IBD188 EXAR XR17V358
Mini PCI-E Serial Ports Adaptor Card
IBD188 User Guide 1.0
Connector s Pin Definition
CN2: COM1 Serial Ports
CN1: COM2 Serial Ports
CN3, CN4: COM3/4 Serial Ports
CN5, CN6; COM5/6 Serial Ports
CN8: COM7 Serial Ports
CN7: COM8 Serial Ports
Matching connector: Molex P/N 51021-0900
Pin # Signal Name
1 DCD, Data carrier detect
2 RXD, Receive data
3 CTS, Clear to send
4 GND, ground
5 TXD, Transmit data
6 RTS, Request to send
7 DSR, Data set ready
8 DTR, Data terminal ready
9 RI, Ring indicator
IBD188 and Pk1-68 Mechanical Drawing
2. In the Update Driver Software-PCISerial Port screen,
select“Browse my computer for driver software”.
3. Choose“installation” options. Click Browse to find the
driver’s path in the CD provided or enter the path directly \SCSI\IBD184\Windows 7\X86
IBD 188 x 1 and PK1-68 x 8
Mini PCI-E Serial Ports Driver Installation
1. In the Windows OS, go to the Computer Management screen. In the
‘Other devices’ as shown below, right click the “PCI Serial Port ” and
select “Update Software Driver.’
4. Click Install this d r iv er software Anyway.
5. Finally the screen will show “Windows has successfully
updated yo ur driver software”. Click Close.
6. There are eight serial ports. Therefore, the Hardware Update
Wizard procedure will be repeated for the other serial ports.