Award is a registered trad em ark of Aw ar d Sof t w are Int ernat ional, Inc .
PS/2 is a trademark of Internat ional Bus ine s s Machines Corporat ion.
AMD, AMD Geode, and combinations thereof, are t r adem arks of
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc .
Microsoft W indow s is a regi s t ered t radem ar k of Micros oft Corporation.
All other product names or t rad em arks are pr opert ies of t hei r res pec t iv e
A. I/O Port Addr e ss Map .......................................................... 49
B. Interrupt Request Lines (IRQ) .............................................. 51
C. Watchdog Time r Configuration ............................................ 52
IB550F User’s Manual iii
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IB550F User’s Manual
Product Description
The IB550F 3.5-inch disk siz e SBC incorpor ates the AMD Geode LX
processor with speeds of 433MHz (LX700) or 500MHz (LX800). It
comes with one DDR SO-DIMM socket t hat has a capacity of 1GB
system memory. The board supports one 10/100Mbps Ethernet, using a
Realtek RTL8100C controller. A 2D graphics controller comes
integrated on the board that supports CRT and TFT LCD displays. Useful
interface includes four USB 2.0 ports, 4 COM por ts, and one PCI-104
expansion slot. IB550F also support 2 SATA ports.
COM1 (RS232/422/485) , COM2~4(RS232) , K B/M ouse, Parallel,
IrDA, Hardware monitor (3 thermal inputs, 4 voltage monitor inputs,
6-pins Mini-DIN connect or x1 for PS/2 KB & Mouse
Dual USB stack connector x1 for USB 1, 2
DB-15 connector x1 for CRT
2x4 pins header x1 for USB 3,4
2x13 pins header x1 for LPT port
2x6 pins header x1 for Audio
2x22 pins header x1 for TFT LCD panel
4-pin header x1 for I rDA
IB550F User’s Manual 3
Board Dimensions
IB550F User’s Manual
This section provides information on how to use the jumpers and
connectors on the IB550F in order to set up a workable system. The
topics covered are:
Inst alling the Memory .......................................................................... 6
Setting the Jumpers .............................................................................. 7
Conne c to rs on IB550F ....................................................................... 11
IB550F User’s Manual 5
Installing the Memory
The IB550F board supports one SODIMM DDR memory socket for a
maximum total memory. The memory module capacities supported ar e
128MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB.
Installing and Removing Memory Modules
To install the DDR modules, locate the memory slot on the board and
pe rform the following step s:
1. Hold the DDR module so that t he keys o f the DDR module align wit h
those on the memory slot. I nsert the module into t he sock et at a slight
angle (approxim ately 30 degrees). Note that the socket and module are
both keyed, which means that the module can be installed only in one
2. To seat the memory module into the socket, apply firm and even
pressure to each end of the module until you feel it slip down into t he
3. With the module properly seated in the socket, rotate the module
downward. Cont inue pressing downward until the clips at each end
lock in to pos ition.
4. To remove the DDR mo dule, press the clips w ith both hands.
IB550F User’s Manual
Setting the Jumpers
Jumpers are used on IB550F to select various sett ings and features
according to your needs and applications. Contact your supplier if you
have doubt s abou t t he best c onfiguratio n for you r needs. The following
lists the connecto r s on IB550F and their respective functions.
Jumper Locations on IB550F ............................................................... 8
Use JP3 to clear the CMOS contents. Note that the power connector
should be disconnected from the board before clearing CMOS.
Normal (default)
Clear CMOS
IB550F User’s Manual 9
JP4, JP5, JP6: RS232/422/485 (COM1) Selection
COM1 is selectable for RS232, RS-422 and RS-485.
The following table describes the jumper settings for COM1
RS-232 RS-422 RS-485
(pin clos ed)
3-5 & 4-6
3-5 & 4-6
1-3 & 2-4
1-3 & 2-4
1-3 & 2-4
1-3 & 2-4
IB550F User’s Manual
Connectors on IB550F
The connectors on IB550F allow you to connect external devices such as
keyboard, hard disk drives, printers, etc. The following table lists the
connectors o n IB550F and t heir respective functions.
Connector Locations on IB550F ........................................................ 12