Hypertherm Powermax45 XP Field Service Bulletin

Powermax45 XP® Raw Arc Voltage Kit

Kit de tension d’arc brute Powermax45 XP

Field Service Bulletin
Bulletin de service sur le terrain
809520 | Revision 1 | December 2016
| Révision 1 | Decembre 2016
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This field service bulletin explains how to install a customer-supplied machine interface cable that does not use the internal 50:1 voltage divider on the Powermax45 XP.
Raw Arc Voltage Kit
Disconnect electrical power before performing any maintenance.
All work requiring removal of the power supply cover must be performed by a qualified technician.
See the safety information provided with your product for more safety precautions.
Notice: Installation of the system at the installed site is subject to the approval of the Local
Inspection Authorities (LIA). Without approval of the LIA, modification of the factory installed wiring voids the safety test marks (for example, cCSAus, CCC, CE, GOST-TR, UkrSEPRO, RCM, EAC) applied to the product in the Hypertherm factory, and the safety certificates provided by Hypertherm become invalid after modification.

Tools and materials needed

Wire strippers Wire terminal crimper Assorted Phillips Electric drill with a 15 mm or 19/32 inch drill bit 0.75 mm
M3 (#5) insulated ring terminals, quantity 2
or 18 AWG, 2 wire, non-shielded cable similar to
190 (manufacturer’s part number 601802)

428689 Kit contents

Part number Description Quantity
and TORX® screwdrivers
008279 Strain relief 1
075529 M3 x 10 mm machine screw with lock washer 2
Powermax45 XP Field Service Bulletin 809520 3
Raw Arc Voltage Kit

Install the interface cable

Connecting a cable to the power board to bypass the voltage divider board and access raw arc voltage must be done by trained service personnel.
Connecting directly to the plasma circuit for access to raw arc voltage increases the risk of shock hazard, energy hazard, and fire hazard in the event of a single fault. The output voltage and the output current of the circuit are specified on the data plate.

Remove cover and component barrier

1. Turn OFF the power. Disconnect the power cord and gas supply.
2. Remove the two screws from the power supply handle . Remove the two screws from the bottom of the front and rear panels. Tilt the tops of the front and rear panels away from the unit to pull the handle out .
4 809520 Field Service Bulletin Powermax45 XP
3. Slide the cover off.
Raw Arc Voltage Kit
4. Remove the two plastic pins that secure the component barrier to the main power board. Slide the component barrier off.
Powermax45 XP Field Service Bulletin 809520 5
Raw Arc Voltage Kit
48.3 cm (19 inches)

Prepare the interface cable

1. Use 2 conductor, non-shielded 18 AWG wires to connect to the power supply. Measure the distance needed to connect from the CNC to the power supply. Add an additional 51.5 cm (20.25 inches) to make the connection inside the power supply.
2. Cut back the outer jacket 48.3 cm (19 inches) from one end of the cable. Make sure you do not cut into the insulation on the two 18 AWG wires.
Do not strip the wire ends until after they have been routed through the
power supply.

Install the strain relief

1. Pull the rear panel slightly away from the unit leaving enough space to drill a hole while avoiding any contact with internal components or wires when drilling.
2. Use a 15 mm (19/32 inch) drill to drill out the interface cable entry point on the panel. Clean the area of any chips from drilling.
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