IBM 40-80 GB DLT User Manual

40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape D rive
U se r 's G u id e
Be sure to read the important maintenance information on page 2-1.
by IBM
Second Edition (April 2000)
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Safety: Read first ................................ iv
Registering your option ............................ v
About this book ................................ v
Part 1: Installation, use, and maintenance guide ........ 1-1
Part 2: Appendixes ........................... 2-1
Appendix A. Maintaining your tape drive ................. 2-1
Appendix B. Power-on self-test (POST) sequence .............. 2-2
Appendix C. Product specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Appendix D. Problem solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Appendix E. Help and service information ................. 2-6
Online technical support ............................ 2-6
Telephone technical support .......................... 2-6
Appendix F. Product warranty and notices ................. 2-8
Warranty Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Electronic emission notices .......................... 2-18
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2000 iii
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iv 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive
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About this book
This manual contains information on the IBM 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive. It is divided into the following parts:
Part 1: Installation, use, and maintenance guide
This section contains the product description, installation and operating instructions, and maintenance information in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, and Japanese.
Part 2: Appendixes
Be sure to retain your proof of purchase. It might be required for warranty service.
Note: The illustrations in this manual might be slightly different from your hardware.
This section contains power-on self-test sequence, problem-solving, service, warranty, and notice information.
vi 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive
Part 1: Installation, use, and maintenance
This guide contains product description, hardware and software installation instructions, and product use and maintenance information. For information on solving problems, see Appendix D, “Problem solving” on page 2-4.
Product description
The 40/80 GB1 DLT Internal Tape Drive is a fast/wide Ultra-2 (low voltage differential) tape drive for backing up and restoring data and archiving files. These files can include multimedia, imaging, transaction processing, large databases, and other storage-intensive applications. Each tape cartridge can store up to 40 GB of data (uncompressed), or up to 80 GB of data (compressed), assuming a 2:1 compression ratio.
In addition to this book, the option package contains:
IBM 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive  Mounting screws  Jumpers  Data cartridge  Backup application CDs (trial versions)  Safety Information manual
Contact your place of purchase if an item is missing or damaged. Be sure to retain your proof of purchase and packing material. They might be required to receive warranty service.
Software description
The 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive includes trial-version backup application CDs. These CDs contain popular backup and restore applications for Microsoft Windows NT, Novell NetWare, and other operating systems. You can install the application you choose for your computer system by following the installation instructions that come with the CD you select. However, these trial versions of the software expire after 30 or 90 days, depending on the application you use.
You can use the trial period to determine the best application for your specific computer configuration. For information on purchasing a permanent installation copy of the desired tape drive backup application, go to the IBM tape drive Web site at
GB equals approximately 1 000 000000 bytes.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2000
1-1 and follow the software links.
The CDs also contain backup applications that are used with other products but are not applicable to the 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive. Supported tape drive configurations can be found on the IBM Netfinity Server Compatibility Web page at
Installation requirements
To install this drive, you must have the following: Low voltage differential (Ultra2) SCSI host adapter, or a single-ended (SE) 3
SCSI host adapter
Documentation for your computer, SCSI bus adapter, or external enclosure An Ultra2 LVD active terminator if you are installing the tape drive at the end of
an Ultra2 LVD SCSI device chain
An SE active terminator if you are installing the tape drive at the end of an SE
SCSI device chain
Phillips head and flat blade screwdrivers for the mounting screws, and for
opening your computer
Flat-nose pliers (optional) to install and remove jumpers An available 5.25-inch drive bay
Installing the drive
This section contains information on installing the tape drive in IBM servers and in other computers.
This tape drive can be installed on a single-ended (SE) SCSI device chain, but doing so might limit the performance of the drive.
SCSI termination might be provided with your computer or SCSI adapter. Refer to the documentation that comes with your computer or SCSI adapter for more information.
If you are using a Netfinity 8500, 8500R, or 7000 server, you must install the tape drive in a SCSI external storage enclosure such as the IBM 3551-001 or IBM 3503-BOX.
1-2 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive
Installing the drive in IBM servers
The tape drive is compatible with the Netfinity 8500 or 8500R4, Netfinity 70008, Netfinity 5500, and Netfinity 5000 servers. For instructions on installing the tape drive in a server, go to the “Installing Internal Drives” section in the server’s User’s Handbook and follow the directions for “Installing a 5.25-inch Removable-Media Drive.”
Note: The server User’s Handbook instructions refer specifically to installing a half-high drive in a single bay in the server. Your tape drive is a full-high drive and must be installed in both drive bays in the server.
Part 1: Installation, use, and maintenance guide 1-3
Installing the drive in other computers
Follow these steps to install the tape drive in other computers.
Step 1. Selecting a SCSI ID
Each device on a SCSI bus must have a unique SCSI ID. You can select a SCSI ID from 0 to 6 for the tape drive. The SCSI ID must be supported by your SCSI adapter. Refer to your SCSI adapter documentation for the range and the relative priority of the IDs supported. The tape drive is shipped with the SCSI ID preset to 5.
Follow these guidelines to select a SCSI ID:
Assign the tape drive to one of the higher priority IDs available (0–6). Assign the lower priority ID numbers (8–15) to those devices that are most often
used or are faster than other devices in the chain.
Do not assign an ID of 7, because this is usually used as the SCSI adapter ID. Depending on your computer, there are several ways to view your current SCSI ID
settings: For many IBM computers, press F1 during the startup after the memory check
completes. Other adapters show SCSI settings when you press Ctrl+A. Check the documentation that comes with your computer or SCSI adapter for information on how to view configuration information.
Use SCSI adapter utility programs, if available. Inspect the installed SCSI devices to see how the jumpers that determine the IDs
are set.
Step 2. Preparing for installation
To prepare for installation:
1. Turn off all attached devices. Turn off the computer. Unplug the power cords for the computer and all attached devices; then open the computer. For specific information on opening your computer, refer to the documentation that comes with your computer.
Attention: Tape drives are sensitive to static electricity discharge. The drives are wrapped in a static-protective bag to prevent damage.
2. Before opening the static-protective bag containing the tape drive, touch the bag to an unpainted metal surface on the computer for at least two seconds. Remove the drive from the static-protective bag. If you must put the drive down, place the drive on the static-protective bag. Do not touch any exposed components of the tape drive. Instead, handle it carefully by the edges.
1-4 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive
Step 3. Setting the SCSI ID, termination, and parity
Use the following illustration to locate the SCSI configuration jumper blocks.
SCSI ID Connector Block
A jumper must always be placed across Pin Pair 9 / 10 if any SCSI ID other than the default (5) is selected.
If the tape drive is the last device on the SCSI bus, the bus must be terminated at the drive.Some SCSI cables provide self termination and do not require terminators.To terminate the bus at the drive, attach a SCSI terminator (not provided) to the drive connector before attaching the SCSI cable.
Most SCSI adapters provide termination power. However, if your SCSI adapter does not provide termination power, you must place a jumper in the enable termination power position on the jumper block.Attach a SCSI terminator (not provided) to the SCSI connector on the drive. For more information, refer to the documentation that comes with your computer or SCSI adapter.
If you install the tape drive in an SCSI external storage enclosure such as the IBM 3503-BOX storage enclosure, and the enclosure is at the end of the SCSI bus, refer to your enclosure documentation for information on termination.
Review the information that comes with your computer regarding parity generation. If your system does not generate parity, you can disable parity checking by placing a jumper in the disable parity position on the jumper block.
Pin Pair 1 / 2
Front Bezel
Part 1:Installation, use, and maintenance guide1-5
If you choose the default SCSI address of 5, proceed to Step 4. If you need to change the SCSI address, use the SCSI ID jumper block to set your SCSI ID.Remove and reposition jumpers to set the ID. If necessary, use a pair of flat-nose pliers to remove the jumpers. The following illustration shows how to set the jumper block for each ID. Use the jumpers that come with your tape drive.
14 15
Step 4. Mounting the drive
Mount the tape drive; then attach the SCSI and power cables to it. If there is insufficient working space to attach the connectors after mounting the drive, attach the cables first (see “Step 5. Attaching cables” on page 1-19). To mount the drive:
1. Locate an available 5.25-inch bay or space in your computer to mount the tape drive. Remove the cover plate from the bay selected. Place the drive horizontally or vertically.
2. Align the drive-bay screw holes with the threaded holes in the drive housing. When you mount the tape drive, follow these guidelines:
Ensure that no objects such as screw heads, cables, or adjacent devices are
pressing against the frame.
Ensure that nothing blocks the ventilation slots on the bottom and rear of the
tape drive.
3. Insert a screw through each of the drive-bay holes into the threaded holes in the drive and tighten the screws with a screwdriver. Use only the screws that come with the tape drive. Other screws might be too long and cause electrical shorts.
Step 5. Attaching cables
The rear tape drive connections are:
.1/ SCSI cable connector
.2/ Power connector
1-6 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive
To attach the SCSI and power cables to the tape drive:
1. Locate the SCSI cable on your computer (a 68-pin (wide) ribbon cable with one end connected to the SCSI adapter) and find the next available connector that is farthest from the adapter. Use all empty bus connectors beginning with the one farthest from the adapter to ensure better signal quality.
Note: The SCSI adapter might be part of the computer system board or might be an adapter installed in an expansion slot.
2. Attach the SCSI cable from your computer to the tape drive 68-pin SCSI connector .1/. The SCSI cable connector at the end of the SCSI cable will attach to the drive only one way. Do not force the cable onto the drive.
Attention: Do not force the power cable into the tape drive power connector. If the power cable is upside down and you force the connection, you might damage the drive.
3. Connect the power cable connector to the four-pin connector .2/ on the tape drive as shown in the illustration. If all the power cables are in use, purchase a dc Y-splitter cable, which is available at most electronics stores, and split a connection to make a connection available for the tape drive.
Step 6. Completing the installation
Check your work before closing the computer.
1. Be sure that the power and SCSI connectors are securely attached. Be sure that the cables are neatly routed.
2. Replace the computer cover and secure it in place. Reconnect the power cords and cables.
Step 7. Turning on the device
Turn on all attached devices; then turn on your computer. The tape drive performs a power-on self-test (POST) within 15 seconds and then performs a drive reset.
Step 8. Updating the configuration
For most computers, the configuration-setup utility program automatically recognizes the new tape drive. However, you might have to provide information about your system changes after you restart your computer.
Ensure that the appropriate advanced SCSI programming interface (ASPI) device drivers are installed to support the tape drive. Device drivers are usually provided with the SCSI adapter.
If your computer does not recognize the tape drive after startup or you receive startup errors, run the configuration-setup utility program as described in the documentation that comes with your computer.
Part 1: Installation, use, and maintenance guide 1-7
If all the indicators on either side of the tape drive blink in unison, there is a problem with the tape drive. Press the Unload button on the right side of the drive front panel to eject any tape that might be inserted and to reset the drive. If the problem persists, turn off the computer; then turn it back on. If the problem continues, see Appendix D, “Problem solving” on page 2-4 for further steps.
Step 9. Installing backup and restore software
To use the drive, you must install an appropriate backup and restore application for your computer operating system. If you are using software not included in the option package, follow the directions that come with your software. If you are using the trial software that comes with the option, insert a trial application CD into the CD-ROM drive and follow the on-screen installation and operating instructions.
Using the drive
The illustration shows the drive front panel.
.1/-.4/ Status indicators .5/ Unload button .6/ Cartridge Insert/Release handle .7/ Select button .8/ Density Override indicator .9/ Compress indicator .1ð/-.13/ Tape Capacity indicators
1-8 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive
Understanding the status indicators
The indicators on the right side of the drive front panel are:
.1/ Write Protect (orange): When this indicator is on, the tape is write protected.
.2/ Tape in Use (yellow): When this indicator is blinking, the tape is in motion. When this indicator lights steadily, the tape is loaded and ready for use.
.3/ Use Cleaning Tape (yellow): When this indicator is on, the drive head needs cleaning or the tape is damaged. For instructions on cleaning the drive, go to “Cleaning the drive” on page 1-13.
.4/ Operate Handle (green): When this indicator lights steadily, you can lift the Cartridge Insert/Release handle. If the indicator is blinking, push the handle
down and wait for the indicator to stop blinking.
Using the controls
Use the controls listed below for unloading a tape, resetting the tape drive, inserting or releasing a cartridge, or cycling through tape capacity options.
.5/ Unload: Press this button to unload a tape or to reset the tape drive. .6/ Cartridge Insert/Release: Lift this handle to insert or remove a cartridge
when the Operate Handle indicator lights. .7/ Select: When the Density Override indicator .8/ is flashing, you can press
this button to cycle through tape capacity options.
Reading the capacity indicators
The indicators on the left side of the front panel indicate current tape cartridge capacity in gigabytes, as well as any change in capacity you have requested. The type of data cartridge you use determines the capacities available for your selection. See “Selecting recording capacity” on page 1-11 for instructions on selecting recording capacity. See the “Maximum data capacity” table on page 2-3 for more details. Note: Tape capacity cannot be changed mid-tape. To change tape capacity, the tape
must be rewritten from the beginning.
.8/ Density Override (yellow): When this indicator is lit, it indicates that you used the Select button to change tape capacity.
.9/ Compress (yellow): When this indicator is lit, data compression is enabled. .1ð/ 40.0 (yellow): When this indicator lights steadily, the tape is recorded at
40.0 GB capacity. When this indicator is blinking, it indicates that you requested this capacity.
.11/ 35.0 (yellow): When this indicator lights steadily, the tape is recorded at
35.0 GB capacity. When this indicator is blinking, it indicates that you requested this capacity.
Part 1: Installation, use, and maintenance guide 1-9
.12/ 20.0 (yellow): When this indicator lights steadily, the tape is recorded at
20.0 GB capacity. When this light is blinking, it indicates that you requested this capacity.
.13/ 10.0/15.0 (yellow): When this indicator lights steadily, the tape is recorded at 10.0 GB or 15.0 GB capacity. When this indicator is blinking, it indicates you requested this capacity.
If the indicators flash in unison, it indicates a tape drive hardware failure. Try to reset the drive by following instructions given in “Resetting the drive” on page 1-14.
Selecting data cartridges
For writing data, use only DLT data cartridges. Any of the following data cartridges are compatible with the tape drive and require no formatting or other media conditioning before use. For maximum data rate and storage capacities, use the IBM Data Cartridge (part number 59H3040) or Quantum DLTtape IV Cartridge.
IBM Data Cartridge (part number 59H3040) - 40 GB capacity (80 GB
DLTtape III - 10 GB original capacity (20 GB compressed) DLTtape IIIxt - 15 GB original capacity (30 GB compressed) DLTtape IV - 40 GB original capacity (80 GB compressed)
Caring for tape cartridges
Use the following maintenance guidelines to properly handle your tape cartridges. Do not carry loose cartridges in a box or other container that exposes them to
unnecessary physical shock.
Store each cartridge vertically in its protective case when you are not using it. Do not drop or bump cartridge; this might dislodge or damage internal
Avoid opening the cartridge door unnecessarily. Opening the cartridge door
might expose the tape to contamination or physical damage.
Do not allow anything to contact the tape medium or the tape leader. Dust or
skin oils can contaminate the tape and hinder performance.
Do not expose cartridges to moisture, direct sunlight, or condensation. Maintain clean operating, working, and storage environments. Do not place cartridges on or near devices that might produce magnetic fields,
such as computer monitors, motors, or video equipment. Such exposure can alter or erase data on the tape. Magnetic fields are usually not a problem unless you place a tape cartridge a few inches from a magnet or an electric motor.
Do not attempt to remove a tape cartridge from the tape system unless the
Operate Handle indicator is lit steadily. Overriding the system handle causes damage to both the media and the tape drive.
1-10 40/80 GB DLT Internal Tape Drive
The ambient operating temperature for the tape cartridge is 10°C to 40°C (50°F to
104°F) and the ambient operating relative humidity (noncondensing) is 20% to 80%. If storage or transportation of a tape cartridge has exposed it to conditions outside these ambient values, allow the tape cartridge to acclimate to proper operating conditions for a 24-hour period before using.
Place labels only in the front slide slot of the cartridge. Placing a label on the
top, bottom, sides, or rear of the cartridge might interfere with normal cartridge operation and might damage other parts of the drive.
Do not use graphite pencils, water-soluble felt pens, or other debris-producing
writing instruments on your labels. Never use an eraser on a label; replace the label.
Be sure to place unused cartridge labels in the protective box so that you do not
inadvertently pick them up along with the cartridge during subsequent usage. A static electricity charge on a cartridge might cause a label to cling to the cartridge. If you accidentally insert a label into the system along with a cartridge, the hub reel and system gear might not mesh.
Follow all instructions for tape cartridge handling that come with your cartridges
or tape system.
Selecting recording capacity
You might want to decrease tape capacity for compatibility with older tape drives, or increase capacity for enhanced performance. Insert a tape cartridge, and wait for tape motion to stop and the Tape in Use indicator to light steadily. The capacity indicators show the current tape capacity. If they are not lit, it means the tape is blank.
Press the Select button to change density. When the Density Override indicator is blinking, you can press the Select button to change the recording capacity of the tape. Press the Select button until the desired capacity indicator is flashing. The indicator will continue flashing until the tape drive begins recording in the new capacity. Then, the new capacity indicator lights steadily, and the original capacity indicator turns off.
Note: Your choice of capacities is limited by the data cartridge you use. See the “Maximum data capacity” table on page 2-3.
Setting write protection on the cartridge
Part 1: Installation, use, and maintenance guide 1-11
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