ruggedized) rack feature (FC 6080) provides added earthquake
protection with modular rear brace, concrete floor bolt-down hardware, and bolt-in steel
front filler panels.
Support for both AC and DC configurations.
DC rack height is increased to 1926 mm (75.8 inches) if a power distribution panel is fixed
to the top of the rack.
Up to four Power Distribution Units (PDUs) can be mounted in the PDU bays (see
Figure 1-3 on page 10), but others can fit inside the rack. See “AC Power Distribution Unit
and rack content” on page 9.
An optional rack status beacon (FC 4690). This beacon is designed to be placed on top of
a rack and cabled to servers, such as an OpenPower 710 server, and other components
inside the rack. Servers can be programmed to illuminate the beacon in response to a
detected problem or changes in system status.
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA). Accredited by American National Standards Institute (ANSI), EIA provides a
forum for industry to develop standards and publications throughout the electronics and high-tech industries.
8IBM eServer OpenPower 710 Technical Overview and Introduction
A rack status beacon junction box (FC 4693) should be used to connect multiple servers to
the beacon. This feature provides six input connectors and one output connector for the
rack. To connect the servers or other components to the junction box or the junction box to
the rack, status beacon cables (FC 4691) are necessary. Multiple junction boxes can be
linked together in a series using daisy chain cables (FC 4692).
– T00 base empty rack: 244 kg (535 pounds)
– T00 full rack: 816 kg (1795 pounds)
1.6.2 IBM RS/6000 7014 Model T42 Enterprise Rack
The 2.0-meter (79.3-inch) Model T42 is the rack that will address a client requirement for a tall
enclosure to house the maximum amount of equipment in the smallest possible floor space.
The features that differ in the Model T42 rack from the Model T00 include the following:
42 EIA units (42 U) of usable space (6 U of additional space)
Model T42 supports AC only
– T42 base empty rack: 261 kg (575 pounds)
– T42 full rack: 930 kg (2045 pounds)
1.6.3 AC Power Distribution Unit and rack content
For rack models T00 and T42, 12-outlet PDUs (FC 9188 and FC 7188) are available.
Four PDUs can be mounted vertically in the 7014 racks. See Figure 1-3 for placement of the
four vertically mounted PDUs. In the rear of the rack, two additional PDUs can be installed
horizontally in the T00 and three in the T42 rack. The four vertical mounting locations will be
filled first. Mounting PDUs horizontally consumes 1U per PDU and reduces the space
available for other racked components. When mounting PDUs horizontally, it is recommended
that fillers be used in the EIA units occupied by these PDUs to facilitate proper air-flow and
ventilation in the rack.
For detailed power cord requirements and power cord feature codes, see the publication
IBM Eserver Planning Information, SA38-0508. An online copy can be found at Maps of
pSeries books to the information center → Planning → Printable PDFs → Planning:
Note: Ensure the appropriate power cord feature is configured to support the power being
The Base/Side Mount Universal PDU (FC 9188) and the optional, additional, Universal PDU
(FC 7188), support a wide range of country requirements and electrical power specifications.
It receives power through a UTG0247 connector. Each PDU requires one PDU to wall power
cord. Nine power cord features are available for different countries and applications by
varying the PDU to Wall Power Cord, which must be ordered separately. Each power cord
provides the unique design characteristics for the different power requirements. To match new
power requirements and save previous investments, these power cords can be requested
with an initial order of the rack, or with a later upgrade of the rack features.
Chapter 1. General description 9
The PDU has twelve IEC 320-C13 outlets. There are six groups of two outlets fed by six
circuit breakers. Each outlet is rated up to 10 amps, but each group of two outlets is fed from
one 15 amps circuit breaker.
Note: The maximum number of OpenPower 710 servers supported on a 30 amp service
(PDU derated to 24 amps) is nine per PDU.
The maximum number of OpenPower 710 servers supported on a 60 amp service (PDU
derated to 48 amps) is 12 per PDU.
The Universal PDUs are compatible with previous IBM Eserver p5, OpenPower, and
pSeries models.
Figure 1-3 PDU placement and PDU view
1.6.4 Rack-mounting rules for OpenPower 710 server
The OpenPower 710 server is a 2U rack-mounted server drawer. The primary rules that
should be followed when mounting the OpenPower 710 server into a rack are:
The OpenPower 710 server is designed to be placed at any location in the rack. For rack
stability, it is advisable to start filling a rack from the bottom.
Any remaining space in the rack can be used to install other systems or peripherals,
provided that the maximum permissible weight of the rack is not exceeded and the
installation rules for these devices are followed.
Before placing a OpenPower 710 server into the service position, it is essential that the
rack manufacturer’s safety instructions are followed regarding rack stability.
A maximum of 18 model OpenPower 710 servers fit in the T00 rack, and 21 model
OpenPower 710 servers in T42 rack.
The 14 ft. length of the jumper cords (between the drawer and the PDU) will require
additional cable management. The extra length of a cord not used in its routing between
its two ends will have to be accounted for inside rack space.
10IBM eServer OpenPower 710 Technical Overview and Introduction
1.6.5 Additional options for rack
The intention of this section is to highlight some solutions available to provide a single point of
management for environments composed of multiple OpenPower 710 servers or other
IBM Eserver p5 and pSeries systems.
IBM 7212 Model 102 IBM TotalStorage® Storage device enclosure
The IBM 7212 Model 102 is designed to provide efficient and convenient storage expansion
capabilities for select IBM Sserver p5, OpenPower, and pSeries servers. The IBM 7212
Model 102 is a 1U rack-mountable option to be installed in a standard 19-inch rack using an
optional rack-mount hardware feature kit. The 7212 Model 102 has two bays that can
accommodate any of the following storage drive features:
Digital Data Storage (DDS) Gen 5 DAT72 Tape Drive provides physical storage capacity
of 36 GB (72 GB with 2:1 compression) per data cartridge.
VXA-2 Tape Drive provides a media capacity of up to 80 GB (160 GB with 2:1
compression) of physical data storage capacity per cartridge.
Digital Data Storage (DDS-4) tape drive with 20 GB native data capacity per tape cartridge
and a native physical data transfer rate of up to 3 MB/sec that uses a 2:1 compression so
that a single tape cartridge can store up to 40 GB of data.
DVD-ROM drive is a 5 1/4-inch, half-high device. It can read 640 MB CD-ROM and 4.7 GB
DVD-RAM media. It can be used for Alternate IPL
(IBM-distributed CD-ROM media only)
and program distribution.
DVD-RAM drive with up to 2.7 MB/sec throughput. Using 3:1 compression, a single disk
can store up to 28 GB of data. Supported DVD disk native capacities on a single
DVD-RAM disk are as follows: Up to 2.6 GB, 4.7 GB, 5.2 GB, and 9.4 GB.
Flat panel display options
The IBM 7316-TF3 Flat Panel Console Kit can be installed in the system rack. This 1U
console uses a 15-inch thin film transistor (TFT) LCD with a viewable area of
304.1 mm x 228.1 mm and a 1024 x 768 pels
Kit has the following attributes:
Flat panel color monitor.
Rack tray for keyboard, monitor, and optional VGA switch with mounting brackets.
IBM Travel Keyboard mounts in the rack keyboard tray (Integrated Trackpoint® and
IBM PS/2 Travel Keyboards are supported on the 7316-TF3 for use in configurations where
only PS/2 keyboard ports are available.
The IBM 7316-TF3 Flat Panel Console Kit provides an option for the IBM USB Travel
Keyboards withUltraNav.The USB keyboard allows the 7316-TF3 to be connected to
systems that do not have PS/2keyboard ports. The IBM USB Travel Keyboard may be direct
attached to an available integrated USB port or a supported USB adapter (2738) on
IBM Eserver OpenPower servers or IBM 7310-CR3 and 7315-CR3 Hardware Management
resolution. The 7316-TF3 Flat Panel Console
The Netbay LCM (Keyboard/Video/Mouse) Switch (FC 4202) allows users single-point
access and control of up to 64 servers from a single console. The Netbay LCM Switch has a
maximum video resolution of 1600 x 1280 and mounts in a 1U drawer behind the 7316-TF3
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Chapter 1. General description 11
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