NO. Part Name NO. Part Name
6 Scre w ( 4 mm x 16 mm) 13 RF Antenna
7 Microphone Hanger / /
l The RF antenna should be purchased separately.
l The GPS a ntenna is ava ilable only for radios
with the GPS feature.
l The palm microphone without keypa d (with ⑥
and ⑦) is ava ilable for the digital radio and the
one with keypad (with ⑥ and ⑦) is for the
trunking radio. The handse t (with ⑨ and ⑩) is
for the duplex radio.
1. Select a location, drill holes base d on the sha pe of the
mounting bracket, and then use the scre ws ( 4.8 mm x
20 mm) to secure the bracket.
2. Connect the RF a ntenna, GPS antenna ,and power
cord to the ra dio.
3. Slide the radio into the mounted brac ket a nd se cure it
using the locking knobs.
4. Install the microphone hanger in a loca tion where
you c an reach it e asily, and use the screws (4 mm x
16 mm) to secure it.
5. Align the triangle index on the palm microphone or
the handset with the installation index, plug the
conne ctor into the ra dio, and rotate the connector
clockw ise to secure it.
6. Place the palm microphone or the handset on the
hange r w hen you do not use it.
Basic Operations
Turning the Radio On or Off
To turn the r adio on, long press the On-Off key.
To turn the r adio off, pr ess the On-Off key.
Adjusting the Volume
1. Press the Volume Control knob to switch to volume
control mode.
2. Rotate the Volume Control knob to a djust the
Using the Keypad
You can use the keypa d on the pa lm microphone or the
handset to e dit user aliases or IDs and te xt message s.
l To switch the input method between alphabetic mode
and numeric mode, press .
l To enter special c hara cters, pr ess in alphabetic
mode or in numeric mode.
l To enter a space, pre ss in a lphabetic mode.
Switching the Operation Mode
The radio can ope rate in conventional or trunking mode.
In conventional mode, you can re ceive and transmit voice
and data a fter selecting the r equired channel. In trunking
mode, you can rece ive and transmit voice and da ta after
the radio registers with the base station (BS)successfully.
l To manua lly switch the ope ration mode , go to
Mode> Manual Switch, or press the pr eprogrammed
Operation M ode Switc h key.
l To allow the r adio to automatically switch to
conve ntional mode when the signal dr ops below the
preset leve l in trunking mode, go to Mode>Auto
Switch , or press the prepr ogrammed Mode
Automatic Switch key.
Conventional Mode
In conve ntional mode, the radio r ece ives and transmits
data and voice on the selec ted c hannel.
Selecting Zones and Channels
A channe l is used to r ece ive and transmit da ta and voice.
A zone is a group of c hannels within the same opera tional
area. The ra dio supports up to 64 zones, eac h of which
contains up to 256 cha nnels.