Icon Conventions
»: Indicates functions that are available on digital channel only.
»: Indicates functions that are available on analog channel only.
Functions marked with no icon are available on both analog and digital
Hytera Communications Corporation Limited (the Company) endeavors to
achieve the accuracy and completeness of this manual, but no warranty
of accura cy or reliabili ty is given. All the s pe cifications and d esigns
are s ubj ect to chang e with out notic e d ue to c ont inuou s te chnol ogy
development. No part of this manual may be copied, modied, translated,
or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of us.
We do not guarantee, for any particular purpose, the accuracy, validity,
timeliness, legitimacy or completeness of the Third Party products and
contents involved in this manual.
If you have any suggestions or would like to learn more details, please visit
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RF Radiation Information
This product must be restricted to operations in an occupational/controlled
RF exposure environment. Users must be fully aware of the hazards of the
exposure and able to exercise control over their RF exposure to qualify for
the higher exposure limits.
RF Radiation Prole
Radio Frequency (RF) is a frequency of electromagnetic radiation in the
range at which radio signals are transmitted. RF technology is widely
used in communication, medicine, food processing and other elds. It may
generate radiation during use.
RF Radiation Safety
In order to ensure user health, experts from relevant industries including
sc ienc e, eng inee ring, med icin e and hea lth work wit h in t ern a tion al
organizations to develop standards for safe exposure to RF radiation.
These standards consist of:
●United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of Federal
Regulations; 47CFR part 2 sub-part J;
●American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992;
●Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999;
●Inte rna tiona l C ommis
sion on No n-Ionizi ng Radia tion Prote cti on
(ICNIRP) 1998;
FCC Regulations
Fe dera l Com muni c atio n Co m miss ion (F CC) r equi res t hat all r adio
communi cat ion pr odu cts shoul d meet the re qui rements s et for th i n
the above standards before they can be marketed in the U.S, and the
manufacturer shall post a RF label on the product to inform users of
operational instructions, so as to enhance their occupational health against
exposure to RF energy.