IBM 3531 User Manual

IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531
Hardware Maintenance Manual
IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531
Hardware Maintenance Manual
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information
under “Notices” on page 81.
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This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time.
This publication was developed for products and services offered in the United States of America. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries, and the information is subject to change without notice. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products, services, and featur es available in your area.
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Netfinity EXP 300 - Type 3531
Note to U.S. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

About th is m anual

This manual contains diag nostic infor mat io n, a Symp tom -to-F RU inde x , servic e information, error indications, and configuration information for the Netfinity
EXP300 – Type 3531 storage expansion unit. Important: This manual is intended for trained servicers who are familiar with
IBM PC Server products.

Important safety information

Be sure to read all caution and danger statements in this book before performing any of the instructions.
Leia todas as in struções de cuidado e peri go antes de executar qualquer operação.
Prenez connaissance de toutes les consignes de type Attention et Danger avant de procéder aux opérations décrites par les instructions. Lesen Sie alle Sicherheitshinweise, bevor Sie eine Anweisung ausführen. Accertarsi di leggere tutti gli avvisi di attenzione e di pericolo prima di effettuare
qualsiasi operazi on e.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 iii

Online support

Lea atentamente todas las declarac iones de pr ecauci ón y peligr o ante de llevar a cabo cualq ui e r ope ración.
Use the World Wide Web (WWW ) to dow nload Dia gno stic, BIO S Flas h, and Devic e Driver files, and Documen ts.
The Web address is:
iv IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Man u al
About this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Important safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Online support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Chapter 1.Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 . . . 1
Chapter 2.Related service information . . 41
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 v
vi IBM Netfintiy EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Man ual
Chapter 1. Netfinity EXP300 Ty pe 3531
Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Clustering support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Diagnostics and Test Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Additional Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
T urning the expansion unit on and off. . . . . . . . . . . 3
T urning on the expansion unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
T urning off the expansion unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Turning off the expansion unit in an emergency . . 5 Turning on the expansion unit after an emergency 5
Operating specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
System-management software support . . . . . . . . . . 6
Symptom-to-FRU index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Getting started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Preparing the expansion unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Removing CRUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Setting th e interface options and ID setti ngs . . . . 10
External option switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Internal option switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Unit ID dial switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Netfinity EXP300 bays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Hot-swap drive bays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bridge card bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ESM and power supply bays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Switch card bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Front controls, indicators, and devices . . . . . . . . . 14
Rear controls, indicators, and connectors . . . . . . . 15
Power-supply controls, indicators, connectors . . 15
ESM board user controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Wo rking with hot-swap drives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installing hot-swap drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Replacing hot-swap drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Wo rking with hot-swap power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Removing a hot-swap power supply/fan unit . . 21 Installing a hot-swap power supply / fan unit . . 22
W orking with cards and boards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Replacing a bridge card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Replacing the switch card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Replacing an ESM board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Conversion of EXP300 to a tower or from a tower25
Installing the EXP300 in a rack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Installing the EXP300 in a Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Installing identification labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Installing the EXP300 in a NetBAY enclosure . . . 33
Completing the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Installing identification labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Cabling the expansion unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Parts Listing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Power Cords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
The IBM® Netfinity® EXP300 is a compact unit that provides high-capacity, small computer system interface (SCSI) disk storage. It supports up to 14 Ultra160 SCSI drives on a sing le or dual logical bus. It delivers fast, high - volume data transfer, retrieval, and storage functions across multiple drives, to multiple hosts. The expansion enclosure is designed for continuous, reliable service; the modular, redundant disk drives, power supplies with built-in fans, and environmental services monitor (ESM) boards use hot-sw ap tec hnolo gy for easy r e pla cement with out t urni ng off the expansion unit.
The expansion unit supports Ultra160 SC SI for the host an d drive interfaces and it is designed for easy installation and integration into a variety of system environments.
The following table summarizes the features of the expansion unit. For a list of the operating spe cifications, suc h as weight, height, and heat output, see “Operating
specifications” on page 5.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 1
Modular compon e nts: — High-capacity di sk
— Environmental services
monitor (ESM) boards
— Power supplies with
built-in fans
T echnology: — Supports disk ar ray
technology — Supports cl ustering — SCSI (Ultra160) host
interface — Redundant data st ora ge,
power a n d co o ling
system, and ESM boards — Hot-swap technology for
drives, power supplies
with built-in fans, and
ESM boards
•User interface: — Built-in power, activity,
and fault indicators
— Identification labeling
on customer replaceable units (CRUs) rear indicator lights, switche s , a nd co n ne c to rs
— Easy-to-replace drives,
power supplies, ESM boards, and fans
Disk drive storage
Current capabilities: — Maximum drives per
expansion unit: 14 — Drives per SCSI bus: 7 — SCSI buses per unit: 2 — SCSI buses ca n be
configured as one
continuous SCSI bus.
ESM boards
Technolo g y and inter f aces: — SCSI: Ultra160 — SC S I bu s i nte rface: Two
68-pin, Very High Density Connector Interface (VHDCI) connectors for SCSI bus cables
Clustering support
Clustering is a feature of the expansion unit. Clustering is a means of sharing SCSI buses and disk drives among SCSI controllers to provide redundancy of SCSI controllers and servers. This redundancy is important if a hardware component fails. If a hardw a re component fails after clust e ring has been set up, another server will take ownership of the disk drives or SCSI b u s.
The IBM Netfinity EXP300 supports twin-tailed clustering. With twin-tailed clustering, you can connect two IBM ServeRAID
unit. In the twin-tailed clustering environment, you can use dual-host controllers cabled separately to the EXP300 expansion unit; however, only a single logical bus of 13 drives is supported. Each SCSI device on a SCSI bus must have a unique ID. To prevent conflicts in a twin-tailed configuration, do not install a drive in the bay that uses SCSI ID 6 because your secondary SCSI Serv eRAID controller is set to 6.
Service tip: If you use IBM ServeRAID controllers in a cluster configuration, the termination power LED on the back of the expansion unit is useful. The ServeRAID controller provides the signal for termination power. If the termination power LED is not lit, it indicates that a particular EXP300 expansion unit is not attached to a controller that is turned on. Make a note of which EXP300 expansion unit is attached to which se r v er before the hard w a re is serviced .
Cluste ring requires add itional hardw a re an d spe cialized so f tw a re . For mo re informat ion, visit the IBM Netfinity Cluster Solu tions Web site at:
controllers to an EXP300 expansion
2 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
Diagnostics and Test Information
Note: The service procedures are designed to help you isolate problems. They are
writte n with the assumption th at you have model-specific training on all compute rs, or that you are familiar with the compu ters, functio ns, terminology, and service-related information provided in this manual and the appropriate IBM PC/Netfinity Server Hardware Maintenance Manual.
The following is a list of problems and references for diagnosing the IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531.
Problem Reference
Hard Disk Drive Numbering See “Installing identification labels” on
Error co de s /Error messag e s Refer to the Symp to m - to - F R U i nde x for
Expansion Unit options switches See “Sett ing the int erface opti ons and ID
Front controls and indications See “Fr ont controls, indicators, and
Rear co nt rols and indica tio n s See “Rear controls, ind i cators, and
page 35
the server that the Storage Expansion Unit you are servicing is connected to.
settings” on page 10
devices” on page 14
connectors” on page 15
Tuning the power on and off See “Turning the expansion unit on and
Power supply controls and indicators See “Power-s upply controls, indicators,
Additional Service Information
Turning the expansion unit on and off
This section contains instructions for turning the expansion unit on and off under normal and emergency circumstances.
If you are turning on the expansion unit after an emergency shutdown or power outage, refer to “Turning on the expansion unit after an emergency” on page 5.
Turning on the expansion unit
Use this procedure to turn on the power for the initial startup of the expansion unit.
1. Verify that: a. All cables are properly attached.
b. Both power cords are plugged into the back of the expansion unit and into
properly grounded electrical out lets.
c. All hard disk drives are locked securely in place.
d. All switch es are set correctly: the internal option swit ches 1 through 4,
external optio n switc he s 1 th roug h 5, and t he u nit I D switc h on the ex pan sion unit. (Se e “S e tting the interf ace op tions and ID setting s” on page 10 for more information.)
connectors” on page 15
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 3
2. Check the system documentation for all the hardware devices you intend to turn on and determine the proper power-on sequence.
Note: Be sure to turn on the IBM Netfi nity EXP300 expansion unit before or at
the same time as you turn on the server.
3. Turn on each device, based on this powe r-on sequence.
4. Turn on both power supplies on the back of the unit. The expansion unit might tak e a few seconds to turn on. During this time, you
might see the fault (amber) and the power (green) LEDs on the expansion unit turn on and off intermittently. When the power-on sequence is complete, only the power (green) LEDs on the front and back should remain on. If one or more fault (amber) LEDs remain lit, refer to “Symptom-to-FRU index” on page 7.
Attention: If you have data stored on the drives, label the drives before you remove them. Then, when you replace the drives, install each one in the same drive bay from which you removed it. Failure to do so will result in a loss of data.
Turning off the expansion unit
Attention: Except in an emergency situation, never turn off the power if any fault LEDs are lit on th e expan sion unit . Cor rec t th e fau lt be for e you att e mpt to turn of f the power, using the proper troubleshooting or servicing procedure. This will ensure that the expansion unit will turn on correctly later. Refer to “Symptom-to-FRU index” on page 7.
Statement 5
CAUTION: The power control button on the device and the power supply do not turn off the electrical current supplied to the device. The device also might have more than one power cord. To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source.
2 1
The expansion unit is designed to run contin uou sly, 24 hours a day. Turn off the power only when at least one of the following is true:
Instructions in a hardware or software procedure require you to turn off the power.
A ser vi c e te chnician tells you to tu rn off the power.
A power outage or emergency situation occurs (see “Turning off the expansion unit in an emergency” on page 5).
Use the following procedure to turn off the expansion unit:
1. Power down the server attached to the expansion unit.
4 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
2. Make sure that all amber fault LEDs are off. If any fault LEDs are lit (drives, power suppl ies, or ESM boards), correct the p roblem before you turn off the power. For guidance, refer to “Symptom-to-FRU index” on page 7.
3. Turn off both power supplies.
Turning off the expansion unit in an emergency
Attention: Emergency situations might include fire, flood, extre me we ather conditions, or other hazardous circumstances. If a power outage or emergency situation occurs, always turn off all power switches on all computing equipment. This will help safeguard your equipment from potential damage due to electrical surges when power is restored. If the expansion unit loses power unexpectedly, it might be due to a hardware failure in the power sy stem or midplane (see “Symptom­to-FRU index” on page 7).
Use the following procedure to turn off the expansion unit during an emergency situation:
1. Power down the server attached to the expansion unit.
2. If you have tim e, st op al l act ivi ty an d chec k the LEDs ( fr ont and back ). Make n ote of any fault LEDs that are lit so that you can corr e ct the problem when you turn on the power again.
3. Turn off all power supplies; then, unplug the power cables from the expansion unit.
Turning on the expansion unit after an emergency
Use the following procedure to restart the expansion unit if you turned off the power supplies during an emergency shutdown, or if a power failure or a power outage occurred:
1. After the emergency situation is over or power is restored, check the expansion unit for damage. If there is no visible damage, continue with Step 2; otherwise, consult with customer to repair the unit .
2. After you have checked for damage, plug in the expansion-unit power cables and turn on the power switches.
3. Check the syst em docu mentat i on for the har dwa r e devi ces y ou in tend t o turn on, and determine the proper power-on sequence.
Note: Be sure to turn on the IBM Netfinity EXP300 before or at the same time
you turn on the sy ste m unit.
4. Turn on each device, based on the power-on sequence.
5. Turn on both power supplies on the back of the IBM Netfini ty EX P 300.
6. Only the po we r ( green) LEDs on the front and back shou ld be on. If one or more of the fault (amber) LEDs are on , refer to “Sympt om- to-FRU index” on pa ge 7 for instructions.
7. Use your installed software application as appropriate to check the status of the expansion unit.
Operating specifications
The following table summarizes the operating specifications of the expansion unit.
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 5
Electrical input
Sine-wave input (50 to 60 Hz) is required
•Input voltage: —Low range:
Minimum: 90 V ac – Maximum: 127 V ac
— High range
Minimum: 198 V ac – Maximum: 257 V ac
— Input kilovolt-amperes
(kVA) approximately: – Minimum
configuration: 0.06 kVA
configuration: 0.45 kVA
Air temperature:
— Expansion unit on: 10°
to 35° C (50° to 95° F) Altitude: 0 to 914 m (3000 ft)
— Expansion unit on: 10°
to 32° C (50° to 90° F) Altitude: 914 m (3000 ft.) to 2133 m (700 ft)
Humidity: 8% to 80%
Size (with front panel and without mounting rails
Depth: 53.8 cm (21.2 in)
Height: 12.8 cm (5 in)
Width: 44.7 cm (17.6 in)
Standard expansion unit as shipped: 22.5 kg (49.5 lbs)
Typical expans ion un it fully loaded: 36.1 kg (79.4 lbs)
Acoustical noise emissions values
For open bay (no drives installed) and max imum system configurations (14 hard disk drives installed).
Sound power (idling): — 5.6 bels (open bay) — 5.7 bels (typical)
Sound power (operating): — 5.6 bels (open bay) — 6.5 bels (typical)
Sound pressure (idling): — 44 dBA (open bay) — 47 dBA (typic al)
Sound pressure (operating): — 44 dBA (open bay) — 54 dBA (typic al)
These levels are measured in contr olled acoustical environments according to ISO 7779 and are reported in accordan ce with I SO 9296. The declared sound power levels indicate an upper limit, below which a large portion of machines operate. Sound pressure levels i n your location might exceed the average 1-meter values stated because of room reflections and other nearby noise.
System-management software support
The Net f i ni t y EX P 3 0 0 p rovides so ftware alert fu nctions through the sy st e m m o ni t or function s p rovided in the IBM Netfinity Manager, IBM Netfinity Direc tor, and IBM ServeRAID manager software.
The following alerts are supported:
Disk drive disabled
Power supply failure
Cooling failure
IBM Netfinity EXP300 too hot
Vital Product Data for su b components Note: You must have the correct level of manageme nt software on your server to
enable this functionality.
6 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
Y o u must use ServeRAID version 4.10 or later for your ServeRAID controller to repo rt statu s and alerts p rop e rly. To downl o a d th e la te st ServeR AID family so f tware, visi t the following IBM web site at: http://www
For up-to-date information about the IBM Netfinity Manager and Netfinity Director software support available for your EXP30 0, visit the foll owing IBM Web site at:
For Netfinity Manager users, download Netfinity Manager version 5.20.6 SP1 or later. For Netfinity Director users, download Netfinity Director, UM Server extensions
version 2.12 SP1.
Symptom-to-FRU index
This index supports Netfin it y EXP300 – Type 3531 expansion units. Use this chart to find solutions to p roblems that have definite symptoms.
Problem indicator FRU/Action
Amber LED on Drive CR U 1. Failed drive
Refer to “Replacing hot-swap drives” on page 20
Amber LED on ES M b oard 1. Failed ESM board
Refer to “Replacing an ESM board” on page 24.
Amber LED on front panel 1. Indicates that a Fault LED somewhere on the expansion
unit has been turned on. (Check for amber LEDs and CRUs.)
Refer to “Rear controls, indicators, and connectors” on page 15
Amber LED on an d green LED off 1. Tur n on all power supplies
2. Power supply
Amber and g reen LE Ds on 1. F ailed power supply All green LEDs off 1. Check that all expansion unit power cables are plugged
in and the power is on. If applicable, check that the main circuit breakers for the rack are turned on.
2. Check the main circuit breaker and ac outlet. If the external switch 1 is set to Off, the SCSI controller
must be cabled to the EXP300 and turned on.
3. Power supply
4. Mid-plane board
Amber LED flashing on Drive CRU 1. Drive rebuild or identity is in process. Amber LED flashing on power
supply Amber LED on and green dc power
LED off on power supply
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 7
1. Power supply
1. Turn power switch on
2. Power supply
Problem indicator FRU/Action
Amber LED on and green ac power LED off on power supply
Green LED on (Drive CRU ID=6) 1. If not curr e ntly clus ter configured, po we r cycle the
One or more gre e n LEDs off (one or two drive CRUs)
One or more green LEDs off (all drive CRUs or those on one bus)
One or more green LEDs off (front panel)
Intermi ttent or sporadic power loss to the expansion unit
Unable to access drives on on e or both SCSI buses
1. Make sure AC power is good at the source.
2. Power Cord
3. Power supply
Netfinity EXP300 to re-enable ID=6.
( No activity to the drive. No action is required.)
( No activity to the drive. No action is required.)
1. Check SCSI-bus cables and connections.
2. Use RAID management software to check the SCSI-bus status.
3. ESM board
1. Make sure the cables are plugged in and power supplies
are turned on.
2. Power supply
1. Check the ac power source
2. Resecure all installed power cables and power supplies
3. Power supply
1. Make sure SCSI cables are unda m a ge d an d pro per ly
connect ed.
2. Check the drive SCSI ID settings. Ensure that option switches 1 and 3 (inside the switch car d) are set to the appropriate positions.
Change switch positions only when you r ho st se rver and expansion unit is turned off.
3. ESM board
4. Brid ge card (All high address or all low address hard­disk drive failed)
Rando m e rro rs 1. Mid-plane
Locati ons
Getting started
You can insta ll the EXP300 expansion unit in the followi ng types of enclosures:
An Electronic Industries Association (EIA) 310 standard rack cabinet
The IBM Netfinity EXP300 Rack-to-Tower Conversion Kit
An IBM Netfinity NetBAY enclosure
8 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
You will need a flat-blade screwdriver and a Phillips-head screwdriver to install your expansion unit. Each type of enclosure comes with general installation instructions for installing optional dev ices .
Before you begin, revi e w th e following assum p tions:
If you are installing the expansion unit in a rack, you have already installed the other components in the rack and moved the rack t o its permanent operating location.
Y ou have already installed and configured the host controllers and appropriate host adapters.
There are 68-pin VHDCI SCSI cables attached to the host controllers, ready for final connection to the expansion unit.
The installation site meet s al l area, environmental, power, and site requirements for the expansion unit. Refer to the expansion unit requirements listed under “Operating specifications” on page 5.
Preparing the expansion unit
This sec tion e xplain s how to r emove th e CRUs an d set t he int erfac e opt ion s to pr e par e the expansion unit for installation.
Removing CRUs
It is easier to lift the expansion unit and install it in a rack or tower enclosure if you remove all CRUs (disk drives, po wer supplie s, an d ESMs ) first. A fully loaded expansion unit with 14 disk drives and two power supplies with built-in fans installed weighs 36.1 kg (79.5 lb). The standard unit with two power supplies weighs
22.5 kg (49.5 lb). If you remove all the CRUs, you can reduce the overall weight.
Attention: If you have data stored on the drives, label the drives before you remove them. Then, when you replace the drives, install each one in the same drive bay from which you removed it.
See “Locations” on page 8 for information on removing the CRUs.
Statement 4
18 kg (37 lbs) 32 kg (70.5 lbs) ≥55 kg (121.2 lbs)
CAUTION: Use safe practices when lifting.
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 9
Setting the interface options and ID settings
1 2 3 4
options switches
When you install a drive CRU in the expan sion unit , the drive tr ay plugs into a printed circuit board called the midplane. The midplane sets the SCSI bus number and ID automatically.
The switc h card located on the b a ck of the expansion unit has five external option switches, four internal option switches, and a unit ID switch. It is e a sier to set these switches before you install the expansion unit in a rack or tower enclosure.
Attention: Always set the option switches while the expansion unit and host server are turned off. Failure to do so will result in loss of data.
External option switches
Unit ID switch
External option switches
The five opt ion switches on the exterior of the switch card are: Option switch 1 controls the power supply to the expansion unit. Option switches 2 through 5 are reserved; leave these switches in the default positions.
Option switch 1 — Power-control switch
When this opti on switch is set to Off, the expansi on unit turns on and off automatically when you turn the host machine on and off. This occurs only if termination power is present (the termination-power LED is on) at the external SCSI connector.
When this option switch is se t to On (the default), you must turn the expansion unit on and off separately.
Option switches 2 through 5 — Reserved
These opti on switches are reserved; leave these option switches set to the default positions. Set switches 2 through 5 (On , On , Off, Off) respectively.
Internal option switches
The four option switches ins ide the switch card are: Option swi tch 1 controls SCSI addresses for the rack and tower installation modes. Option switch 2 controls the fron t p anel power and fault LEDs for the rack and tower. Option switch 3 controls the SCSI bus, and option switch 4 is reserved; leave this switch in the Off position.
10 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
Attention: A loss of data can occur if y ou change the position of inte rnal option
switch 1 or interna l option swi t ch 3 af te r sto ring data on the drive s. Ref e r to
“Conversion of EX P 300 to a tower or from a tower” on page 25 if you want to chan ge the configuration of your expansion unit from a rack (internal switch 1 Off) to a tower (internal switch 1 On) or from a tower to a rack orientation.
SCSI buses and IDs
There are two SCSI buses (bus 1 and bus 2) in the expansion unit. Each bus uses seven SCSI ID numbers. Each disk drive within the expansion un i t has a unique SCSI bus an d ID assignment, based on its physical locati on in the expan s ion unit and the setting of op t ion switch 1 (inside the switch card) .
Option switch 1 — SCSI-address switch
This switc h sets the order of the SCSI IDs. The default is Off for a rack unit installation. In the rack unit, the SCSI IDs are from left to right, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. When this switch is set to On for a tower installati on , the SCSI IDs are from top to bottom, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.
Option switch 2 — Rack/tower LED switch
Note: If you are installing the EXP300 in a tower, refer to the Rack-to-Tower
Conversi on Kit instructions for option switch settings and labeling information.
Option switch 2 is the rack and tower mode switch. Put this switch in the Off position when the unit is placed in a rack and in the On position when the unit is placed in a tower.
When shipped, option switch 2 is set to the rack (Off) position. When you make the chan ge to i nsta ll i t in to a tower, option switch 2 is in the On posit i on and the general system error indicator on the front panel is swapped with the power-on LED, placing the green power-on LED above the general-system error indicator.
Set this switch to Off (the default) for a rack unit and On for a tower unit.
Option switch 3 — SCSI bus split switch
This switch controls the SCSI bus configuration. When this option switch is set to Off (the default), the expansion unit configuration is set as a single SCSI bus mode. When this option switch is set to On, the expansion unit configuration is set as a dual SCSI bu s (split bus) mode .
Option switch 4 — Reserved
This switch is reserved; leave this option switch set to Off (the default).
Unit ID dial switch
The unit ID swit ch has 10 settings. You can use these setting s ( 0 through 9) to set an ID for the expansion unit. System-management software, such as IBM Netfinity Director, uses this expansion unit ID when it provides data and alerts for the expansion unit.
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 11
Important inform a tio n for IB M Serve RAID:
If you are using a ServeRAID software version earlier than the Version 3.50, the Vi e w Configuration sc reens might show SCSI IDs or bay numbers. I f t he data shown on the View Configurat ion screen begins with 0, it denotes SCSI IDs. If the data shown on the View Conf iguration screen begins with 1, it denotes bay numbers.
Netfinity EXP300 bays
The following sections describe the hot-swap CRUs, the switch card bay, and the bridge card bay on the Netfinity EXP300 expansion unit.
Wi th the hot-swap feat ures of the Netfin ity EXP300, you can remove an d replace hard disk dri ves, power supplies/fans, and ESM boards without turning off the expansion unit. Therefore, you can maintain the availability of your system while a hot-swap device is removed, installe d , or replaced .
Hot-swap drive bays
The following illustration shows the location of the hot-swap drive bays accessible from the front of your expansion unit. The Netfinity EXP300 supports up to 14 IBM Ultra160 SCSI or Ultra2 SCSI hard disk drives. These drives come pre installed in a drive tray. The drive and tray assembly is called a drive CRU (customer replaceable unit). You can install the drive CRUs in the 14 drive bays on the front of the expansion unit.
In the following figure, seven of the 14 bays contain drive CRUs, and seven bays contain filler panels. To maintain proper cooling within your expansion unit, always keep a filler panel in each drive bay that does not contain a drive CRU. For information on installing and replacing drive CRUs, refer to “Working wit h hot-swap
drives” on page 17.
Hot-swap drive bays
Bridge card bay
Attention: Never hot-swap a drive CRU when its green activity light emitting diode (LED) is flashing. Hot-swap a drive CRU only when its amber fault LED is lit (not flashing) or when the drive is in active with the green activity LE D off (not flashing).
Filler panel
Bridge card bay
The brid ge car d is a cc essib le f r om th e front of the un it. You can repl ace t he brid ge card CRU but you must turn off the expansi on unit before doing so. Refer to “Replacing a bridge card” on page 22 for step-by-ste p instructions.
12 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
Attention: Never remove the bridge card while the expansion unit is turned on.
Refer to “Turning the expansion unit on and off” on page 3.
ESM and power supply bays
The following illustration shows the location of the environmental services monitor (ESM) bays (for the hot-swap ESM boards) and the power supply bay s where the hot­swap po wer supp l ie s a re l o ca te d.
Hot-swap ESM bays
Hot-swap power supply/fan bays
Hot-swap ESM bays
These are the locations of the environmental services monitor (ESM) boards. The ESM boards provide a SCSI interface to the drives and monitor the overall status of the expansion unit. The ESM boards are hot-swappable. Refer to “Replacing an ESM board ” on page 24 for step-by-step instructions.
Hot-swap power supply/fan bays
Your expansion unit comes with two 500 Watt hot-swap and redundant power supplies with built-in fans. The power supplies are redundant in that a single power supply can provide adequate power and cooling for the entire expansion unit. A single power supply can support up to 14 disk drives; however, both power supplies must be install ed , even if one power supply is not operational. Refer to “Working with hot-swap power” on page 21 for step-by-step instructions.
Switch card bay
Your ex p a n s ion unit come s wi t h a swi t ch card that cont a i ns five e xt e rna l o p tion switch e s an d fo u r int ernal option s wi t ches. The swit ch ca rd is lo ca t ed on the back of the expansion unit between the two power supplies. The switch card contains switches that control how pow er is sup plied to the e xpans io n unit and wh at expansion unit services are enabled (fo r example , switchi ng between a tower configuration and a rack configur atio n or switching be twee n a single bus and a dual­bus configuration.) In a dual-bus configuration, each bus uses seven drives. A single­bus configuration uses all 14 drives. To access the four internal option switches, you must turn off the expansion uni t; then r emove the switch car d. Refer to “Replacing the switch card” on page 23 for step-by-step instructions.
Attention: Never remove the switch card or change the switch card settings while the expansion unit and host server is turned on. Refer to “Turning the expansion unit on and off” on pa g e 3.
In addition to the internal and external option switches, the switch car d also has a 10­position unit ID switch for setting the expansion unit ID using values 0 through 9.
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 13
System-management software, such as IBM Netfinity Manager™, uses the ID when it provides data and alerts for the expansion unit.
For mor e information on option switch settings, see “Setting the interf ace options and ID settings” on page 10.
The following illustration shows the location of the switch card on the expansion unit.
Switch card
External option switches
1 2
3 4 5
Unit ID switch
Front controls, indicators, and devices
The primary controls on the front of the expansion unit are shown in the following illustration.
Power-on LED (green)
Drive CRU
LED (green)
error LED (amber)
LED (amber)
card bay
Filler panel
Drive bays
Power-on LED (g reen)
This green light indicates that the unit has good dc power.
14 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
General-system-error LED (amber)
When lit, this amber LED indicates that the unit has a fault, such as in a power supply, ESM boar d, or hard disk drive.
Bridge car d bay
This is the l ocation of the bridge card CRU.
Filler panel
Expansion units shipped without a full set of drives (14) contain filler panels in the unused drive bays. Before installing new drives, you must remove the filler panels and save them for later use. Each of the 14 bays must always contain either a filler panel or a drive CRU.
Drive bays There are 14 drive bays that contain either a drive CRU or a filler panel. Latch This multipu rpo se blue latch releases or locks the dr ive CR U in pl ace. Tray handl e You can use this multipurpose handle to insert and remove a drive CRU
in the bay.
Fault LED (amber)
Each drive CRU has a fault LED. When lit, this amber LED indicates a drive failure. When flashing, this amber LED indicates that a drive Identify or Rebuild is in progress.
Activity LED (green)
Each drive CRU has an activity LED. When flashing, this green LED indicates drive activity.
Drive CRU You can install up to 14 hot-swap drive CRUs in the expansion unit. Each
drive CRU consists of a hard disk drive and tray.
Rear controls, indicators, and connectors
Two hot-swap power supplies with built-in fans and two environmental services monitor (ESM) boards are accessible from the back of the expansion unit. These components contain several user indicators and connectors.
Power-supply controls, indicators, connectors
The followi ng is a list of th e contr o ls, in dic ators, and con nect or s at back of the EXP300 expansion unit. A description of each item is included:
Thumbscrews Thumbscrews
Handle Handle
AC power LED (green)
DC power LED (green)
Fault LED (amber)
supply/Fan CRU
AC power connectorAC power connector
supply/Fan CRU
Thumbscrews Loosen the thumbscrews to remove or install a power supply.
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 15
AC power conn ect or
The power cord for the power supply connects here.
Power-supply/Fan CRU
The two hot-swap power supplies with built-in fans are located on the back of the expansion unit.
Attention: The EXP300 comes with two power-supply/fan units installed. When one power supply fails, the power-supply unit must be replaced to re­establish redundancy. When replacing the failed unit with the new power supply unit, ensure that this operation is performed in less than 10 minutes to prevent any overheating.
The fan that is visible from the rear of the power supply is an auxiliary fan that is normally off. This fan turns on only when the main fan within the power supply fails.
Power on/off switch
Use this switch to turn the power su pply on and off.
Fault LED (amber)
When completely lit, this amber fault LED indicates a power supply failure or that a red u n d ant power s u p p l y i s not on. This LED also fla shes when th e built-in fan fails.
DC power LED (green)
This green LED is lit when the expansion unit is turned on and is su pplying both 5 V and 12 V dc power .
Termination­LED (green)
ESM board
Push pin
AC power LED (green)
This green LED is lit when the expansion unit is receiving ac power.
Handle s The two handles are used for installing and removing the power supply.
ESM board user controls
Two environmental services monitor ( ESM) boards are accessible from the back of the expansion unit. These components contain several user contr ols, indicators, and connectors.
LED (green)
Push pin
connector 1
LED (green)
LED (green)
ESM board
connector 2
LED (green)
LED (green)
SCSI reset
LED (green)
LED (amber)
SCSI reset
LED (green)
LED (amber)
ESM board The environ mental services monitor (ESM) boards contain the SCSI
controls and LEDs.
16 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
Fault LED (amber)
When lit, this amber LED indicates an ESM board failure.
SCSI reset LED
When li t, this green LE D in d i ca t e s a S C S I bu s res e t .
Push pins Each ESM board has an orange push pin to the bottom left of the board.
Use the orange push pin and lever to remove and insert the ESM board.
Termination-power LED (green)
When lit, this green LED indicates that terminatio n pow er is present. (When a termination-power LED is lit, it indicates that the other end of the cable is connected to a powered-on controller.) Each external bus has a separate termination-po w e r LED .
LVD/SE LED (green)
When lit, this green LED indicates that the external host bus is in low voltage diffe rential (LVD) mode. When this LED is of f , this indic ates that the external host bu s i s in single-en de d (SE) mod e. Each extern a l bu s has a se p a r at e LVD /SE LED. Only LVD host bus controllers are supported.
SCSI bus connecto r
The 68-pin Very High Density Connector Interface (VHDCI) connectors are for attaching your SCSI cables to SCSI bus 1 and SCSI bus 2.
Activity LED (green)
When lit, this green LED indicates there is activity on the external SCSI bus. Each external bus has a separate activity LED.
Working with hot-swap drives
Before you begin
Read the safety and handling guidelines provided in “Safety information” on page 41 and "Handling electrostatic discharge-sensitive devices."
Ensure that your current system configuration is working properly.
Back up all important data before you make changes to storage devices, such as hard disk drives.
This section explains how you can increase the expansion unit capacity by adding more drives or replacing existing drives with larger capacity drives.
Before you install or remove drive CRUs, review the following information:
Hot-swap hardware
You can replace a failed hard disk drive without turning off the expansion unit. Therefore, you can continue to operate your system while a hard disk drive is removed or installed. These drives are known as hot-swap drives.
Drive CRUs Y our expans i on unit suppor ts IBM Ultra160 and IBM Ultra2 SCSI hard
disk drives. These IBM drives come pre-installed in a drive tray, ready for installation. (Do not detach th e drive from the tray.) This drive and tray assembly is called a drive customer replaceable unit (CRU). You can install the drive CRUs directly into the 14 drive bays on the front of the expansion unit.
Be sure to record the location information for each drive before you remove it. Ensure that you keep track of the drives and their corresponding bays.
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 17
Attention: If you re-install a drive in the wrong bay, you could lose data.
Drive LEDs Each drive bezel has two LEDs, whic h i n dicate the st a tus for tha t
particular drive. The drive LED states and descriptions are as follows:
LED LED State Description
Activity LED Green/flashing Flashes during
read/write or inquiry op e rat i ons t o th e dri v e
Fault LED A mber /fla shing Flas hes to indicate a
drive rebuild is under way, or that a drive has been identified by software
Fault LED Amber On On to indicate a drive
Filler panel
Expansion units are shipped without a full set of drives (14). They contain filler panels in the unused drive bays. Before installing new drives, you must remove the filler panels, which should be saved. Each of the 14 bays must always contain either a filler panel or a drive CRU.
Hard disk drives
You can install only slim hot-s w ap drive CRUs in the EXP3 0 0 expansio n un it.
Installing hot-swap drives
Use the following procedure to install drives in the expansion unit. You can install additional drives while the expansion unit is turned on.
Note: If you are replacing a drive, see “Replaci ng hot-swap drives” on page 20.
1. Read the instructions th at come with the drive CRU .
2. Check for fault LEDs. If any amber LEDs are lit, refer to “Symptom-to-FRU index” on page 7.
Drive CRU
Filler panel
Activity LED
Fault LED
Tray handle
18 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
3. Determine the bay into which you want to install the drive.
4. Remove the filler panel. a. Insert a finger into the square hole at the top of the filler panel to grip and pull
the panel out of the drive bay.
b. Save the filler panel for later use.
5. Install the drive CR U :
Note: The hard disk drive comes with a tray already attached. Do not attempt
to detach the dri ve Þ4Ýfrom the trayÞ3Ý.
a. Release the blue latch Þ1Ýon the drive CRU by pressing on the inside of the
bottom of the tray handle Þ2Ý.
b. Pull the handle Þ2Ý on the tray out into the open position.
c. Slide the drive CRU into the empty bay until the tray handle Þ2Ý touches the
expansion-unit bezel.
d. Push the tray handle Þ2Ý down into the closed (latched) position.
6. Check the drive LEDs. a. When a drive is ready for use, the green activity LED and the amber fault
LED are off.
b. If the amber fault LED is on, remove the drive from the unit and wait 10
seconds; then, reinstall the drive.
ServeRAID information
In some cases, the ServeRAID controller will automaticall y reset the drive to th e Hot Spare or Rebuild state. If the drive state change does not occur automatically (amber LED stays lit), refer to your ServeRAID documentation for information about manually changing the state of the drive from the current state to another state, such as Hot Spare or Ready. The amber LED should turn off within 10 seconds after the drive-state chang e .
7. Configure the drive using the appropriate software.
Netfinity EXP300 Type 3531 19
Replacing hot-swap drives
Drive problems include any malfunctions that delay, interrupt, or prevent successful I/O activity between the hosts and the hard disk drives in the expansion unit. This includes transmission pr oblems between the h ost contr oll ers, the ES M boards, and the drives. This section explains how to replace a failed drive.
Attention: Failure to replace the drives in their correct bays might result in loss of data. If you are replacing a drive that is part of a RAID level 1 or RAID level 5 logical drive, ensure that you install the replacement drive in the correct bay.
Check the hardware and software documentation provided with your system to see if there are restrictions regarding hard disk drive configurations. Some system SCSI configurations might not allow mixing different drive capacities or types within an array.
To replace a hot-swap drive:
1. Determine the location of the drive that you want to remove.
Attention: Never hot swap a d ri ve CRU when its green activ ity LED is fla shing. Hot swap a drive CRU only when its amber fault LED is lit (not flashing) or when the drive is inactive (activity LED is off).
2. Remove the drive CRU. a. Press on the inside of the bottom of the tray handle Þ2Ýto release the blue
latch Þ1Ý.
b. Pull the handle Þ2Ý on the tray Þ3Ý out into the open position.
c. Lift the drive tray partially out of the bay.
d. To avoid possible damage to the drive Þ4Ý, wait at least 20 seconds before
fully removing the drive CRU from the expansion unit, to allow for the drive to spin down.
e. Verify that there is proper identification (such as a label) on the drive CRU,
and then slide it completely out of the e xpa nsion unit.
3. Install the new drive CRU.
a. Gently push the drive CRU into the empty bay until the tray handle Þ2Ý
touches the expansion unit tray.
b. Push the tray handl e Þ2Ý down into the closed (latched) position.
20 IBM Netfinity EXP300 - Type 3531 Hardware Maintenance Manual
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