Hytera PD782iG User Manual

Thanks for your favor in our product. This manual is helpful for you to quickly know how to use the product. Please refer to the corresponding Feature Book for detailed features and operations.
This manual is applicable to the following product:
PD782i/PD782i(G) Intrinsically Safe Digital Trunking Portable Radio
Hy tera Commun icat i ons Co., Ltd. (the Com pany) endeavors to achieve the accuracy and completeness of th i s manual, bu t no wa r r a n t y o f accuracy o r reliability is given. All the specications and designs are subject to change without notice due to continuous technology development. No part of this manual may be copied, modied, translated, or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of us.
We do not guarantee, for any parti cul ar purpos e, the accuracy, v a l i d it y, timeliness, legitimacy or comp l e t e n e s s of th e Th i r d Par t y p r oduct s and contents involved in this manual.
If you have any suggesti ons or would like to lear n more details, please visit our website at: http://www.
RF Radiation Information
This product must be restricted to operati ons in an occupational/controlle d RF exposure environment. Us ers must be ful l y awar e o f t h e h azards of t h e exposure and able to exercise control over their RF exposure to qualify for the higher exposure limits.
RF Radiation Prole
R ad io F r e q u e nc y ( R F ) i s a fr eq u e n c y o f electromagnetic radiation in the range at which radio signals are transmitted. RF technology is widely used in communic ati on, medic ine, food p roc essing and other elds. It may generate radiation during use.
RF Radiation Safety
In order to ensure user health, experts from relevant industries including science, engineering, medicine and health work with inter national organizations to develop standards for safe exposure to RF radiation. These standards consist of:
U n it e d S t at e s F e de r al C o mm u ni c at io ns Commission, Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR part 2 sub-part J;
American Nation al Sta ndard s Inst itute (ANSI)/ Institut e of Electr ical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992;
● Institut e of Electr ical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999;
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998.
FCC Regulations
Federal Communication Commission (FCC) requires that all radio communication products should meet the requirements set forth in the above standards before they can be marketed in the U.S, and the manufacturer shall post a RF label on the product to inform users of operational ins tructions, so as to enhance the ir occupational health against exposure to RF energy.
Operational Instructions and Training Guidelines
To ensure optimal performance and compliance with the oc cupational/controlled environment RF energy exposure limits in the above standards and guidelines, users should transmit not more than 50% of the time and always adhere to the following procedures:
RF energy will be generated only when the radio is transmitting.
Th e rad io m ust b e 2.5 c enti mete r s away from human body when transmitting.
EU Regulatory Conformance
As certif ied by the qualified laboratory, the product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the Directive 1999/5/EC.
Please note that the above information is applicable to EU countries only.
Intrinsically Safe Radio Information (Exi)
Equipment marking
I.S Class I, II,III, Division 1, Group C,D,E,F,G ,T4
NI Class I, Division 2, Group A,B,C,D
to +55
Certicate Number
No Misoperations
Stop operating this product and leave the explosive atmosphere immediately when the safet y or integrity of the product is endangered, and deliver it to your local dealer for examination.
These items may endanger the product’s safety or integrity:
The radio is stored improperly;
● The radio is faulty;
● The radio works with overload;
● The radio’s operational error or threshold value is out of allowed range.
● The radio is damaged during transportation;
● The rad io’s housing is obviou sly damaged or cracked;
The radio logo or model is hard to be recognized;
Safety Instructions
Caution:To protect you against any property loss, bodily injury or even death, be sure to observe the following safety instructions:
Informations sur la Radio intrinsèquement sûre (Exi)
Marquage de l’équipement
I.S Classe I, II, III, Division 1, Groupe C,D,E,F,G ,T4
NI Classe I, Division 2, Groupe A,B,C,D
-30 à +55
Numéro de certicat
Mauvaises utilisations à éviter
Arrêtez d’utiliser ce produit et quittez l’atmosphère explosive immédiatement si la sécurité ou l’intégrité du produit sont compromises, puis retournez-le à votre revendeur local pour vérication.
Vo i ci l a l i st e d e s él é me nt s su s ce p ti bl es d e compromettre la sécurité ou l’intégrité
du produit :
La radio nest pas stockée correctement.
La radio est défaillante.
La radio fonctionne en surcharge.
La valeur de seuil ou derreur de fonctionnement
de la radio se tr o u v e en d e h o r s d e la plage autorisée.
● La radio est endommagée au cours du transport.
Le boîtier de la radio est visiblement endommagé ou fendillé.
● Le logo ou le modèle de la radio sont difcilement reconnaissables.
Instructions de sécurité
Avertissement:Pour vous protéger contre la perte de biens, les blessures corporelles ou même les risques mortels, assurez­vous de suivre les instructions de sécurité suivantes :
Use only the Ex-battery BL2411-Ex specied by the Company. The use of other batteries may result in Ex-protection (intrinsic safety) failure.
Charge the battery in a non-hazardous area only with the designated charger.
Do not rem ove the batt ery from the rad io i n a hazardous area.
● Do not carry any standby battery into a hazardous area.
Use the accessories specified by the Company only. Do not replace the accessories in a hazardous area.
● Do not u se a damaged antenna. If a dama ged antenna comes into contact with your skin, a minor burn may result.
● Do not expose the radio to direct sunlight for a long time, nor place it close to a heating source.
Hold the radio upright and keep its microphone 2.5 to 5 centimeters away from your mouth during use.
If you wear a radio on your body, ensure its antenna is at least 2.5 centimeters away from your body during transmission.
● Do not attempt to repair and service the radio, batteries and its accessories. Please contact your dealer for repair and servicing.
● Do not dissemble or redo the radio. Unauthorized modication of the radio may result in termination of Ex-protection (intrinsic safety) of the radio.
● Im pro per usa ge o f the produ ct o the r than i t is intended to be used for will impair safety of the product, yourself and surrounding environment.
● Do no t c a r ry th e r a di o int o Z on e 0 a n d 20. Please do not use the radio out of the operating temperature range specication of this product.
Item Specications Rated Operating Voltage DC 7.4V Max. Operating Voltage DC 8.4V Max. Operating Current 2.7A Dimensions (H * W *D) (with standard battery, without antenna)
Weight (with standard antenna & battery)
About 369g
Sensitivity 0.3μV Rated Audio Power Output 0.5W Audio Distor tion 3% Ambient Temperature -30 to +55 Storage Temperature -40 to +85 Charging Temperature 0 to +40
Ex-batter y BL241
Charging Time About 4 hours
Compliance Standards
● UL 913 5th Ed. February 21,1997
● CSA C22.2 No. 157-92 (R2012) +UPD1 +UPD2
● N’utilisez que la batterie Ex BL2411-Ex spéciée par lEntreprise. Lutilisation dautres batteries peut entraîner une défaillance de la protection Ex (sûreté intrinsèque).
● Chargez uniquement la batterie dans une zone ne présentant aucun risque, à laide du chargeur prévu à cet effet.
● Ne retirez pas la batterie de la radio dans une zone à risques.
● Ne transportez pas de batterie de rechange dans une zone à risques.
● Utilisez uniquement les accessoires spécifiés par lEntreprise. Ne remplacez pas les accessoires dans une zone à risques.
● N’utilisez pas une antenne endommagée. Si une antenne endommagée entre en contact avec votre peau, vous risquez des brûlures supercielles.
● N’exposez pas la radio à la lumière directe du soleil pendant une période prolongée. Ne la placez pas à proximité dune source de chaleur.
● Tenez la radio en position verticale et gardez le micro à une distance de 2,5 à 5 cm de votre bouche pendant son utilisation.
● Si vous transportez une radio, assurez-vous que son antenne se trouve à une distance minimale de 2,5 cm de votre corps au cours de la transmission.
● N’essayez pas de réparer et dentretenir la radio, les batteries et les accessoires. Veuillez contacter votre revendeur pour la réparation et lentretien.
● Ne démontez pas la radio, ne la modifiez pas. Toute modification non autorisée de la radio peut compromettre la protection Ex (sûreté intrinsèque) de la radio.
● Une utilisation incorrecte du produit, autre que dans le cadre de lutilisation prévue, peut compromettre
la sécurité du produit, votre sécurité et celle de votre environnement.
● Ne trans portez pas la radio d ans des zones 0 et 20. Veuillez ne pas utiliser la radio en dehors des plages de températ ure de fonct ion nement spéciées pour ce produit.
Élément Spécications
Tension nominale de fonctionnement
7,4 V CC
Tension maximum de fonctionnement
8,4 V CC
Intensité maximum de fonctionnement
2,7 A
Dimensions (H×L×P) (avec batterie standard, sans antenne)
125×55×43 mm
Poids (avec antenne et batterie standards)
Environ 369 g
Sensibilité 0,3 μV Puissance nominale de sortie
0,5 W
Distorsion audio 3 % Température ambiante -30 à +55 Température de stockage -40 à +8
Température de charge 0 à +40
Batterie Ex BL2411­Ex (2 400 mAh)
Durée de chargement Environ 4 heures
Normes de conformité
● UL 913 5e éd. 21 février 1997
● CSA C22.2 N° 157-92 (R2012) +UPD1 +UPD2
Items in the Package ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Product Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Product Control ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Programmable Keys ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Before Use --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Charging the Battery --------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Attaching the Battery --------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Checking the Battery Power ------------------------------------------------------ 3 Attaching the Antenna ------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Attaching the Belt Clip ------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Attaching the Accessories -------------------------------------------------------- 3
Status Indication ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
LCD Icon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 LED Indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Menu Navigation------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Basic Operation-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Powering On/Off --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Registering upon Power-on ------------------------------------------------------ 5 Adjusting the Volume --------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Inputting via Keypad ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Locking/Unlocking the Keypad -------------------------------------------------- 6 Selecting a Subgroup ------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Selecting a Group Call Contact ------------------------------------------------- 6 Managing the Contact ------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Call Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
Private Call---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Group Call----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Emergency Call ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Message Services ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Care and Cleaning ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Optional Accessories ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
+ 11 hidden pages