Hytera Communications X1EVHF Users Manual

Thanks for your favor in our product. To derive optimum performance from the product,
please read this manual and the supplied Safety Information Booklet carefully before
This manual is applicable to the following model:
Instructional Icons
The radio is not intended for use by general population in an
uncontrolled environment. It is only for occupational use and
The radio must be only used by users, who are fully aware
of the hazards of the exposure and who are able to exercise
co ntr ol ov er th eir RF expos ure to quali fy fo r t he higher
exposure limits.
The following icons are available through this manual:
Alert Icons
Cau tion: indi cates situ ations tha t coul d c ause
damage to your product.
Note: indicates tips that can help you make better
use of your product.
Function Icons
: indicates functions that are available on digital
channel only.
: indicates functions that are available on analog
channel only.
Functions marked with no function icons are available on both
analog and digital channels.
Term Explanation
Key Operation
Short press: to press a key and release it quickly.
Long press: to press a key and remain holding it down for a
predened period (2 seconds by default).
Hold down: to press a key and remain holding it down.
Private Call
Private Call is a call initiated by a single user to another user.
Group Call
Group Call is a call initiated by a single user to a group.
All Call
All Call is a call initiated by a single user to all the other users
on a channel.
This technology can remove excessive background noises,
improving your communication quality.
Copyright Information
Hytera is the trademark or registered trademark of Hytera
Communications Co., Ltd. (the Company) in PRC and/or other
countries or areas. The Company retains the ownership of its
trademarks and product names. All other trademarks and/or
product names that may be used in this manual are properties
of their respective owners.
Th e produ ct des cr ib ed in this ma nu al may inc lu de the
Company’s computer programs stored in memory or other
media. Laws in PRC and/or other countries or areas protect
th e exc lusiv e rig hts of th e C om pan y wit h res pe ct to its
computer programs. The purchase of this product shall not be
deemed to grant, either directly or by implication, any rights to
the purchaser regarding the Company’s computer programs.
Any of the Company’s computer programs may not be copied,
modified, distributed, decompiled, or reverse-engineered in
any manner without the prior written consent of the Company.
The AMBE+2TM voice coding technology embodi ed in this
product is protected by intellectual property rights including
patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice
Systems, Inc. This voice coding technology is licensed solely
for use withi n t his prod uct. The user of this technology is
explicitly prohibited from attempting to decompil e, reverse
engineer, or disassemble the Object Code or in any other way
convert the Object Code into a human readable form.
U.S. Patent Nos. #6,912,495 B2, #6,199,037 B1, #5,870,405,
#5,826,222, #5,754,974, #5,701,390, #5,715,365, #5,649,050,
#5,630,011, #5,581,656, #5,517,511, #5,491,772, #5,247,579,
#5,226,084 and #5,195,166.
Th e Compa ny end ea vors to ach ie ve the acc ur acy a nd
compl eteness of this manual, but no warranty of accuracy
or reliability is given. All the specifications and designs are
subject to change without notice due to continuous technology
development. No part of this manual may be copied, modied,
translated, or distributed in any manner without the express
written permission of us.
If you hav e any sugges tions or wou ld lik e t o lear n more
details, please visit our website at: http://www.hytera.com.
RF Radiation Information
RF Radiation Prole
Rad io Frequency (RF) is a f requ ency of e lect roma gnet ic
radiation in the range at which radio signals are transmitted.
RF technology is widely used in communication, medicine,
food processing and other fields. It may generate radiation
during use.
RF Radiation Safety
In order to ensure user health, experts from relevant industries
including scien ce, engineering, medicine and health work
with international organizations to develop standards for safe
exposure to RF radiation. These standards consist of:
United States Feder al Commu nications Commission,
Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR part 2 sub-part J;
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992;
Insti tute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
C95. 1 – 1999;
Int erna tion al Commission on Non-Ionizing R adia tion
Protection (ICNIRP) 1998;
FCC Regulations
Federal Communication Commission (FCC) requires that all
radio communication products should meet the requirements
set forth in the above standards before they can be marketed
in the U.S, and the manufacturer shall post a RF label on the
product to inform users of operational instructions, so as to
enhance their occupational health against exposure to RF
Operational Instructions and Training Guidelines
To e nsur e opti mal perfor manc e and com pliance with the
occupational/ controlled environment RF energ y exposure
limits in the above standards and guidelines, users should
transmit no more than 50% of the time and always adhere to
the following procedures:
Your radio radiates measurable RF energy only while it is
transmitting (during talking), not when it is receiving (listening)
or in standby mode.
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
pr otect ion aga in st ha rmf ul interf erenc e in a res ident ial
installation. This equipment generates and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the inst ruction s, may cause harmful interfe rence to
ra dio com munic ati ons. How ev er, there is no gu ara ntee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct.
The interference by one or more of the following measures:
● Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the
separation between the equipment and receiver.
● Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected.
● Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This
device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device
must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Note:” Changes or mo difications to this unit not express ly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.”
EU Regulatory Conformance
As cert ified by the qual ifi ed lab oratory, the product is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of the Directive 1999/5/EC. Please note that the
above information is applicable to EU countries only.
Checking Items in the Package ---------------------------2 Product Overview ---------------------------------------------3
Product Controls --------------------------------------------------3
Programmable Keys ---------------------------------------------4
Before Use------------------------------------------------------5
Charging the Battery ---------------------------------------------5
Assembling Accessories ----------------------------------------6
Status Indication ----------------------------------------------8
LED Indicator ------------------------------------------------------8
Basic Operations ----------------------------------------------8
Turning the Radio On/Off ---------------------------------------8
Adjusting the Volume --------------------------------------------8
Selecting a Zone --------------------------------------------------8
Selecting a Channel ---------------------------------------------9
Switching the Channel Mode ----------------------------------9
Turning the Bluetooth On/Off ----------------------------------9
Call ---------------------------------------------------------------9
Private Call ----------------------------------------------------9
Group Call -----------------------------------------------------9
All Call ----------------------------------------------------------10
Calls on Analog Channels ---------------------------------10
Functions and Operations ----------------------------------11
Adjust Power Level -----------------------------------------------11
Scan -----------------------------------------------------------------11
Talk Around --------------------------------------------------------11
Monitor ---------------------------------------------------------12
Squelch Off ---------------------------------------------------12
Adjust Squelch Level ---------------------------------------12 One Touch Call ----------------------------------------------------13
Telemetry ------------------------------------------------------13
Roam -----------------------------------------------------------14 Emergency ---------------------------------------------------------14
Man Down ----------------------------------------------------------17
Scrambler /Encrypt ------------------------------------18 Lone Worker -------------------------------------------------------18
Battery Strength Indicator --------------------------------------19
Busy Channel Lockout ------------------------------------------19
Time-out Timer (TOT) -------------------------------------------19
Pseudo Trunking ---------------------------------------------20 MIC AGC ------------------------------------------------------------20
Radio Registration Service --------------------------------20
GPS Revert ---------------------------------------------------20
Troubleshooting -----------------------------------------------21 Care and Cleaning -------------------------------------------23
Checking Items in the Package
Please unpack carefully and check that all items listed below are received. If any item is missing or damaged, please contact your
Radio Unit Battery Charger Antenna
Power Adapter Strap Manuals
Note: The antenna may vary with different frequency bands. And the frequency band is marked on the label of
antenna; if not, please refer to the label on the terminal for frequency band information.
Quick Re
Ower’s Manual
Product Overview
Product Controls
No. Part Name
1 Accessory Jack
Radio On-Off/Volume
Control Knob
3 LED Indicator 4 Channel Selector Knob 5 SK (Side Key)
6 PTT Key
7 Speaker 8 Antenna 9 TK (Top Key)
10 Microphone
11 Battery
Product Overview
Programmable Keys
For enhanced convenience, you may request your dealer to
program the keys SK and TK as shortcuts to the functions
listed below:
No. Shortcut Key Function
1 Zone Up
2 Zone Down
3 Adjust Power Level To adjust power level quickly
4 Talk Around
5 Monitor
6 Monitor Momentary
7 Squelch Off
Squelch Off Momentary
9 Scan
Nuisance Temporary
To select a desired zone quickly
To d irect ly commu nic ate wit h other radios
To ad ju s t th e co n di ti on f or incoming signal match
To always unmute speaker no matter whether carrier is present or not
To rece iv e si gn al s on ot he r channels
To temporarily ignore unwanted channel activity
11 Emergency
Adjust Squelch Level
Battery Strength
14 Man Down
16 Lone Worker
17 One Touch Call 1-5 To make corresponding services
18 Telemetry
19 Roam
To s ummon help i n eme rge nt situations
To temporarily adjust the squelch threshold required for the radio to unmute
To indicate the battery strength
To a cti vate Eme rge ncy in the case that the radio is positioned asla nt for a preset time peri od due to an unexpected situation
To en crypt yo ur vo ic e so a s to guarant ee priva cy of you r communication
To p rot ect the oper ato rs fro m accidents
To supervise remote devices
To communicate between sites in th e IP Mu lt i-site Co nn ec t system.
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