IBM 1725 SLS User Manual

QMS 1725 SLS Print System User's Guide
The following are tradema rks or registered trademarks of their respective ow ners. Other product names m entioned in this m anual may a lso be trade marks or reg istered trademarks of their resp ective owners. Re gistered trademar ks are register ed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks ma y also be re gistered in other countries. QMS and the QMS logo are r egistered tradema rks of QMS, Inc., and Crown, the Crown seal, Crow nNet, ImageS erver, PS Executive Series, and QU IC are trademarks of QMS, Inc. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe System s Incor porated for a page description langu age and may be registered in certain juris dictions. Thr oughout this manual, “PostScrip t Level 2” is used to refer to a s et of capabilities d efined by Adobe Systems for its P ostScript Level 2 pag e descr iption language . These capabilities, among ot hers, are impleme nted in this pr oduct through a Q MS-developed emulation that is compatible w ith Adobe's P ostScript Level 2 la nguage. A dobe/Adobe Systems Incorpor ated. AppleTalk, EtherTalk, LaserWriter, LocalTalk, Macin tosh, TrueTy pe/Apple Computer, Inc. CompuSer ve/H & R Block. DEC, DECnet, LN03, VMS/ Digital Equipment Corporation. H ewlett-Pack ard, HP, PCL, HP-G L, LaserJet/Hewlett­Packard Co. IBM PC, Token-Ring/International Business Mac hines Corpora tion. Centronics/Centronics Data Com puter Corporation. Mi crosoft, MS-Window s/Microsoft Corporation. Novell and N etWare/Novell, Inc. UNIX/UNIX Systems Lab oratories. Ethernet/Xerox Corporation .
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included w ith your QMS 172 5 SLS Print Sys tem is Copyrighted © 1995 by QM S, Inc. All Rights R eserved. This software may not be reproduced, modified, d isplay ed, tr ans ferred, or cop ied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in par t, without the express written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 1995 by QM S, Inc., One Mag num Pass, Mob ile, AL
36618. All Rights Reserve d. This manual m ay not be copie d in whole or in pa rt, nor transferred to any other me dia or language, w ithout the express written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.
Dear Customer,
Although your new QMS printer is the result of the latest and most advanced engineering techniques in the electronic industry, it isn’t necessary for you, the user, to understand every detail of the printer’s design in order to make it do what you bought it f or. But there are some things you’ll need to know about your printer, a nd we’ve included guidebooks to help you get started.
We’ve designed your user’s guide to help you find the in formation you need as quickly and easily as possible:
Table of Conten ts—U se this section as a road map to discover what’s in the Getting Started guide.
About the Documentati on —T his section functions as a Wel­come Center. It gives you an idea about what’s in your Setup and User’s Guide as well as in the other documentat ion that has accompanied your printer.
About This Manual—This section describes the same informa­tion as in the table of contents, but in a descriptive format.
Headers, Footers, and Tab Dividers—Use these as markers to help you locate the section of the manual you want quickly.
Index—The blue pages at the end of this guide will help you find the specific information you need.
We hope you enjoy your new QMS printer and find our guides helpful and informative. Your QMS Techn ical Writer


1 Introduction
Abo u t the Pr inte r ..... . .................. . ................................ . ................ 1-2
About the Documentati on ................. ........... ........ ............. ...... ....1-2
Standard Product Documentation 1-3 Related Documentation 1-5
About This Manual .......................................................................1-5
Typographic Conventions 1-5
Printer Features ........ ............. ...... .............. ..... .............. ....... .........1-6
Media Flexibility 1-6 Multiple Resolutions 1-6 Five Resident Emulations 1-7 Sessions Support 1- 8 Resident Font s and Symbol Sets 1-8 QMS Crown Technology 1-8 Software Loadable System (SLS) 1-10
Printer Option s . . ....... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... .... ..... .....1-11
Using the Contro l Panel ........ ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ... 1-13
Control Panel Indicators 1-14 Message Window 1-15 Control Pa nel Keys 1-16
2 Printer Configuration
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 2-2
Methods of Confi gu ratio n ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... .. 2-2
Using an Application 2-2 Using PS Executive Series Utilities 2-3 Using Printer Commands 2-3 Using the Control Panel 2-3
Configuration Menu ..................................................................... 2-4
How to Move Around the Configuration Menu 2- 5 Accessing the Configuration Menu 2-5 Selecting Configuration Menu Options 2-6 Changing Character Information 2-8 Saving Configuration Changes 2-10 Canceling Configuration Changes 2-11 Setting the Message Window Language 2-11 Restoring the Factory Default Configuration 2-12
Operator Control Menu ............................................................. 2-12
Copies 2-12 Collation 2-13 Orientation 2-13 Inputbin 2-13 Outputbin 2-14 Chain Inputbins 2-14 Manual Feed Size 2-14 Def. Duplex 2-15 Tumble Duplex 2-15
Administration Menu ................................................................. 2-15
Communications ....................................................................... 2-16
Setting Timeouts 2-16 Setting Serial Interface Parameters 2-17 Setting Parallel Interface Parameters 2-23 Emulation 2-24
QMS 1725 SLS Print System User 's Guideii
Setting AppleTalk Interface Parameters 2-26
Emulatio ns ........... ............ .............. .............. .............. .............. ... 2-2 9
Setting an ESP Default Emulation 2-29 Setting PostScript Parameters 2-29 Setting HP PCL5 Parameters 2-30 Setting HP-GL Parameters 2-36 Setting Lineprinter Parameters 2-39
Special Pages .............................................................................2-42
Working with Status Pages 2-42 Working with Trailer Pages 2-44 Enabling/Disabling Trailer Pages 2-44
Printer Start-Up Option s ............. ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... .......2 -4 5
Enabling/Disabling the Start-Up Page 2-45 Enabling/Disabling the SYS\START File 2-46 Loading the PostScript Error Handler 2-46
Memory .......................................................................................2-46
QMS Memory Management 2-47 Memory Terms 2-48 Evaluation of Your Printing Environment 2-50 Duplexing and Memory Requirements 2- 51 Memory Clients 2-52 Quick Config 2-52 Configuring Spooling 2-52 PostScript H eap 2-53 PostScript F onts 2-54 Emulation 2-54 Emulation (Temporary) 2-55 Display List 2-55 Disk Cache 2-56 Frame Buffer 2-57 Printer Memory 2-58
Printer Engine Features .............................................................2 -58
Adjusting the Image Alignment 2-58 Setting Default Paper 2-59 Setting Inputbin x Name 2-59 Setting Outputbin x Name 2-60 Setting Default Resolution 2-60 Setting Gamma Correction 2-60 Specifying Page Recovery Action 2-60 Setting Toner Out Action 2-61
Contents iii
Setting Manual Feed Timeout 2-61 Setting the Letterhead Option 2-61 Reading the Page Counters 2-62
Miscellaneous ............................................................................ 2-62
Restoring the Factory Default Configuration 2-62 Setting the Message Window Language 2-63
Hard Disks .................................................................................. 2-63
Identifying Hard Disks 2-64 The Disk Operations M enu 2-64 Formatting a Hard Disk 2-65 Collation 2-66 Spool Overflow 2-66
Installation ........... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ... .... ... .... ... .... . ...... . ...... . ...... . 2-67
Operator Password 2-67 Use Operator Password 2-67 Admin Password 2-67 Use Admin Password 2-68 Using Passwords 2-68
Configuring Optional Features ................................................. 2-68
3 Daily Operations
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 3-2
Preventing Media Jams ......... ................... ............ ..................... .. 3-2
About Paper . .... ... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .... ... .... ... .. 3-3
Paper Sizes 3-3 Paper Storage 3-4
Paper Feeding ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... ... ....... ....... ..... ...... ... ..... ....... .. 3-5
Cassette Feed 3-5 Manual Feed 3-6
Face-up Output Bin ........ ............. ...... .............. ..... .............. ....... .. 3-8
Printing Tran spa renc ies .............. ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... .. 3-8
Printing La b e l s ... ............................... . ................................ . ......... 3- 9
Printing Envelopes .................................................................... 3 -10
Formatting Data for Envelopes 3-10
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guideiv
Printing a Single Envelope 3-10 The Optional Envelope Feeder 3-11
Tray Chaining .............................................................................3-11
Collating Output .........................................................................3-12
End J ob Mo d e . .......................................... . .................................3-1 4
Common Reasons to Use En d Job Mode 3-15 Using the EOD Commands 3-15 Setting the End Job Mode for the S erial and Parallel Protocols 3-16 Setting the End Job Mode via the Control Panel 3-17 Adding an EOD Command to Your File 3-18 Creating a Network Job Separator 3- 20
Working with S tatus Pa ges ................... ..... ... ....... ...... ..... ..... ... ..3 -20
Identifying a Status Page Type 3-20 Printing a Status Page 3-21
Cancelling/Ending Print Jobs ...................................................3-2 1
Cancelling a Print Job 3-22 Ending a Print Job 3-23
4 Print Quality
Introduction .................................................................................. 4-2
Changing Print Resolution ..........................................................4-2
Setting Default Resolution 4-2
Setting Print Density ....................................................................4-2
Using Gamma Correction . .......... ................... ..................... .........4-3
Terms 4-4 Gamma Correction Concept 4-6
Using the Image Calibrati on Page . ......... ...... .............. ....... .........4-7
5 Printer Care
Introduction .................................................................................. 5-2
When to Replace the Toner Cartrid ge ....... ......... ....... ....... ...... ....5-2
Handling the Toner Cartridge 5-3
Contents v
Installing the Toner Cartridge .................................................... 5-3
Handling the Printer .................................................................... 5-5
Keeping the Printer Clean ..... ............ ................... .............. ......... 5-6
Cleaning the Anti-Static Teeth 5-6 Cleaning the Transfer-Guide Lock-Tray and Strip 5-8 Cleaning the Media-Feed-Guide Area 5-9
6 Troubleshooting Printer
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 6-2
Status Messages ................................................................ ......... 6-2
Service Messages 6-4 HP-GL Error Codes and PCL Error Codes 6-5
PostScript Er rors ....... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... 6-5
Testing PC Communication ........................................................ 6-6
Creating the Test File 6-6 Sending the Test File 6-7 Verifying the Serial Port Setting Changes 6-11
Testing Macintosh Communication ......................................... 6-12
Printer Problem Checklist ..... ................... ................... .............. 6-12
Media Jams ................................................................................ 6-14
Locations 6-14 Clearing an Input Bin Media Jam 6-15 Clearing an Image-Transfer Area Media Jam 6-17 Clearing a Fuser Assembly Area Media Jam 6-18 Clearing an Output Bin Media Jam 6- 20 Clearing a Duplexer Media Jam 6-21
Problem Descriptions . ..............................................................6-22
Paper Jam Message Stays On 6-22 Data Indicator Stays Lit 6-22 No Advanced Status Page 6-23 No Start-up Page 6-23 Printer Resets 6-23 Blank Pages 6-24
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guidevi
Not All Pages Print 6-24 Printer Will Not Duplex 6-25
Print Quality Problems ..............................................................6-25
Printer Will Not Print 600 dpi 6-26
Image Defects .............................................................................6-26
White or Light Lines 6-26 Light Image (Entire Page) 6-26 Dark Image (Entire Page) 6-27 Stain Along the Edge of the Page 6-27 Stains on the Back of the Page 6- 27 Image Easily Smears when Rubbed 6-27
Placing a Service Call ................................................................6-28
7 Professional Printing
Introduction .................................................................................. 7-2
About Typefaces and Fon ts . ..... ........ ............ ....... .............. ..... ....7 -2
Typeface Classificati on ............................ ..... .............. ....... .........7-3
Typograph y Term s .......... ...... ... ... ...... ..... ... ..... .... ... ....... .... ... ..... ....7-4
Resident Fonts .............................................................................7-7
Resident PostScript Fonts 7-7 Resident HP PCL Fonts 7-9 Resident HP-GL Symbol Sets 7-10
8 Printer Options
Introduction .................................................................................. 8-2
Additional Paper Cassettes .................................. .......................8 -3
The Envelope Feeder ...................................................................8-3
Selecting Envelopes 8-3 Installing the Envelope Feeder 8-3
Duplexer Assem bly ......... ....... ....... ......... ....... ....... ........ ....... ..... ....8-7
Installing the Duplexer Assembly 8-7
Contents vii
Font and Emulation Cards ................ .............. ................... ....... 8-11
Installing an Optional Font 8-13 Removing an Optional Font 8-14 Installing Optional Emulation Cards 8-15 Removing a Printer Emulation 8-15
Downloadin g an Em ulatio n Fro m Disk .. ... ..... ..... ....... ....... .... ... 8-17
Security Card .................. ....... ............ ....... ............ ....... .............. 8-18
Removing and Re-ins ta lling the Tray Assem bl y ............. ....... 8-20
Removing the Tray Assembly 8-20 Re-installing the Tray Assembly 8-24
Memory Mod ul es (SIMM s) ................ ....... ...... ... ..... ..... ....... ....... 8-26
Installing a SIMM 8-26 Removing a SIMM 8-29
Installing Optional Interfaces ................................................... 8-30
Installing an Optional Interface Card and Daughterboard 8- 30
Centronics to Dataproducts Con versi on ................................ 8 -36
Hard Disks .................................................................................. 8-38
Internal 8-38 External 8-42 Identifying 8-42
Updating System So ftware .......................... ........ ............. ........ 8-43
Procedure 8-43
A QMS Customer Support
Sources of Supp ort ... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... .....A -2
B Technical Specifications
Print Engine Specifications ........................................................B-2
Controller Specifications ............................................................B-3
Electrical Requirements . ....... .... ... ..... .... ... ....... .... . ....... ...... . ....... ..B -4
Environmental Requirements ........... ....... .. ..... ..... .... ... ....... .. ..... ..B -4
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guideviii
Physical Characteristics ............................................................. B-4
Print Media ...................................... ........................................ .....B-5
Print Media Sizes B-5 Envelopes B-6
Optional Hardware ......................................................................B-6
Paper Handling B-6 Hard Disks B-7
Consumable Supplies .................................................................B-7
Cable Pinouts .......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... ... ....... ....... ..... ... B-8
Centronics Parallel B-8 Serial B-9 IBM PC/XT, PC/AT, and Compatible Computers B-10 LocalTalk (Optional Interface) B-11 Macintosh to Serial B-11
Warranty Considerati ons ......................................................... B-12
Consumables and Your Warranty B-12 Electrostatic Discharge and Your Warranty B-12
C Document Option
Introduction ................................................................................. C-2
Supported DOCs ....................................... ................... ............ ... C-2
Header/Trailer Page Commands C-2 HP-GL Emulation Commands C-2 HP PCL 5 Emulation Comma nds C-3 Lineprinter Emulation Commands C-3 PostScript Emulation Commands C-4 Printer Commands C-4
Updated DOCs ........................ .................................................. ... C-4
PCL 5 Emulation Terminology C-4 Updated PCL 5 DOCs C-7
CCITT Comma nd s . ..... ....... ....... ......... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... ..... . C -18
Accessing CCITT Emulation C-18 Command Syntax C-18
Contents ix
ImageSize C-19 ImagePosition C-19 Rotation C-20 LineEnd C-20 BlockEnd C-20 EBAMode C-21 BitReverse C-21 InvertImage C-21 Compression C-22 DPI C-22 ImageData C-22 PageEnd C-23 JobEnd C-23

D Sessions

Sessions ...... ........................ .......................... .......................... ..... D-2
What is a Session? D-2 How is a Session Used? D-3 Session Command D-4 Examples D-7 Sessions Document Finishing Terminology D-9 Document Finishing DOC D-10

E Notices

Manual Notice ....... ......... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..E-2
Laser Safety .................................................................................E-2
FCC Complian ce ...... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ......... ....... ....... .....E-2
International Notices ...................................................................E-4
Canadian Users E-4 Vfg 1046/1984 Conformity Statement E-4 Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs E-4 Declaration of Manufacturer/Importer E-4 Electronics Emissions E-5
Colophon ...................................................................................... E-5
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guidex
F Configuration Menu
Menu Diagrams ......................................... ............ ....... ............ .... F -2



Contents xi


In This Chapter...
About the printer
About the documentation
About this manual
Printer features and user benef it s
Printer options
Using the printer’s control panel
Printer-host co mmunication
About the Printer

About the Printer

The QMS 1725 SLS Print System offers the unique QM S Crown multitasking operating system, superior perform ance, extensive connectivity, upgrade option s including duplex printin g, and flexible emulation support.
In addition, it prints 17 pages per minute (let te r/A4 paper size) and is a high-quality 300x300 and 600x600 dpi multiple-resolution desktop printer.

About the Documentation

The documentation provides a window int o the many capabili tie s of your printer. The more famil iar you are with the document ation, the easier it’ll be for you to get the results you want from your printer.
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guide1-2
About the Documentation
Several pieces of documentation accompany your printe r. If you’ve ordered printer options, you’ll have even more manu als. B ut don’t worry—you don’t have to read them all before you’re able to use your printer. I n fact , som e of them you may never have to refer to at all, depending on the type of documents you print and the environment in which you print them.
This section will give you an idea of how we’ve organized inf ormation and which documents you’ll probably refer to the most.

Standard Product Docum entation

The following document atio n is shipped with your print er:
QMS 1725 SLS Print System Setup Guid e
Refer to this guide as you unpack and set up the printer. It con­tains detailed, illustrated inst ructi ons to guide you as you unpack and set up your printer and connect it to a host computer. It also covers installing a toner cartridge and filling the paper trays. Each person who plans on using this printer should review this docu­ment.
QMS 1725 SLS Print System User ’s Guide
You're looking at this manual right now. This manual guides you through the day-to-day operation of your printe r. It include s infor­mation on using the printer’s control panel, making configuration changes, replacing print media, using advanced printing features, handling and cleaning your printer, improving print quality, and troubleshooting printer problem s. Th e “About This M anual” sec ­tion later in this chapter provides more contents of this manual.
About the Documentation
PS Executive Series Util ities
On-line documentatio n explains how to install and use the PS Executive Series Utilities that accompanies your printer. Once you install this software on your host, use its menus to access the printer ’s features, such as printer naming, font and emul ation downloading, and sample files that illustrate some of your printer ’s capabilities. A Windows driver is also included with this software. (Before instal ling the util ities, be sure to che c k for a README.T XT file in case of last-minut e updat es.)
QMS Crown Document Option Com man ds
Document Option Commands (DOCs) are sof tware codes you insert in documents to enable printer fe atu res that cannot be accessed by your application or page description langu age. This manual lists and explains all of the DOCs. Using QMS DOC, you can develop one driver to support all languages and emulations for your printer. Also, you can use ho st netwo rk management software to create customized netwo rk printer queues for all users connected to the printer. In most cases, only advanced users and system administrators need this informat ion.
QMS Crown Network Notes
Refer to this manual for tips on using your QMS 1725 SLS Print System if you’re connecting to a network. It discusses 3Com 3+Open, Banyan VINES, LAN Manager-based LA Ns, Novell Net­Ware, TCP/IP, UNIX, and VMS/DECnet . In most cases, on ly advanced network users and system administrat ors need this information.
This manual is provided on disk in encapsulated PostScript (EPS) form. Refer to the REA DM E file on the dis k for informat ion on printing a hard copy of the manual.
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guide1-4

Related Documentation

Don’t forget that your application, host operating system, and network documentation all contain useful printing inform ation.
Printer Option Docum ent ation If you purchased a printer option (for example, a CrownNet inter-
face card for a Ethernet network), you probably received sepa­rate documentation fo r it. See chapte r 8, “Printer Opt ions, ” for additional inf ormat ion .
Further information on QMS printe rs is available through your modem or fax machine. See appendix A, “QMS Custome r Sup­port,” for details.

About This Manual

This manual is a complete guide to the features, operation, and main­tenance of your QMS 1725 SLS printer. Each chapter begins with highlights of its contents. An extensive index at the end of the manual further helps to locate specific topics and a glossary defines relevant terms. The appendixes contain supplem ent ary info rmat ion such as cable pinouts, technical specifications, and other printer-related mate­rial.
About This Manual

Typographic Conventions

The following typographic conve ntions are used in this manual:
Mixed-Case Cour ier
Mixe d-Case Italic Courier
lowercase bold PostScript operators and DOS commands
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the screen
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your printer or com puter
Information displayed in the printer message window
Printer Features
lowercase italic
UPPERCASE File and utility names Press the Enter key (PC) or Return key (Macintosh) ^ Press and hold down the Ctrl key (PC)
» Note: Notes contain tips, e xt ra information, or impor tant information that
deserves emphasis or reiteration.
equipment damage, proces s failure, or extreme annoyance.
procedure is not performed exactly as described in the manual.
Vorgehensweise, da sonst Verletzungsgefahr bestehen könnte .
Cautions present information that you need to know to avoid
Warnings indicate the possibility of personal injury if a sp ecifi c
Bitte halten Sie sich exakt an die im Handbuch beschriebe ne
Variable information in text

Printer Features

This brief overview will acquaint you with your printer’s major features and how they can benefit you. Consult the index or the table of con­tents to locate this information.

Media Flexibility

Your printer supports print medi a of different sizes— A4, executive, legal, letter—in portrait and landscape orientations.
User Benefit—You can print on commonly used media sizes.

Multiple Resolutions

The printer supports two print resolutions: 300x300 and 600x600 dpi (dots per inch).
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guide1-6
Printer Features
User Benefit—Two resolutions allow you to customize the quality of your output according to its use: 300x300 dpi for most hardcopy needs, 600x600 dpi for high-resolut ion out put.

Five Resid ent Emulations

Your printer supports printing in HP PCL5, HP-GL, Lineprinter, CCITT, and PostScript emula tion s.
User Benefit—Most applicat ion s can print directly to the printer.
HP PCL 5 Emulation
The printer emulates the Hewlet t -Packard LaserJet IIIS i at both 300x300 dpi (bitmap and scalable fonts) and 600x600 dpi (scalable fonts only). The available resolution for HP-GL/2 is 300x300 dpi.
HP-GL Emulation
The printer provides HP-GL plotter emulation (7470A, 7475A, 7550A, and ColorPro) at 300x300 dpi and 600x600 dpi.
Lineprinter Emulation
The Lineprinter emul ati on prints sim ple, unformat ted text files at 300x300 and 600x600 dpi. Each text line ends with a carriage return.
This emulation supports CCITT Group 3 1-D, Group 3 2-D, and Group 4. Key features specific to this emulation inclu de a stream-ori­ented data flow system, concise data attribute set, and enhanced per­formance.
PostScript Level 2 Emulation and Level 1 Compatibility
The QMS 1725 SLS Print System’s Level 2 emulation allo w s you to take full advantage of your printer's high print resolution (up to 600x600 dpi). The Level 2 emulation is compatible with Adobe’s Post­Script Level 2 language while providing additional capabilit ies. QMS Level 2 emulation supports extensive graphics capabili ties to control
Printer Features
the appearance of text, geometric shapes and images, and improves memory and resource management. Full support for PostScript Level 1 files is also included.

Sessions Support

Since your printer supports sessions, it’s possible for you to combine multiple document s into a single print job with global features th at override the individual document’s page description—even when the individual document s are composed from different appli catio ns using different printer descripti on languages. S e ssions allow you to print multiple chapters as a book, a series of reports as a batch process, or “wild card” file selections on UNIX or VMS comput er systems. More information about sessions and session comm ands are in appendi x D, “Sessions.”

Resident Fonts and Symbol S ets

Your printer comes with 12 PostScript typeface families containing 39 licensed fonts, and it provides TrueType font support (in Po stSc ript emulation only). All resident PostS cript typeface families have mu lti ­lingual character sets. The printer also has 7 resident bitmap HP PCL fonts in 25 symbol sets each, 12 resident scalable HP PCL fonts in 35 symbol sets each, 1 resident scalable HP PCL font in 5 symbol sets, and 40 resident HP-GL symbol sets.
User Benefit—With so many resident fonts and symbol sets, there is less need for time-consuming downloadin g.

QMS Crown Technology

The QMS Crown multitasking operat ing s ystem provides fast pro­cessing speeds, networking capability, and hig her printer perf or­mance while maintaining outstanding print quality.
Compile-Ahead Technology and True Multitasking
Compile-ahead technology keeps all of your printer’s resources busy to improve throughput. While the engine is printi ng a page, compile-ahead technology uses available printer mem ory to prepare
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guide1-8
Printer Features
the subsequent pages of the document (or the next job). With pages ready in memory, the engine continues pri nting as it deposits printed pages in the output tray. (In oth er words, compil ing, rasterizing , and printing all work independently but simult aneously.)
User Benefit—Because print job processing time is significantly reduced, you spend less time waiting for your documents to print.
Simultaneous Interface Operation (SIO)
Other printers may have mult iple int erf ace ports, but your QMS 1725
SLS Print System is unique because SIO allows ports—AppleTalk, parallel, serial, and an optional interface—to be
at the same time
active The multiple interfaces let you connect to any AppleTa lk network or
directly to an IBM or compatible PC. The printer also wo rks in many minicomputer and main frame co mpu ter environm ents .
User Benefit—You can have m ore than one computer print ing to the printer. E ach interface has an input buffer (which may be expanded with additional memory) that receives data while anot her interface is being used to print.
of its interface
Emulation Sensing Processor (ESP) Technology
Most printers can recognize only their native comma nd languag e. However, using a form of artificial intel ligen ce , ESP technology a na­lyzes incoming file data from any of the printer ’s interfaces, selects the appropriate emulation from those insta lled on the printe r, and pro­cesses th e print job.
User Benefit—When your printer is in ESP mo de, you can easily print PostScript, HP PC L 5, HP-G L, CCI TT, a nd L ineprin ter d ocu­ments without chan ging printer swi tch settings or sending soft ware commands to accomm odat e different print er la nguages.
Printer Features
Context Switching
After its initial use, the state of an emulat ion and downl oaded dat a (such as fonts, macros, and overlays) is preserved for as long as the printer power is on.
User Benefit—Repetit ive download ing of emulat ion s, font s, m acros, and overlays is unnecessary, saving you time.
Compressed Data Formats
Crown printers convert data received from the input buffer s into intermediate, compressed blocks until the data is needed for printing. These compressed blocks of data are designed t o be processed rapidly by the printer, and many more can be stored in memory at one time than can traditional bitmapped image s.
User Benefit—This increases the speed of printer features such as collation and autom at ic ja m recovery.
Automatic Jam Recovery
With most printers, if a media jam occurs, you must remove the jammed media and then reprint the job. On a QMS Crown printer, if the Page Recovery menu option is set to ON and a media jam occurs, once you remove the jammed media, the print er reprints the jammed page and then continues with the print job. This is possible because compressed data format s allow more pag es to be stored in memory. The printer remembers the last page printed, pulls the necessary information from memory, and aut om atically reprint s any lost pag es.
User Benefit—You save tim e and print media because it’s unneces­sary to resend a print job after clearing a media jam.

Software Loadable System (SLS)

Your printer has a software loadable s ystem , which allows you to replace or upgrade its system software from a host computer.
User Benefit—Future enhancem ents to the system software ca n be easily installed as they become available from QMS.
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guide1-10

Printer Options

The following options are available for your QMS 1725 SLS Print Sys­tem. Contact your QMS vendor for purchase information.
Media Handling Accessories
The optional media handling accessories include legal- and A 4- size media cassettes, a large-capacity sheet feeder (1500 sheets), and a duplexing unit. You can also print directly on business or personal­sized envelopes with an optional envelope feeder or by using the manual feed.
User Benefit—Your print er handles a variety of sizes and types of common print media.
Upgradable RAM (Random Acce ss Memory)
The QMS 1725 SLS Print System comes wit h 13 MB of RAM. How ­ever, you can upgrade this RAM to 32 MB through the inst alla tio n of SIMMs (single in-line memory mo dules). Addition al RAM allows you to print at higher resolutions on certain media sizes, download and cache fonts, and send large data-intensive files to the printer wit hout tying up the host for long periods.
Printer Options
User Benefit—Your print er’s memory can be upgraded as your needs grow.
Contact your QMS vendor for a complete list of available fonts. User Benefit—Optiona l fonts increa se the print er ’s functionali ty and
allow you to create more distinctive docu ments.
Your printer provides support fo r optional emulati ons, such as LN03 and QUIC II.
User Benefit—Extra emul ations allow you to print docume nts c re­ated in printer languages other than tho se resident on the printer.
Printer Options
The optional ImageServer kit acts as an interface between docum ent imaging applications and the prin ter. To purchase the ImageServer kit, contact you r QMS ven d or.
User Benefit—With thi s option inst alle d, you can load TIFF, CALS and CCITT emulations. ImageServer enables your p rinter to print at or near the rated engine speed when working with compl ex, raster­ized images.
Network Interfaces
The QMS 1725 SLS Print System can use optional interfaces such as IBM 3270, IBM 5250A, or one of the CrownNet NICs (network inter­face cards) running multiple protocols. Contact your QM S vendor for a list of available protocols.
User Benefit—Optiona l interf aces provi de flexibili ty and fast data transfer in complex network environments.
Hard Disk Expandability
The QMS 1725 SLS Print System provides support for a larger inter­nal hard disk and optional external SCSI hard disks.
User Benefit—Hard disks provide t rue virtual memor y as well as storage for character bitmaps, downloaded outl ine fo nts, and other files.
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guide1-12

Using the Control Panel

The control panel, located on the front of the printe r, allows you to direct the printer ’s operation. In addition, it displays the current status of the printer, inclu ding any co ndit ion that needs your attent ion.
The control panel consists of the following parts:
Sixteen indicator s provide printer status info rmation and ide nti fy the current media source.
A message window displays status and configuration information.
Nine keys allow you to control the printer.
Message Window
Using the Control Panel
Using the Control Panel

Control Panel Indicators

Indicators on the control panel display printe r status inf ormat ion , cur­rent media source, and paper jam locations.
Flashes when the printer is warming up. It r emains on when the printer is ready to receive a print job and while it is processing or pr inti ng a job (unless an error is encountered).
Lights when the printer requires operator intervention. This indicator is usually accompanied by a status message in the message window.
Lights when the printer is receiving data from one or more of the simultaneous interfaces.
Lights when the printer’s hard disk is being accessed.
Lights when the printer is on line and ready to accept and process new print jobs. Press it once to take the printer off line (the indicator is not lighted) and make the printer ready for configuration.
Lights when the print resolution is set to 600 dots per inch.
Lights when the duplex option is installed and duplex printing is chosen.
Lights when manual feed is chosen as the inputbin.
QMS 172 5 SLS Print System User's Guide1-14
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