HySecurity StrongArmPark DC Programming And Operations Manual

Programming & Operations Manual
HySecurity Smart DC Controller
This document provides Important Safety Information, specications, and references along with an overview of programming user and installer menu options, designing vehicle loop layouts, troubleshooting, and maintaining the gate operator.
MX3650-01 Revision D
Top cover
Physical Stop
Physical Stop
fasteners (4x)
After GATE OPEN appears on the
display, turn the DC power switch OFF.
DC power switch
Connect the red battery wire.
(Refer to step 4 in the Installation
Make sure AC and DC power switches
are in the OFF position.
Press the DC switch ON and toggle
HOLD switch to Hold Open.
AC power
Front access
Spline collar
bolt & nut
Position Breakaway Arm
Slide the clamp onto the drive
Bracket so the clamp
opening faces up.
NOTE: You may need to loosen the collar bolt & nut to
shaft. Align gear teeth as you
slide clamp against chassis.
NOTE: Follow the video to feed wire harness through chassis,
assemble barrier arm, connect lighting and program the gate operator.
Secure clamp to drive shaft
using the fasteners provided.
position the clamp. Re-tighten when spline properly set .
• Utility knife
• Standard socket set
Bracket Installation
ii MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
Tools Required
Remove Physical Stop
Bracket (4 fasteners)
(5:50 min)
• Standard hex key set
To review the installation video, scan the QR code with your cell phone
or click on the Youtube video location: https://youtu.be/AdTWNYcC-NU
1. Install the breakaway arm bracket
2. Connect the magnetic kill switch
3. Connect the arm lighting and feed wire through the chassis to the controller
4. Program the controller, Installer Menu setting “BA” Breakaway switch.
In a short 8 minutes, the installation video shows you how to:
To install the breakaway arm bracket onto the StrongArmPark DC, you
can take the steps shown here and view the video for additional step
StrongArmPark DC Components: Arm Chassis
Cover, Top Cap
Cover, Drive Belt
Belt, Drive
Pulley, Gearbox
Lever, Physical Stop Assembly
Pulley, Motor
Motor, Gearbox
Bracket, Physical Stop
12V Battery Kit, 8Ah
Electrical, Control Box
Spring Assist Assembly (StrongArmPark DC 14)
Bumper Replacement Kit
Target Sensor Switch DO NOT MOVE the target sensor.
Lock, Latch with Key
Panel, Front Access
www.hysecurity.com © 2017 Introduction MX3650-01 Rev. D iii
StrongArmPark DC Components: Control Box and Arm Configurations
Detector, Hy5x
DC switch On/Off
Factory installed magnet (kill switch) MX3764 & MX3763
Breakaway bracket MX3680
Connections to Controller Female Quick Connects: User2 Relay (NO) & +24VDC Spade connections: COM & SENSOR 3
Exploded View MX4050 Kit
Bracket, 2.5-inch Square PVC
Breakaway fasteners
Shown separated for reference only
Spade connections
Wire ties
Switch, Hold Open/Close
Circuit breaker
AC switch On/Off
Board, Power supply
Bracket, Breakaway and Hardware
Barrier Arms and Mounting Brackets
Attachment plate
Board, Smart DC Controller
High Voltage Cover
End cap
Bracket, Wood
Barrier Arms not supplied by HySecurity
iv MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
Arm, Replacement, Aluminum
Arm, Replacement, Articulating
StrongArmPark DC Installer CheckList
The following list provides a high level overview of the tasks involved in installing the StrongArmPark DC gate operator. Take a moment to review the list and check off the items as you complete the install.
 Site Prep - concrete pad location/dimensions. Use template printed on the side of the sipping box.
Make sure gate installation complies with ASTM F2200 Standard Specication for Automated Vehicular
Gate Construction. And, install the supplied WARNING signs on both sides of the barrier arm and on
its chassis. Signs must be viewable by incoming and outgoing vehicular trafc.
 Check for compliance with local codes, site conditions, and NEC standards.
 Install gate operator - (on concrete pad use four ½ - 13 x 3.5in long concrete wedge anchors.)
 Connect AC Power.
 Connect red wire to DC Power Switch.
 Turn DC Power ON.
 Connect all accessory devices.
 Check the Smart DC Controller software version. If necessary, upload the latest version from
www.hysecurity.com. See Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool.
 Set the Close Timer (through the User Menu).
 Set barrier arm speed, if applicable (through Installer Menu). Refer to S.T.A.R.T. (Smart Touch Analyze
and Retrieve Tool) in the Reference section.
 Set the dynamic reversing sensitivity, if needed (through Installer Menu).
 Set Relay User 2 to 28 or 29 and BA to 1 (breakaway arm) in the Installer Menu.
Congure changes through the Installer Menu depending on the accessory devices that you have
 Give a copy of the Important Safety Information and pertinent operator instructions to the end user.
Show the end user how to:
• Remove the barrier arm from the breakaway bracket.
• Turn the power off and on to demonstrate learn limits after DC/AC cycles.
• Adjust physical limit stops for barrier arm open and close positioning.
• Turn the DC power switch off, which disengages the motor, and manually lift the barrier arm open.
Take photographs of the completed installation site and save it in your business les.
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StrongArmPArk DC BreAkAwAy Arm BrACket InStAllAtIon ......................................... II
StrongArmPark DC Components: Arm Chassis .............................................................................................................. iii
StrongArmPark DC Components: Control Box and Arm Congurations .......................................................................iv
Exploded View MX4050 Kit ......................................................................................................................................... iv
StrongArmPark DC Installer CheckList ............................................................................................................................. v
welCome to HySeCurIty ...........................................................................................1
Contact Information .........................................................................................................................................................1
Notices and Bulletins .......................................................................................................................................................2
Supplemental Documents ................................................................................................................................................2
Hazardous Materials and Proper Disposal .......................................................................................................................2
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................................................4
Safety - Additional Installer Responsibility ....................................................................................................................4
Safety - Owner/User Responsibility ...............................................................................................................................6
Identifying Gate Operator Category and Usage Class ....................................................................................................7
HySecurity Gate Operators: UL 325 – 2016 .....................................................................................................................8
Table 1: HySecurity Gate Operators requiring External Monitored Entrapment Protection Sensors ...........................8
Table 2: HySecurity Gate Operators maintaining Object Detection .............................................................................8
External Entrapment Protection Sensors monitored by HySecurity Gate Operators ...................................................9
Wind Load Factors & Site Prep ......................................................................................................................................10
Manual Release ..............................................................................................................................................................10
Breakaway Arm Feature ................................................................................................................................................11
Dynamic Reversing Sensor .............................................................................................................................................11
Safety Notices ................................................................................................................................................................12
Common Industrial Symbols ..........................................................................................................................................12
Power ..................................................................................................................13
Installing the Earth Ground ............................................................................................................................................13
Wiring AC Power ............................................................................................................................................................14
Wiring 115VAC Power ...............................................................................................................................................15
Wiring 208/230VAC Power .........................................................................................................................................16
Connecting DC Power ...............................................................................................................................................17
Turning the Power Switch ON .....................................................................................................................................17
DISPlAy & menu oPtIonS ........................................................................................19
Initial Setup ...................................................................................................................................................................19
Understanding the Display and Keypad ........................................................................................................................19
Menu Mode ....................................................................................................................................................................20
Menu Mode Navigation .................................................................................................................................................20
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Smart DC Controller: Menu Mode Navigation Buttons ..............................................................................................20
Run Mode .....................................................................................................................................................................21
Viewing Operator Status Displays ..................................................................................................................................21
Example of Operator Status Displays .........................................................................................................................21
User Menu ......................................................................................................................................................................22
Table 3: User Menu .....................................................................................................................................................22
Installer Menu .................................................................................................................................................................24
Table 4: Installer Menu ................................................................................................................................................25
Setting the Time and Date .............................................................................................................................................30
Resetting Open and Close Limits ..................................................................................................................................30
Learn Open Limits .......................................................................................................................................................31
Learn Close Limits .......................................................................................................................................................31
Test the Operator ...........................................................................................................................................................31
Setting the Close Timer .................................................................................................................................................32
SDC InPutS & wIrIng ............................................................................................33
Overview of the Smart DC Controller ............................................................................................................................34
Integrating with Security Systems ..................................................................................................................................35
Smart DC Controller Inputs ............................................................................................................................................36
SDC Terminal Inputs .......................................................................................................................................................36
Table 5: SDC Inputs ....................................................................................................................................................36
SDC Inputs ..................................................................................................................................................................37
Connecting Accessory Devices ......................................................................................................................................38
User Relays - Programming Procedure ...........................................................................................................................39
Table 6: Programmable User Relays............................................................................................................................39
Revenue Control Parking Applications ...........................................................................................................................41
Table 7: Programmable User Relays, Revenue Control ...............................................................................................41
Extended Relay Module Option ...................................................................................................................................42
VeHICle DeteCtor InStAllAtIon AnD looP lAyoutS .....................................................43
Anti-TailGate Mode (Closing Logic) ............................................................................................................................43
TailGate Alert .............................................................................................................................................................43
Vehicle Detectors and the Smart DC Controller ............................................................................................................44
Hy5B Installation ........................................................................................................................................................44
Test the Vehicle Loop ..................................................................................................................................................45
Check the Version of Software ....................................................................................................................................45
Install Hy5B Vehicle Detectors ....................................................................................................................................46
Installing Standard 11-Pin Box Type Vehicle Detectors ..................................................................................................48
StrongArmPark DC Center Loop Layout ........................................................................................................................49
StrongArmPark DC Center Loop Conguration .............................................................................................................50
Sequenced Gates #1: Loop Layout ................................................................................................................................51
StrongArmPark DC Loop Layout .................................................................................................................................51
Sequenced Gates #2: Loop Layout ................................................................................................................................52
StrongArmPark DC Loop Layout .................................................................................................................................52
viii MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
PHoto eye InStAllAtIon ..........................................................................................53
Photo Eyes (Non-Contact) Installation ...........................................................................................................................54
Compatibility ..............................................................................................................................................................54
Installation ...................................................................................................................................................................54
Conguration ..............................................................................................................................................................55
Photo Eye Connections: Smart Touch & Smart DC Controllers ..................................................................................55
Photo Eye Function .....................................................................................................................................................55
Retro-Reective Photo Eye Systems ..............................................................................................................................56
Photo Eye Alignment Feature .......................................................................................................................................57
Smart DC Controller: Menu Mode Navigation Buttons ..............................................................................................57
trouBleSHootIng ...................................................................................................59
System Diagnostic Messages .........................................................................................................................................59
Table 8: Troubleshooting Codes .................................................................................................................................60
Adjusting the Dynamic Reversing Sensor ......................................................................................................................66
Conditions Affecting the Dynamic Reversing Sensor .....................................................................................................67
Access the Event Log through the User Menu ..............................................................................................................67
StrongArmPark DC Wiring Schematics ..........................................................................................................................68
StrongArmPark DC 10 and StrongArmPark DC 14 Schematics ..................................................................................68
StrongArmPark DC Wiring Schematics - Solar ...............................................................................................................69
StrongArmPark DCS 10 Solar and StrongArmPark DCS 14 Solar Schematics ............................................................69
generAl mAIntenAnCe ...........................................................................................71
Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool (S.T.A.R.T.) ......................................................................................................71
What You Need ..........................................................................................................................................................71
Installing S.T.A.R.T. Software .......................................................................................................................................71
Software Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................72
Electrical Controls ..........................................................................................................................................................72
Clock Battery Replacement .........................................................................................................................................72
Fuse Replacement ......................................................................................................................................................72
Mechanical Maintenance ...............................................................................................................................................73
HyProtect Breakaway Arm Mount ...........................................................................................................................73
Breakaway Fasteners ...................................................................................................................................................73
Drive Belt Tension and Alignment ..................................................................................................................................74
DC Battery Replacement ................................................................................................................................................75
referenCe .............................................................................................................77
Handing Change ............................................................................................................................................................77
Spring & Physical Stop Lever Assembly .........................................................................................................................78
Set Handing ................................................................................................................................................................78
Installation Instructions
MX4010 ..........................................................................................................................................................................79
StrongArmPark DC Articulating Arm ..........................................................................................................................79
Assemble the Pivot Block and Connect Light Strings .................................................................................................80
Feeding the cable (LED lighting) through the Pivot Block ..........................................................................................80
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StrongArmPArk DC: ArtICulAtIng Arm ASSemBly ....................................................81
Remove Plugs in Chassis .............................................................................................................................................81
Assemble Arm onto chassis ........................................................................................................................................81
Feed Cable through Chassis .......................................................................................................................................81
Fasten Articulating Arm Bracket to Rod End and attach assembly to Chassis ...........................................................81
StrongArmPark DC: Lighting Connection ...................................................................................................................82
Smart DC Controller: Menu Mode Navigation Buttons ..............................................................................................82
Connect Arm Light Cables ..........................................................................................................................................82
Turn OFF AC and DC power .......................................................................................................................................82
Arm Lights and Breakaway Switch Connections on Smart DC Controller .................................................................83
Retrot Requires Hole Drilled in Chassis ....................................................................................................................83
StrongArmPark DC Breakaway Arm Bracket Installation ................................................................................................84
WARRANTY ....................................................................................................................................................................85
Specications .................................................................................................................................................................86
x MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
Welcome to HySecurity
Thank you for purchasing our premium StrongArmPark DC™ Gate Operator. At HySecurity Gate, Inc., we pride ourselves on quality.
All operator designs are tested for hundreds of thousands of cycles before being released to the market. Trafc barrier, slide, swing, fortied crash barrier gate and vertical lift operators have all received rigorous testing and certication. Security, low maintenance, exible conguration, and overall toughness are the foremost criteria
for all HySecurity products.
Our commitment to quality and innovation will become evident as the features and performance of the
expertly engineered and manufactured StrongArmPark DC become familiar to you. Thank you again for the condence you’ve shown in becoming part of the HySecurity family and in choosing a premium industry-
leading product.
ContaCt InformatIon
Qualied HySecurity distributors are experienced and trained to assist in resolving any problems. For the name of a qualied distributor near you, call HySecurity at 800-321-9947.
Before contacting your distributor or HySecurity Technical Support, obtain the serial number of your operator.
For information about HySecurity training for installers, maintenance personnel, and end users, refer to the
company website at www.hysecurity.com.
www.hysecurity.com © 2017 Safety MX3650-01 Rev. D 1
HySecurity Gate, Inc. Headquarters in Kent, WA
notICes and BulletIns
Installers should visit HySecurity’s online Technical Support page at www.hysecurity.com or contact HySecurity prior to installing product to make sure they have received the most up-to-date information.
supplemental doCuments
The product literature is comprehensive and contains information needed to plan, install, operate and maintain your gate operator. Additional general information concerning HySecurity gate operators can be obtained from the following:
HySecurity web site www.hysecurity.com - Contains links to the product catalog, product order form, operator manuals, operator software downloads, technical support bulletins and other useful information.
S.T.A.R.T. - Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool - User’s Guide (D0049) detailing the extensive software, diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities of the Smart DC Controller board.
Technical Bulletins (as applicable).
NOTE: Technical Bulletins are automatically issued to registered users of HySecurity products. The product warranty registration
card can be lled out online at www.hysecurity.com.
Hazardous materIals and proper dIsposal
Be aware of the international, federal, and local codes in your area and how best to handle hazardous waste materials.
The pump pack uid, found in all hydraulic HySecurity operators, can be recycled. Gear oil, found in HySecurity electromechanical gate operators, can also be recycled. If the uids are mixed or contaminated with any solvents or other chemicals, they become hazardous waste. Hazardous waste requirements for storage and
disposal must be followed.
If the gate operator has a battery backup system, the batteries contain materials that are considered hazardous to the environment. Proper disposal of the battery is required by federal law. In the U.S.A., refer to federal EPA guidelines for proper hazardous waste disposal.
2 MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
Important safetY InformatIon
Read all the product safety information prior to installation. Automatic gate operators move the gate with high force and can cause serious injury and death! Make sure the automatic gate operator is installed to reduce the risks of entrapment. Verify the gate operator is installed to comply with all safety standards and local and federal regulations.
Understand that you as the site designer, installer, maintenance crew, or owner/user must consider the
risks associated with gate operators. Be sure to take responsibility, read, and follow the Important Safety Information in this manual and review all the literature that accompanies the product.
Hazards, associated with automatic gates, can be reduced with proper site design, installation, and use. Installers, maintenance crews, and owners/users must read and follow the safety requirements found in the
HySecurity product manuals.
It is important that only qualied installers handle the installation of the HySecurity equipment and gate operator. A “qualied” installer has one of the following:
A minimum of three years experience installing similar equipment
• Proof of attending a HySecurity Technical Training seminar within the past three years
Signicant manufacturer endorsements of technical aptitude in gate operator installation and operation
Underwriter Laboratories (UL) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) are responsible for current safety standards and regulations regarding automatic vehicular gate operators. To pass certication, all
aspects of gate operator and gate installation must comply with the appropriate safety standards.
For the most up-to-date ASTM F2200 Gate and Fence Standards, refer to www.astm.org. For UL 325 Safety Standards, refer to www.ul.com.
A moving gate or barrier arm, bollard, or wedge can cause serious injury or death. In the following safety information, the term “gate” refers to the hardware that the automatic gate operator is moving: gate, barrier arm, bollard, or wedge.
www.hysecurity.com © 2017 Safety MX3650-01 Rev. D 3
Important safetY InformatIon
To reduce the risk of injury or death:
1. READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS. Read the gate operator’s product manual and review all the product
labels and literature prior to installing, operating, or maintaining the automatic gate operator.
2. Never let children operate or play with gate controls. Keep all remote controls, especially radio transmitters, away from children. Do not allow children to play on or around the gate or gate operators.
3. Always keep people and objects away from the gate. NO ONE SHOULD CROSS THE PATH OF THE MOVING GATE. Start the gate operator only when a gate’s travel path is clear.
4. Test the gate operator monthly. The gate MUST reverse on contact with a rigid object or stop when an object activates the non-contact sensors. After adjusting the force or the limit of travel, retest the gate operator. Perform routine tests of the entrapment protection sensors, such as photo eyes and gate edges. Failure to adjust and
retest the gate operator properly can increase the risk of injury or death.
5. Use the emergency release only when the gate is not moving.
6. KEEP GATES PROPERLY MAINTAINED. Read the product manuals. Have a qualied service person make repairs to gate hardware and replace batteries in accessory or entrapment sensory devices on a regular basis.
7. The automated gate entry is for vehicle use only. Pedestrians must use a separate entrance. Make sure a separate walk-through entrance is nearby. Make certain a clear pedestrian path is designated and signs direct pedestrians to the walk-through gate.
8. Install the supplied WARNING signs on the inside and outside of the gate or barrier gate/operator so they are clearly visible from both the secure and public sides. Installing the signs is a requirement for UL 325 compliance.
9. Use monitored sensors for protection against entrapment as specied in the current UL 325 Standard of Safety.
Safety - Additional Installer Responsibility
Verify the gate operator usage class for the site. For all gate operators other than Crash-rated, refer to Identifying Gate Operator Category and Usage Class in the product manual. Install the operator only when the gate operator class is correct for the site, size, and type of gate.
The gate operator must be properly grounded and the incoming power voltage must match the voltage label on
the junction box.
Install an automatic operator only on gates that comply with ASTM F2200 Gate and Fence Standards. Screen or enclose openings in the gate per UL 325 Safety Standards which include:
All horizontal slide gates must guard or screen openings from the gate’s base support to a minimum height of
6 feet (183 cm) above the ground. This must prevent a sphere of 2¼-inches (57mm) in diameter from passing through an opening in the gate or the adjacent fence that is covered in the gate’s open position.
Physical stops must exist in the gate construction to prevent over-travel in both directions and, for slide gates,
guard posts must be installed to prevent the gate from falling in the event of a roller failure.
Before attaching the operator to the gate, move the gate or barrier gate in both directions. Make sure it is level and moves freely. A gate or barrier gate that moves easily reduces strain on operator components. Gravity should play no part in the opening or closing of a slide gate.
Never over-tighten a clutch or pressure relief valve to compensate for a stiff or damaged gate.
Make sure all exposed pinch points, rollers and wheels are guarded.
Reduce the risk of entrapment throughout the entire travel path by making sure the gate is installed in a location which ensures the required clearance between the gate and adjacent structures when opening or closing. On
slide gates, minimize the parallel gap between the gate and the fence.
4 MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
Install the gate operator on the secure (non-public) side of the gate. Note that swing gates cannot open into public areas.
Install external entrapment protection sensors so pedestrians are protected from entrapment in both directions
of gate travel and all hazard areas are fully protected. On hydraulic gates, set the pressure relief valve at the
lowest allowable setting that will reliably operate the gate. The pressure relief valve controls the applied force of
the operator and the sensitivity of the inherent entrapment sensor (IES). Note that no IES exists in the StrongArm
operator or Crash products.
Never disable the Warn Before Operate buzzer. This buzzer provides an alert that the gate is about to move.
Mount access control devices beyond reach of the gate. The control devices that operate the gate must:
Be located in a clear line of sight to the gate. Locate controls (Open, Close, Stop/Reset) where a user will
have a clear view of the gate.
Be mounted beyond 6 feet (183 cm) of the gate, to prevent users from touching or accessing the gate while
operating the controls. People attempting to access the controls by reaching through or around the gate can be seriously injured or killed by the moving gate.
Incorporate a security feature to prevent unauthorized use.
Connect radio and other remote access (non-resetting controls) to the RADIO OPTIONS terminal.
Open and close the gate to conrm that it was properly installed and to ensure reduced risk of entrapment.
Verify the clearance between the gate and adjacent structures per UL 325 Safety Standards. Have a qualied
technician test the gate monthly.
When you complete the installation, demonstrate the safety features and operation of the gate operator to the end user:
Clearly explain and demonstrate the consequences of removing or defeating any of the safety features.
Remove the operator cover(s), and then turn the power on and off.
Manually release the gate. (Manually release only when the gate is NOT moving.)
Use the Emergency Stop Button. (If an emergency stop button is not available, show the user where the Stop
button is located on the gate operator.)
NOTE: Gate operator instructions must be given to the owner per UL 325 Safety Standards.
Take photographs of the completed installation site and save it in your business les.
www.hysecurity.com © 2017 Safety MX3650-01 Rev. D 5
Important safetY InformatIon
Safety - Owner/User Responsibility
As the owner/user, you are responsible for the correct and safe installation, operation and maintenance of the StrongArmPark DC gate operator. It is of the utmost importance that you read and follow the specic
instructions and precautions found in the Important Safety Information addressed in this manual. In addition, you must adhere to the safety standards of applicable federal, state, and local safety regulations, industry
standards, and/or procedures.
NOTICE: For installations outside the United States, make sure that you follow the applicable international, regional, and local safety standards.
• Automatic gates are for vehicular use only; provide and maintain walkways and signs to direct
pedestrians to a separate walk-through entrance.
• An automatic gate can start at any time without warning; always keep people away from the gate area.
• Never let children operate or play with gate controls. Keep all remote controls, especially radio transmitters, away from children. Do not allow children to play on or around the barrier arm, gate area, or gate operators.
Learn how to turn the power on and off. Learn how to manually operate the barrier arm.
WARNING signs supplied with the gate operator must remain installed and clearly visible on both sides of the gate. The signs are required to maintain UL 325 compliance.
Do not physically disable the warning buzzer and NEVER
disconnect or cut its wires. The buzzer provides compliance with the Manual on Uniform Trafc Control Devices (MUTCD) standards. Disabling the warning buzzer may increase the risk of
death or serious injury.
• Be aware of the length of the barrier arm. Safeguard against any possible contact between the barrier arm and overhead power or utility cables and wires.
Be aware of the barrier arm length. To reduce the risk of electrocution, maintain a minimum 10 foot (3 m) clearance between the barrier arm and all electrical utility lines and equipment.
• Do not remove entrapment devices or any other safety features.
• Have a professional gate installer routinely inspect the gate hardware and test the entrapment
protection sensors and overall gate operation. Have a qualied service person make repairs to gate
hardware and equipment to keep the gate running smoothly.
6 MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
IdentIfYIng gate operator CategorY and usage Class
Gate operators are given a usage class according to UL 325 Standard of Safety. The usage class is determined
by the area that the vehicular gate operator services.
Four different vehicular usage classes are dened by UL 325:
Class I
Class I: Intended for use in garages or parking areas associated with a residence of one to four single families.
Class II
Class II: Intended for use in a commercial location or building such as a multi­family housing unit (ve or more single family units) hotels, garages, retail stores
or other buildings accessible by or servicing the general public.
Class III
Class IV
Class III: Intended for use in an industrial location or building such as a factory or loading dock area or other locations NOT accessible by or intended to service the general public.
Class IV: Intended for use in a guarded industrial location or building such as
an airport security area or other restricted access locations, NOT servicing the
general public, in which unauthorized access is prevented via supervision by
security personnel.
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HYseCurItY gate operators: ul 325 – 2016
The following bullet points highlight how your automated gate system sites can monitor external entrapment
protection using HySecurity gate operators:
Normally Closed (NC) sensors – Before gate movement occurs, the gate operator veries that the
external entrapment protection sensor is connected and fully functional.
Build Year (BY) – An added menu item distinguishes between pre-2016 manufacturing dates and UL 325 - 2016 manufacturing dates. Build Year (BY) is a factory-setting. Build Year 2 (BY 2) is the default for all HySecurity gate operators indicating a manufacturing date of 2016 in the serial number. Replacement controller boards for existing sites allow for a Build Year setting of 1 (BY 1) (pre-2016).
Independent Sensor Inputs – The edge, photo eye and photo eye COM inputs on the Smart Touch and Smart DC Controllers (STC and SDC) have been re-labeled. The same wiring connections become three independent methods for easy entrapment protection sensor conguration and normally closed outputs.
Table 1: HySecurity Gate Operators requiring External Monitored Entrapment Protection Sensors
UL 325 Entrapment Protection Sensor Monitoring Required
HySecurity Gate Operators
(includes Modular, Correctional, and
UPS models)
Build Year
UL 325 - 2016
(set at the factory)
Normally Closed (NC) sensors tested & approved.
Three SENSOR Inputs on Controller.
Installer Menu congurable.
Build Year (BY) factory-set to UL 325 - 2016.
SlideDriver 15, 40, 30F, 50VF 2/3, 80, 200 2
SlideDriver 50VF series 2
SlideSmart DC 15 & DCS 15 2
SlideSmart DC 10F & DCS 10F 2
SwingRiser 14, 14-Twin, 19,
19-Twin, 30, 30-Twin
SwingSmart DC 20 & DCS 20 2
HydraSwing 40, 40F, 40-Twin, 40F-Twin,
80F, 150
HydraLift 10, 10F, 20, 20F 2
Table 2: HySecurity Gate Operators maintaining Object Detection
Table 2 indicates those HySecurity gate operators that may be within the exception parameters of UL 325 or comply with standards other than UL 325, but continue to maintain object detection capabilities. HySecurity strongly recommends that you assess every site for entrapment zones and provide the necessary protection to
guard against entrapment.
HySecurity Gate Operator's with
Obstruction Protection (Object Detection)
StrongArm (HTG) 14, 20, 28, 36 2
StrongArmCRASH (M30/M50) 2
StrongArmPark DC 10 & DCS 10 StrongArmPark DC 14 & DCS 14
WedgeSmart DC 10 & 10 DCS 2
WedgeSmart DC 14 & 14 DCS 2
HydraWedge SM50 2
Build Year
UL 325 - 2016
Sensor Inputs automatically set to "NOT USED"
Installer has option to change settings as site design dictates.
8 MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
External Entrapment Protection Sensors monitored by HySecurity Gate Operators
Any external entrapment protection sensor may be monitored by HySecurity gate operators, provided the
following requirements are met:
Sensor is marked as certied to UL 325 Standard of Safety by a Nationally Recognized Test laboratory,
such as UL or ETL.
If the sensor only has a normally open (NO) output with a 8.2KΩ or 10KΩ resistor, such as an edge sensor, then a conversion device must be used to convert the NO resistor output to an NC output.
Example of two different installation methods:
Method A - Wired
Connect the edge sensor to a NC conversion module (GEM-104 or GEM-204) and connect the module to the operator controls according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Method B - Wireless
Connect the edge sensor to a UL 325 certied wireless edge transmitter and connect a matching receiver to the operator controls according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
A resource list is available from the drop down Gate Safety menu on the HySecurity website. The HySecurity
recommended list shows examples of external entrapment protection sensors available for NC monitoring of automatic gate operators. All HySecurity gate operators manufactured after January 1, 2016 using software versions h4.50 or h5.50 (or later) comply with UL 325 Standard of Safety for monitoring entrapment protection
sensors using normally closed contacts.
The site designer or installer must determine which external entrapment protection sensors will be installed with the gate operator to create a UL 325 compliant automatic gate operator site.
The UL 325 Standard of Safety and ASTM F2200 dene the MINIMUM gate site requirements. Gate site,
gate hardware, gate usage and other conditions may dictate the use of additional entrapment protection sensors. It is up to the gate system designer and installer to assess appropriate gate safety design and install
the components required to protect all potential entrapment zones. Always check your local area codes and
comply with all standards and regulations.
Temperatures and environmental conditions affect proper operation of external entrapment protection sensors.
Always check the manufacturer’s specications shipped with the sensors. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions
for correct wiring connections, hardware installation and proper operation.
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WInd load faCtors & sIte prep
Wind load is always a factor when considering the appropriate gate for a particular site. Solid gate panels
produce a larger wind load than gates with slats or open decorative features. If you are installing a gate operator in high wind areas, the gate design may affect the load on the gate operator. Because wind force acts the same as an obstruction, it is important that gates be designed to present a relatively low surface area for the wind to push on the gate panel.
In the case of the StrongArmPark DC, it is always advisable to remove the barrier arm altogether when high winds are anticipated. Another option is to install a catch post to keep the barrier arm from bending in the wind.
NOTICE: Under certain wind load conditions, damage to the barrier arm or gate operator may occur and is not covered by the HySecurity Warranty.
StrongArmPark DC incorporates a dynamic reversing sensor into its design. More information about adjusting
the sensitivity can be found in this manual under, Adjusting the Dynamic Reversing Sensor on page 66.
When the barrier arm encounters an impediment, it sends a signal to the gate operator to stop and reverse direction. This feature may be falsely triggered in excessively windy conditions.
manual release
NOTICE: Before attempting a manual release, make sure the barrier arm is not in motion.
Make sure and instruct all users how to move the gate manually. Use the Hold Open toggle switch to raise the barrier arm or, in the case of complete AC & DC power
loss, turn off both AC and DC power switches and lift the barrier arm to open it.
DC switch On/Off
Switch, Hold Open/Close
10 MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
AC switch On/Off
BreakaWaY arm feature
Every StrongArmPark DC operator comes equipped with a breakaway arm bracket, which lessens damage to the operator and reduces the cost of arm replacement due to vehicle hits.
For more information about installing the breakaway arm bracket, review the
StrongArmPark DC Installation Instructions.
Nylon bolts with steel nuts
dYnamIC reversIng sensor
The StrongArmPark DC provides an integral feature to help prevent entrapment. While closing, if the dynamic reversing sensor is tripped twice within a specic period of time, it enters safe mode. The operator stops barrier arm travel. For more information, see Adjusting the Dynamic Reversing Sensor on page 66.
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safetY notICes
The following four levels of safety notices are used where applicable within this manual; each notice contains
information specic to the situation.
Indicates death or serious injury will occur if the hazardous situation is not avoided.
Indicates death or serious injury could occur if the hazardous situation is not avoided.
Indicates mild or moderate injury could occur if the hazardous situation is not avoided.
NOTICE: Indicates damage to equipment is probable if the hazardous situation in not avoided.
Common IndustrIal sYmBols
The following international safety symbols may appear on the product or in its literature. The symbols are used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow these symbols to avoid possible injury or death.
Electrical Phase
- Danger -
Keep Away
Pinch Point
- Take Note -
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How to wire the operator is presented in the Installation Instructions, but detailed information about the earth and equipment ground, wiring to AC power, DC power considerations and changing the batteries are described in this section.
InstallIng tHe eartH ground
An earth ground refers to the grounding rod and accompanying equipment ground which need to be installed to safeguard against potential electrical shock and damage to personnel and equipment.
The potential for lightning discharge exists with all gates, fences and gate operators. National Electric Code (NEC) - Article 250 requires a separate earth ground in addition to the required equipment ground.
HySecurity recommends grounding the operator with a separate earth ground rod (or a similar device in the case of crash products) to shield the operator against electromagnetism and other electrical signals that may cause, erratic operation with, or damage to, the Smart DC Controller and other electrical parts.
For earth grounding requirements in the U.S.A., refer to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 780
- Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems. Highlights of the standard include:
• The ground rod must be UL listed copper­clad steel, solid copper, hot-dipped galvanized steel, or stainless steel. Minimum requirements: ½ inch (13 mm) diameter and 8 feet (244 cm) in length.
• The ground rod is driven into the earth (refer to local codes for proper depth requirements).
• The ground rod is electrically bonded to the chassis with a single length of un-spliced 6AWG copper wire less than 3 feet (91cm) long. Due to the large concrete foundation on crash products, make the necessary adjustments to accommodate for earth ground requirements.
• Local jurisdictions may impose other requirements above the NEC, Article 250 and NFPA 780. Consult the local codes and regulations regarding requirements in your area.
Earth ground
Consult local codes for required depth
NOTICE: Properly grounding the gate operator is critical to gate operator performance and the life of its
electrical components. Use sufcient wire size during installation. If you do not ground the operator with a
separate earth ground, you risk voiding the HySecurity Warranty.
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WIrIng aC poWer
The StrongArmPark DC has separate Installation Instructions that explain how to connect to AC power. For reference purposes, the same information is provided below.
Size the primary wires. Consider the voltage and length of the wire run from the main power panel. Make sure you have set the voltage selector switch to the proper voltage.
Turn OFF AC power at the source (circuit breaker panel) before accessing the wires in the StrongArmPark DC. Follow facility Lock Out/Tag Out procedures. Make sure all power switches are in the OFF position. Follow all electrical code standards and regulations.
Wiring of gate operators must conform to NFPA and NEC standards and comply with all local codes. When the installation is compliant and complete, turn on AC power at the source and power module.
Place power switches
in OFF position.
DO NOT connect the 115VAC service outlet to
208 or 230VAC power supply wires! To use
the 115VAC service outlet on a 208 or 230VAC installation, the electrician needs
to run an extra neutral wire to the operator from the power source and wire the service
outlet per code.
Service outlet
115 VAC, 15A
115 1Ø
High voltage cover
Voltage selector
switch is factory
set to 115V.
14 MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
When connecting to 208/230VAC
power, the voltage selector switch on the AC power board must be moved to the 230V
position or damage to the
operator will occur and void the Warranty. The label on the high voltage cover must be changed to state 230V.
Wiring 115VAC Power
For standard 115VAC power connection:
Verify AC power supply wires and low voltage (12V & 24V accessory power wires) run through two separate conduits. The higher voltage from the AC power supply may cause interference and anomalies in StrongArmPark DC operation if the high and low voltage wires are routed through the same conduit.
Maximum gate operator current draw is 3 Amps on a dedicated 115VAC circuit (20A dedicated circuit is recommended).
Make sure proper wiring is being used. The following table shows the maximum allowable wire run from the power source to the operator for various wire sizes.
LED indicator changes color: GREEN indicates AC power and RUN mode. YELLOW designates MENU mode. RED indicates Alert, Fault, or Error.
StrongArmPark DC 115VAC: Wire Gauge versus Run
AC Power 14 Gauge Wire 12 Gauge Wire 10 Gauge Wire
One operator 115V 730 ft (223 m) 1200 ft (366 m) 1900 ft (579 m)
Two operators 115V 460 ft (140 m) 750 ft (228 m) 1160 ft (354 m)
NOTE: Table 2 assumes a dedicated circuit with an accessory power load up to 2A.
Additional loads require that the wire size be increased or the distance of the run be decreased.
RED ashing LED indicates software and power is operational. Pulsating LED slows when only DC power supplied.
To connect to 115VAC power, take the following steps:
1. Make sure the AC power is turned off at its source and the DC and AC power switches on the operator are in the off position.
2. Access the input power wires and service outlet wires by removing the two Phillips-head screws that secure the high voltage junction box cover.
3. The service outlet wires are solid copper and are labeled and bound together to keep them separate from the AC power switch wires.
4. Wire nut or crimp bond the power supply wires to the black and white lead wires coming from the AC power switch (no label).
5. Wire nut or crimp bond the equipment ground wire to the green ground wire in the junction box.
6. To activate the 115VAC service outlet, include the black and white outlet lead wires and the green ground wire in the connections made above.
7. Neatly organize all wire connections and replace the high voltage junction box cover. Secure it with the two Phillips-head screws.
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Wiring 208/230VAC Power
All StrongArmPark DC operators are shipped from the factory as 115VAC units. When connecting to 208/230VAC
power, the voltage selector switch on the AC power board must be moved to the 230V position or damage to the operator will occur and void the Warranty
For the 208/230VAC power connection:
• Verify AC power supply wires and low voltage (12V & 24V accessory power wires) run through two separate conduits as discussed in Wiring 115VAC Power.
• Maximum gate operator current draw is 1.5 Amps on a dedicated 208/230VAC circuit (20A dedicated circuit is recommended).
• Make sure proper wiring is being used. See the chart below.
StrongArmPark DC 208/230VAC: Wire Gauge versus Run
AC Power 14 Gauge Wire 12 Gauge Wire 10 Gauge Wire
One operator 208/230V 2095 ft (639 m) 3350 ft (1021 m) 5300 ft (1615 m)
Two operators 208/230V 1465 ft (446 m) 2350 ft (716 m) 3750 ft (1143 m)
To connect to 208/230VAC power, take the following steps:
1. Make sure the AC power is turned off at its source and the DC and AC power switches on the operator are in the off position.
2. Remove the High Voltage Protection cover by unscrewing the two Phillips-head screws that secure it.
3. Toggle the voltage selector switch from 115V to 230V.
4. Access the input power wires by removing the two Phillips-head screws that secure the High Voltage Junction Box Cover.
5. Wire nut or crimp bond the power supply wires to the black and white lead wires coming from the AC power switch.
6. Wire nut or crimp bond the equipment ground wire to the green ground wire in the junction box.
To use the service outlet with 208/230VAC, a separate neutral wire (white) must be run from the power source. Make sure the incoming power wires are sized appropriately to support the load expected on the service outlet. Follow guidelines per the National Electrical Code Article 250.
7. Neatly organize all wire connections and secure the Junction Box Cover with the two Phillips-head screws.
8. Place the 208V or 230V 1Ø label on the Junction Box Cover over the 115V 1Ø label.
16 MX3650-01 Rev. D StrongArmPark DC Programming & Operations © 2017 www.hysecurity.com
Connecting DC Power
Red spade connector
To connect the DC power:
1. Turn off the DC and AC power switches.
2. Slide the plastic cover off the control box.
3. Attach the red spade connector to the battery terminal on the DC power switch.
Status light
Turning the Power Switch ON
When both DC and AC power switches are turned ON:
• The barrier arm travels open and initiates a target search. StrongArmPark DC senses the arm position and establishes its open and close limits. No physical limit switches exist. Limits are automatically learned and remain intact even if AC power is lost and the batteries are fully drained. The only exception occurs when factory defaults are reinstated, or the Smart DC Controller is replaced. For more information about Learn Limits and Menu modes, refer to Display & Menu Options on page 19.
• A green status LED appears on the Smart DC Controller and remains static. The status light appears above the display and indicates that the processor is receiving power.
NOTE: The Smart DC Controller can be powered when either switch is turned on. However, the operator is a DC-powered unit and runs on its batteries. If the DC power switch is off, the operator will not function (even though the AC power switch is on). When the operator is connected to AC power and the both AC and DC power switches are turned on, the charge level of the battery is being monitored and maintained. On a solar-powered operator, the AC power switch connects and disconnects the DC power from the
solar panels.
The ashing red indicator light next to the OPEN button on the Smart DC Controller is considered the heart
beat of the system. It indicates that the electronics board is receiving power. When AC power is lost, the rate of
ashing slows down. Another indicator light, above the display, is multi-colored and corresponds to the action
that the operator is performing:
• Green - the operator is stopped.
Green LED
• Flashing yellow - the operator is running.
• Red - the operator has experienced an error.
• Not lit - AC power is lost. Pressing the SHOW LEDs button indicates which inputs, if any, are active. Refer to Figure 4-2 for the SHOW LEDs location on the board.
indicating processor is
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Display & Menu Options
Highly sophisticated software provides three different modes of operation: run, program, and fault. How to navigate using the Smart DC Controller (SDC) keypad, interpret status display codes and program the operator is found in this section.
InItIal setup
Once you have completed the installation, attached accessories and turned power ON, you’re ready to program the operator. Two different approaches exist:
• Connect a laptop computer to the serial (RS-232 or USB) port, check for the most current software version and then set the operator menu congurations via the START software. See Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool (S.T.A.R.T.) on page
NOTE: Use a laptop computer at your place of business to conveniently download the free START software and
most current software version from www.hysecurity.com before heading out into the eld. This makes
it easy to adjust settings using a laptop.
• Manually navigate through the User and Installer Menus using the SDC keypad. The instructions for performing this second option are provided in this section.
understandIng tHe dIsplaY and keYpad
The SDC display and keypad provide access to the operator’s sophisticated software and functionality.
Three different operational modes exist:
• Run Mode - gate is operational, awaiting commands.
• Menu Mode - motor disengages and operator commands are ignored. Data entry, menu navigation, and menu selection can be accomplished via the keypad or
through a S.T.A.R.T. software connection using the RS-232
or USB port.
• Fault Mode - alerts, faults, or errors appear on the display. Some errors or faults can be reset with the Reset button while more serious faults require additional troubleshooting. Faults indicate a need for diagnosis and resolution. Refer to Troubleshooting.
Display in Run Mode: Stop, Open, or Close
The keypad lets you navigate, change, or clear the information in the display menus. The singular use of these keys is dependent on the operator mode.
The buttons with text above and below have two functions. Use these buttons to enter operating commands or navigate through the User and Installer Menus.
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