IBM Storage Networking SAN128B-6, 8960-F96, 8960-N96 Installation, Service And User Manual

IBM Storage Networking SAN128B-6
MTM Service information: 8960-F96, 8960-N96
Installation, Service, and User Guide
Read Before Using
This product contains software that is licensed under written license agreements. Your use of such software is subject to the license agreements under which they are provided.
Copyright Portions Copyright © 2018 Broadcom Limited and/or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2018.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Figures ............... v
Tables ............... vii
Read this first ............ ix
Getting help .............. ix
Accessibility features for the SAN128B-6 ..... ix
How to send your comments ......... x
Safety and environmental notices ... xi
Safety notices and labels .......... xi
Cautions ............... xi
Danger Notices ............. xii
Safety labels .............. xiv
Attention notices ............ xv
ESD precautions ............ xvi
Rack safety .............. xvi
Rack installation ........... xvi
Rack relocation (19" rack) ........ xviii
Product recycling and disposal ....... xviii
Preface .............. xix
Product documents ........... xix
Brocade documents ........... xix
IBM and Brocade product matrix ....... xix
Device Overview ........... 1
License options ............. 2
Port-side view .............. 2
Nonport-side view ............ 3
Device management options ......... 4
Preparing for the Installation ...... 5
Safety precautions ............ 5
General precautions ........... 5
ESD precautions ............ 6
Power precautions ........... 7
Lifting and weight-related precautions..... 8
Laser precautions ............ 9
Facility requirements ........... 9
Quick installation checklist ......... 10
Shipping carton contents .......... 12
Mounting the switch ......... 13
Precautions specific to mounting ....... 13
Standalone installation........... 14
Installing the Universal Four-Post Rack Kit .... 14
Time and items required ......... 15
Parts list .............. 15
Flush-front mounting .......... 17
Attaching the front brackets ....... 17
Attaching the bracket extensions to the device 18
Installing the device in the rack...... 18
Attaching the rear brackets to the extensions 19
Attaching the rear brackets to the rack posts 20
Flush-rear (recessed) mounting ....... 21
Attaching the front brackets to the rear of the
device .............. 21
Attaching the bracket extensions to the front
of the device ............ 22
Installing the device in the rack...... 23
Attaching the rear brackets to the extensions
at the front of the device ........ 24
Attaching the rear brackets to the front rack
posts .............. 26
Installing the Universal Two-Post Rack Kit .... 26
Time and items required ......... 27
Parts list .............. 27
Flush-front mounting .......... 28
Attaching the front brackets to the device .. 28 Attaching the front brackets to the rack ... 29 Attaching the rear brackets to the rack ... 30 Attaching the rear brackets to the device .. 31
Mid-mounting ............ 32
Attaching the front brackets to the device .. 32 Attaching the front brackets to the rack ... 33 Attaching the rear brackets to the rack ... 34 Attaching the rear brackets to the device .. 35
Initial Setup and Verification ..... 37
Items required ............. 37
Providing power to the device ........ 37
Establishing a first-time serial connection .... 37
Configuring the IP address ......... 38
Using DHCP to set the IP address ...... 39
Setting a static IP address......... 39
Setting the date and time .......... 39
Setting the time zone .......... 40
Synchronizing local time with an external source 40 Customizing the chassis name and switch name .. 41
Establishing an Ethernet connection ...... 41
Setting the domain ID ........... 41
Verifying correct operation ......... 42
Backing up the configuration ........ 43
Powering down the device ......... 43
Installing Transceivers and Cables... 45
Time and items required .......... 45
Precautions specific to transceivers and cables ... 45
Cleaning the fiber-optic connectors ...... 46
Managing cables............. 46
Installing an SFP+ transceiver ........ 46
Replacing an SFP+ transceiver ........ 47
Installing a QSFP transceiver ........ 48
Replacing a QSFP transceiver ........ 49
Verifying the operation of new transceivers.... 50
Monitoring the device ........ 51
Port-side LED locations .......... 51
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 iii
System power LED ........... 52
System status LED ........... 52
FC port status LED........... 53
QSFP port status LED .......... 53
Nonport-side LED locations ......... 54
Power supply OK and FAIL status LEDs ... 55
Fan assembly status LED ......... 55
Interpreting the POST results ........ 55
Interpreting the BOOT results ........ 56
Running diagnostic tests .......... 56
Power Supply Assemblies ...... 57
Precautions specific to the power supply assemblies 58
Identifying the airflow direction ....... 58
Power supply OK and FAIL status LEDs .... 59
Power supply assembly unit fault indicators ... 59
Power supply assembly task guide ...... 59
Time and items required .......... 60
Recording power supply assembly critical
information .............. 60
Removing a power supply and fan assembly ... 61
Inserting a new power supply assembly ..... 62
Verifying the operation of the power supply and fan
assemblies ............... 63
Fan Assemblies ........... 65
Precautions specific to the fan assemblies .... 66
Identifying the airflow direction ....... 66
Fan assembly status LED .......... 67
Fan assembly unit fault indicators ....... 67
Fan assembly task guide .......... 67
Time and items required .......... 68
Recording power supply and fan assembly critical
information .............. 68
Removing a fan assembly ......... 68
Inserting a new fan assembly ........ 69
Verifying the operation of the power supply and fan
assemblies ............... 70
Chassis replacement ........ 71
Customer replacement responsibilities ..... 71
Determining the need to replace the chassis .. 71
Chassis replacement overview ....... 71
Preparing for replacement ....... 72
Recording critical device and SAN information 72
Powering down the switch ....... 75
Reconnecting system to the network and fabric 75
Downloading the configuration....... 76
Verifying correct operation of system ..... 77
Verifying correct configuration of the fabric... 78
IBM service replacement responsibilities ..... 79
Disconnecting the cables ......... 79
Remove the old switch chassis and install the
new switch chassis ........... 79
Appendix A. Product specifications .. 81
Appendix B. Cable routing table .... 87
Notices .............. 89
Trademarks .............. 90
Homologation statement .......... 90
Electronic emission notices ......... 90
BSMI statement (Taiwan) ......... 90
Canadian requirements ......... 90
CE statement ............. 91
China CCC statement .......... 91
China ROHS ............. 92
FCC warning (US only) ......... 92
Germany statement........... 92
KCC statement (Republic of Korea) ..... 92
VCCI statement ............ 92
Index ............... 93
iv SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide


1. Port-side view ............ 2
2. Nonport-side view with AC power supply and
fan assembly units .......... 3
3. Rack kit parts ............ 16
4. Attaching the front brackets ....... 17
5. Attaching the bracket extensions to the device 18
6. Positioning the device in the rack ..... 19
7. Attaching the rear brackets to the extensions 20
8. Attaching the rear brackets to the rack posts 21
9. Attaching the front brackets to the rear of the
device .............. 22
10. Attaching the bracket extensions to the device 23
11. Positioning the device in the rack ..... 24
12. Attaching the rear brackets to the extensions at
the front of the device ......... 25
13. Attaching the short or long rear brackets to the
extensions ............. 25
14. Attaching the rear brackets to the front rack
posts ............... 26
15. Rack kit parts ............ 27
16. Attaching the front brackets ....... 29
17. Attaching front brackets to a rack ..... 30
18. Attaching the rear brackets to a rack .... 31
19. Attaching the rear brackets to the device 32
20. Attaching the front brackets ....... 33
21. Attaching front brackets to a rack ..... 34
22. Attaching the rear brackets to a rack .... 35
23. Attaching the rear brackets to the device 36
24. Optical transceiver extraction tool ..... 45
25. Installing a 32-Gbps SFP+ transceiver into an
upper port ............. 47
26. Replacing a 32-Gbps SFP+ optical transceiver
in an upper port ........... 48
27. Installing a 32-Gbps QSFP transceiver in an
upper port ............. 49
28. Replacing a QSFP optical transceiver .... 50
29. SAN128B-6 port-side LEDs ....... 51
30. Nonport-side LEDs with AC power supplies 54
31. AC power supply assembly ....... 57
32. Removing an AC power supply and fan
assembly ............. 61
33. Inserting an AC power supply and fan
assembly ............. 62
34. Fan assembly ............ 65
35. Removing a fan assembly ........ 69
36. Inserting a fan assembly ........ 70
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 v
vi SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide


1. Brocade and IBM product and model number
matrix .............. xx
2. SFP+ ports numbering ......... 3
3. QSFP ports numbering ......... 3
4. Management options for the device ..... 4
5. Facility requirements .......... 9
6. Installation prerequisites ........ 10
7. Installation and basic system configuration 11
8. Space requirements .......... 14
9. tsTimeZone command parameter selection for
the US time zones .......... 40
10. System power LED patterns during normal
operation ............. 52
11. System status LED patterns during normal
operation ............. 52
12. SFP+ FC port status LED patterns during
normal operation........... 53
13. QSFP port status LED patterns during normal
operation ............. 53
14. Power supply status LEDs during normal
operation ............. 55
15. Fan assembly status LED patterns during
normal operation........... 55
16. Power supply status LEDs during normal
operation ............. 59
17. Fan assembly status LED patterns during
normal operation........... 67
18. Critical information checklist....... 73
19. Cable routing table for SAN128B-6..... 87
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 vii
viii SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide

Read this first

Summary of changes
This is the first edition of the IBM®System Networking SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide.

Getting help

For the latest version of your product documentation, visit the IBM Publications Center at Search by form number or title.
For more information about IBM Storage Networking products, go to networking.
IBM Redbooks®often provide in depth information about product best practices, configurations, and more technical information. For redbooks associated with this product, enter search terms on the following Web site:
For support information for this and other IBM products, see the IBM Support Portal Search for the product Machine type or product name.
For Fabric OS Release Notes and access to Fabric OS firmware downloads, go to the IBM Support Portal Search for the product Machine type or product name, and then follow links for Downloads. More detailed instructions are available through the Accessing firmware updates and OS documentation updates link on the product documentation CD that is shipped with this product.
You can also contact IBM within the United States at 1-800-IBMSERV (1-800-426-7378). For support outside the United States, you can find the service number through the IBM contacts directory website at
Visit the IBM contact website for contact information for your country or region.
For information about storage and networking industry standards, see the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) website at

Accessibility features for the SAN128B-6

Accessibility features help users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.
Accessibility features
The following list includes the major accessibility features in this product: v Light emitting diodes (LEDs) that flash at different rates, to represent the same information as the
colors of the LEDs
v Industry-standard devices for ports and connectors v Management of the product through management applications is available through Web and Graphical
User Interface (GUI) options
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 ix
Keyboard navigation
This product does not have an attached or integrated keyboard. Any keyboard navigation is provided through the management software and GUI.
Vendor software
This product includes certain vendor software that is not covered under the IBM license agreement. IBM makes no representation about the accessibility features of these products. Contact the vendor for the accessibility information about its products.
Related accessibility information
You can view the publications for this product in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The PDFs are provided on a product documentation CD-ROM that is packaged with the product. The CD-ROM also includes an accessible HTML version of this document.
IBM and accessibility
See the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center website at for more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.

How to send your comments

Your feedback is important in helping us provide the most accurate and high-quality information. If you have comments or suggestions for improving this document, send us your comments by email to Be sure to include the following information:
v Exact publication title v Form number (for example, GC27-2270-00) v Page numbers to which you are referring
You can also mail your comments to:
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When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
x SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide

Safety and environmental notices

This section contains information about:
v “Safety notices and labels” v “Rack safety” on page xvi v “Product recycling and disposal” on page xviii

Safety notices and labels

When using this product, observe the danger, caution, and attention notices contained in this guide. The notices are accompanied by symbols that represent the severity of the safety condition. The danger and caution notices are listed in numerical order based on their IDs, which are displayed in parentheses, for example (D004), at the end of each notice. Use this ID to locate the translation of these danger and caution notices in the Safety Notices publication that is shipped with this product.
The following notices and statements are used in IBM documents. They are listed below in order of increasing severity of potential hazards. Follow the links for more detailed descriptions and examples of the danger, caution, and attention notices in the sections that follow.
v Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice. v “Attention notices” on page xv: These notices indicate potential damage to programs, devices, or data. v “Cautions”: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially hazardous to you. v “Danger Notices” on page xii: These statements indicate situations that can be potentially lethal or
extremely hazardous to you. Safety labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these situations.
v In addition to these notices, “Safety labels” on page xiv may be attached to the product to warn of
potential hazards.


A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause damage to hardware, firmware, software, or data.
General cautions
CAUTION: Changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
CAUTION: Do not install the device in an environment where the operating ambient temperature might exceed 40°C (104°F).
CAUTION: Make sure the airflow around the front, and back of the device is not restricted.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 xi
Electrical cautions
CAUTION: Before plugging a cable into any port, be sure to discharge the voltage stored on the cable by touching the electrical contacts to ground surface.
CAUTION: Static electricity can damage the chassis and other electronic devices. To avoid damage, keep static-sensitive devices in their static-protective packages until you are ready to install them.
CAUTION: If you do not install a module or a power supply in a slot, you must keep the slot filler panel in place. If you run the chassis with an uncovered slot, the system will overheat.
CAUTION: Carefully follow the mechanical guides on each side of the power supply slot and make sure the power supply is properly inserted in the guides. Never insert the power supply upside down.
CAUTION: The power supply switch must be in the off position when you insert the power supply into the chassis. Damage to the switch can result if a live power supply is installed.

Danger Notices

CAUTION: All devices with DC power supplies are intended for installation in restricted access areas only. A restricted access area is a location where access can be gained only by trained service personnel through the use of a special tool, lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location.
CAUTION: For the DC input circuit to the system, make sure there is a 10 Amp circuit breaker, maximum 60 VDC, double pole, on the input terminal block to the power supply. The input wiring for connection to the product should be copper wire, 16 AWG, marked VW-1, and rated minimum 90°C.
CAUTION: For a DC system, use grounding wire of at least 16 American Wire Gauge (AWG). The grounding wire should be attached to the DC input connector; the other end connects to the building ground.
CAUTION: DC return shall be isolated from the chassis ground (DC-I) when connections to the power supply are made.
A Danger statement indicates conditions or situations that can be potentially lethal or extremely hazardous to you. Safety labels are also attached directly to products to warn of these conditions or situations.
xii SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide
General dangers
Electrical dangers
The procedures in this manual are for qualified service personnel.
Be careful not to accidently insert your fingers into the fan tray while removing it from the chassis. The fan may still be spinning at a high speed.
For safety reasons, the ESD wrist strap should contain a series 1 megaohm resistor.
Make sure that the power source circuits are properly grounded, then use the power cord supplied with the device to connect it to the power source.
Remove both power cords before servicing.
Disconnect the power cord from all power sources to completely remove power from the device.
To avoid high voltage shock, do not open the device while the power is on.
Safety and environmental notices xiii
Batteries used for RTC/NVRAM backup are not located in operator-access areas. There is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used components with batteries according to local ordinance and regulations.
Dangers related to equipment weight
Make sure the rack housing the device is adequately secured to prevent it from becoming unstable or falling over.
Laser dangers
All fiber-optic interfaces use Class 1 lasers.

Safety labels

As an added precaution, safety labels are often installed directly on products or product components to warn of potential hazards. These can be either danger or caution notices, depending upon the level of the hazard.
The actual product safety labels may differ from these sample safety labels:
Hazardous voltage, current, or energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached. Do not open any cover or barrier that contains this label. (L001)
Rack-mounted devices are not to be used as a shelf or work space. (L002)
Multiple power cords. The product might be equipped with multiple power cords. To remove all hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords. (L003)
xiv SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide
Hazardous voltage present. Voltages present constitute a shock hazard, which can cause severe injury or death. (L004)
CAUTION: Hazardous moving parts nearby. (L008)

Attention notices

An attention notice indicates the possibility of damage to a program, device, or system, or to data. An exclamation point symbol may accompany an attention notice, but is not required. A sample attention notice follows:
Attention: Do not bend a fibre cable to a radius less than 5 cm (2 in.); you can damage the cable. Tie wraps are not recommended for optical cables because they can be easily overtightened, causing damage to the cable.
Safety and environmental notices xv

ESD precautions

Attention: Many of the field replaceable units (FRUs) are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD), and can potentially be damaged by improper handling. When working with any FRU, use correct ESD precautions:
v Attach ground to the indicated area on the chassis v Wear a wrist grounding strap connected to chassis ground (if the switch is plugged in) or a bench
Note: For safety reasons, the ESD wrist strap should contain a series 1 megaohm resistor.
v Store ESD-sensitive components in antistatic packaging

Rack safety

Rack installation

Observe the following precautions when working on or around your IT rack system:
v Heavy equipment—personal injury or equipment damage might result if mishandled. v Always lower the leveling pads on the rack cabinet. v Always install stabilizer brackets on the rack cabinet. v To avoid hazardous conditions due to uneven mechanical loading, always install the heaviest devices in the
bottom of the rack cabinet. Always install servers and optional devices starting from the bottom of the rack cabinet.
v Rack-mounted devices are not to be used as shelves or work spaces. Do not place objects on top of
rack-mounted devices.
v Each rack cabinet might have more than one power cord. Be sure to disconnect all power cords in the rack
cabinet when directed to disconnect power during servicing.
v Connect all devices installed in a rack cabinet to power devices installed in the same rack cabinet. Do not
plug a power cord from a device installed in one rack cabinet into a power device installed in a different rack cabinet.
v An electrical outlet that is not correctly wired could place hazardous voltage on the metal parts of the system
or the devices that attach to the system. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the outlet is correctly wired and grounded to prevent an electrical shock.
(R001 part 1 of 2)
xvi SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide
CAUTION: v Do not install a unit in a rack where the internal rack ambient temperatures will exceed the manufacturer’s
recommended ambient temperature for all your rack-mounted devices.
v Do not install a unit in a rack where the air flow is compromised. Ensure that air flow is not blocked or
reduced on any side, front, or back of a unit used for air flow through the unit.
v Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit so that overloading of
the circuits does not compromise the supply wiring or overcurrent protection. To provide the correct power connection to a rack, refer to the rating labels located on the equipment in the rack to determine the total power requirement of the supply circuit.
v (For sliding drawers) Do not pull out or install any drawer or feature if the rack stabilizer brackets are not
attached to the rack. Do not pull out more than one drawer at a time. The rack might become unstable if you pull out more than one drawer at a time.
v (For fixed drawers) This drawer is a fixed drawer and must not be moved for servicing unless specified by the
manufacturer. Attempting to move the drawer partially or completely out of the rack might cause the rack to become unstable or cause the drawer to fall out of the rack.
(R001 part 2 of 2)
Safety and environmental notices xvii

Rack relocation (19" rack)

CAUTION: Removing components from the upper positions in the rack cabinet improves rack stability during relocation. Follow these general guidelines whenever you relocate a populated rack cabinet within a room or building:
v Reduce the weight of the rack cabinet by removing equipment starting at the top of the rack
cabinet. When possible, restore the rack cabinet to the configuration of the rack cabinet as you received it. If this configuration is not known, you must complete these steps:
– Remove all devices in the 32U position and above. – Ensure that the heaviest devices are installed in the bottom of the rack cabinet. – Ensure that there are no empty U-levels between devices installed in the rack cabinet below the
32U level.
– If the rack cabinet you are relocating is part of a suite of rack cabinets, detach the rack cabinet
from the suite. – Inspect the route that you plan to take when moving the rack to eliminate potential hazards. – Verify that the route that you choose can support the weight of the loaded rack cabinet. Refer to
the documentation that came with your rack cabinet for the weight of a loaded rack cabinet. – Verify that all door openings are at least 760 x 2030 mm (30 x 80 in.). – Ensure that all devices, shelves, drawers, doors, and cables are secure. – Ensure that the four leveling pads are raised to their highest position. – Ensure that there is no stabilizer bracket installed on the rack cabinet during movement. – Do not use a ramp inclined at more than 10 degrees. – Once the rack cabinet is in the new location, do the following:
- Lower the four leveling pads.
- Install stabilizer brackets on the rack cabinet.
- If you removed any devices from the rack cabinet, repopulate the rack cabinet from the lowest position to the highest position.
– If a long distance relocation is required, restore the rack cabinet to the configuration of the rack
cabinet as you received it. Pack the rack cabinet in the original packaging material, or equivalent. Also, lower the leveling pads to raise the casters off of the pallet and bolt the rack cabinet to the pallet.

Product recycling and disposal

Refer to the IBM Systems Environmental Notices and User Guide (Z125-5823) for translated environmental statements and information regarding product recycling and disposal. This document may be provided either in printed version or on the product documentation CD. A more current version may be available through this link environmental_notices_and_user_guide.pdf
xviii SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide


This document is intended for use by systems administrators and technicians experienced with networking, Fibre Channel, and storage area network (SAN) technologies. It describes how to install, service, and use the IBM Storage Networking SAN128B-6 (machine type-models 8960-F96 and 8960-N96 Switch). Throughout this document, the product is referred to as the SAN128B-6, or simply the switch.
This document has been created to include information specific to SAN128B-6 switches running on Fabric OS version 7.1.1 or later. This document does not support all Fabric OS versions. It is specific to Fabric OS v7.1.1 or later. Refer to the Fabric OS Release Notes for more information.

Product documents

The following documents contain information related to this product. The documentation may be printed material or may be on the documentation CD that is shipped with the product.
v IBM Storage Networking SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide, TBD (this document) v IBM Storeage Networking SAN128B-6 Quick Start Guide, TBD v Safety Notices v IBM Systems Environmental Notices and User Guide, Z125-5823 v Warranty Information, 45W6626
Newer versions of product documentation may be available through the IBM Publications Center website Search by publication title or publication number.
Newer versions may also be available through the IBM Support Portal Enter your product machine type (8960) or product name in the search field, and then select Documentation from the displayed page.

Brocade documents

IBM b-type switches use software licensed from Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. You can find information related to the software that supports the switch in the following documents on the CD-ROM supplied with this product:
Brocade Fabric OS
v EZSwitchSetup Administrator's Guide v Fabric OS Administrator's Guide v Fabric OS Command Reference Manual v Fabric OS MIB Reference Manual v Fabric OS Message Reference Manual v Fabric OS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guide
Brocade Fabric OS optional features
v Fabric Watch Administrator's Guide v Web Tools Administrator's Guide

IBM and Brocade product matrix

The product matrix provides a cross-reference between the comparable IBM and Brocade product models.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 xix
When you use any of the Brocade documents, such as Fabric Operating System (FOS) publications, you will notice that the model numbers reflect the corresponding Brocade products. Table 1 provides a product matrix to correlate the Brocade products and models to the IBM product names and machine types and model numbers. Products withdrawn from marketing are not listed.
Table 1. Brocade and IBM product and model number matrix
IBM machine type and model
Brocade product name IBM product name
Brocade G630 SAN128B-6 8960 Models F96 and N96 Brocade G620 SAN64B-6 8960 Models F64 and N64 Brocade G610 SAN24B-6 8960 Models F24 Brocade X6-4 Director SAN256B-6 8961 Model F04 Brocade X6-8 Director SAN512B-6 8961 Model F08 Brocade 6520 SAN96B-5 2498 Models F96 and N96 Brocade 6505 SAN24B-5 2498 Model F24, 249824G Brocade 6510 SAN48B-5 2498 Model F48 Brocade DCX 8510-4 SAN384B-2 2499 Model 416 Brocade DCX 8510-8 SAN768B-2 2499 Model 816 Brocade 7800 SAN06B-R 2498 Model R06 Brocade 7840 SAN42B-R 2498 Model R42 Brocade 300 SAN24B-4 2498 Models B24 and 24E
xx SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide

Device Overview

The IBM SAN128B-6 offers the following features and capabilities: v Up to 96 auto-sensing ports supporting high-performance 32-Gbps SFP+ ports technology in a single
domain with NVMe support on egress-only.
v Up to eight auto-sensing 128-Gbps (4 x 32-Gbps) QSFP ports to connect to the QSFP ports of other
devices or F_Ports.
v Dynamic Ports on Demand (Dynamic-POD) scaling from a base configuration of 48 ports to 128 ports
(two 24-port SFP+ PODs and one 32-port QSFP POD).
v 4-, 8-, 16-, and 32-Gbps auto-sensing Fibre Channel switch and router ports.
– A 32-Gbps optical transceiver can auto-negotiate to 32 Gbps, 16 Gbps, or 8 Gbps. – A 16-Gbps optical transceiver can auto-negotiate to 16 Gbps, 8 Gbps, or 4 Gbps. – A 10-Gbps FC optical transceiver can support 10 Gbps speed.
Note: The port speed is determined by the maximum speed supported by the optical transceiver at the other end of the link.
v Universal ports self-configure as a E_Ports, F_Ports, or D_Ports. EX_Ports can be activated on a
per-port basis with the optional Integrated Routing license. – Diagnostic D_Port mode provides diagnostics, troubleshooting, and verification services for the
physical media.
v Up to 384 Gbps of combined in-flight data encryption/decryption and 192 Gbps of combined in-flight
compression/decompression capabilities per switch.
v Dynamic buffer sharing v Support for nonport-side intake or nonport-side exhaust airflow for cooling. v Hardware-enabled input and output (I/O) latency statistics collection. v Hardware-enabled VM support. v Brocade small form-factor pluggable plus (SFP+) optical transceivers support any combination of Short
Wavelength (SWL), Long Wavelength (LWL) or Extended Long Wavelength (ELWL) optical media among the switch ports.
v Extended distance Fibre Channel to support long distance native FC connectivity. v Port-to-port latency is minimized to 900 nanoseconds (including FEC) by using cut-through frame
switching at 32 Gbps.
v High performance T1042E processor with four cores operating at 1.5 GHz delivers high performance,
scalability, and advanced Fabric Vision functionality.
v One 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45 connector Ethernet port for management connection. In conjunction with
EZSwitchSetup, this port supports switch IP address discovery and configuration, eliminating the need to attach a serial cable to configure the switch IP address.
v One RS-232 3-wire (Tx, Rx, and Gnd) universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) serial port
to BMC with RJ-45 connector for debugging initial switch setup (if not using EZSwitchSetup) and factory default restoration. Integral LEDs remain unlit at all times.
v One internal e-USB module provides 2 GB of persistent storage, increased serviceability, and error
logging functionality by facilitating easier firmware upgrades and downloads of the system log files.
v One external USB Type A connector. v Two hot-swappable redundant power supply field-replaceable units. v Three hot-swappable redundant fan assembly field-replaceable units. v 128 bicolor (green/amber) LEDs to indicate the status for each port.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 1
v One green LED to indicate valid system power. v One bicolor (green/amber) LED to indicate the system status. v Two Ethernet LEDs: one bicolor (green/amber) LED to indicate link at 1000/100/10 Mbps and one
green LED to indicate activity.
v SEEPROM for switch identification. v Real-time power monitoring. v Real-time voltage monitoring. v Real-time fan monitoring including airflow direction. v Real-time digital thermometers for temperature monitoring. v Real-time clock (RTC) with battery.

License options

The SAN128B-6 uses a capacity-based Ports on Demand (POD) license method. An Integrated Routing (IR) license is required to enable EX_Port functionality on this device. Refer to the Fabric OS Software Licensing Guide for more details.

Port-side view

The following illustration shows the port-side view of the SAN128B-6 Fibre Channel switch.
Figure 1. Port-side view
1. System power LED
2. System status LED
3. USB port
4. 48 SFP+ 32-Gbps FC ports
5. QSFP port 1 ( FC ports 100 - 101 - 102 - 103 )
6. QSFP port 0 ( FC ports 96 - 97 - 98 - 99 )
7. QSFP port 2 ( FC ports 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 )
8. QSFP port 3 ( FC ports 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 )
9. QSFP port 6 ( FC ports 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 )
10. QSFP port 7 ( FC ports 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 )
11. QSFP port 5 ( FC ports 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 )
2 SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide
12. QSFP port 4 ( FC ports 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 )
13. 48 SFP+ 32-Gbps FC ports
14. 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45 Ethernet management port
15. UART RJ-45 serial console port
Table 2. SFP+ ports numbering
0 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 19 24 25 26 27 32 33 34 35 40 41 42 43 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 36 37 38 39 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 56 57 58 59 64 65 66 67 72 73 74 75 80 81 82 83 88 89 90 91 52 53 54 55 60 61 62 63 68 69 70 71 76 77 78 79 84 85 86 87 92 93 94 95
Table 3. QSFP ports numbering
QSFP port 0 ( FC ports 96 - 97 - 98 - 99 ) QSFP port 2 ( FC ports 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 ) QSFP port 1 ( FC ports 100 - 101 - 102 - 103 ) QSFP port 3 ( FC ports 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 )
QSFP port 4 ( FC ports 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 ) QSFP port 6 ( FC ports 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 ) QSFP port 5 ( FC ports 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 ) QSFP port 7 ( FC ports 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 )

Nonport-side view

The following illustration shows the nonport-side view of the SAN128B-6 FC switch.
Figure 2. Nonport-side view with AC power supply and fan assembly units
1. Ground cable connector
2. Fan assembly unit 1
3. Fan assembly unit 2
4. Fan assembly unit 3
5. Power supply unit 1
6. Power supply receptacle 1
7. Power supply receptacle 2
8. Power supply unit 2
9. Fan assembly unit 3 status LED
10. Fan assembly unit 2 status LED
Device Overview 3
11. Fan assembly unit 1 status LED

Device management options

You can use the management functions built into the device to monitor the fabric topology, port status, physical status, and other information to help you analyze switch performance and to accelerate system debugging. The device automatically performs a power-on self-test (POST) each time it is turned on. A RASlog message is generated for any detected startup errors.
You can manage the device using any of the management options listed in the following table.
Table 4. Management options for the device
Management tool Out-of-band support Reference documents
Command line interface (CLI)
Up to two admin sessions and four user sessions simultaneously.
EZSwitchSetup helps to complete the basic configuration for single-switch setup.
Web Tools Ethernet or serial
Standard SNMP applications Ethernet or serial
Management Server Ethernet or serial
IBM Network Advisor (NA)
NA must be purchased separately.
Ethernet or serial connection
Ethernet or serial connection
Ethernet or serial connection
Fabric OS Administration Guide
Fabric OS Command Reference
EZSwitchSetup Software Installation Guide
EZSwitchSetup Administrator's Guide
Web Tools Administration Guide
Fabric OS MIB Reference
Fabric OS Administration Guide
Fabric OS Command Reference
IBM Network Advisor documentation set
4 SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide

Preparing for the Installation

Use the following precautions and requirements for successful installation and operation of the switch.

Safety precautions

When using this product, observe all danger, caution, and attention notices in this manual. The safety notices are accompanied by symbols that represent the severity of the safety condition

General precautions

The procedures in this manual are for qualified service personnel.
Before beginning the installation, see the precautions in “Power precautions.”
Be careful not to accidently insert your fingers into the fan tray while removing it from the chassis. The fan may still be spinning at a high speed.
CAUTION: Changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
CAUTION: Disassembling any part of the power supply and fan assembly voids the warranty and regulatory certifications. There are no user-serviceable parts inside the power supply and fan assembly.
CAUTION: Make sure the airflow around the front, and back of the device is not restricted.
CAUTION: Ensure that the airflow direction of the power supply unit matches that of the installed fan tray. The power supplies and fan trays are clearly labeled with either a green arrow with an "E", or an orange arrow with an "I."
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018 5
CAUTION: Never leave tools inside the chassis.
CAUTION: To protect the serial port from damage, keep the cover on the port when not in use.
CAUTION: If you do not install a module or a power supply in a slot, you must keep the slot filler panel in place. If you run the chassis with an uncovered slot, the system will overheat.
CAUTION: Do not install the device in an environment where the operating ambient temperature might exceed 40°C (104°F).

ESD precautions

Attention: Many of the field replaceable units (FRUs) are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD), and can potentially be damaged by improper handling. When working with any FRU, use correct ESD precautions:
v Attach ground to the indicated area on the chassis v Wear a wrist grounding strap connected to chassis ground (if the switch is plugged in) or a bench
Note: For safety reasons, the ESD wrist strap should contain a series 1 megaohm resistor.
v Store ESD-sensitive components in antistatic packaging
For safety reasons, the ESD wrist strap should contain a series 1 megaohm resistor.
CAUTION: Before plugging a cable into any port, be sure to discharge the voltage stored on the cable by touching the electrical contacts to ground surface.
CAUTION: Static electricity can damage the chassis and other electronic devices. To avoid damage, keep static-sensitive devices in their static-protective packages until you are ready to install them.
Note: Wear a wrist grounding strap connected to the chassis ground (if the device is plugged in) or to a
bench ground.
6 SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide

Power precautions

Make sure that the power source circuits are properly grounded, then use the power cord supplied with the device to connect it to the power source.
If the installation requires a different power cord than the one supplied with the device, make sure you use a power cord displaying the mark of the safety agency that defines the regulations for power cords in your country. The mark is your assurance that the power cord can be used safely with the device.
This device might have more than one power cord. To reduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect all power cords before servicing.
Remove both power cords before servicing.
Disconnect the power cord from all power sources to completely remove power from the device.
To avoid high voltage shock, do not open the device while the power is on.
Batteries used for RTC/NVRAM backup are not located in operator-access areas. There is a risk of explosion if a battery is replace by an incorrect type. Dispose of used components with batteries according to local ordinance and regulations.
Preparing for the Installation 7
Use a separate branch circuit for each power cord, which provides redundancy in case one of the circuits fails.
CAUTION: Ensure that the device does not overload the power circuits, wiring, and over-current protection. To determine the possibility of overloading the supply circuits, add the ampere (amp) ratings of all devices installed on the same circuit as the device. Compare this total with the rating limit for the circuit. The maximum ampere ratings are usually printed on the devices near the input power connectors.
CAUTION: The power supply switch must be in the off position when you insert the power supply into the chassis. Damage to the switch can result if a live power supply is installed.
CAUTION: Carefully follow the mechanical guides on each side of the power supply slot and make sure the power supply is properly inserted in the guides. Never insert the power supply upside down.
Note: Device control processors and management modules may contain batteries for RTC or NVRAM
backup. Dispose of components containing batteries as required by local ordinances and regulations.

Lifting and weight-related precautions

Use safe lifting practices when moving the product.
Mount the devices you install in a rack as low as possible. Place the heaviest device at the bottom and progressively place lighter devices above.
Make sure the rack housing the device is adequately secured to prevent it from becoming unstable or falling over.
CAUTION: Do not use the port cover tabs to lift the module. They are not designed to support the weight of the module, which can fall and be damaged.
8 SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the chassis and components, never attempt to lift the chassis using the fan or power supply handles. These handles were not designed to support the weight of the chassis.

Laser precautions

All fiber-optic interfaces use Class 1 lasers.
Use only optical transceivers that are qualified by IBM and comply with the FDA Class 1 radiation performance requirements defined in 21 CFR Subchapter I, and with IEC 60825 and EN60825. Optical products that do not comply with these standards might emit light that is hazardous to the eyes.

Facility requirements

Before installing the device, be sure the following facilities requirements are met.
Table 5. Facility requirements
Type Requirements
Rack (when rack-mounted)
v Adequate supply circuit, line fusing, and wire size, as specified by the electrical rating on
the switch nameplate
v Circuit protected by a circuit breaker and grounded in accordance with local electrical
codes Refer to the Technical Specifications at the end of this guide for complete power supply
v A minimum airflow of 79.8 cubic meters/hour (47 cubic ft/min.) available in the
immediate vicinity of the switch Note: Although this airflow may exceed the airflow maximum listed in the device Technical Specifications, the additional airflow is recommended to pressurize the inlet (cool isle) side of rack installations relative to the exhaust side to minimize recirculation of hot air back to the inlet side.
v Ambient air temperature not exceeding 40°C (104°F) while the switch is operating
v Two rack unit (2U) in a 48.3 cm (19-inch) rack v All equipment in the rack grounded through a reliable branch circuit connection v Additional weight of switch not to exceed the rack’s weight limits v Rack secured to ensure stability in case of unexpected movement
Preparing for the Installation 9

Quick installation checklist

This checklist provides a high-level overview of the basic installation process from the planning stage to the point where the device comes online and is ready to be deployed. Completing all the tasks in the suggested order ensures successful installation. Brocade recommends that you print this checklist and take it to the installation site.
Pre-installation tasks
Review all installation requirements ahead of time as part of your site preparation. Careful planning and site preparation ensures seamless installation, especially when installing multiple devices.
Table 6. Installation prerequisites
Task Task details or additional information Completed
Unpack the device. Take an inventory of the hardware components included in your
shipment. Refer to “Shipping carton contents” on page 12.
Gather necessary components and required tools.
Review the safety precautions. Refer to “Safety precautions” on page 5. For translations, refer to
Plan the installation. Decide whether you want to install the unit on a flat surface or in a
Review and verify installation requirements.
Gather network configuration parameters.
Review the time and items required information at the beginning of each chapter to ensure you have gathered all necessary components required for the following installation tasks:
v “Mounting the switch” on page 13 v “Power Supply Assemblies” on page 57 v “Fan Assemblies” on page 65 v “Installing Transceivers and Cables” on page 45
“Cautions” on page xi at the end of this guide.
rack. For rack installation, obtain the appropriate rack mount kit. Refer to “Mounting the switch” on page 13.
Verify that the following requirements are met. Refer to “Facility requirements” on page 9.
v Power requirements v Environmental requirements v Clearance for standalone or rack installation
v IP address: v Subnet mask: v Default gateway: v Domain ID: v Time zone:
Installation and initial configuration
The initial setup includes mounting the device on a flat surface or in a rack and completing the configuration tasks necessary to bring the device online and verify the operation.
10 SAN128B-6 Installation, Service, and User Guide
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