Thanks f or your f avor in ou r prod uct. T his man ual is h elpfu l for you t o quic kly kn ow how to us e the pr oduc t.
Please refer to the corresponding Feature Book for detailed features and operations.
This manual is applicable to the following product:
MD65X Digital Mobile Radio
(X may represent 2, 5, 6 or 8)
Instructional Icons
: Indicates functions that are available on digital
channel only.
: Indicates functions that are available on analog
channel only.
Functio ns marke d with nei ther the a bove ico ns are
available on both analog and digital channels.
Hytera Communications Corporation Limited (the
Compa ny) endeavor s to achieve t he accur acy and
compl eteness of t his manual , but no warr anty of
accur acy or rel iabili ty is gi ven. All t he spec ific ation s
and desi gns are s ubje ct to ch ange wi thou t notic e due
to conti nuous te chnolo gy develo pment. N o part of
this manual may be copied, modified, translated, or
distributed in any manner without th
permission of us.
We do not guarantee, for any particular purpose,
the accuracy, validity, timeliness, legitimacy or
compl e t e n ess of the T hird Party products a n d contents
involved in this manual.
If you have any s u ggesti ons or would like to lea rn more
detail s, plea se visi t our web site at : http://www.hytera.
e expres s writ ten
RF Radiation Information
This pro duct mu st be rest ricte d to opera tions in a n
occupational/controlled RF exposure environment.
Users mu st be fully aw are of the ha zards of the
exposur e and abl e to exercis e contr ol over th eir RF
exposure to qualify for the higher exposure limits.
RF Radiation Profi le
Radio Frequency (RF) is a frequency of
electromagnetic radiation in the range at which radio
signals are transmitted. RF technology is widely used
in communication, medicine, food processing and
other fields. It may generate radiation during use.
RF Radiation Safety
In order t o ensure u ser hea lth, exp ert s from re levant
industries including science, engineering, medicine
and health work with international organizations to
develop s tanda rds for s afe expo sure to R F radiat ion.
These standards consist of:
●United States Federal Communications
Commission, Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR
part 2 sub-part J;
●American National Standards Institu
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE) C95. 1-1992;
●Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE) C95.1-1999;
●International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998.
te (AN SI)/
FCC Regulations
Federal Communication Commission (FCC) requires
that all r adi o co mmun ic ati on pr odu ct s sho uld m eet t he
requir ement s set for th in th e above st andar ds befo re
they can b e m a r ke t e d in the U.S, an d t h e m a nu f a c t u r e r
shall post a RF label on the product to inform users
of operational instructions, so as to enhance their
occupational health against exposure to RF energy.
Operational Instructions and
Training Guidelines
To ensure optimal per formance and compliance with
the occupational/controlled environment RF energy
exposure limits in the above standards and guidelines,
users should transmit not more than 50% of the time
and always adhere to the following procedures:
●Antenna gain must not exceed 5dBi.
●The antenna installation must comply with the
requirements of
must be 1.0 meter away from human body.
manufacturer or supplier, and it
EU Regulatory Conformance
As certified by the qua lified laboratory, the product i s in
compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of the Directive 1999/5/EC.
Please n ote t hat t he ab ove in for ma ti on is a pp lic ab le to
EU countries only.