All information in this Owner's Manual is current at the time of pub-lication.However,HYUNDAIreserves the right to make changes atany time so that our policy of continual product improvement may becarried out.
This manual applies to all HYUNDAI models and includes descrip-tions and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment.Asa result,you may find material in this manual that does not apply toyour specific vehicle.
Your HYUNDAI should not be modified in any way.Such modifications may adversely affectthe performance, safety or durability of your HYUNDAI and may, in addition, violate condi-tions of the limited warranties covering the vehicle.Certain modifications may also be in vio-lation of regulations established by the U.S.Department of Transportation and other federalor state agencies.
Your vehicle is equipped with electronic fuel injection and other electronic components.It ispossible for an improperly installed/adjusted two-way radio or cellular telephone to adverselyaffect electronic systems.For this reason, we recommend that you carefully follow the radiomanufacturer's instructions or consult your HYUNDAI dealer for precautionary measures orspecial instructions if you choose to install one of these devices.
This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE.These titles indicate the following:
This indicates that a condition may result in harm,serious injury,or death to youor other persons if the warning is not heeded.Follow the advice provided with thewarning.
This indicates that a condition may result in damage to your vehicle or its equipmentif the caution is not heeded.Follow the advice provided with the caution.
This indicates that interesting orhelpful information is being provided.
Thank you for choosing HYUNDAI.We are pleased to welcome you to the growing number of discriminating people whodrive HYUNDAI.The advanced engineering and high-quality construction of each HYUNDAI we build is something ofwhich we're very proud.
Your Owner's Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new HYUNDAI.It is suggested that youread it carefully because the information it contains can contribute greatly to the satisfaction you receive from your newcar.
The manufacturer also recommends that all service and maintenance on your car be performed by an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer.HYUNDAI dealers are prepared to provide high-quality service, maintenance and any other assistancethat may be required.
Note :Because future owners will also need the information included in this manual, if you sell this HYUNDAI, please
leave the manual in the vehicle for their use.Thank you.
Severe engine and transaxle damage may result from the use of poor quality fuels and lubricants that donot meet HYUNDAI specifications.You must always use high quality fuels and lubricants that meet thespecifications listed on Page 8-4 in the Vehicle Specifications section of the Owner's Manual.
Copyright 2013 HYUNDAI Motor America.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, storedin any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of HYUNDAIMotor America.
1.What are HYUNDAI GenuineParts?
HYUNDAI Genuine Parts are thesame parts used by HYUNDAIMotor Company to manufacturevehicles.They are designed andtested for the optimum safety, per-formance, and reliability to our cus-tomers.
2.Why should you use genuineparts?
HYUNDAI Genuine Parts are engi-neered and built to meet rigid manu-facturing requirements.Using imita-tion, counterfeit or used salvage partsis not covered under the HYUNDAINew Vehicle Limited Warranty or anyother HYUNDAI warranty.
In addition, any damage to or failureof HYUNDAI Genuine Parts causedbythe installation or failure of an imi-tation, counterfeit or used salvagepart is not covered by any HYUNDAIWarranty.
3.How can you tell if you are pur-chasing HYUNDAI GenuineParts?
Look for the HYUNDAI GenuineParts Logo on the package (seebelow).
HYUNDAI Genuine Parts exportedto the U.S.are packaged with labelswritten only in English.
HYUNDAI Genuine Parts are onlysold through authorized HYUNDAIDealerships.
We want to help you get the greatestpossible driving pleasure from yourvehicle.Your Owner’s Manual canassist you in many ways.We strong-ly recommend that you read theentire manual.In order to minimizethe chance of death or injury, youmust read the WARNING and CAU-TION sections in this manual.
Illustrations complement the wordsin this manual to best explain how toenjoy your vehicle.By reading yourmanual, you will learn about fea-tures, important safety information,and driving tips under various roadconditions.
The general layout of the manual isprovided in the Table of Contents.Agood place to start is the index;it hasan alphabetical listing of all informa-tion in your manual.
Sections:This manual has eightchapter plus an index.Each chaptersbegins with a brief list of contents soyou can tell at a glance if that chap-ter has the information you want.
You will find various WARNINGs,CAUTIONs, and NOTICEs in thismanual.These WARNINGs were pre-pared to enhance your personal safe-ty.You should carefully read and fol-low ALL procedures and recommen-dations provided in these WARN-INGS, CAUTIONS and NOTICES.
A WARNING indicates a situationin which harm,serious bodilyinjury,or death could result if thewarning is ignored.
A CAUTION indicates a situationin which damage to your vehiclecould result if the caution isignored.
ANOTICE indicates interesting orhelpful information is being provided.
Your new vehicle is designed to useonly unleaded fuel having a pumpoctane number ((R+M)/2) of 87 orhigher.
Your new vehicle is designed to obtainmaximum performance with UNLEAD-ED FUEL, as well as minimize exhaustemissions and spark plug fouling.
Never add any fuel systemcleaning agents to the fuel tankother than what has been spec-ified.(Consult an authorizedHYUNDAI dealer for details.)
•Do not "top off" after the noz-
zle automatically shuts offwhen refueling.
•Tighten the cap until it clicks
one time,otherwise the CheckEnginelight will illuminate.
•Always check that the fuel cap
is installed securely to pre-vent fuel spillage in the eventof an accident.
Gasoline containing alcohol andmethanol
Gasohol, a mixture of gasoline andethanol (also known as grain alco-hol), and gasoline or gasohol con-taining methanol (also known aswood alcohol) are being marketedalong with or instead of leaded orunleaded gasoline.
Do not use gasohol containing morethan 10% ethanol, and do not usegasoline or gasohol containing anymethanol.Either of these fuels maycause drivability problems and dam-age to the fuel system.
Discontinue using gasohol of anykind if drivability problems occur.
Vehicle damage or drivability prob-lems may not be covered by themanufacturer’s warranty if they resultfrom the use of:
1.Gasohol containing more than10% ethanol.
2.Gasoline or gasohol containingmethanol.
3.Leaded fuel or leaded gasohol.
"E85" fuel is an alternative fuel com-prised of 85 percent ethanol and 15percent gasoline, and is manufac-tured exclusively for use in FlexibleFuel Vehicles.“E85”is not compati-ble with your vehicle.Use of “E85”may result in poor engine perform-ance and damage to your vehicle'sengine and fuel system.HYUNDAIrecommends that customers do notuse fuel with an ethanol contentexceeding 10 percent.
Your New Vehicle LimitedWarranty does not cover dam-age to the fuel system or anyperformance problems causedby the use of “E85”fuel.
Never use gasohol which con-tains methanol.Discontinueuse of any gasohol productwhich impairs driveability.
Gasoline containing MMT
Some gasoline contains harmful man-ganese-based fuel additives such asMMT (MethylcyclopentadienylManganese Tricarbonyl).
HYUNDAI does not recommend theuse of gasoline containing MMT.
This type of fuel can reduce vehicleperformance and affect your emis-sion control system.
The malfunction indicator lamp onthe cluster may come on.
Do not use methanol
Fuels containing methanol (woodalcohol) should not be used in yourvehicle.This type of fuel can reducevehicle performance and damagecomponents of the fuel system.
Your New Vehicle LimitedWarranty may not cover dam-age to the fuel system and anyperformance problems that arecaused by the use of fuels con-taining methanol.
Fuel Additives
HYUNDAI recommends that you usegood quality gasolines treated withdetergent additives such as TOP TIERDetergent Gasoline, which help pre-vent deposit formation in the engine.These gasolines will help the enginerun cleaner and enhance performanceof the Emission Control System.Formore information on TOP TIERDetergent Gasoline, please go to thewebsite (
For customers who do not use TOPTier Detergent Gasoline regularly, andhave problems starting or the enginedoes not run smoothly, additives thatyou can buy separately may be addedto the gasoline.If TOP TIER DetergentGasoline is not available, one bottle ofadditive added to the fuel tank at every7,500 miles or every engine oil changeis recommended.Additives are avail-able from your authorized HYUNDAIdealer along with information on howto use them.Do not mix other addi-tives.
Operation in foreign countries
If you are going to drive your vehiclein another country, be sure to:
•Observe all regulations regardingregistration and insurance.
•Determine that acceptable fuel isavailable.
As with other vehicles of this type,failure to operate this vehicle correct-ly may result in loss of control, anaccident or vehicle rollover.
Specific design characteristics (high-er ground clearance, track, etc.) givethis vehicle a higher center of gravitythan other types of vehicles.It is notdesigned for cornering at the samespeeds as a conventional 2-wheeldrive sedans or sports coupe.Avoidsharp turns or abrupt maneuvers.Failure to operate this vehicle cor-rectly may result in loss of control, anaccident or vehicle rollover.Be sure
to read the “Reducing the risk of arollover”driving guidelines,inchapter 5 of this manual.
No special break-in period isneeded.By following a few simpleprecautions for the first 600 miles(1,000 km) you may add to theperformance, economy and life ofyour vehicle.
•Do not race the engine.
•While driving, keep your enginespeed (rpm, or revolutions perminute) between 2,000 rpm and4,000 rpm.
•Do not maintain a single speed forlong periods of time, either fast orslow.Varying engine speed isneeded to properly break-in theengine.
•Avoid hard stops, except in emer-gencies, to allow the brakes to seatproperly.
•Don't let the engine idle longerthan 3 minutes at one time.
•Don't tow a trailer during the first1,200 miles (2,000 km) of opera-tion.
This vehicle is equipped with anevent data recorder (EDR).Themain purpose of an EDR is torecord,in certain crash or nearcrash-like situations,such as anair bag deployment or hitting aroad obstacle,data that will assistin understanding how a vehicle'ssystems performed.The EDR isdesigned to record data related tovehicle dynamics and safety sys-tems for a short period of time,typically 30 seconds or less.TheEDR in this vehicle is designed torecord such data as:
•How various systems in yourvehicle were operating;
• Whether or not the driver andpassenger safety belts werebuckled/ fastened;
• How far (if at all) the driver wasdepressing the acceleratorand/or brake pedal;and,
• How fast the vehicle was travel-ing.
These data can help provide a bet-ter understanding of the circum-stances in which crashes andinjuries occur.NOTE:EDR dataare recorded by your vehicle onlyif a non-trivial crash situationoccurs;no data are recorded bythe EDR under normal drivingconditions and no personal data(e.g.,name,gender,age,andcrash location) are recorded.However,other parties,such aslaw enforcement,could combinethe EDR data with the type of per-sonally identifying data routinelyacquired during a crash investiga-tion.
To read data recorded by an EDR,special equipment is required,andaccess to the vehicle or the EDR isneeded.In addition to the vehiclemanufacturer,other parties,suchas law enforcement,that have thespecial equipment,can read theinformation if they have access tothe vehicle or the EDR.
Your vehicle at a glance
Safety features of your vehicle
Convenient features of your vehicle
Multimedia System
Driving your vehicle
What to do in an emergency
Specifications, Consumer information and Reporting safety defects
Air bag warning labels ..................................................2-69
You will find many safety precautionsand recommendations throughoutthis section, and throughout this man-ual.The safety precautions in this sec-tion are among the most important.
Always wear your seat belt
A seat belt is your best protection inall types of accidents.Air bags aredesigned to supplement seat belts,not replace them.So even thoughyour vehicle is equipped with air bags,ALWAYS make sure you and yourpassengers wear your seat belts, andwear them properly.
Restrain all children
All children under age 13 should ridein your vehicle properly restrained ina rear seat, not the front seat.Infantsand small children should berestrained in an appropriate childrestraint.Larger children should usea booster seat with the lap/shoulderbelt until they can use the seat beltproperly without a booster seat.
Air bag hazards
While air bags can save lives, theycan also cause serious or fatalinjuries to occupants who sit tooclose to them, or who are not prop-erly restrained.Infants, young chil-dren, and shorter adults are at thegreatest risk of being injured by aninflating air bag.Follow all instruc-tions and warnings in this manual.
Driver distraction
Driver distraction presents a seriousand potentially deadly danger, espe-cially for inexperienced drivers.Safetyshould be the first concern whenbehind the wheel and drivers need tobe aware of the wide array of potentialdistractions, such as drowsiness,reaching for objects, eating, personalgrooming, other passengers, andusing cellular phones, to name a few.
Drivers can become distracted whenthey take their eyes and attention offthe road or their hands off the wheelto focus on activities other than driv-ing.To reduce your risk of distractionor getting into an accident:
•ALWAYS set up your mobile devices(i.e., MP3 players, phones, naviga-tion units, etc.) when your vehicle isparked or safely stopped.
•ONLY use your mobile device whenallowed by laws and when conditionspermit safe use.NEVER text oremail while driving.Most states havelaws prohibiting drivers from texting.Some states and cities also prohibitdrivers from using handheld phones.
•NEVER let the use of a mobiledevice distract you from driving.Youhave a responsibility to your passen-gers and others on the road toalways drive safely, with your handson the wheel as well as your eyesand attention on the road.
Control your speed
Excessive speed is a major factor incrash injuries and deaths.Generally,the higher the speed, the greater therisk, but serious injuries can alsooccur at lower speeds.Never drivefaster than is safe for current condi-tions, regardless of the maximumspeed posted.
Keep your vehicle in safe condi-tion
Having a tire blowout or a mechanicalfailure can be extremely hazardous.Toreduce the possibility of such prob-lems, check your tire pressures andcondition frequently, and perform allregularly scheduled maintenance.
Safety system of your vehicle
Front seats
(1) Forward and rearward(2) Seatback angle(3) Seat cushion height
(Driver’s seat)(4) Lumbar support (Driver’s seat)*(5) Seat warmer*(6) Headrest
Rear seats
(7) Seatback angle and folding(8) Headrest(9) Armrest(10) Seat warmer*
* :if equipped
Power seat
Manual seat
Safety precautions
Adjusting the seats so that you are sit-ting in a safe, comfortable positionplays an important role in driver andpassenger safety together with theseat belts and air bags in an accident.
Air bags
You can take steps to reduce the riskof being injured by an inflating airbag.Sitting too close to an air baggreatly increases the risk of injury inthe event the air bag inflates.
The National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration (NHTSA) recommendsthat drivers allow at least 10 inches(25 cm) between the center of thesteering wheel and their chest.
Seat belts
Always fasten your seat belt beforestarting any trip.
At all times, passengers should situpright and be properly restrained.Infants and small children must berestrained in appropriate child restraintsystems.Children who have outgrowna booster seat and adults must berestrained using the seat belts.
Do not use a cushion thatreduces friction between the seatand the passenger.The passen-ger's hips may slide under thelap portion of the seat belt duringan accident or a sudden stop.Serious or fatal internal injuriescould result because the seatbelt cannot operate normally.
To reduce the risk of seriousinjury or death from an inflatingair bag,take the following pre-cautions:
•Adjust the driver’s seat as far to
the rear as possible while main-taining the ability to maintainfull control of the vehicle.
•Adjust the front passenger seat
as far to the rear as possible.
•Hold the steering wheel by the
rim with hands at the 9 o’clockand 3 o’clock positions to mini-mize the risk of injuries to yourhands and arms.
•NEVER place anything or any-
one between the steering wheeland the air bag.
•Do not allow the front passen-
ger to place feet or legs on thedashboard to minimize the riskof leg injuries.
Safety system of your vehicle
Safety system of your vehicle
Front seats
Take the following precautionswhen adjusting your seat belt:
•NEVER use one seat belt for
more than one occupant.
•Always position the seatback
upright with the lap portion ofthe seat belt snug and lowacross the hips.
•NEVER allow children or small
infants to ride in a passenger’slap.
•Do not route the seat belt
across your neck,across sharpedges,or reroute the shoulderstrap away from your body.
•Do not allow the seat belt to
become caught or jammed.
Take the following precautionswhen adjusting your seat:
•NEVER attempt to adjust the
seat while the vehicle is mov-ing.The seat could respondwith unexpected movementand may cause loss of vehiclecontrol resulting in an acci-dent.
•Do not place anything under
the front seats.Loose objectsin the driver’s foot area couldinterfere with the operation ofthe foot pedals,causing anaccident.
•Do not allow anything to inter-
fere with the normal positionand proper locking of the seat-back.
•Do not place a cigarette lighter
on the floor or seat.When youoperate the seat,gas may exitout of the lighter causing a fire.
To prevent injury:
•Do not adjust your seat while
wearing your seat belt.Moving the seat cushion for-ward may cause strong pres-sure on your abdomen.
•Do not allow your hands or
fingers to get caught in theseat mechanisms while theseat is moving.
Safety system of your vehicle
Manual adjustment
Forward and rearward adjustment
To move the seat forward or rearward:
1.Pull up the seat slide adjustmentlever and hold it.
2.Slide the seat to the position youdesire.
3.Release the lever and make surethe seat is locked in place.Moveforward and rearward without usingthe lever.If the seat moves, it is notlocked properly.
Seatback angle
To recline the seatback:
1.Lean forward slightly and lift up theseatback lever.
2.Carefully lean back on the seatand adjust the seatback to theposition you desire.
3.Release the lever and make surethe seatback is locked in place.(The lever MUST return to its orig-inal position for the seatback tolock.)
Reclining seatback
Sitting in a reclined position whenthe vehicle is in motion can be dan-gerous.Even when buckled up, theprotection of your restraint system(seat belts and air bags) is greatlyreduced by reclining your seatback.
NEVER ride with a reclinedseatback when the vehicle ismoving.
Riding with a reclined seatbackincreases your chance of seri-ous or fatal injuries in the eventof a collision or sudden stop.
Drivers and passengers shouldALWAYS sit well back in theirseats,properly belted,and withthe seatbacks upright.
Safety system of your vehicle
Seat belts must be snug against yourhips and chest to work properly.When the seatback is reclined, theshoulder belt cannot do its jobbecause it will not be snug againstyour chest.Instead, it will be in frontof you.During an accident, you couldbe thrown into the seat belt, causingneck or other injuries.
The more the seatback is reclined,the greater chance the passenger’ships will slide under the lap belt orthe passenger’s neck will strike theshoulder belt.
Seat cushion height (fordriver’s seat)
To change the height of the seatcushion:
•Push down on the lever several
times, to lower the seat cushion.
•Pull up on the lever several times,
to raise the seat cushion.
Lumbersupport (fordriver’s seat, if equipped)
To adjust the lumber support:
1.Press the front portion of theswitch to increase support, or therear portion of the switch todecrease support.
2.Release the switch once it reach-es the desired position.
Safety system of your vehicle
Power adjustment
The front seat can be adjusted byusing the control switches located onthe outside of the seat cushion.Beforedriving, adjust the seat to the properposition so that you can easily controlthe steering wheel, foot pedals andcontrols on the instrument panel.
Forward and rearward adjustment
To move the seat forward or rearward:
1.Push the control switch forward orrearward.
2.Release the switch once the seatreaches the desired position.
To prevent damage to the seats:
•Always stop adjusting the
seats when the seat has beenadjusted as far forward orrearward as possible.
•Do not adjust the seats longer
than necessary when theengine is turned off.This mayresult in unnecessary batterydrain.
•Do not operate two or more
seats at the same time.Thismay result in an electrical mal-function.
NEVER allow children in thevehicle unattended.The powerseats are operable when theengine is turned off.
Safety system of your vehicle
Seatback angle
To recline the seatback:
1.Push the control switch forward orrearward.
2.Release the switch once the seat-back reaches the desired position.
Reclining seatback
Sitting in a reclined position whenthe vehicle is in motion can be dan-gerous.Even when buckled up, theprotections of your restraint system(seat belts and air bags) is greatlyreduced by reclining your seatback.
Seat belts must be snug against yourhips and chest to work properly.When the seatback is reclined, theshoulder belt cannot do its jobbecause it will not be snug againstyour chest.Instead, it will be in frontof you.During an accident, you couldbe thrown into the seat belt, causingneck or other injuries.
The more the seatback is reclined,the greater chance the passenger’ships will slide under the lap belt orthe passenger’s neck will strike theshoulder belt.
NEVER ride with a reclined seat-back when the vehicle is moving.
Riding with a reclined seatbackincreases your chance of seriousor fatal injuries in the event of acollision or sudden stop.
Drivers and passengers shouldALWAYS sit well back in theirseats,properly belted,and withthe seatbacks upright.
Safety system of your vehicle
Seat cushion height (fordriver’s seat)
To change the height of the seatcushion:
1.Pull the front portion of the controlswitch up to raise or push down tolower the front part of the seatcushion.Pull the rear portion ofthe control switch up to raise orpush down to lower the rear part ofthe seat cushion.
2.Release the switch once the seatreaches the desired position.
Lumbarsupport (fordriver’s seat, if equipped)
To adjust the lumbar support:
1.Press the front portion of theswitch to increase support or therear portion of the switch todecrease support.
2.Release the switch once it reach-es the desired position.
Seatback pocket
The seatback pocket is provided onthe back of the front seatbacks.
To prevent the occupant classi-fication system from malfunc-tioning:
•Do not place any items total
weighing over 2.2 lbs (1 kg) inthe seatback pocket on thepassenger’s seat.
•Do not hang onto the front
passenger’s seatback.
Safety system of your vehicle
Rear seats
Seatback angle
To recline the seatback:
1.Pull up the seatback lever.
2.Hold the lever and adjust the seat-back to the position you desire.
3.Release the lever and make surethe seatback is locked in place.(The lever MUST return to its orig-inal position for the seatback tolock.)
Folding the rearseat
The rear seatbacks can be folded tofacilitate carrying long items or toincrease the luggage capacity of thevehicle.
•Never allow passengers to sit
on top of the folded downseatback while the vehicle ismoving.This is not a properseating position and no seatbelts are available for use.This could result in seriousinjury or death in case of anaccident or sudden stop.
•Objects carried on the folded
down seatback should notextend higher than the top ofthe front seatbacks.Thiscould allow cargo to slide for-ward and cause injury or dam-age during sudden stops.
Do not put heavy or sharpobjects in the seatback pockets.In an accident they could comeloose from the pocket andinjure occupants.
Safety system of your vehicle
1.Insert the rear seat belt buckle inthe pocket between the rear seat-back and cushion, and insert therear seat belt webbing in the guideto prevent the seat belt from beingdamaged.
2.Use a key to release the rear cen-ter seat belt from the center buckle.
3.Retract the center seat belt web-bing into the headliner, and clip thesmall tab into the holder.
4.Set the front seatback to the uprightposition and, if necessary, slide thefront seat forward.
5.Lower the rear headrests to thelowest position.
6.Pull up the seatback lever, thenfold the seat toward the front of thevehicle.
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