command THC
X-Y Table
Torch Height Control
(THC) System
Product Configuration
802600 - Revision 4

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command THC
X-Y Table
Torch Height Control
(THC) System
Product Configuration Manual
(P/N 802600)
Revision 4 - September, 2001
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X-Y Command THC Product Configuration Manual
In this section:
Specifications ....................................................................................................................................1-4
THC control module....................................................................................................................1-4
Plasma interface assembly ........................................................................................................1-5
X-Y THC lifter assembly..............................................................................................................1-6
Operator pendant........................................................................................................................1-7
THC breakaway option ..............................................................................................................1-8
System units mounting......................................................................................................................1-9
THC control module....................................................................................................................1-9
Plasma interface assembly ......................................................................................................1-10
THC lifter assembly ..................................................................................................................1-11
Torch mounting block kit ..........................................................................................................1-12
Torch breakaway option............................................................................................................1-14

X-Y Command THC Product Configuration Manual
Control Module
Lifter Assembly
Interface Assembly
Figure 1-1 X-Y Command THC System
Interfaced with Plasma Cutting System and CNC

X-Y Command THC Product Configuration Manual
Hypertherm’s X-Y Command THC is a torch height control (THC) system designed for plasma cutting
applications on an X-Y cutting table. (Figure 1-1). The system uses the plasma arc voltage to control the
physical stand-off (distance) between the torch and workpiece during plasma arc cutting. Initial height
sensing (IHS) is accomplished by ohmic contact sensing or by a limited force stall detection method.
System Components
The system includes the following:
• Plasma Interface Assembly - Provides communications link between the THC control
module and the plasma power supply. It is usually mounted close to the power supply.
• THC Control Module - Provides initial height sensing, arc voltage control and interfaces with
the torch lifter, the CNC machine, operator pendant and the plasma power supply. It is usually
mounted on the cutting machine bridge, but on smaller tables, can be placed close to the power
supply or the entrance to the cable carrying system.
• X-Y Lifter Assembly - Positions the torch head vertically above the workpiece. It mounts onto
the torch station mounting bracket.
• Operator Pendant (optional) - Remote control which includes an LCD display and keypad
used for THC setup and control. The pendant is required if the controller can not interface with
the THC control module.
• Torch Breakaway Kit (optional) - Provides protection for the torch, lifter and X-Y table,
using air pressure to lock the torch to the THC lifter assembly. Upon side impact, the
breakaway releases from the lock position, allows the torch to float and provides an
emergency stop signal to the controller to stop motion of the X-Y cutting machine.
• Interconnecting Cables
Customer Supplied Equipment
The following items are not included and must be supplied by the customer:
• Electrode and Work Lead Sensing Wires - Required to provide sensing voltage to the THC
plasma interface assembly. Use 18AWG (0.9 mm2), single pair, unshielded wire, rated for
600V or greater. Install appropriate size fork or ring terminals on wire ends. Length: as
required to route from the power supply to the THC plasma interface assembly.
• MAX100/MAX100D Interface Cable - Required to interface between the power supply
and the THC plasma interface assembly. Use 18AWG (0.9 mm2), double pair, shielded wire,
rated for 600V or greater. Install appropriate size fork terminals on wire ends. Length: as
required to route from the power supply to the THC plasma interface assembly.