is the trademark of Hytera Communications Corp., Ltd.
2010 Hytera Corp., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Address: HYT Towe r, Hi -Tec h In du st ri al P ar k No rt h, B ei hu an
RD., Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
L06774 X 05 03 1

Thank y o u f o r p u r c h a s i n g Hy t e r a TC-580 p o r t a b l e r a d i o . It
incorporates ergo no mic design, and practical feature s s uc h a s
front panel programming and DTMF Encode & Decode. You can
conveniently customize radio settings and make calls.
To derive optimum performance from your radio, please read the
Safety Information Booklet and Owner’s Manual carefully before use.

Icon Information
The following icons are available through this manual:
Caution: indicates situations that could cause
damage to your radio.
Note: indicates tips that can help you make
better use of your radio.
Term Explanation
The following terms will appear through this manual:
Key Operation
Short press: to press a key and release it quickly.
Long press: to press and hold down a key for above 1.5
Hold down: to press a key and remain holding it down.
User Mode
Refers to the mode entered after you turn on the radio
Manual Program Mode
Refers to the mode entered after you turn on the radio
with both PTT and SK2 held down for 1.5 seconds.
Zone is a group of channels, dedicated for you to orga-
nize channels.
Zone All
Includes all available channels.
Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signaling is used for
making selective calls, calling party identification, call
alert and etc.
The signaling can help you prevent unwanted conversa-
tions at the same frequency.
PTT ID, namely radio identity, allows a radio with display
and the control center to identify the calling party.

Copyright Information
Hytera and CRS are registered trademarks of Hytera in
PRC and other countries and/or areas. Hytera retains
the ownership of its trademarks and product names. All
other trademarks and/or product names that may be
used in this manual are properties of their respective
Th e Hy ter a pro duc t de scri bed in t his man u al may
include Hytera computer programs stored in memory
or other media. Laws in the PRC and/or other countries
or areas preserve for Hytera exclusive rights for Hytera
computer programs. The purchase of this product shall
not be deemed to grant, either directly or by implication,
an y r igh ts t o t he p urc has er wit h re spe ct to Hytera
computer programs. Any Hytera computer programs
may not be copied, modified, distributed, decompiled,
or reverse-engineered in any manner without the prior
written consent of Hytera.
Hytera endeavors to achieve the accuracy and com-
pleteness of this manual, but no warranty of accuracy or
reliability is given. All the specications and designs are
subject to change without prior notice due to continuous
technology development. No part of this manual may be
copied, modied, translated, or distributed in any man-
ner without the express written permission of Hytera.
If you have any suggestions or would like to learn more
details, please visit us at: http://www.hytera.cn.

RF Energy Exposure Compliance
Your radio is designed and tested to comply with a
numbe r of national and i nternationa l standards a nd
guidelines (listed below) regarding human exposure
to radio frequency electromagnetic energy. This radio
complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits
for occupational/controlled RF exposure environment
at oper at ing duty factors of up to 50% t ransmit ting
and is aut horized by th e F CC for occu pationa l u se
only. In terms of measuring RF energy for compliance
with the FCC exposure guidelines, your radio radiates
measurable RF energy only while it is transmitting (during
talking), not when it is receiving (listening) or in standby
Your radio complies with the following of RF energy
exposure standards and guidelines
U n it e d S t at e s F e d e r a l C o mm u n i c a ti o n s
Commission, Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR
part 2 sub-part J
Am er ica n N ati ona l S tanda rds Insti tut e ( ANS I)/
Inst it ute of Elec trica l a nd Elect ro nic Engi neers
(IEEE) C95. 1-1992
Inst it ute of Elec trica l a nd Elect ro nic Engi neers
(IEEE) C95. 1-1999 Edition
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) 1998
Operational Instructions and Training Guidelines
To ensure optimal performance and compliance with
the occu pa ti onal/controlled envi ro nm ent RF energy
exposure limits in the above standards and guidelines,
users should transmit no more than 50% of the time and
always adhere to the following procedures:
Transmit and Receive
To transmit (talk), push the Push-To-Talk (PTT) key; to
receive, release the PTT key.

FCC Licensing Information
Part 15 Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-
ence in a residential installation. This equipment gen-
erates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that in-
terference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the follow-
ing measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and
Co n n e ct th e eq u i pm e n t in t o an out l e t on a
circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Cons ult the dea le r or an expe ri enced radio/T V
technician for help.
FCC Licensing Requirements
A license from Federal Communications Commission
is required prior to use. Your dealer will program each
radio with your authorized frequencies, signaling codes,
etc., and will be there to meet your communications
needs as your system expands. Contact your dealer for
more information.

Checking Items in the Package -------------------- 3
Radio Overview ---------------------------------------- 4
Radio Controls -------------------------------------------- 4
Programmable Keys ------------------------------------- 5
Before Use----------------------------------------------- 7
Charging the Battery -------------------------------------
Assembly and Disassembly ---------------------------- 8
Status Indications -------------------------------------- 10
LCD Icons -------------------------------------------------- 10
LED Indicator ----------------------------------------------
Basic Operations --------------------------------------- 12
Turning the Radio On/Off ------------------------------- 12
Entering Power-on Password ------------------------- 12
Adjusting the Volume ------------------------------------ 12
Selecting a Zone ------------------------------------------ 12
Selecting a Channel ------------------------------------- 13
Inputting a Frequency ----------------------------------- 13
Adjusting Power Level -----------------------------------
Transmitting/Receiving a Call ------------------------- 14
Locking/Unlocking the Keypad ------------------------ 15
Menu Navigation --------------------------------------- 16
Call List ------------------------------------------------------ 16
Zone --------------------------------------------------------- 16
Settings ----------------------------------------------------- 16
Scan --------------------------------------------------------- 19
Keypad Mode ---------------------------------------------- 19
Functions and Operations --------------------------- 20
Time-out Timer (TOT) ----------------------------------- 20
Channel Scan --------------------------------------------- 20
Emergency -------------------------------------------------
Quick Call --------------------------------------------------- 22
Home Channel -------------------------------------------- 23
Display Mode Switch ------------------------------------ 23
Keypad Mode Switch ------------------------------------ 24

Talk Around ------------------------------------------------- 24
Monitor ------------------------------------------------------ 24
Squelch Off ------------------------------------------------- 25
Compandor ------------------------------------------------- 25
Scrambler --------------------------------------------------- 26
VOX ---------------------------------------------------------- 26
Whisper ----------------------------------------------------- 27
Reverse Display ------------------------------------------ 27
Signaling Introduction --------------------------------- 28
CTCSS/CDCSS ------------------------------------------- 28
Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) ------------- 28
Manual Program --------------------------------------- 30
CH Set ------------------------------------------------------- 31
Zone Set ---------------------------------------------------- 34
Troubleshooting ---------------------------------------- 36
Care and Cleaning ------------------------------------ 38
Optional Accessories --------------------------------- 39
Appendix: Input Method ------------------------------ 41

Checking Items in the Package
Please unpack carefully and check that all items listed below are received. If any item is missing or damaged, please
contact your dealer.
Radio Unit Battery Rapid-rate Charger Power Adapter (different P/N for
(for Li-Ion battery) different countries and areas)
Antenna Belt Clip Strap Owner’s Manual /Safety Information
The above pictures are for reference only. Actual products may vary slightly.
The antenna may vary with different frequency bands. And the frequency band is marked on the label
of antenna; if not, please refer to the label on the radio for frequency band information.

Radio Overview
Radio Controls
No. Part Name
1 Strap Hole
2 Antenna
3 PTT Key
4 SK1 (programmable)
5 SK2 (programmable)
6 LCD Display
7 Function Keypad
8 LED Indicator
9 TK (programmable)
Radio On-Off/Volume
Control Knob
11 Microphone
12 Speaker
13 Accessory Jack Cover
14 Numeric Keypad
Battery Latch
Accessory Jack
Belt Clip
Charging Piece

Radio Overview
Programmable Keys
For e nhanc ed con venie nce , y ou may reque st you r
de a ler to p rog r am t he k eys SK1, SK2 , an d TK as
shortcuts to the functions listed below:
Sh ort cut
2 Call 1
3 Call 2
4 Call 3
5 Call 4
6 Call 5
To adjust power level through
one button press.
To quickly make a call to a pre-
dened user.
For clear voice in noisy environ-
To switch display of channel
information among channel
No., channel alias and channel
To su mmon hel p i n em erg e nt
12 Monitor
Off Mo-
To quickly s witch to th e Home
To quickly switch keypad entry
among frequency, channel,
DTMF, or to disable it.
To adjust the condition for incom-
ing signal match. 13
To always unmute speaker no
matter whether carrier is present
or not.
To receive signals on other chan-
To encrypt voice and thus protect
your conversations from eaves-
The radio can automatically be-
gin to transmit when you speak.

Radio Overview
The feature allows you to speak
19 Whisper
Note: Long and short press of a key can be a
different functions by your dealer.
quietly into the radio and still be
heard clearly.
To invert display conten ts 180
To di rec t ly comm uni cat e wit h
other radios.

Before Use
Charging the Battery
Use only the charger and battery specied by Hytera.
Charger LED can indicate the charging process.
Charge Diagram
1. Co nn ect the po we r adap ter to A C s our ce. See
arrow 1.
2. Plug the power adapter into the rear socket of the
charger. See arrow 2.
3. Place the radio with the battery attached, or the
battery alone, into the charger. See arrow 3.
4. The charging process initiates when LED glows red,
and is completed when LED glows green.
Note: To achieve optimal battery performance,
please charge th e battery for 5 h ours
Charge Indicator
LED Indicator Charge Status
LED solidly glows red.
LED solidly glows
LED solidly glows
When battery power runs low, the LED will ash red, and
the low-pitched tone will sound periodically. In this case,
please replace or charge the battery.
before initial use.
90% charged
Idle or charge completed

Before Use
Note: Be sure to read the Safety Information
Booklet, to get necessary safety informa-
Assembly and Disassembly
Attaching the Antenna
Turn the antenna clockwise to fasten it.
To remove the antenna, rotate it counter-clockwise.
Attaching the Battery
1. Press the belt clip and slide the battery into the
radio’s slot.
2. Slightly press the bottom of the battery until a click
is heard.
To r em ov e t he batt er y, turn off the radi o first. Then
press the belt clip, and slide the battery latch upward to
release the battery.

Before Use
Attaching the Belt Clip
1. Remove the screws.
2. Align the screw holes on the belt clip with those on
the radio’s body, and then tighten the screws.
To remove the belt clip, loosen the screws.
Attaching Accessories
1. Open the accessory jack cover.
2. Plug an accessory into the accessory jack, and then
tighten the screw.
To remove accessories, loosen the screw rst.
Caution: When you are using an external
accessory, waterproof performance of the
radio may get affected.