Hytera ACCESSNET-T IP DIB-R5 advanced Digital Integrated Base Station Operation Manual

Digital Integrated Base Station Operation Manual
90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0© 2014 Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH
DIB-R5 advanced
Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH
Fritz-Hahne-Straße 7
D-31848 Bad Münder
Telephone: +49 (0)5042 / 998-0
Fax: +49 (0)5042 / 998-105
E-mail: info@hytera.de
Internet: www.hytera-mobilfunk.com
Read the instructions thoroughly prior to performing any tasks!
Subject to change without notice. Data without tolerance limits is not binding.
ACCESSNET and all derivatives are registered trademarks of Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH. HYT and Hytera are registered trademarks of Hytera Communications Corporation Limited.
2 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced
1 Notes on the document.................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Objectives of the document........................................................................................... 7
1.2 Intended audience of the document............................................................................. 7
1.3 Qualification of the personnel....................................................................................... 7
1.4 Reading and navigation aids in the document ........................................................... 8
1.5 Figures and special notations used.............................................................................. 8
1.5.1 Figures used..................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.2 Special notations.............................................................................................................. 8 Operating procedures....................................................................................................... 9 Safety instructions used.................................................................................................... 9 General instructions used............................................................................................... 10 Text formatting used....................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Further applicable documents.................................................................................... 11
1.7 Support information..................................................................................................... 12
2 Safety regulations......................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Intended use.................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Safety measures........................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Authorized personnel...................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Electromagnetic compatibility......................................................................................... 14
2.2.3 Notes on the electrical system........................................................................................ 15
2.3 Safety and responsibility............................................................................................. 15
2.4 Safety markings............................................................................................................ 15
2.4.1 Safety markings on the product...................................................................................... 15
2.4.2 Safety markings on transport boxes............................................................................... 15 Safety marking "Fragile"................................................................................................. 16 Safety marking "Transport Upright"................................................................................ 16 Safety marking "Keep dry".............................................................................................. 17
3 Product description...................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Characteristics of the DIB-R5...................................................................................... 26
3.2 Components.................................................................................................................. 27
3.2.1 Connection and control panel......................................................................................... 28 On/off switch................................................................................................................... 29 Connection panel............................................................................................................ 29 GNSS splitter.................................................................................................................. 31

Table of contents

Table of contents
3Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Table of contents
3.2.2 VAC voltage supply.......................................................................................................... 31 AC Power Distribution Module (APDM).......................................................................... 31 Power Supply Unit (PSU) including Power Supply Module (PSM)................................. 33
3.2.3 VDC voltage supply.......................................................................................................... 35
3.2.4 Divider Unit (DIU)............................................................................................................ 37 RX FILTER..................................................................................................................... 38 Passive Divider Unit (PDU) only in case of a CHU expansion.................................... 39
3.2.5 Transmitting filter............................................................................................................ 40 DUPLEXER.................................................................................................................... 40 TX FILTER...................................................................................................................... 41
3.2.6 TETRA Channel Unit (CHU)........................................................................................... 42
3.2.7 Base Station Controller Unit (BSCU).............................................................................. 44
3.2.8 Interconnection Relay Unit (IRU) only in the case of a CHU expansion...................... 48
3.2.9 Fan unit........................................................................................................................... 50
3.2.10 Cavity combiner.............................................................................................................. 51
DIB-R5 advanced
3.2.11 Backplane....................................................................................................................... 52
3.3 Interfaces....................................................................................................................... 54
3.4 Wiring diagrams............................................................................................................ 55
3.4.1 Internal wiring................................................................................................................. 56 Internal wiring with four CHUs and DUPLEXER............................................................. 56 Internal wiring with four CHUs and TX FILTER.............................................................. 57
3.4.2 Wiring of two equipment racks only in the case of a CHU expansion......................... 58
3.4.3 Antenna configurations................................................................................................... 59 Antenna configuration with four CHUs and DUPLEXER................................................ 59 Antenna configuration with four CHUs and TX FILTER.................................................. 59
3.5 Redundancy options.................................................................................................... 60
3.5.1 Redundant main control channel (MCCH)...................................................................... 61
3.5.2 Transceiver redundancy................................................................................................. 61
3.5.3 Controller redundancy.................................................................................................... 61
3.5.4 Fallback operation.......................................................................................................... 61
3.5.5 Stand-alone operation.................................................................................................... 62
3.5.6 Redundant VAC voltage supply....................................................................................... 62 Redundant rectifier modules (Power Supply Module, PSM)........................................... 63 Redundant voltage supply feeds.................................................................................... 63
3.5.7 Redundant connection to the transport network............................................................. 63
3.5.8 Redundant synchronization (GNSS, PTP)...................................................................... 63
3.6 Scope of delivery.......................................................................................................... 64
4 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced
4 Operation....................................................................................................................... 65
4.1 Safety measures and prerequisites............................................................................ 65
4.2 Switching on the DIB-R5 advanced............................................................................ 66
4.3 Function tests and operating surveillance................................................................. 67
4.3.1 Work equipment for function tests.................................................................................. 68
4.3.2 Connecting the service computer................................................................................... 69
4.3.3 Checking operating states.............................................................................................. 70 Checking operating states (via LEDs)............................................................................ 70 Checking operating states (audible check)..................................................................... 70 Checking operating states (via the NMC-511 FaultManager)......................................... 71
4.3.4 Checking the availability................................................................................................. 72
4.3.5 Checking standby carriers optional.............................................................................. 73
4.3.6 Function tests and operating surveillance GNSS........................................................... 74 Checking the installation site of the GNSS antenna....................................................... 74 GNSS operational monitoring (via NMC-511 FaultManager)......................................... 75
5 Service interruption...................................................................................................... 77
5.1 Shutting down hardware components....................................................................... 77
5.2 Switching off the DIB-R5 advanced............................................................................ 78
6 Recommissioning......................................................................................................... 81
7 Maintenance.................................................................................................................. 83
7.1 Maintenance tasks........................................................................................................ 83
7.2 Periodical visual inspections...................................................................................... 83
8 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................... 85
Table of contents
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Table of contents
DIB-R5 advanced
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DIB-R5 advanced

1 Notes on the document

1.1 Objectives of the document

Notes on the document
Qualification of the personnel
This chapter provides information on using the document. In addition, it specifies require­ments that are absolutely necessary when working with the product.
The present document from Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH describes the procedures that are required for the activities on and with the product:
n Operation n Service interruption n Recommissioning n Maintenance
In this context, it describes the relevant safety regulations as well as the components and operation of the product that is used in the ACCESSNET-T IP mobile radio system.

1.2 Intended audience of the document

The present document reverts to all the persons, who:
n operate an ACCESSNET-T IP TETRA mobile radio system n commission and decommission the product n maintain the product
Each person commissioned with performing the tasks mentioned above with or on the system must have read and understood the present document and the associated accompanying documentation.

1.3 Qualification of the personnel

Only experts are permitted to perform the tasks described in the present document. The experts must be authorized to perform these tasks.
Experts are persons, who:
n are trained and experienced in the corresponding field. n are familiar with the applicable standards, regulations and provisions associated with
the corresponding task.
7Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Notes on the document
Figures and special notations used > Special notations

1.4 Reading and navigation aids in the document

As reading and navigation aids, overview tables have been provided at the beginning of the respective chapters in the present document. These are to provide the reader with an overview of the tasks to be performed. In addition, they indicate the order in which the tasks are to be performed. When you have completed a work step, always navigate to the next work step via the overview table to ensure that the tasks are performed in the correct order. The overview tables are useful for readers of the printed document (indication of the corresponding chapters) as well as for readers of a PDF document at the PC (via active cross-references to the corresponding chapters).

1.5 Figures and special notations used

Figures and symbols are used in the present document. They are used to illustrate the product and to emphasize particular pieces of information.
DIB-R5 advanced

Figures used

The figures used in this document show the product, if necessary in a simplified form for clarity (e.g. technical drawings). They refer to different product designs. If not described otherwise, the respective figure relates to the standard product design.

Special notations

The special forms of notation described below are intended to make it easier to under­stand the information. They emphasize specific pieces of information, help you to recog­nize this information fast and take corresponding measures.
8 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced Operating procedures
Notes on the document
Figures and special notations used > Special notations
The present document describes the tasks that have to be performed in the form of oper­ating procedures. Standard operating procedures guide you step by step through a sequence of actions until you have reached the desired goal.
Example of a sequence of actions:
Goal of the actions
n List of the prerequisite(s) for an action n ...
1. Description of the first of several work steps.
A possible result of the work step just performed.
2. Description of the second work step.
Confirmation: Results of the entire sequence of actions. Safety instructions used
Safety instructions in this document point to a hazard that may put persons or the product/system at risk.
Within a safety instruction, the following items are brought to your attention:
n Type of hazard n Source of hazard n Measures to be taken to avert the specified hazard
Shown below are four security advice symbols which indicate the severity of the danger by means of different keywords (danger, warning, caution, attention). The symbols shown may vary depending on the nature and source of the danger.
This symbol identifies security instructions
You are warned of an imminent danger for the life or health of persons.
The arrow identifies a precautionary measure designed to avert this danger.
This symbol identifies security instructions
You are warned of a potential hazard for the life or health of persons.
The arrow identifies a precautionary measure designed to avert this danger.
9Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Notes on the document
Figures and special notations used > Special notations
This symbol identifies security instructions
You are warned of a potentially hazardous situation for the life or health of persons.
The arrow identifies a precautionary measure designed to avert this danger.
This symbol identifies security instructions.
You are warned of a hazard for the product.
The arrow identifies a precautionary measure designed to avert this danger. General instructions used
DIB-R5 advanced
General instructions provide supplementary and useful information.
Important Information
This symbol identifies information that may assist in handling and using the product. This includes references to further information. Text formatting used
The following table provides an overview of the text formats used and describes the sig­nificance of these formats.
Text formatting used
Text formatting Description Example
Example Identifies components of the user
Buttons, dialogs etc. interface of software components such as network management clients (NMC).
Example Identifies required inputs. Passwords, IP
addresses etc.
10 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Identifies outputs. Panel outputs etc.
DIB-R5 advanced

1.6 Further applicable documents

Notes on the document
Further applicable documents
Apart from the present documentation, the scope of delivery of the product includes addi­tional documents. In addition to the contents of the present documentation, all the other documents associated with the product must always be taken into consideration. They are mandatory for the use of the product. If required, revert to Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH to request the other applicable documents.
These are:
n DIB-R5 advanced Technical Data,
describe the technical properties of the product.
n DIB-R5 advancedSite Requirements,
describe the requirements for the site where the product is used.
n DIB-R5 advanced Installation Manual
describes the proper setup and electric connection of the product at the site.
n DIB-R5 advanced Configuration Manual,
describes the configuration of the product.
n DIB-R5 advancedService and Maintenance manual,
describes the maintenance and care of the product and the replacement of the com­ponents installed in the product
n Requirement Manual IP/VoIP
describes the requirements for securing the IP communication within ACCESSNET-T IP mobile radio networks as well as outside, e.g. via VoIP telephone systems (Voice-over-IP, VoIP).
n ACCESSNET-T IP Service Computer Configuration Manual
describes the configuration of the service computer that is used for the installation and commissioning of network constituents of the ACCESSNET-T IP as well as for service and maintenance purposes.
n User manuals of network management clients
provides information required for proper operation of the product and support trouble­shooting.
The user manuals for the following products must be observed:
NMC-511 FaultManager NMC-515 ConfigurationManager
n Open Source Acknowledgement
contains information on the respective Open Source software the product comprises, including the information on the license(s) used and the related license agreements.
contains information about all versions that are valid for the present PV, such as com­ponent versions of software components or document versions.
n project-specific documents such as the "Base Design" document, where applicable,
describes the implemented network and the associated properties and requirements.
Further applicable documents
Please also heed the documentation of the third-party devices connected to the product to prevent negative effects or problems with product.
11Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Notes on the document
Support information

1.7 Support information

If you have any questions or proposals with regard to the products of Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH, please revert to your local service partner or directly to Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH.
For a fast and cost-effective solution of any technical problems that come up during the operation of your ACCESSNET-T IP mobile radio system, Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH offers support contracts upon request. For information on this topic, please also revert to your local service partner or directly to Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH.
Product training courses assist you in making use of the full scope of features and capa­bilities of your ACCESSNET-T IP mobile radio system. For information on the training program of Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH, please revert to our responsible service partner, to your local Hytera branch office or directly to Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH.
Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH
Fritz-Hahne-Straße 7
D-31848 Bad Münder
Telephone: +49 (0)5042 / 998-0
Fax: +49 (0)5042 / 998-105
E-mail: info@hytera.de
Internet: www.hytera-mobilfunk.com
DIB-R5 advanced
12 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced

2 Safety regulations

2.1 Intended use

Safety regulations
Safety measures
This chapter describes the safety regulations relevant for using the product DIB-R5 advanced.
The product is exclusively designed for being used as a professional TETRA base sta­tion. In this application it is used for the wireless communication between subscribers equipped with the corresponding mobile stations as well as for switching calls and trans­ferring data between subscribers within a TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) network.
Intended use also includes that:
n all the security instructions set forth in the product documents are always heeded, n all the maintenance tasks described are performed in the interval specified, n the general, national and in-house safety regulations are heeded.
Any other use is impermissible.
The product is not used as intended, for example, if:
n the requirements described in the product documents haven't been met and instruc-
tions are disregarded,
n the product is modified structurally or technically without the approval of Hytera Mobil-
funk GmbH,
n replacement parts are used that differ from the components installed by default.
The operator of the product is responsible for damage to the product or damage caused by the product if the product was used beyond the intended application range and/or was not used as intended.

2.2 Safety measures

All the regulations specified in the following must be adhered to without fail:
n If extension cables or multiple socket outlets are used, make sure that they are
inspected for proper condition periodically.
n After any security-related parts have been replaced (e.g. power switch or circuit
breakers) a security check must be performed (visual inspection, protective grounding conductor load, leakage resistance, leakage current measurement, function test).
n Observe other task-related security measures and requirements in the standard oper-
ating procedures.
13Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Safety regulations
Safety measures > Electromagnetic compatibility
Heed the security labeling!
In addition to the safety notices described within the product documentation, all safety labels attached in and on the product must be observed. They point out potential haz­ardous areas and must neither be removed nor changed.

2.2.1 Authorized personnel

The product may only transported, set up/installed, connected, commissioned, operated and maintained by experts who know and follow the respective valid safety and installa­tion regulations.
The experts must be authorized to perform the required tasks by the person responsible for the security in the enterprise of the network operator.
Experts are persons who:
DIB-R5 advanced
n are trained and experienced in the corresponding field, n are familiar with the relevant standards, regulations, provisions and security codes, n have been instructed in the mode of operation and the operating conditions of the
equipment components,
n can identify and avert dangers.
Depending on the tasks to be performed, the following user groups are distinguished:
n operators who
operate the product,
monitor, interrupt, terminate and restore operation of the product.
n Service personnel: persons who perform the following in addition to the tasks of the
set up the product,
prepare and restore the operational state,
adjust and/or parameterize the product,
maintain, care for, and repair the product.

Electromagnetic compatibility

For function-related reasons, increased electromagnetic radiation may occur with specific products, e.g. HF radio systems. Taking into consideration that unborn life is increasingly worthy of being protected, pregnant women should be protected through appropriate measures. People with personal medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers and hearing aids can also be endangered by electromagnetic radiation. The operator is obliged to assess workplaces with a considerable risk of exposure to radiation and to avert any hazards.
14 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced

2.2.3 Notes on the electrical system

2.3 Safety and responsibility

Safety regulations
Safety markings > Safety markings on transport boxes
The product may be operated only in the operational states specified by the manufacturer without impairment of the ventilation.
Make sure that all the security measures on the equipment, on the connecting cables and on the load have been taken. Electrical connections may be made/disconnected only when neither voltage nor current is applied to the equipment. Voltage may still be present on the outputs of the equipment after the device has been switched off.
Only perform those tasks described in the documents included in the scope of delivery of the product.
The following chapter lists all relevant security notices for the safe handling of the product. The listed security notices must be followed for all operations on the product.
Observing the product documentation
The product documentation is part of the product and an important component in the security concept. Its non-observance can result in serious injuries or even death.
Read the product documentation and always follow all described procedures and warning notices.
Always keep the product documentation next to the product.
Pass on the product documentation to all subsequent users.

2.4 Safety markings

The following chapters describe security markings on the product and its packaging.

Safety markings on the product

The product is equipped with security markings. They serve as an indication to possible hazards and may not be deleted or modified (if necessary, marking in accordance with DIN 4844 BGV A8 [VBG 125]).

Safety markings on transport boxes

To protect against improper handling of the product during a transport, the transport boxes and the product itself are fitted with corresponding security markings to call atten­tion to proper handling.
15Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Safety regulations
Safety markings > Safety markings on transport boxes
Transport inspection using impact indicators
To check whether a product was properly transported, the transport boxes are fitted with impact indicators. The impact indicator shows heavy impacts or vibrations that were caused by an improper transport.
The following chapters describe the used security markings and indicate that the corre­sponding instructions must be followed. Safety marking "Fragile"
The security marking "Fragile" points to the necessary protection of the product against shock. Transport boxes with this marking must absolutely be protected against shock.
DIB-R5 advanced
Figure 1: Safety marking "Fragile" Safety marking "Transport Upright"
The security marking "Transport Upright" points to the cover of the transport box. Trans­port boxes with this marking must always be transported with the cover at the top.
Figure 2: Safety marking "Transport Upright"
16 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced Safety marking "Keep dry"
Safety regulations
Safety markings > Safety markings on transport boxes
The security marking "Keep dry" points to the necessary protection of the product against wetness (e.g. rain, high humidity during the transport in closed vehicles/containers and/or formation of condensate when covered with a tarpaulin). Transport boxes with this marking must absolutely be protected against any wet influences.
Figure 3: Safety marking "Keep dry"
17Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Safety regulations
Safety markings > Safety markings on transport boxes
DIB-R5 advanced
18 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced

3 Product description

Product description
The DIB-R5 base station family is a constituent of the TETRA mobile radio system ACCESSNET-T IP and ensures the powerful and reliable mobile radio coverage of a spe­cific area. Trendsetting TETRA Release 2 and TETRA Enhanced Data Service (TEDS) support make the DIB-R5 extremely attractive for all scenarios in which a high degree of availability as well as high speed data are a must. The TEDS data transmission allows transferring up to 150 kbit/s (gross bit rate) securely and reliably via the air interface.
Figure 4: DIB-R5 family
The different variants of the DIB-R5 base station family meet the customer and network requirements in a perfect way. The following variants of the DIB-R5 are available:
n DIB-R5 advanced
The DIB-R5 advanced offers up to eight TETRA carriers with cavity combiner. DIB-R5 advanced consists of one or two equipment racks depending on the number of carriers.
n DIB-R5 compact
The DIB-R5 compact offers up to two TETRA carriers with hybrid combiner. DIB-R5 compact is suitable for space-saving installation in existing 19" equipment racks.
The hardware design of DIB-R5 features a modular layout. This allows hardware compo­nents to be replaced or added during ongoing operation.
19Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Product description
DIB-R5 advanced
In each equipment rack DIB-R5 advanced offers space for four TETRA Channel Units (CHU), which are each providing one TETRA carrier. By using a second equipment rack, up to eight carriers are supported. Thus offers DIB-R5 advanced a maximum of 32 radio channels to the radio subscribers that can be used simultaneously. To increase the avail­ability, DIB-R5 advanced can be equipped with different redundancy options to avoid "Single Points of Failure". On the hardware side, the transceivers, control unit and voltage supply can be designed redundantly. Furthermore, additional software-based redundancy options are available that further increase the reliability of features.
DIB-R5 advanced supports different system configurations of the antenna coupling system, including motor-tuned cavity combiner. This enables individual and fast remote frequency change. In addition, DIB-R5 advanced supports for optimal reception triple diversity. This optimizes the radio characteristic of the base stations and reduces the number of base stations that are required for covering a certain area.
DIB-R5 advanced can be configured depending on customer requests and network requirements and expanded e.g. through additional carriers. This allows the mobile radio network to be adapted accordingly to meet new requirements and protect the current investment.
For time synchronization, the DIB-R5 advanced compact can be operated optionally with satellite-based synchronization, e.g. GPS, Galileo and Glonass (Global Navigation Satel­lite System, GNSS).The continuous operation is also supported without satellite-based synchronization sources. This allows a reliable operation even in underground areas or within buildings without the need of using an antenna for the reception of a satellite signal.
The following figure shows the front view of the DIB-R5 advanced with four TETRA Channel Units (CHU) and DUPLEXER. The following table describes the components in greater detail.
20 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced
Product description
Figure 5: DIB-R5 advanced (front view)
21Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Product description
Legend: DIB-R5 advanced (front view)
No. Component Number Described in
DIB-R5 advanced
1 RX FILTER 1 to 3
3 Cable routing for Rx and GNSS cable
(Global Navigation Satellite System, GNSS)
4 TETRA Channel Unit (CHU) 1 to 4
5 Base Station Controller Unit (BSCU) 1 to 2
6 Cable routing for Tx cable 1 ---
7 Fan unit 1
8 Air entry for fan unit 1 ---
9 Power Supply Unit (PSU) including
Power Supply Module (PSM)
Dummy plate for VDC voltage supply
10 Cavity combiner 1
1 ---
1 to 4
on page 38
on page 40
(CHU)” on page 42
Unit (BSCU)” on page 44
(PSU) including Power Supply Module (PSM)” on page 33
on page 51
Chapter “RX FILTER”
Chapter “DUPLEXER”
Chapter 3.2.6 “TETRA Channel Unit
Chapter 3.2.7 “Base Station Controller
Chapter 3.2.9 “Fan unit” on page 50
Chapter “Power Supply Unit
Chapter 3.2.10 “Cavity combiner”
11 Levelling feet 4 ---
12 Transport rollers 4 ---
The following figure shows the top view of the DIB-R5 advanced. The following table describes the components in greater detail.
22 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced
Product description
Figure 6: DIB-R5 advanced (top view)
Legend: DIB-R5 advanced (top view)
No. Component Number Described in
1 Rear equipment rack door 1 ---
2 Lifting rings 4 ---
3 Cable fastening for voltage supply
1 ---
n AC Power Distribution Module
n DC Power Distribution Module
1 to 2
nÄ Chapter 3.2.2 “V
voltage supply” on page 31
nÄ Chapter 3.2.3 “V
voltage supply” on page 35
23Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Product description
DIB-R5 advanced
No. Component Number Described in
5 Connection panel 1
6 GNSS splitter 1
7 TX/RXC 1 ---
8 RXC optional 1 ---
9 RXB 1 ---
10 RXA 1 ---
11 Front equipment rack door 1 ---
The following figure shows the rear view of the DIB-R5 advanced with opened equipment rack door. The following table describes the components in greater detail.
Chapter “Connec-
tion panel” on page 29
Chapter “GNSS
splitter” on page 31
24 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced
Product description
Figure 7: DIB-R5 advanced with opened equipment rack door (rear view)
25Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
Product description
Characteristics of the DIB-R5
Legend: DIB-R5 advanced with opened equipment rack door (rear view)
No. Component Number Described in
DIB-R5 advanced
n AC Power Distribution Module
n DC Power Distribution Module
2 Backplane 1
3 Cable routing 2 ---
4 Fan unit 1
5 Rear side of air inlet for fan unit 1 ---
6 Cable routing 1 ---
7 Cavity combiner 1

3.1 Characteristics of the DIB-R5

1 to 2
nÄ Chapter 3.2.2 “V
voltage supply” on page 31
nÄ Chapter 3.2.3 “V
voltage supply” on page 35
Chapter 3.2.11 “Back-
plane” on page 52
Chapter 3.2.9 “Fan unit”
on page 50
Chapter 3.2.10 “Cavity
combiner” on page 51
The DIB-R5 offers a high degree of flexibility and allows demand-oriented characteristics, e.g. with respect to voltage supply, frequencies and redundancy options. Depending on the characteristic, different components can be installed.
The following table describes the characteristics of the DIB-R5.
Characteristics of the DIB-R5
Component Characteristic
Voltage supply
n VAC voltage supply
Redundant rectifier modules (Power Supply Module,
Redundant voltage supply feeds
n VDC voltage supply
Antenna coupling system
for a common transmitting/receiving antenna (Tx/Rx antenna)
for separate transmitting and receiving antennas (Tx and Rx antennas)
26 Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
DIB-R5 advanced

3.2 Components

Product description
The following table lists the components of the DIB-R5 advanced.
Components of the DIB-R5 advanced
Component Described in
Connection and
control panel
VAC voltage supply
On/off switch
Connection panel
GNSS splitter
Chapter “On/
off switch” on page 29
Chapter “Connection panel” on page 29
Chapter “GNSS splitter” on page 31
Chapter 3.2.2 “V voltage supply”
on page 31
VDC voltage supply
Divider Unit (DIU)
Transmitting filter
TETRA Channel Unit (CHU)
Base Station Controller Unit (BSCU)
Interconnection Relay Unit (IRU) ‒ only in the case of a
CHU expansion
Passive Divider Unit (PDU)
only in case of a CHU expansion
Chapter 3.2.3 “V voltage supply”
on page 35
Chapter “RX FILTER” on page 38
Chapter “Passive Divider Unit (PDU) ‒ only in case of a CHU expansion” on page 39
Chapter “DUPLEXER” on page 40
Chapter “TX FILTER” on page 41
Chapter 3.2.6 “TETRA Channel Unit (CHU)” on page 42
Chapter 3.2.7 “Base Station Controller Unit (BSCU)” on page 44
Chapter 3.2.8 “Inter­connection Relay Unit (IRU) ‒ only in the case of a CHU expansion” on page 48
Fan unit
Chapter 3.2.9 “Fan unit” on page 50
27Operation Manual 90DIBR5advancedOM02 - 1.0
+ 60 hidden pages