Hypertherm RT60 User Manual

RT60 / RT60M
Retrofit Torch
Operator Manual 804880 – Revision 0
Operator Manual
(P/N 804880)
Revision 0 – July, 2004
Hanover, NH USA
© Copyright 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Hypertherm and Powermax are trademarks of Hypertherm, Inc.
and may be registered in the United States and/or other countries.
RT60 / RT60M
Hypertherm, Inc.
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603-298-7970 Tel
603-298-7977 Fax
Hypertherm Plasmatechnik, GmbH
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49 6181 58 2123 (Technical Service)
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65 6 841 2489 Tel
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65 6 841 2489 (Technical Service)
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39 02 725 46 312 Tel
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toll-free in Europe)
Hypertherm's CE-marked equipment is built in compliance with standard EN50199. The equipment should be installed and used in accordance with the information below to achieve electromagnetic compatibility.
The limits required by EN50199 may not be adequate to completely eliminate interfer­ence when the affected equipment is in close proximity or has a high degree of sensitivity. In such cases it may be neces­sary to use other measures to further reduce interference.
This plasma equipment is designed for use only in an industrial environment.
The user is responsible for installing and using the plasma equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions. If electro­magnetic disturbances are detected then it shall be the responsibility of the user to re­solve the situation with the technical assis­tance of the manufacturer. In some cases this remedial action may be as simple as earthing the cutting circuit, see Earthing of Workpiece. In other cases it could involve constructing an electromagnetic screen enclosing the power source and the work complete with associated input filters. In all cases electromagnetic disturbances must be reduced to the point where they are no longer troublesome.
Before installing the equipment the user shall make an assessment of potential elec­tromagnetic problems in the surrounding area. The following shall be taken into account: a. Other supply cables, control cables, signalling and telephone cables; above, below and adjacent to the cutting equip­ment. b. Radio and television transmitters and receivers. c. Computer and other control equipment. d. Safety critical equipment, for example guarding of industrial equipment. e. Health of the people around, for example the use of pacemakers and hear­ing aids. f. Equipment used for calibration or mea­surement. g. Immunity of other equipment in the en­vironment. User shall ensure that other equipment being used in the environment is compatible. This may require additional protection measures. h. Time of day that cutting or other activities are to be carried out.
Earthing of Workpiece
Where the workpiece is not bonded to earth for electrical safety, nor connected to earth because of its size and position, for example, ship's hull or building steelwork, a connection bonding the workpiece to earth may reduce emissions in some, but not all instances. Care should be taken to prevent the earthing of the workpiece increasing the risk of injury to users, or damage to other electrical equip­ment. Where necessary, the connection of the workpiece to earth should be made by a direct connection to the workpiece, but in some countries where direct connection is not permitted, the bonding should be achieved by suitable capacitances selected according to national regulations.
Note. The cutting circuit may or may not be earthed for safety reasons. Changing the earthing arrangements should only be au­thorized by a person who is competent to assess whether the changes will increase the risk of injury, for example, by allowing parallel cutting current return paths which may damage the earth circuits of other equipment. Further guidance is given in IEC TC26 (sec)94 and IEC TC26/108A/CD Arc Welding Equipment Installation and Use.
Screening and Shielding
Selective screening and shielding of other cables and equipment in the surrounding area may alleviate problems of interference. Screening of the entire plasma cutting installation may be considered for special applications.
The size of the surrounding area to be considered will depend on the structure of the building and other activities that are tak­ing place. The surrounding area may extend beyond the boundaries of the premises.
Mains Supply
Cutting equipment must be connected to the mains supply according to the manufactur­er's recommendations. If interference occurs, it may be necessary to take additional precautions such as filtering of the mains supply. Consideration should be given to shielding the supply cable of per­manently installed cutting equipment, in metallic conduit or equivalent. Shielding should be electrically continuous throughout its length. The shielding should be connect­ed to the cutting mains supply so that good electrical contact is maintained between the conduit and the cutting power source enclosure.
Maintenance of Cutting Equipment
The cutting equipment must be routinely maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations. All access and service doors and covers should be closed and properly fastened when the cutting equipment is in operation. The cutting equipment should not be modified in any way except for those changes and adjust­ments covered in the manufacturer's instructions. In particular, the spark gaps of arc striking and stabilizing devices should be adjusted and maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Cutting Cables
The cutting cables should be kept as short as possible and should be positioned close together, running at or close to the floor level.
Equipotential Bonding
Bonding of all metallic components in the cutting installation and adjacent to it should be considered. However, metallic compo­nents bonded to the workpiece will increase the risk that the operator could receive a shock by touching these metallic components and the electrode at the same time. The operator should be insulated from all such bonded metallic components.
Hypertherm Plasma Systems i
ii Hypertherm Plasma Systems
Genuine Hypertherm parts are the factory-recommended replacement parts for your Hypertherm system. Any damage caused by the use of other than genuine Hypertherm parts may not be covered by the Hypertherm warranty.
You are responsible for the safe use of the Product. Hypertherm does not and cannot make any guarantee or warranty regarding the safe use of the Product in your environment.
Hypertherm, Inc. warrants that its Products shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship, if Hypertherm is notified of a defect (i) with respect to the power supply within a period of two (2) years from the date of its delivery to you, with the exception of Powermax Series power supplies, which shall be within a period of three (3) years from the date of delivery to you, and (ii) with respect to the torch and leads within a period of one (1) year from its date of delivery to you. This warranty shall not apply to any Product which has been incorrectly installed, modified, or otherwise damaged. Hypertherm, at its sole option, shall repair, replace, or adjust, free of charge, any defective Products covered by this warranty which shall be returned with Hypertherm’s prior authorization (which shall not be unreasonably withheld), properly packed, to Hypertherm’s place of business in Hanover, New Hampshire, or to an authorized Hypertherm repair facility, all costs, insurance and freight prepaid. Hypertherm shall not be liable for any repairs, replacement, or adjustments of Products covered by this warranty, except those made pursuant to this paragraph or with Hypertherm’s prior written consent. The warranty above is
exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise with respect to the Products or as to the results which may be obtained therefrom, and all implied warranties or conditions of quality or of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or against infringement. The foregoing shall constitute the sole and exclusive remedy for any breach by Hypertherm of its warranty. Distributors/OEMs may offer
different or additional warranties, but Distributors/OEMs are not authorized to give any additional warranty protection to you or make any representation to you purporting to be binding upon Hypertherm.
Except only in cases of products not manufactured by Hypertherm or manufactured by a person other than Hypertherm not in strict conformity with Hypertherm’s specifications and in cases of designs, processes, formulae, or combinations not developed or purported to be developed by Hypertherm, Hypertherm will defend or settle, at its own expense, any suit or proceeding brought against you alleging that the use of the Hypertherm product, alone and not in combination with any other product not supplied by
Hypertherm, infringes any patent of any third party. You shall notify Hypertherm promptly upon learning of any action or threatened action in connection with any such alleged infringement, and Hypertherm’s obligation to indemnify shall be conditioned upon Hypertherm’s sole control of, and the indemnified party’s cooperation and assistance in, the defense of the claim.
In no event shall Hypertherm be liable to any person or entity for any incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages (including but not limited to lost profits) regardless of whether such liability is based on breach of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, failure of essential purpose or otherwise and even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
In no event shall Hypertherm’s liability, whether such liability is based on breach of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, failure of essential purpose or otherwise, for any claim action suit or proceeding arising out of or relating to the use of the Products exceed in the aggregate the amount paid for the Products that gave rise to such claim.
At all times you will have and maintain insurance in such quantities and types, and with coverage sufficient and appropriate to defend and to hold Hypertherm harmless in the event of any cause of action arising from the use of the Products.
National and Local codes governing plumbing and electrical installation shall take precedent over any instructions contained in this manual. In no event shall Hypertherm be liable for injury to persons or property damage by reason of any code violation or poor work practices.
You may transfer any remaining rights you may have hereunder only in connection with the sale of all or substantially all of your assets or capital stock to a successor in interest who agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Warranty.
RT60 / RT60M Operator Manual iii
Electromagnetic Compatibility.......................................................................................................................................i
Section 1 Safety
Recognize Safety Information...................................................................................................................................1-2
Follow Safety Instructions.........................................................................................................................................1-2
Cutting Can Cause Fire or Explosion .......................................................................................................................1-2
Electric Shock Can Kill..............................................................................................................................................1-3
Cutting Can Produce Toxic Fumes ...........................................................................................................................1-3
A Plasma Arc Can Cause Injury and Burns ..............................................................................................................1-4
Arc Rays Can Burn Eyes and Skin ...........................................................................................................................1-4
Grounding Safety......................................................................................................................................................1-4
Compressed Gas Equipment Safety ........................................................................................................................1-5
Gas Cylinders Can Explode If Damaged ..................................................................................................................1-5
Noise Can Damage Hearing.....................................................................................................................................1-5
Pacemaker and Hearing Aid Operation ....................................................................................................................1-5
A Plasma Arc Can Damage Frozen Pipes ................................................................................................................1-5
Additional Safety Information....................................................................................................................................1-5
Section 1a Sécurité
Identifier les consignes de sécurité.........................................................................................................................1a-2
Suivre les instructions de sécurité ..........................................................................................................................1a-2
Danger Avertissement Précaution ........................................................................................................................1a-2
Le coupage peut provoquer un incendie ou une explosion ....................................................................................1a-2
Prévention des incendies, Prévention des explosions ...................................................................................1a-2
Risque d’explosion argon-hydrogène et méthane..........................................................................................1a-2
Détonation de l’hydrogène lors du coupage de l’aluminium...........................................................................1a-2
Les chocs électriques peuvent être fatals...............................................................................................................1a-3
Prévention des chocs électriques ..................................................................................................................1a-3
Le coupage peut produire des vapeurs toxiques....................................................................................................1a-3
L’arc plasma peut provoquer des blessures ou des brûlures .................................................................................1a-4
Torches à allumage instantané ......................................................................................................................1a-4
Les rayons de l’arc peuvent brûler les yeux et la peau...........................................................................................1a-4
Protection des yeux, Protection de la peau, Zone de coupage ....................................................................1a-4
Mise à la masse et à la terre...................................................................................................................................1a-4
Câble de retour, Table de travail, Alimentation...............................................................................................1a-4
Sécurité des bouteilles de gaz comprimé ...............................................................................................................1a-5
Les bouteilles de gaz comprimé peuvent exploser en cas de dommages .............................................................1a-5
Le bruit peut provoquer des problèmes auditifs......................................................................................................1a-5
Pacemakers et prothèses auditives........................................................................................................................1a-5
Un arc plasma peut endommager les tuyaux gelés................................................................................................1a-5
Section 2 Specifications
Specifications – RT60/RT60M ..................................................................................................................................2-2
Torch Dimensions.............................................................................................................................................2-3
iv RT60 / RT60M Operator Manual
Section 3 Setup
Upon Receipt ............................................................................................................................................................3-2
Contents of Box ........................................................................................................................................................3-2
Torch Installation .......................................................................................................................................................3-3
RT60M Machine Torch Setup ...................................................................................................................................3-4
RT60M ON/OFF Pendant Connection .............................................................................................................3-4
RT60M Torch Alignment ...................................................................................................................................3-4
Section 4 Operation
Installing Torch Consumables...................................................................................................................................4-2
Torch Consumable Configurations............................................................................................................................4-3
Adjust Gas Pressure and Current Setting.................................................................................................................4-5
Hand Torch Operation...............................................................................................................................................4-6
Safety Trigger Operation ..................................................................................................................................4-6
Attach the Work Clamp ....................................................................................................................................4-7
Starting a Cut from the Edge of the Workpiece................................................................................................4-7
Hand Torch Cutting Technique .........................................................................................................................4-8
Piercing ............................................................................................................................................................4-9
Cut Charts ...............................................................................................................................................................4-11
Section 5 Maintenance and Parts
Routine Maintenance................................................................................................................................................5-2
Inspect Consumables.......................................................................................................................................5-3
Parts .........................................................................................................................................................................5-4
Torch Consumable Configurations ...................................................................................................................5-4
RT60 Hand Torch Assembly.............................................................................................................................5-6
RT60M Machine Torch Assembly.....................................................................................................................5-8
Hypertherm Plasma Systems 1-1
Section 1
In this section:
Recognize Safety Information ...................................................................................................................1-2
Follow Safety Instructions .........................................................................................................................1-2
Cutting Can Cause Fire or Explosion........................................................................................................1-2
Electric Shock Can Kill ..............................................................................................................................1-3
Cutting Can Produce Toxic Fumes............................................................................................................1-3
A Plasma Arc Can Cause Injury and Burns...............................................................................................1-4
Arc Rays Can Burn Eyes and Skin ...........................................................................................................1-4
Grounding Safety ......................................................................................................................................1-4
Compressed Gas Equipment Safety.........................................................................................................1-5
Gas Cylinders Can Explode If Damaged ..................................................................................................1-5
Noise Can Damage Hearing .....................................................................................................................1-5
Pacemaker and Hearing Aid Operation.....................................................................................................1-5
A Plasma Arc Can Damage Frozen Pipes ................................................................................................1-5
Additional Safety Information ....................................................................................................................1-5
1-2 Hypertherm Plasma Systems
The symbols shown in this section are used to identify potential hazards. When you see a safety symbol in this manual or on your machine, understand the potential for personal injury, and follow the related instructions to avoid the hazard.
Read carefully all safety messages in this manual and safety labels on your machine.
• Keep the safety labels on your machine in good condition. Replace missing or damaged labels immediately.
• Learn how to operate the machine and how to use the controls properly. Do not let anyone operate it without instruction.
• Keep your machine in proper working condition. Unauthorized modifications to the machine may affect safety and machine service life.
A signal word DANGER or WARNING is used with a safety symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards.
• DANGER and WARNING safety labels are located on your machine near specific hazards.
• WARNING safety messages precede related instructions in this manual that may result in injury or death if not followed correctly.
• CAUTION safety messages precede related instructions in this manual that may result in damage to equipment if not followed correctly.
Fire Prevention
• Be sure the area is safe before doing any cutting. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby.
• Remove all flammables within 35 feet (10 m) of the cutting area.
• Quench hot metal or allow it to cool before handling or before letting it touch combustible materials.
• Never cut containers with potentially flammable materials inside – they must be emptied and properly cleaned first.
• Ventilate potentially flammable atmospheres before cutting.
• When cutting with oxygen as the plasma gas, an exhaust ventilation system is required.
Explosion Prevention
• Do not use the plasma system if explosive dust or vapors may be present.
• Do not cut pressurized cylinders, pipes, or any closed container.
• Do not cut containers that have held combustible materials.
Explosion Hazard
Argon-Hydrogen and Methane
Hydrogen and methane are flammable gases that present an explosion hazard. Keep flames away from cylinders and hoses that contain methane or hydrogen mixtures. Keep flames and sparks away from the torch when using methane or argon-hydrogen plasma.
Hydrogen Detonation with
Aluminum Cutting
• When cutting aluminum underwater, or with the water touching the underside of the aluminum, free hydrogen gas may collect under the workpiece and detonate during plasma cutting operations.
• Install an aeration manifold on the floor of the water table to eliminate the possibility of hydrogen detonation. Refer to the Appendix section of this manual for aeration manifold details.
Hypertherm Plasma Systems 1-3
Touching live electrical parts can cause a fatal shock or severe burn.
• Operating the plasma system completes an electrical circuit between the torch and the workpiece. The workpiece and anything touching the workpiece are part of the electrical circuit.
• Never touch the torch body, workpiece or the water in a water table when the plasma system is operating.
Electric Shock Prevention All Hypertherm plasma systems use high voltage
in the cutting process (200 to 400 VDC are common). Take the following precautions when operating this system:
• Wear insulated gloves and boots, and keep your body and clothing dry.
• Do not stand, sit or lie on – or touch – any wet surface when using the plasma system.
• Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulating mats or covers big enough to prevent any physical contact with the work or ground. If you must work in or near a damp area, use extreme caution.
• Provide a disconnect switch close to the power supply with properly sized fuses. This switch allows the operator to turn off the power supply quickly in an emergency situation.
• When using a water table, be sure that it is correctly connected to earth ground.
• Install and ground this equipment according to the instruction manual and in accordance with national and local codes.
• Inspect the input power cord frequently for damage or cracking of the cover. Replace a damaged power cord immediately. Bare wiring can kill.
• Inspect and replace any worn or damaged torch leads.
• Do not pick up the workpiece, including the waste cutoff, while you cut. Leave the workpiece in place or on the workbench with the work cable attached during the cutting process.
• Before checking, cleaning or changing torch parts, disconnect the main power or unplug the power supply.
• Never bypass or shortcut the safety interlocks.
• Before removing any power supply or system enclosure cover, disconnect electrical input power. Wait 5 minutes after disconnecting the main power to allow capacitors to discharge.
• Never operate the plasma system unless the power supply covers are in place. Exposed power supply connections present a severe electrical hazard.
• When making input connections, attach proper grounding conductor first.
• Each Hypertherm plasma system is designed to be used only with specific Hypertherm torches. Do not substitute other torches which could overheat and present a safety hazard.
Cutting can produce toxic fumes and gases that deplete oxygen and cause injury or death.
• Keep the cutting area well ventilated or use an approved air-supplied respirator.
• Do not cut in locations near degreasing, cleaning or spraying operations. The vapors from certain chlorinated solvents decompose to form phosgene gas when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
• Do not cut metal coated or containing toxic materi­als, such as zinc (galvanized), lead, cadmium or
beryllium, unless the area is well ventilated and the operator wears an air-supplied respirator. The coatings and any metals containing these elements can produce toxic fumes when cut.
• Never cut containers with potentially toxic materials inside – they must be emptied and properly cleaned first.
• This product, when used for welding or cutting, produces fumes or gases which contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer.
1-4 Hypertherm Plasma Systems
Instant-On Torches
Plasma arc comes on immediately when the torch switch is activated.
The plasma arc will cut quickly through gloves and skin.
• Keep away from the torch tip.
• Do not hold metal near the cutting path.
• Never point the torch toward yourself or others.
Work Cable Attach the work cable securely to the workpiece or the work table with good metal-to­metal contact. Do not connect it to the piece that will fall away when the cut is complete.
Work Table Connect the work table to an earth ground, in accordance with appropriate national or local electrical codes.
Input Power
• Be sure to connect the power cord ground wire to the ground in the disconnect box.
• If installation of the plasma system involves connecting the power cord to the power supply, be sure to connect the power cord ground wire properly.
• Place the power cord's ground wire on the stud first, then place any other ground wires on top of the power cord ground. Fasten the retaining nut tightly.
• Tighten all electrical connections to avoid excessive heating.
Eye Protection Plasma arc rays produce intense visible and invisible (ultraviolet and infrared) rays that can burn eyes and skin.
• Use eye protection in accordance with applicable national or local codes.
• Wear eye protection (safety glasses or goggles with side shields, and a welding helmet) with appropriate lens shading to protect your eyes from the arc’s ultraviolet and infrared rays.
Lens Shade
Arc Current AWS (USA) ISO 4850
Up to 100 A No. 8 No. 11 100-200 A No. 10 No. 11-12 200-400 A No. 12 No. 13 Over 400 A No. 14 No. 14
Skin Protection Wear protective clothing to protect
against burns caused by ultraviolet light, sparks and hot metal.
• Gauntlet gloves, safety shoes and hat.
• Flame-retardant clothing to cover all exposed areas.
• Cuffless trousers to prevent entry of sparks and slag.
• Remove any combustibles, such as a butane lighter or matches, from your pockets before cutting.
Cutting Area Prepare the cutting area to reduce reflection and transmission of ultraviolet light:
• Paint walls and other surfaces with dark colors to reduce reflection.
• Use protective screens or barriers to protect others from flash and glare.
• Warn others not to watch the arc. Use placards or signs.
Hypertherm Plasma Systems 1-5
• Never lubricate cylinder valves or regulators with oil or grease.
• Use only correct gas cylinders, regulators, hoses and fittings designed for the specific application.
• Maintain all compressed gas equipment and associated parts in good condition.
• Label and color-code all gas hoses to identify the type of gas in each hose. Consult applicable national or local codes.
Gas cylinders contain gas under high pressure. If damaged, a cylinder can explode.
• Handle and use compressed gas cylinders in accordance with applicable national or local codes.
• Never use a cylinder that is not upright and secured in place.
• Keep the protective cap in place over valve except when the cylinder is in use or connected for use.
• Never allow electrical contact between the plasma arc and a cylinder.
• Never expose cylinders to excessive heat, sparks, slag or open flame.
• Never use a hammer, wrench or other tool to open a stuck cylinder valve.
1. ANSI Standard Z49.1, Safety in Welding and Cutting, American Welding Society, 550 LeJeune Road P.O. Box 351020, Miami, FL 33135
2. ANSI Standard Z49.2, Fire Prevention in the Use of Cutting and Welding Processes, American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018
3. ANSI Standard Z87.1, Safe Practices for Occupation and Educational Eye and Face Protection, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018
4. AWS F4.1, Recommended Safe Practices for the Preparation for
Welding and Cutting of Containers and Piping That Have Held Hazardous Substances, American Welding Society
550 LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135
5. AWS F5.2, Recommended Safe Practices for Plasma Arc Cutting, American Welding Society 550 LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135
6. CGA Pamphlet P-1, Safe Handling of Compressed Gases in Cylinders, Compressed Gas Association 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202
7. CSA Standard W117.2, Code for Safety in Welding and Cutting, Canadian Standards Association Standard Sales 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1R3, Canada
8. NFPAStandard 51B, Cutting and Welding Processes, National Fire Protection Association 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210
9. NFPAStandard 70–1978, National Electrical Code, National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210
10. OSHA, Safety and Health Standards, 29FR 1910
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
Prolonged exposure to noise from cutting or gouging can damage hearing.
• Use approved ear protection when using plasma system.
• Warn others nearby about the noise hazard.
Frozen pipes may be damaged or can burst if you attempt to thaw them with a plasma torch.
Pacemaker and hearing aid operation can be affected by magnetic fields from high currents. Pacemaker and hearing aid wearers should consult a doctor before going near any plasma arc cutting and gouging operations.
To reduce magnetic field hazards:
• Keep both the work cable and the torch lead to one side, away from your body.
• Route the torch leads as close as possible to the work cable.
• Do not wrap or drape the torch lead or work cable around your body.
• Keep as far away from the power supply as possible.
1-6 Hypertherm Plasma Systems
Hypertherm Systèmes plasma 1a-1
Section 1a
Dans cette section :
Identifier les consignes de sécurité .........................................................................................................1a-2
Suivre les instructions de sécurité...........................................................................................................1a-2
Danger Avertissement Précaution.........................................................................................................1a-2
Le coupage peut provoquer un incendie ou une explosion.....................................................................1a-2
Prévention des incendies, Prévention des explosions ..................................................................1a-2
Risque d’explosion argon-hydrogène et méthane .........................................................................1a-2
Détonation de l’hydrogène lors du coupage de l’aluminium ..........................................................1a-2
Les chocs électriques peuvent être fatals ...............................................................................................1a-3
Prévention des chocs électriques..................................................................................................1a-3
Le coupage peut produire des vapeurs toxiques ....................................................................................1a-3
L’arc plasma peut provoquer des blessures ou des brûlures..................................................................1a-4
Torches à allumage instantané ......................................................................................................1a-4
Les rayons de l’arc peuvent brûler les yeux et la peau ...........................................................................1a-4
Protection des yeux, Protection de la peau, Zone de coupage ...................................................1a-4
Mise à la masse et à la terre ...................................................................................................................1a-4
Câble de retour, Table de travail, Alimentation ..............................................................................1a-4
Sécurité des bouteilles de gaz comprimé ...............................................................................................1a-5
Les bouteilles de gaz comprimé peuvent exploser en cas de dommages..............................................1a-5
Le bruit peut provoquer des problèmes auditifs ......................................................................................1a-5
Pacemakers et prothèses auditives ........................................................................................................1a-5
Un arc plasma peut endommager les tuyaux gelés ................................................................................1a-5
1a-2 Hypertherm Systèmes plasma
Les symboles indiqués dans cette section sont utilisés pour identifier les risques éventuels. Si vous trouvez un symbole de sécurité, que ce soit dans ce manuel ou sur l’équipement, soyez conscient des risques de blessures et suivez les instructions correspondantes afin d’éviter ces risques.
Lire attentivement toutes les consignes de sécurité dans le présent manuel et sur les étiquettes de sécurité se trouvant sur la machine.
• Les étiquettes de sécurité doivent rester lisibles. Remplacer immédiatement les étiquettes manquantes ou abîmées.
• Apprendre à faire fonctionner la machine et à utiliser correctement les commandes. Ne laisser personne utiliser la machine sans connaître son fonctionnement.
• Garder la machine en bon état. Des modifications non autorisées sur la machine peuvent engendrer des problèmes de sécurité et raccourcir la durée d’utilisation de l’équipement.
Les signaux DANGER ou AVERTISSEMENT sont utilisés avec un symbole de sécurité, DANGER correspondant aux risques les plus sérieux.
• Les étiquettes de sécurité DANGER et AVERTISSE­MENT sont situées sur la machine pour signaler certains dangers spécifiques.
• Les messages d’AVERTISSEMENT précèdent les instructions d’utilisation expliquées dans ce manuel et signalent les risques de blessures ou de mort au cas où ces instructions ne seraient pas suivies correctement.
• Les messages de PRÉCAUTION précèdent les instructions d’utilisation contenues dans ce manuel et signalent que le matériel risque d’être endommagé si les instructions ne sont pas suivies correctement.
Prévention des incendies
• Avant de commencer, s’assurer que la zone de coupage ne présente aucun danger. Conserver un extincteur à proximité.
• Éloigner toute matière inflammable à une distance d’au moins 10 m du poste de coupage.
• Tremper le métal chaud ou le laisser refroidir avant de le manipuler ou avant de le mettre en contact avec des matériaux combustibles.
• Ne jamais couper des récipients pouvant contenir des matières inflammables avant de les avoir vidés et nettoyés correctement.
• Aérer toute atmosphère potentiellement inflammable avant d’utiliser un système plasma.
• Lors de l’utilisation d’oxygène comme gaz plasma, un système de ventilation par aspiration est nécessaire.
Prévention des explosions
• Ne pas couper en présence de poussière ou de vapeurs.
• Ne pas couper de bouteilles, de tuyaux ou autres récipients fermés et pressurisés.
• Ne pas couper de récipients contenant des matières combustibles.
Risque d’explosion
argon-hydrogène et méthane
L’hydrogène et le méthane sont des gaz inflammables et potentiellement explosifs. Conserver à l’écart de toute flamme les bouteilles et tuyaux contenant des mélanges à base d’hydrogène ou de méthane. Maintenir toute flamme et étincelle à l’écart de la torche lors de l’utilisation d’un plasma d’argon-hydrogène ou de méthane.
Détonation de l’hydrogène lors du
coupage de l’aluminium
• Lors du coupage de l’aluminium sous l’eau, ou si l’eau touche la partie inférieure de la pièce d’aluminium, de l’hydrogène libre peut s’accumuler sous la pièce à couper et détonner lors du coupage plasma.
• Installer un collecteur d’aération au fond de la table à eau afin d’éliminer les risques de détonation de l’hydrogène. Se référer à l’annexe du manuel pour plus de renseignements sur les collecteurs d’aération.
Hypertherm Systèmes plasma 1a-3
Toucher une pièce électrique sous tension peut provoquer un choc électrique fatal ou des brûlures graves.
• La mise en fonctionnement du système plasma ferme un circuit électrique entre la torche et la pièce à couper. La pièce à couper et tout autre élément en contact avec cette pièce font partie du circuit électrique.
• Ne jamais toucher le corps de la torche, la pièce à couper ou l’eau de la table à eau pendant le fonctionnement du système plasma.
Prévention des chocs électriques Tous les systèmes plasma Hypertherm utilisent des
hautes tensions pour le coupage (souvent de 200 à 400 V). On doit prendre les précautions suivantes quand on utilise le système plasma :
• Porter des bottes et des gants isolants et garder le corps et les vêtements au sec.
• Ne pas se tenir, s’asseoir ou se coucher sur une surface mouillée, ni la toucher quand on utilise le système plasma.
• S’isoler de la surface de travail et du sol en utilisant des tapis isolants secs ou des couvertures assez grandes pour éviter tout contact physique avec le travail ou le sol. S’il s’avère nécessaire de travailler dans ou près d’un endroit humide, procéder avec une extrême prudence.
• Installer un sectionneur avec fusibles appropriés, à proximité de la source de courant. Ce dispositif permet à l’opérateur d’arrêter rapidement la source de courant en cas d’urgence.
• En cas d’utilisation d’une table à eau, s’assurer que cette dernière est correctement mise à la terre.
• Installer et mettre à la terre l’équipement selon les instructions du présent manuel et conformément aux codes électriques locaux et nationaux.
• Inspecter fréquemment le cordon d’alimentation primaire pour s’assurer qu’il n’est ni endommagé, ni fendu. Remplacer immédiatement un cordon endommagé. Un câble dénudé peut tuer.
• Inspecter et remplacer les câbles de la torche qui sont usés ou endommagés.
• Ne pas saisir la pièce à couper ni les chutes lors du coupage. Laisser la pièce à couper en place ou sur la table de travail, le câble de retour connecté lors du coupage.
• Avant de vérifier, de nettoyer ou de remplacer les pièces de la torche, couper l’alimentation ou débrancher la prise de courant.
• Ne jamais contourner ou court-circuiter les verrouillages de sécurité.
• Avant d’enlever le capot du système ou de la source de courant, couper l’alimentation électrique. Attendre en
5 minutes pour que les condensateurs se déchargent.
• Ne jamais faire fonctionner le système plasma sans que les capots de la source de courant ne soient en place. Les raccords exposés de la source de courant sont extrêmement dangereux.
• Lors de l’installation des connexions, attacher tout d’abord la prise de terre appropriée.
• Chaque système plasma Hypertherm est conçu pour être utilisé uniquement avec des torches Hypertherm spécifiques. Ne pas utiliser des torches inappropriées qui pourraient surchauffer et présenter des risques pour la sécurité.
Le coupage peut produire des vapeurs et des gaz toxiques qui réduisent le niveau d’oxygène dans l’air et peuvent provoquer des blessures, voire la mort.
• Conserver le poste de coupage bien aéré ou utiliser un masque respiratoire homologué.
• Ne pas procéder au coupage près d’endroits où s’effectuent le dégraissage, le nettoyage ou la vapori­sation. Certains solvants chlorés se décomposent sous l’effet des rayons ultraviolets et forment du phosgène.
• Ne pas couper des métaux peints ou contenant des matières toxiques comme le zinc (galvanisé), le plomb, le cadmium ou le béryllium, à moins que la zone de travail
soit très bien ventilée et que l’opérateur porte un masque respiratoire. Les revêtements et métaux contenant ces matières peuvent produire des vapeurs toxiques lors du coupage.
• Ne jamais couper de récipients pouvant contenir des matières inflammables avant de les avoir vidés et nettoyés correctement.
• Quand on utilise ce produit pour le soudage ou le coupage, il dégage des fumées et des gaz qui contiennent des produits chimiques qui, selon l’État de Californie, provoquent des anomalies congénitales et, dans certains cas, le cancer.
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