IBM 26R0881, BladeCenter Installation And User Manual

IBM Systems
IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Version 2.1
IBM Systems
IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Version 2.1
This edition applies to version 2.1 of IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2008. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v
Who should read this user’s guide . . vii
Conventions and terminology . . . . .ix
Chapter 1. IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric
Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Chapter 2. Planning for BladeCenter
Open Fabric Manager . . . . . . . . .3
Hardware and software requirements . . . . . .3
Supported hardware . . . . . . . . . . .3
Supported software . . . . . . . . . . .5
Preparing for OFM . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Upgrading firmware . . . . . . . . . . .6
Setting up boot from SAN . . . . . . . .10
Chapter 3. Installing BladeCenter Open
Fabric Manager . . . . . . . . . . .11
Installing OFM . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Installing OFM-Advanced upgrade . . . . . .11
Installing the IBM Director extension version of
OFM-Advanced upgrade for Windows . . . .11
Installing the OFM-Advanced upgrade
standalone version for Windows . . . . . .12
Installing the IBM Director extension version of
OFM-Advanced upgrade for Linux . . . . .12
Installing the OFM-Advanced upgrade
standalone version for Linux . . . . . . .12
Adding a new chassis to the domain . . . . .23
Replacing a blade in the same slot . . . . . .23
Swapping addresses between blades . . . . .24
Replacing AMM IP addresses . . . . . . .24
Replacing the AMM in a single AMM
environment . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Using OFM-Advanced upgrade . . . . . . . .25
Discovering a chassis . . . . . . . . . .25
Creating a blade address profile . . . . . .26
Applying a blade address profile . . . . . .28
Creating a standby blade pool profile . . . . .28
Applying a failover configuration profile
manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Comparing the configuration file with the actual
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Creating an event action plan . . . . . . .30
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting and
support . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Problems when you create or apply a standby blade
pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Incorrect OFM address usage . . . . . . . .32
Configuration failure scenarios . . . . . . . .32
Error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Getting help and support . . . . . . . . . .36
Finding information about IBM Director
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Information to provide to the IBM Technical Support Center or IBM Director customer forum .39
Getting fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Software service and support . . . . . . .41
Chapter 4. Configuring BladeCenter
Open Fabric Manager . . . . . . . .15
Creating a configuration file automatically . . . .15
Selecting domains . . . . . . . . . . .17
Avoiding address duplication . . . . . . .18
Creating a requirements report . . . . . . . .19
Creating a requirements report from The Configuration File Has Been Createdpage in the
AMM Web interface . . . . . . . . . .19
Creating a requirements report from the main Open Fabric Manager Configuration
Management page on the AMM Web interface . .19
Editing the configuration file manually . . . . .19
Applying a new configuration . . . . . . . .20
Viewing the configuration in a local chassis . . .20
Retrieving the current configuration . . . . . .21
Chapter 7. Reference . . . . . . . .43
BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager components . .43
Configuration file . . . . . . . . . . .43
AMM Web interface . . . . . . . . . .49
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Session and credentials . . . . . . . . . .50
Standby AMM . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
CLI command . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Chapter 8. Related information . . . .53
Notices & Trademarks . . . . . . . .55
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Chapter 5. Using OFM and
Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
OFM-Advanced upgrade . . . . . . .23
Using OFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Initial deployment . . . . . . . . . . .23
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008 iii
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
iv IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
1. Expansion cards that support OFM . . . . .3
2. BladeCenter chassis’ that support OFM . . .3
3. BladeCenter servers that support OFM . . . .4
4. Fibre channels switches that support OFM 4
5. Ethernet switches that support OFM . . . .4
6. Pass-thru modules and switches that support
OFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
7. Supported software - OFM-Advanced upgrade 6
8. BladeScanner and ChassisUpdate log file
locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
9. Blade address configuration creation and
application problems . . . . . . . . .31
10. Standby blade pool creation and application
problems . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
11. Parsing errors . . . . . . . . . . . .35
12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008 v
vi IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Who should read this user’s guide
This user’s guide is for system administrators and operators using OFM™ from IBM® Director or the Advanced Management Module (AMM) to replace and recover blades in their environment.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008 vii
viii IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Conventions and terminology
These notices are designed to highlight key information:
Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance or advice.
Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you avoid
inconvenient or difficult situations.
CAUTION: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices or data. An attention notice appears before the instruction or situation in which damage can occur.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008 ix
x IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Chapter 1. IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager
IBM BladeCenter® Open Fabric Manager (OFM) is a solution that enables you to quickly replace and recover blades in your environment.
It does this by assigning Ethernet MAC and Fibre Channel WWN addresses to the BladeCenter slots in such a way that any blades plugged into those slots will take on the assigned addresses. This enables the Ethernet and Fibre Channel infrastructure to be configured once and before any blades are connected to the BladeCenter chassis. BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager-Advanced upgrade adds capabilities to monitor blades for failure events and to take automatic action to failover from a faulty blade to a cold standby blade. The Ethernet MAC and Fibre Channel WWN addresses are moved from the faulty blade’s slot to the standby blade’s slot and the standby blade is automatically powered on. In a boot from SAN environment, the operating system and software that was once running on the faulty blade is now running on the standby blade.
There are two separate offerings of BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager. The main BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager function is provided in the OFM offering. Additional capabilities are available with the OFM-Advanced upgrade offering.
With BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager, you can pre-assign MAC and WWN addresses, as well as storage boot targets, for up to 100 chassis or 1400 blade servers. Using the management module We b interface, you can create addresses for blade servers, save the addresses to a configuration file, deploy the addresses to the blade slots in the same chassis or in up to 100 different chassis. This can be done without any blade servers installed in the chassis.
OFM-Advanced upgrade
With BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager-Advanced upgrade, you can monitor the health of blade servers and automatically - without user intervention - replace a failed blade from a designated pool of spare blades. After receiving a failure alert, OFM-Advanced upgrade attempts to power off the failing blade, read the BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager virtualized addresses and boot target parameters, apply these parameters to the next blade in the standby blade pool, and power on the standby blade.
You can also pre-assign MAC and WWN addresses, as well as storage boot targets, for up to 100 chassis or 1400 blade servers with BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager-Advanced upgrade. Using an enhanced graphical user interface, you can create addresses for blade servers, save the addresses profiles; deploy the addresses to the blade slots in the same chassis or in up to 100 different chassis. This can be done without any blade servers installed in the chassis. Additionally, you can create profiles for chassis that have not been installed in the environment by simply associating an IP address to the future chassis.
BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager-Advanced upgrade is available as a standalone offering or as an extension to IBM Director. The standalone version includes an embedded version of IBM Director.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008 1
Important: OFM is a prerequisite of OFM-Advanced upgrade
2 IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Chapter 2. Planning for BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager
Planning involves understanding the hardware and software requirements for OFM and OFM-Advanced upgrade and preparing for OFM.
Hardware and software requirements
There are minimum hardware and software requirements the system must meet before you can install or use OFM and OFM-Advanced upgrade.
Supported hardware
The following hardware supports OFM and OFM-Advanced upgrade.
Expansion cards
Table 1. Expansion cards that support OFM
Expansion card Firmware version
HS/LS blades JS blades
QLogic 4Gb SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card (26R0890)
QLogic 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM BladeCenter (41Y8527)
QLogic Ethernet and 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFh) for IBM BladeCenter (39Y9306)
Emulex 4Gb SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card (39Y9186)
Emulex 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM BladeCenter (43W6859)
IBM SFF Gb Ethernet Expansion Card (39R8624)
Ethernet Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM BladeCenter (39Y9310)
NetXen 10 Gb Ethernet Expansion Card for IBM BladeCenter (39Y9271)
Muti-boot v1.43 or later Muti-boot v1.46 or later
1.43 or later v1.46 or later
1.43 or later v1.46 or later
6.02a2 or later 6.02a7 or later
6.02a2 or later 6.02a7 or later
Any version Any version
Any version Any version
3.4.223 3.4.223
Note: JS22 cannot host NetXen 10 Gb Ethernet Expansion Card for IBM
BladeCenter (39Y9271).
BladeCenter chassis’
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008 3
Table 2. BladeCenter chassis’ that support OFM
BladeCenter chassis Firmware version
BladeCenter E (8677) AMM 4.0 (BPET42C) or later AMM 4.0 (BPET42D) or later
BladeCenter E (8677) AMM 4.0 (BPET42C) or later AMM 4.0 (BPET42D) or later
BladeCenter HT (8740/8750) AMM 4.0 (BPET42C) or later AMM 4.0 (BPET42D) or later
BladeCenter S (8886) AMM 4.0 (BPET42C) or later AMM 4.0 (BPET42D) or later
HS/LS blades JS blades
BladeCenter servers
Table 3. BladeCenter servers that support OFM
BladeCenter server BIOS version BMC version NIC version
IBM BladeCenter HS21 (8853)
IBM BladeCenter HS21 XM (7995)
IBM BladeCenter LS21 (7971)
IBM BladeCenter LS41 (7972)
IBM BladeCenter JS22/JS12 (7998)
IBM BladeCenter HS12 (8014)
IBM BladeCenter HS12 (8028)
BCE128A or later BCBT42BUS or later See “Expansion cards”
on page 3.
MJE119A or later MJBT18AUS or later See “Expansion cards”
on page 3.
BAE139AUS or later BABT42AUS or later See “Expansion cards”
on page 3.
BAE139AUS or later BABT42AUS or later See “Expansion cards”
on page 3.
eFW 3.3 or later eFW 3.3 or later See “Expansion cards”
on page 3.
N1E125A N1BT07AUS See “Expansion cards”
on page 3.
N1E125A N1BT07AUS See “Expansion cards”
on page 3.
Fibre channels
Table 4. Fibre channels switches that support OFM
Fibre channel switch Firmware version
Brocade Entry SAN Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (26K5601)
Brocade Enterprise SAN Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (90P0165)
Brocade 10-port SAN Switch Module for IBM eServer™ BladeCenter (32R1813)
Brocade 20-port SAN Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (32R1812)
Qlogic 6pt Fibre Channel Switch Module (26K6477)
QLogic 10-port Fibre Channel Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (32R1904)
QLogic 20-port Fibre Channel Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (26R0881)
QLogic 4Gb FC 10-port Full Fabric Switch (43W6724)
QLogic 4Gb FC 20-port Full Fabric Switch (43W6725)
QLogic 4Gb FC 20-port Pass-thru Switch (43W6723)
Cisco Systems 4Gb 10 port Fibre Channel Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (39Y9284)
Cisco Systems 4Gb 20 port Fibre Channel Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (39Y9280)
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Ethernet switches
4 IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Table 5. Ethernet switches that support OFM
Network Firmware version
Cisco Catalyst Switch Module 3012 for IBM BladeCenter (43W4395)
Any version
Table 5. Ethernet switches that support OFM (continued)
Network Firmware version
Cisco Catalyst Switch Module 3110G and 3110X for IBM BladeCenter (41Y8523 & 41Y8522)
Cisco Systems Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for eServer BladeCenter (13N2281)
Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Fiber Ethernet Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (26K6547)
Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (32R1892)
Cisco Systems Fiber Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (32R1888)
Nortel Networks L2/L3 Copper Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (26K6530)
Nortel Networks L2/L3 Fiber Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (26K6531)
Nortel Layer 2/3 Copper Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (32R1860)
Nortel Layer 2/3 Fiber Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (32R1861)
Nortel Layer 2-7 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM BladeCenter (32R1859)
Nortel Networks (TM) Layer 2 - 7 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (73P9057)
Nortel 10 Gb Ethernet Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (32R1783)
IBM Server Switch Module (39Y9324) Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Pass-thru modules and switches
Table 6. Pass-thru modules and switches that support OFM
Passthru Firmware version
IBM BladeCenter Optical Pass-thru Module (02R9080)
IBM BladeCenter Optical Pass-thru Module (39Y9316)
Copper Pass-thru Module Option (39Y9320) Any version
Copper Pass-thru Module Option (73P6100) Any version
InfiniBand Passa-thru Module for IBM BladeCenter (43W4419)
Intelligent Copper Pass-Thru Module for IBM BladeCenter (44W4483)
QLogic 4Gb FC 20-port Pass-thru Switch (43W6723)
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Any version
Supported software
OFM-Advanced upgrade is supported on selected Microsoft® Windows® and Linux® operating systems on x86 architecture. OFM is supported on any operating system supported by the blade.
Chapter 2. Planning 5
Table 7. Supported software - OFM-Advanced upgrade
Operating System
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Microsoft Windows 2003 (SP1, SP2, R2)
Microsoft Windows 2000 (Up to SP4)
RHEL 3 (32-bit only; up to SP9)
RHEL 4 (up to SP6)
RHEL 5 with Xen 3.0 (up to SP1)
SLES 9 (up to SP4)
SLES 10 with Xen 3.0 (up to SP1)
Preparing for OFM
In order to prepare your environment for OFM, you will need to upgrade the firmware of the AMMs and blades, including the BMC, BIOS, and additional expansion cards in your environment. In addition, optimum use of OFM requires that you setup your blade environment to boot from SAN.
Important: UXSPs simplify the updating of all of your firmware. However, before
you can upgrade your firmware on Emulex and Qlogic drivers, you must ensure that these fiber channel cards are already installed and operating properly. If you are not using UXSPs, follow the instructions in “Steps to update firmware without an OS” on page 8.
Upgrading firmware
Before you can use OFM, you must first update the firmware of the BladeCenter and blades, including BMC, BIOS, and additional expansion cards in your environment.
For a list of the latest firmware , see: Software and device drivers - IBM BladeCenter
Steps to update AMM firmware using the AMM Web interface
1. Login to the AMM Web interface and select Firmware Update on the left pane,
under MM Control. The Update MM Firmware page will open in the right pane.
2. On the Update MM Firmware page, click Browse to find the AMM flash file.
3. A separate Choose file window will open. Select the AMM flash file and click
Open. The AMM flash file will appear in the field next to the Browse button on the Update MM Firmware page.
4. Click Update button on the Update MM Firmware page and wait for the
firmware to be uploaded to the AMM. If there is a standby MM installed, the firmware on the standby MM will automatically update to the same level.
5. Click Continue to actually perform the flash.
6. Once the flashing is complete, you must reboot the AMM.
On reboot, the new firmware will be active and the standby AMM firmware will be automatically updated.
6 IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Steps to update AMM firmware using UpdateXpress for BladeCenter (UXBC)
1. Download Python interpreter, version 2.3 or later at
The UXBC uses the Python update scripts to update the firmware of the applicable systems. To run the Python scripts, you must install Python interpreter on the administrative system.
Note: Python also comes with most Linux distributions.
2. Download the latest UpdateXpress CD2 at IBM System x Support Web site
3. Go to the Software and device drivers - IBM BladeCenter Web site
( docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-63017&brandind=5000020) ( eserver/support/xseries/index.html). action directs you to a page for your blade type. Click Mangement Module, which takes you to the Management Module section of the page. You can then select from a list of available AMM firmware updates. After you download the package, you must unzip the package and save it to the applicable server or network location for distribution to target systems.
4. To save the firmware updates for a BladeCenter management module, complete
the following steps:
a. Copy the firmware update package to a network directory that you can
access from the administrative console.
Select your blade type from the list. This
Note: Do not unzip the firmware update package in the
\BladeCenterUpdates directory. Each firmware update package includes a readme file. If you unzip the package in the \BladeCenterUpdates directory, the UXBC readme file is replaced with the update package readme file.
b. Make a note of the directory path. This information is used to create the
response file when BladeScanner is run.
to update AMM firmware using BladeScanner and ChassisUpdate:
1. Use Bladescanner to create a response file.
Note: Running ChassisUpdate with the -s (scan) switch (with valid
Management Module login credentials) will also create a default response file.
2. Make sure that you have the file name and directory location of the response
file that you want to use.
3. In the MM section of the response file, set the paths of the AMM firmware
updates and make sure mmdisable is set to false.
### MANDATORY Fields ### # These fields must be specified.
# This is a mandatory field that specifies the dotted IP # address of the BladeCenter Management Module. mmipaddr=
#### OPTIONAL Fields ### # These fields may be necessary depending on the BladeCenter configuration. # This is a mandatory field that specifies the username for the # BladeCenter Management Module. mmuser=UX2
# This is an optional field that contains the password of the specified # username for the BladeCenter Management Module. If not specified, an # empty password will be supplied to the Management Module. mmpass=nIKH7P!,
Chapter 2. Planning 7
# This field is mandatory if you intend to update the Management Module. If # not overridden, the default paths are used. mmFilename1=\\server\share\AMMFirmware\BPETXXX.TKT # mmFilename2=FILE2 # mmFilename3=FILE3 # This is an optional field that disables the update of the BladeCenter # Management Module. If not specified, or specified as FALSE, the # Management Module is updated. mmdisable=FALSE # This is an optional field that is used for informational purposes by # BladeScanner. BladeScanner in scan mode detects the firmware revision of # the MM and stores it in this field. BladeScanner in edit mode reads the MM # firmware revision from this field and displays it on the UI. # The update scripts ignore this field. mmMainAppFirmwareRevision=BRET86L mmMainAppRevisionNum=16 #mmBootRomFirmwareRevision= #mmBootRomRevisionNum= #mmRemoteControlFirmwareRevision= #mmRemoteRevisionNum= mmPS2toUSBFirmwareRevision=BREZ15 mmMMtoUSBFirmwareRevision=BRPI33 mmName=MM00096BCA2328
4. From a command-line prompt, change to the disk drive that contains the
UpdateXpress for BladeCenter utilities.
5. Type the following command to run the ChassisUpdate utility: -r file
where, file is the fully qualified file name of the response file that you want to use. The ChassisUpdate utility reads the parameter from the response file and updates the applicable systems.
BladeScanner and ChassisUpdate record the transactions that they perform in a single log file. The log file is created in the following directories:
Table 8. BladeScanner and ChassisUpdate log file locations
Windows Linux
where %TEMP% is the temporary directory for the Windows operating system.
Information is appended to the uxbc.log file each time you run BladeScanner or ChassisUpdate. As a best practice, you should periodically delete this file.
Steps to update firmware without an OS
The use of UXSPs requires that you have an OS running on the blade. If you do not have an OS on your blade, you can follow these steps to upgrade your firmware.
Steps to update blade BMC firmware:
1. Download the boot image (BMC update diskette) of the latest version of the
BMC firmware for your system from the Software and device drivers - IBM BladeCenter We b site ( supportsite.wss/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-63017&brandind=5000020). Select your blade type from the list. This action directs you to a page for your blade type. Click Baseboard Management Controller, which takes you to the Baseboard Management Controller section of the page. Yo u can then select from a list of available boot images. The boot image (BMC update diskette) will have a file extension of img.
8 IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
2. Boot the blade to the downloaded image by either creating a diskette from the
image or using the remote drive feature of the AMM.
3. Follow the directions to update the BMC firmware.
to update blade BIOS:
1. Download the boot image of the latest version of the BIOS update diskette for
your system from the Software and device drivers - IBM BladeCenter We b site ( docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-63017&brandind=5000020).
Select your blade type
from the list. This action directs you to a page for your blade type. Click BIOS, which takes you to the BIOS section of the page. You can then select from a list of available boot images. The BIOS will have a file extension of img.
2. Boot the blade to the downloaded BIOS by either creating a diskette from the
image or using the remote drive feature of the AMM.
3. Follow the directions to update the BIOS update diskette.
to update Emulex HBA firmware for x86 architecture:
1. Download the latest version of the Emulex HBA firmware for your system from
the Software and device drivers - IBM BladeCenter We b site ( docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-63017&brandind=5000020).
Select your blade type
from the list. This action directs you to a page for your blade type. Click Fibre Channel, which takes you to the Fibre Channel section of the page. Yo u can
then select from a list of available Emulex HBA firmware updates.
2. Create a bootable DOS diskette image containing the doslpcfg.exe flash tool
and the <flash image name>.prg flash file.
3. Boot the blade to the downloaded image by either creating a diskette from the
image or using the remote drive feature of the AMM.
4. Type the following commands:
> doslpcfg download n=1 i=<flash image name>.prg > doslpcfg download n=2 i=<flash image name>.prg
Steps to update QLogic firmware for x86 architecture:
1. Download the latest version of the QLogic HBA firmware for your system from
the Software and device drivers - IBM BladeCenter We b site ( docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-63017&brandind=5000020). Select your blade type from the list. This action directs you to a page for your blade type. Click Fibre Channel, which takes you to the Fibre Channel section of the page. Yo u can then select from a list of available QLogic HBA firmware updates.
2. Create a bootable DOS diskette image containing the flashutil.exe flash tool and
the <flash image name>.bin flash file.
3. Type the following command:
> flashutil /f /o<flash image name>.bin
Steps to update Emulex or QLogic HBA firmware for POWER PC architecture:
1. Pre-OS installations on POWER PC architecture systems can only be
accomplished by use of the IBM Standalone Diagnostics CD-ROM. The CD-ROM can be ordered from the IBM Publications Center ( &FNC=SRH&).
Search for pSeries standalone″.
2. Obtain the latest firmware for Emulex or QLogic HBA from the IBM
BladeCenter Support We b site (
Chapter 2. Planning 9
supportsite.wss/brandmain?brandind=5000020). Select JS22 or JS12 blades in the Product family field. Refine the results by selecting Fibre Channel firmware, then select from a list of available Emulex and QLogic firmware updates.
3. Create an ISO image CD using the acquired image. Note: Some external
Windows or AIX-based workstations must be used in this step to create the ISO image.
4. Load the Standalone Diagnostics CD from the blade containing the HBA
requiring the firmware update. Use the SoL interface on the JS blade to access the Standalone Diagnostics CD. Follow the documentation included with the Standalone Diagnostics CD-ROM to download firmware to the Emulex or QLogic HBA. After starting the Standalone Diagnostics CD-ROM, the Diagnostics CD must be removed and replaced with the CD you created in the previous steps. The Standalone Diagnostics utility will use this new CD as the source of the firmware download.
Setting up boot from SAN
In order to take full advantage of the BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager solution, you will want to setup your blade environment to boot from SAN.
For more information, see:
v IBM BladeCenter 4Gb SAN Solution (
v Emulex’s IBM BladeCenter HBA Installation and Management white paper
10 IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
Chapter 3. Installing BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager
This topic contains information on installing OFM and OFM-Advanced upgrade
Installing OFM
The use of OFM does not require any installation as OFM capabilities are accessible through the AMM software. However, there are prerequisite tasks that must be satisfied before you can begin using OFM.
Ensure you have completed the steps outlined in “Preparing for OFM” on page 6.
Installing OFM-Advanced upgrade
You can install OFM-Advanced upgrade as a standalone product and as an IBM Director extension.
The IBM Director extension installation package of OFM-Advanced upgrade supports installation on both a Director server and a Director console. When using a Director server and Director console environment, OFM-Advanced upgrade must be installed on both the Director server machine and on all of the Director console machines.
Installing the IBM Director extension version of OFM-Advanced upgrade for Windows
Follow these steps to install the IBM Director extension version of OFM-Advanced upgrade for Windows.
Make sure that IBM Director 5.20.2 is installed and running on the server. Specifically, check that the IBM Director Server services are running.
For IBM Director download information, see IBM Director Downloads (
1. Install the switch module plug-ins for IBM Director for the specific Ethernet
switches installed in your BladeCenter Chassis. The plug-in can be found at
2. Follow the switch module plug-in’s installation instructions to install the
3. Double click on the BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Advanced Upgrade for
IBM Director installation package. This will launch its InstallShield Wizard.
4. Click Next.
5. Accept the license.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Install.
8. Click Yes to restart the IBM Director Server.
9. Click Finish.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008 11
Installing the OFM-Advanced upgrade standalone version for Windows
The OFM-Advanced upgrade standalone version for Windows is downloaded as a single executable file. Launching this executable file starts the installation process.
Note: The standalone version of OFM-Advanced upgrade will not run on the same
server as the standalone version of Active Energy Manager. If you would like the two products to run on the same server, you will need to install IBM Director 5.20.2 along with the Director extension versions of OFM-Advanced upgrade and Active Energy Manager.
1. Download the standalone installation file
2. Run the install program.
3. Install the switch module plug-ins for IBM Director for the specific Ethernet
switches installed in your BladeCenter Chassis. The plug-in can be found at
4. Follow the switch module plug-in’s installation instructions to install the
Installing the IBM Director extension version of OFM-Advanced upgrade for Linux
Follow these steps to install the IBM Director extension version of OFM-Advanced upgrade for Linux.
Make sure that IBM Director 5.20.2 is installed and running on the server. Specifically, check that the IBM Director Server services are running.
For IBM Director download information, see IBM Director Downloads (
1. Download 46C3552GMAR.iso.
2. Mount the iso image to a mount point and change directory to the mount point
directory as follows:
> mkdir /mnt/iso
> mount 46C3552GMAR.iso /mnt/iso -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 > cd /mnt/iso
3. Run the script file as follows:
> ./
4. Install the switch module plug-ins for IBM Director for the specific Ethernet
switches installed in your BladeCenter Chassis. The plug-in can be found at
5. Follow the switch module plug-in’s installation instructions to install the
Installing the OFM-Advanced upgrade standalone version for Linux
Follow these steps to install the OFM-Advanced upgrade standalone version for Linux.
Note: The standalone version of OFM-Advanced upgrade will not run on the same
server as the standalone version of IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager version 3.1. If you would like the two products to run on the same
12 IBM BladeCenter Open Fabric Manager Installation and User's Guide
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