Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page 35.
This edition applies to version 5.20 of IBM Director for i5/OS (program number 5722-DR1), IBM Director for AIX
and Linux on POWER (program number 5765-DR1), IBM Director for AIX (program number 44E7846), IBM Director
for Linux on POWER (program number 44E7847), IBM Director for Linux on System z (program number 5648-DR1),
and IBM Director on x86 (program numbers 5765-DIR, 44E7845, 44E7841, 42D8237, and 42D8238) and to all
subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this book ...........vii
Conventions and terminology ........vii
Related information...........vii
How to send your comments .........x
Chapter 1. Hardware requirements for
IBM Director .............1
Hardware requirements for x86-compatible systems . 1
Hardware requirements for servers running AIX . . 2
Hardware requirements for servers running Linux on
POWER ................2
Hardware requirements for System i products . . . 3
Hardware requirements for IBM System z servers . . 3
Chapter 2. Supported hardware....5
IBM BladeCenter products ..........5
IBM eServer products ...........6
IBM IntelliStation workstations ........7
IBM iSCSI-attached System x servers ......7
IBM Netfinity servers ...........7
IBM SMI-S storage devices..........8
IBM SurePOS point-of-sale systems .......9
IBM Power Systems and System z products ....9
IBM System Storage Network Attached Storage
products ................9
IBM System x and xSeries servers .......9
IBM System x options for System i products . . . 11
ThinkCentre, NetVista, and PC desktop computers11
ThinkPad mobile computers .........12
Hardware components..........13
Chapter 3. Supported operating
systems and software ........17
Operating systems supported by IBM Director 5.20.3 17
Operating systems supported by IBM Director 5.20.2 21
Operating systems supported by IBM Director 5.20.1 25
Operating systems supported by IBM Director 5.2029
Supported workgroup and enterprise
viIBM Director Hardware and Software Support Guide
About this book
This book provides the following information about IBM®Director 5.20:
v Hardware requirements for running IBM Director components
v Supported IBM hardware
v Supported operating systems
v Supported workgroup and enterprise systems-management software
v Limitations and performance considerations
Conventions and terminology
These notices are designed to highlight key information:
Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.
Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you avoid
inconvenient or difficult situations.
Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data.
An attention notice appears before the instruction or situation in which damage
can occur.
Related information
Besides this documentation, there is additional information related to IBM Director.
IBM Director resources on the World Wide Web
The following Web pages provide resources for understanding, using, and
troubleshooting IBM Director and other system-management tools.
The IBM Director Web site on has links to downloads and
documentation for all currently supported versions of IBM Director.
Information on this site includes:
v Downloads and documentation for the following IBM Director releases:
– IBM Director 5.20.3
– IBM Director 5.20.2
– IBM Director 5.20.1
– IBM Director 5.20
– IBM Director 5.10.3
– IBM Director 5.10.2
– IBM Director 5.10.1
– IBM Director 5.10
– IBM Director 4.22
– IBM Director 4.22 Upward Integration Modules (UIMs)
– IBM Director 4.21
– IBM Director 4.20
v IBM Director Hardware and Software Support Guide, which lists supported
IBM systems and all supported operating systems. It is updated every 6
to 8 weeks.
v Printable documentation for IBM Director is available in Portable
Document Format (PDF) in several languages.
IBM Director Software Developers Kit information center
The IBM Director Software Developers Kit (SDK) information center
provides information about the IBM Director SDK, which is a set of tools
and documentation to help extend the capabilities of IBM Director by
using the APIs and CLIs, creating tasks, and launching tools from the IBM
Director user interface.
IBM Systems Software information center
This Web page provides information about IBM Director, External
Application Launch Wizard, IBM Virtualization Manager, and other topics.
viiiIBM Director Hardware and Software Support Guide
This Web page provides information about the hardware compatibility of
IBM System x®, BladeCenter®, and IntelliStation®with IBM Director.
IBM Servers
This Web page on links to information, downloads, and IBM
Director extensions, such as Remote Deployment Manager, Capacity
Manager, Systems Availability and Software Distribution (Premium
Edition), for the following IBM products:
v IBM BladeCenter
v IBM System i
v IBM System p
v IBM System x
v IBM System z
IBM forums
This Web page on links to several forums, available as Web pages
or using Rich Site Summary (RSS) feeds, in which users can discuss
technology issues relating to IBM servers.
Three of these forums are of particular interest to IBM Director users:
A forum for discussing System x server topics, including questions
related to drivers, firmware, operating systems, clustering, and
storage. This Web page includes a link for obtaining the forum
using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed.
A forum for discussing the use of the IBM Director Software
Developers Kit (SDK) to extend the functionality of IBM Director to
meet your specific needs. This Web page includes a link for
obtaining the forum using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed.
IBM Redbooks®publications
You can download the following documents from the IBM Redbooks Web page.
You can also search this Web page for documents that focus on specific IBM
hardware; such documents often contain systems-management material.
About this bookix
1. Be sure to note the date of publication and to determine the level of IBM
Director software to which the Redbooks publication refers.
2. You need Adobe
Acrobat Reader to view or print these PDF files. You can
download a copy from the Adobe Web site at
v Creating a Report of the Tables in the IBM Director 4.1 Database (TIPS0185)
v Implementing IBM Director 5.20 (SG24-6188)
v Integrating IBM Director with Enterprise Management Solutions (SG24-5388)
v Managing IBM TotalStorage
v Managing Linux
Guests Using IBM Director and z/VM Center (SG24-6830)
NAS with IBM Director (SG24-6830)
v Monitoring Redundant Uninterruptible Power Supplies Using IBM Director
v Using the IBM Director cimsubscribe Utility (REDP-4123-00)
v Virtualization on the IBM System x3950 Server (SG24-7190-00)
v iSeries
Systems Management Handbook (REDP-4070)
Remote Supervisor Adapter
The following Web pages provide resources for understanding and using Remote
Supervisor Adapters with IBM Director:
This Web page contains information about the Remote Supervisor Adapter
Other documents
For planning purposes, the Planning and Installation Guide - IBM BladeCenter (Type
8677) might be of interest.
How to send your comments
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest
quality information.
If you have any comments about this book or any other IBM Director publication,
v Go to the IBM Director information center Web site at
infocenter/eserver/v1r2/topic/diricinfo_5.20/fqm0_main.html. There you will
find the feedback page where you can enter and submit comments.
v Complete one of the forms at the back of any IBM Director book and return it
by mail, by fax, or by giving it to an IBM representative.
xIBM Director Hardware and Software Support Guide
Chapter 1. Hardware requirements for IBM Director
To successfully install IBM Director, the system on which you install IBM Director
components must meet certain minimum hardware requirements, depending on
the components to be installed and the type of system on which they will be
Because a system configured with the minimum requirements might perform
poorly in a production environment, consider the following suggestions:
v Be sure that your system can accommodate the hardware requirements, keeping
in mind that the microprocessor speed, memory, and disk-space minimum
requirements are additional to the resources are necessary for the software
already installed on the system.
v Conduct a performance analysis to ensure that the system has sufficient capacity
to handle the additional requirements of functioning as a management server or
a management console.
Hardware requirements for x86-compatible systems
IBM Director components have minimum microprocessor speed, random access
memory (RAM), and disk space requirements on x86-compatible systems,
including System i platforms, IntelliStation workstations, NetVista desktop
computers, IBM ThinkCentre desktop computers, ThinkPad mobile computers, IBM
System Storage
point-of-sale systems.
Network Attached Storage (NAS) products, and IBM SurePOS
When reviewing the hardware requirements, consider the following information:
v The disk space listed is the minimum requirement for an installation using the
default selections.
v Requirements listed for IBM Director Server do not include the database
program hardware requirements or the increased persistent storage for managed
v The systems on which you install IBM Director Agent or IBM Director Server
must meet the Wired for Management (WfM), version 2.0, specifications.
v System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) 2.1 or later is required for all systems in an
IBM Director components have minimum microprocessor speed, random access
memory (RAM), and disk space requirements on servers running AIX®, including
System i and System p servers, and JS20, JS21, and JS22 blade servers.
When reviewing the hardware requirements, consider the following information:
v The disk space listed is the minimum requirement for an installation using the
default selections.
v Requirements listed for IBM Director Server do not include the database
program hardware requirements or the increased persistent storage for managed
v On systems that do not provide display capability, such as JS20, JS21, and JS22
blade servers, you must export IBM Director Console using either the xhost
command or SSH tunneling. The IBM Director Console requirements apply to
the receiving system.
DisplayNot applicableAt least 256 colorsAt least 256 colors
6 MB (/usr)
8 MB (/usr)
1. Includes the disk space required for IBM Director Agent.
Hardware requirements for servers running Linux on POWER
IBM Director components have minimum microprocessor speed, random access
memory (RAM), and disk space requirements on servers running Linux on
When reviewing the hardware requirements, consider the following information:
v The disk space listed is the minimum requirement for an installation using the
v Requirements listed for IBM Director Server do not include the database
v On systems that do not provide display capability, such as JS20 and JS21 blade
, including System i and System p servers, and JS20 and JS21 blade
default selections.
program hardware requirements or the increased persistent storage for managed
servers, you must export IBM Director Console using either the xhost command
or SSH. The IBM Director Console requirements apply to the receiving system.
2IBM Director Hardware and Software Support Guide
Table 3. Servers running Linux on POWER: Minimum hardware requirements
DisplayNot applicableNot applicableAt least 256 colorsAt least 256 colors
ServicesIBM Director AgentIBM Director Console IBM Director Server
Power4, Power5, or
Power6 1.5 GHz
Power4, Power5, or
Power6 1.5 GHz
Power4 or Power5 1.5
Power4 or Power5 1.5
1024 MB
Hardware requirements for System i products
IBM Director components have minimum commercial processing workload (CPW),
storage pool size, and disk space requirements when installed on System i
When reviewing the hardware requirements, consider the following information:
v The disk space listed is the minimum requirement for an installation using the
default selections.
v Requirements listed for IBM Director Server do not include the database
program hardware requirements or the increased persistent storage for managed
objects. As the number of managed objects in your IBM Director environment
increases, make sure you increase disk space and storage pool size on the system
running IBM Director Server.
v Resource Monitors, tasks, event action plans, and managed endpoints increase
the resources required by IBM Director Server.
Table 4. System i products: Minimum hardware requirements
RequirementsIBM Director AgentIBM Director Server
Relative system performance75 CPW150 CPW
Storage pool size350 MB500 MB
Disk space300 MB500 MB
Note: IBM Director Server is a Java™application. Java applications that are run on
heavily loaded systems might require a separate storage pool. Sections 4.3.2 and
4.3.3 of the IBM Redbooks publication Java and WebSphere
Performance on IBM
iSeries Servers (SG24-6256) provide information about how to create a separate
memory pool.
Hardware requirements for IBM System z servers
IBM Director components have minimum microprocessor speed, random access
memory (RAM), and disk space requirements.
The following System z servers are supported:
v IBM System z (all models)
v IBM zSeries
v IBM S/390
(all models)
(Multiprise®3, Generation 5 and Generation 6)
Chapter 1. Hardware requirements3
Table 5. Minimum requirements for the LPAR or z/VM guest virtual machine on System z servers
IBM Director
RequirementIBM Director Server
Processor speedAll processor speeds provided by IBM System z servers are sufficient for IBM Director.
Memory1 GB1 GB1 GB1 GB
Disk space316 MB168 MB139 MB139 MB
DisplayNot applicableAt least 256 colorsNot applicableNot applicable
ConsoleIBM Director Agent
IBM Director Core
On System z servers you run IBM Director components not on the entire
mainframe but in a logical partition (LPAR) or on a z/VM guest virtual machine.
Table 5 shows the resource requirements for the LPAR or z/VM guest virtual
You can find a configuration example for a z/VM guest virtual machine in
“Creating a z/VM guest virtual machine” in the IBM Systems Information Center
vsd0_t_prepare_map_guest.html. For IBM Director Server and IBM Director Agent
the z/VM guest virtual machine requires special privileges as described in
“Defining a user class for IBM Director Server or IBM Director Agent” in the IBM
Systems Information Center at
4IBM Director Hardware and Software Support Guide
Chapter 2. Supported hardware
IBM Director Agent is licensed for use and supported in a large range of IBM
systems and products.
These systems and products include:
v IBM BladeCenter chassis
v IBM blade servers
v IBM IntelliStation workstations
v IBM System i platforms (formerly, iSeries servers)
v IBM System p servers (formerly, pSeries
v IBM System x servers (System x3nnn, xSeries
v IBM System z mainframes (formerly, zSeries servers)
v IBM System Storage Network Attached Storage (NAS) products
v IBM SurePOS point-of-sale systems
v ThinkCentre, NetVista, and PC desktop computers
v ThinkPad mobile computers
The degree of support that IBM Director Agent provides on these systems and
products can vary. For this information, see the IBM Director Release Notes.
1. IBM Director runs on IBM System i, System p, and System z products when the
installed operating system is also supported by IBM Director. See “Supported
operating systems” for operating-system support information for these
2. The IBM System Storage NAS products include an installation of IBM Director
3. Some systems and products might not be available in your area.
, and Netfinity®servers)
IBM BladeCenter products
IBM Director Agent provides support for BladeCenter chassis and blade servers.