Hytera PD486, PD485, PD488, PD482 Owner's Manual

Digital Portable Radio
Owners Manual
We lcome to the wor ld of Hytera and thank you for purcha sing this product. This ma nual
includes a descr iption of the func tions a nd step-by-step proce dure s for use. It also include s
a troubleshooting guide . To avoid bodily injury or pr operty loss c ause d by inc orre ct
opera tion, please caref ully r ea d the Safety Information Book let before use .
This ma nual is a pplicable to the following pr oduct:
Copyright Information
Hytera is the tradema rk or registere d trade mark of Hytera Communications
Corporation Limited ( the Company) in the People's Republic of China (PRC)
and/or other countrie s or area s. The Company r etains the ownership of its
trade marks and product names. All other tradema rks and/or product names
that may be use d in this manual are prope rties of their respe ctive owner s.
The product desc ribed in this manual may inc lude the Company's c omputer
progra ms stored in memory or other media. Laws in PRC a nd/or other
countries or are as protec t the exclusive rights of the Company with r espec t
to its computer progra ms. The purcha se of this produc t shall not be deemed
to gr ant, either dire ctly or by implication, any rights to the purchase r
rega rding the Company's computer progr ams. The Company's c omputer
progra ms may not be copied, modified, distributed, de compiled, or reve rse -
enginee re d in a ny manner without the prior wr itten consent of the Company.
The Company endeavors to a chieve the a cc ura cy and completene ss of this
manual, but no wa rra nty of accurac y or reliability is given. All the
specif ications and designs a re subjec t to c hange without notice due to
continuous technological development. No part of this manua l may be
copied, modified, translated, or distributed in any manne r without the prior
written consent of the Company.
We do not gua ra ntee , for any particular pur pose, the acc ura cy, validity,
timeliness, le gitimacy or completeness of the third-pa rty products and
contents involved in this ma nual.
If you have any suggestions or w ould like to r ec eive more informa tion,
please visit our w ebsite at: http://www.hytera .com.
FCC Statement
This e quipment has been tested and found to c omply w ith the limits for a
Class B digital de vice, pursua nt to par t 15 of FCC Rules. These limits ar e
designed to provide reasona ble protec tion a gainst harmful interfe re nce in a
reside ntial installation. T his e quipment gener ates and ca n radiate ra dio
fre quenc y ener gy. If not installed and used in a cc orda nce with the
instructions, it may cause har mful interfer enc e to radio communications.
However, there is no guarante e that interfer enc e will not occ ur in a
particula r installation. Ve rific ation of harmful interfe renc e by this
equipment to r adio or television r ec eption can be deter mined by tur ning it
off and then on. The user is e ncoura ged to try to cor rec t the interf er enc e by
one or more of the following mea sure s:
l Reorient or relocate the rec eiving antenna . Incre ase the sepa ra tion
betwe en the equipment and rece iver.
l Connect the equipment into an outlet on a diff er ent circ uit to that of the
rec eive r's outlet.
l Consult the deale r or an exper ienc ed radio/TV tec hnician for help.
Oper ation is subjec t to the following two c onditions:
l This de vice may not cause ha rmful interfe renc e.
l This de vice must acc ept any interfe renc e re ce ived, including
interfe re nce that may cause unde sired oper ation.
Note: Changes or modifications to this unit not e xpressly a pprove d by the
party responsible for complianc e could void the use r's a uthority to ope rate
the equipment.
Compliance with RF Exposure Standards
The radio complies with the following RF ene rgy exposure standa rds and
l United States Feder al Communications Commission, Code of Fede ral
Regulations; 47 CFR § 1.1307, 1.1310 and 2.1093
l Americ an National Standards Institute (ANSI) / I nstitute of Ele ctric al
and Electr onic Engineer s (IEEE) C95. 1:2005; Canada RSS102 Issue 5
Marc h 2015
l Institute of Ele ctric al and Electronic Engineers (IE EE) C95.1:2005
RF Exposure Compliance and Control Guidelines and Operating Instructions
To control your exposure and ensure c ompliance with the
occ upational/controlled environme ntal exposure limits, always adher e to the
following procedur es.
l Do not r emove the RF Exposure La bel from the device .
l User aw ar ene ss instructions should ac compa ny device whe n
transfe rr ed to other users.
l Do not use this device if the operational requirements descr ibed here in
are not met.
Oper ating Instructions:
l Tra nsmit no more than the rated duty f ac tor of 50% of the time. To
transmit (talk), press the Push-to-Talk (P TT) ke y. To rece ive ca lls,
rele ase the PTT ke y. Transmitting 50% of the time, or le ss, is important
bec ause the radio gene ra tes measura ble RF ene rgy only when
transmitting (in terms of measuring for standar ds compliance) .
l Kee p the radio unit at least 2.5 cm a wa y from the f ac e. Ke eping the
radio at the proper distance is important a s RF exposure de cr ea ses with
distance fr om the a ntenna . The antenna should be kept a wa y from the
fac e and eye s.
l Whe n worn on the body, always plac e the radio in a n approve d holder,
holster, case , or body ha rne ss or by use of the corre ct clip for this
product. Use of non-appr oved ac ce ssories may result in exposur e levels
which exceed the FCC's occ upational/controlle d environmental RF
exposure limits.
l Use of non-appr oved antenna s, batteries, and ac ce ssories causes the
radio to excee d the FCC RF e xposure guidelines.
l Contact your local dealer for the produc t's optional ac ce ssories.
IC Statement
The device ha s been tested and complies with SAR limits, user s can obtain
Canadian informa tion on RF e xposure and complianc e.
Aprè s examen de ce maté riel aux confor mité aux limites D AS et/ou a ux
limites d’intensité de champ RF, le s utilisateurs peuvent sur l’e xposition a ux
radiof réque nce s et la c onfor mité and compliance d’a cqué rir les
informations corre spondante s
This de vice c omplies with Industry Canada lice nse- exe mpt RSS standa rd(s).
Oper ation is subjec t to the following two c onditions:
l This de vice may not cause ha rmful interfe renc e.
l This de vice must acc ept any interfe renc e re ce ived, including
interfe re nce that may cause unde sired oper ation.
Le prése nt appare il est c onfor me aux CNR d'Industrie Canada a pplicables
aux appar eils radio exempts de licence . L'exploitation est autorisée a ux
deux conditions suivante s: (1) l'appar eil ne doit pas produire de br ouillage,
et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appa reil doit a cc epter tout brouillage radioéle ctrique
subi, mê me si le brouillage e st susc eptible d'en compromettre le
fonctionneme nt
EU Regulatory Conformance
As certifie d by the qua lified laboratory, the produc t is in compliance with
the essential require ments and other releva nt provisions of 2014/53/EU.
Please note that the a bove informa tion is applicable to EU countries only.
Packing List 3
Product Controls 4
Before U se 5
Charging the Battery 5
Attaching the Battery 5
Attaching the Antenna 6
Attaching the Belt C lip 6
Attaching the Audio Accessory 6
BasicOperations 7
TurningOn or Off the Radio 7
Adjusting the Volume 7
Locking or UnlockingKeypad 7
Inputting via Keypad 8
Selecting a Zone 8
Selecting a C hannel 8
Status Indications 8
LCD Icons
LED Indications
Call Services 10
Call onD igital C hannel 10
Call onAnalog Channel 11
Message Services 11
Viewing a M essage 11
Sending a Message 11
Deletinga Message 12
Supplementary Features 13
Basic Settings 13
Contact Management 13
Scan 14
Time-out Tim er 14
Busy Channel Lockout 14
Real-time C lock 15
Voice Operated Tr ansmit 15
Digital Services 15
Analog Services 16
Troubleshooting 17
Care and Cleaning 19
Product Care 19
Product Cleaning 19
Optional Accessories 19
Abbreviations 19

Packing List

Please unpac k care fully and chec k that you have r ec eive d the following items. If any item is missing or da mage d, please contact your dealer .
Item Quantity ( PCS) Item Quantity (PCS)
Radio 1 Antenna 1
Battery 1 Belt Clip 1
Charge r 1 Strap 1
Power Adapte r 1 Documentation Kit 1
Check whethe r the freque ncy band on the antenna labe l matches that on the ra dio la bel. If not, please contac t your dealer .
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