viIBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
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viiiIBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
This IBM Redpaper is a comprehensive gu ide that covers the IBM® System p5™ 520 and
520Q UNIX® servers. It introduces major hardware offerings and discusses their prominent
Professionals who wa nt to acquire a better understanding of IBM System p™ pro ducts should
read this document. The intended audience includes:
Marketing representatives
Technical support professionals
IBM Business Partners
Independent software vendors
This document expands the current set of IBM System p documentation and provides a
desktop reference that offers a detailed technical description of the p5-520 and the p5-520Q
This publication does not replace the latest IBM System p mark e ting ma te rials and tools . It is
intended as an additional source of information that you can use, together with existing
sources, to enhance your knowledge of IBM server solutions.
The team that wrote this Redpaper
This Redpaper was produced by a te am of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization (ITSO), Austin Center.
Giuliano Anselmi is a certified pSeries® Presales T echnical Support Specialist who works in
the Field Technical Sales Support group based in Rome, Italy. For seven years, he was an
IBM Sserver pSeries Systems Product Engineer, supporting the Web Server Sales
Organization in EMEA, IBM Sales, IBM Busine ss Partners, Technical Support Organizations,
and IBM Dublin eServer Manufacturing. Giuliano has worked for IBM for 14 years, devoting
himself to RS/6000® and pSeries systems with his in-depth knowledge of the related
hardware and solutions.
Charlie Cler is a Certified IT Specialist for IBM and has o ver 21 years of e xperience with IBM.
He currently works in the United States as a presales Systems Architect representing IBM
Systems and Technology Group product offerings. He has been working with IBM System p
servers for over 16 years.
Carlo Costantini is a Certified IT Specialist for IBM and has over 28 years of e xperience with
IBM and IBM Business Partners. He currently works in Italy Presales Field Technical Sales
Support for IBM Sales Representative s and IBM Business Partners for all pSeries and IBM
System p5 systems offerings. He h as broad ma rket ing experience. He is a certified specialist
for pSeries and IBM System p servers.
Bernard Filhol is a UNIX Server Customer Satisfaction Resolution Team Leader for NEE
and SWE IOTs in Montpellier, France. He has more than 25 years of experience in
mainframes and five years of experience in pSeries Customer Satisfaction. He holds a
degree in Electronics from Montpellier University Institute of Technology. His areas of
expertise include Mainframe Channel Subsystem, FICON®, and pSeries RAS. He has written
extensively on FICON.
SahngShin Kim is a sales specialist of STG infra-solution sales team in Seoul, Korea. For
three years, he was a sales specialist of IBM eServer pSeries, for two years of grid
computing, and for one year for infra-solutions. SahngShin has worked for IBM for six years,
devoting himself to RS/6000 and pSeries systems and STG server products and as an
architect for these products.
Gregor Linzmeier is an IBM Advisory IT Specialist for RS/6000 and pSeries workstation and
entry servers as part of the Systems and Technology Group in Mainz, Germany, supporting
IBM sales, IBM Business Partners, and clients with pre-sales consultation and
implementation of client/server environments. He has worked for more than 15 years as an
infrastructure specialist for RT, RS/6000, and AIX® in large CATIA client/server projects.
Ondrej Plachy is an IT specialist in IBM Czech Republic responsible for project design,
implementation, and support of large scale computer systems . He has 11 ye ars of e xperience
in the UNIX field. He holds the Ing. academic degree in Computer Science from Czech
Technical University (CVUT), Prague. He has worked at Supercomputing Centre of Czech
Technical University for four years and currently works for IBM (seven years) in the AIX 5L™
support team.
The project that produced this document was managed by:
Scott Vetter
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Larry Amy , Baba Arimilli, Ron Arroy o, Joergen Berg, Terry Brennan, Erin Burke, Mark Dewalt,
Bob Foster, Ron Gonzalez, Dan Henderson, David A. Hepkin, Tenley Jackson, Hal Jenning s,
Carolyn Jones, Brian J King, Bill Mihaltse, Thoi Nguyen, Ken Rozendal, Craig Shempert,
Doug Szerdi, and Dave Willoughby
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xIBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
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Preface xi
xiiIBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
Chapter 1.General description
The IBM System p5 520 and IBM System p5 520Q rack-mount and deskside servers
(9131-52A) give you new tools for managing on demand business, greater application
flexibility, and innovative technology in 1-core, 2-core, and 4-core configurations — all
designed to help you capitalize on the on demand business revolut ion. To simplify naming,
both products are referred to as
The p5-520 and p5-520Q have POWER5+™ processors which provide performance and
reliability advances (or enhancements) over the POWER5™ architecture that it replaces.
Chief among the enhancements is 90 nm processor fabrication technology.
p5-520 or p5-520Q.
The p5-520 processor is packaged as a 1-core single-core module running at 1.65 GHz with
no L3 cache or as a 1-core single-core module running at 2.1 GHz with 36 MB of L3 cache or
a 2-core dual-core module running at 1.65 or 1.9 or 2.1 GHz with 36 MB of L3. The p5-520Q
offers the same features but comes with a 4-core POWER5+ quad-core module running at
1.5 or 1.65 GHz with two 36 MB of L3 caches.
When you purchase a p5-520 or p5-520Q Express Product Offering that is only available on
an initial order request, you might qualify for processor activation at no extra charge. The
number of processors, total memory, quantity and size of disk, and the presence of a media
device are the only f eatures that determine if you are en titled to a processor entitlement at no
additional charge. Contact your marketing representative regarding the feature for Express
Product Offering or volume offering.
The p5-520 and p5-520Q server have a base of 1 GB of DDR2 memory that can be
expanded to 32 GB, designed for performance and exploitation of 64-bit addressing as used
in large database applications.
The p5-520 and p5-520Q include four front-accessible, hot-swap capable disk bays in a
minimum configuration with an additional four hot-swap capable disk bays as an optional
feature. The e ight disk bays can accommodate up to 2.4 TB of disk stor age u sing the 300 GB
Ultra320 SCSI disk drives. Other features included in the p5-520 and p5-520Q are six
hot-plug PCI-X slots with Enhanced Error Handling (EEH), integrated service processor,
integrated 10/100/1000 Mbps two-port Ethernet, two system, two USB, and two Hardware
Management Console (HMC) ports, integrated dual-channel Ultra320 SCSI controller,
hot-swappable power and cooling, and optional redundant power.
Three non-hot-swappable media bays ar e used to accommodate additional devices . Two
media bays only accept slim-line media de vices, such as DVD-ROM or DVD-RAM drives, and
one half-height bay is used for a tape drive. The rack-mount model also has I/O extension
capability using the RIO-2 bus that allows attachment of the 7311 Model D20 I/O drawers.
For partitioning, we recommend an HMC. Dynamic LPAR is supported on the p5-520 and
p5-520Q servers, allowing up to two logical partitions. In addition, the optional Advanced
POWER™ Virtualization feature supports up to 40 micro-partitions using Micro-Partitioning™
technology. The Integrated Virtualization Manager provides partition management in settings
where an HMC is unavailable or not desired.
Additional reliability and availability features include redundant hot-swappable cooling fans
and redundant power supp lies. Along with these components, the p5-520 and p5-520Q are
designed to provide an extensive set of reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS)
features that include a dual service processor, fault isolation, recovery from errors without
stopping the system, avoidance of recurring failures, and predictive failure analysis.
The p5-520 and p5-520Q are backed by a three-year limited warranty. Check with your IBM
representative for particular warranty availability in your region.
2IBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
1.1 System specifications
Table 1 -1 lists the general system specifications of the p5-520 and p5-520Q systems.
Table 1-1 IBM System p5 520 and IBM System p5 520Q specifications
Operating temperature5 to 35 degrees Celsius (41 to 95 F)
Relative humidity8% to 80%
Operating voltage100 to 127 or 200 to 240 V ac (auto-ranging)
Operating frequency47/63 Hz
Maximum power consumption750 watts maximum
Maximum thermal output2560 BTU/hour (maximum)
1.2 Physical package
This section discusses the major physical attrib utes of the p5-520 and p5-520Q systems in
rack-mounted and deskside versions that are selectable through a feature code.
1.2.1 Deskside model
The p5-520 and p5-520Q can be configured as deskside models. Table 1-2 lists the physical
Table 1-2 Physical attributes of the deskside model
Height533 mm (21.0 in.)
Width201 mm (7.9 in.)
Depth (without rear cover; FC 6587)630.0 mm (23.0 in.)
Depth (with rear cover; FC 6587)706.0 mm (27.8 in.)
Weight43 kg (95 lb.)
Shipping weight50 kg (110 lb.)
and Figure 1-1 on page 4 shows the system.
a. For a specific region, such as China, check specifications for specific dimensions.
Deskside (FC 7919)
One Electronic Industries Association Unit (1U) is 44.45 mm (1.75 in.).
Chapter 1. General description 3
Figure 1-1 The deskside model (FC 7184) and acoustic cover (right FC 7185)
The p5-520 or p5-520Q, when configur ed as a deskside se rver, is ideal for e n vironm ents tha t
require local access to the machine, such as applications that require a native graphics
display. T o order a system as a de skside vers ion, FC 7184 or FC 7185 is required. FC 7185 is
designed for quiet operation in office environments. The system is designed to be set up by
the client and, in most cases, does not require the use of any tools. The system includes full
setup instructions.
The GXT135P 2D graphics accelerator with analog and digital interfaces (FC 1980) is
availab le and is supported fo r SMS , firmware menus , and othe r low-level functions, as w ell as
when AIX 5L or Linux® starts the X11-based graphical user interface. You can use graphical
AIX 5L system tools for configuration management if the adapter is connected to the primary
console, such as the IBM 15-inch, 17-inch, 19-inch, or 20-inch TFT Color Monitor (FC 3641,
FC 3645, FC 3644, and FC 3643).
4IBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
1.2.2 Rack-mount model
The IBM System p5 520 or IBM System p5 520Q can be configured as a 4U rack-mount
model with the selected feature code. Table 1-3 lists the physical attributes and Figure 1-2
shows the system.
Table 1-3 Physical attributes of the rack-mount model
Height178 mm (7.0 in.)
Width437 mm (17.2 in.)
Depth584 mm (23.0 in.)
Weight43.0 kg (95 lb.)
Shipping weight53.0 kg (117 lb.)
a. For a specific region, such as China, check specifications for specific dimensions.
Rack (FC 7918)
Figure 1-2 IBM System p5 520 and IBM System p5 520Q rack-type model (FC 7160)
The p5-520 or p5-520Q, when configured as a 4U rack-mounted server, is intended to be
installed in a 19-inch rack, thereby enabling efficient use of computer room floor space. If the
IBM 7014 T42 rack is used to mount the server, it is possible to place up to 10 systems in an
area of 644 mm (25.5 in.) x 1147 mm (45.2 in.).
To order a p5-520 or p5-520Q system as a rack-mounted version, FC 7190 must be selected.
In addition to the rack-mount ed version, the server can be installed in either IBM or OEM
racks. Therefore, y ou are required to select one of the following features:
Included with the rack-mounted server packaging are all of the components and instructions
necessary to enable installation in a 19-in ch rack using suitable tools.
The GXT135P 2D graphics accelerator with analog and digital interfaces (FC 1980) is
availab le and is supported fo r SMS , firmware menus , and othe r low-level functions, as w ell as
when AIX 5L or Linux starts the X11-based graphical user interface. You can use graphical
Chapter 1. General description 5
AIX 5L system tools for configura tion management if the adapter is connected to a common
maintenance console, such as the 7316-TF3 rack-mounted flat-panel display.
1.3 Minimum and optional features
The systems are based on a flexible, modular design based on POWER5+ processors. The
server is available in 1-core, 2-core, and 4-core configurations that feature the following:
1.65 (SCM and DCM), 1.9 or 2.1 GHz (DCM), and 1.5 or 1.65 GHz (QCM) POWER5+
From 1 GB to 32 GB of total system memory capacity using 533 MHz DDR2 DIMM
Four SCSI disk drives in a minimum configuration, eight SCSI disk drives with an optional
second 4-pack enclosure for a total internal storage capacity of 2.4 TB using 300 GB disk
Six PCI-X slots (one 266 MHz 64-bit PCIX-2, three 133 MHz 64-bit PCI-X, two 66 MHz
32-bit PCI-X). All slots support Enhanced Error Handling (EEH).
Two slim-line media bays for optional storage devices.
One half-high bay for an optional tape device.
The p5-520 and p5-520Q, including the service processor that is described in 3.2.1, “Service
processor” on page 83, support the following native ports:
Two 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports on a single controller
Two system ports
Two USB 2.0 ports on a single controller
Optionally, an external USB diskette drive 1.44 (FC 2591) is available.
Two HMC ports
Optional GX+ Bus to RIO-2 adapter card (FC 2888)
Two SPCN ports
In addition, the p5-520 and p5-520Q feature one internal Ultra320 SCSI dual channel
controller, redundant hot-swap power supply (optional), and cooling fans.
The system supports 32-bit and 64-bit applications and requires specific lev els of AIX 5L and
Linux operating systems. For more information, see 2.14, “Operating system support” on
page 64.
1.3.1 Processor features
The p5-520 featu res one or two PO WER5 + processors , each with one or two cores running at
1.65 GHz, 1.9 GHz, or 2.1 GHz, or the p5-520Q with four cores running at 1.5 GHz or
1.65 GHz. The processors are installed on either single-core modules (SCM), dual-core
modules (DCM), or quad-core modules (QCM). The POWER5+ processor modules are
mounted directly to the system planar. Table 1-4 on page 7 lists the available processor
6IBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
Note: When configuring p5-520 and p5 - 520Q s yste m s, remember that th e pr ocessor
modules are mounted directly on the system planar and cannot be upgraded.
1.3.2 Memory features
The minimum memory requirement for t he p5-520 and p5-520Q servers is 1 GB, and the
maximum capacity is 32 GB using 533 MHz DDR2 technology. The planar of each system
has eight sockets for memory DIMMs. Table 1-5 lists the available memory features.
Note that an amount of memory is always in use by the Hypervisor , e v en when the machine is
not partitioned. You can use the System Planning Tool to calculate the amount of available
memory for an operating system based on machine configuration as follows:
The minimum configuration includes a 4-pack disk drive enclosure. A second 4-pack disk
drive enclosure can be installed by ordering FC 6574 or FC 65 94, s o that th e ma ximum
internal storage capacity can reach 2.4 TB (using the disk drive features availabl e at t he time
of writing). The p5-520 and p5-520Q feature up to eight disk drive bays, two slim-line media
device ba ys , an d one half-h eight media bay. The minimum configuration req uires at least o ne
disk drive. Table 1-6 shows the disk drive feature codes that each bay can contain.
Chapter 1. General description 7
Table 1-6 Hot-swappable disk drive options
Feature codeDescription
196873.4 GB ULTRA320 10 K rpm SCSI hot-swappable disk drive
1969146.8 GB ULTRA320 10 K rpm SCSI hot-swappable disk drive
197036.4 GB ULTRA320 15 K rpm SCSI hot-swappable disk drive
197173.4 GB ULTRA320 15 K rpm SCSI hot-swappable disk drive
1972146.8 GB ULTRA320 15 K rpm SCSI hot-swappable disk drive
1973300 GB ULTRA320 10 K rpm SCSI hot-swappable disk drive
You can install any combination of the following DVD-ROM and DVD-RAM drives in the two
slim-line bays:
DVD-RAM drive, FC 1993
DVD-ROM drive, FC 1994
A logical partition running a suppor t ed rele a se of Linux requir es a DVD-ROM drive or
DVD-RAM drive to provide a way to run the diagnostics CD for hardware diagnostics.
Concurrent diagnostics, as provided by the AIX 5L diag command, are not available on the
Linux operating system at the time of writing.
You can install supplementary devices in the half-height media bay, such as:
Internal 4 mm 36/72 GB LVD tape drive, FC 1991
IBM 80/160 GB internal tape drive VXA, FC 1992
IBM 160/320 GB internal tape drive with VXA-3 technology, FC 1892
IBM 200/400 GB LTO2 tape drive, FC 1997
DVD devices installed in the slim-line bays must be assigned as a group to a single LPAR on
a partitioned system.
A dual-channel RAID enablement daughter card is also available (FC 1907) .
1.3.4 USB diskette drive
The externally attached USB diskette drive provides storage capacity up to 1.44 MB
(FC 2591) on high-density (2HD) floppy disks and 720 KB on a double density floppy disk. It
includes a 350 mm (13.7 in.) cable with standard USB connector. This super slim-line and
lightweight USB V2-attached diskette drive takes its power requirements from the USB port.
The drive can be attached to the integrated USB ports or to a USB adapter (FC 2738). A
maximum of one USB disket te driv e is supported per integr ated cont roller/adapt er. The same
controller can share a USB mouse and keyboard.
1.3.5 I/O drawers
The p5-520 and p5-520Q have six internal PCI-X slots — three long slots and three short
slots. If you need more PCI-X slots to extend the number of LPARs and partitions, you can
connect up to four 7311 Model D20 drawers to the optional RIO-2 ports (FC 2888) that are
provided on the rear of the system in a minimum configuration.
The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawe r is a 4U full-size drawer, which must be mounted in a rack. It
features seven hot-pluggable PCI-X slots and, optionally, up to 12 hot-swappable disks
arranged in two 6-packs. Redundant, concurrently maintainable power and cooling is an
optional feature (FC 6268). The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer offers a modular growth path for
a system with increasing I/O requirements . When a p5-520 or p5-520Q is fully conf igured with
8IBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
four attached 7311 Model D20 drawers, the combined system supports up to 34 PCI-X
adapters (in a maximum configuration, remot e I/O expansion cards are required) and
56 hot-swappable SCSI disks, for a total internal capacity of 16.8 TB using 300 GB disks.
PCI-X and PCI cards are inserted from the top of the I/O drawer down into the slot from the
drawer’s front service position. The installed adapters are protected by plastic separators,
which are designed to prevent grounding and damage when adding or removing adapters.
The drawer has the following attributes:
4U rack-mount enclosure assembly
Seven PCI-X slots 3.3 volt, keyed, 133 MHz hot-pluggable
Two 6-pack hot-swappable SCSI bays (optional)
Redundant hot-swap power (optional)
Two RIO-2 ports and two SPCN ports
Note: A 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer initia l order or a n e xisting 73 11 Model D20 I /O drawer
that is migrated from another pSeries system must have the RIO-2 ports available
(FC 6417).
The I/O drawer has the following physical characteristics:
Width: 482 mm (19.0 in.)
Depth: 610 mm (24.0 in.)
Height: 178 mm (7.0 in.)
Weight: 45.9 kg (101 lb.)
Figure 1-3 shows the different views of the 7311-D20 I/O drawer.
Operator panel
8 9 A B C D 8 9 A B C D
SCSI disk locations and IDs
Figure 1-3 7311-D20 I/O drawer views
Power supply 2
Reserved ports
Power supply 1
SPCN ports
Rack indicator
RIO ports
1 2 3 45 6 7
PCI-X slots
Chapter 1. General description 9
Note: The 7311 Model D20 I/O drawer is designed to be installed by an IBM service
representative . O nly the 731 1 Mode l D20 I /O dr awer is supported on a p5-520 or p5-520Q
1.3.6 Hardware Management Console models
A p5-520 or p5-520Q can be either HMC-mana ged or non-HMC-ma naged. In HMC-ma naged
mode, an HMC is required as a dedicated workstation that allows you to configure and
manage partitions. The HMC provides a set of functions to manage the system LPARs,
dynamic LPAR operations, virtual features, Capacity on Demand, inventory and microcode
management, and remote pow er cont rol functio ns. These functions also include the handling
of the partition profiles that define the processor, memory, and I/O resources allocated to an
individual partition. For detailed information about the HMC, see 2.13, “Hardware
Management Console” on page 60.
Note: Non-HMC-managed modes are full system partition modes, where only o ne partition
contains all system resources that exist on the system. For more information about using
the Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM), see 2.12.5, “Integrated Virtualization
Manager” on page 57.
Table 1-7 lists the HMC options for POWER5 processor-based systems that are available at
the time of writing. You can also use existing HMC models.
Table 1-7 Supported HMC models
7310-C05IBM 7310 Model C05 Deskside Hardware Management Console
7310-CR3IBM 7310 Model CR3 Rack-Mount Hardware Management Console
Systems require Ethernet connectivity between HMC and one of the Ethernet ports of the
service processor. Ensure that sufficient HMC Ethernet ports are available to enable public
and private networks if you need both. The 7310 Model C05 is a deskside model with one
native 10/100/1000 Ethernet port. It can be extended with two additional two-port
10/100/1000 Gb adapters. The 7310 Mod el CR3 is a 1U, 19-inch rack mou nt able drawer that
has two native Eth ernet ports and can be e x te nd ed wit h one ad dit ion al t w o- po rt 10/100/1000
Gb adapter.
In HMC-managed installations with very high demand for high availability, you should
consider deployment of tw o HMCs. The service processor allows for conne ction of two HMCs ,
and there is no need for special handli ng of a dual HMC environment. HM Cs provide a loc king
mechanism so that only one HMC has write access to the service processor at a time.
When an HMC is connected to the system, the integrated system ports are disabled.
To support a non-Ethernet HACMP™ heartbeat, you need to provide an asynchronous
adapter (FC 5723 or FC 2943).
Note: It is not possible to connect POWER4™ with POWER5 or POWER5+
processor-based systems simultaneously to the same HMC. However, it is possible to
connect POWER5 and POWER5+ processor-based systems together to the same HMC.
10IBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
1.4 Express Product Offerings
The Express Product Offerings provide a convenient way to order any of several
configurations that are designed to meet typical client requirements. Special reduced pricing
is available when a system order satisfies specific configuration requirements for memory,
disk drives, and processors.
1.4.1 Express Product Offerings requirements
When you order an Express Product Offering, the configurator offers a choice of starting
points onto which you can add. You can configure systems with one or two processor cards
and two or four proce ssor activations.
With the purchase of an Express Product Offering, f or each paid processor activ ation, you are
entitled to one processor activation at no additional charge, if the following requirements are
The system must have at least two disk drives of at least 73.4 GB each.
There must be at least 2 GB of memory installed for each active processor.
If you order a p5-520 server Express Product O ff ering as defined here , y ou might qu alify f or a
processor activation at no extra charge. The number of processors, total memory, quantity
and size of disk, and presence of a media device are the only features that determine if a
client is entitled to a processor entitlement at no additional charge.
When you purchase an Express Product Offering, you are entitled to a lo wer priced AIX 5L or
Linux operating system license, or you can choose to purchase the system with no operating
system. The lower priced AIX 5L or Linux oper ating system is proces sed via a f eature number
on AIX 5L and either Red Hat or SUSE Linux. You can choose either the lower priced AIX 5L
or Linux subscription, but not both.
If you choose AIX 5L for your lo wer priced operating system, y ou can also order Linux b ut will
purchase your Linux subscription at full price versus the reduced price. The same is true if
you choose a Linux subscription as your lower priced operating system. Systems with a
reduced price AIX 5L offering are the IBM System p5 Express Product Offering, AIX 5L
edition. Systems with a lower priced Linux operating system are referred to as the
IBM System p5 Express Product Offering, OpenPower™ edition. In the case of Linux, only
the first subscription purchased is lower priced. So, for exa mple, additional licenses
purchased for Red Hat to run in multiple partitions will be at full price.
You can make changes to the standard features as needed and still qualify for processor
entitlements at no additional charge and a reduced price AIX 5L or Linux operating system
If the system was initially ordered as an Express Product Offering, the system can be
expanded at a later time using Express Product Offering pricing, when additional processors
and activations along wit h the required memory are ordered on the same hardware upgrade
order. The upgraded p5-520Q configuration must satisfy the Express Product Offering
requirements for disk drives, memory, and processors. However, if the selection of total
memory or disk drives is smaller than the total defined as the minimums, it disqualifies the
order as an Express Product Offering.
1.4.2 Configurator starting points for Express Product Offerings
All Express Product Offerings have a set of standard features for the rack-mounted or
deskside versions as listed in Table 1-8 on page 12.
Chapter 1. General description 11
Table 1-8 Express Product Offering standard set of feature codes
Feature code descriptionRack-mounted feature
System bezel and hardware71907916 x 1
Rack-mount rail kit7160 x 1n/a
850 Watt power supply5159 x 15159x 1
IDE DVD-ROM1994 x 11994 x 1
Media backplane7877 x 17877 x 1
4-pack disk drive enclosure6574 x 16574 x 1
73.4 GB 10 k disk drives1968 x 21968 x 2
Deskside feature code
A specific Express Product Offering ID or specific offering feature code is used to select the
processor type and quantity, and the associated memory feature code and quantity, on top of
the standard set. Table 1-9 and Table 1-10 provide these configuration differences.
Table 1-9 Express Product Offering features - SCM and DCM configurations
Description1.65 GHz1.9 GHz2.1 GHz
Processor cards8321 x 18323 x 18330 x 18315 x 18316 x 1
Processor activationsn/a7309 x 17320 x 1n/a7271 x 1
Zero-priced express
Total active processors12112
Minimum memory1 GB2 GB2 GB1 GB2 GB
Table 1-10 Express Product Offering features - QCM configurations
Description1.5 GHz1.65 GHz
Processor cards8333 x 18314
Processor activations7337 x 27269
Zero-priced express activations8421 x 28479
Total active processors44
Minimum memory4 GB4 GB
1.5 System racks
8418 x 18419 x 18410 x 18480 x 18481 x 1
The IBM 7014 Model S11, S25, T00, and T42 Racks are 19-inch racks for general use with
IBM System p and OpenPower Edition rack-mount servers. The racks provide increased
capacity, greater flexibility, and improved floor space utilization.
12IBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
If a server is to be installed in a non-IBM rack or cabinet, you must ensure that the rack
conforms to the EIA
standard EIA-310-D (see 1.5.9, “OEM rack” on page 21).
Note: It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the installation of the drawer in the
preferred rack or cabinet results in a configuration that is stable, serviceable, safe, and
compatible with the drawer requirements for power, cooling, cable management, weight,
and rail security.
1.5.1 IBM 7014 Model T00 rack
The 1.8-meter (71-inch) Model T00 is compatible with past and present IBM System p
systems. It is a 19-inch rac k and is d esigned f or us e in all situations tha t hav e pr e viously used
the earlier rack models R00 and S00. The T00 rack has the following features:
36 EIA units (36U) of usable space.
Optional removable side panels.
Optional highly perforated front door .
Optional side-to-side mounting hardware for joining multiple racks.
Standard business black or optional white color in OEM format.
Increased power distribution and weight capacity.
Optional reinforced (ruggedized) rack feature (FC 6080) provides added earthquake
protection with modular rear brace, concrete floor bolt-down hardware, and bolt-in steel
front filler panels.
Support for both ac and dc configurations.
The dc rack height is increased to 1926 mm (75.8 in.) if a power distribution panel is fixed
to the top of the rack.
Up to four power distribution units (PDUs) can be mounted in the PDU bays (see
Figure 1-4 on page 17); additional PDUs can fit inside the rack. See 1.5.6, “The ac power
distribution unit and rack content” on page 16 .
– T00 base empty rack: 244 kg (535 pounds)
– T00 full rack: 816 kg (1795 pounds)
1.5.2 IBM 7014 Model T42 rack
The 2.0-meter (79.3-inch) Model T42 addresses the client requirement for a tall enclosure to
house the maximum amount of equipment in the smallest possible floor space. The features
that differ in the Model T42 rack from the Model T00 include:
42 EIA units (42U) of usable space (6U of additional space).
The Model T42 supports ac only.
– T42 base empty rack: 261 kg (575 lb.)
– T42 full rack: 930 kg (2045 lb.)
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA). Accredited by American National Standards Institute (ANSI), EIA provides a
forum for industry to develop standards and publications throughout the electronics and high-tech industries.
Chapter 1. General description 13
Optional Rear Door Heat eXchanger (FC 6858)
Improved cooling from the heat exchanger enables the client to mor e densely populate
individual racks freeing valuable floor space without the need to purchase additional air
conditioning units. The Rear Door Heat eXchanger features:
Water-cooled he at exchanger door designed to dissipate hea t ge ne r at ed fr om the ba ck of
computer systems before it enters the room
An easy-to-mount rear door design that attaches to client-supplied water, using industry
standard fittings and couplings
Up to 15 KW (approximately 50,000 BTUs/ hr.) of heat removed f rom air e xiting th e bac k of
a fully populated rack
One year, limited warranty
Physical specifications
The physical specifications are:
Approximate height: 1945.5 mm (76.6 in.)
Approximate width: 635.8 mm (25.03 in.)
Approximate depth: 141.0 mm (5.55 in.)
Approximate weight: 31.9 kg (70.0 lb.)
Client responsibilities
The client responsibilities are:
Secondary water loop (to the building chilled water)
Pump solution (for secondary loop)
Delivery solution (hoses and piping)
Connections: standard 3/4-inch internal threads
1.5.3 IBM 7014 Model S11 rack
The Model S11 rack satisfies man y light-dut y requirem ents f o r organizing smalle r rack-mount
servers and expansion drawers. The 0.6-meter-high rack has a perforated, lockable front
door; a heavy-duty caster set for easy mobility; a complete set of blank filler panels for a
finished look; EIA unit markings on each corner to aid assembly; and a retractable stabilizer
foot. The Model S11 rack has the following specifications:
Width: 520 mm (20.5 in.) with side panels
Depth: 874 mm (34.4 in.) with front door
Height: 612 mm (24.0 in.)
Weight: 37 kg (75.0 lb.)
The S11 rack has a maximum load limit of 16.5 kg (36.3 lb.) per EIA unit for a maximum
loaded rack weight of 216 kg (475 lb.).
1.5.4 IBM 7014 Model S25 rack
The 1.3-meter-high Model S25 rack satisfies many light-duty requirements for organizing
smaller rack-mount servers. Front and re ar rack doors include locks and keys, helping keep
your servers secure. Side panels are a standard feature, simplifying ordering and shipping.
This 25U rack can be shipped configured and can accept server and expansion units up to
28-inches deep.
The front door is rev ersible so t hat it can be configured f or either left or right opening. The rear
door is split vertically in the middle and hinges on both the left and right sides. The S25 rack
has the following specifications:
14IBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
Width: 605 mm (23.8 in.) with side panels
Depth: 1001 mm (39.4 in.) with front door
Height: 1344 mm (49.0 in.)
Weight: 100.2 kg (221.0 lb.)
The S25 rack has a maxim um load limit of 22.7 kg ( 50 lb.) per EIA unit f or a ma xim um loaded
rack weight of 667 kg (1470 lb.).
1.5.5 S11 rack and S25 rack considerations
The S11 and S25 racks d o not h ave vertical mounting space that will accommodat e F C 71 88
PDUs. All PDUs required for application in these racks must be installed horizontally in the
rear of the rack. Each horizontally mounted PDU occupies 1U of space in the rack, and
therefore reduces the space available for mounting servers and other components.
FC 0469 Customer Specified Rack Placement provides the ability to specify the physical
location of the system modules and attached expansion modules (drawe rs) in the racks. The
client’s request is reviewed by eConfig for safe handling by checking the weight distribution
within the rack. The Manuf a cturing Plant provides the fin al approv al f or the co nfiguration. Th is
information is then used by IBM Manufacturing to assemble the system components
(drawers) in the rack according to the client’s request.
The CFReport from eConfig must be submitte d to the following site:
Table 1-11 on page 16 lists the machine types that are supported in the S11 and S25 racks.
Chapter 1. General description 15
Table 1-11 Models supported in S11 and S25 racks
Machine type-modelNameSupported in:
7014-S11 rack7014-S25 rack
7037-A50IBM System p5 185YY
7031-D24/T24EXP24 Disk EnclosureYY
7311-D20I/O Expansion DrawerYY
9110-510IBM System p5 510YY
9111-520IBM System p5 520YY
9113-550IBM System p5 550YY
9115-505IBM System p5 505YY
9123-710OpenPower 710YY
9124-720OpenPower 720YY
9110-51AIBM System p5 510 and 510QYY
9131-52AIBM System p5 520 and 520QYY
9133-55AIBM System p5 550 and 550QYY
9116-561IBM System p5 560QYY
9910-P333000VA UPS (2700 watt)YY
9910-P65500VA UPS (208-240V)NY
7315-CR3Rack-mount HMCNY
7315-CR3Rack-mount HMCNY
7026-P16LAN-attached remote asynchronous
node (RAN)
7316-TF3Rack-mounted flat-panel console kitNY
1.5.6 The ac power distribution unit and rack content
Note: Each server, or syst em dr a wer to be mounted in the rack, r equire s tw o power cords,
which are not included in the base order. For maximum availability, we highly recommend
that you connect po wer cords from the same server or system drawer to two separate
PDUs in the rack. These PDUs could be connected to two independent client power
For rac k models T00 and T42, 1 2-outlet PDUs (FC 9188 and FC 7188) are ava ilable . F or r ack
models S11 and S25, FC 7188 is available.
Four PDUs can be mounted vertically in the T00 and T42 racks. See Figure 1-4 on page 17
for the placement of the four vertically mounted PDUs. In the rear of the rack, two additional
PDUs can be installed horizontally in the T00 rack and three in the T42 rack. The four vertical
mounting locations will be filled first in the T00 and T42 racks. Mounting PDUs horizontally
consumes 1U per PDU and reduces the space av ailable for other racked components. When
mounting PDUs horizontally, we recommend that you use fillers in the EIA units occupied by
these PDUs to facilitate proper air flow and ventilation in the rack.
16IBM System p5 520 and 520Q Technical Overview and Introduction
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