Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 83.
This edition applies to version 4.1 of IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX and to all subsequent releases and
modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Initializing Communications with exit_child_init()
or exit_child_init_c()..........76
Waiting for a Message Using recv_exit_msg() or
recv_exit_msg_c() ...........77
Passing a File Descriptor Using send_exit_file()
or send_exit_file_c()..........77
Sending a Message to Sterling Connect:Direct
Using send_exit_msg() or send_exit_msg_c() . . 78
Overview of User Exit Messages .......79
Statistics Exit Message..........79
File Open Exit Messages .........79
Security Exit Messages.........80
User Exit Stop Message .........82
Copy Control Block...........82
Exit Log Files..............82
Index ...............87
ivSterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes
Overview of the Command Line Interface
The Command Line Interface (CLI) enables you to submit Sterling Connect:Direct
Processes and commands from a native command line environment. You can also
use the Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface to perform some of these
Starting the CLI
1. If you have not defined the NDMAPICFG environment variable, type the
following command for the appropriate shell, where d_dir is the path to the
Sterling Connect:Direct subdirectory.
-PIdentifies the custom string to
use at the command line
If the prompt string includes
spaces or special characters,
enclose it in single or double
quotation marks.
The prompt string can also be
specified in the ndmapi.cfg file.
If a prompt string is specified
on the command line and in
the ndmapi.cfg file, -P takes
When the default prompt
(“Direct”) is overridden, the
new prompt string is shown at
the command line prompt and
in the welcome banner display.
-sSuppresses standard output.
Use this option to view only
the completion status of a
-t nEnables the CLI/API trace
option. The level number, n,
identifies the level of detail in
the trace output.
text string
Up to 32 characters.
none$ direct -s
Specify one of the
following level
Sample Command
$ direct
$ direct -P”Test CD
on Medea”
$ direct -t 4
1—Provides function
entry and function exit.
This is the default.
2—Provides function
entry and exits and
basic diagnostic
information, such as
displaying values of
internal data structures
at key points in the
execution flow.
4—Enables a full trace.
All diagnostic
information is
2Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
-e nnDefines the error level above
which the CLI automatically
exits. If the returned error code
is greater than the error level
specified, the CLI automatically
Use this command within shell
This parameter prevents
unwanted execution of
commands following a
command that generates an
error above the specified level.
When the CLI terminates, it
returns a UNIX exit code that
can be tested by the shell.
-n nameIdentifies the host name of the
computer where the Sterling
Connect:Direct server (PMGR)
is running.
Note: Invoking direct with -p
or -n overrides the settings in
the ndmapi.cfg file.
-p nnnnnIdentifies the communications
port number for the Sterling
Connect:Direct node.
Note: Invoking direct with -p
or -n overrides the settings in
the ndmapi.cfg file.
-xDisplays command input on
standard out. Use this
command when debugging
-rMakes the Process number
available to user-written shell
scripts. The CLI displays a
special string, _CDPNUM_
followed by a space, followed
by the Process number.
-hDisplays command usage
information if a Sterling
Connect:Direct command is
typed incorrectly.
-zAppends a newline character
after a prompt.
Valid values in the
error level code are:
0—Indicates successful
4—Indicates warning.
8—Indicates error.
catastrophic error.
Sterling Connect:Direct
host name
1024–65535. The format
is nnnnn.
none$ direct -x
none$direct -r | grep
none$ direct -h
none$ direct -z
Sample Command
$ direct -e 16
$ direct -n hostname
$ direct -p 2222
CLI Job Control
Sterling Connect:Direct enables you to switch the CLI Process between the
foreground and the background in shells that support job control. This capability
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes3
enables you to edit the text of saved Processes, issue UNIX commands, and resolve
Process errors without exiting and reentering the CLI. Use the following
commands to switch the CLI Process:
v Press the suspend character (Control-Z) to stop or suspend the CLI Process.
v Issue the fg command to move the CLI Process to the foreground.
Note: If you experience problems with job control, contact your system
administrator for suggestions on additional UNIX commands to use.
CLI History Commands
Sterling Connect:Direct enables you to use the history commands available with
UNIX. History commands do not need the semicolon (;) at the end of the
command. The following table lists the available history commands:
!!Repeat the last command one time.
!#nSet the number of commands to store in the
!nRepeat command number <n> in the history
!<string>Repeat command beginning with the string
!?List the contents of the history buffer.
history buffer. The default history buffer size
is 50 commands.
Overview of Sterling Connect:Direct Commands
You control and monitor Sterling Connect:Direct Processes using the following
Note: The CMGR currently limits the size of a Process file to 60K bytes.
CommandAbbreviation Description
submitsubMakes Processes available for execution.
change processcha proChanges the status and modifies specific characteristics,
of a nonexecuting Process in the TCQ.
delete processdel proRemoves a nonexecuting Process from the TCQ.
flush processflush proRemoves an executing Process from the TCQ.
stopstopStops Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX and returns
control to the operating system.
select processsel proMonitors both executing Processes and Processes
waiting for execution. You can specify the search criteria
and the form in which the information is presented.
select statisticssel statRetrieves information from the statistics file. You can
specify the search criteria and the form in which the
information is presented.
view processview proView a Process in the TCQ where the local node is the
Pnode. View process can only display Processes running
on the local node since only the Pnode has the
information required to display a Process.
4Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Abbreviations for Common Sterling Connect:Direct Commands
The following table lists valid abbreviations for commonly used parameters for
Sterling Connect:Direct commands:
pnamepnam, pna
Restricting the Scripts and UNIX Commands Users Can Execute
System administrators and other network operations staff can restrict the scripts
and UNIX commands that you can execute with the run task and run job Process
statements. System administrators and other network operations staff can enforce
the following limits on the capabilities you have with Sterling Connect:Direct:
v The capability to send or receive files; you may be limited either to sending files
only or to receiving files only.
v The locations to or from which you can send or receive files; you may be limited
to specific local or remote nodes.
Check with the system administrator for a list of specific restrictions for your user
Sterling Connect:Direct Command Syntax
Use the same command syntax for commands typed at the CLI prompt or used as
the command text parameter for an ndmapi_sendcmd() function. Refer to “User
Exit Programs” on page 75, for details on function calls. The following conventions
are used when typing commands:
v When selecting a password or user ID, do not use Sterling Connect:Direct
v Be aware that user names and file names are case sensitive.
v Type an individual command keyword in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed-case
v Terminate all commands with a semicolon (;).
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes5
v When typing commands, type the entire command name or type the first three
characters or abbreviate specific parameters. Refer to “Abbreviations for
Common Sterling Connect:Direct Commands” on page 5for a list of
v Do not abbreviate Process statements and parameters.
v File names, group names, user IDs, and passwords are variable length strings
and can be any length.
v A Sterling Connect:Direct node name is 1–16 characters long. The name of a
record in the netmap describing a remote node is typically the remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name, but can be any string 1–256 characters long. You can
also specify a remote node name as an IP address or hostname and a port
number or port name.
“Generic” Parameter Value
When the word generic is specified as a parameter value in a syntax definition,
provide a string that can include the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) characters.
These characters provide a pattern matching or wildcard facility for parameter
values. The asterisk matches zero or more characters, and the question mark
matches any single character. The following sample illustrates the use of the
asterisk and question mark characters:
The generic Process name specified in the previous sample shows a specification
that matches all Processes beginning with the letter A, followed by any single
character in position two with the string PROD5 in positions three through seven.
The asterisk takes the place of zero or more characters beginning in position eight.
“List” Parameter Value
When (list) is a parameter value, you can specify multiple parameter values by
enclosing the group in parentheses and separating each value with a comma. A list
can also include generic values. The following command illustrates a list:
(pnumber1, pnumber2, pnumber3)
Submitting a Process
The submit command makes Processes available for execution and enables the
software to interpret the Process statements contained in the specified files.
Parameters specified in the submit command override the same parameters
specified on the Process statement. There are no required parameters. However, if
you do not specify a file name for the file parameter, the text of the Sterling
Connect:Direct Process must follow the submit command. Following are the
parameters for the submit command:
fileThe name of the Process file. The file name can
include a path name indicating the location of
the Process.
This parameter must be the first parameter.
file name including the path name
6Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
classThe node-to-node session on which a Process
can execute. A Process can execute on the class
specified or any higher session class. The
default class is specified as the sess.default
parameter of the local.node record in the
initialization parameters file.
A numeric value from 1 to the value of maximum
concurrent local node connections
(sess.pnode.max). The default value is 1. The
value cannot be greater than the maximum
number of local sessions with primary control.
crcDetermines if crc checking is performed. This
parameter overrides settings in the
initialization parameter, the network map, and
the Process.
Note: The user must be assigned authority to
on—Turns on crc checking.
off—Turns off crc checking. The default is off.
change the crc settings in the user authority
holdDetermines if the Process is placed in the Hold
yes | no | call
yes—Specifies the Process is placed in the Hold
When a Process is submitted with retain=yes
or retain=call, Sterling Connect:Direct ignores
the hold parameter.
queue in HI status until it is released by a change
process command. A Process submitted with
hold=yes is placed on the Hold queue even if you
specify a start time.
no—Specifies that the Process executes as soon as
resources are available. This is the default.
maxdelayHow long the submit command waits for the
submitted Process to complete execution. This
parameter is useful when the command is
issued by a shell script. When this parameter is
specified, the script waits until the Process
completes before it continues execution. The
return code of the Process is stored in the $?
variable if you are using the Bourne or Korn
shell and in $status variable if you are using
the C shell, which the shell script can use to
test the results of Process execution. If you do
not specify maxdelay, no delay occurs.
If the time interval expires, the submit
command returns a warning status code and
message ID to the issuing Process or CLI/API.
The Process is not affected by the time interval
expiration and executes normally.
newnameA new Process name that overrides the name
in the submitted Process.
call—Specifies that the Process is held until a
connection is established between the remote
node and the local node. At that time, the Process
is released for execution.
unlimited | hh:mm:ss |0
unlimited—Waits until the Process completes
hh:mm:ss—Waits for an interval no longer than
the specified hours, minutes, and seconds.
0—Waits until the Process completes execution. If
you specify maxdelay=0, you get the same results
as when you specify maxdelay=unlimited.
A name up to 256 characters long
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes7
notifyThe user e-mail to receive Process completion
messages. This parameter uses the rmail utility
available in the UNIX System V mail facility to
deliver the completion messages.
Note: Sterling Connect:Direct does not validate
the e-mail address or user ID supplied to the
notify parameter. Invalid e-mail addresses and
failed E-mail attempts are handled according
to the local mail facilities configuration.
pacctA string containing information about the
PNODE. Enclose the string in double quotation
pnodeidSecurity user IDs and passwords at the
PNODE. The pnodeid subparameters can
contain 1–64 alphanumeric characters.
prtyThe priority of the Process in the Transmission
Control Queue (TCQ). A Process with a higher
priority is selected for execution before a
Process with a lower priority. The prty value
does not affect the priority during
retainDetermines if Sterling Connect:Direct retains a
copy of the Process in the TCQ. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns a Process number to the
Process when it is placed in the retain queue.
When the Process is run, the Process number
assigned to the retain Process is incremented
by one. For example, if the Process is assigned
the Process number of 1445 in the retain
queue, the Process number is 1446 when the
Process is executed.
If you specify a start time and set retain=yes,
the Process remains in the Timer queue in HR
status and is submitted at the appropriate
interval. For example, when
startt=(Monday,2:00), the Process runs each
Monday at 2:00 AM. When startt=(,1:00), the
Process runs daily at 1:00 AM. Sterling
Connect:Direct does not provide a way to run
a Process hourly. To do this, you must use the
UNIX cron utility.
username@hostname or user@localhost
“pnode accounting data” up to 256 characters
id [, pswd]
id—Specifies a user ID on the PNODE.
pswd—Specifies a user password on the
PNODE.If you specify pnodeid, you must also
specify id. Identify the ID first and the pswd last.
1–15, where fifteen is the highest priority. The
default is 10.
yes | no | initial
yes—Specifies that the system retains the Process
in the Hold queue in HR status after execution.
no—Specifies that the system deletes the Process
from the TCQ after execution. This is the default.
initial—Specifies that the system retains the
Process in the Hold queue in HR status for
automatic execution every time the Process
Manager initializes.
If no start time is identified, you must issue a
change process command to release the
Process for execution. Do not code the startt
parameter when you specify retain=initial.
sacctSpecifies accounting data for the SNODE.
Setting this value in the submit statement
overrides any accounting data specified in
8Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
“snode accounting data” up to 256 characters.
Enclose the string in double quotation marks.
snodeIdentifies the name of the secondary node.
Setting this value overrides the snode value in
the Process statement. The snode parameter is
name | host name | nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn or
name | nnnnn]]
required either on the submit command or
Process statement.
name—Specifies the node name of the remote
node. The secondary node name corresponds to
an entry in the network map file.
host name—Specifies the name of the host
computer where the remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node is running.
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn or
—Specifies the IP address of the remote node in
IPv4 or IPv6 format: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
[;port number |nnnnn]—Identifies the
communications port. You can only use this
parameter with the host name or IP address
parameters. The nnnnn value is a decimal number
from 1,024–65,535.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes9
snodeidSpecifies security user IDs and security
passwords on the SNODE. The snodeid
subparameters can contain one or more
alphanumeric characters.
If Sterling Connect:Direct finds that a Process
has no snodeid parameter or defines a
snodeid parameter and the initialization
parameter proxy.attempt is set to y, then any
password specified on the snodeid parameter
is ignored. A proxy user record is a remote
user record in the userfile.cfg, which
corresponds to the user name specified on the
snodeid parameter. If no proxy user record
exists, the snodeid parameter must contain a
valid user name and password for a UNIX
user who has a corresponding local user record
in the userfile.cfg file.
When proxy.attempt=n and no snodeid is
defined, Sterling Connect:Direct uses the
submitting ID and node to find a Remote User
Information record in the User Authorization
Information file. If Sterling Connect:Direct
cannot find a match, then that user cannot
send or receive files.
id [,pswd [,newpswd]]
id—Specifies a user ID on the SNODE.
pswd—Specifies a user password on the SNODE.
If you specify id, you do not have to specify
pswd. This capability enables the id parameter to
contain a dummy ID to be used for translation to
a local ID on the remote system.
newpswd—Specifies a new password value. On
certain platforms, the user password changes to
the new value on the SNODE if the user ID and
old password are correct (refer to documentation
on the specific platform). If the SNODE is a UNIX
node, the password does not change.
If you specify pswd, you must also specify id. If
you specify newpswd, you must also specify
pswd. Type the values in the order of id, pswd,
and newpswd.
If the initialization parameters file parameter
proxy.attempt is set to y, users are not required
to specify a password for the snodeid
parameter. This capability enables the id
subparameter to contain a dummy user ID to
be used for translation to a local user ID on
the remote system. The use of a dummy user
ID offers improved security because neither the
sender nor the receiver are required to use an
actual user ID.
Reserved keywords cannot be used in the
snodeid field.
10Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
starttIdentifies the date, day, and time to start the
[date | day][,hh:mm:ss [am | pm]]
Process. Sterling Connect:Direct places the
Process in the Timer queue in WS (Waiting for
Start Time) status. The date, day, and time are
positional parameters. If you do not specify
date or day, a comma must precede time.
date—Specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and
year (yy), which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy
or mm-dd-yyyy. If you only specify date, the time
defaults to 00:00:00, which indicates midnight.
The current date is the default.
Do not code the startt parameter when you
specify retain=initial.
day—Specifies the day of the week. Values are
today, tomorrow, yesterday, monday, tuesday,
wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, and
hh:mm:ss [am | pm]—Specifies the time of day in
hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). You
can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour
format. If you use 12-hour format, then you must
specify am or pm. The default is the 24-hour
format. The default value is 00:00:00, which
indicates midnight. If you specify only the day
value, the time defaults to 00:00:00. This means
that if you submit a Process on Monday, with
monday as the only startt parameter, the Process
does not run until the following Monday at
name 1
name 2
name n
Specifies a symbolic parameter assigned a
value. The value is substituted within the
Process when the symbolic parameter is
The value for the symbolic parameter must be
in double quotation marks if it is a keyword or
contains special characters. If you want to
reserve the double quotation marks when the
variable string 1
variable string 2
variable string n
The symbolic name cannot exceed 32 characters.
symbolic name is resolved in the Process,
enclose the double-quoted string in single
quotes, for example:
&filename = “‘filename with spaces'”
The symbolic name itself must not be a subset
of any other symbolic name. (You cannot have,
for example, a symbolic name called ¶m
and another symbolic name called ¶meter
in the same Process.)
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes11
tracelSpecifies the level of trace to perform for a
Process. Tracing by Process can be turned on in
the submit command or as part of the Process
If you identify the snode or pnode
immediately after the trace level definition, the
trace level is turned on for all Processes
submitted to and from the node identified.
snode | pnode
level—Specifies the level of detail displayed in the
trace output. The default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—The basic level that
provides function entry and function
exit.2—includes level 1 plus function
arguments.4—Enables a full trace. Basic
diagnostic information, such as values of internal
data structures at key points in the execution
flow, are displayed.
snode—Specifies to trace only the SNODE SMGR.
pnode—Specifies to trace only the PNODE SMGR.
file—Specifies the name of a file where the trace
output is directed. If you do not specify a file
name, the file is created in the Sterling
Connect:Direct working directory with the file
name CMGR.TRC. The length of the name value
is unlimited.
Example - Submit a Process That Runs Every Week
The following command submits the Process named payroll:
Because retain=yes is specified in this sample, the Process is retained in the TCQ
after execution. The Process starts next Monday at 00:00:00 and runs every Monday
thereafter. Process accounting data is specified for the PNODE.
Example - Submit a Process with a Start Time Specified
The following command submits the Process named copyfil:
Because startt is specified, the Process executes on the first day of January 2008 at
11:45 a.m.
Example - Submit a Process with No File Value
The following command submits a Process without a file parameter value, but
with the Process statements typed at the CLI command prompt:
Direct> sub do_copy process snode=node1
step01 copy from (
pend ;
Process Submitted, Process Number = 5
12Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Example - Submit a Process and Turn On Tracing
The following command submits the Process named copy.cdp:
submit file=copy.cdp tracel=4 pnode;
Because tracel is specified and the pnode parameter is included, an SMGR and
COMM full trace is performed on the Process. Trace information is written to the
default file SMGR.TRC.
Changing Process Parameters
The change process command modifies specified parameters for a nonexecuting
You specify the Processes to be changed by Process name, Process number,
secondary node name, and submitter.
You can change the class, destination node, and priority. You can place a Process
on the Hold queue or release a Process from the Hold queue by issuing a change
process command with either the release or hold=no parameter.
If you submit a Process with a startt parameter, Sterling Connect:Direct places the
Process on the Timer queue. If a Process fails, you can move it to the Hold queue
by specifying the change process command with hold=yes. Sterling Connect:Direct
then places the Process in the Hold queue in HO status. You can release the
Process for execution at a later time.
You can set tracing for an existing Process by setting the tracel parameter to 1, 2,
or 4. You can turn off tracing for a Process by setting trace1 to 0.
Specify at least one of the following search criteria parameters:
pnameLocate the Process to be
changed by Process name.
The Process name is limited
to 8 characters on Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS
pnumberLocate the Process to be
changed by Process number.
Sterling Connect:Direct
assigns the Process number
when the Process is
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to
8 alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value
for the Process name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more pname
list—Specifies a list of Process names.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and
separate each value with a comma.
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and
separate each value with a comma.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes13
snodeLocate the Process to be
changed by the secondary
node name. This parameter
can be used to specify a
specific remote node, a
generic value for matching
remote node names (using
pattern matching), or a list of
multiple remote node names.
The secondary node name
typically contains the 1–16
character remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name,
but can be any string up to
256 alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify a
remote node name as an IP
address or hostname and a
port number.
submitterLocate the Processes to be
changed by the node
specification (the Sterling
Connect:Direct node name)
and user ID of the Process
owner. The character length
of this parameter is
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a
specific remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value
for the remote node name. This generic
value, containing pattern-matching
characters, evaluates to a list of zero or
more remote node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in
parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the
node specification (the Sterling
Connect:Direct node name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value
for node specification and user ID. This
generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to
a list of zero or more node specifications
and user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification
and user ID pairs. Enclose the list in
parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
The optional parameters for the change process command are the following:
classChanges the node-to-node
session on which a Process can
execute. A Process can execute
on the class specified or any
higher session class. The
default class is specified as the
sess.default parameter of the
local.node record in the
initialization parameters file.
The default is 1.
14Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
holdMoves the Process to the Hold
or Wait queue.
newsnodeSpecifies a new remote node
name to assign to the Process.
prtyChanges the priority of the
Process on the TCQ. Sterling
Connect:Direct uses the prty
parameter for Process
selection. A Process with a
higher priority is selected for
execution before a Process
with a lower priority. The prty
value does not affect the
priority during transmission.
releaseReleases the Process from a
held state. This parameter is
equivalent to hold=no.
tracelChanges the level of trace to
perform for a Process.
If you identify the SNODE or
PNODE immediately after the
trace level definition, the trace
level is turned on for all
Processes submitted to and
from the node identified.
yes | no | call
yes—Places the Process in the Hold
queue in HO status until it is released
by another change process command.
no—Places the Process in the Wait
queue in WC (Waiting for Connection)
status; the Process executes as soon as
resources are available. This is the
call—Places the Process in the Hold
queue in HC (Hold for Call) status
until the remote node (SNODE)
connects to the local node (PNODE) or
another Process is submitted. At that
time, Sterling Connect:Direct releases
the Process for execution
new remote node specification
1–15, where 15 is the highest priority. If
you do not specify prty, the default is
level—Specifies the level of detail
displayed in the trace output. The
default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—Is the basic
level that provides function entry and
function exit.2 —Includes level 1 plus
function arguments.4—Enables a full
trace. Basic diagnostic information,
such as values of internal data
structures at key points in the
execution flow, are displayed.
The following command changes the remote node name for the Process named
cdproc to a new remote node, paris:
change process pname=cdproc newsnode=paris;
Deleting a Process from the TCQ
The delete process command removes a nonexecuting Process from the TCQ.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes15
You select the Process to delete by Process name, Process number, secondary node
name, submitter, or any combination of the search criteria parameters. Specify at
least one of the following search criteria parameters:
pnameIdentify the Process to delete
by Process name.
The Process name is limited
to 8 characters on Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows and for z/OS.
pnumberIdentify the Process to delete
by Process number. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns the
Process number when the
Process is submitted. Valid
Process numbers range from
snodeIdentify the Process to delete
by the secondary node name.
This parameter can be used
to specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node names.
The secondary node name
typically contains the 1–16
character remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name,
but can be any string up to
256 alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify a
remote node name as an IP
address or hostname and a
port number.
submitterIdentify Processes to delete
by the node specification and
user ID of the Process owner.
The character length of this
parameter is unlimited.
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name up to 8
alphanumeric characters long.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list
of zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
number |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate
each value with a comma (,).
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a
specific remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more remote
node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for
node specification and user ID. This generic
value, containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more node
specifications and user IDs.
16Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
The following command deletes all nonexecuting Processes submitted by user ID
cduser on node dallas:
delete process submitter=(dallas, cduser);
Removing a Process from the Execution Queue
The flush process command removes Processes from the Execution queue. You
select the Process to remove by Process name, Process number, secondary node
name, submitter, or any combination of the search criteria parameters. Specify at
least one of the following search criteria parameters:
pnameLocate the Process to
remove by Process name.
The Process name is
limited to 8 characters on
Sterling Connect:Direct
for Microsoft Windows
and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS.
pnumberLocate the Process to
remove by Process
number. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns the
Process number when the
Process is submitted.
snodeLocate the Process to
remove by the secondary
node name. This
parameter can be used to
specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node
The secondary node
name typically contains
the 1–16 character remote
Sterling Connect:Direct
node name, but can be
any string up to 256
alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify
a remote node name as
an IP address or
hostname and a port
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8
alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list
of zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a specific
remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more remote node
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes17
submitterLocate the Processes to
remove by the node
specification (the Sterling
Connect:Direct node
name) and user ID of the
Process owner.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification (the Sterling Connect:Direct node
name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for node
specification and user ID. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more node
specifications and user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
The flush process command has the following optional parameters:
forceForcibly terminates an executing
Process or terminates a Process
in an orderly fashion as the step
completes. This parameter is
useful if a Process is in the
executing state and waiting for
unavailable resources.
holdPlaces the terminated Process in
the Hold queue where it can be
released for re-execution.
yes—Specifies to forcibly and immediately
terminate the Process. The SMGR also
terminates immediately.
no—Specifies to terminate the Process in an
orderly fashion as the step completes. The
SMGR closes the statistics file and then
terminates. This is the default.
yes—Specifies to place the Process in the
Hold queue in HS status after the Process
is terminated.
The following command flushes all executing Processes named “Rome” from the
Execution queue:
flush process pname=rome force=yes;
The following command flushes all executing Processes on node alma submitted
by user ID jones:
flush process submitter=(alma, jones);
Stopping Sterling Connect:Direct
The stop command initiates an orderly Sterling Connect:Direct shutdown sequence
or forcibly terminates the software. After you run the stop command, no new
Processes are allowed to run and no new connections with remote systems are
established. Commands can be issued and users can sign on until the server
18Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
no—Specifies to delete the Process from the
TCQ after the Process is terminated. This is
the default.
You can specify the force, immediate, quiesce, or step parameters with the stop
Note: The force parameter is required when running Sterling Connect:Direct with
the LU6.2 feature on any supported platform other than AIX.
Following are the parameters for the stop command:
forceForcibly terminates Sterling Connect:Direct
and returns control to the operating system.
immediateBegins an immediate, but orderly shutdown
of all activity and terminates Sterling
Connect:Direct. The software terminates
connections, writes statistics records, closes
files, and shuts down.
quiesceRuns all executing Processes to completion
before shutting down Sterling
Connect:Direct. No new Processes are
started. This is the default value.
stepShuts down Sterling Connect:Direct after all
currently executing Process steps are
complete. The software writes statistics
records, closes files, and shuts down. All
active Processes are retained in the TCQ.
Processes restart when the software is
The following command forcibly terminates Sterling Connect:Direct and returns
control to the operating system:
stop force;
Viewing a Process in the TCQ
The view process command is used to view Processes in the TCQ when the local
node is the PNODE. You can search by Process name, Process number, queue,
secondary node, status, owner of the Process, or any combination of the search
criteria parameters.
You also can specify more than one Process in the search criteria.
There are no required parameters for this command. If you do not specify an
optional parameter, Sterling Connect:Direct selects all Processes executing or
waiting for execution. Following are the optional parameters for the view process
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes19
pnameLocate the Process to view
by Process name.
The Process name is limited
to 8 characters on Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS.
pnumberLocate the Process to view
by Process number. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns the
Process number when the
Process is submitted.
queueSpecifies the Processes to be
viewed by the specified
queue names.
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8
alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a
list of zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate
each value with a comma.
all | exec | hold | wait | timer
all—Selects Processes from all queues. This is
the default.
exec—Selects Processes from the Execution
snodeView the Process by the
secondary node name. This
parameter can be used to
specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node names.
The secondary node name
typically contains the 1–16
character remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name,
but can be any string up to
256 alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify a
remote node name as an IP
address or hostname and a
port number.
hold—Selects Processes from the Hold queue.
timer—Selects Processes from the Timer
wait—Selects Processes from the Wait queue.
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a
specific remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more remote
node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
20Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
statusSpecifies the Processes to be
viewed by Process status. If
| WC | WR | WS | (list)
you do not specify a status
value, information is
generated for all status
EX (Execution)—Specifies to select Processes
from the Execution queue.
HC (Held for Call)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=call.
HE (Held due to Error)—Specifies to select
Processes held due to a connection error.
HI (Held Initially)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=yes.
HO (Held by Operator)—Specifies to select
Processes held by a change process
command issued with hold=yes.
HR (Held Retain)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with retain=yes or
HS (Held Due to Execution
Suspension)—Specifies to select Processes
suspended by a flush process command
issued with hold=yes.
PE (Pending Execution)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with a maxdelay
parameter and assigned PE status by the
Process Manager just before a Session
Manager is created to execute the Process.
After the Session Manager initializes, the
Process is placed on the Execution queue and
the status is changed to EX.
WC (Waiting for Connection)—Specifies to
select Processes that are ready for execution,
but that all available connections to the
remote node are in use.
WR (Waiting for Restart)—Specifies to select
Processes that are waiting for restart after
session failure.
WS (Waiting for Start Time)—Specifies to
select Processes waiting for a start time.
These Processes are on the Timer Queue.
list—Specifies a list of status values. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes21
submitterLocate the Processes to view
by the node specification (the
Sterling Connect:Direct node
name) and user ID of the
Process owner. The length of
this parameter is unlimited.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification (the Sterling Connect:Direct
node name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for
node specification and user ID. This generic
value, containing pattern-matching
characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more
node specifications and user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
The following command displays the specified Process number:
view process pnumber=1;
Monitoring Process Status in the TCQ
The select process command displays information about Processes in the TCQ.
The search criteria provide flexibility in selecting Processes. You can search for a
Process by Process name, Process number, queue, secondary node, status, owner of
the Process, or any combination of the search criteria parameters.
You also can specify more than one Process in the search criteria. You can request
either a detailed report about the selected Process or a short report.
There are no required parameters for this command. If you do not specify an
optional parameter, Sterling Connect:Direct selects all Processes executing or
waiting for execution. Following are the optional parameters for the select process
pnameLocate the Process to select
by Process name.
The Process name is limited
to 8 characters on Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS.
pnumberLocate the Process to select
by Process number. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns the
Process number when the
Process is submitted.
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8
alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a
list of zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate
each value with a comma.
22Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
queueSpecifies the Processes to be
all | exec | hold | wait | timer
selected by the specified
queue names. The default is
all—Selects Processes from all queues. this is
the default.
exec—Selects Processes from the Execution
hold—Selects Processes from the Hold queue.
timer—Selects Processes from the Timer
wait—Selects Processes from the Wait queue.
snodeLocate the Process by the
remote node specification | generic |(list)
secondary node name. This
parameter can be used to
specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node
The secondary node name
typically contains the 1–16
character remote Sterling
remote node specification—Identifies a
specific remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more remote
node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
Connect:Direct node name,
but can be any string up to
256 alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify a
remote node name as an IP
address or hostname and a
port number.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes23
statusSpecifies the Processes to be
selected by Process status. If
you do not specify a status
value, information is
generated for all status
EX (Execution)—Specifies to select Processes
from the Execution queue.
HC (Held for Call)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=call.
HE (Held due to Error)—Specifies to select
Processes held due to a connection error.
HI (Held Initially)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=yes.
HO (Held by Operator)—Specifies to select
Processes held by a change process
command issued with hold=yes.
HR (Held Retain)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with retain=yes or
HS (Held Due to Execution
Suspension)—Specifies to select Processes
suspended by a flush process command
issued with hold=yes.
PE (Pending Execution)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with a maxdelay
parameter and assigned PE status by the
Process Manager just before a Session
Manager is created to execute the Process.
After the Session Manager initializes, the
Process is placed on the Execution queue and
the status is changed to EX.
WC (Waiting for Connection)—Specifies to
select Processes that are ready for execution,
but that all available connections to the
remote node are in use.
WR (Waiting for Restart)—Specifies to select
Processes that are waiting for restart after
session failure.
WS (Waiting for Start Time)—Specifies to
select Processes waiting for a start time.
These Processes are on the Timer Queue.
list—Specifies a list of status values. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
24Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
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