Hytera PD98X, PD98XG User Manual

We lcome to the wor ld of H ytera a nd thank you f or purcha sing this product. This ma nual includes a descr iption of the func tions
and step-by-step procedures for use. It also includes a troubleshooting guide. Plea se ref er to the corr esponding Feature Book
for deta iled features and opera tions.
To avoid bodily injury or property loss c ause d by incor re ct opera tion, plea se re ad caref ully the Safety Information Booklet
befor e use.
This ma nual is a pplicable to the f ollowing pr oduct:
PD98X/PD98XG Digital Trunking Portable Radio (X may repr esent 2, 5, 6 or 8)
Copyright Information
Hytera is the tra demar k or registere d tradema rk of
Hytera Communications Corporation Limited ( the
Company) in People's Republic of China ( PRC) and/or
other countrie s or a re as. The Company retains the
owner ship of its tradema rks and product names. All
other trade marks and/or product names that may be
used in this manual are pr oper ties of the ir respec tive
owner s.
The produc t de scribe d in this ma nual may include the
Company's computer pr ograms stored in memory or
other media. La ws in PRC and/or other c ountries or
are as protec t the e xclusive rights of the Company
with r espec t to its c omputer progr ams. The purcha se
of this produc t shall not be deemed to gra nt, either
direc tly or by implication, a ny rights to the purcha ser
rega rding the Company's computer pr ograms. The
Company's computer pr ograms may not be copied,
modified, distributed, de compiled, or reve rse-
enginee red in any manne r without the prior wr itten
consent of the Company.
The Company endea vors to a chieve the acc ura cy and
completene ss of this manual, but no wa rra nty of
ac cura cy or re liability is given. All the spe cific ations
and designs are subjec t to cha nge without notice due
to c ontinuous tec hnology development. No part of this
manual may be copied, modified, transla ted, or
distributed in any manne r without the prior wr itten
consent of the Company.
We do not guarantee, for a ny particular pur pose, the
ac cura cy, validity, timeliness, legitimacy or
completene ss of the Thir d Party pr oducts and contents
involved in this ma nual.
If you have a ny suggestions or would like to re ce ive
more informa tion, plea se visit our we bsite a t:
htt p:/ /w ww .h yt e ra . c om .
FCC Statement
This e quipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device , pursuant to
part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide re asonable pr otection against harmful
interfe rence in a residential installation. This
equipment gener ates and c an radia te radio fre quenc y
ene rgy. If not installed and used in acc ordanc e with
the instructions, it may cause ha rmful interfe renc e to
radio communica tions. Howe ver , the re is no
guara ntee that interf ere nce will not oc cur in a
particula r installation. Ve rifica tion of ha rmful
interfe rence by this e quipment to radio or tele vision
rec eption can be de termined by turning it off and then
on. The user is e ncour age d to try to c orre ct the
interfe rence by one or more of the following
measur es:
· Reor ient or reloca te the rec eiving antenna .
Incr ea se the separ ation betwee n the e quipment
and receive r.
· Connec t the e quipment into an outlet on a dif fer ent
circ uit to that of the r ec eiver 's outlet.
· Consult the de aler or a n exper ience d radio/TV
technic ian for help.
Oper ation is subject to the following two conditions:
· This device may not c ause ha rmful interfe renc e.
· This de vice must acc ept any interfe renc e
rec eived, inc luding interfer ence that may cause
undesire d ope ra tion.
Note: Changes or modifications to this unit not
expre ssly a pprove d by the par ty r esponsible for
compliance c ould void the user 's author ity to opera te
the equipment.
Compliance with RF Exposure
Hytera 's por table radio complies with the f ollowing
RF ene rgy exposure sta ndards and guidelines:
· United States Feder al Communica tions
Commission, Code of Feder al Regulations; 47 CFR
§ 1.1307, 1.1310 and 2.1093.
· Ame rica n National Standards Institute ( ANSI) /
Institute of Ele ctrical and Electronic Engine ers
(IEE E) C95. 1:2005; Canada RSS102 Issue 5
Marc h 2015.
· I nstitute of Electr ical and Elec tronic Engineer s
(IEE E) C95.1:2005 Edition
RF Exposure Compliance and
Control Guidelines and Operating
Instruct ions
To control your exposure a nd ensure complianc e with
the occupa tional/controlled environment exposur e
limits a lways adhe re to the following pr ocedur es.
· Do not remove the RF Exposur e Labe l f rom the
device .
· Use r awa re ness instructions should acc ompany
device w hen transferr ed to othe r users.
· Do not use this devic e if the opera tional
requir ements descr ibed here in a re not met.
Oper ating Instructions:
· Tr ansmit no more than the ra ted duty f ac tor of
50% of the time. To tra nsmit (talk), push the Push-
To-Talk (PTT) button. To rec eive c alls, relea se
the PTT button. T ransmitting 50% of the time, or
less, is important beca use the radio gene ra tes
measur able RF ene rgy only when transmitting (in
terms of measuring for standa rds compliance ).
· Ke ep the ra dio unit at least 2.5 c m away fr om the
fac e. Ke eping the radio at the proper distance is
important a s RF exposure de cr ease s with distance
from the antenna . The antenna should be kept
awa y from the fac e and eye s.
· W hen worn on the body, a lways plac e the radio in
a Hytera-a pproved holder , holster, case, or body
harne ss or by use of the corre ct clip f or this
product. Use of non-a pprove d a cc essorie s ma y
result in e xposure leve ls which exce ed the FCC's
occ upational/controlled environme ntal RF
exposure limits.
· Use of non- appr oved antenna s, batteries, and
ac cessories causes the ra dio to exc ee d the FCC
RF exposure guidelines.
· Contac t your loc al deale r for the product's optional
ac cessories.
IC Statement
The devic e has been te sted and complies with SAR
limits, use rs can obtain Canadia n inf ormation on RF
exposure a nd compliance
Aprè s e xame n de ce maté riel aux conf ormité aux
limites DAS e t/ou a ux limites d’intensité de champ RF,
les utilisateurs peuve nt sur l’ exposition a ux
radiof réque nce s e t la c onfor mité a nd compliance
d’ac quér ir les inf ormations c orr espondante s
This de vice c omplies with Industry Canada lice nse-
exe mpt RSS standar d(s). Operation is subjec t to the
following two c onditions:
· This device may not c ause ha rmful interfe renc e.
· This device must ac ce pt a ny interfe renc e
rec eived, inc luding interfer ence that may cause
undesire d ope ra tion.
Le pré sent appa re il est confor me aux CNR d'Industrie
Canada a pplicables a ux appa reils radio
licenc e. L'exploitation est autorisée aux de ux
conditions suivantes: (1) l'appar eil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage , et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appare il
doit acc epter tout br ouillage radioéle ctrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susce ptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement
exe mpts de
EU Regulatory Conformance
As ce rtified by the qualifie d labora tory, the product is
in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of the Directive: 2014/53/EU.
Please note that the above information is applicable to
EU countries only.
Item s in the Package 2
Product Overvie w 2
Product Controls 2
LCD Icon 3
LED Indica tor 4
Befor e Use 4
Attaching the Antenna 4
Installing the Micr o SD c ard 5
Attaching the Battery 5
Attaching the Belt Clip 5
Attaching the Acc essorie s 5
Charging the Battery 6
Checking the Battery Power 7
Basic Oper ations 7
Turning On/Off the Radio 7
Registering with BS 7
Adjusting the Volume 7
Inputting via Ke ypad 7
Locking or Unlocking Keys and Knobs 8
Selecting a Subgroup 8
Selecting a Group Contact 8
Crea ting a Private Contact 8
Call Ser vices 8
Group Call 9
Private Call 9
Emerge ncy Call 10
Me ssage Service s 10
Sending a T ext Message 10
Sending a Q uick Text Message 10
Sending a Status Message 10
Viewing a Rece ived Message 10
Troubleshooting 11
Care and C leaning 13
Product Cleaning 13
Product Care 13
Optional A cce ssories 13
+ 13 hidden pages