Thanks for your favor in our product . Thi s manu al is helpful for yo u to quickl y kno w how to use the product.
Please refer to the co rrespon ding Feature Book for det ailed feat ures and operations.
This man ual is appli cable to th e followin g product:
MD65 X Digital M obile Radi o
(X may rep resent 2, 5, 6 or 8)

Instructional Icons
: Indicates functions that are availab le on digital
channel only.
: Indicates functions that are available on analog
channel only.
Fun cti ons mar ked with n eit her t he above i con s are
availabl e on both analog and digi tal channels.
Hy ter a Com mu ni ca ti ons Co ., Ltd . ( th e Com pa ny)
endeavo rs to achieve the a ccuracy and completene ss
of this manual, but no war ranty of ac curacy or r eliabili ty
is gi ven. Al l the specifi cations and designs are subject
to cha nge wit hout not ice due to continuous technol ogy
devel opme nt. No par t of th is manua l m ay b e c opie d,
mo dif ied, trans lat ed, or dist ri but ed i n any manner
withou t the expres s wr
We do not gua rant ee, for any par tic ul ar pur pos e,
th e ac cura cy , val idi ty, ti mel ine ss , le gi ti mac y or
compl eteness of the Third Party p roducts and conte nts
involved i n this manua l.
If you have any sugge stions or would like to learn mo re
detai ls, please visit our website at: http://w ww.hy tera.
itten permissi on of us.
RF Radiation Information
Thi s pro duc t must b e res tri cte d to opera tio ns in a n
oc cup ati onal /co ntr olled R F exp osure env iro nme nt.
Us er s mu st be fu ll y awa re of t he haza rd s of the
exp osur e a nd abl e t o exerc ise cont rol over the ir RF
exposur e to qualif y for the higher exposur e limits.
RF Radiation Profile
R a d i o F r eq u en c y ( R F ) i s a f re q u e nc y of
elec tromagneti c r adiati on in the range at which radio
signa ls ar e tr ansmitted. R F te chnolo gy is wid ely u sed
in commu nic atio n, med icin e, foo d proc essi ng and
other fie lds. It may generate radi ation duri ng use.
RF Radiation Safety
In orde r to en sure user healt h, exper ts from relevan t
ind ust rie s includi ng scien ce, e ngin eer ing , medicin e
and h eal th work w ith i nte rna tio nal o rganiz ations to
devel op standards for safe exposure t o RF ra diati on.
These st andards c onsist of:
●U n i t ed S t at e s F e d e ral C omm u n ic a t ion s
Commission, Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR
part 2 sub-part J;
●Ame rican Nati ona l Sta nda rds Inst itu te (ANSI)/
Ins titu te of E lect ric al and Electron ic Eng inee rs
(IEEE) C95. 1-
●Ins titu te of E lect ric al and Electron ic Eng inee rs
(IEEE) C95.1-1999;
●In te rn at io na l Co mm is si on on No n-I on iz in g
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998.
FCC Regulations
Fede ral Commun icat ion Commis sion (F CC) requires
that all radio communicati on pro ducts s hould meet the
requ ireme nts set forth i n t he a bove stan dards before
they ca n be marketed in the U.S, and th e manufac turer
shall post a RF l abel on t he pro duct to in form u sers
of ope rat io nal i nst ruct io ns, s o as to enha nce the ir
occup ational he alth again st exposure t o RF energy.
Operational Instr uctions and
Training Guidelines
To ensure optima l p erfo rman ce and com plian ce with
the o ccu pat ion al/c ont rol led envi ronm ent R F ener gy
exposur e limit s in th e above standar ds and guidelin es,
user s should transmi t no t m ore than 50% of th e time
and always adhere to the following procedures:
●Ante nna gain must not excee d 5dBi for UHF or
3.5dBi for VHF.
●The antenna ins tallati on must comp ly wit h the
requi rements of
must be 1 meter away from human body.
manufa cturer or supplie r, and it
EU Regulatory Conformance
As cer tified by t he qualifi ed laboratory, the product is in
compliance with the es sential req uiremen ts and ot her
relevant p rovision s of the Directive 1999 /5/EC.
Please note that the above in formati on is applicab le to
EU countries only.

Items in the Package ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Produc t Overvi ew ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Radio Un it -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Remote Sp eaker Micr ophone ------------------------------------------------ 3
Instal lation-------------------------------------------------
Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
Instal lation Tools ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Instal lation Pro cedure ---------------------------------------------------------- 3
Status I ndicati on ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
LCD Icon --------------
LED Indicator ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Basic Operation s ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
Powerin g On/Of f -----------------------------------------------------------------5
Adjusting the Volume -----------------------------------------------------------
Selec ting a Zone ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Selec ting a Chann el -------------------------------------------------------------5
Setti ng TX Power Leve l --------------------------------------------------------5
Call Ser vices ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Calls on D igital Ch annel
Calls on A nalog Cha nnel (No Signaling)
Features -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Care and C leaning ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Optional Acces sories ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
-------------------------------------------------------------- 4
-------------------------------- 3
---------------------------- 5