Thanks for your favor in our pro duct. This manual is helpful for you to q uickly know how to use the product.
For detai led features and opera tions , pl ease refer to th e Fe ature Descript ion and Oper ation Manual along
with the product .
To avoid b ody injur y or p roper ty los s c aused by mis opera tion, please read the Safety Informat ion Book let
carefully before use.
This man ual is appli cable to t he following
PD71X Ex Digit al Porta ble Radio ( X may represent 2, 5, 6 or 8)
produc t:
Icon Conventions
Indi cates fu ncti ons that are a vailab le on digit al
channe l only.
Indic ates funct ions that are availa ble on analog
channe l only.
Funct ions marked with no ic on are available on both
analog a nd digita l channel s.
Hy te ra Com mu ni catio ns Co rp or ati on Li mit ed (th e
Co mpa ny) endeavor s to a chi eve t he accu rac y and
co mp le te ne ss of thi s m an ua l, but no war ran ty o f
accuracy or r eliab ilit y i s g iven. A ll the sp
and designs are subject to change witho ut not ice d ue
to cont inu ou s tec hno lo gy devel op men t. No par t o f
this m anua l m ay be cop ied, m odif ied, t rans late d, or
distr ibuted in any manner without the expres s wr itten
permi ssion of us.
We do not gua rante e, for any p ar ticu lar pur pose,
th e ac cur ac y, val id ity , tim eli nes s, le gi ti mac y or
com ple ten es s of the Thi rd Pa rt y pr oduc ts an d
contents involved
If you have any suggest ion s or woul d like to lea rn
more details , p lease visit our website at: ht tp://w ww.
hytera .com.
in this ma nual.
ecifica tion s
RF Radiation Information
Thi s pro duct m ust be rest ric ted to o per ati ons in a n
oc cup ati ona l/c ont ro lle d RF expo sure enviro nme nt.
Us er s m ust be fu ll y awa re of th e haz ar ds of t he
expo sure and able to ex erci se control over thei r RF
exposur e to qualif y for the higher expos ure limits .
RF Radiation Prole
R ad i o F r e q u e n c y (R F ) i s a f re q ue n cy o f
electromag netic radiation in the range at w hich radio
signal s are transmitted. RF technology is widely us ed
in com mun ic ati on , me dic ine, food p ro ce ssi ng and
other f ields. It may generate r adiation during use.
RF Radiation Safety
In order to ens ure user health, exper ts fro m re levant
ind ustr ies i nclu din g scie nce , engi neering , medi cin e
and h eal th work with internat ional orga niz ations to
p s tandar ds f or s afe exposu re t o RF radiatio n.
These st andards c onsist of :
● Un it e d S ta te s F ed e r a l C om mu n i c a ti on s
Commission, Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR
part 2 sub-part J;
● Amer ica n Nat io nal Sta nda rd s Ins tit ut e (AN SI)/
Ins titut e of Elect ric al and Ele ctron ic En gin eer s
(IEEE) C95. 1-1992;
● Insti tute of Elec tri cal and Elec tro nic Eng ine ers
(IEEE) C95.1-1999;
● International Commission on Non-
Protection (ICNIRP) 1998;
Ionizing Radiation
FCC Regulations
Feder al Comm unica tion Commis sion (FCC) r equir es
that all radio co mmunication pro ducts should mee t the
requi rement s se t fo rth in the above st andard s be fore
they can be marketed in the U.S, and the manufacturer
shal l p ost a RF label on the produc t t o i nfor m u sers
of oper ation al inst ruc ti ons , so as to enha nce the ir
occup ational health agai nst exposu re to R
F energy.
Operational Instructions and Training
To ensure optim al perf orman ce and compliance wi th
the occu pationa l/c ontr oll ed environ ment R F ener gy
exposur e limits in the above st andards and guide lines,
users should trans mit not more than 50% of the tim e
and always adhere to th e following procedures:
● RF energy will be generated only when the radio is
● The radio must be at least 2.5 cent imeters away
from human body w
hen transmitting.
EU Regulatory Conformance
As cert ifi ed by th e qual ifi ed laborator y, the produ ct
is in compliance with t he essent ial requi rement s and
other re levant provisions of th e Direct ive 1999/ 5/EC.
Please n ote that t he above inf ormati on is appl icable t o
EU countries only.
Intrinsically Safe Radio Information
Equipment Marking
Class I, Z one 1 AEx /Ex ib II C T4 Gb
Class II , III Div 1, Group E, F, G T120℃
II 2G Ex ib II C T4
II 2D Ex ib I IIC T120℃ IP5X
I M2 Ex ib
Ex ib IIC
Ex ib III C T120℃ IP5X
Ex ib I
Certicate Number
FM13ATEX002 3X
FMG 13.0010X
No Misoperations
Stop o pera ting this pro duct and leave t he expl osive
atmosphere im mediately when the s afety or int egrit y
of the prod uct is enda nge red, a nd del iver i t to your
local d ealer for examinatio n.
The se item s may endang er the produ ct’s safe ty or
integr ity:
● The radio is stored improperly;
● The radio is faulty;
● The radio works with overload;
●The radio’s
out of allowed range.
● The radio is damaged during transportation;
● The
● The radio logo or model is hard to be recognized;
Safety Instructions
rational error or threshold value is
ho us in g is ob vi ou sl y da ma ge d or
To protect you against any property
loss, bodily injury or even death, be sure to
observe the following safety instructions: