Hyundai Genesis 2015 Owner's Manual

OOppeerraattiioonn MMaaiinntteennaannccee SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss
All information in this Owner's Manual is current at the time of pub­lication. However, HYUNDAI reserves the right to make changes at any time so that our policy of continual product improvement may be carried out.
This manual applies to all HYUNDAI models and includes descrip­tions and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment. As a result, you may find material in this manual that does not apply to your specific vehicle.
Information Provided by:
Your HYUNDAI should not be modified in any way. Such modifications may adversely affect the performance, safety or durability of your HYUNDAI and may, in addition, violate condi­tions of the limited warranties covering the vehicle. Certain modifications may also be in vio­lation of regulations established by the U.S. Department of Transportation and other federal or state agencies.
Your vehicle is equipped with electronic fuel injection and other electronic components. It is possible for an improperly installed/adjusted two-way radio or cellular telephone to adversely affect electronic systems. For this reason, we recommend that you carefully follow the radio manufacturer's instructions or consult your HYUNDAI dealer for precautionary measures or special instructions if you choose to install one of these devices.
Information Provided by:
This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE. These titles indicate the following:
This indicates that interesting or helpful information is being provided.
This indicates that a condition may result in harm, serious injury, or death to you or other persons if the warning is not heeded. Follow the advice provided with the warning.
This indicates that a condition may result in damage to your vehicle or its equipment if the caution is not heeded. Follow the advice provided with the caution.
Information Provided by:
Thank you for choosing HYUNDAI. We are pleased to welcome you to the growing number of discriminating people who drive HYUNDAI. The advanced engineering and high-quality construction of each HYUNDAI we build is something of which we're very proud.
Your Owner's Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new HYUNDAI. It is suggested that you read it carefully because the information it contains can contribute greatly to the satisfaction you receive from your new car.
The manufacturer also recommends that all service and maintenance on your car be performed by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. HYUNDAI dealers are prepared to provide high-quality service, maintenance and any other assistance that may be required.
Note : Because future owners will also need the information included in this manual, if you sell this HYUNDAI, please
leave the manual in the vehicle for their use. Thank you.
Copyright 2014 HYUNDAI Motor America. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of HYUNDAI Motor America.
Severe engine and transmission damage may result from the use of poor quality fuels and lubricants that do not meet HYUNDAI specifications.You must always use high quality fuels and lubricants that meet the specifications listed on Page 8-6 in the Vehicle Specifications section of the Owner's Manual.
Information Provided by:
1. What are HYUNDAI Genuine Parts?
HYUNDAI Genuine Parts are the same parts used by HYUNDAI Motor Company to manufacture vehicles. They are designed and tested for the optimum safety, per­formance, and reliability to our cus­tomers.
2. Why should you use genuine parts?
HYUNDAI Genuine Parts are engi­neered and built to meet rigid manu­facturing requirements. Using imita­tion, counterfeit or used salvage parts is not covered under the HYUNDAI New Vehicle Limited Warranty or any other HYUNDAI warranty.
In addition, any damage to or failure of HYUNDAI Genuine Parts caused by the installation or failure of an imi­tation, counterfeit or used salvage part is not covered by any HYUNDAI Warranty.
3. How can you tell if you are pur­chasing HYUNDAI Genuine Parts?
Look for the HYUNDAI Genuine Parts Logo on the package (see below).
HYUNDAI Genuine Parts exported to the U.S. are packaged with labels written only in English.
HYUNDAI Genuine Parts are only sold through authorized HYUNDAI Dealerships.
Information Provided by:
We want to help you get the greatest possible driving pleasure from your vehicle. Your Owner’s Manual can assist you in many ways. We strong­ly recommend that you read the entire manual. In order to minimize the chance of death or injury, you must read the WARNING and CAU­TION sections in this manual.
Illustrations complement the words in this manual to best explain how to enjoy your vehicle. By reading your manual, you will learn about fea­tures, important safety information, and driving tips under various road conditions.
The general layout of the manual is provided in the Table of Contents. A good place to start is the index; it has an alphabetical listing of all informa­tion in your manual.
Sections: This manual has eight chapter plus an index. Each chapters begins with a brief list of contents so you can tell at a glance if that chap­ter has the information you want.
You will find various WARNINGs, CAUTIONs, and NOTICEs in this manual. These WARNINGs were pre­pared to enhance your personal safe­ty. You should carefully read and fol­low ALL procedures and recommen­dations provided in these WARN­INGS, CAUTIONS and NOTICES.
A NOTICE indicates interesting or helpful information is being provided.
A WARNING indicates a situation in which harm, serious bodily injury, or death could result if the warning is ignored.
A CAUTION indicates a situation in which damage to your vehicle could result if the caution is ignored.
Information Provided by:
Your new vehicle is designed to obtain maximum performance with UNLEADED FUEL, as well as mini­mize exhaust emissions and spark plug fouling.
3.8 engine Your new vehicle is designed to use
only unleaded fuel having an octane number ((R+M)/2) of 87 (Research Octane Number 91) or higher.
5.0 engine Your new vehicle is designed to use
only unleaded fuel having an octane number ((R+M)/2) of 87 (Research Octane Number 91) or higher. For improved vehicle performance, premi­um unleaded fuel with an octane number ((R+M)/2) of 91 (Research Octane Number 96) or higher is rec­ommended.
Gasoline containing alcohol and methanol
Gasohol, a mixture of gasoline and ethanol (also known as grain alco­hol), and gasoline or gasohol con­taining methanol (also known as wood alcohol) are being marketed along with or instead of leaded or unleaded gasoline.
Do not use gasohol containing more than 10% ethanol, and do not use gasoline or gasohol containing any methanol. Either of these fuels may cause drivability problems and dam­age to the fuel system.
Discontinue using gasohol of any kind if drivability problems occur.
Vehicle damage or drivability prob­lems may not be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty if they result from the use of:
1. Gasohol containing more than 10% ethanol.
2. Gasoline or gasohol containing methanol.
3. Leaded fuel or leaded gasohol.
Do not "top off" after the noz-
zle automatically shuts off when refueling.
Tighten the cap until it clicks
one time, otherwise the Check Engine light will illuminate.
Always check that the fuel cap
is installed securely to pre­vent fuel spillage in the event of an accident.
Never add any fuel system cleaning agents to the fuel tank other than what has been spec­ified. (Consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for details.)
Information Provided by:
"E85" fuel is an alternative fuel com­prised of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, and is manufac­tured exclusively for use in Flexible Fuel Vehicles. “E85” is not compati­ble with your vehicle. Use of “E85” may result in poor engine perform­ance and damage to your vehicle's engine and fuel system. HYUNDAI recommends that customers do not use fuel with an ethanol content exceeding 10 percent.
Gasoline containing MMT
Some gasoline contains harmful manganese-based fuel additives such as
Manganese Tricarbonyl
HYUNDAI does not recommend the use of gasoline containing MMT.
This type of fuel can reduce vehicle performance and affect your emis­sion control system.
The malfunction indicator lamp on the cluster may come on.
Do not use methanol
Fuels containing methanol (wood alcohol) should not be used in your vehicle. This type of fuel can reduce vehicle performance and damage components of the fuel system.
Fuel Additives
HYUNDAI recommends that you use good quality gasolines treated with detergent additives such as TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline, which help pre­vent deposit formation in the engine. These gasolines will help the engine run cleaner and enhance performance of the Emission Control System. For more information on TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline, please go to the website (
For customers who do not use TOP Tier Detergent Gasoline regularly, and have problems starting or the engine does not run smoothly, addi­tives that you can buy separately may be added to the gasoline. If TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline is not avail­able, one bottle of additive added to the fuel tank at every 7,500 miles or every engine oil change is recom­mended. Additives are available from your authorized HYUNDAI dealer along with information on how to use them. Do not mix other additives.
Your New Vehicle Limited Warranty may not cover dam­age to the fuel system and any performance problems that are caused by the use of fuels con­taining methanol.
Your New Vehicle Limited Warranty does not cover dam­age to the fuel system or any performance problems caused by the use of “E85” fuel.
Never use gasohol which con­tains methanol. Discontinue use of any gasohol product which impairs driveability.
Information Provided by:
Operation in foreign countries
If you are going to drive your vehicle in another country, be sure to:
• Observe all regulations regarding registration and insurance.
• Determine that acceptable fuel is available.
No special break-in period is need­ed. By following a few simple precau­tions for the first 600 miles (1,000 km) you may add to the perform­ance, economy and life of your vehi­cle.
• Do not race the engine.
• While driving, keep your engine speed (rpm, or revolutions per minute) between 2,000 rpm and 4,000 rpm.
• Do not maintain a single speed for long periods of time, either fast or slow. Varying engine speed is needed to properly break-in the engine.
• Avoid hard stops, except in emer­gencies, to allow the brakes to seat properly.
Items contained in motor vehi­cles or emitted from them are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or reproductive harm. These include:
Gasoline and its vapors
Engine exhaust
Used engine oil
Interior passenger compart-
ment components and materi­als
Component parts which are
subject to heat and wear
In addition, battery posts, termi­nals and related accessories contain lead, lead compounds and other chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm.
Information Provided by:
This vehicle is equipped with an event data recorder (EDR). The main purpose of an EDR is to record, in certain crash or near crash-like situations, such as an air bag deployment or hitting a road obstacle, data that will assist in understanding how a vehicle's systems performed. The EDR is designed to record data related to vehicle dynamics and safety sys­tems for a short period of time, typically 30 seconds or less. The EDR in this vehicle is designed to record such data as:
• How various systems in your vehicle were operating;
• Whether or not the driver and passenger safety belts were buckled/ fastened;
• How far (if at all) the driver was depressing the accelerator and/or brake pedal; and,
• How fast the vehicle was travel­ing.
These data can help provide a bet­ter understanding of the circum­stances in which crashes and injuries occur. NOTE: EDR data are recorded by your vehicle only if a non-trivial crash situation occurs; no data are recorded by the EDR under normal driving conditions and no personal data (e.g., name, gender, age, and crash location) are recorded. However, other parties, such as law enforcement, could combine the EDR data with the type of per­sonally identifying data routinely acquired during a crash investiga­tion.
To read data recorded by an EDR, special equipment is required, and access to the vehicle or the EDR is needed. In addition to the vehicle manufacturer, other parties, such as law enforcement, that have the special equipment, can read the information if they have access to the vehicle or the EDR.
Information Provided by:
Your vehicle at a glance
Safety system of your vehicle
Convenient features of your vehicle
Multimedia System
Driving your vehicle
What to do in an emergency
Specifications, Consumer information and Reporting safety defects
Information Provided by:
Exterior overview (I) .............................................1-2
Exterior overview (II) ............................................1-3
Interior overview....................................................1-4
Instrument panel overview (I)..............................1-5
Instrument panel overview (II).............................1-6
Engine compartment .............................................1-7
Important safety precautions...............................2-2
Always wear your seat belt ..........................................2-2
Restrain all children .........................................................2-2
Air bag hazards ................................................................2-2
Driver distraction .............................................................2-2
Control your speed ..........................................................2-3
Keep your vehicle in safe condition ............................2-3
Seats ........................................................................2-4
Safety precautions ..........................................................2-5
Front seats..........................................................................2-6
Rear seats ........................................................................2-11
Headrest ...........................................................................2-14
Seat warmers and coolers............................................2-18
Seat belts ..............................................................2-22
Seat belt safety precautions ......................................2-22
Seat belt warning light .................................................2-23
Seat belt restraint system ...........................................2-25
Pre-Safe Seat belt (PSB)..............................................2-30
Additional seat belt safety precautions ...................2-31
Care of seat belts ..........................................................2-34
Child restraint system (CRS) ..............................2-35
Selecting a child restraint system (CRS) ..................2-36
Installing a child restraint system (CRS) ...................2-38
Air bag -
advanced supplemental restraint system ......2-46
Where are the air bags? ..............................................2-48
How does the air bags system operate?..................2-51
What to expect after an air bag inflates..................2-56
Occupant classification system (OCS) .......................2-57
Why didn't my air bag go off in a collision? (Air bags
are not designed to inflate in every collision.) .......2-61
SRS care ...........................................................................2-66
Additional safety precautions......................................2-67
Air bag warning labels...................................................2-68
Your vehicle at a glance
Safety system of your vehicle
Information Provided by:
Accessing your vehicle .........................................3-4
Smart key ...........................................................................3-4
Smart key precautions.....................................................3-7
Immobilizer System ..........................................................3-9
Door locks.............................................................3-11
Operating door locks from outside the vehicle ......3-11
Power Door Latch...........................................................3-12
Operating door locks from inside the vehicle ........3-12
Auto door lock/unlock features ................................3-14
Child-protector rear door locks..................................3-14
Theft-alarm system.............................................3-15
Driver position memory system.........................3-16
Storing positions into memory ...................................3-16
Easy access function .....................................................3-17
Steering wheel......................................................3-18
Electric power steering (EPS)......................................3-18
Tilt steering / Telescope steering...............................3-18
Heated steering wheel...................................................3-19
Inside rearview mirror....................................................3-21
Outside rearview mirror ..............................................3-35
Reverse parking aid function.......................................3-38
Windows ................................................................3-39
Power windows................................................................3-40
Panorama sunroof...............................................3-43
Sliding the sunroof ........................................................3-44
Tilting the sunroof ........................................................3-44
Closing the sunroof ........................................................3-45
Resetting the sunroof....................................................3-46
Exterior features .................................................3-47
Hood ...................................................................................3-47
Trunk ..................................................................................3-48
Smart trunk.......................................................................3-54
Fuel filler door.................................................................3-58
Instrument cluster................................................3-61
Instrument Cluster Control............................................3-62
LCD Display Control........................................................3-62
Gauges ...............................................................................3-63
Convenient features of your vehicle
Information Provided by:
LCD display ...........................................................3-67
LCD Modes........................................................................3-67
Trip Computer Mode.......................................................3-68
Turn By Turn (TBT) Mode ............................................3-69
ASCC/LKAS Mode ...........................................................3-69
A/V Mode..........................................................................3-69
Information Mode ...........................................................3-70
User Settings Mode........................................................3-72
Warning Messages..........................................................3-79
Trip computer .......................................................3-89
Trip A/B .............................................................................3-90
Fuel Economy...................................................................3-91
Digital Speedometer .......................................................3-93
Warning and indicator lights..............................3-94
Warning lights..................................................................3-94
Indicator Lights..............................................................3-102
Head Up Display (HUD).....................................3-106
Head Up Display ON/OFF ...........................................3-107
Head Up Display Information.....................................3-107
Head Up Display Setting .............................................3-108
Exterior lights ................................................................3-109
Smart High Beam ..........................................................3-111
Welcome system ...........................................................3-116
Interior lights..................................................................3-117
Wipers and washers ..........................................3-122
Windshield wipers ........................................................3-122
Windshield washers ....................................................3-124
Driver assist system ..........................................3-125
Rear view camera .........................................................3-125
Parking Guide System..................................................3-126
Parking Assist System .................................................3-127
Rear window defroster ...............................................3-131
Automatic climate control system...................3-133
Automatic heating and air conditioning..................3-134
Manual heating and air conditioning.......................3-135
System operation..........................................................3-143
Climate control air filter ............................................3-145
Air conditioner refrigerant and compressor
lubricant ..........................................................................3-146
Air Conditioning refrigerant label.............................3-146
Windshield defrosting and defogging ............3-147
Auto defogging system ON/OFF...............................3-149
Information Provided by:
Climate control additional features.................3-150
Cluster ionizer................................................................3-150
Smart ventilation...........................................................3-150
Rear climate system ON/OFF ....................................3-151
CO2 control auto air conditioner ..............................3-151
Storage compartment........................................3-152
Center console storage ...............................................3-152
Glove box ........................................................................3-153
Sunglass holder .............................................................3-153
Interior features.................................................3-154
Ashtray ............................................................................3-154
Cup holder.......................................................................3-154
Power outlet...................................................................3-156
Clothes hanger ..............................................................3-158
Bag hanger.....................................................................3-158
Floor mat anchor(s)......................................................3-159
Rear curtain....................................................................3-160
Side curtain.....................................................................3-160
Luggage net holder ......................................................3-161
Multimedia system.................................................4-2
AUX, USB and iPod®port ...............................................4-2
Antenna ...............................................................................4-3
Steering wheel audio control.........................................4-4
Audio / Video / Navigation system (AVN) ..................4-5
Wireless Technology hands-free............4-5
Multimedia system
Information Provided by:
Before driving.........................................................5-4
Before entering the vehicle ...........................................5-4
Before starting...................................................................5-4
Engine Start/Stop button................................................5-6
Automatic transmission.......................................5-11
Automatic transmission operation .............................5-11
Good driving practices...................................................5-17
All Wheel Drive (AWD)........................................5-19
Using All Wheel Drive (AWD) .......................................5-19
Emergency precautions.................................................5-21
Braking system ...................................................5-23
Power brakes ..................................................................5-23
Disc brakes wear indicator ..........................................5-24
Foot parking brake ........................................................5-24
Electric parking brake (EPB)........................................5-26
AUTO HOLD .....................................................................5-31
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) ....................................5-35
Electronic Stability Control (ESC)................................5-38
Hill-Start Assist Control (HAC)...................................5-41
Good braking practices..................................................5-41
Drive mode integrated control system.............5-42
Electronic Control Suspension (ECS)................5-44
ECS malfunction indicator.............................................5-44
Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB)............5-45
AEB operation..................................................................5-46
To cancel the AEB ..........................................................5-47
Warning light and message..........................................5-48
Cruise control .......................................................5-50
Cruise control operation................................................5-50
Advanced smart cruise control system ............5-54
To convert to cruise control mode.............................5-55
Smart cruise control speed ..........................................5-55
Cancelled automatically.................................................5-58
Smart cruise control vehicle-to-vehicle distance.....5-60
Sensor to detect distance to the vehicle ahead.....5-62
Limitations of the system .............................................5-64
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS).................5-69
LKAS operation................................................................5-70
LKAS malfunction............................................................5-75
LKAS function change ..................................................5-76
Blind Spot Detection System (BSD) ..................5-78
BSD (Blind Spot Detection) /
LCA (Lane Change Assist).............................................5-79
RCTA (Rear Cross Traffic Alert) ..................................5-82
Driving your vehicle
Information Provided by:
Special driving conditions...................................5-86
Hazardous driving conditions.......................................5-86
Rocking the vehicle ........................................................5-86
Smooth cornering ...........................................................5-87
Driving at night................................................................5-87
Driving in the rain ...........................................................5-88
Driving in flooded areas................................................5-88
Winter driving.......................................................5-89
Snow or icy conditions ..................................................5-89
Vehicle load limit..................................................5-92
Tire loading information label......................................5-93
Trailer towing .......................................................5-97
Hazard warning flasher ........................................6-2
In case of an emergency while driving ..............6-2
If the engine stalls while driving...................................6-2
If the engine stalls at a crossroad or crossing ........6-2
If you have a flat tire while driving..............................6-3
If the engine will not start ...................................6-3
If the engine doesn't turn over or turns over
slowly ..................................................................................6-3
If the engine turns over normally but doesn't
Jump starting ..........................................................6-4
Push-starting .....................................................................6-6
If the engine overheats ........................................6-7
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS).........6-9
Check tire pressure...........................................................6-9
Tire pressure monitoring system................................6-10
Low tire pressure telltale..............................................6-11
Low tire pressure position and tire pressure
telltale ................................................................................6-11
TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System)
malfunction indicator .....................................................6-12
Changing a tire with TPMS...........................................6-13
If you have a flat tire..........................................6-15
Jack and tools ..................................................................6-15
Changing tires .................................................................6-16
Jack label...........................................................................6-21
Towing ...................................................................6-22
Towing service .................................................................6-22
Removable towing hook................................................6-23
Emergency towing ..........................................................6-24
What to do in an emergency
Information Provided by:
Engine compartment .............................................7-3
Maintenance services ...........................................7-5
Owner's responsibility ...................................................7-5
Owner maintenance precautions ..................................7-5
Owner maintenance...............................................7-6
Owner maintenance schedule........................................7-7
Scheduled maintenance services.........................7-8
Normal maintenance schedule.......................................7-9
Maintenance under severe usage conditions..........7-22
Explanation of scheduled maintenance
Engine oil ..............................................................7-27
Checking the engine oil level.......................................7-27
Checking the engine oil and filter ..............................7-28
Engine coolant......................................................7-29
Checking the engine coolant level..............................7-29
Changing engine coolant...............................................7-31
Brake fluid ............................................................7-32
Checking the brake fluid level.....................................7-32
Washer fluid .........................................................7-34
Checking the washer fluid level..................................7-34
Parking brake .......................................................7-34
Checking the parking brake .........................................7-34
Air cleaner ............................................................7-35
Filter replacement...........................................................7-35
Climate control air filter .....................................7-36
Filter inspection...............................................................7-36
Wiper blades.........................................................7-38
Blade inspection ..............................................................7-38
Blade replacement ..........................................................7-38
For best battery service................................................7-41
Battery recharging .........................................................7-42
Reset features .................................................................7-44
Tires and wheels..................................................7-45
Tire care............................................................................7-45
Recommended cold tire inflation pressures.............7-46
Check tire inflation pressure........................................7-47
Tire rotation .....................................................................7-48
Wheel alignment and tire balance..............................7-49
Tire replacement .............................................................7-49
Wheel replacement.........................................................7-50
Tire traction......................................................................7-50
Tire maintenance ............................................................7-51
Tire sidewall labeling......................................................7-51
Tire terminology and definitions.................................7-55
All season tires ................................................................7-58
Summer tires ....................................................................7-58
Snow tires .........................................................................7-58
Information Provided by:
Radial-ply tires ................................................................7-59
Low aspect ratio tires....................................................7-59
Instrument panel fuse replacement ...........................7-62
Engine compartment panel fuse replacement.........7-64
Fuse/Relay panel description ......................................7-66
Light bulbs.............................................................7-79
Headlamp, position lamp, turn signal lamp, side
marker and front fog lamp bulb replacement .........7-79
Side repeater lamp replacement.................................7-83
Rear combination light bulb replacement.................7-83
High mounted stop lamp ...............................................7-85
License plate light bulb replacement .........................7-86
Interior light bulb replacement....................................7-86
Appearance care..................................................7-87
Exterior care ....................................................................7-87
Interior care......................................................................7-92
Emission control system .....................................7-94
California perchlorate notice.............................7-98
Bulb wattage...........................................................8-3
Tires and wheels....................................................8-4
Luggage volume .....................................................8-5
Air conditioning system ........................................8-5
Gross vehicle weight .............................................8-5
Recommended lubricants and capacities ...........8-6
Recommended SAE viscosity number .........................8-7
Vehicle identification number (VIN)....................8-8
Vehicle certification label.....................................8-8
Tire specification and pressure label .................8-9
Engine number .......................................................8-9
Refrigerant label....................................................8-9
Consumer information.........................................8-10
Reporting safety defects....................................8-11
Specifications, Consumer information and Reporting safety defects
Information Provided by:
Your vehicle at a glance
Your vehicle at a glance
Exterior overview (I) .............................................1-2
Exterior overview (II) ............................................1-3
Interior overview....................................................1-4
Instrument panel overview (I)..............................1-5
Instrument panel overview (II).............................1-6
Engine compartment .............................................1-7
Information Provided by:
Your vehicle at a glance
1. Hood..................................................3-47
2. Headlamp ..........................................7-79
3. Front fog light.....................................7-79
4. Tires and wheels ...............................7-45
5. Outside rearview mirror.....................3-35
6. Panorama sunroof .............................3-43
7. Front windshield wiper blades ...........7-39
8. Windows ............................................3-39
Front view
The actual shape may differ from the illustration.
Information Provided by:
Your vehicle at a glance
1. Antenna ....................................................4-3
2. Defroster...............................................3-131
3. Fuel filler lid ............................................3-58
4. Towing hook............................................6-23
5. Rear combination lamp ..........................7-83
6. High mounted stop lamp ........................7-85
7. Rearview camera..................................3-125
Rear view
The actual shape may differ from the illustration.
Information Provided by:
Your vehicle at a glance
1. Door lock/unlock button ....................3-12
2. Power window switches ....................3-39
3. Power window lock switch ................3-42
4. Central door lock switch ....................3-13
5. Outside rearview mirror control
switch ................................................3-36
6. Outside rearview mirror folding
button ................................................3-37
7. Fuel filler lid release button ..............3-58
8. Instrument panel illumination
control switch ....................................3-62
9. Trunk release button..........................3-48
10. Lane keeping assist system button* ..5-69
11. Blind spot detection system button*..5-78
12. Rear curtain button* ......................3-160
13. ESC OFF button..............................5-38
14. Electric parking brake switch* ........5-26
15. Steering wheel ................................3-18
16. Steering wheel tilt/telescope control ..3-18
17. Seat ..................................................2-4
18. Hood release lever ..........................3-47
19. Brake pedal ....................................5-23
20. Accelerator pedal
* : if equipped
The actual shape may differ from the illustration.
Information Provided by:
Your vehicle at a glance
1. Light control/Turn signals..3-109 / 3-113
2. Steering wheel audio controls* ........4-4
wireless technology
hands-free controls*..........................4-5
4. Instrument cluster ..........................3-61
5. Horn ................................................3-20
6. Driver’s front air bag........................2-48
7. Wiper/Washer................................3-122
8. Advanced smart cruise controls* ....5-54
9. Engine start/stop button....................5-6
10. Automatic transmission ................5-11
11. Drive mode integrated control
system ..........................................5-42
12. AUTO HOLD ................................5-31
13. Seat warmers and coolers............2-18
14. Heated steering wheel button ......3-19
15. Parking assist system ................3-127
16. Glove box....................................3-153
* : if equipped
The actual shape may differ from the illustration.
• Type A
• Type B
Information Provided by:
Your vehicle at a glance
1. Audio remote control buttons................4-4
wireless technology
hands-free button..................................4-5
3. Cruise control button / Advanced smart cruise control
button ...........................................5-50 / 5-54
4. Smart cruise control vehicle-to-vehicle
distance button ...................................5-59
5. Light control /
Turn signals lever .................3-109 / 3-113
6. Wiper and washer control lever ........3-122
7. LCD display control.............................3-62
The actual shape may differ from the illustration.
Information Provided by:
Your vehicle at a glance
1. Engine coolant reservoir...................7-29
2. Radiator cap .....................................7-29
3. Brake fluid reservoir..........................7-32
4. Air cleaner.........................................7-35
5. Engine oil dipstick.............................7-27
6. Engine oil filler cap ...........................7-28
7. Windshield washer fluid reservoir.....7-34
8. Fuse box ...........................................7-61
9. Jumper terminal..................................6-5
Gasoline Engine (Lambda 3.8)
Gasoline Engine (Tau 5.0)
The actual engine room in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.
Information Provided by:
Safety system of your vehicle
Important safety precautions...............................2-2
Always wear your seat belt ..........................................2-2
Restrain all children .........................................................2-2
Air bag hazards ................................................................2-2
Driver distraction .............................................................2-2
Control your speed ..........................................................2-3
Keep your vehicle in safe condition ............................2-3
Seats ........................................................................2-4
Safety precautions ..........................................................2-5
Front seats..........................................................................2-6
Rear seats ........................................................................2-11
Headrest ...........................................................................2-14
Seat warmers and coolers............................................2-18
Seat belts ..............................................................2-22
Seat belt safety precautions ......................................2-22
Seat belt warning light .................................................2-23
Seat belt restraint system ...........................................2-25
Pre-Safe Seat belt (PSB)..............................................2-30
Additional seat belt safety precautions ...................2-31
Care of seat belts ..........................................................2-34
Child restraint system (CRS) ..............................2-35
Selecting a child restraint system (CRS) ..................2-36
Installing a child restraint system (CRS) ...................2-38
Air bag -
advanced supplemental restraint system ......2-46
Where are the air bags? ..............................................2-48
How does the air bags system operate?..................2-51
What to expect after an air bag inflates..................2-56
Occupant classification system (OCS) .......................2-57
Why didn't my air bag go off in a collision? (Air bags
are not designed to inflate in every collision.) .......2-61
SRS care ...........................................................................2-66
Additional safety precautions......................................2-67
Air bag warning labels...................................................2-68
Information Provided by:
You will find many safety precautions and recommendations throughout this section, and throughout this man­ual.The safety precautions in this sec­tion are among the most important.
Always wear your seat belt
A seat belt is your best protection in all types of accidents. Air bags are designed to supplement seat belts, not replace them. So even though your vehicle is equipped with air bags, ALWAYS make sure you and your passengers wear your seat belts, and wear them properly.
Restrain all children
All children under age 13 should ride in your vehicle properly restrained in a rear seat, not the front seat. Infants and small children should be restrained in an appropriate child restraint. Larger children should use a booster seat with the lap/shoulder belt until they can use the seat belt properly without a booster seat.
Air bag hazards
While air bags can save lives, they can also cause serious or fatal injuries to occupants who sit too close to them, or who are not prop­erly restrained. Infants, young chil­dren, and shorter adults are at the greatest risk of being injured by an inflating air bag. Follow all instruc­tions and warnings in this manual.
Driver distraction
Driver distraction presents a serious and potentially deadly danger, espe­cially for inexperienced drivers. Safety should be the first concern when behind the wheel and drivers need to be aware of the wide array of potential distractions, such as drowsiness, reaching for objects, eating, personal grooming, other passengers, and using cellular phones.
Drivers can become distracted when they take their eyes and attention off the road or their hands off the wheel to focus on activities other than driv­ing. To reduce your risk of distraction or getting into an accident:
• ALWAYS set up your mobile devices (i.e., MP3 players, phones, naviga­tion units, etc.) when your vehicle is parked or safely stopped.
• ONLY use your mobile device when allowed by laws and when conditions permit safe use. NEVER text or email while driving. Most states have laws prohibiting drivers from texting. Some states and cities also prohibit drivers from using handheld phones.
Safety system of your vehicle
Information Provided by:
Safety system of your vehicle
• NEVER let the use of a mobile device distract you from driving. You have a responsibility to your passen­gers and others on the road to always drive safely, with your hands on the wheel as well as your eyes and attention on the road.
Control your speed
Excessive speed is a major factor in crash injuries and deaths. Generally, the higher the speed, the greater the risk, but serious injuries can also occur at lower speeds. Never drive faster than is safe for current condi­tions, regardless of the maximum speed posted.
Keep your vehicle in safe condi­tion
Having a tire blowout or a mechanical failure can be extremely hazardous. To reduce the possibility of such prob­lems, check your tire pressures and condition frequently, and perform all regularly scheduled maintenance.
Information Provided by:
Safety system of your vehicle
Driver’s seat
(1) Seat sliding forward or rearward/
Seat tilt/height adjustment (2) Seat cushion length adjustment (3) Seatback angle adjustment (4) Lumbar support adjustment (5) Seat bolster adjustment* (6) Driver position memory system* (7) Headrest adjustment (8) Seat warmer/Seat warmer and cooler (by air)*
Front passenger’s seat
(9) Seat sliding forward or rearward/
Seat tilt/height adjustment (10) Seatback angle adjustment (11) Headrest adjustment (12) Seat warmer/Seat warmer and cooler (by air)*
Rear seat
(13) Ski through (14) Armrest (15) Seat warmer* (16) Rear curtain control* (17) Headrest height adjustment
* : if equipped
Information Provided by:
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