HYT TC-700P Owner's Manual

Thank you for purchasing Hytera TC-700P portable radio. This
easy-to-use radio will deliver you secure, instant and reliable
communication service at peak efciency.
To derive optimum performance from your radio, please read
th is manual and the supp lied Safet y Infor m atio n Bo oklet
carefully before use.
Icon Information
Caution: indicates situations that could cause
damage to your radio.
Not e: i ndic a tes t ips t hat c an help you m ake
better use of your radio.
Term Explanation
The following terms will appear through this manual:
Key Operation
Short press: to press a key and release it quickly.
Long press: to press the key and remain holding it down
for a predened period.
Hold down: to press a key and remain holding it down.
PTT ID, namely radio identity, allows a radio with display
and the control center to identify the calling party.
Thi s te c hnolog y can r emove excessi ve ba ckgr o und
noises, improving your communication quality.
Individual Call
Individual call is a call initiated by a single user to another
user, involving the calling party and the called party only.
Group Call
Group call is a call initiated by a single user to a group,
involving the calling party and all the group members.
Copyright Information
Hytera and HYT are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Hytera in the PRC and other countries and/or areas.
Hyter a ret a ins t h e ow n ership of i t s tr a d emarks and
pr oduct name s. All other trademar ks a nd/or p roduct
names that may be used in this manual are properties of
their respective owners.
The Hytera product described in this manual may include
Hytera computer programs stored in memor y or other
media. Laws in the PRC and/or other countries or areas
preserve for Hytera exclusive rights for Hytera computer
progr ams. The purchase of this product shall not b e
deemed to grant, either directly or by implic ation, any
rights to the purchaser with respect to Hytera computer
programs. Any Hytera computer programs may not be
copied, modified, distributed, decompiled, or reverse-
eng i neered i n any man n er wi t h out th e pr io r written
consent of Hytera.
H y t e ra en d e a vo r s to ac h i eve th e a c c u ra c y an d
c o m plet e n ess of th i s man u a l, but n o wa r ra n t y of
ac curacy or reliabilit y is given. A ll the specific ations
and designs are subject to change without prior notice
due to co ntinuous techn olog y development. No pa r t
of this manual may be copied, modified, translated, or
distributed in any manner without the express writ ten
permission of Hytera.
If you have any suggestions or would like to learn more
details, please visit us at: http://www.hytera.cn.
RF Energy Exposure Compliance
You r radi o is d e s igned a n d tes t ed to c omply w i th a
nu mber o f na tiona l an d in terna tiona l st andar ds and
guide lines (lis ted below) re garding hu man exposure
to radio frequency electromagnetic energy. This radio
complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for
occupat ional/contr olled RF exposure environment at
operating duty factors of up to 50% transmitting and is
authorized by the FCC for occupational use only. In terms
of measuring RF energy for compliance with the FCC
exposure guidelines, your radio radiates measurable RF
energy only while it is transmitting (during talking), not
when it is receiving (listening) or in standby mode.
Your r adio co mpli es w ith the f ollowin g of RF ener gy
exposure standards and guidelines
United States Federal Communications Commission,
Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR part 2 sub-part
American Na t i o n a l Standar d s Institute (ANSI)/
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
C95. 1-1992
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
C95. 1-1999 Edition
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) 1998
Operational Instructions and Training Guidelines
To ensure optimal performance and compliance with the
occupational/controlled environment RF energy exposure
limits in the above standards and guidelines, users should
transmit no more than 50% of the time and always adhere
to the following procedures:
Transmit and Receive
To transmit (talk), push the Push-To-Talk (PTT) key; to
receive, release the PTT key.
FCC Licensing Information
Part 15 Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and
C o n n e c t t h e e q ui p m e n t in t o an o u t l e t on a
circuit dif ferent from that to which the receiver is
Consu l t the d ealer o r an experienced r a d i o / T V
technician for help.
FCC Licensing Requirements
A license from Federal Communications Commission is
required prior to use. Your dealer will program each radio
with your authorized frequencies, signaling codes, etc.,
and will be there to meet your communications needs
as your system expands. Contact your dealer for more
Checking Items in the Package ------------------------------- 3
Radio Overview --------------------------------------------------- 4
Radio Controls ---------------------------------------------- 4
Programmable Keys --------------------------------------- 5
Before Use---------------------------------------------------------- 7
Charging the Battery --------------------------------------- 7
Assembly and Disassembly ------------------------------ 8
Status Indications ------------------------------------------------- 10
Basic Operations -------------------------------------------------- 11
Turning the Radio On/Off --------------------------------- 11
Adjusting the Volume -------------------------------------- 11
Selecting a Channel ---------------------------------------- 11
Transmitting/Receiving a Call ---------------------------- 11
Functions and Operations -------------------------------------- 12
Adjust Power Level ----------------------------------------- 12
Monitor--------------------------------------------------------- 12
Squelch Off --------------------------------------------------- 12
Cancel Call --------------------------------------------------- 12
Scan ------------------------------------------------------------ 13
Emergency --------------------------------------------------- 14
VOX ------------------------------------------------------------ 15
Talk Around --------------------------------------------------- 15
Adjust Squelch Level -------------------------------------- 16
Scrambler ----------------------------------------------------- 16
Compandor --------------------------------------------------- 16
Call Forward-------------------------------------------------- 16
Whisper-------------------------------------------------------- 16
Lone Worker ------------------------------------------------- 17
Man Down (optional) --------------------------------------- 17
Auto Contact ------------------------------------------------- 17
Call 1-Call 5 -------------------------------------------------- 18
Battery Power Indicator ----------------------------------- 18
Rental Time Indicator -------------------------------------- 18
Channel Announce Enable ------------------------------- 18
Channel Announce Temporary Enable ---------------- 19
Patrol (optional) --------------------------------------------- 19
Vibrate (optional) -------------------------------------------- 20
Time-out Timer (TOT) -------------------------------------- 20
Safety Check ------------------------------------------------- 20
Low Battery Alert -------------------------------------------- 20
Signaling Introduction -------------------------------------------- 21
Phone ---------------------------------------------------------- 21
HDC2400™ Signaling ------------------------------------- 21
5-Tone Signaling -------------------------------------------- 22
Troubleshooting --------------------------------------------------- 23
Care and Cleaning ----------------------------------------------- 25
Optional Accessories -------------------------------------------- 26
Checking Items in the Package
Please unpack carefully and check that all items listed below are received. If any item is missing or damaged, please contact
your dealer.
1.The above pictures are for reference only. Actual products may vary slightly.
2.The antenna may vary with different frequency bands. And the frequency band is marked on the label of antenna;
if not, please refer to the label on the radio for frequency band information.
Belt Clip Strap Antenna
 
Owner’s Manual & Safety Information Booklet
Radio Unit Battery MCU Charger
Switching Power
Radio Overview
(1) PTT Key
(2) SK1 (Side Key 1)
(3) SK2 (Side Key 2)
(4) Antenna
(5) Speaker
(6) Microphone
(7) TK (Top Key)
(8) Channel Selector Knob
(9) Radio On-Off/ Volume Control
(10) LED Indicator
(11) Battery Latch
(12) Belt Clip
(13) Accessory Jack
(14) Battery
(15) Charging Piece
Radio Controls
Programmable Keys
For enhanced convenience, you may request your dealer to program the keys SK1, SK2, and TK as shortcuts to the functions
listed below:
Radio Overview
No. Shortcut Keys Description
1 Adjust Power Level To adjust power level through one key press. 2 Monitor
To adjust the condition for incoming signal match.
3 Monitor Momentary 4 Squelch Off
To always unmute speaker no matter whether carrier is present or not.
5 Squelch Off Momentary 6 Cancel Call To quickly exit the established call. 7 Scan To listen to communication activities on other channels (Normal Scan) 8 Nuisance Temporary Delete To select the closest base station to communicate (Vote Scan).
9 Nuisance Channel Delete To permanently ignore unwanted channel activity. 10 Emergency To summon help in emergent situations. 11 VOX To make the radio transmit automatically when you speak. 12 Talk Around To directly communicate with other radios. 13 Adjust Squelch Level To temporarily adjust the squelch threshold required for the radio to
14 Scrambler To e n c ry p t y ou r vo ice s o as to gu a r antee p r i vacy of yo u r v o ice
communication. 15 Compandor To suppress ambient noise and improve audio quality. 16 Call Forward To forward a received call.
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